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<If you are simply a holistic healer

soliciting your services, I find it very opportunistic and creepy. >>

Actually, once you know, it's not at all creepy. I've always had an interest

in helping people and I decided soon after my ordination to pursue healing

instead of religious counselling. I give away this information without

benefit of formal appointments, and also write similar material for the

local newspaper, also for no monetary gain. Forgive me for trying to help.

I'm way too far away for anyone to visit me, and I may be too busy anyway.

But the information is clear and pure, and the options presented are doable

at home without supervision and are remarkably effective.

I just pass along clinical reviews when I find them. I don't impose

anything - people always have options, the path is full of them. I love

hotdogs and chips too.

Duncan Crow


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Wow!! All this hostility. I choose to believe Duncan's motives are

altruistic, and there is such a thing as free speech. I am interested in the

possibility a holistic approach, coupled with traditional meds, could be

helpful. I do question why, if studies support it, more doctors don't

advocate it. And I don't believe for a minute doctors are so out for a buck

they'd ignore a way to help their patients. I think the problem some of the

people in the group have with Duncan's posts is the perceived suggestion that

we parents who follow our doctor's advice and use traditional medications to

help our children are " poisoning " them. We don't need that guilt-trip thrown

on us. I don't think many of us are willing to ignore the advice of our

doctors and put our children at risk for permanent joint damage based on the

advice of a group of health care providers on the " fringes " of traditional

medicine. I don't mean to suggest there is no merit to what Duncan is

saying. I have no idea, but I am certainly interested in any and all

information that might possibly help my child. I guess I'm trying to say

that I understand both sides of what has become a very heated issue in this

group. Am I making everybody mad?

Diane (, 3, pauci)

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In a message dated 5/31/02 9:17:43 AM US Mountain Standard Time,

alarson1@... writes:

<< If anyone truly wants to

try the thing he said to take please discuss it with your rheumy first ,dont

experiment, you very well could do more harm than good. >>

Becki --

I totally agree with you there. I trust that our doctors are lightyears more

knowledgeable than we are about this stuff. It's one thing to experiment

with an alternative treatment that MIGHT help, can't hurt, but your doctor

should be the one to determine which ones can't hurt.

Diane (, 3, pauci)

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Must say I agree with you Diane. " Duncan " has posted here in the past a bit

too. It appears to me he is just putting another idea out there. I can and

choose to delete his messages after reading them (as I do for many of the

posts). There was a problem a while back about religious posts as we have

people from various religions posting here (not just Christians). We were

reminded to put OT in the subject and delete that which you don't agree

with. I don't think personal attacks are the way to go here. If you don't

like it, delete it. I don't always agree with everyone here - but I do not

engage them in an argument. I feel we are all here trying our best to deal

with a disease that has no easy answers. Our drs and belief systems are

sometimes all we have. I use this list to gain info about other ideas. Just

my opinion, Michele

Re: Duncan

Wow!! All this hostility. I choose to believe Duncan's motives are

altruistic, and there is such a thing as free speech. I am interested in


possibility a holistic approach, coupled with traditional meds, could be

helpful. I do question why, if studies support it, more doctors don't

advocate it. And I don't believe for a minute doctors are so out for a buck

they'd ignore a way to help their patients. I think the problem some of the

people in the group have with Duncan's posts is the perceived suggestion


we parents who follow our doctor's advice and use traditional medications to

help our children are " poisoning " them. We don't need that guilt-trip


on us. I don't think many of us are willing to ignore the advice of our

doctors and put our children at risk for permanent joint damage based on the

advice of a group of health care providers on the " fringes " of traditional

medicine. I don't mean to suggest there is no merit to what Duncan is

saying. I have no idea, but I am certainly interested in any and all

information that might possibly help my child. I guess I'm trying to say

that I understand both sides of what has become a very heated issue in this

group. Am I making everybody mad?

Diane (, 3, pauci)

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I feal somewhat guilty because I was the first one to attack Duncan.I didnt mean

to start such turmoil.I just felt like Duncan was like the lion on the hunt

looking for the smallest weakest animal in the pack to kill,little Tassie was

the small weak one,and Casaria is scared to death and he came off as some voodoo

witch.Outright telling her that if she gave Tassie that stuff it would cure all

her problems.While I too am interested in holistic medicine I would not just buy

the stuff and give it to my son.If a person is taking St.s Wart and they

have surgery and dont tell there Dr.because they think its natural and not a

drug they could bleed to death on the operating table.Also from my perseption

anyway, is according to him the pred messes with the immune system and the MTX

messes with the liver so the natural things hes talking about wouldnt work if

you are still giving pred or MTX.I feel he came on to strong and I couldnt make

heads or tails of most of what he said,just like we need our rheumys to speak

layman tearms so does Duncan.I believe there are some very good holistic Dr out

there,but where.I wish he would tell us where we could find a dr instead of

telling us to get the stuff.The things he is talking about could interact with

the meds our kids take so I feal it needs to be dicussed with our rheumys

instead of just giving it to them.There are alot of things out there that are

natural and good for you but too much can do more harm then good.Soy is supposed

to be great unless you eat to much,too much vitamin C can cause UTI.We all know

that there is no scientific proof that things like Glucosamine can restore

cartlidge,but desperate people take desperate measures.If anyone truly wants to

try the thing he said to take please discuss it with your rheumy first ,dont

experiment, you very well could do more harm than good.

Becki and 3systemic

Tepper, Michele wrote:

> Must say I agree with you Diane. " Duncan " has posted here in the past a bit

> too. It appears to me he is just putting another idea out there. I can and

> choose to delete his messages after reading them (as I do for many of the

> posts). There was a problem a while back about religious posts as we have

> people from various religions posting here (not just Christians). We were

> reminded to put OT in the subject and delete that which you don't agree

> with. I don't think personal attacks are the way to go here. If you don't

> like it, delete it. I don't always agree with everyone here - but I do not

> engage them in an argument. I feel we are all here trying our best to deal

> with a disease that has no easy answers. Our drs and belief systems are

> sometimes all we have. I use this list to gain info about other ideas. Just

> my opinion, Michele


> Re: Duncan


> Wow!! All this hostility. I choose to believe Duncan's motives are

> altruistic, and there is such a thing as free speech. I am interested in

> the

> possibility a holistic approach, coupled with traditional meds, could be

> helpful. I do question why, if studies support it, more doctors don't

> advocate it. And I don't believe for a minute doctors are so out for a buck


> they'd ignore a way to help their patients. I think the problem some of the


> people in the group have with Duncan's posts is the perceived suggestion

> that

> we parents who follow our doctor's advice and use traditional medications to


> help our children are " poisoning " them. We don't need that guilt-trip

> thrown

> on us. I don't think many of us are willing to ignore the advice of our

> doctors and put our children at risk for permanent joint damage based on the


> advice of a group of health care providers on the " fringes " of traditional

> medicine. I don't mean to suggest there is no merit to what Duncan is

> saying. I have no idea, but I am certainly interested in any and all

> information that might possibly help my child. I guess I'm trying to say

> that I understand both sides of what has become a very heated issue in this

> group. Am I making everybody mad?


> Diane (, 3, pauci)





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I am not made mad by your post - we all support each other in our attempt to

find information that will help our children, and I have nothing against the

holistic approach. However, this site was developed as a support group for

people who's lives are affected by JRA - not as an opportunity for everyone with

something to sell to find a target audience. Georgina politely told Duncan to

not post here several months ago - apparently being polite doesn't get through

to him. The hostility, I feel is warranted. Take care.


Rob's Mom (4,systemic)

In a message dated Thu, 30 May 2002 10:37:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

dbornscheu writes:



> Wow!! All this hostility. I choose to believe Duncan's motives are

> altruistic, and there is such a thing as free speech. I am interested in the

> possibility a holistic approach, coupled with traditional meds, could be

> helpful. I do question why, if studies support it, more doctors don't

> advocate it. And I don't believe for a minute doctors are so out for a buck

> they'd ignore a way to help their patients. I think the problem some of the

> people in the group have with Duncan's posts is the perceived suggestion that

> we parents who follow our doctor's advice and use traditional medications to

> help our children are " poisoning " them. We don't need that guilt-trip thrown

> on us. I don't think many of us are willing to ignore the advice of our

> doctors and put our children at risk for permanent joint damage based on the

> advice of a group of health care providers on the " fringes " of traditional

> medicine. I don't mean to suggest there is no merit to what Duncan is

> saying. I have no idea, but I am certainly interested in any and all

> information that might possibly help my child. I guess I'm trying to say

> that I understand both sides of what has become a very heated issue in this

> group. Am I making everybody mad?


> Diane (, 3, pauci)






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He Becki, It's Val

Don't feel guilty - we can all do web searches to look for products - and

information on different approaches to treat our children. Duncan should not be

posting here. And you are right about the St. 's Wort. (did i spell that

wrong?) - also There are many things that are natural that are not necessarily

healthy - cocaine is made from natural products - even has some limited uses for

medical purposes but I wouldn't give it to someone! I guess I have already said

enough in other posts - it just makes me crazy. Hope I didn't offend anyone

with my hostility.


Rob's Mom (4,systemic)

In a message dated Fri, 31 May 2002 12:17:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

alarson1@... writes:



> I feal somewhat guilty because I was the first one to attack Duncan.I didnt


> to start such turmoil.I just felt like Duncan was like the lion on the hunt

> looking for the smallest weakest animal in the pack to kill,little Tassie was

> the small weak one,and Casaria is scared to death and he came off as some


> witch.Outright telling her that if she gave Tassie that stuff it would cure


> her problems.While I too am interested in holistic medicine I would not just


> the stuff and give it to my son.If a person is taking St.s Wart and they

> have surgery and dont tell there Dr.because they think its natural and not a

> drug they could bleed to death on the operating table.Also from my perseption

> anyway, is according to him the pred messes with the immune system and the MTX

> messes with the liver so the natural things hes talking about wouldnt work if

> you are still giving pred or MTX.I feel he came on to strong and I couldnt


> heads or tails of most of what he said,just like we need our rheumys to speak

> layman tearms so does Duncan.I believe there are some very good holistic Dr


> there,but where.I wish he would tell us where we could find a dr instead of

> telling us to get the stuff.The things he is talking about could interact with

> the meds our kids take so I feal it needs to be dicussed with our rheumys

> instead of just giving it to them.There are alot of things out there that are

> natural and good for you but too much can do more harm then good.Soy is


> to be great unless you eat to much,too much vitamin C can cause UTI.We all


> that there is no scientific proof that things like Glucosamine can restore

> cartlidge,but desperate people take desperate measures.If anyone truly wants


> try the thing he said to take please discuss it with your rheumy first ,dont

> experiment, you very well could do more harm than good.

> Becki and 3systemic

> Tepper, Michele wrote:


> > Must say I agree with you Diane. " Duncan " has posted here in the past a bit

> > too. It appears to me he is just putting another idea out there. I can and

> > choose to delete his messages after reading them (as I do for many of the

> > posts). There was a problem a while back about religious posts as we have

> > people from various religions posting here (not just Christians). We were

> > reminded to put OT in the subject and delete that which you don't agree

> > with. I don't think personal attacks are the way to go here. If you don't

> > like it, delete it. I don't always agree with everyone here - but I do not

> > engage them in an argument. I feel we are all here trying our best to deal

> > with a disease that has no easy answers. Our drs and belief systems are

> > sometimes all we have. I use this list to gain info about other ideas. Just

> > my opinion, Michele

> >

> > Re: Duncan

> >

> > Wow!! All this hostility. I choose to believe Duncan's motives are

> > altruistic, and there is such a thing as free speech. I am interested in

> > the

> > possibility a holistic approach, coupled with traditional meds, could be

> > helpful. I do question why, if studies support it, more doctors don't

> > advocate it. And I don't believe for a minute doctors are so out for a buck

> >

> > they'd ignore a way to help their patients. I think the problem some of the

> >

> > people in the group have with Duncan's posts is the perceived suggestion

> > that

> > we parents who follow our doctor's advice and use traditional medications to

> >

> > help our children are " poisoning " them. We don't need that guilt-trip

> > thrown

> > on us. I don't think many of us are willing to ignore the advice of our

> > doctors and put our children at risk for permanent joint damage based on the

> >

> > advice of a group of health care providers on the " fringes " of traditional

> > medicine. I don't mean to suggest there is no merit to what Duncan is

> > saying. I have no idea, but I am certainly interested in any and all

> > information that might possibly help my child. I guess I'm trying to say

> > that I understand both sides of what has become a very heated issue in this

> > group. Am I making everybody mad?

> >

> > Diane (, 3, pauci)

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Very well said Becki, You can't just go buying stuff from some freak on the intrernet and give it to your child. I mean who the heck is he and if hes so smart where in the heck is his medical degree and doctors licenses or whatever. I don't trust this freak and I only do the things that nas doctor says is ok.And I saw someone post that you can get in trouble and even jail for taking your child off medications which they need and that is true. Thank You Becki your words were very well put. Jona

allan larson <alarson1@...> wrote: I feal somewhat guilty because I was the first one to attack Duncan.I didnt meanto start such turmoil.I just felt like Duncan was like the lion on the huntlooking for the smallest weakest animal in the pack to kill,little Tassie wasthe small weak one,and Casaria is scared to death and he came off as some voodoowitch.Outright telling her that if she gave Tassie that stuff it would cure allher problems.While I too am interested in holistic medicine I would not just buythe stuff and give it to my son.If a person is taking St.s Wart and theyhave surgery and dont tell there Dr.because they think its natural and not adrug they could bleed to death on the operating table.Also from my perseptionanyway, is according to him the pred messes with the immune system and the MTXmesses with the liver so the natural things hes talking about wouldnt work ifyou are still giving pred or MTX.I feel he came on to strong and I couldnt makeheads or tails of most of what he said,just like we need our rheumys to speaklayman tearms so does Duncan.I believe there are some very good holistic Dr outthere,but where.I wish he would tell us where we could find a dr instead oftelling us to get the stuff.The things he is talking about could interact withthe meds our kids take so I feal it needs to be dicussed with our rheumysinstead of just giving it to them.There are alot of things out there that arenatural and good for you but too much can do more harm then good.Soy is supposedto be great unless you eat to much,too much vitamin C can cause UTI.We all knowthat there is no scientific proof that things like Glucosamine can restorecartlidge,but desperate people take desperate measures.If anyone truly wants totry the thing he said to take please discuss it with your rheumy first ,dontexperiment, you very well could do more harm than good.Becki and 3systemicTepper, Michele wrote:> Must say I agree with you Diane. "Duncan" has posted here in the past a bit> too. It appears to me he is just putting another idea out there. I can and> choose to delete his messages after reading them (as I do for many of the> posts). There was a problem a while back about religious posts as we have> people from various religions posting here (not just Christians). We were> reminded to put OT in the subject and delete that which you don't agree> with. I don't think personal attacks are the way to go here. If you don't> like it, delete it. I don't always agree with everyone here - but I do not> engage them in an argument. I feel we are all here trying our best to deal> with a disease that has no easy answers. Our drs and belief systems are> sometimes all we have. I use this list to gain info about other ideas. Just> my opinion, Michele>> Re: Duncan>> Wow!! All this hostility. I choose to believe Duncan's motives are> altruistic, and there is such a thing as free speech. I am interested in> the> possibility a holistic approach, coupled with traditional meds, could be> helpful. I do question why, if studies support it, more doctors don't> advocate it. And I don't believe for a minute doctors are so out for a buck>> they'd ignore a way to help their patients. I think the problem some of the>> people in the group have with Duncan's posts is the perceived suggestion> that> we parents who follow our doctor's advice and use traditional medications to>> help our children are "poisoning" them. We don't need that guilt-trip> thrown> on us. I don't think many of us are willing to ignore the advice of our> doctors and put our children at risk for permanent joint damage based on the>> advice of a group of health care providers on the "fringes" of traditional> medicine. I don't mean to suggest there is no merit to what Duncan is> saying. I have no idea, but I am certainly interested in any and all> information that might possibly help my child. I guess I'm trying to say> that I understand both sides of what has become a very heated issue in this> group. Am I making everybody mad?>> Diane (, 3, pauci)>>>>

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Hi Val, Your absolutely right, Cocaine does come from nature and we wouldn't want to give that to our child, my gosh! Nature stuff can kill but some won't and we don't know what this guy has or whats in it. I think your right! And about all this nature stuff if we wanted some we could go to the nutrition store (of course after asking the doctor if it's ok) and buy it there. And you don't even need special things to clean out your liver and body because thats what water is for. Thanks Val your so very right! Thanks for your post! You and your little one are in my prayers

You take care.

Jona and na 2 poly

carneyval@... wrote: He Becki, It's ValDon't feel guilty - we can all do web searches to look for products - and information on different approaches to treat our children. Duncan should not be posting here. And you are right about the St. 's Wort. (did i spell that wrong?) - also There are many things that are natural that are not necessarily healthy - cocaine is made from natural products - even has some limited uses for medical purposes but I wouldn't give it to someone! I guess I have already said enough in other posts - it just makes me crazy. Hope I didn't offend anyone with my hostility.ValRob's Mom (4,systemic)In a message dated Fri, 31 May 2002 12:17:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, alarson1@... writes:> > > I feal somewhat guilty because I was the first one to attack Duncan.I didnt mean> to start such turmoil.I just felt like Duncan was like the lion on the hunt> looking for the smallest weakest animal in the pack to kill,little Tassie was> the small weak one,and Casaria is scared to death and he came off as some voodoo> witch.Outright telling her that if she gave Tassie that stuff it would cure all> her problems.While I too am interested in holistic medicine I would not just buy> the stuff and give it to my son.If a person is taking St.s Wart and they> have surgery and dont tell there Dr.because they think its natural and not a> drug they could bleed to death on the operating table.Also from my perseption> anyway, is according to him the pred messes with the immune system and the MTX> messes with the liver so the natural things hes talking about wouldnt work if> you are still giving pred or MTX.I feel he came on to strong and I couldnt make> heads or tails of most of what he said,just like we need our rheumys to speak> layman tearms so does Duncan.I believe there are some very good holistic Dr out> there,but where.I wish he would tell us where we could find a dr instead of> telling us to get the stuff.The things he is talking about could interact with> the meds our kids take so I feal it needs to be dicussed with our rheumys> instead of just giving it to them.There are alot of things out there that are> natural and good for you but too much can do more harm then good.Soy is supposed> to be great unless you eat to much,too much vitamin C can cause UTI.We all know> that there is no scientific proof that things like Glucosamine can restore> cartlidge,but desperate people take desperate measures.If anyone truly wants to> try the thing he said to take please discuss it with your rheumy first ,dont> experiment, you very well could do more harm than good.> Becki and 3systemic> Tepper, Michele wrote:> > > Must say I agree with you Diane. "Duncan" has posted here in the past a bit> > too. It appears to me he is just putting another idea out there. I can and> > choose to delete his messages after reading them (as I do for many of the> > posts). There was a problem a while back about religious posts as we have> > people from various religions posting here (not just Christians). We were> > reminded to put OT in the subject and delete that which you don't agree> > with. I don't think personal attacks are the way to go here. If you don't> > like it, delete it. I don't always agree with everyone here - but I do not> > engage them in an argument. I feel we are all here trying our best to deal> > with a disease that has no easy answers. Our drs and belief systems are> > sometimes all we have. I use this list to gain info about other ideas. Just> > my opinion, Michele> >> > Re: Duncan> >> > Wow!! All this hostility. I choose to believe Duncan's motives are> > altruistic, and there is such a thing as free speech. I am interested in> > the> > possibility a holistic approach, coupled with traditional meds, could be> > helpful. I do question why, if studies support it, more doctors don't> > advocate it. And I don't believe for a minute doctors are so out for a buck> >> > they'd ignore a way to help their patients. I think the problem some of the> >> > people in the group have with Duncan's posts is the perceived suggestion> > that> > we parents who follow our doctor's advice and use traditional medications to> >> > help our children are "poisoning" them. We don't need that guilt-trip> > thrown> > on us. I don't think many of us are willing to ignore the advice of our> > doctors and put our children at risk for permanent joint damage based on the> >> > advice of a group of health care providers on the "fringes" of traditional> > medicine. I don't mean to suggest there is no merit to what Duncan is> > saying. I have no idea, but I am certainly interested in any and all> > information that might possibly help my child. I guess I'm trying to say> > that I understand both sides of what has become a very heated issue in this> > group. Am I making everybody mad?> >> > Diane (, 3, pauci)> >> >> >> >

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I usually would not comment on such topics because living in the land of the free, we are each at liberty to make our own decisions. BUT Duncan please let up. I am sure you see your intentions as good but have some compassion and understand(or at least try) these parents whom may be desperate to help their children-in-pain are DOING THEIR BEST. You moms (and dads)are the best and you know it!I am a young adult who has lived with JRA 31 years. I have tried traditional, holistic, crazy to bizarre, and many other treatments. The best remedy for me has been a positive outlook and neither your approach nor my doctors can give anyone that on a prescription pad. I think everyone needs to keep a clear or at best semi-clear focus. I have yet to meet a parent who would not bend over backwards 100 times over for their kiddos with JRA or any other condition. We all must remember what works for one may not work for another, whether it be meds, treatments, doctors, whatever! This group is about concerned parents and young adults who want ONLY THE BEST for these young people! Most of us have never had the opportunity to meet but yet the tie binds us all and together we can and will see these children through....Donna!

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Duncan, can you recommend a source?

(I'm wanting to deal with arthritis, specifically for my parents)

Thanks, a


>That being said, I use fast turnover, fairly unrefined gelcapped


>wild Pacific salmon oil, which consumerlab found to be extremely


>low in pollutants anyway, and sometimes fast turnover gelcapped


>cod-liver oil.




>After reading Dr. Chilton's book Inflammation Nation among


>others, enough to do several essays about this subject, I know


>the work.




>The proof is in the results; eczema, Crohn's disease and athritis


>symptoms can go away fairly quickly by using them.



















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  • 1 year later...
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Steph, coconut oil kills H. pylori, colloidal silver does, and

probably several of the natural antifungals do too.



> I also tested posative for H-pylori (in addition to a ton of other


> stuff). I REFUSE to take antibiotics and die, so my question is,


> MUST be some kind of a strong herb that will kill H-pylori plus other

> bad bacteria???? How about high doses of the strongest ceyanne or

> habenaro pepper extract? Or maybe Dr. Scultze's super tonic?



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Duncan, I assume it is OK for people with bad candida to eat coconuts??

I had a bad problem with it years ago, but it has been probably 7 years

since I have tried eating them again. I have become a bit more food

tolerant when I got some of my leaky gut fixed and more bactria and

enzymes into my body. Mybe it is time to try a little again. WISH I

could take the oil!! Steph

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  • 5 months later...


You said below here to take Inulin " throughout the day " so as not to have a lot

of gas which I do.

So is the problem because I was only taking it ONCE A DAY?



Re: newbie with a question - here's the protocol

Tess, absolutely take the inulin throughout the day to reduce the

potential for excessive gas.


> >

> >

> > candidiasis/message/53369

> >

> > It's all writen down here :)

> >

> > Duncan



> --Duncan,


> Thank you for the speedy reply and for the message link. I'm


> some problems with appetite and can barely choke down one solid


> so I was wondering if I could take the recommended dose of inulin


> one to two doses or would that render it less helpful? Thanks in

> advance.


> tess


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Bonnie, I mean the 15 grams of inulin one would take per day should

be split into at least three and taken with meals anyway, and if you

like, it might reduce gas even more if you were to split it smaller

and take the smaller doses throughout the day.


> > >

> > >

> > > candidiasis/message/53369

> > >

> > > It's all writen down here :)

> > >

> > > Duncan

> >

> >

> > --Duncan,

> >

> > Thank you for the speedy reply and for the message link. I'm

> having

> > some problems with appetite and can barely choke down one solid

> meal,

> > so I was wondering if I could take the recommended dose of


> in

> > one to two doses or would that render it less helpful? Thanks


> > advance.

> >

> > tess

> >







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Thank you once again. I wonder how I could split up 1/4 tsp?


Re: Duncan

Bonnie, I mean the 15 grams of inulin one would take per day should

be split into at least three and taken with meals anyway, and if you

like, it might reduce gas even more if you were to split it smaller

and take the smaller doses throughout the day.


> > >

> > >

> > > candidiasis/message/53369

> > >

> > > It's all writen down here :)

> > >

> > > Duncan

> >

> >

> > --Duncan,

> >

> > Thank you for the speedy reply and for the message link. I'm

> having

> > some problems with appetite and can barely choke down one solid

> meal,

> > so I was wondering if I could take the recommended dose of


> in

> > one to two doses or would that render it less helpful? Thanks


> > advance.

> >

> > tess

> >







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You wouldn't split 1/4 tsp of inulin, Bonnie, and I've never

recommended such a substandard dose to anyone at any time. 1/4 tsp is

less than 1/16 of a dose so you'd take that 1/4 tsp about 16 times

daily to get enough inulin to restore bowel health.

I seriously doubt you'll get any results at all by using inulin at

1/4 tsp daily; it's about the same amount as you'd get in a spoonful

of onions.



> Thank you once again. I wonder how I could split up 1/4 tsp?


> Bonnie


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Yes Duncan, I know you're right but a level teaspoon gave me such muscle pain, I

couldn't use my arms.

Why the heck would it do that?


Re: Duncan

You wouldn't split 1/4 tsp of inulin, Bonnie, and I've never

recommended such a substandard dose to anyone at any time. 1/4 tsp is

less than 1/16 of a dose so you'd take that 1/4 tsp about 16 times

daily to get enough inulin to restore bowel health.

I seriously doubt you'll get any results at all by using inulin at

1/4 tsp daily; it's about the same amount as you'd get in a spoonful

of onions.



> Thank you once again. I wonder how I could split up 1/4 tsp?


> Bonnie


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  • 4 months later...

Duncan, so this Coco Creme is simply what they call Coconut Oil?

Where can I see their prices and stores to be bought at?

Do you know? Their website was not all that informative.


Re: Duncan a reply is needed.

Bonnie, Quality First International (QFI), a Canadian company that is

the largest coconut oil wholesaler in North America, produces virgin

oil de coco creme using their patented extraction equipment that

employs the chilled method called ANH by some. The equipment yields

pharmaceutically pure ANH-VCO in a three-stage process in single

machine; you put in the coconut meat and pour out the VCO.

Pharmaceutically pure oil does not rancidify for several years. It

tastes like fresh coconut.

QFI also has several other coconut oil and other exotic oil grades,

nut butters and some other products. Samples can be had by using my

referral as an agent.

http://qualityfirst.on.ca is the address


> >

> > Duncan:

> >

> > Sometime ago I wrote and asked you about your personal choices


> FATS in your diet and I believe you said Olive Oil and Butter. I


> asked WHY you didn't embrace the Coconut Oil into your diet like


> list members but I don't remember you replying. At least I didn't


> it.

> >

> > Now can you tell me?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Bonnie

> >

> >

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  • 8 months later...

sorry, no, no recipe for apricot butter.



> Do you have a recipe/method to make apricot butter?


> Thanks


























> Duke Stone ----- Dallas, Texas

>    info@...







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Guess I'll buy some tof this.


Duke Stone ----- Dallas, Texas



From: Duncan Crow <duncancrow@...>

Subject: Re: Duncan

Coconut Oil

Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008, 7:34 PM

sorry, no, no recipe for apricot butter.



> Do you have a recipe/method to make apricot butter?


> Thanks


























> Duke Stone ----- Dallas, Texas

>    info@...







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That looks like it would be really yummy!

Alas, I can't have everything.



From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2008 5:41:00 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Duncan


Guess I'll buy some tof this.


Duke Stone ----- Dallas, Texas


From: Duncan Crow <duncancrow@...>

Subject: Re: Duncan

Coconut Oil

Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008, 7:34 PM

sorry, no, no recipe for apricot butter.



> Do you have a recipe/method to make apricot butter?


> Thanks


























> Duke Stone ----- Dallas, Texas

> info@...







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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Bonnie, you tolerate amino acids in every single bite you eat! They are produced

from food by digestion and bacterial action and then absorbed. Amino acids have

little to do with a no-gluten diet.



> Duncan:


> You're right, I didn't want to use a DRUG for my gut problems but the Dr.

> said my Gut was inflamed (maybe because of the Celiac - don't know) but as

> long as it was inflammed I could NOT tolerate Inulin OR Whey OR Coconut Oil.


> I wanted " all those things " in my diet. I believe in them but couldn't have

> them.


> Even the CEO at the Metabolic Testing Centre told me that it would be 3-4

> months of NO GLUTEN before I could tolerate ANY Amino Acids, I think that

> would include WHEY. Right?


> Bonnie




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Bonnie, nausea and stomach infection should not exist if you've been using the

HCl with every meal. You HAVE done that part of your program, right? It aids

digestion and stops those infections you've been getting.



> Duncan:


> Regarding the 3 Pathogens (bad bacteria) and the Ameba - do any of them live



> I get nauseated very quickly.


> Thanks,

> Bonnie




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