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Re: New To List/Introduction

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For hemorrhoids, I have found the best thing to do is to insert a clove of fresh garlic into the rectum. I peel the skin off and insert it just like a suppository. It then stays until the next BM, when I reinsert another one. I found this helped after my third child gave me such terrible hemorrhoids while being pregnant with her. I have told this method to many other people with hemorrhoid problems and have not found one that it doesn't work for. My father-in-law had horrible ones to the point of having to take the day off work because he couldn't walk. It took a few days for him to get relief, but now he no longer has to take time off work.

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

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Did you try red potatoes cut into suppositories after every bowel movement then? This has been known to be helpful too.

KarmaMy web site address: http://loaves-n-fishes.com

Re: New To List/Introduction

In a message dated 08/11/2000 1:43:31 PM Central Daylight Time, Aquarius@... writes:<< For hemorrhoids, I have found the best thing to do is to insert a> clove of fresh garlic into the rectum. I peel the skin off and insert> it just like a suppository. >>______________________________I did this and it did not help any. I finally had to go to the doctor for suppositories which I felt was defeating my cleansing somewhat.I know it is a cleansing reaction in itself but do not know what to do about it.Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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> This is auch a delicate subject but .....do any of you get hemorrhoids

> while cleansing and if so, WHAT do you do? I am never constipated

> but this crops up while cleansing!!

I only seem to have problems right after a liver cleanse, when using the

Magnesium citrate to whoosh stuff out of there. I am quite sore by the time

of the last dose, but it seems to go away right quick. I have never done

anything specific for it, but maybe I will try the garlic clove next time!

Sorry I couldn't be of more help--


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By any chance does this help with the pain, and help in the reduction of the size of the hemorrhoid too?


Re: New To List/Introduction

For hemorrhoids, I have found the best thing to do is to insert a clove of fresh garlic into the rectum. I peel the skin off and insert it just like a suppository. It then stays until the next BM, when I reinsert another one. I found this helped after my third child gave me such terrible hemorrhoids while being pregnant with her. I have told this method to many other people with hemorrhoid problems and have not found one that it doesn't work for. My father-in-law had horrible ones to the point of having to take the day off work because he couldn't walk. It took a few days for him to get relief, but now he no longer has to take time off work.

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.comSubscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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Yes, it does. It did for me anyway. I had horribly painful ones after the birth of my third child. I used the garlic clove at the suggestion of my chiropractor and it gave me almost instant relief. The hemorrhoid also shrunk.

An interesting thing happened when I did this, which is what caused me to look into colon health in the first place. Almost immediately upon placing the garlic clove into my rectum, I got a very distinct taste of fresh garlic in my mouth! That got me to thinking about bad breath, and colon health.

KarmaMy web site address: http://loaves-n-fishes.com

Re: New To List/Introduction

For hemorrhoids, I have found the best thing to do is to insert a clove of fresh garlic into the rectum. I peel the skin off and insert it just like a suppository. It then stays until the next BM, when I reinsert another one. I found this helped after my third child gave me such terrible hemorrhoids while being pregnant with her. I have told this method to many other people with hemorrhoid problems and have not found one that it doesn't work for. My father-in-law had horrible ones to the point of having to take the day off work because he couldn't walk. It took a few days for him to get relief, but now he no longer has to take time off work.

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.comSubscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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In a message dated 08/11/2000 10:31:27 PM Central Daylight Time,

Da_@... writes:

<< By any chance does this help with the pain, and help in the reduction of

the size of the hemorrhoid too?


Da_@... >>

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

The only time I am bothered with this problem is when I cleanse and

the garlic hasn't helped but will try the horse chestnut next time.


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"The Seven Day Detox Miracle" has some great info about what supplements to take and why. I highly recommend this book. At a bare minimum it recommends Vit. C, Milk Thistle and Charcoal for just the reasons you mentioned, but it also recommends several other supplements that can aid the various detox pathways.


Re: New To List/Introduction

Just a cautionary note to those who might be contemplating a water fast.Pay attention to supporting the detoxification pathways via the liverknown as "phase 1" and "phase 2" or activation and conjugation. During afast, many toxins can be released and if not properly handled can causemore damage than if they were to remain bound in fat tissue which is acommon toxin repository . I would take supplements to support the liverdetox pathway and also take plenty of antioxidants.Dennisejohns9525@... wrote:> > In a message dated 08/11/2000 11:12:50 AM Central Daylight Time,> karma@... writes:> > << Yes,> I have done the distilled water with fresh lemon for 15 days before. I> don't remember going longer than that before. Went through the symptoms> described too.> > Karma> >>> & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & > Karma,> Just plain water and lemon? no sweetener or anything else?> Like a fast?> Ej> > > > Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups>

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Reminds me of my own home remedy for mild vaginal yeast infections. A little toothpaste. It burns for about 30 sec., but it relieves the itching completely and if used at the first hint of a problem it will cure the yeast infection. I don't have trouble anymore, but when I was on the Pill many, many years ago it brought quick relief many times. This was back before you could get yeast meds without a prescription. I've made lots of changes in my lifestyle and don't have trouble anymore, thankfully. Just wanted you to know I can relate to the new dance steps, LOL!


Re: New To List/Introduction

Karma wrote:> For hemorrhoids, I have found the best thing to do is to insert a> clove of fresh garlic into the rectum. I peel the skin off and insert> it just like a suppository. It then stays until the next BM, when I> reinsert another one. I found this helped after my third child gave> me such terrible hemorrhoids while being pregnant with her. I have> told this method to many other people with hemorrhoid problems and> have not found one that it doesn't work for. My father-in-law had> horrible ones to the point of having to take the day off work because> he couldn't walk. It took a few days for him to get relief, but now> he no longer has to take time off work. Karma>> This may be hard to believe, but I find that Vicks Vaporub works for> me. I use only a tiny bit, after washing the area, and it sort of> burns (a little) and feels cold at the same time. If anyone tries it,> be very cautious about the amount the first time as the sensations> will be more intense then and you may invent a few new dance steps.>> AqSubscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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