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Beware of Bee Wilder - LONG (was Re: Re: Baccilus Laterosporus BOD)

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Here are a few links to messages discussing this topic:





This is a message I wrote in my group so it may not be totally relevant in here

or may seem to be worded strangely, to give you some context, but it does talk

about several reasons I believe her advice is dangerous.

" To answer your question about what ideas she has that I consider dangerous,

there are many. Here's a partial list:

1.) She diagnoses people regularly online. Not even doctors should/would

diagnose people online. You just can't do a proper diagnosis online. There are

tests you can do that require the person to be present and physically examined.

There are lab tests that should be done in many cases. Natural healing advice

should compliment medical advice, not be a substitute for it.

2.) She regularly tells people to avoid doctors and follow her advice instead,

including for potentially deadly symptoms like heart palpitations and what has

turned out to be cancer in a few situations. We always make sure to recommend

people check with their doctors, work with their doctors, and at least get a

diagnosis, especially if a symptom sounds dangerous in the slightest.

3.) She has no credentials and allows no one to counter her advice. You'll see

that and I sometimes disagree about things or have different points of

views. It's important to have this.. in science this is called peer-review, and

and I balance each other out because we have a relationship where we will

counter each other and make each other think and re-check the things we say (and

our friendship allows for us to do this without ever taking it personally).

4.) I also agree with the too much sodium and baking soda issue that

mentioned and potential issues with electrolytes.. this can be life threatening.

5.) She attributes just about every symptom to candida overgrowth or die-off

when it is often unrelated. Like with the heart palpitation issue this can be

very dangerous. Certain things like infections can be life-threatening and

avoiding antibiotics in this case can be deadly. At a certain point medical

intervention should be used. She actually told someone on her group who was

having massive chest pains to avoid going to the doctor.

When this person got upset, she banned her from her group and wrote nasty

messages to her. I saw a lot of things behind the scenes as her moderator that

many people were not aware of. She behaves completely differently when she is in

private and not pretending to be nice and helpful for her group. There is a

reason she moderates everyone on her group - this is because when people

disagree with her or want to tell the truth about how she treated them, she

silences them so she can continue putting on an air.

We do not moderate people on this group unless they are rude or when they are

new to prevent spammers. We certainly don't moderate people because they

disagree with us or because they want to tell us off. We don't treat people

rudely so we don't need to worry about people wanting to bad-mouth us.

6.) She rarely knows what she is talking about and looks up most things on the

net or repeats what she read in the past. She is not a fountain of knowledge as

she portrays herself to be, she is a person who knows how to use a search

engine, and has the time to sit at home and look up stuff and try to put on a

front. She usually searches the net for an answer, copy/pastes it into a

message and then changes a few of the words around so it's more difficult to

search for the exact words on a net search. Every article on her website and

the majority of what she posts is 99% plaigarized and very seldom does she give

credit for original work of others.

7.) She has no compassion for people really. She puts on a front for her group,

but in private she is extremely cruel, domineering and rude. There are many

people who are very ill and depressed, and this can push someone who is in this

state over the edge to suicide. In fact recently I found out that someone named

Sharon Jerdee, who was on the Candidiasis group, committed suicide. I believe

she was on Bee's group as well. I'm not saying that Bee was responsible for

that, however just pointing out how important it is to treat people with

respect. Treating people compassionately at all times is imperative when you are

in the position of helping people, in public and in private, because of the

potential risk to their emotional health.

8.) Her program is one-size-fits all without regard to people's individual DNA

expression, background, medical conditions, supplementation, size and more. This

includes the variations in the different foods that work for people, ratios,

amounts, etc.

9.) She frequently tells people that allergies don't exist, that this is a

die-off or healing reaction. She does not acknowledge that even some foods that

she considers healthy may not be healthy for everyone.

I could also list a TON of reasons why not to deal with her that have nothing to

do with her dangerous advice. Her lack of integrity, her megalomania, etc. I

believe strongly that she has narcissistic personality disorder. This list is

just off the top of my head.. I'm sure there's more but I think that's enough.


Her stealing the website I built is a good exmple. By the way, I really do hope

this topic dies out soon because I really hate even thinking about that woman.

It's kind of like I try to forget about how badly she took advantage of me, and

then I keep getting reminded of it again because people bring up her name and

have questions. It's nobody's fault though so I don't hold it against them. To

give an analogy, it's like if you met someone who worked in charity but had a

hard time getting to work.

Say you built cars for a living, so you decided to help this person by building

them a car and you let them borrow it. So you work your tail off for many

months, build them a car, and then let them drive it around. While you are

building the car they constantly complain about how long it's taking, how they

want it this way or that, and in general show a lack of appreciation. You finish

building a beautiful car for them to use, but then realize you don't want to do

maintenance because it means dealing with them and you get fed up with their

berating you constantly.

To make matters worse, you find out they don't want to use the car for charity,

but to make money for themselves and to exploit people. So you tell them you

don't want to work on the car anymore, try to take the car back and move on with

your life. Then they steal your car that you built, spray paint it so it looks

like a different car and then tell thousands of people lies about you. You are

unable to defend yourself, but you try calling the police.

The police investigate but that person lies and says they built the car

themselves. That's basically the analogy that would help people understand what

happened with the website (in the analogy the car) without being too technical

including details on the website. In any case, I'm glad you enjoy the

environment we have tried to set up here. I appreciate your input and hope this

helps clear some things up. "

Luv, Debby in San , CA

----- Original Message ----

> From: AprilRain


> can someone tell me how bee is bad news & how she has harmed people?

> i'm curious to what is wrong with the way she gives instructions to people to

> help get yeast back to the friendly yeast?

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This post makes thing real clear for me! Thank you Debby! I have been told

similar by a few others. Just remember, You sow, You shall reap!!!



From: Debby Padilla-Hudson <debbypadilla@...>


Sent: Thu, October 15, 2009 12:04:42 AM

Subject: Beware of Bee Wilder - LONG (was Re: Re: Baccilus

Laterosporus BOD)

Here are a few links to messages discussing this topic:

http://health. groups.. com/group/ candidiasis/ message/60127

http://health. groups.. com/group/ candidiasis/ message/55571

http://health. groups.. com/group/ candidiasis/ message/57058

http://health. groups.. com/group/ candidiasis/ message/57295

This is a message I wrote in my group so it may not be totally relevant in here

or may seem to be worded strangely, to give you some context, but it does talk

about several reasons I believe her advice is dangerous.

" To answer your question about what ideas she has that I consider dangerous,

there are many. Here's a partial list:

1.) She diagnoses people regularly online. Not even doctors should/would

diagnose people online. You just can't do a proper diagnosis online. There are

tests you can do that require the person to be present and physically examined.

There are lab tests that should be done in many cases. Natural healing advice

should compliment medical advice, not be a substitute for it.

2.) She regularly tells people to avoid doctors and follow her advice instead,

including for potentially deadly symptoms like heart palpitations and what has

turned out to be cancer in a few situations. We always make sure to recommend

people check with their doctors, work with their doctors, and at least get a

diagnosis, especially if a symptom sounds dangerous in the slightest.

3.) She has no credentials and allows no one to counter her advice. You'll see

that and I sometimes disagree about things or have different points of

views. It's important to have this.. in science this is called peer-review, and

and I balance each other out because we have a relationship where we will

counter each other and make each other think and re-check the things we say (and

our friendship allows for us to do this without ever taking it personally).

4.) I also agree with the too much sodium and baking soda issue that

mentioned and potential issues with electrolytes. . this can be life


5.) She attributes just about every symptom to candida overgrowth or die-off

when it is often unrelated. Like with the heart palpitation issue this can be

very dangerous. Certain things like infections can be life-threatening and

avoiding antibiotics in this case can be deadly. At a certain point medical

intervention should be used. She actually told someone on her group who was

having massive chest pains to avoid going to the doctor.

When this person got upset, she banned her from her group and wrote nasty

messages to her. I saw a lot of things behind the scenes as her moderator that

many people were not aware of. She behaves completely differently when she is in

private and not pretending to be nice and helpful for her group. There is a

reason she moderates everyone on her group - this is because when people

disagree with her or want to tell the truth about how she treated them, she

silences them so she can continue putting on an air.

We do not moderate people on this group unless they are rude or when they are

new to prevent spammers. We certainly don't moderate people because they

disagree with us or because they want to tell us off. We don't treat people

rudely so we don't need to worry about people wanting to bad-mouth us.

6.) She rarely knows what she is talking about and looks up most things on the

net or repeats what she read in the past. She is not a fountain of knowledge as

she portrays herself to be, she is a person who knows how to use a search

engine, and has the time to sit at home and look up stuff and try to put on a

front. She usually searches the net for an answer, copy/pastes it into a

message and then changes a few of the words around so it's more difficult to

search for the exact words on a net search. Every article on her website and

the majority of what she posts is 99% plaigarized and very seldom does she give

credit for original work of others.

7.) She has no compassion for people really. She puts on a front for her group,

but in private she is extremely cruel, domineering and rude. There are many

people who are very ill and depressed, and this can push someone who is in this

state over the edge to suicide. In fact recently I found out that someone named

Sharon Jerdee, who was on the Candidiasis group, committed suicide. I believe

she was on Bee's group as well. I'm not saying that Bee was responsible for

that, however just pointing out how important it is to treat people with

respect. Treating people compassionately at all times is imperative when you are

in the position of helping people, in public and in private, because of the

potential risk to their emotional health.

8.) Her program is one-size-fits all without regard to people's individual DNA

expression, background, medical conditions, supplementation, size and more. This

includes the variations in the different foods that work for people, ratios,

amounts, etc.

9.) She frequently tells people that allergies don't exist, that this is a

die-off or healing reaction. She does not acknowledge that even some foods that

she considers healthy may not be healthy for everyone.

I could also list a TON of reasons why not to deal with her that have nothing to

do with her dangerous advice. Her lack of integrity, her megalomania, etc. I

believe strongly that she has narcissistic personality disorder. This list is

just off the top of my head.. I'm sure there's more but I think that's enough.


Her stealing the website I built is a good exmple. By the way, I really do hope

this topic dies out soon because I really hate even thinking about that woman.

It's kind of like I try to forget about how badly she took advantage of me, and

then I keep getting reminded of it again because people bring up her name and

have questions. It's nobody's fault though so I don't hold it against them. To

give an analogy, it's like if you met someone who worked in charity but had a

hard time getting to work.

Say you built cars for a living, so you decided to help this person by building

them a car and you let them borrow it. So you work your tail off for many

months, build them a car, and then let them drive it around. While you are

building the car they constantly complain about how long it's taking, how they

want it this way or that, and in general show a lack of appreciation. You finish

building a beautiful car for them to use, but then realize you don't want to do

maintenance because it means dealing with them and you get fed up with their

berating you constantly.

To make matters worse, you find out they don't want to use the car for charity,

but to make money for themselves and to exploit people. So you tell them you

don't want to work on the car anymore, try to take the car back and move on with

your life. Then they steal your car that you built, spray paint it so it looks

like a different car and then tell thousands of people lies about you. You are

unable to defend yourself, but you try calling the police.

The police investigate but that person lies and says they built the car

themselves. That's basically the analogy that would help people understand what

happened with the website (in the analogy the car) without being too technical

including details on the website. In any case, I'm glad you enjoy the

environment we have tried to set up here. I appreciate your input and hope this

helps clear some things up. "

Luv, Debby in San , CA

----- Original Message ----

> From: AprilRain


> can someone tell me how bee is bad news & how she has harmed people?

> i'm curious to what is wrong with the way she gives instructions to people to

> help get yeast back to the friendly yeast?

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