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Re: New To List/Introduction

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I am saying that the zapper and black box is where to start, andfrom there

get your herb products I have a zapper and i love it. It makes me feel real

good with lots of energy. I have also use the spunik pill and i feel it is

the best parasite program. I got thru 2 treatments and boy did i see strange

things inmy bowels. I have ordered me another pill.


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Connie, You are saying that the zapper and/or black box will do what

all the expensive parasite cleanse programs do? These will kill

parasites throughout the body, not just digestive system?



On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:44:27 EDT rejoice1198@... writes:

> Ricky,

> Try a zapper and a black box which is a blood cleaner. You can

> built

> your own. The directions are on the web.

> Connie




> Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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Connie, Also, will the parasites killed this way be eliminated through

digestive system, as with taking supplements?

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 13:50:29 -0500 pgr tx <lagniappe5@...> writes:

> Connie, You are saying that the zapper and/or black box will do

> what

> all the expensive parasite cleanse programs do? These will kill

> parasites throughout the body, not just digestive system?

> thanks,

> Pam



> On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:44:27 EDT rejoice1198@... writes:

> > Ricky,

> > Try a zapper and a black box which is a blood cleaner. You

> can

> > built

> > your own. The directions are on the web.

> > Connie

> >

> >


> >

> > Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

> >

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Hi Ricky,

It does get confusing with all the talk about detoxing and cleansing and the

many different ways to do it all, doesn't it?

It sounds like you have alot to deal with in your family.

The cancer is an immune system problem, and can be treated naturally several

different ways, but I found the most references to this in terms of healing

is an abundance of fresh fruits, veggies, and coffee enemas. You should

check out the Gerson organization at www.gerson.org

Alzheimer's is most probably related to heavy metal toxicity--things like

aluminum, mercury, copper, nickel, etc. Parasites are bound in the presence

of heavy metals--that is, the metals allow them to find a sheltered spot and


Detoxing heavy metals takes some big guns, too.

My suggestion is to take this slow and learn all that you can about it.

There is much information on the web, and if money is a consideration, then

start with the cheapest therapies first. The most expensive aren't

necessarily the best.

Pumpkin seeds are relatively cheap, and certainly can't harm you.

I would also suggest a cleansing fast--definately a cheap way to go! No

food needed there. I myself have done about a dozen fasts, ranging in

length from 1 day to 10 days, with the majority of them being about 7 days.

These have been very effective in regaining health. However, I am not so

sure it would be recommended for your sister with cancer. She needs to

fight her cancer with lots and lots of superior nutrients found in fresh

produce, and if she can juice her fruits and veggies, that's all the better.

The black walnut, wormwood and clove tincture may be your next least

expensive option to remove parasites.

You have to remember that parasites can come back, as they are in our food

supply and you may never be fully rid of them, though you can definately

keep them at bay.

I know this hasn't been fully targeted to your question, but I still hope

you find it helpful.


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> Connie, You are saying that the zapper and/or black box will do what

> all the expensive parasite cleanse programs do? These will kill

> parasites throughout the body, not just digestive system?

> thanks,

I have used a home made zapper and did not see any results with it.


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Patty, Thank you for this info, you seem to have lots of experience,

can you tell us what methods have worked the best for you?


On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 12:08:10 -0700 " Patty " <faussettdp@...> writes:

> > Connie, You are saying that the zapper and/or black box will do

> what

> > all the expensive parasite cleanse programs do? These will

> kill

> > parasites throughout the body, not just digestive system?

> > thanks,


> I have used a home made zapper and did not see any results with it.

> Patty






> Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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Hi Ricky,

Welcome to the group. My name is Karma. I am a 39 year old mother of 4. I went through a similar experience about a month and a half ago, so, I can totally relate to your horror and confusion. I was actually doing a colon cleanse to help myself past a sugar addiction to lose weight. Three days into my colon cleanse it was brought to my attention by someone that parasites could be causing my sugar addiction problems and weight problems. I then did what you did and researched the net. I was horrified to find that they could be anywhere in my body. I then went to my favorite health book to find out how to kill the parasites. My favorite book on this is called "Own Your Own Body" by Dr. Stan Malstrom N.D., M.T. I have included a lot of information from Dr. Malstrom book. I did this because this is where I got my idea for what to do. I read what he said to do and kind of adapted it to my colon cleanse. (I was doing the Sonne's brand 7 day cleanse that can be bought from the local health food store.) I had been on the cleanse for three days, so I figured that I had already fasted. I then drank a cup of apple juice straight, then added some to my apple juice as part of my bentonite/psyllium mixture. Then about 30 minutes later, I took my black walnut tincture or capsules depending on which I had available. This I did at least 4 times a day, sometimes 5. The day after I did this, I passed at least 5 toilet bowls full of worms and other thingies! It was disgusting! I kept passing them for about two weeks following that. I then found out that what I did was probably kill only the parasites living in my lower bowel. I figured that if they were living there and I didn't know it, then they were probably living else where in me. I found out that the Awareness Corp. products claim to kill parasites living anywhere the blood goes in the body, so, I became a distributor to get the products cheaper. It costs $8.95 to become one and you get an instant 15% off. I have been on them for several weeks. Since being on them I have passed several tape worms and some things that I am sure were flukes. I don't really know if it was the Awareness products or the overkill that I did with the blackwalnut tincture garlic enemas that killed them.

This is what I read in my Herb book that helped me plan how to kill the parasites in my body. I had been on the Sonne's cleanse for 3 days, so on day 4 I took the black walnut tincture or capsules at least 4 times a day. Sometimes 5 times a day. I did this for 3 or 4 days.

According to Dr. Malstrom:

Pg. 132, then on pg. 139-140


Distilled water, or distilled water and lemon juice, is an effective fast for general cleansing of toxins from the body, or for preparation for this removal.

Mix one quart of distilled water and four ounces of lemon juice. Drink four ounces every hour on the hour. On the half hour, drink one cup of distilled water, so that some liquid is being taken every half hour. After the lemon juice mixture is gone, water may be taken on the hour. Beginning with distilled water help to break up mineral deposits within the body, helping to put the body into a cleansing situation. This fast also helps break up excess protein deposits in the system, excess protein being probably one of the worst causes of degenerative disease.

After five to seven days on this fast, a specific vegetable juice fast is suggested. Carrot juice is fine, or mixed beet, carrot and celery; these supply potassium and other elements. A vegetable juice fast may be used for five days, and if it is well tolerated, a fruit juice fast may be begun--apple juice or grape juice, grape being preferable--for five to seven days. The apple juice fast will help with weight loss and will help to soften up deposits of calcium, whether in the joints or in the form of stones in the system. Most people can tolerate fruit juice fasts; however, some hypoglycemic, depressives or schizophrenics cannot tolerate that much sugar. In cases of this type, it may be necessary to drop back to vegetable juices, which do the job more slowly.

What to expect

Fasting can be upsetting if one does not know what to expect. Hunger will be strong at first, then irritation and sensitivity as the toxins begin to move in the system. food withdrawal, especially withdrawal from meat, sugar, or chocolate, can be as difficult as drug withdrawal. In fact, sometimes it is more difficult, so these symptoms are to be expected. There will be periods of extreme weakness, lasting perhaps from 24 to 48 hours, because the body is being poisoned in the process of expelling these toxins, and the entire system is being weakened. The lack of food is not causing the weakness. The cause is the toxins being expelled by the body and their re-absorption in the colon. AT this time enemas are extremely important to speed the toxins and debris through the system as rapidly as possible, and to keep symptoms at a minimum. Massage is also very helpful at this point to help break up and empty the pockets of toxins in the intestines.

Severe hunger sensation may be experienced for the first few days, which usually leave after three days, or at the most a week. While on water and juices, about seven or eight days into the fast, a period of well-being is experienced, lasting for a period of a few days. Then the body will go into another cleanse. At about 12-14 days, the body will go into a very heavy cleanse, and all kinds of debris will be expelled from the body that seems impossible, in light of the amount of food ingested. Then another period of well being is experienced, with more energy than before. It is important to be careful at these times not to overextend; light tasks may be performed, but it is important to get plenty of rest both at night and during the day. A little exercise will help to keep things moving.

At about 20-21 days, another period of well being may be experienced, accompanied by great energy; but again, one must be careful not to overdo. Around 25-30 days, another cleanse will occur, with still more matter being dumped from the system. Again, enemas are very important. Again will come a period of weakness, and some periods of depression. At this point it is important to get plenty of water and fruit juices. Toxins are being eliminated from the cells. The body seems to go into cycles, eliminating periodically from the cells, then lapsing into health, then eliminating again. During elimination, feelings of depression, rejection, and persecution are common. After this period of a few days, another period of feeling good occurs, with strong energy. Most people will have broken their fast by this time. Any time after 20 days, felt hunger--true hunger--is a signal that it is time to break the fast. Most people can go for a period of 40 days without getting to this starvation point, as long as they have plenty of water.

......When a person begins to lose weight, many different types of drugs stored in the fatty tissues of the body begin to be expelled into the system. Symptoms are observable then, and care must be taken not to eliminate too fast. In case of severe symptoms, one should break the fast, using extreme care, and continue it at another time.

.....Parasites: After a few day's cleansing fast for parasites, honey water or some fruit juice may be taken, followed in about 20 or 30 minutes with a cup of wormwood or black walnut tea. Parasites will begin to be expelled. The parasites have a tendency to come out of the folds and pockets of the intestines, attracted by the sweetness of the honey or juices, into the middle of the colon or intestine. The wormwood or black walnut or Pumpkin seeds, senna will wipe them out almost immediately.

To rid children of parasites, put them on a juice fast for three or four days, then give them raisins that have been soaked in senna or black walnut tea. If the child is too young for juice fasting, use the raisins alone. The parasites will be attracted to the raisins, the bait, tend will eat the wormwood or the senna. Senna is good because its flavor does not overwhelm the flavor of the raisins. Dry the raisins first so that they will absorb as much of the tea as possible. The more they absorb, the greater the effectiveness of the remedy.

Various herbal combinations may be used for expelling parasites, combinations which include senna, wormwood, black walnut and sage. Lemon bark or chaparral will help expel parasites, but the single herbs seem to afford more control.

This treatment should be repeated about every ten days, three to six times, to make sure al the eggs and the re-hatched parasites are gone. Parasites are dormant and very resistant tot treatment, so it is necessary to treat for the hatched parasites as well.

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

New To List/Introduction

Good afternoon list:My name is Ricky , and I am new to this list just as of about 10 minutes ago. I am a male of age 45, and reside in Dayton, Ohio, and I am researching the best method of eliminating parasites from the human body. I am doing this research for not only for myself, but also for my sister barbara (has Multiple Myeloma Cancer/age 40), and for my Mother Frances (has alztheimers, spelling?/age 73). The 3 of us have never been diagnosed with a parasite problem, but I was recently mailed a cassette tape from my chiroprator, which was an hour long discussion on how virtually everyone has some form of parasite. After listening to the tape, I got the heeby-geebies. The tape spoke of worms in our eyeballs, in our brain, and such. As an ignorant person on this, I just assumed that parasites in regards to humans were external (lice/leeches), or intestional. This started me thinking that I should look into this subject further. Well after the tape, searching web sites, visiting Health!!Food stores, and reading what I could find; I am now more confused than ever. The informational tape was sent to me by my chiroprator because she is a distributor of a "purge" (3 product) system and the tape was basically an audio infomercial. The product she sells is very expensive, and am unable to afford those 3 products for the 3 of us. Our funds are low now due to medical bills, related to the cancer of my sister, and the AD my Mom has. I have read of pumpkin seeds, and coffee enemas, and a host of other remedies. Does anyone educated in this field be able to respond to me, and suggest a product or procedure that we can enlist to rid our bodies of parasites "THROUGHOUT" our bodies. I'm starting to get the creeps thinking of all these nasty creatures sucking on my insides, crawling around in my brain laying eggs, and others curled up in my eyeballs. This sounds like an alien invasion film I saw recently. Any help that I could get, or any direction to pursue would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of stool sample testing for us, but then I read a report where parasite stool/blood tests, were not reliable, and could only spot a minimal amount of the thousands of parasites which are possible to attack our internal bodies. I have also seen a book on the market, that claims that ALL cancers are the result of parasite infection. That sound unrealistic, but what do I know. Thank you for listening, and I hope to hear from you soon. I'll now go and see how to use this e-list.Thanx againRicky Dayton, OHcrackinthesky@...Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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I don't recall where the site is for the instructions on making your own but researchers can buy an almost put together unit from Action Electronics. They have been selling the one endorsed by Dr. Beck for years. The site is underconstruction now, so I don't know what they're adding to be reworking the pages.


Re: New To List/Introduction

can you pleae post the site for the instructions?Ruth in Western Canadarejoice1198@... wrote:> Ricky,> Try a zapper and a black box which is a blood cleaner. You can built> your own. The directions are on the web.> Connie>> >> Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups>

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In a message dated 08/10/2000 2:18:15 PM Central Daylight Time,

karma@... writes:

<< A vegetable juice fast may be used for five days, and if it is well

tolerated, a fruit juice fast may be begun--apple juice or grape juice, grape

being preferable--for five to seven days. >>

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

Have you done a fruit juice fast for over 3 days? I would think it too

cleansing, causing problems.


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In a message dated 08/10/2000 2:18:15 PM Central Daylight Time,

karma@... writes:

<< Mix one quart of distilled water and four ounces of lemon juice. Drink

four ounces every hour on the hour. On the half hour, drink one cup of

distilled water, so that some liquid is being taken every half hour. After

the lemon juice mixture is gone, water may be taken on the hour. Beginning

with distilled water help to break up mineral deposits within the body,

helping to put the body into a cleansing situation. This fast also helps

break up excess protein deposits in the system, excess protein being probably

one of the worst causes of degenerative disease. >>


I have heard of these by Dr. Carey Reams....have you personally tried this

lemon thing for any length of time?


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Where is the directions on the web?

Re: New To List/Introduction

> Connie, You are saying that the zapper and/or black box will do what

> all the expensive parasite cleanse programs do? These will kill

> parasites throughout the body, not just digestive system?

> thanks,

> Pam



> On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:44:27 EDT rejoice1198@... writes:

> > Ricky,

> > Try a zapper and a black box which is a blood cleaner. You can

> > built

> > your own. The directions are on the web.

> > Connie

> >

> >


> >

> > Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

> >

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When I try to get the page on building a zapper, it says page not found,

possibly misspelled. can you try to send it again?

Re: New To List/Introduction

> <A HREF= " http://www.hollynearby.com/zapper.html " >Builing a zapper</A>


> is a address on how to built the zapper. I will have to look up the beck

> black box but it is on the web because i have seen it.




> Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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In a message dated 08/11/2000 11:12:50 AM Central Daylight Time,

karma@... writes:

<< Yes,

I have done the distilled water with fresh lemon for 15 days before. I

don't remember going longer than that before. Went through the symptoms

described too.



& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &


Just plain water and lemon? no sweetener or anything else?

Like a fast?


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I too have done many cleanses with all of the things you have mentioned.

I have passed a long tube like a sausage caseing and ropey like

things, but no mucoid plaque.

I have fasted and juiced and had such healing crisses that once my

legs drew up and I could not walk for several hours. Other times I have


up and had such headaches I thought I would die. I did not know about

coffee enemas then.....they really help.

I now am using the colon cleanser my ND has put togather. It also

works in getting rid of parasites. Am also juicing, taking lots of green

phyto foods. Started to feel very bad and have headaches. My dad as

been staying with us for 3 weeks and don't want to feel bad while he is

here so have backed off until he leaves next Wed.

This is auch a delicate subject but .....do any of you get hemorrhoids

while cleansing and if so, WHAT do you do? I am never constipated

but this crops up while cleansing!!

In a message dated 08/11/2000 12:23:42 PM Central Daylight Time,

faussettdp@... writes:

<< found the most significant results from the fasting experiences. However,

these were mentally very challenging, as they were water only, and I

experienced rashes and other evidences of intoxication coming out. The

fasting was done in conjunction with sea salt water flushes, colonics and

enemas, including coffee enemas. However, I did not lose the mucoid plaque

with these experiences. Overall, it was very, very effective in allow

for deep internal cleansing.

I have used products such as bentonite clay, psyllium seed husks, Herbal

Fiberblend, Barleygreen, have done much in the way of juicing (and believe

it is the best way for us to obtain the large amounts of oxygen containing

nutrients and enzymes that our bodies need to effectively fight disease.),

raw garlic cloves, sauerkraut, pumpkin seeds and eating as naturally as

possible. >>

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In a message dated 08/11/2000 1:43:31 PM Central Daylight Time,

Aquarius@... writes:

<< For hemorrhoids, I have found the best thing to do is to insert a

> clove of fresh garlic into the rectum. I peel the skin off and insert

> it just like a suppository. >>


I did this and it did not help any. I finally had to go to the doctor for

suppositories which I felt was defeating my cleansing somewhat.

I know it is a cleansing reaction in itself but do not know what to do about


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Patty, Thank you for this info, you seem to have lots of experience,

> can you tell us what methods have worked the best for you?

> Pam

I have done many different detox methods over the past 2 and a half years. I

have approached it from many different angles, ranging from total body

cleansing (through many fasts ranging from 5 to 10 days), to specific organ

cleansing (liver flushes, kidney cleanses, coffee enemas ).

I found the most significant results from the fasting experiences. However,

these were mentally very challenging, as they were water only, and I

experienced rashes and other evidences of intoxication coming out. The

fasting was done in conjunction with sea salt water flushes, colonics and

enemas, including coffee enemas. However, I did not lose the mucoid plaque

with these experiences. Overall, it was very, very effective in allowing

for deep internal cleansing.

I have used products such as bentonite clay, psyllium seed husks, Herbal

Fiberblend, Barleygreen, have done much in the way of juicing (and believe

it is the best way for us to obtain the large amounts of oxygen containing

nutrients and enzymes that our bodies need to effectively fight disease.),

raw garlic cloves, sauerkraut, pumpkin seeds and eating as naturally as


I have also been tested and was found high in heavy metals, such as mercury

and arsenic. Therefore, I did detoxification of these things with chelation


I have read Hulda 's book and have done the kidney cleanse and liver

cleanses. These were also very effective. However, the zapper that we

constructed using the directions found in her book was practically useless.

Neither I nor my husband noticed any effect whatsoever using it. Since

then, I have heard others mention this also. Apparently, some find it


My concern over parasites led me to just go to Mexico and get the

anti-parasitic drug " Flagyl " where it is, of course, available over the

counter. However, my preferred method of treatment is all natural! I would

only suggest Flagyl as a last resort, and in hind sight, wish I would have

not used it. I did not feel good taking it.

I am so interested in hearing of all your results using these products, as I

have not bought either the Arise and Shine, Awareness, or Paragone. I do

have the blackwalnut/cloves/wormwood tincture. I tend to skip the MLM type

products, which can be extremely expensive, and I always have questioned the

motives behind those selling them. (unfortunately, that is the way it has


Keep the good info coming!


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I have done distilled water with lemon juice for more than three days. I have also done freshly juiced apples for longer than three days. No problems that I noticed. Just felt lighter and cleaner.

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

Re: New To List/Introduction

In a message dated 08/10/2000 2:18:15 PM Central Daylight Time, karma@... writes:<< A vegetable juice fast may be used for five days, and if it is well tolerated, a fruit juice fast may be begun--apple juice or grape juice, grape being preferable--for five to seven days. >> & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Have you done a fruit juice fast for over 3 days? I would think it toocleansing, causing problems. ejSubscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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I have done the distilled water with fresh lemon for 15 days before. I don't remember going longer than that before. Went through the symptoms described too.

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

Re: New To List/Introduction

In a message dated 08/10/2000 2:18:15 PM Central Daylight Time, karma@... writes:<< Mix one quart of distilled water and four ounces of lemon juice. Drink four ounces every hour on the hour. On the half hour, drink one cup of distilled water, so that some liquid is being taken every half hour. After the lemon juice mixture is gone, water may be taken on the hour. Beginning with distilled water help to break up mineral deposits within the body, helping to put the body into a cleansing situation. This fast also helps break up excess protein deposits in the system, excess protein being probably one of the worst causes of degenerative disease. >>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I have heard of these by Dr. Carey Reams....have you personally tried thislemon thing for any length of time?ejSubscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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Just a cautionary note to those who might be contemplating a water fast.

Pay attention to supporting the detoxification pathways via the liver

known as " phase 1 " and " phase 2 " or activation and conjugation. During a

fast, many toxins can be released and if not properly handled can cause

more damage than if they were to remain bound in fat tissue which is a

common toxin repository . I would take supplements to support the liver

detox pathway and also take plenty of antioxidants.


ejohns9525@... wrote:


> In a message dated 08/11/2000 11:12:50 AM Central Daylight Time,

> karma@... writes:


> << Yes,

> I have done the distilled water with fresh lemon for 15 days before. I

> don't remember going longer than that before. Went through the symptoms

> described too.


> Karma

> >>

> & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

> Karma,

> Just plain water and lemon? no sweetener or anything else?

> Like a fast?

> Ej




> Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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Karma wrote:

> For hemorrhoids, I have found the best thing to do is to insert a

> clove of fresh garlic into the rectum. I peel the skin off and insert

> it just like a suppository. It then stays until the next BM, when I

> reinsert another one. I found this helped after my third child gave

> me such terrible hemorrhoids while being pregnant with her. I have

> told this method to many other people with hemorrhoid problems and

> have not found one that it doesn't work for. My father-in-law had

> horrible ones to the point of having to take the day off work because

> he couldn't walk. It took a few days for him to get relief, but now

> he no longer has to take time off work. Karma


> This may be hard to believe, but I find that Vicks Vaporub works for

> me. I use only a tiny bit, after washing the area, and it sort of

> burns (a little) and feels cold at the same time. If anyone tries it,

> be very cautious about the amount the first time as the sensations

> will be more intense then and you may invent a few new dance steps.


> Aq

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Hi Patty,

It sounds like you have tried a lot of things. I appreciate your experiences too. I have done many different types of cleanses too. Just recently I discovered the parasite information and did the black walnut tincture and capsules to kill them. I had done many different colon cleanses, but after coming off the colon cleanse, I was still constipated. In reading the parasite information, I found that they would come back pretty quickly if I didn't deal with the constipation problem.

I usually stay away from the MLM products too, because I sell many brands in my store, including many different parasite cleanses, not the Paragon. I am looking into carrying that. The product that most closely matches the ingredients suggested by people on the list is the Healthy Habits Brand, it contains a combination of Green Hull Black Walnut, Cloves, Pumpkin Seed, Gentian Root, Hyssop, Black Seed, Cramp Bark, Peppermint Leaf, thyme Leaf, Fennel, Flax Seed, Grapefruit Seed, MSM and Vitamin C.

I decided to try the Awareness products because of the testimonials, I also don't like that they are an MLM company. The fortunate side of that is that it only costs $8.95 to get a 15% discount on your first purchase. I am liking the way the product called Experience is working for my constipation problem. I am finding that it works just like they said it would. I needed quite a bit of it in the beginning to get my bowels moving the way they say they should. They say that your bowels should move for every meal you eat, one meal in, one meal out. I am now finding that I am able to cut back on this product and my bowels are moving like they should be. They say that because this product is not a laxative and it is a natural herbal combination, that a person will be able to use less and less of the product instead of more and more of it. You said you were interested in hearing how other people were doing on them.

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

I am so interested in hearing of all your results using these products, as Ihave not bought either the Arise and Shine, Awareness, or Paragone. I dohave the blackwalnut/cloves/wormwood tincture. I tend to skip the MLM typeproducts, which can be extremely expensive, and I always have questioned themotives behind those selling them. (unfortunately, that is the way it hasevolved....)

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