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Dear scott, Please do not take that wrong I think you are wonderful and

very dear to me for we are on the same team, remember I have seen the

world worst, horrible infections that eat bone and go from an ear

infections to the face bones, I just meant before that happens make sure

you know what you are dealing with. I want more docs to do smears and

cultures on ears and sinus's.. I did not mean to sound like you were not

giving great opinion, In fact I printed it and decided the next time My

kids have a problem I will try it... I have candled for years, and Have

seen people have so much wax that it was around a 1/8 of a cup or more

of solid wax and who knows what in thier ears, I justfor one thing do

not want to see a child suffer a Ear aches is painful, I think we as

adults for get how bad they are... It could be a infected tooth or sinus

you never know Just have some one with the RIght tools look at the

childs ears... there are some really good md's who care out there.

With Deep Respect and in GOds service,

your friend


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  • 3 years later...

OMGosh Kathy!!!! WHAT an ordeal for you, and your family!!!!!! I am

so glad is ok. We have all been keeping you in our thoughts and

prayers!!! Thanks for filling us in!!! Let's hope you are done with the

ER for a LONG time to come!!! AND that your flu stuff is gone!!!! Just in

time to decorate!!! ;-)


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Hi Joan, , Irma and Everyone,

Sorry it has been so long!! has been sick since November 20th.

I heard him scratching himself about 4:30am and discovered that he was covered


welts (which I assumed to be hives) within a couple of hours he was blistering


had a fever. I tried everything I had at home (tylenol, benadryl, etc) and he

was getting worse.

I was told to bring him to the ER and the doc gave him some steroids. I know

told you

about my key breaking in half when I tried to unlock my truck door. . that's

another whole story!!

By the time I got home- I had to return to the ER and he was admitted to the

hosp. They couldn't

figure out what was going on - he had blood test, spinal tap, etc. He was very

lethargic and could

not walk and he developed spots of discoloration on his body. (I'll skip ahead

to Thursday)

Seems he had Urticaria which triggered his Arthritis to flare-up. We have been

going to Shriners Hosp.

for the past 5 years because of his arthritis. Shriners admitted him on Friday

because he was in such

severe pain- he could only lay flat on his back. They gave him meds and worked

with him until the redness

and most of the pain in his hips and wrists went away. We were home by late Sat.

night - By Monday

he had a fever again but seemed O.K. and then Monday night I noticed blood

coming out of his right ear.

The blood was trickling down his neck and I called the doc again, and so back to

the ER we went.

I assumed this problem with his ear was associated with his Surgery he had on

Oct. 26th - and it was.

He has had a ruptured eardrum and infections in the ear but this time he had an

infection and some type

of polyp (from a tube that embedded itself in his canal) and the infection had

caused his growth to burst

and so he had outpatient surgery. We finally came home Tuesday morning - just in

time for me to have

the flu. Oh well! still has red streaks here and there on his body when he

wakes up and then by

the afternoon he is fine. The cold weather contributes to his morning stiffness.

Things seem to be

getting back to normal. . .knock on wood!!!

Thanks for the phone calls!! Irma is right - I have to get the Christmas

lights up and usually it takes

me 2-3 weeks to complete everything. Hope everyone else is healthy! Irma, I hope

you feel better soon!!

Hope this message wasn't too long - I tried to keep it short

Kathy ( -11)

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In a message dated 12/4/01 1:32:59 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

outerspace@... writes:

<< Things seem to be

getting back to normal. . .knock on wood!!! >>


Happy to hear that is on the road to full recovery. wow! what an

ordeal you and he have been through!!

Lauri, mom to Gene, 13

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  • 5 years later...
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Hi , Weve had a hard time connecting... so I thought I would touch base here... (btw: feel free to call me).. I've been reading the posts and following your story as best as I can.. and I just wanted to encourage you.. If there is one thing I have been learning over the past 2+ years is that this journey has many twists and turns (no pun intended).. lol.. but that we just need to steady on, look for answers and find solutions!! Since you are a few years ahead of me on your journey, I have no practical "words of wisdom" as I have not "been there" - but you have been there for me and as I said, I offer you my support and encouragement.. It sounds like you are enjoying swimming.. I hope it works wonders for you and that where ever this new situation leads you - you will overcome!!! Have a great day!! Ken.

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  • 4 years later...
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Glad things helping you after all the misery u have been thru and that u

dont give up

Its amazing that we all continue to fight!

Take care!


On Sat, May 5, 2012 08:08 PDT sidepull5150 wrote:

>Hey Sharron,


>I hope you find great answers that work for you.


>Recently I have had a really quiet time with my little friends...


>I have been ingesting 1 or 2 greens drinks a day. I'm using Perfect Food.


>I've also added Vitamin D3 daily.


>I also added a kidney flushing drink (Dr. Schulze) 1st thing in the morning.


>I think this drink and the greens drinks have made a wonderful difference, for

me, lately. I'm down to only a few sensations a day.


>This is the drink.







>And the book:


>Dr. Schulze's 5-Day Kidney Detox, ISBN 0-9761842-5-7 for $7



>Thank you for your kind words.


>Be well.





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As we heal ourselves we create a base of knowledge that we all benefit from.



> Glad things helping you after all the misery u have been thru and that u

dont give up

> Its amazing that we all continue to fight!

> Take care!


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