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FWD: Seminar on EM in Ag and Health, MD/DC/VA, April 2, 2005

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Hi folks:

Announcing an EM andAgriculture and EM and Health seminar in MD/DC/VA/WV

area, April 2, 2005!

Allan Balliett, a well-known Biodynamic organic farmer who farms in West

Virginia (WV) has announced that he has organized a one-day EM and

Agriculture Seminar to be offered on Saturday, April 2, 2005 in

Shepherdstown, WV, which lies along the border of WV and land, and

which is mere miles from both northern Virginia and DC. Allan has

announced that the overall focus of the seminar will be upon beneficial

microorganisms in agriculture, with a particular emphasis on the use of EM

in all phasese of agriculture, including compost, compost tea, crop soils,

crop plants, livestock, waste management and odor control. A secondary

focus -- with a lecture to be offered in the afternoon -- will be on the

topic EM and health.

I have been advised by Allan that some of the presenters/faculty and

offerings will include:

* Steve Diver, an internationally-known expert and lecturer on

beneficial microbes in crop soil and compost

* Vinny Pinto (myself), offering lectures on use of EM in various areas

of agriculture, along with practical tips and guidance on how to get

started in using EM, and how to make powerful and effective batches of

Activated EM for ag use. I will also be presenting at least one lecture or

discussion group in the afternoon on the topic of EM and health, addressing

the various and powerful antioxidant and probiotic properties of

EM-femented antioxidant nutritional supplements.

* A hands-on bokashi-making workshop will also likely be offered

* Efficient Microbes (EM)™ microbial culture and various related EM

products will be offered for sale by a representative from SCD.

* Allan has also advised that there is a very good chance that

Wood, a founding partner of SCD, will be available to offer an introduction

to EM and its various uses, and also to lecture on specific applications in

agriculture. studied EM technology with Dr. Teruo Higa in Japan and

earned his Master's degree in Dr. Higa's EM program at University of Ryukus

in Okinawa; he remains the first and only American to have completed the

Master's program in EM with Dr. Higa.

* Further, there will be two vendors present offering beneficial

microbial products for agriculture, one of which will be offering

While Allan has advised me that the seminar is primarily intended for folks

from the MD/DC/VA/WV area, he anticipates that some attendees will be

present from Pennsylvania and the New York/New Jersey area, and perhaps

some attendees from Ohio, New England and the Carolinas.

For further information on the seminar, or for registration information,

please see Allan's webpage announcing the seminar at:


I will be presenting three to four or even more lectures, discussions and

Q/A sessions at the seminar. However, I am only a presenter, and any

questions about the seminar itself, events, scheduling or registration

should be directed only to Allan Balliett via the contact venues provided

on the webpage for the seminar. The only appropriate quetions for me might

be those regarding the exact content of my presentations.

I will shortly be adding mentions of the seminar and links to Allan's

seminar page on my EM-related websites and on the " Events " page of my

www.vinnypinto.us website.


with care,


Vinny Pinto


phone 301-694-1249

To see my informational websites and e-mail list groups, please go to:


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