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Enema Solutions Chart

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Enema Solutions Chart


Solutions Chart


(Note 2 qts is roughly equal to 2000ml) (105F is 40.5C)

Solution Amount Comments

Tap water 2 Mild cleansing. Not

qts isotonic meaning it

does not match body


depleting salts.

Saline Isotonic.

Recommended temp is

Table Salt 4 Tsp 105F but is easier

to hold water 2 qts

Water 2 Quarts cooler. Best enema

for frequent use.

Soda Useful in relieving

diarrhea. Retain 5

water 1/4 cup min. or longer

sodium bicarbonate 2 qts

Soapsuds Commonly referred

to as " SSE "

castille soap 2 tbs


Water 2 qts irritating. Follow

with tap water or

saline enema

Saline and Soda

table salt 4 tsp

sodium bicarbonate 1/4 Cup

Water 2 qts

Soda and Soapsuds 2 tbs Less irritating to

expel with the

castille soap 1/4 Cup addition of soda.

Follow with tap

sodium bicarbonate 2 qts water or saline



Peroxide Gas expelling.

Insert a rectal

hydrogen peroxide 2 tbs tube after 10 min.

Water 1 qt

Epson Salt

Epson Salt 1/4 Cup

Water 2 qts

Glycerin and Water Sometimes called

" G & W " enema

Glycerin 1/2 Cup

Water 1 qt


2 tbs Small gas moving

Glycerin enema

1/3 Cup


Milk and Molasses Warm milk to 110F,

add molasses.

Milk 1 Cup Administer rapidly.

Very strong

molasses(blackstrap) 1 Cup cleansing action

with brutal cramps.

Follow with tw or



turpentine 1 tsp Stir well.

Turpentine is

castile soap 1 tbs irritating to

mucous membranes.

Water 1 pint Follow with tw or





castile soap

1 tbs


or olive oil 1/4 Cup

water 1 Pint


Coffee (ground) 2/3 Cup Precede with a tw

enema for initial

Water 2 qt cleansing. Briskly

boil water,add

coffee and stir

well. Continue to

boil for 5 min.

then remove from

heat and steep 5

min Strain, add

sufficent water to

make 2 qts. Cool to

105F. Retain

10 to 20 min.

Useful in

relieving cold

symptoms or a toxic

headache. When

introduced through

the colon coffee

does not act on the

nervous system.

Herbal Precede with a tw

enema. Add catnip to

Catnip 1/4 Cup boiling water,

cover and steep 15

Water 2 qt min. Strain, addto

make 2qts,cool to

105F.Retain 10 to 20

min. This is a

soothing, calming

enema. Very nice


Honey 1 tbs Precede with tw

enema. Dissolve

lemon juice(strain) 1 tbs honey in water and

add lemon. Retain

Water 2 qts 10 to 20 min.

Wine Heat to 105F and

slow administration

wine (white recomm.) Use Equal are the keys.

Qty's Retain indefintely

Water or until totally


Cold water Useful as fever

reduction therapy.

Salt 2 tbs Solution should be

50 to 60F. The

Water 3 qts enema MUST be

given slowly and

retained for enough

time to permit heat


The saline version

is useful

in treating heat

exhaustion or

heat stroke.


Isotonic Enemas

The Salt Water enema (Saline Enema) is just warm water with one

tablespoon of salt to the quart. The salt is to prevent absorption of the

water by the colon. It does this by bringing the salts content of the

solution closely in balance with that of the body fluids. Thus, transfer of

fluids through the colon walls is virtually halted.

The baking soda enema (which can also have salt added as above) has one

or 2 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in each quart of water.

(A) favorite recipie is one teaspoon of salt and one tablespoon

of soda per quart of water.

Soapsuds Enemas

Soaps: Ivory Bar soap works well. Hold the bar above the top of the bag

while the water fills it. For a stronger soapy solution, use a container and

swish the water around to dissolve more soap.

Ivory Liquid dish-washing detergent should be used in very small

amounts, such as one teaspoon per quart. It can be fairly irritating.

Castile Enema soap in premeasured packets. Standard packet is 2/3 Oz of

soap. Instructions on packet usually say something like : Dilute contents of

packet with 1 or 2 quarts of lukewarm water. This is too strong for me, I

use it about half that strength.

Castile Liquid soap (Dr. Bronner's is one brand). Use about 1 teaspoon

for each quart of water. Dr. Bronner's soap is available in plain (green

label), with Peppermint (blue label) and with Eucalyptus Oil (brown label).

***** NEVER use **** the Eucalyptus oil ***** in the bowels, it will cause

a very bad reaction. ******* The Peppermint oil is a cooling additive,

but I prefer the plain Castile soap. If you use any Castile soap, you may

want to finish with a plain water enema to prevent any soap from remaining

in the bowel to cause irritation.

Kirk's Hardwater Castile Soap is a very fast dissolving bar soap. If you

hold it in the running water filling the bag, take the soap away when the

bag is about half filled, or the solution will be too soapy.

Hair Shampoos can be used like soap for enemas. Look at the label, ****


use any **** with formaldehyde.**** Use a small amount, perhaps a teaspoon

per quart or less.

Non-soap: Plain tap water can be used, but be warned that your colon will

absorb quite a bit of the water, which will dilute the blood electrolytes.

Then the various tissues of the body absorb the excess water and swell. Your

brain swells, too, and there isn't any place for it to expand into. This is

called cerebral edema. A few 2 quart plain water enemas won't do any harm,

but if you take large or many enemas, use salt.


Oil Enemas

The Oil Retention enema is an injection of about 4-8 fl. Oz. of mineral

oil, vegetable oil or olive oil. It is held in the colon for 1 hour or more

before a soapy water enema is given. The soapy water enema can be very

strong because the oil will protect the colon from irritation. The oil coats

the lining of the colon, and also softens the bowel contents, making for a

spectacularly powerful evacuation. When the oil is in the colon, do not be

fooled by what feels like the urge to expel gas. If you do so, you will

expel a blast of dirty oil with it, and it will be a mess. If you

absolutely must pass the gas, get into the knee-chest position for one

minute, and then hold a piece of toilet paper over the anus, to prevent the

release of the oil. Do not expel the oil before taking the soapy water

enema. You will need to take at least three soapy enemas to remove all trace

of the oil, or dirty oil will leak out of the anus for about 12 hours.


Coffee Enemas

Coffee enemas have been used in the past for cleansing. The theory is

that the coffee assists the large intestine and liver in getting rid of the

toxic substances that have accumulated there. It does seem to work. They are

still popular among certain US naturopaths, and are widely available outside

the US in specialized clinics.


Exotic Enema Solutions

Beer (usually warm) or wine can be used. It is pretty irritating.

Obviously, you will get drunk. A word of caution. Use any form of alcohol

sparingly. It is absorbed in the intestines much more rapidly than in the

stomach, and once it's in the bloodstream, you can't readily get rid of it.

Also, whenever alcohol and (play) are mixed, there is increased risk of doing

foolish things that compromise... safer practices. Play should be fun,

so do play safely.

Lemon Juice is said to help dissolve fecal masses. Use 1/3 cup real-lemon

per quart, similar to a lemonade recipe. It is also said to dramatically

enhance cramping;....

Epsom Salts (2 tablespoons per quart) can be soothing to the colon.

AIR can be pumped into the colon. An easy way to do this is to disconnect

the hose from the enema bag and insert the nozzle into the anus. Take the

other end of the hose into your mouth and blow. Don't mix air and water. If

you have taken enemas, make sure you get all the water out before you put

the air in. A mixture of water and air in the colon causes terrible cramps.

If this ever happens to you, you may have to expel in the bathtub, where the

flat position makes it easier for the colon to push the water out without

the large air bubbles defeating the peristalsis.

Barium Sulfate is injected into the colon for diagnostic purposes. It

absorbs X-rays, leaving a picture of the shape of the hollow inside of the

colon. Sometimes some of the barium is released and then air (or CO2) is

injected. This double contrast enema leaves barium coating the colon wall,

and gives a clear but ghostly image of the lining of the colon.

Urine... is sometimes used. While you might

catch something from the urine of an unhealthy donor, your own won't hurt

you. You certainly won't contract any disease from it that you don't already

have. In fact, yogis drink their own; and claim great restorative powers

for the practice. No question that the practice would at least let you

exercise your control over your gag reflex.


Mineral Oil Special

I would like to describe a new (for me) enema which I just tried, and I

thought went rather well. I used to...

take a mineral oil enema about an hour before I took a soapy water enema,

and the evacuations were wonderful, but holding 6 Ozs. of oil for an hour

was not the most pleasant way to do it. The writer described a method of

pouring the oil into a colon tube, and then connecting the colon tube to the

bag of soapy water. I improvised with the equipment I had available in the

following manner.

First I slid a standard enema bag-type steel clamp onto the colon tube. I

attached a small funnel to the end of the colon tube. Holding the colon tube

at both ends, and with the clamp open, I slowly poured vegetable oil into

the funnel, slowing down when I guessed that the oil was about to reach the

end you insert into the rectum. When the ...

oil did reach that end, I closed the metal clamp. The few drops of oil that

made it out of the tip of the tube were smeared all over the end of the

tube, and I inserted it into my anus, while lying on my back. I slid it up

as far as it was easy to insert. I then filled the funnel with oil and

raised it, and then opened the clamp. As the oil level dropped, I refilled

the funnel twice. This was a very small funnel, so I probably got about 4

ounces of oil into me.

When the funnel was empty, I clamped the tube, removed the funnel and

attached the tube from an already filled enema bag to the colon tube. I then

opened the clamp and the soapy water rushing in pushed the oil farther up

into my bowel, as I pushed the colon tube farther in.

....., and I held the soapy water and oil in for ten full minutes. As

before, holding the oil for an hour and then getting the soapy water enema,

I had a terrific evacuation that seemed to leave me cleaned out much better

than just a standard soapy water enema. But this method didn't require the

holding of the oil for an hour to get the same great result. After using

the oil, I always take 3 soapy water enemas to get all of the oil out. If I

don't take three soapy enemas I tend to leak oil from the rectum for several

hours, which makes a bit of a mess....

it's a little hard to wait that long, but the results are worth it! I try to

take as much water as possible for (this) enema ....

and make it a little hotter than the ones that went before. This enema

technique also seems to cause less irritation of the anus, which I sometimes

have trouble with, especially when I have to strain to get it all out.

This enema comes out with a gush and no straining....


From ???@??? Fri Sep 22 16:21:55 2000


From: " R. Chilton " <wmrchilt@...>





Message-Id: <l03130305b5f16e608c4c@[]>



Garlic-Epsom Salt Enema:

* Ingredients:

3 cloves of chopped garlic in 2 quarts of water

Simmer for 5 minutes

Add 2 Tbl. Epsom salt

When cool, pour into bag

Add extra water to fill bag and correct temperature

Use warm, not hot water

* Precautions:

Very purging

Use no more than twice during a fast

Coffee Enema:

* Ingredients:

Regular ground coffee, not instant

4 Tbl. coffee to 2 quarts of hot water

Brew in coffee maker/pot

When cool, pour into bag

* Clinical Indications:




Irritable bowel syndrome


Rheumatoid arthritis


Chronic constipation

Liver ailments

Past or present drug abuse

Salt and Soda Enema:

* Ingredients:

1 Tbl. sea salt

1 Tbl. baking soda

2 quarts water

Mae West Enema:

* Ingredients:

To the coffee enema, add:

1 Tbl. sea salt

1 Tbl. baking soda

Add enough water to coffee enema to make 2 quarts

Wheat Grass Enema:

* Ingredients:

1-2 oz. fresh wheat grass juice

2 quarts water

Can substitute green juice or chlorophyll for wheat grass

Lactobacillis Acidophilus Enema:

* Ingredients:

2 Tbl. yogurt or

4 - 5 caps dry acidophilus or

1/8 tsp. powdered acidophilus

2 quarts water

* Clinical Indications:



Crohn's disease

Irritable bowel syndrome

Ulcerative colitis

Do not use yogurt if dairy allergy

Last day of fast

Vinegar Enema:

* Ingredients:

2 Tbl. white vinegar

2 quarts warm water


* Fill enema bag

* Hook about 4 feet above floor (on towel rack)

* Knee-chest position with chest against floor and rectum higher than


* Insert nozzle tip into rectum, using lubricant if needed

* Empty water into rectum, and hold inside rectum as much as possible

* Massage abdomen in counter-clockwise direction

* When bag is empty or no more fluid can be held, remove tip

* Lie on each side for 5 minutes, while massaging abdomen

* Discard contents of rectum into toilet

* Repeat until bag is empty

Copyright 1998 - 2000 by Natural Medical Solutions. All rights reserved

(ISSN 1527-0661).

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