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mary hewitt

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In a message dated 1/1/02 11:15:03 PM Pacific Standard Time, mhe3053904@... writes:

Hi! I just read your jokes and had a good laugh because I like you have had a


couple of days so darn depressed and I take med's for it. Good Luck Bert


on your cat scan, I don't mind them at all. I really hate the MRI's. Where

are you

from Bert? I am from Central New York, about 275 miles from the city. Held


breath last night when the ball dropped thought something would explode. We


have a little bit of paranoia. Everytime I hear a plane fly over I hold my

breath. I

hope we can get more acquainted I haven't been posting a lot have gone

through a couple of weeks of nausea and pain every muscle and bone I think.

Take care and

will be thinking of you and tommorro. Hug's, Hewitt

hi mary, glad you like the jokes...

i like sending them.. :)

i live in bay city, mi.

i can understand your fear, being in new york...gosh, it still just breaks my heart to remember it, and re-live that day i heard about it.

so sorry that you have been having all that nausea, and pain..(hugs)

my nausea has subsided now for a week... maybe due to the new acephix med. for my stomach.

i dunno for sure.

thanks for your kind words....and

i hope you feel better real soon!!

take care,


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