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RE: New....

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Hello M.

Welcome to the group. You must have your hands full. How do you do it all?

This is the best list aound. You can talk about anything and feel free to vent when you need to.



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Welcome! Welcome! It sounds like you have more than a houseful. I have a neck condition and 2 sons with special needs. I recently placed my oldest in residential treatment. He has autism, RAD, depression, etc etc. My dog, Queenie (Queensland Heeler/australian cattle dog) thinks she runs this household!!!


's Dolls & Playthings <wendysdolls@...> wrote:

I really feel like I need a place to come to that has others that have illness in their families and that I can share with day to day life. Right now in our house (we live with my parents) My DH Ed (34yr) has a heart transplant for three years and is doing fine! Charlotte (DD 8 1/2yrs) who is fine also (although a bit frazzeled most days) and homeschooled. (DS 5yrs) who has PDD-NOS (diagnosed at 3yrs) and is currently attending a special preschool class and doing remarkable well. (only has two significant delays anymore....takes two medications to help control rages/aggression and mood) and will more then likely join us at homeschool in the fall. Then downstairs live my parents. My father is 58yrs and fine works full time and does Fire Police with my DH and my sister. My mom is 56 yrs and had been misdiagnosed with MS in 92 and found out in 99 she had Lymes and two other tick borne illnesses not MS. She has much trouble with walking and can not clean (other then the dishes) and so forth anymore. She is improving though as she no longer as we said it spent her days sitting on the floor (falling) she has only fallen a few times lately. She has now been ridded of one of the three illnesses and is working on the remaining ones. She also has the form of diabetes that is diet controled. She takes a ton of meds each day and just finished up injections (I got to give them since everyone else can't look at the needles...gave me the shivers) My younger sister (24yrs) also lives downstairs and has border line diabetes. (same form as my mom's) and just recently had a DVT in her leg and is now on Comadian . I am 34 yrs old and am currently healthy but VERY VERY tired! (both emotionaly and physically) I also have my own home biz in case something would happen to DH in the future (I am still building it at this point (1yr)) but feel so emotionaly wiped out most days. I morn for my mom....wish she was still well and could care for the house and go places with out her "put-Put" mobile (thankful that she has it though!) wish she did not have to feel so awful about when others are nasty enough to comment on her housekeeping. (she likes to try to do it still...and I try to help but most days with all that is going on with my crew I can much anymore which makes me feel guilty....) I am very thankful that I am given the grace to get through each day...and accomplish some of my to do list. My DH's family also both his parents are ill (Parkensons (FIL) and Alzheimers (MIL)) and can not STAND our son so we don't see them. (take all of us or none of us it came down too..they chose none except at Easter and Christmas type gatherings)

We also have in our home One very old Springer Spainle (nicknamed Sir Gump Alot(my sister) My mom has JC (a saint) that helps her balance when walking (we are training him for other assistant type things around the home)(he is 1 1/2 yrs) Upstairs we have Ox (our very old mutt) who is my DH's dog and Sunflower (Mastiff) who is 8 1/2 months old and a BIG baby at heart. (she is DD and Mine)

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Hi ! Welcome to the list!!

(I think you're #3, but not for sure!! LOL)

Sure does sound like you have your hands full. *huge hugs* to you.

I'm (#1 I think), and I joined this list as a caregiver, also. I

can totally relate to the physical and emotional exhaustion that comes

along with it. I think it is great that you have reached out for

support, as it's very important to take care of yourself, too!

I joined as a caregiver for my son, , who had Pearson's syndrome

and Kearns-Sayre syndrome (mitochondrial diseases). I've also had

another son who was stillborn due to prematurity, although we have never

figured out why he was born so early (19 weeks).

I'm also the proud momma to Adrienne (daughter, 8 1/2 yo, relatively in

good health, only struggles with back pain due to juvenile scoliosis),

and Gracie (daughter, 3 yo), who has significant developmental delays

and has also been labeled PSS-NOS pending further testing to find a

medical cause for it. The way it was explained to me is that PDD-NOS is

not really a diagnosis, but rather a label used to describe the delays

that they can find no medical reason for. Is this how you understood it

also?? We are waiting for an MRI to rule out other causes (metabolic

disease similar to my sons, stroke damage, or birth trauma are all being

bantered about), but for now the PDD label gets her the special

education services she needs. Gracie has developmental delays (delayed

between 9-12 months) in gross motor skills, fine motor skills,

expressive language, and self-help skills.

I'm so glad you've found us, someone is online almost all the time, as

our population spans the whole globe! :-) I hope you come to like it

here as much as I have.


1, momma to





's Dolls & Playthings wrote:

> Hello everyone, 1) Name (as you wish to be known by) Moyer


> 2) Location (be as detailed as you want i.e. just list the country or

> list country/state/suburb etc) Upper Bucks Co. SE PA


> 3) Personal Info (this is about why you joined. Tell about your

> illness, or if you are a carer tell about that. Mention your family if

> you want, or your lifestyle - kids/pets etc)I really feel like I need

> a place to come to that has others that have illness in their families

> and that I can share with day to day life. Right now in our house (we

> live with my parents) My DH Ed (34yr) has a heart transplant for three

> years and is doing fine! Charlotte (DD 8 1/2yrs) who is fine also

> (although a bit frazzeled most days) and homeschooled. (DS

> 5yrs) who has PDD-NOS (diagnosed at 3yrs) and is currently attending a

> special preschool class and doing remarkable well. (only has two

> significant delays anymore....takes two medications to help control

> rages/aggression and mood) and will more then likely join us at

> homeschool in the fall. Then downstairs live my parents. My father is

> 58yrs and fine works full time and does Fire Police with my DH and my

> sister. My mom is 56 yrs and had been misdiagnosed with MS in 92 and

> found out in 99 she had Lymes and two other tick borne illnesses not

> MS. She has much trouble with walking and can not clean (other then

> the dishes) and so forth anymore. She is improving though as she no

> longer as we said it spent her days sitting on the floor (falling) she

> has only fallen a few times lately. She has now been ridded of one of

> the three illnesses and is working on the remaining ones. She also has

> the form of diabetes that is diet controled. She takes a ton of meds

> each day and just finished up injections (I got to give them since

> everyone else can't look at the needles...gave me the shivers) My

> younger sister (24yrs) also lives downstairs and has border line

> diabetes. (same form as my mom's) and just recently had a DVT in her

> leg and is now on Comadian . I am 34 yrs old and am currently healthy

> but VERY VERY tired! (both emotionaly and physically) I also have my

> own home biz in case something would happen to DH in the future (I am

> still building it at this point (1yr)) but feel so emotionaly wiped

> out most days. I morn for my mom....wish she was still well and could

> care for the house and go places with out her " put-Put " mobile

> (thankful that she has it though!) wish she did not have to feel so

> awful about when others are nasty enough to comment on her

> housekeeping. (she likes to try to do it still...and I try to help but

> most days with all that is going on with my crew I can much anymore

> which makes me feel guilty....) I am very thankful that I am given the

> grace to get through each day...and accomplish some of my to do list.

> My DH's family also both his parents are ill (Parkensons (FIL) and

> Alzheimers (MIL)) and can not STAND our son so we don't see them.

> (take all of us or none of us it came down too..they chose none

> except at Easter and Christmas type gatherings) We also have in our

> home One very old Springer Spainle (nicknamed Sir Gump Alot(my sister)

> My mom has JC (a saint) that helps her balance when walking (we are

> training him for other assistant type things around the home)(he is 1

> 1/2 yrs) Upstairs we have Ox (our very old mutt) who is my DH's dog

> and Sunflower (Mastiff) who is 8 1/2 months old and a BIG baby at

> heart. (she is DD and Mine)

> 4) Interests (tell about your hobbies and what you enjoy) Making

> my dolls and gardening. I like to sing in choirs and play recorder

> with our daughter.I look forward to the fellowship and feel much

> better already having some place that others understand! Come

> visit our Newly Updated Site....for great toys at great prices!

> 's Dolls & Playthings www.wendysdolls.com



> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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> “Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to

> what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on

> to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to

> your life, even if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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Welcome to the List . Both my father and brother are in need of a heart transplant. One of my in-laws father was on the list to recieve a heart, however, he didn't make it and recently past away. It was very hard on our entire family. Anyway, welcome to the list, you are going to love us!

#4 (chelle)

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  • 10 years later...
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Welcome Dawn!In addition to the post I sent with some links in it - we have links, photos, and files on the home page of our Group. To make it easy to find our group - you never have to remember the Group address - if you just go to: www..com you will get there!I would encourage everyone to take a look at the links, files and photos on our home page - you might be surprised what you will find there!

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Mar 22, 2011, at 10:35 AM, Dawn wrote:

Hi Everyone...

My name is Dawn... My Vitamix is scheduled to arrive tomorrow ( I ordered Sunday through vm.com and I am just jumping up and down with joy. I decided to purchase a Vitamix as I was looking for ways to eat healthy and save money. My family already eats pretty healthfully, but I was looking for a way to amp that up. I've bought a couple of juicers in the past and not much juice came out along with the waste of the good stuff.... I am so impressed the VM just munches everything right up and cleanup is so easy. I did a lot of research as the VM is an investment... decided to get the 32, 64 wet and the 32 dry. I chose a refurb and after joining this group and reading up any fears about the refurb dissipated. Thanks for the New member link Lea Ann... I'll be checking all the links out. I'm looking forward to getting to know all the VM users and learning and sharing.... :)

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Hello all:I am sending this email to introduce myself, my name is Barbara and I am from San Francisco, CA. I received my VM a little more than a month ago. I have wanted one for a few years. I have gained so much knowledge from this group, so thank you very much for imparting all of this valuable information, you are an amazing group of individuals. I am using my VM daily for our green smoothies but have also made cashew cream and hummus. I am excited to try other recipes as well as continue my quest for consuming healthy, whole foods while having fun in the kitchen, being creative and artistic. All the best,Barbara MyersSent from my iPadOn Mar 22, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> wrote:

Welcome Dawn!In addition to the post I sent with some links in it - we have links, photos, and files on the home page of our Group. To make it easy to find our group - you never have to remember the Group address - if you just go to: www..com you will get there!I would encourage everyone to take a look at the links, files and photos on our home page - you might be surprised what you will find there!

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Mar 22, 2011, at 10:35 AM, Dawn wrote:

Hi Everyone...

My name is Dawn... My Vitamix is scheduled to arrive tomorrow ( I ordered Sunday through vm.com and I am just jumping up and down with joy. I decided to purchase a Vitamix as I was looking for ways to eat healthy and save money. My family already eats pretty healthfully, but I was looking for a way to amp that up. I've bought a couple of juicers in the past and not much juice came out along with the waste of the good stuff.... I am so impressed the VM just munches everything right up and cleanup is so easy. I did a lot of research as the VM is an investment... decided to get the 32, 64 wet and the 32 dry. I chose a refurb and after joining this group and reading up any fears about the refurb dissipated. Thanks for the New member link Lea Ann... I'll be checking all the links out. I'm looking forward to getting to know all the VM users and learning and sharing.... :)

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Happy to have you and nice to hear from you! And the Vitamix is GREAT for getting creative--you'll soon be thinking in terms of eyeballing a recipe and saying to yourself "Hmm...this is something I could do in my Vitamix...and I could tweak here and there...maybe use a whole product or replace a sweetener..." It's good for healthful food prep, gourmet food prep, and everything in between and it's a lot of fun. You're going to love the results, especially when it really sinks in that you can simultaneously cook and blend. NO scorching! Velvety sauces totally devoid of lumps! Delicious thick soups!

Re: New....

Hello all:

I am sending this email to introduce myself, my name is Barbara and I am from San Francisco, CA. I received my VM a little more than a month ago. I have wanted one for a few years. I have gained so much knowledge from this group, so thank you very much for imparting all of this valuable information, you are an amazing group of individuals.

I am using my VM daily for our green smoothies but have also made cashew cream and hummus. I am excited to try other recipes as well as continue my quest for consuming healthy, whole foods while having fun in the kitchen, being creative and artistic.

All the best,

Barbara Myers

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 22, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> wrote:

Welcome Dawn!

In addition to the post I sent with some links in it - we have links, photos, and files on the home page of our Group. To make it easy to find our group - you never have to remember the Group address - if you just go to: www..com you will get there!

I would encourage everyone to take a look at the links, files and photos on our home page - you might be surprised what you will find there!


Lea Ann Savage

Satellite Beach, FL

(321) 773-7088 (home)

(321-961-9219 (cell)




On Mar 22, 2011, at 10:35 AM, Dawn wrote:

Hi Everyone...

My name is Dawn... My Vitamix is scheduled to arrive tomorrow ( I ordered Sunday through vm.com and I am just jumping up and down with joy. I decided to purchase a Vitamix as I was looking for ways to eat healthy and save money. My family already eats pretty healthfully, but I was looking for a way to amp that up. I've bought a couple of juicers in the past and not much juice came out along with the waste of the good stuff.... I am so impressed the VM just munches everything right up and cleanup is so easy. I did a lot of research as the VM is an investment... decided to get the 32, 64 wet and the 32 dry. I chose a refurb and after joining this group and reading up any fears about the refurb dissipated. Thanks for the New member link Lea Ann... I'll be checking all the links out. I'm looking forward to getting to know all the VM users and learning and sharing.... :)

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Well isn't that, as my boys (now men) used to say--slicker than

snot!--thanks Lea Ann! See I knew I would learn new stuff, by

joining this group (having been member of the other VM group for a


Velda (VM owner since 1977, which no doubt is before some of you

were born-snicker snicker)

you never have to remember the Group

address - if you just go to:  www..com

you will get there!

On 3/22/2011 8:13 AM, Lea Ann Savage wrote:

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what kind of flavoured coffee drinks does hubby make? they sound interesting . Maybe I could substitute them for the cappaccino from sam's that I am addicted to but cannot get here in Canada anymore.


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HI Barbara from San Fran, I'm Velda from just up the Interstate (80)

just past Sacramento in Roseville, so we are practically neighbors.


I have owned a VM since 77 (then the old stainless which still runs,

but now the fancy new one thanks to Costco! and my dear husband who

decided I deserved one since it is the most used appliance in the

house). I make smoothies, hubby makes flavored coffee drinks, we

make soups and sauces, ice cream/sorbet, salad dressings, and I am

still exploring other uses, after all these years!


On 3/22/2011 9:22 PM, Barbara Myers wrote:

Hello all:

I am sending this email to introduce myself, my name is

Barbara and I am from San Francisco, CA.  I received my VM a

little more than a month ago. I have wanted one for a few years.

I have gained so much knowledge from this group, so thank you

very much for imparting all of this valuable information, you

are an amazing group of individuals. 

I am using my VM daily for our green smoothies but have also

made cashew cream and hummus.  I am excited to try other recipes

as well as continue my quest for consuming healthy, whole foods

while having fun in the kitchen, being creative and artistic. 

All the best,

Barbara Myers

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 22, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...>



Welcome Dawn!

In addition to the post I sent with some links in it -

we have links, photos, and files on the home page of our

Group.  To make it easy to find our group - you

never have to remember the Group address - if you

just go to:  www..com

you will get there!

I would encourage everyone to take a look at the links,

files and photos on our home page - you might be surprised

what you will find there!


Lea Ann Savage

Satellite Beach, FL

(321) 773-7088 (home)

(321-961-9219 (cell)




On Mar 22, 2011, at 10:35 AM, Dawn wrote:


Hi Everyone...

My name is Dawn... My Vitamix is scheduled to

arrive tomorrow ( I ordered Sunday through vm.com

and I am just jumping up and down with joy. I

decided to purchase a Vitamix as I was looking

for ways to eat healthy and save money. My

family already eats pretty healthfully, but I

was looking for a way to amp that up. I've

bought a couple of juicers in the past and not

much juice came out along with the waste of the

good stuff.... I am so impressed the VM just

munches everything right up and cleanup is so

easy. I did a lot of research as the VM is an

investment... decided to get the 32, 64 wet and

the 32 dry. I chose a refurb and after joining

this group and reading up any fears about the

refurb dissipated. Thanks for the New member

link Lea Ann... I'll be checking all the links

out. I'm looking forward to getting to know all

the VM users and learning and sharing.... :)

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MMmmmmmm cashew cream and hummus - two of my favorite ways to use the Vitamix machine! (I'm eating cashew cream on my rice waffle as I type - well, between emails that is…)WELCOME Barbara and THANKS for the introduction!

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Mar 23, 2011, at 12:22 AM, Barbara Myers wrote:

Hello all:I am sending this email to introduce myself, my name is Barbara and I am from San Francisco, CA. I received my VM a little more than a month ago. I have wanted one for a few years. I have gained so much knowledge from this group, so thank you very much for imparting all of this valuable information, you are an amazing group of individuals. I am using my VM daily for our green smoothies but have also made cashew cream and hummus. I am excited to try other recipes as well as continue my quest for consuming healthy, whole foods while having fun in the kitchen, being creative and artistic. All the best,Barbara MyersSent from my iPadOn Mar 22, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> wrote:

Welcome Dawn!In addition to the post I sent with some links in it - we have links, photos, and files on the home page of our Group. To make it easy to find our group - you never have to remember the Group address - if you just go to: www..com you will get there!I would encourage everyone to take a look at the links, files and photos on our home page - you might be surprised what you will find there!

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Mar 22, 2011, at 10:35 AM, Dawn wrote:

Hi Everyone...

My name is Dawn... My Vitamix is scheduled to arrive tomorrow ( I ordered Sunday through vm.com and I am just jumping up and down with joy. I decided to purchase a Vitamix as I was looking for ways to eat healthy and save money. My family already eats pretty healthfully, but I was looking for a way to amp that up. I've bought a couple of juicers in the past and not much juice came out along with the waste of the good stuff.... I am so impressed the VM just munches everything right up and cleanup is so easy. I did a lot of research as the VM is an investment... decided to get the 32, 64 wet and the 32 dry. I chose a refurb and after joining this group and reading up any fears about the refurb dissipated. Thanks for the New member link Lea Ann... I'll be checking all the links out. I'm looking forward to getting to know all the VM users and learning and sharing.... :)

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So happy that the investment in the cost of the domain name is considered "slicker than snot" ;-) Since 1977 - WOW! Are you on your second or third Vitamix machine?… and WELCOME Velda!

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Mar 23, 2011, at 2:32 AM, Velda wrote:

Well isn't that, as my boys (now men) used to say--slicker than

snot!--thanks Lea Ann! See I knew I would learn new stuff, by

joining this group (having been member of the other VM group for a


Velda (VM owner since 1977, which no doubt is before some of you

were born-snicker snicker)

you never have to remember the Group

address - if you just go to: www..com

you will get there!

On 3/22/2011 8:13 AM, Lea Ann Savage wrote:

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