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I have high Oestrogen, can you tell me what will be

really helpful to lower it. I'm a bit concerned as I

also have 2 large uterine fibroids and goiters that I

feel I need to work on before I menopause.

I'm 44 years of age and wish to reduce them.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards



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Go to the website of Dr. Wong www.totalityofbeing.com . Read what he

says about fibroids. . I had a conference with him and was impressed.



I have high Oestrogen, can you tell me what will be

really helpful to lower it. I'm a bit concerned as I

also have 2 large uterine fibroids and goiters that I

feel I need to work on before I menopause.

I'm 44 years of age and wish to reduce them.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards



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> I have high Oestrogen, can you tell me what will be

> really helpful to lower it. I'm a bit concerned as I

> also have 2 large uterine fibroids and goiters that I

> feel I need to work on before I menopause.

> I'm 44 years of age and wish to reduce them.

==>Hi . The best treatment for lowering oestrogen is this

program, because it gives all of the nutrients your body needs to do

its job of normalizing oestrogen, thyroid and other organ functions

in the body and healing the body of fibroids. Your symptoms are

typical of candida sufferers and there are no quick fixes. Treating

the body as a whole is much more effective even though it take

longer it is actually treating the cause and not the symptoms.

==>Did you get tested for thyroid function? If you did were the

results indicating low thyroid? Some people must take natural

dessicated thyroid (Armour) pills while they are working on curing

their candida, but it is better not to start them. The reason is

because your body becomes dependent upon them. The other reason is

because candida toxins make all of the body's cells go rigid so that

hormones, even if produced okay in the body, are not getting into

the body's cells to do their job. Candida toxins also interfere

with producing hormones, so it's a double whammy.

==>It is important that you follow the entire diet and take all

supplements. All supplements are important, and they work together

with the diet, but some of the most important for your symptoms are

omega 3, oil soluble vitamins A, D & E, and cal/mag. It is also

important you get the recommended amount of nature-made fats, i.e.

coconut oil, butter, lard, and naturally occuring fats in meats.

I hope that helps, Bee

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