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Re: Minimally invasive surgery

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there is also a place in NYC that does this surgery ... Hospital for special

surgery. www.hss.edu

Carlene Farmer <birddog@...> wrote: i don't know yet; want to talk to

more of their patients and then send them my MRIs. was hoping to find some

place closer but they seem to be the innovators and experts.

just go to their website and it gives contact info.


Carlene in MT

Re: minimally invasive surgery

are you going to go to fla. for surgery? how did you contact them to look

at your mri's? i would love this information bec. i would like to do that



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yes, that is one i have been looking at. thanks.

Carlene in MT

Re: minimally invasive surgery

are you going to go to fla. for surgery? how did you contact them to look

at your mri's? i would love this information bec. i would like to do that



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you are in NY; i have been wanting someone to check out this clinic:

http://www.hss.edu/ i just sent them an email. check them out if you can. are

they near you??

my diaganosis: osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, 14 bulging

discs, stenosis, bone spurs, scar tissue from 10 year old laminectomy, and a

cervical cyst. the surgeon who did the laminectomy was more aggressive than he

needed to be, removed more bone than was necessary and that has resulted in my

spine " slump " .

i have constant daily pain in my low back and right leg except now it is ok

because of the ablation i had a few weeks ago. however, i still have a stiff

and sore neck, sometimes with finger numbness, and today thoracic pain. i use a

TENS when it gets to be too much and take Tramadol daily but am getting by with

a small dose now.

here is a good site on rolfing: http://skepdic.com/rolfing.html but basically

it is very, very deep massage. he works to loosen the connective tissues which

become like concrete during stress and that in turn freezes our muscles,

exacerbates the back pain. i had a session on thursday and he is mostly working

on my feet and legs now to reground me and help me learn to walk right again

after having both knees replaced last June. he has seen my MRI report, and the

surgeon's report about wanting to fuse 3/4 of my spine. our hope is that over

the next several months, with some careful, focused work, we can at least

partially straighten my spine, make my legs work right again, loosen my

pelvis--all to take strain off my back and neck.

i am tired a LOT, even when not having too much pain because the things causing

the pain are still there, still affecting my body even though i have numbed the

pain. so, i rest as much as i can, but still walk with my dogs every day, ride

a stationary bike, and do some weight lifting (not all on the same day!!). the

walking seems to be the most important and i try to do that no matter what and

even if i can only go a little ways rather than a mile or so. i am active 63

year old (used to be anyway) and an avid hunter. i also am a volunteer puppy

raiser for Loving Paws Assistance Dogs so walking w/o pain is very important to

me. i want some minimally invasive procedures to correct the bulging discs,

stenosis, remove the cyst, and end my leg and back pain to the point that i can

get by with Aleve if i need to.

it is good to find other people with similar problems. i hope we can find great

doctors to help us w/o putting in tons of metal cages, crews, and other

hardware that will limit my mobility and result in a long recovery period with

additional surgeries.

Carlene in MT

Re: minimally invasive surgery

carlene, a couple of questions.

wwhat is rolfing?

exactly what is your diagnosis?

how much pain are you in on a ddaily basis?

i had the ablation also and it was amazing. but i have soreness and that

god awful nerve pain that i get in the late afternoons. i have been taking

nerve pills

for the nerve pain. lyrica. not really doing the trick. once before i

took neurontin for period of time almost two years ago and that worked and then

i was okay for a period of time, nerve-pain wise. but then pain started in

last fall and neuronin wasn't working this time. i have been told i need l3

l4 l5 sl fusions

i have stenosis and spondylolethsis (grade 1 (out of 3 grades, 3 being

really bad) at L3) with rods and cage. it sounds so barbaric and i am just not

willing to do that.mostly because it is a huge thing to go thru without a 100%

guarantee of pain free. i am just wondering how similar to mine your process

is. it is good to talk to someone with same things. marsha in new york


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my brother-in-law had it done last fall but just to remove a small cyst from one

lumbar area. he said it was so easy, did not take long, walked out with a

bandage on his back. of course, that was a pretty small deal compared to what

many of us are dealing with.

Carlene in MT

Re: minimally invasive surgery

In a message dated 3/25/2006 11:11:16 AM Eastern Standard Time,

birddog@... writes:

there is also a place in NYC that does this surgery ... Hospital for special

surgery. www.hss.edu

does anyone know anything about this place, or anyone who has had minimally

invasive spine surgery?

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nope did not get it...

Re: minimally invasive surgery

carkene, i sent you an email with two other sites in nyc to look at.

did you get this email?

i was having trouble sending it.


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i will be REALLY interested in what you find out....

good luck!!

Re: minimally invasive surgery

okay, these are two doctors in nyc that i am going to try to get appts with

on monday. this is at beth israel hosp. i particularly want to see dr.

kuflik the most.

_Spine Institute of New York_



_Dr. Kuflik's

Complete CV_ (http://www.spineinstituteny.com/physicians/kuflikcv.html)



212 844-8688

Office Mgr:

212 844-8689

Kuflik, MD

Associate Director, Spine Institute

Dr. Kuflik has extensive experience in all aspects of spine surgery, with

special emphasis on spinal deformity, degenerative disorders of the spine and

particularly minimally invasive spine surgery.

Dr. Kuflik came to Beth Israel from the Hospital for Joint Diseases

Orthopaedic Institute. Since 1987, he has served there as an assistant


physician, and was named chief of the scoliosis service in 1991. Dr. Kuflik


was chief of spine services at Mount Sinai Medical Center as well as an

attending physician in the department of orthopaedic

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yeah but i don't know that he does more complex cases...i am trying to find out.

my nephew lives there so it would be familar territory compared to NEW YORK


Re: minimally invasive surgery

In a message dated 3/25/2006 2:14:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,

birddog@... writes:


sounds good. we could all move to tucson

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In a message dated 3/25/2006 2:26:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,

birddog@... writes:

yeah but i don't know that he does more complex cases...i am trying to find

out. my nephew lives there so it would be familar territory compared to NEW


new york is not so bad

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well for a Montana country girl it sounds intimidating. even going to northern

CA when it is time to turn in a pup i have raised for Loving Paws, we get

culture shock. but, i like what i read about Dr. Kuflik so who knows, i may be

going there yet!!!


Re: minimally invasive surgery

In a message dated 3/25/2006 2:26:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,

birddog@... writes:

yeah but i don't know that he does more complex cases...i am trying to find

out. my nephew lives there so it would be familar territory compared to NEW


new york is not so bad

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yes, that occurred to me too. XX crossed fingers. but remember, if he is not

the right one, then we find someone else.

i wrote Dr. Kuflik a letter telling him about my situation, asking if i could

get an evaluation from him. i may be making a trip to NY.

Carlene in MT

Re: minimally invasive surgery

carlene, i woke up with this horrible thought. when i call tomorrow they

might tell me " we are not accepting new patients " . yucky

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P.S. i am so tired today; only got about 4 hours of sleep last night because i

had read all of the stuff on his website and was thinking about it.....need to

go take a nap.

Re: minimally invasive surgery

carlene, i woke up with this horrible thought. when i call tomorrow they

might tell me " we are not accepting new patients " . yucky

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i don't think they will refuse you or they would say something about that on the

website--i hope.

still have my fingers crossed.

Carlene in MT

Re: minimally invasive surgery

i will let you know what happens in my (surgical) quest for an appointment


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alright Marsha! i certainly understand your doubts and fears. but again, i bet

he will be able to help you. so glad you got an appt. can hardly wait to hear

what you think of him, what he suggests for you.


Re: minimally invasive surgery

carlene...and everyone else.

you are not going to believe this. but i have an appt with

dr. kuflik at beth israel spine clinic. for a week from tomorrow at 8 a.m.

so now i am thinking he is going to tell me he cannot do minimally invasive

surgery on me. a little fear here. for anyone who is interested, he has a


or rather the spine institute at beth israel hospital has a web site.

i am so freaked over this. i am so hopeful. bec. i do not want to do

3 level fusion with cage and rods. no. not me. not there. not if i can

do this. i talk like this now. but we will see. i might not be so arrogant

later on.

best to all and i will keep you all posted. marsha

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carlene, thanks for your support. i had a good day today. i think it is

the combination of the neurontin with the lyrica. the nerve pain was much

calmer today and i was able to concentrate at work and then walk home. this




In a message dated 3/27/2006 1:10:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

birddog@... writes:

alright Marsha! i certainly understand your doubts and fears. but again, i

bet he will be able to help you. so glad you got an appt. can hardly wait

to hear what you think of him, what he suggests for you

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glad you had a good day. mine was not so good, very exhausted. just about

ready for bed.

take care...i am sending angels

Carlene in MT

Re: minimally invasive surgery

carlene, thanks for your support. i had a good day today. i think it is

the combination of the neurontin with the lyrica. the nerve pain was much

calmer today and i was able to concentrate at work and then walk home. this




In a message dated 3/27/2006 1:10:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

birddog@... writes:

alright Marsha! i certainly understand your doubts and fears. but again, i

bet he will be able to help you. so glad you got an appt. can hardly wait

to hear what you think of him, what he suggests for you

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