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Your father sounds like a wonderful guy. NOT!!!!! Leah, you need to separate

yourself from this jerk. You will do just fine with the implant. You will also

be more independent with the CI. You need support just see us.

Jim in MN

ps don't bother with a father's day gift


Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone here is well. My father is going to tell the ENT to implant

me because he wants me to learn a lesson. He also said that I will hear worse

from the implant the way I hear now. Also my father said that he is also going

to tell the doctor to implant me asap. He thinks I am going to tell him you

were right dad. And that once I get implant I can't go back with hearing aids

because my inner ear will be destroy and I understand and apect that too. My

father is also going to laugh at me everytime he looks at my BTE and BWP and

perhaps make me cry. I really don't understand what he's problem is these days

but he has been rude. Tell me what you all think of this? Please Write Back




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Sounds like Dad needs to be on the couch talking to the psychologist


Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone here is well. My father is going to tell the ENT to implant

me because he wants me to learn a lesson. He also said that I will hear worse

from the implant the way I hear now. Also my father said that he is also going

to tell the doctor to implant me asap. He thinks I am going to tell him you

were right dad. And that once I get implant I can't go back with hearing aids

because my inner ear will be destroy and I understand and apect that too. My

father is also going to laugh at me everytime he looks at my BTE and BWP and

perhaps make me cry. I really don't understand what he's problem is these days

but he has been rude. Tell me what you all think of this? Please Write Back




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Go for it and PROVE your dad WRONG. Then you will see who has the last

laugh and you will be the winner.! At 23 you should make your own

decisions and with the Implants of today they are far more advanced than we

with our N22 but we can hear and that is what YOU want to be able to do.

Hear more clearly. Good luck

B. from MO.

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In a message dated 6/14/03 6:25:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

LeahR1980@... writes:

> I really don't understand what he's problem is these days

> but he has been rude.

I don't truly know your whole situation.........but food for thought

here..... Could it be he is just really scared? I know my husband could

not.....would not......let me talk about the Cochlear implant for 2 YEARS before


finally came around and said our daughter could have one. If I mentioned the

word........he got all upset. I guess as a father of a little girl.........he

just was sooooo worried and scared about putting her under the knife when it

was not " needed " (not a life or death situation type of thing). But he had

such trouble communicating his feelings. Men are like that sometimes (some

men). Maybe he is just scared for you.........and is having a great deal of

trouble showing that?????????

How old are you again?? I personally........would probably NOT get

the implant until I was out on my own or until all the tension broke at home.

Its not fair. I would want to have the best experience I could with the

implant........and I would not want it during that time then. But thats just

me. You have to follow your heart....head.......gut............and go with

that decision........either way.

Best of luck,

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You and your father sound like you're stuck in a cycle of fighting that

isn't very healthy. On the one hand, you paint him as a pretty abusive

guy, but on the other hand, you seem to be egging him on. It's almost like

you're glad he's treating you badly to win the sympathy vote.

If you really want to resolve the issue, just stop engaging him, and stop

reacting to what he's saying. Refuse to fight. You've made your points.

You know what you want. It doesn't matter what he says or thinks and no

amount of anger from you is going to change him.

There's a fantastic little book called " The Four Agreements " by Don

Ruiz that you should read. The book is about the 4 Agreements you make

with yourself to operate from within and to not let others control you. I

really enjoyed it, and it's helped me in some previous relationships.



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it seems your father has made up his mind regarding a CI no matter what

you say it will not change his mind having him now say .. go ahead and

get this CI and see how wrong you are and how right dad is ...... this is all so

silly and a waste of energy by now your own mind is made up to go ahead

your doc so far feels being implanted with a CI is the right and best thing

to do

so ... this is just a suggestion ... why not just drop all talk about

getting a CI

if your dad brings it up " play deaf " like i did and just very nicely

pretend you didn't hear what he said but change the subject don't let him

get to you

just don't talk about this whole subject with your parents you are the

only one who allows your father's comments to upset you (mind you it is hard

not to get upset i realize) but if dad starts to say anything about CI's

just change the subject, pretend you didn't hear or don't understand what he

said the less said the better less stress the better


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Leah, I am coming into this discussion a little late, but I would

like to make some observations on what your post said.

I don't know your age or your background, but conflicts with parents

who have their minds made up are difficult to get away from. If

you're an adult child, your father has absolutely NOTHING to do with

how you choose to live your life. If you choose to initiate the

evaluation process to see if you qualify for an implant, then dad has

no standing to prevent you from doing so, neither does he have any

standing to make demands on you or your doctors or bully you.

It looks to me as if he is trying to keep his baby daughter as a baby

instead of allowing her to grow and perhaps achieve hearing. That

would mean his own world would change and he doesn't want to do that.

But that's HIS problem and not your's. He's very threatened by this

potential change in your life, for some reason.

I'd like to encourage you to continue to stick by your own decisions.

It's your life and your hearing that matters.


> Hello Everyone,

> Hope everyone here is well. My father is going to tell the ENT

to implant

> me because he wants me to learn a lesson. He also said that I will

hear worse

> from the implant the way I hear now. Also my father said that he is

also going

> to tell the doctor to implant me asap. He thinks I am going to tell

him you

> were right dad. And that once I get implant I can't go back with

hearing aids

> because my inner ear will be destroy and I understand and apect

that too. My

> father is also going to laugh at me everytime he looks at my BTE

and BWP and

> perhaps make me cry. I really don't understand what he's problem is

these days

> but he has been rude. Tell me what you all think of this? Please

Write Back

> Soon,

> Thanks,

> Leah




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, how was your hearing before the implant. Did you wear aids? I went out to

eat today for Father's Day and a friend stopped by the table to ask me a

question. The noise in that cafe with my aids was so loud I could only make out

a few words of what he was asking. He also has tinnitus and was asking me a

question about a tinnitus forum. My husband had to repeat everything for me.

Does the implant help you in restaurants to hear better? If I turn them off I

hear nothing.

mouchc@... wrote:Leah,

I've been following you closely and am glad you sent me an instant message

the other day. Every message you send makes me angrier at your parents and I

agree with Mike. Your dad needs to talk with a counselor. You have your head

on straight to be seeking our help, getting counseling yourself, and

considering a CI to improve your life. I'm very proud of you for reaching out


standing tough.

During the first 10 minutes of hookup, my " Nuke " sounded like a hung up tape

recorder, with warbling, warring sounds. Then, this gibberish almost

instantaneously died away and I could hear NORMAL SPEECH. I can tell male and


voices apart, converse in noisy places, hear in meetings, enjoy movies, and

talk on the telephone, both in open and closed set conversations. I'm enjoying

some music, especially music with a rhythm and beat, too!

I do feel that although you could have an adjustment period, that you will

one day tell your dad " I TOLD YOU SO! " You'll have the last laugh. As Alice

said, the decision is up to you, your ENT, and audi. If your parents aren't

supportive at the moment, you can develop your other offline support system, and

of course, you'll always have us. Maybe there are some CIers near you who can

offer you support, too. In my case, my coworkers, friends, and fellow CIers

have been just as supportive as my family can be.

Keep sharing. You can be successful in this.

M., age 37, Sacramento, CA

R ear N24C surgery 04/03/03

Hooked up with SPrint BWP 05/07/03

Getting 3G BTE 07/03/03

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I do very well in restaurants and you can have the

audiologist give you certain programs that help with

the background noise as well.

I just sent a post about listening to music this

afternoon. Right after I sent the post, I called my

daughter and talked to her with the music still

playing. I could never do that with the hearing aid.

There's a great deal of difference between a hearing

aid and a CI.


Nucleus Bilateral

--- Elsa Nunez <ec_nunez@...> wrote:

> , how was your hearing before the implant. Did

> you wear aids? I went out to eat today for Father's

> Day and a friend stopped by the table to ask me a

> question. The noise in that cafe with my aids was so

> loud I could only make out a few words of what he

> was asking. He also has tinnitus and was asking me

> a question about a tinnitus forum. My husband had to

> repeat everything for me. Does the implant help you

> in restaurants to hear better? If I turn them off I

> hear nothing.


> mouchc@... wrote:Leah,


> I've been following you closely and am glad you sent

> me an instant message

> the other day. Every message you send makes me

> angrier at your parents and I

> agree with Mike. Your dad needs to talk with a

> counselor. You have your head

> on straight to be seeking our help, getting

> counseling yourself, and

> considering a CI to improve your life. I'm very

> proud of you for reaching out and

> standing tough.


> During the first 10 minutes of hookup, my " Nuke "

> sounded like a hung up tape

> recorder, with warbling, warring sounds. Then, this

> gibberish almost

> instantaneously died away and I could hear NORMAL

> SPEECH. I can tell male and female

> voices apart, converse in noisy places, hear in

> meetings, enjoy movies, and

> talk on the telephone, both in open and closed set

> conversations. I'm enjoying

> some music, especially music with a rhythm and beat,

> too!


> I do feel that although you could have an adjustment

> period, that you will

> one day tell your dad " I TOLD YOU SO! " You'll have

> the last laugh. As Alice

> said, the decision is up to you, your ENT, and audi.

> If your parents aren't

> supportive at the moment, you can develop your other

> offline support system, and

> of course, you'll always have us. Maybe there are

> some CIers near you who can

> offer you support, too. In my case, my coworkers,

> friends, and fellow CIers

> have been just as supportive as my family can be.


> Keep sharing. You can be successful in this.


> M., age 37, Sacramento, CA

> R ear N24C surgery 04/03/03

> Hooked up with SPrint BWP 05/07/03

> Getting 3G BTE 07/03/03



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Seems like Dad can't cope with her finally being able to spout her " wings " and

start doing more on her own without depending on him or someone else, or is

afraid that she might not get useable hearing and is going to take a fall. He

needs to realize that Leah is probably tougher than he is because she has had

to deal with being HoH or deaf. Dad . . . .see a shrink!


Re: Question.


I've been following you closely and am glad you sent me an instant message

the other day. Every message you send makes me angrier at your parents and I

agree with Mike. Your dad needs to talk with a counselor. You have your head

on straight to be seeking our help, getting counseling yourself, and

considering a CI to improve your life. I'm very proud of you for reaching out


standing tough.

During the first 10 minutes of hookup, my " Nuke " sounded like a hung up tape

recorder, with warbling, warring sounds. Then, this gibberish almost

instantaneously died away and I could hear NORMAL SPEECH. I can tell male and


voices apart, converse in noisy places, hear in meetings, enjoy movies, and

talk on the telephone, both in open and closed set conversations. I'm enjoying

some music, especially music with a rhythm and beat, too!

I do feel that although you could have an adjustment period, that you will

one day tell your dad " I TOLD YOU SO! " You'll have the last laugh. As Alice

said, the decision is up to you, your ENT, and audi. If your parents aren't

supportive at the moment, you can develop your other offline support system,


of course, you'll always have us. Maybe there are some CIers near you who can

offer you support, too. In my case, my coworkers, friends, and fellow CIers

have been just as supportive as my family can be.

Keep sharing. You can be successful in this.

M., age 37, Sacramento, CA

R ear N24C surgery 04/03/03

Hooked up with SPrint BWP 05/07/03

Getting 3G BTE 07/03/03

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  • 3 weeks later...
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In a message dated 6/30/2003 4:18:28 PM Pacific Standard Time,

heaven20seven@... writes:

> Ok.........I've had different opinions on this, and I just want to see how

> each of you would handle this. I am young and naive and don't quite know how

> to

> take it in. But anyways, regarding my question, how would you guys handle

> someone saying that they arent strong enough to get past the outside of you,

> in

> order to start a relationship with you? would you say, 'atleast their being

> honest ill be their friend' or would you tell them to eat a brick and get

> rid of

> them?

I think I'd have a hard time having any sort of a healthy relationship with

somebody like that, including a simple friendship. If they can't see past my

disability, I can't imagine they'd make a very good friend. Of course I'm

incapable of being blatantly mean to anybody, so I wouldn't exactly tell them


either, but I wouldn't go out of my way to be their friend.


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In a message dated 6/30/2003 7:18:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

heaven20seven@... writes:

> Ok.........I've had different opinions on this, and I just want to see how

> each of you would handle this. I am young and naive and don't quite know how

> to

> take it in. But anyways, regarding my question, how would you guys handle

> someone saying that they arent strong enough to get past the outside of you,

> in

> order to start a relationship with you? would you say, 'atleast their being

> honest ill be their friend' or would you tell them to eat a brick and get

> rid of

> them?



> -



Why do u still care about what he says when u said u had 3 dates last week?

Get w/ those guys and forget about his ignorant ass.

s the Unique Princess

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I agree

M. Rudolph

Louisville, Kentucky 40214

E-Mail: turbokev@...

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AOL: kyprincecharming ICQ: 28414413

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Re: question.

Why do u still care about what he says when u said u had 3 dates last week?

Get w/ those guys and forget about his ignorant ass.

s the Unique Princess

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


Hi ,

I am in my 7th week of the salt & C & seeing some improvements. I have been

reading about Hypercoagulation problems which occur with Lyme & similar

infections. Are you familiar with the work of Hemex Labs And Hughe's

Syndrome? They talk about the bacteria creating deposits of Fibrin in the

veins and the bacteria hiding in them. They use Heparin or Warfarin to thin

the blood and break down these deposits. Many CFS & Lyme patients say they

could not recover until they fixed the problem of " sticky " blood. They

often have a lacey pattern to their skin where the blood pools. I have this

and the chronic migraines, loss of vision, numbness etc described regarding

sticky blood.

Did you have this problem and if so, was the salt & C alone enough to

correct this? Do you know any other Lyme patients with sticky blood who

have recovered on salt & C alone?

Any comments appreciated,



Yes,and the salt and C will take care of it. I believe most full blown Lyme

sufferers have this condition. It does take time, but I truly believe that

the salt and C is all your body needs to deal with Lyme Disease. Be patient

and know you will win this battle.You really have only scraped the surface.

It just takes time. Since you have decided that this treatment is making a

big difference in your life, please do not muck up the solution with other

products. This does kill all the conditions involved with Lyme Disease, or

should I say phases, or level of life forms within the Lyme patient. Be

strong. Take care,

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  • 1 year later...
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There weren't any anatomy questions on the March exam...be sure you know how to

convert between units! Hope this helps some...

Wheelock B.A. CPhT

krustinkabuth <krustinkabuth@...> wrote:

Can anyone tell me if anatomy is on the test?

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Dear All,

While there may not be 'anatomy and physiology' specific questions,

parts of the body and the function of the body may be refered to or

inferred, in order for you to answer a specific question that is

related to pharmacology.

The study of drugs (pharmacology) is related to how the drug works

within the body and that is related to how the body works normally and

abnormally as in 'disease state'.

You may be asked about the mechanism of action of a drug or the end

result of a drug in terms of the result upon a specific body part or


Hope this helps you,


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS



> Can anyone tell me if anatomy is on the test?


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  • 8 months later...


the zaps are a common side effect, you need to talk to a professional.

www.alternativementalhealth.com has a list of practitioners.

Also www.acam.org

There was an old post from way back:

Potential recovery help

This seems like some fairly new supplemental information regarding

psychotropic med recovery. All supplements are natural and seem well

supported with research.

I personally started on the cherry extract yesterday and all pain is

gone and jerking/twitching has stopped. Im fairly impressed for not

much $$ input and GREAT reward

his info is free. the site that is affiliated that sells supplements

offers a money back guarantee on product which is also fairly impressive.


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You are withdrawing from Effexor at far too fast a rate. You need to

think about reinstating to the last dose you felt comfortable with

and try cutting down at a rate of about 5 to 10% of dose per interval.

You should not try cutting further increments until you stabilised

from the pervious cut.


look out too for the Withdrawal & Recovery group


> Hello. I was on Effexor for 6 months and from 112.5 I began weaning


> Christmas time down to a 1/2 of 37.5 and from that to nothing four

days ago. Today

> is my 4rth day off and I am having this brain activity that is

annoying like

> a zap or cartwheel or wave and I am very nauseated and crying a lot


> short tempered. Does Anyone know how long this lasts? A week or

more or a month?

> Jodi




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Donna. Thanks. I even went down to taking 1/2 the beads out of the 37.5. I

am off now for five or six days. I need to look. Today is better than the other

days. I still have a major headache and some brain swishing and dizziness.

But I am staying positive. I am not giving up. I can't take Dramamine I am

allergic. OR rather have reaction to it. I am taking my ativan. Down to just


a day from three. So that is good. I am not getting back on no matter. So no

matter how long I am in for the hall. I just hope it is over soon. I can't

imagine it will be as today is a notable difference. Jodi

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Hi, I'm new to the group and also a registered nurse.

I was on 37.5 XR for 11 years - was put on the medication when it

first came out. After that, no doctor wanted to work with me to

withdraw from it. Two days after Christmas I stopped it

completely. There was no smaller dose to go down to, and to take it

every other day, or every third day to me seemed like torture since

the side effects came every 24 hours if I was late for the dose

beyond 2 hours!

All I can tell you is that I have been through the hot place and

back over the past month. But, I can tell you this. I HAVE

WITHDRAWN and it is all gone!

I think to work with your MD is important; but I don't think there

is too much that can be done once we get down to the 37.5 - we'll

still have to " suffer " through withdrawal.

I do know Dramamine and 0.125 of xanax (xanax taken only p.r.n. when

absolutely necessary as don't want to get hooked on that either)

helped me through it all.

The final and last side effect? Since my stress was so zapped by

this withdrawal I also came down with the flu and have been fighting

that for 2-1/2 week, but the flu " helped " during the last week of

withdrawal, which took about 3 weeks.

Very best wishes to you. I know you will make it. You must keep

telling yourself that " This will pass. It is not permanent. I will

not feel this way forever. " and keep in touch with your medical

provider(s) and/or therapist(s).


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Is it the same stuff and did they do it exactly the way " the road back "


I talked with that guy that does that a while back (6-8 months)

and he said he had 30,000 drug free clients.

If something works and then people say it doesn't then I immediately

want to know exactly what they did or didn't do to determine if it

is the method or simply someone not really doing the program.


Potential recovery help


> This seems like some fairly new supplemental information regarding

> psychotropic med recovery. All supplements are natural and seem well

> supported with research.


> I personally started on the cherry extract yesterday and all pain is

> gone and jerking/twitching has stopped. Im fairly impressed for not

> much $$ input and GREAT reward


> his info is free. the site that is affiliated that sells supplements

> offers a money back guarantee on product which is also fairly




> http://www.theroadback.org


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Sorry about the 11 yrs thing. God I really hate this drug. I have had a

panic attack with the chest thing the first time I tried. And freaked and went

back on. That was in day two or three. I started weaning again in Dec. I am now

OFF for the 8 day today. Headache is not as bad by any means and I haven't

gotten into the waves and zaps today yet. Usually they come about noon. But I

am doing well. I did have one panic attack early on in the weaning and I told

it to just come on ahead and it did and I timed it to about 40 sec. That was

the last one. I don't have anxiety either. But I have been taking ativan to

battle the withdrawal. You know ativan really don't help the withdrawal. It's

like it goes to a totally different part of the brain. But it does take an

edge off and lets you feel all that pain without the fear that will take you

back to the beginning. So far good though. I don't intend to go back on it.

Even if the side effects take a month. Thanks for asking. Jodi

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How is it going Changrala? You are a couple of more days closer to

freedom from all this nightmare! Hopefully the total withdrawal

will be no more than a couple of weeks. I can't urge you enough

though to contact your health care providers should you have any

questions or any doubts about anything. I even ended up in the ER

one night, taken by ambulance, because of sudden severe chest pain

during withdrawal.

After 3 hours in the ER and all the appropriate heart tests were

done, it turned out that I had an ER physicain who was very informed

about Effexor withdrawal syndrome. The result was that because

Effexor is SNRI and affects norepinephrine in the body, he felt that

I had an esophagitis caused by a very high increase in acidity due

to the withdrawal from the med, which caused a " sore " (esophagitis)

and when the acid hit it - that caused the pain and the esophagus to

react by contracting. Perhaps even an ulcer. But 30 mg of

Prevacid twice a day, and Mylanta, and TUMS throughout the day did

take care of that problem.

I can't tell you how good I feel now that I have passed through this

and it is out of my system. In many ways I lost 11 years of my life

to this drug, quality of life, that would not have occurred had I

not been on it.

Keep us posted if you like. My prayers are with you.


> Donna. Thanks. I even went down to taking 1/2 the beads out of the

37.5. I

> am off now for five or six days. I need to look. Today is better

than the other

> days. I still have a major headache and some brain swishing and


> But I am staying positive. I am not giving up. I can't take

Dramamine I am

> allergic. OR rather have reaction to it. I am taking my ativan.

Down to just two

> a day from three. So that is good. I am not getting back on no

matter. So no

> matter how long I am in for the hall. I just hope it is over

soon. I can't

> imagine it will be as today is a notable difference. Jodi




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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I take my Armour under the tongue and it dissolves very quickly. How long

should I wait to eat or take any other supplements after I take the Armour

sublingually? I am concerned that I am not waiting long enough.



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I don't take any for at least an hour. I take some supplements after breakfast,

and some before, but I make sure not to take calcium.


AthleticItaliano@... wrote:

I take my Armour under the tongue and it dissolves very quickly. How


should I wait to eat or take any other supplements after I take the Armour

sublingually? I am concerned that I am not waiting long enough.



**************It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &

Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)

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