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Raw Egg Drink

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Emma wrote:


> Bee,> I noticed one of your posts to another member mentioned that

the raw > egg drink has enough nutrients to be consumed as your only

food 3 > times a day. Would it also have enough calories? (I am very

> underweight and incredibly sick and nauseas and have multiple food

> intolerances). I see you mentioned that using this drink 3 times a

> day, was how you knocked out your candida second time round. Did


> eat anything else? How was your energy? Is it easy to digest?

==>Actually some days I had the drink 4 times, and I'm not sure how

many calories it contains but I was having about 8-9 tablespoons each

of coconut oil and butter per day which provides lots of energy, in

addition to lots of egg. Good fats are the very best source of

energy. Weight is the least of your problems at the moment Emma.

Get the nutrients you need first and worry about weight later on when

you feel better. I lost a lot of weight last year too, but now I'm

back up to my fat sassy self. lol! When you don't know what to eat

have the raw egg drink. Sorry I'm short on time this morning.

==>Note: I do not recommend ThreeLac - see the article in the files.

The best to you,


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Kellie wrote:


> Hi Emma,

> I am a fellow Australian who seems to have very similar symptoms to

you. I am also underweight (have lost more than 30 kg), constantly

nauseaous (can barely eat anything, I think I have about 9 individual

food items that I CAN eat) and am at my wits end for local support.

Pehaps we can help each other, I am in victoria but have done a load of

research. Look forward to talking with you.

==>Hi Kellie. Welcome to our group! That's wonderful you and Emma can

support each other. I could only eat 9 foods in the whole world for

awhile on the candida program - in fact I was losing 3 lbs. a day

before I got it turned around. You can read my story in the files -

Bee's Personal Candida Story.

The best to you,


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Hi Emma,

I can be emailed at bkellied@...

Look Forward to hearing from you


[ ] Re: Raw egg drink

Dear Kellie,

It's so isolating isn't it??? I'm in NSW and would love your

support. Would you give me your email address? Can I ask what foods

you can eat? Everything gives me trouble... I'm downright scared. :-(

I'm on a nutritional formula right now, but it's very sweet. I don't

know what to do...

Love, Emma

> >

> > Hi Emma,

> > I am a fellow Australian who seems to have very similar symptoms


> you. I am also underweight (have lost more than 30 kg),


> nauseaous (can barely eat anything, I think I have about 9


> food items that I CAN eat) and am at my wits end for local


> Pehaps we can help each other, I am in victoria but have done a

load of

> research. Look forward to talking with you.


> ==>Hi Kellie. Welcome to our group! That's wonderful you and Emma


> support each other. I could only eat 9 foods in the whole world


> awhile on the candida program - in fact I was losing 3 lbs. a day

> before I got it turned around. You can read my story in the

files -

> Bee's Personal Candida Story.


> The best to you,

> Bee


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  • 3 weeks later...

> Question: Why does the egg drink or any eggs, cooked or raw, cause

me to be

> so tired & sleepy? Is it allergies?

Probably. Like you, I usually get sleepy after meals (probably

because I have so many allergies), but egg allergy is one of my worst

sensitivities. I once had my egg allergy treated with NAET; it didn't

work. When I resume eating eggs, I had a harder time staying awake at

work. I would pass out around 7 pm after I got home, wake up at

midnight, and then not be able to get to sleep again until dawn. I

also felt very weak and spaced out. Weird times. After I started

avoiding eggs again, the problems stopped.



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It's probably the butter. Butter makes me sleepy.


On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 10:04:44 -0800, " Caroline Pollak " <MamaMaha@...>


>The egg drink still makes me very tired & sleepy so I can't function well

>after drinking it in the mornng. It's better at night to help me sleep. But

>then I can't drink it near bedtime either if I'm to not be having foods 3

>hours before I try to go to sleep because of the GERD/reflux/heartburn

>factor I'm still experiencing.

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Caroline --

I can think of three different reasons why a person in a group like this one

would get sleepier after eating. Aside from the regular " I ate too much "

business, I mean.


...... If true, an egg eaten by itself, with nothing added, would cause the same

reaction every time. Any egg, regardless of the farm it came from, and

regardless of whether it's certified organic or not.

Anti-fungal taken in/with food.

...... Is the sleepiness really just due to the candida-fighting properties of

the coconut oil? You know, the flu-like symptoms of the Herxheimer Reaction?

Blood sugar has dropped.

...... I mention this one because I'm hypoglycemic -- if I eat nothing but

protein first in a meal -- or if the protein count is higher than I can stand in

relation to the carb count -- my blood sugar will continue to drop. Perhaps you

can test this theory on yourself, and eat some other kind of all-protein food

sometime, and see if you get really sleepy afterward just as what happens when

you eat nothing but eggs?

The butter and/or coconut oil, too -- have you tried taking either of them by

themselves sometime, to see if you get that same sleepiness reaction?

Hope this helps.





[ ] Raw Egg Drink

Question: Why does the egg drink or any eggs, cooked or raw, cause me to be

so tired & sleepy? Is it allergies? Or the coconut oil & /or butter I have

with them that is causing it? I've tried eggs without the fats & still get

the same reaction tho.


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  • 4 months later...
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I was looking at the recipe for the raw egg drink which calls for 3 raw

large whole eggs. Then I remembered that on the Food List for Candida

it says, " Raw egg yolks are unlimited, but only have 1 raw egg white

per day. (It contains enzymes that block protein digestion). Help me

out here, I am confused by the two different statements.


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Faith wrote:


> I was looking at the recipe for the raw egg drink which calls for 3


> large whole eggs. Then I remembered that on the Food List for Candida

> it says, " Raw egg yolks are unlimited, but only have 1 raw egg white

> per day. (It contains enzymes that block protein digestion). Help me

> out here, I am confused by the two different statements.

==>The reason for the two different statements is because I've waffled

about whether having all whole raw eggs is okay. An Orthmolecular

Physician I know thinks there is no problem at all having whole raw

eggs, but Sally Fallon writes that there are enzymes in egg whites that

block protein digestion. I've tended to believe the OP so I always

have all whole raw eggs. Did our ancestors or do animals worry about

stopping to remove egg whites? I don't think so. Dr. Mercola has even

changed his thinking about raw egg whites so I think they are okay.

You can do a search and find his most recent article on it at



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Hi Faith:

I just tried the raw egg drink for the first time last night and

really liked it. I've been thinking about the conflict about raw vs.

cooked egg whites and their digestibility. It seems that this drink

is not purely raw as it is made with boiling water. The eggs are

basically cooked in the blender. At least that's how I made it and it

worked well. It was reminiscent of Mexican hot cocoa (but without the

cocoa of course).


> Raw egg yolks are unlimited, but only have 1 raw egg white

> per day. (It contains enzymes that block protein digestion). Help me

> out here, I am confused by the two different statements.


> Faith


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I can't drink it hot and I l ike to leave my blender in the fridge over night

and reblend in the morning. Try it cold next time. It is very filling and the

coconut oil doesn't separate when I use butter.

Jeanne otn

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I was wondering how this drink would do cold. So if you make it the night

before and put it in the fridge, it's good the next morning?

***** I love it cold. I put a little nutmeg in mine or sometimes cinnamon and

stevia. The butter keeps the coconut oil from separating or getting hard. I

just put the whole blender in the fridge and then take it out and reblend it.

It gets really thick or frothy. It is filling too. I drink part of it while I

am getting ready for work and then take the rest of it in a container for work.


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--- Wittekind <starlite@...>


> I was wondering how this drink would do cold. So if

> you make it the night

> before and put it in the fridge, it's good the next

> morning? Now that it's

> getting hot, I won't be looking for something hot

> for breakfast, but I

> didn't know how well it'd work cold.

I make mine at night as well and put it in the frig.

It's MUCH better cold than hot. I find I can't drink

all of it at once, so I have a little and put the rest

in a thermos to take to work. I like to put cayenne

pepper in mine. You can also flavor it by using tea

instead of water. Mint is good, as well as cinnamon,

clove and ginger.


Jeanne OTS


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> I can't drink it hot and I l ike to leave my blender in the fridge over night

and reblend in the morning. Try it cold next time. It is very filling and the

coconut oil doesn't separate when I use butter.

> Jeanne otn

I was wondering how this drink would do cold. So if you make it the night

before and put it in the fridge, it's good the next morning? Now that it's

getting hot, I won't be looking for something hot for breakfast, but I

didn't know how well it'd work cold.

in IN

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  • 11 months later...
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> I think the cinnamon has finally caught up with me. I am having an

Ankylosing Spondylitis flare due to the build up of starch from the

spice in the raw egg drink, after consuming it for a number of days

now. I was affraid of this, hoping I would be able to tolerate, even

only adding 1/2 the amount the recipe calls for, but it looks like

its not gonna work.

==>Ankylosing Spondylitis is a form of arthritis which is located

mainly in the spine, and I trully believe that all arthritis is a

build-up of toxins, therefore you will get flare-up symptoms when you

give your body what it needs to heal and detoxify - see these

articles on arthritis:


==>Cinnamon is antifungal so it could cause die-off symptoms, which

creates more toxins for your body to get rid of. Since your weakness

is the spine the toxins will increase symptoms in that area first.

Take epsom salt baths, do dry skin brushing or jump rope or rebound

on a mini-trampoline, and also do coffee enemas, the electrolyte

drink and other things to help your body get rid of toxins.


> Any suggestions of what I might be able to add? I don't think any

spices will be tolerated. What about pure extracts? Vanilla? Are

these allowed on the candida diet? I doubt, because of the alcohol.

But I have some homemade vanilla extract that I made by infusing

vodka with vanilla beans. Any chance I could use that? Or maybe

fresh spearmint? That is abundent in the garden right now. I hope I

can find something because I don't want to give up this drink.

> I guess I will try without the spices and see how that tastes for

now. Let me know if you have any ideas.

==>Jeanne, there would so little alcohol contained in your homemade

vanilla it would be okay. Spearmint would be okay too, or stevia

(the real ground leaf, which is green, is best).

The best, Bee

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