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Re: A Vegan Candida Sufferer

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> 'Therefore, do not be alarmed if you get healing reactions from good

> foods like eggs, coconut oil, butter, and other good healing foods.

> If you get reactions that are alarming or intolerable just cut back

on the amount and gradually increase it.'


> I have gotten reactions from free range organic eggs(extreme

> itchiness, especially from biodynamic eggs), cold-pressed unrefined

> coconut oil (headaches), organic butter (exteme mucus and cold



> Does this mean that 'anyone' who is allergic to eggs and butter is

> really only going through a healing crisis?


> If this is true, this gives me hope!

==>Yes it is true! Allergies are great money makers for the medicos,

but they base their assumptions on false premises and tests. Good

unadulterated foods like the above will create healing reactions

because that is exactly what the body requires in order to heal.

After all the body only one immune system. It certainly twist the

picture a lot when you think of all the body's reactions as healing

reactions instead of allergic reactions or symptoms that are labelled

as diseases.


> But, additionally, I've been vegan because I used to have bad body

> odour while eating organic meat and their related organic products

> (eggs, butter, etc).


> After going vegan, I simply don't smell. Could you explain this?

==>I don't know if I can explain why, however I eat about 65% good

fats and mostly meats and eggs, with very little veggies and I do not

have any body odor either. I don't even use deodorants or perfumes

and I shower or bathe only every 3-4 days.


> Also, I've been vegan because of meats and their products are highly

> acidic. Doesn't being highly acidic make your body more

sickness/disease prone? What limit would you put to the amount of

organic meat and eggs being eaten to avoid an Acid/Alkali imbalance?

==>The acidity/alkalinity theory is a fad and has no basis in fact.

Read these 2 articles at:


==>The ratios of protein to fat to carbs I recommend is very healthy;

see The Optimal Diet sites too:


> Don't get me wrong, I'm not critising your consumption of meat.

After all you did overcome candida, and I've still got it.

==>There is a lot of misinformation and false information about a lot

of things out there my friend. Did you know that beef only turns

acidic in a laboratory, but not in the body? Just think back to what

people ate before the industrialization of our foods, before heart

disease, before cancer, before diabetes, before candida. By the way,

the government lies about life expectantcy rates.


> In the last few years I've been eating all organic foods including

> millet/quinoa (my only sources of carbs)for breakfast, and had

ground flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, seseme seeds, and on occasion have

had adzuki beans and almonds as sources of protein. No fruit.

==>Holey moley, you'll become quite sick from those foods,

particularly if you aren't soaking nuts, seeds, grains and beans



> I have had a raw salad(everyone besides yourself and Jeanne Marie

> recommend raw salad so I'm a bit confused here)for lunch and

> dinner with half onion, 6-10 cloves garlic, tomatoes, lettuce,

> spinach, cabbage, sprouts and steamed broccoli and cauliflower, with

> Apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and dry herbs and spices.


> Obviously, if I gave up the seeds, nuts and beans, I'd have to turn

> back to organic meat and eggs.

==>Yes, I guess you would if you want to cure your candida. But

humans are intended to eat meats and eggs; we don't have the enzymes

nor the stomachs that herbivores do in order to break down plant

foods. You can search my website for any word you wish:


> Many thanks for your time,

==>You are welcome Denis.


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Thanks for your response Bee.

I read the links you supplied.

I've been a vegan purely based on my body's reactions (not knowing

about these healing reactions you mention).

I'm also diet conscious, because my father died from a heart attack

when he was 47, and so have many of his brothers back in the old

country - Croatia.

I'd like to think I'm open minded. That's why after reading about the

healing reactions in your article 'How to Successfully Overcome

Candida', I'm looking at your method and thinking about eating

meat/eggs again.

Would you know what would explain burning bowel movements, and burning

in the corner of my eyes, and bad moods other than Acidic food (I

would experience these after eating organic eggs and chicken?

Could this have been a healing reaction to eating eggs?

Mucus. After eating meant/eggs, I'd have a lot of mucus build-up. Is

this a healing reaction?

A few months ago, I switched from Calcium Carbonate to Calcium Citrate

whilst on a vegan diet. Once again, I started getting the above 3

symptoms not knowing why. Then after a while I read an article

explaining that Calcium Carbonate had an alkaline effect on the

stomach, and Calcium Citrate had an acidifying effect.

So soon after switching back to Calcium Carbonate, the symptoms


Obviously, not everyone gets these symptoms with Calcium Citrate. So

I'm thinking, one size doesn't fit all.

Bee, what's your thinking here?

And while on the subject of one size fits all, what do you think of Dr

Mercola's Metabolics type diets?

I had a hair analysis done that indicated my mercury level was at a

safe level (I've had my amalgam filings taken out), but I've got a

very high reading for Uranium. I don't live near a nuclear reactor.

Any thoughts?

So what did people eat before the industrialization of our foods. Of

course they ate meat, veges and fruit, but didn't they eat any carbs,

seeds or nuts as well?

When you say that the government lies about life expectancy rates, do

you have link with more info about this subject? Are you getting at

the life expectancy rates between the present and the past?

I'm already taking Liquid Chlorophyll. Great stuff!

What do you think of Barley Grass? I dont get any adverse reactions on

this as I do with Chlorophyll and Spirullina.

What do you think of Flaxseed oil and Udo's oil?

With raw vs cooked veges, isn't raw easier to digest as it has it's

enzymes intact.

Bee, what was your worst symptom from Candida. The one you dreaded the

most, if you can remember?

And, by the way, I'm from Sydney, Australia. Would you know of any

Candida groups or personalities around my way?

Much appreciated


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> But, additionally, I've been vegan because I used to have bad body

> odour while eating organic meat and their related organic products

> (eggs, butter, etc).


> After going vegan, I simply don't smell. Could you explain this?


> Denis


===>> Hi Denis, I had to eliminate a lot of foods due to allergic

reactions I was having. I also went to all orgainc and natural foods.

A couple months after those changes I noticed that my hair was not as

oily and I seemed to smell better. Prior to the change I had to

shower and shampoo every day and I could not wear the same clothes

more than once. Now I only shower twice a week and can wear the same

clothes 3-4 days with no gaminess on my part or on the clothes part.

My assumption is the body odor issues were toxin related as my body

was dumping toxins from my bad diet thru the skin. Maybe also related

to the allergic reactions I was having as I was reacting to 70% of my

diet before the changes.


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> Thanks for your response Bee. I read the links you supplied. I've

been a vegan purely based on my body's reactions (not knowing about

these healing reactions you mention). I'm also diet conscious,

because my father died from a heart attack when he was 47, and so

have many of his brothers back in the old country - Croatia.


> I'd like to think I'm open minded. That's why after reading about

the healing reactions in your article 'How to Successfully Overcome

> Candida', I'm looking at your method and thinking about eating

> meat/eggs again.


> Would you know what would explain burning bowel movements, and

burning in the corner of my eyes, and bad moods other than Acidic

food (I would experience these after eating organic eggs and chicken?

Could this have been a healing reaction to eating eggs?

==>Burning, heat and inflammation are healing reactions for sure. In

fact fever is one of the best ways to heal the body. Bad moods can

be caused by lack of nutrients like essential fatty acids, vitamins

A, D & E, salt, minerals, etc. and by an overload of toxins.


> Mucus. After eating meant/eggs, I'd have a lot of mucus build-up.

Is this a healing reaction?

==>Yes, mucus is also a healing reaction. It is the body's way of

isolating and flushing out toxins, bacteria and other pathogens.

See the article on Mucus on my website.


> A few months ago, I switched from Calcium Carbonate to Calcium

Citrate whilst on a vegan diet. Once again, I started getting the

above 3 symptoms not knowing why. Then after a while I read an

article explaining that Calcium Carbonate had an alkaline effect on

the stomach, and Calcium Citrate had an acidifying effect.

==>Calcium citrate is calcium carbonate with acid added because all

minerals require acid in order to be absorbed.


> So soon after switching back to Calcium Carbonate, the symptoms

> disappeared.


> Obviously, not everyone gets these symptoms with Calcium Citrate.

So I'm thinking, one size doesn't fit all.

==>Your reactions to different things depends upon what your

particular body requires most in order to effect healing.

> And while on the subject of one size fits all, what do you think

of Dr Mercola's Metabolics type diets?

==>I don't agree with it.


> I had a hair analysis done that indicated my mercury level was at a

> safe level (I've had my amalgam filings taken out), but I've got a

> very high reading for Uranium. I don't live near a nuclear reactor.

> Any thoughts?

==>Any heavy metals are chelated out with my diet plus supplements.


> So what did people eat before the industrialization of our foods.

Of course they ate meat, veges and fruit, but didn't they eat any

carbs, seeds or nuts as well?

==>They didn't eat processed foods and they ate only natural fats,

not man-made fats. Fats were considered a very important part of

the diet. They also knew how to properly prepare seeds, nuts,

legumes and grains so they were fit to consume.


> When you say that the government lies about life expectancy rates,

do you have link with more info about this subject? Are you getting

at the life expectancy rates between the present and the past?

==>No, I don't have any links at the moment but I just read about it

last weekend. I read so much that I'd have to re-construct where

that information came from. I'm sure there are references on the

net however.


> I'm already taking Liquid Chlorophyll. Great stuff!


> What do you think of Barley Grass? I dont get any adverse

reactions on this as I do with Chlorophyll and Spirullina.

==>I'd stick with chlorophyll instead of barley grass.


> What do you think of Flaxseed oil and Udo's oil?

==>I've written about flaxseed oil in my main candida article and

I've written about polyunsaturates too, which is Udo's oil.


> With raw vs cooked veges, isn't raw easier to digest as it has it's

> enzymes intact.

==>Yes, that's why eggs are raw in Bee's Egg Drink.


> Bee, what was your worst symptom from Candida. The one you dreaded

the most, if you can remember?

==>Not being able to keep down but only 9 foods in the whole world

and losing 3 lbs per day, and vomiting for 10 days at a time.


> And, by the way, I'm from Sydney, Australia. Would you know of any

> Candida groups or personalities around my way?

==>My article is published on an Australian Website

www.nourished.com.au, but I don't know any groups.


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Hi Andy,

Yeah, it makes sense what you said about toxins being involved with smells. It's

great to hear how you overcame it.

I've been eating completely organic for over 3 years thou.

The other thing is swtiching from Calcium Carbonate to Calcium Citrate brought

bad odours on as well.

I didn't understand the last sentence you wrote (shown below). Could you clarify

this for me please?

''Maybe also related

to the allergic reactions I was having as I was reacting to 70% of my

diet before the changes.''

[ ] Re: A Vegan Candida Sufferer



> But, additionally, I've been vegan because I used to have bad body

> odour while eating organic meat and their related organic products

> (eggs, butter, etc).


> After going vegan, I simply don't smell. Could you explain this?


> Denis


===>> Hi Denis, I had to eliminate a lot of foods due to allergic

reactions I was having. I also went to all orgainc and natural foods.

A couple months after those changes I noticed that my hair was not as

oily and I seemed to smell better. Prior to the change I had to

shower and shampoo every day and I could not wear the same clothes

more than once. Now I only shower twice a week and can wear the same

clothes 3-4 days with no gaminess on my part or on the clothes part.

My assumption is the body odor issues were toxin related as my body

was dumping toxins from my bad diet thru the skin. Maybe also related

to the allergic reactions I was having as I was reacting to 70% of my

diet before the changes.


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> Hi Andy,

> I didn't understand the last sentence you wrote (shown below). Could

you clarify this for me please?



> ''Maybe also related

> to the allergic reactions I was having as I was reacting to 70% of my

> diet before the changes.''


I have a bunch of food allergies. Some like eggs, dairy, cane sugar and

yeast I've had since being born. Tho did not know that till last year.

Others like beef, buffalo, wheat, soy, nuts seem to have appeared after

taking prilosec for several years. I believe the lack of stomach acid

for many years caused these new reactions. Tho no way to prove that.

Many of my food reactions were delayed and occured while sleeping. I

have been waking from a sound sleep with night terrors, throat

constriction, feeling like I was struggling to breathe, leg and chest

twitching, since year 3 on the prilosec. Doctors said it was was mental

illness and anxiety. I refused to buy into that, thank goodness!! Most

of those symptoms vanished after eliminating the reactive foods last


Now trying to fine tune my diet even more using Bee's program. But just

in the early stages there.


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Dear Denis,

Please put your name at the end of your messages for our blind

member Maddalena. Thanks.



> Hi Andy,


> Yeah, it makes sense what you said about toxins being involved

with smells. It's great to hear how you overcame it.


> I've been eating completely organic for over 3 years thou.


> The other thing is swtiching from Calcium Carbonate to Calcium

Citrate brought bad odours on as well.


> I didn't understand the last sentence you wrote (shown below).

Could you clarify this for me please?



> ''Maybe also related

> to the allergic reactions I was having as I was reacting to 70% of


> diet before the changes.''


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