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Re: Food Intolerances and Healing Reactions

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> > One question I have is about food intolerances and healing reactions.

> I have had the York food sensitivity test and had reactions to

> several things including yeast and gluten, which I'd expect. However

> there was also egg white, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.


> I've heard you say before that these tests can be misleading and it

> is easy to confuse the different reactions, however does that mean

> that the tests too, can show reactions to foods that are actually

> healing reactions? I find this hard to believe.


> Do you believe leaky gut exists? From what I've read candida and

> leaky gut go hand in hand, so isn't it inevitable that I will have

> food intolerances to some foods, even foods that should be good for

> you like eggs and broccoli?


> How do I distinguish between the reactions? I don't want to make

> things worse by aggravating my leaky gut.


Hi Amy-

Can't wait to see Bee's response to this as I have been thinking about the same


lately. The only test I've ever done was enterolab for gluten, which wouldn't

be on the diet

anyway. But since last August, it seems that I have started reacting to so many

foods. I

would eliminate one thing and feel better for a while and then have to eliminate


else, etc. I know that the leaky gut is caused by candida now, but I do seem to

react to

some things that are on the diet. Sometimes, I have reacted to broccoli and


(bloating), but I know these kill off candida and that can cause the bloating.

So I keep

eating them. However, I do wonder if I am eating things that I have

intolerances to and if

this is causing me a problem. its so hard to figure my body out sometimes! :)


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Amy wrote:


> Dear Bee, I've read through your How to Conquer Candida and it is

brilliant!! I'd already read through the original version but the new

one has absolutely every piece of information you'd ever need!! Thank

you so much, I feel focused again and am learning to keep calm and to

just take it gradually.

==>Thank you! That's good you've found the new version of my article

more complete and helpful!


> One question I have is about food intolerances and healing

reactions. I have had the York food sensitivity test and had

reactions to several things including yeast and gluten, which I'd

expect. However there was also egg white, broccoli, cabbage and



> I've heard you say before that these tests can be misleading and it

> is easy to confuse the different reactions, however does that mean

> that the tests too, can show reactions to foods that are actually

> healing reactions? I find this hard to believe.

==>Funny you should ask about that. Lately I've been reading about

allergy tests, and even the medical community agrees that they are

inconclusive, and that clinical evidence must also be taken into

consideration before making a final decision about whether a person

has a " true " allergy or not. Here's a quote from


" The accuracy of allergy testing varies quite a bit. Even the same

test performed at different times on a person may give different

results. A person may react to a substance during testing, but never

react during normal exposure. A person may also have a negative

allergy test and yet still be allergic to the substance. " Also, even

doctors know that some tests assess the levels of immune responses

which are not necessarily related to an allergy.

==> " Actual food " or " whole food " cannot be used for tests because

they have to be in a form that can be injected under the skin, or in

liquid form to test in blood samples (when they test blood samples

they add the substance to the blood and then check it for reactions,

mostly for antibodies). Therefore they use a substance contained in

the food that is suspected of causing reactions. To test peanuts

they use peanut protein, which is not the whole peanut. to test eggs

they use egg protein, and so on.

==>I first started to suspect the whole allergy field when my

girlfriend died of cancer last year. She had allergy tests in

February (she died May 10th) which indicated she was allergic to

almost everything under the sun, including almost all meats and

numerous vegetables. That didn't make sense to me, so I wondered if

they use grass-fed beef or free-range certified organic eggs in the

tests. They don't, of course.:) They use a fractionated substance,

not the whole food, and I suspect they make these proteins

synthetically. It stands to reason that reactions to one substance

in a food, which may be synthetic, is very difference than reactions

to the whole unadulterated food. Also what happens in a laboratory

does not necessarily happen in the body, as proven by meats, which

create an acid when added to water in a laboratory, but they don't

make acid in the body.

==>Then I realized that allergic reactions are exactly the same as

healing reactions, therefore a person can " react " to a food for sure,

but if it is unadulterated whole food the reactions are healing

reactions and not allergic reactions. See my complete

article " Allergies, What They Are & How to Treat Them " in the

Allergies Folder.

> Do you believe leaky gut exists? From what I've read candida and

> leaky gut go hand in hand, so isn't it inevitable that I will have

> food intolerances to some foods, even foods that should be good for

> you like eggs and broccoli?

==>The leaky gut theory does not make sense to me because of what I

understand about digestion. First of all food is almost totally

digested and broken down into small particles by the time it leaves

the duodenum (the part between the stomach and the small

intestines). The job of the intestines is mainly absorption. Here's

an excerpt from " The Long Hallow Tube - A Primer in Digestion " (in

our digestion folder): " Absorption [of food] takes place via the

villi, small projections in the mucous membrane. Each villus has a

network of capillaries through which the broken-down components of

the food are absorbed. The nutrients then pass through the epithelial

cells in the inner lining of the villi, at which point they enter the

capillaries. The small intestine is attached to the rear abdominal

wall by a thin sheet of membrane called the mesentery, which carries

blood vessels to nourish the small intestine and carries absorbed

nutrients to the liver and other parts of the body. "

==>Villi are also covered by an outer layer of epithelium, which food

must pass through before it gains entry into the villi. Epithelium is

tissue composed of a layer of cells – note the word 'cells.'

Epithelium lines both the outside (skin) and the inside (e.g.

intestine) of organisms. The outermost layer of our skin is composed

of dead squamous epithelial cells, as are the mucous membranes lining

the inside of mouths and body cavities. Other epithelial cells line

the insides of the lungs, the gastrointestinal tract, the

reproductive and urinary tracts, etc. Please note that candida

infects the outer layers of the epithelium of mucus membranes.

==>Functions of epithelial cells include secretion, absorption,

protection, transcellular transport, sensation detection,

and " selective permeability. "

==>If food is not digested into small enough particles it cannot get

through the epithelium cells of the villi, and it would pass out of

the body as undigested food. Even the very tiny holes in the villa

made by candida hyphae (threadlike filaments) when it changes and

start to branch out would not allow food particles to pass through

the layers of the villa into the blood stream. Candida is sticking

it's long feet into the epithelial cells will damage them, for sure,

but damaged epithelial cells cannot function, so they wouldn't be

able to absorb any food particles.

==>In other words these cells do not allow large particles to pass

through them – they cannot physically do it – the cells themselves

would have to enlarge somehow, which isn't possible. Thus large

undigested food particles pass through the intestines and out of the


> How do I distinguish between the reactions? I don't want to make

> things worse by aggravating my leaky gut.

==>You know how to distinguish between allergic reactions and healing

reactions by eating only good unadulterated foods that are allowed on

the candida diet because they " will cause " healing reactions, but not

allergic reactions, and also by not allowing yourself to become

exposed to toxins in the environment, personal care & cleaning

products, etc.


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then what about my example of hard boiled eggs? I can't digest

them. I would think that eggs would be fine, but don't imagine

indigestion would be a healing reaction, so doesn't that mean I'm not

tolerating them and to just avoid them?


On 1-Jun-06, at 2:51 PM, Bee Wilder wrote:

> ==>You know how to distinguish between allergic reactions and healing

> reactions by eating only good unadulterated foods that are allowed on

> the candida diet because they " will cause " healing reactions, but not

> allergic reactions, and also by not allowing yourself to become

> exposed to toxins in the environment, personal care & cleaning

> products, etc.

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Thank you for your very thorough answer Bee, I will print it properly

after work. From what I've read it makes sense, I will slowly

introduce some of the vegetables I've been told to stay away from.

Amy :D

> ==>Funny you should ask about that. Lately I've been reading about

> allergy tests, and even the medical community agrees that they are

> inconclusive, and that clinical evidence must also be taken into

> consideration before making a final decision about whether a person

> has a " true " allergy or not. Here's a quote from

> http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003519.htm

> " The accuracy of allergy testing varies quite a bit. Even the same

> test performed at different times on a person may give different

> results. A person may react to a substance during testing, but


> react during normal exposure. A person may also have a negative

> allergy test and yet still be allergic to the substance. " Also,


> doctors know that some tests assess the levels of immune responses

> which are not necessarily related to an allergy.


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> ==>The leaky gut theory does not make sense to me because of what I

> understand about digestion. First of all food is almost totally

> digested and broken down into small particles by the time it leaves

> the duodenum (the part between the stomach and the small

> intestines). The job of the intestines is mainly absorption. Here's

> an excerpt from " The Long Hallow Tube - A Primer in Digestion " (in

> our digestion folder): " Absorption [of food] takes place via the

> villi, small projections in the mucous membrane. Each villus has a

> network of capillaries through which the broken-down components of

> the food are absorbed. The nutrients then pass through the epithelial

> cells in the inner lining of the villi, at which point they enter the

> capillaries. The small intestine is attached to the rear abdominal

> wall by a thin sheet of membrane called the mesentery, which carries

> blood vessels to nourish the small intestine and carries absorbed

> nutrients to the liver and other parts of the body. "


> ==>Villi are also covered by an outer layer of epithelium, which food

> must pass through before it gains entry into the villi. Epithelium is

> tissue composed of a layer of cells – note the word 'cells.'

> Epithelium lines both the outside (skin) and the inside (e.g.

> intestine) of organisms. The outermost layer of our skin is composed

> of dead squamous epithelial cells, as are the mucous membranes lining

> the inside of mouths and body cavities. Other epithelial cells line

> the insides of the lungs, the gastrointestinal tract, the

> reproductive and urinary tracts, etc. Please note that candida

> infects the outer layers of the epithelium of mucus membranes.


> ==>Functions of epithelial cells include secretion, absorption,

> protection, transcellular transport, sensation detection,

> and " selective permeability. "


> ==>If food is not digested into small enough particles it cannot get

> through the epithelium cells of the villi, and it would pass out of

> the body as undigested food. Even the very tiny holes in the villa

> made by candida hyphae (threadlike filaments) when it changes and

> start to branch out would not allow food particles to pass through

> the layers of the villa into the blood stream. Candida is sticking

> it's long feet into the epithelial cells will damage them, for sure,

> but damaged epithelial cells cannot function, so they wouldn't be

> able to absorb any food particles.


> ==>In other words these cells do not allow large particles to pass

> through them – they cannot physically do it – the cells themselves

> would have to enlarge somehow, which isn't possible. Thus large

> undigested food particles pass through the intestines and out of the

> body.


Bee, I need to read this a few more times to make sure I understand, however I

do need

some insight. The leaky gut theory always made perfect sense to me as an

explanation for

what was happening to me. So, now I do not understand exactly how the candida


causing my problems. When my stomach problems started last August, it began

with a

week of diarrhea and then went to alternating D & C with pain & bloating. I never

had any

testing done except gluten. When I eliminated that, it seemed to take care of

everything -

for a few weeks and then I was back where I started. So, I eliminated something

else and

so on and so forth, with relief for a time until I had to eliminate something

else. Some of

the things that I was able to tolerate were things not on the Candida diet -

some fruits,

cheese, yogurt etc. So, here I am - still with some bloating which I assume is

now due to

Candida being killed off. The last time I saw a remotely flat stomach was last


Can you explain what the Candida was doing to me when this all started?


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You are welcome Amy. I think so much of the medical field is a

scam, and when one of the " powers that be " couldn't explain why

candida sufferers get so many symptoms when they eat, " he " created a

cause for it. These are doctors and they still don't understand how

the body works, and they certainly would not entertain the fact that

the body heals itself which creates healing reactions. Oh no, they

might lose their precious income or prestige (that of being Gods)!

That in addition to their false " germ theory of disease " and their

antibodies baloney, and it makes one wonder which planet they came


Whew! I'm off my soapbox now. :)



> Thank you for your very thorough answer Bee, I will print it


> after work. From what I've read it makes sense, I will slowly

> introduce some of the vegetables I've been told to stay away from.

> Amy :D



> > ==>Funny you should ask about that. Lately I've been reading


> > allergy tests, and even the medical community agrees that they


> > inconclusive, and that clinical evidence must also be taken into

> > consideration before making a final decision about whether a


> > has a " true " allergy or not. Here's a quote from

> > http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003519.htm

> > " The accuracy of allergy testing varies quite a bit. Even the


> > test performed at different times on a person may give different

> > results. A person may react to a substance during testing, but

> never

> > react during normal exposure. A person may also have a negative

> > allergy test and yet still be allergic to the substance. " Also,

> even

> > doctors know that some tests assess the levels of immune


> > which are not necessarily related to an allergy.

> >


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To read Bee's Leaky Gut information go Up Thread.

Trish wrote:

> Bee, I need to read this a few more times to make sure I

understand, however I do need some insight. The leaky gut theory

always made perfect sense to me as an explanation for what was

happening to me. So, now I do not understand exactly how the candida

is causing my problems. When my stomach problems started last

August, it began with a week of diarrhea and then went to alternating

D & C with pain & bloating. I never had any testing done except

gluten. When I eliminated that, it seemed to take care of

everything - for a few weeks and then I was back where I started.

So, I eliminated something else and so on and so forth, with relief

for a time until I had to eliminate something else. Some of

> the things that I was able to tolerate were things not on the

Candida diet - some fruits, cheese, yogurt etc. So, here I am -

still with some bloating which I assume is now due to

> Candida being killed off. The last time I saw a remotely flat

stomach was last December! Can you explain what the Candida was

doing to me when this all started?

==>1) Candida overgrowth itself causes gas, bloating & pain because

it puts out carbon dioxide (gas, which causes pain) as well as over

79 toxins (most of which are alcohol), which can cause alternating

constipation & diarrhea.

2) When you cut off candida's food supply it will kill off candida,

which also makes it release the same substances (carbon dioxide and

toxins) = gas, bloating, pain & alternating C & D.

3) Diarrhea is the body's immune response to toxins, which helps it

get rid of them.

4) When you eat foods, spices or herbs that kill candida, i.e. the

whole cabbage family, the onion family, spices, herbs, butter,

coconut oil, and many others they also kill candida resulting in the

same responses.

5) When you eat other foods the body needs to heal the body it

responds by creating healing symptoms = the same symptoms.

You say you tolerated foods not on the diet, which means you did not

get gas, diarrhea, etc. from them, but that's not necessarily a good

thing. When a person eats foods that feed the candida, and avoids

good healing foods allowed on the diet in order to minimize reactions

it delays their healing. But it is a way to minimize reactions that

are intolerable. That doesn't mean foods that cause reactions are

allergens. The body has a set of immune responses to toxins which

are exactly the same response to healing foods and substances. The

body has only one immune system, that's why they are the same. It

can be confusing, but just know that the candida program recommended

gets results, and avoiding good healing foods is not the way to

heal. Read the article in the folder " Allergies, What They Are & How

to Treat Them. " Also read some articles in the Healing Naturally

Folder so you understand more it.


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