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Right now the doc has me on Oxycontin 10mg 1x [PRN] for major discomfort, and Lyrica 75mg 3x for Fibromyalgia.

I dont think the Lyrica is working so good, but the Oxy's are sweet. LOL :-)

I still have some pain with the Oxy's, but I dont care.

Ive taken every kind of pain med there is at one time or another.

Most stuff my body rejects.

Some days I wish smoking opium was legal. :-)

I have broken my back/neck 3 times in the past, and had a series of mishaps too.

A couple of back operations, and West Nile Meningitis.

There isnt really much the docs can do for me anymore except give me pain pills.

The damage is done, and the HCV is causing bone loss which is further complicating matters.

Throw in age, and the Fibro, and Im ready to party. LOL :-)

I really dont want to take any meds, as Im trying to spare the stress on my liver.

Im being very careful too, because I have been addicted several times in the past.

My biggest problem is finding a real pain doc I can see on a regular basis.

Theres not many who specialize just in pain who are worth a hoot, and the last guy I went to see a week ago in Manhatten KS wanted to do all kinds of proceedures with steroids.

He doesnt understand - steroids and HCV do not mix.

Physical Therapy would be a big help, but Medicaid wont pay for that, and I dont have any money.

So, most days I dont move, and just grit my teeth, and try to focus on other stuff.

Its so much fun being me. LOL :-)


don in ks

Don,What type of pain are you trying to relieve?I have a bad back and oiiod pain meds are the safest all around but they have there own side effects,depending what type of pain your trying to releive?Kilroy n Oz

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