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Marcy,<br><br>How long have you been on

synthroid? I was reading that if you have been on a

particular med your body may build up resistance to it. Just

a though. Also, my doctor gave me cytomel. I feel

so much better. <br>Good luck and god bless.

<br> Jane

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I took Synthroid for about 9 months with little

improvement. Increasing my dosage only made me have hyper

symptoms even when my TSH was reading normal. My daughter

didn't do well on Synthroid, either. We found a new

doctor who prescribed Armour and we are doing much, much

better. When my son was diagnosed with Hashi's

hypothyroidism about three months ago, we didn't even mess with

the Synthroid. He went on Armour right away, has lost

eleven pounds, and has much more energy. There are other

types of natural thyroid available also. It took visits

to several different doctors before I found one who

would treat our symptoms without relying completely on

the lab numbers. I'm glad I put forth the effort. It

was well worth it.

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You're very lucky to finally find someone who

could help! I'm trying to find another doctor myself-I

like the doctor I have, but since he does not have

hypothyroidism, he relies totally on test results like yours

did...I hope I can finally find a doctor who will switch

me to Armour also!

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Hi, I am sorry to hear that your doctor isn't

helping you as much as you need it. Just want to let you

know that Armour is a drug that consists of the T4 and

T3 hormones. Synthroid is only the T4. There are

many people who benefit from just the T4, but like

myself, some also need the T3. my doctor perscribed

cytomel (t3) in addition to my synthroid (t4). this made

all the difference.I feel normal again. It sounds

like you need the T3 as well. I hope you find a doctor

that can help you. You may want to go to

www.thyroid.about.com and look for more info. Good luck. <br><br>


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I heard that Armour consists of not only T4 and

T3, but also T1 and T2. " They " don't know the " tasks "

of the T1 and T2, and some say there are none. But

....maybe it is the adition of these that makes so many

hypothyroid people feel a lot better on the natural drugs

like Armour?<br><br>smiling_bee

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Well, I'm going to go to a different doctor in my

regular doctors practice tomorrow...I bought the book

" Living well with hypothyroidism " , and have printed out

some of the messages in here, as well as articles I've

found on the web-I'm taking all that with me tomorrow

to show her-plus, I'm making a list of all of the

vitamins and minerals, etc. that I take every day to try

to feel better-hope it helps some! I'll let ya'll

know how it goes tomorrow!

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My doctor is hypothyroid. She spends a lot of

time educating herself -- looking at the results of

new studies, attending thyroid conferences, and

seeking out the latest information. Too many doctors

obtain their thyroid info passively and treat all of

their patients the same way. Unless doctors who treat

thyroid are proactive and are willing to look at each

patient on an individual basis, they are not going to

give us the best possible care. <br><br>Tammie

<br><br><br>molliepie wrote:<br> & gt; & gt;I'm trying to find another

doctor myself-I like the doctor I have, but since he

does not have hypothyroidism, he relies totally on

test results & lt; & lt;

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Ok, just got back-boy, all of my research,

printing messages and articles out, and buying the book

" Living with Hypothyroidism " didn't do a bit of good-the

doctor looked at my like I was crazy, and said " oh-you

found these on (rolls eyes) the...ahem..internet? " and

kind of laughed. She wouldn't even look at the

articles or the highlighted pages in the book, etc. She

said that she would gladly switch me to Unithroid-she

said that Synthroid was an " old " medicine, and this

Unithroid works wonders, blah, blah, blah. She checked my

levels-they never give me the results, but she said that

every time they check mine, both my TH3 and Th4 are

perfectly normal. She gave me a months worth of samples of

the Unithroid, raised my dosage of Paxil to 40mg, and

sent me on my way. She said to try it for a month and

see how I felt, and then if I dont' feel any better,

that she would gladly switch me to Armour if I wanted.

Anyone else try this Unithroid? How is it?

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Your doctor doesn't give you your own blood test

results?! I'd be looking for someone else. The only reason

for a doctor to keep results from a patient like that

is to sustain his/her inflated ego. Sorry to sound

so harsh, but that is just plain ridiculous. And if

she's not willing to discuss the information that you

bring into the office, then she's not willing to work

*with* you and who needs a doctor like that? I saw an

endo and took my info to him as you did to your

doctor. He didn't even look at my past lab work or

medical history. I left his office and continued my

search until I found a doctor who would treat me as

though I had enough intelligence to understand what I

was dealing with and would be more open-minded about

treatment options. I am glad to hear that your doctor is

willing to eventually switch you to Armour if that's what

you want. I've never tried Unithroid, so I can't

share any first-hand experience there. I hope you feel

a difference very soon.<br><br>Tammie

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Jane,<br><br>I've been on synthroid for about 5 years. I think I must

have some other underlying problem that is being swept under the rug. Thanks

for the advice.<br><br>God Bless'<br>Marcy

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Hi all - I haven't posted in a long time, but I

wanted to jump in here. I took synthroid for 3 years &

it didn't do much for me. I finally convinced my doc

to look at T3, which she did. It was low & she

switched the med to a combination tablet with both

synthroid & cytomel. I'm feeling great!<br><br>Watch the

paxil = 40 mg can make you really, really lethargic. I

took it before hypo was diagnosed & it made the

symptoms much WORSE!<br><br>Best of luck ~ Rtz

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Well, what is so bad is that the doctors office I

go to has at least 5 doctors-and every time I go,I

end up seeing a different one, even though I try to

specify one that I really feel comfortable with-this one

happens to be off on the only day off that I have (wed.)

I had seen the one I went to one other time and

thought she was nice, so I thought she might be helpful.

I called my insurance company though, and they are

going to send me a book that has all the doctors that

takes my insurance-so if this Unithroid doesn't do any

good, then I'll see if she will give me the armour, and

if not, then I'll just try to find another one. How

long does it usually take before the results are in on

my thryoid? A week maybe?

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Yeah-you know, I bought that book " Living well

with Hypothyroidism " yesterday, and it says in there

that some meds like Paxil or birth control (Both that

I take) will cause thyroid meds to become

innefective-I tried to show this to my doctor, and she wouldnt'

even LOOK at it! She pretty much made me feel like I

was crazy for believing anything I read! My mood

swings are horrible though-severe depression, anger, and

crying spells-she seems to think that if I take this

Unithroid, everything will be perfect....we'll see! lol

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  • 11 months later...

Hey CZ how ya been???? sorry I havent be on AIM lately,,,,been kinda busy,,,, have you tried the little ,,,,,, ummmmm,,,,, whatcha call em????? like bug motels???? the little disks you can put out????? Talk to ya soon!!!! Hugs Question. Hi all.Do any of you have some good ways of controlling roaches and spiders in summer without using bugspray? I have stopped using bugspray because it can kill my birds but it is now coming into bug season and I was greeted by a large roach when I did the dishes this morning. I am unable to squish bugs it makes my skin crawl to think about it but I am not really scared of them when they are running around. I just think it is yucky and I do not really want to share my bed or dishes with them.CZ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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hey CZ that is a different kind of DE the DE you put in pools is different

then what you put in you gardens and stuff to keep bugs away.

( *)=

{ ~~ )



" Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to

solve. " -- Lewin

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My way of controlling roaches and all other spiders OTHER THAN Daddy Long Legs is to let the Daddy Long Legs take over. I have not seen any roaches in over about 3 months and have NEVER seen other types of spiders. LOL

T. aka Pegasus

ICQ 25284229

Messenger pegasustom2

MSN Messenger mtomassini@... or fracturedpegasus@... or pegasusnumber1@... or pegasusnumber1@...

-- Question.

Hi all.Do any of you have some good ways of controlling roaches and spiders in summer without using bugspray? I have stopped using bugspray because it can kill my birds but it is now coming into bug season and I was greeted by a large roach when I did the dishes this morning. I am unable to squish bugs it makes my skin crawl to think about it but I am not really scared of them when they are running around. I just think it is yucky and I do not really want to share my bed or dishes with them.CZ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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I keep the daddy long legs to take care of the ants!!! lol Question. Hi all.Do any of you have some good ways of controlling roaches and spiders in summer without using bugspray? I have stopped using bugspray because it can kill my birds but it is now coming into bug season and I was greeted by a large roach when I did the dishes this morning. I am unable to squish bugs it makes my skin crawl to think about it but I am not really scared of them when they are running around. I just think it is yucky and I do not really want to share my bed or dishes with them.CZ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Hey CZ,,,, I looked in my Grandmas kitchen Wisdom book and it gave a

couple of tips for roaches,,

Roaches hate cucumber peels just place a few in their faorite areas

and it says you will never see them again???

A good roach killer can be make from 35% borax, 15% white flour, 10%

powdered sugar and 40% cornmeal

maybe that will help!!!



-- In @y..., Creepy Zucchini <creepyzucchini@y...> wrote:

> Hi all.


> Do any of you have some good ways of controlling roaches and

spiders in

> summer without using bugspray? I have stopped using bugspray

because it

> can kill my birds but it is now coming into bug season and I was


> by a large roach when I did the dishes this morning. I am unable to

> squish bugs it makes my skin crawl to think about it but I am not


> scared of them when they are running around. I just think it is


> and I do not really want to share my bed or dishes with them.


> CZ

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I sent ya a site CZ... I Hate Bugs !!! Hopefully it will help you out some...

How are you doing???

((( Bugless Hugs )))


Hi all.

Do any of you have some good ways of controlling roaches and spiders in

summer without using bugspray? I have stopped using bugspray because it

can kill my birds but it is now coming into bug season and I was greeted

by a large roach when I did the dishes this morning. I am unable to

squish bugs it makes my skin crawl to think about it but I am not really

scared of them when they are running around. I just think it is yucky

and I do not really want to share my bed or dishes with them.


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


I've been following you closely and am glad you sent me an instant message

the other day. Every message you send makes me angrier at your parents and I

agree with Mike. Your dad needs to talk with a counselor. You have your head

on straight to be seeking our help, getting counseling yourself, and

considering a CI to improve your life. I'm very proud of you for reaching out


standing tough.

During the first 10 minutes of hookup, my " Nuke " sounded like a hung up tape

recorder, with warbling, warring sounds. Then, this gibberish almost

instantaneously died away and I could hear NORMAL SPEECH. I can tell male and


voices apart, converse in noisy places, hear in meetings, enjoy movies, and

talk on the telephone, both in open and closed set conversations. I'm enjoying

some music, especially music with a rhythm and beat, too!

I do feel that although you could have an adjustment period, that you will

one day tell your dad " I TOLD YOU SO! " You'll have the last laugh. As Alice

said, the decision is up to you, your ENT, and audi. If your parents aren't

supportive at the moment, you can develop your other offline support system, and

of course, you'll always have us. Maybe there are some CIers near you who can

offer you support, too. In my case, my coworkers, friends, and fellow CIers

have been just as supportive as my family can be.

Keep sharing. You can be successful in this.

M., age 37, Sacramento, CA

R ear N24C surgery 04/03/03

Hooked up with SPrint BWP 05/07/03

Getting 3G BTE 07/03/03

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Your father will not be the person who makes this

decision. It will be made between you and the ENT. A

cochlear implant surgeon is not going to even consider

doing an implant unless you qualify. I'd go forward

with the evaluation and see what happens.

BTW..you will only lose the residual hearing in one

ear and should still be able to wear your hearing aid

in the other. The period between surgery and hook up

you will most likely have no sound in the ear that was

implanted but when you are hooked up, you will have

plenty of sound. While you are waiting to have the

hook up (usually 4 - 6) weeks, you will only be able

to hear with the ear that was not implanted.

This is not a matter of learning any lessons. I think

I would just smile and say thanks. Maybe next year he

will tell you that you gave him a wonderful Father's

Day gift when you decided to have the implant done.

The cochlear implant is not a threat....it's a



--- LeahR1980@... wrote:

Hope everyone here is well. My father is going to tell

the ENT to implant me because he wants me to learn a

lesson. He also said that I will hear worse from the

implant the way I hear now. Also my father said that

he is also going to tell the doctor to implant me


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