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All those symptoms can be Candida. I am not diagnosing because I am not a

doctor, however, I am sharing all the issues that I have with you. I have had

all those symptoms throughout the years, as I imagine many others here have as


They are also symptoms of adrenal letdown-after you come down off your

adrenaline rush.

Did you have mono? The symptoms also sound a lot like the EBV virus, which

waxes and wanes, which would explain the years of feeling fine and then having

everything return again. I also have lyme and related co-infections that cause

those symptoms that you have.

It could also be how you are eating and what supplements you're taking in too.

I am slowly easing into Bee's plan (which makes more sense to me than anything I

have ever heard with the idea of healing our bodies). Raising my vit. C,B's,

and magnesium, cutting out the sugar and white flour has really helped a lot

already. I have more really good days, but the crummy die-off days too.

Obviously, you will have die off-so read the section on Retracing. That was the

most profound information I have learned that has helped me to really understand

die-off and healing. Acupuncture has helped immensely too.

I bet a lot of us in the group will tell you they have had many of these

symptoms. I am feeling really excited and confident that Bee's regimen will

help my body to heal, but I realistically know it is going to take a while.

Read all of Bee's information in her files. I have noticed a lot of people ask

Bee questions that are all in her files.

Good luck.




> Hi there. I just recently joined this group and I wanted to find out if

anyone related to some of the symptoms that I've had off & on since I was a

teenager. Here are some of the symptoms I've dealt with on & off for the last 15



> • depression

> • de-personalization

> • low energy

> • little or no sex drive

> • Restless Leg Syndrome

> • headaches (not a lot, but at least once a month)

> • ringing in the ears

> • stomach aching/pain

> • no will power

> • anxiety

> • adrenaline overload (my body feels like a car with the parking break on and

someone putting their foot all the way on the gas pedal.It feels like all this

adrenaline coursing through my body and it just feels like I'm gonna errupt.)

> • mucus buildup

> • enlarged breast gland (I noticed about a year ago that I had a hard painful

lump in my right breast. I got scared and thought I might have cancer. I got a

mamogram and they told me there were no signs of cancer. They also told me that

the area I was complaining about was where my gland was located.)

> • head pains ( This has occurred in the last year or so. I will get these

sharp/aching pains in my head for a few seconds. Sometimes it almost feels like

something disolving in my head and it hurts. Sometimes the pain is so sharp I

have to stop what I'm doing. Maybe these are toxins?

> • film on my tongue in the mornings

> • difficulty waking up

> • fatigue

> • insomnia

> • body tension

> • trouble concentrating

> • brain fog

> • dis-interest in things I find normally amusing/exciting

> • irritability


> I'm mainly concerned about the pains in my head and the painful gland in my



> Also, during the years I've dealt with all of the symptoms, sometimes I'll

notice I can go for 6 months to even at one point 2 years without having any

symptoms. If these symptoms could be due to diet, how come there are periods of

time that I'm fine and everything is happy & then I go from happy & seemingly

healthy to paralyzed, when my diet hasn't changed?


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I have had everyone of those symptoms and lots more.

Phyllis R.

> >

> > • depression

> > • de-personalization

> > • low energy

> > • little or no sex drive

> > • Restless Leg Syndrome

> > • headaches (not a lot, but at least once a month)

> > • ringing in the ears

> > • stomach aching/pain

> > • no will power

> > • anxiety

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All of the above. Still do. My body is WAY out of balance, so i just tell myself

it is trying to get back. Have u been covering the symptoms with meds? I was,

and now that I'm not I feel horribleeeee, but that is because the meds were

covering all that up. Everyone wants me to go back to meds and get back out and

be the life of the party, but I won't. I believe it's my last chance or I'm

really gonna go down and not come back up. 

Do u have all the symptoms at once, or separately? I've had restless legs for

over 20 years and anxiety etc...................


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

Welcome to Bee's group! You are certainly in the right place.

When you say you've been on the Candida diet for about a week, do you mean Bee's

Diet? The reason I ask is because you said you are still eating Ezekiel bread

and you don't mention any coconut oil.

I realize that it can take some time for people to order and receive their

supplements, so that is an issue as well. You say that you have eliminated

sugar, but what else are you eating? The Ezekiel bread will feed the candida as

well, so I would say that you are not quite there with regards to diet - at

least not enough to notice any differences. I'm sure once you get fully on the

diet plus supplements, you will start to notice a difference. And remember,

people who are following Bee's diet are not getting sick - they are healing.

It's just that healing reactions and 'sickness' look the same, except that those

of us on a healing path are improving, not getting worse.

In the meantime, I encourage to read and re-read Bee's articles so that you know

what candida is, what to do and why. In addition, she just changed her protocol

which does not include anti-fungals other than coconut oil.

Here are the articles you need to read:

1. How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2. Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

I have found that my depression lifted quite dramatically after being on Bee's


All the best,

(a group moderator)




> Hi there. My name is & I've been on the Candida diet (with the

exception of the Olive Garden I had for lunch)for about 1 week now.


> I haven't noticed a difference in symptoms. I've been dealing with low energy

and depression & it seems the same as it's been and I'm just wondering when

people generally start getting sick?



> I have noticed during the times I've been sick these last 3 times that I feel

crappy physically when I'm sick but mentally I seem to feel better?




> My main complaints have been depression, tension, lack of sharpness (brain

fog), inability to concentrate, irritability, fatigue, no motivation and no



> If someone can please give me an idea of when the average person gets sick

that might give me a little more motivation.


> The depression makes it REALLY difficult to 'hang in there' with the diet.


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> Hi there. My name is & I've been on the Candida diet (with the

exception of the Olive Garden I had for lunch)for about 1 week now.


> I haven't noticed a difference in symptoms. I've been dealing with low energy

and depression & it seems the same as it's been and I'm just wondering when

people generally start getting sick?

+++Hi . One week is too short of a time to expect results, and each

person's timing will be different.


> Right now I've eliminated processed sugars and I've been boiling Pau D'Arco

root in water and then draining the roots from the water and drinking the water.

Also, I've been taking 1 tablespoon of fish oil & 2 tablespoons of olive oil

daily, plus I eat a slice of Ezekiel bread every day with about a tablespoon of

unrefined coconut oil spread on it.

+++I don't recommend taking Pau D'arco tea any longer, since it isn't necessary.

See my Revised Candida Article I just posted yesterday:


+++You shouldn't be taking only fish oil, which contains only Omega 3, since you

also need vitamins A & D which are only in fish " liver " oil - all 3 are found in

cod liver oil, or you need to take vitamins A & D in addition to fish oil.

+++Ezekiel bread should be eliminated too.


> I haven't really been eating a lot of diary recently either.


> I haven't yet started the supplements and was planning on getting the

supplements in early March.

+++You need to get completely on this program in order to expect any results.

> Also, when I start healing some of my symptoms go away, for instance, my runny

nose, but I feel like not all of the mucus goes away. I feel mucus buildup in my

ears and I feel sick in my chest area. Sometimes I will have to cough because it

almost feels like I have a dry sickness in my chest. I know that sounds weird,

but I feel like the sickness doesn't fully go away.

+++Your symptoms are caused by your body trying to get rid of toxins, so that's

a good thing.


> My main complaints have been depression, tension, lack of sharpness (brain

fog), inability to concentrate, irritability, fatigue, no motivation and no


+++It takes time and patience to heal naturally. Also of your complaints are

normal when you are unhealthy, and healing comes from within.

+++To get motivated read these Success Stories:


All the best, Bee

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Hi again! Thanks for the quick responses! I read a lot of the success stories

and that has helped me a little. It's quite difficult to be optimistic when

you're depressed!

The reason I haven't eliminated everything yet and haven't yet started taking

the supplements is because I read on this website that a person starting out

shouldn't eliminate everything all at once because it can " shock " the body.

I've only been on the diet for 1 week, and in that week I've eliminated

processed sugars and cut out a lot of dairy. Thus, the reason I was still eating

bread. I was going to cut out processed sugar during week one, then dairy during

week 2, breads during week 3 and so on until I had fully eliminated everything.

Is that not supposed to be the case? Should I be eliminating everything that

feeds Candida all at once? I feel like I'm getting mixed messages.

And I will go ahead and eliminate the Pau D'Arco tea for now. When I'm done with

this particular Candida diet I may start drinking the Pau D'Arco again...it's

actually pretty good!

And I'll continue to use the unrefined coconut oil, just not on the bread, and

also I'll have to order some cod liver oil!

I am really happy that I've found this website! I have suffered from depression

and anxiety for the last 15 years and my father suffered with Schizophrenia for

most of his life. He died exactly 3 years from today's date from heart disease

and I always vowed that I wanted to find a 'natural' cure for mental & physical

illnesses. I watched my dad suffer with Schizophrenia my whole life and I

watched a lot of his friends suffer from mental illnesses. I've seen my dad go

from a normal person to a completely insane person and I've felt myself change

from a normal/happy person to a suicidal/crazy-feeling person, starting at 15

years old. I was hospitalized twice at 19 years old for depression & from 15 to

23 years old I was put on a big cocktail of drugs and given all kinds of

diagnoses. At 23 I was diagnosed with a Bipolard Disorder and put on an

anti-depressant and a mood stabilizer. This actually helped me and I continued

taking these medications until I became pregnant with my daughter at 24. At that

time, I went off the mood stabilizer and just took my anti-depressant. I didn't

seem to have any problems with the depression when I was pregnant but later I

did have problems with it. The anti-depressant didn't really do anything for the

depression, but I didn't want to go off of it because of the side effects so I

just kept taking it. Eventually, I decided to go off of the anti-depressant

because 1) it wasn't doing anything to help the depression and 2) it really made

it difficult to achieve orgasms when I was sexually active. I went off of the

anti-depressants cold turkey (don't recommend anyone do that and anyone who is

planning on doing that should be aware of the major side effects and be prepared

to be in bed for a few days to a week)and within a week and ahalf I felt really

good and had no problems in the bedroom any longer.

Eventually though, my depression/anxiety came back and that kind of messed up my

mood, needless to say.

I did want to ask if it helps to sweat every day during this diet, if one feels

up to it? I figure that would help push out some of the toxins.

I am trying to not only feel better & be healthier but I would like to lose

between 70-80 pounds. I am currently 5'8.5 " and 210 pounds.

Also, I was wondering if there's a certain water I can purchase to avoid

drinking any chemicals? At this time I don't have the money to put filters on

all the faucets & shower heads in my house so I am trying to find the next best

thing I can do until I can afford some filters.

I want to 'thank you' again for taking the time and effort to answer my

questions and to help me.

So far youguys have helped me more than all the doctors have in the last 15


It really angers me to learn how bad these drugs are that the pharmacutical

companies are pushing. At one point my father was on 15 different prescription

drugs and I remember him looking very gaunt and half dead at times. One of the

things I remember most is that he slept a lot too! I'm assuming it was probably

because he was tired from being drugged and just didn't ever feel very good.

I also recall as a teenager taking certain drugs for my depression and feeling

worst on them, even at times feeling suicidal on certain drugs. Now, as a 30

year old I am seeing commercials for the same drugs and now they have warnings

that these same drugs can make teenagers suicidal. I wish that same warning

would have been playing when I was taking these same drugs as a teenager!

Anyways, I am 'testing' this diet out and I am feeling more certain that I will

have good results the more I talk to youguys and read more of the testimonies.

And once I see results in myself I'll be adding my own testimony to the

testimony page!

> >

> >

> > Hi there. My name is & I've been on the Candida diet (with the

exception of the Olive Garden I had for lunch)for about 1 week now.

> >

> > I haven't noticed a difference in symptoms. I've been dealing with low

energy and depression & it seems the same as it's been and I'm just wondering

when people generally start getting sick?


> +++Hi . One week is too short of a time to expect results, and each

person's timing will be different.

> >

> > Right now I've eliminated processed sugars and I've been boiling Pau D'Arco

root in water and then draining the roots from the water and drinking the water.

Also, I've been taking 1 tablespoon of fish oil & 2 tablespoons of olive oil

daily, plus I eat a slice of Ezekiel bread every day with about a tablespoon of

unrefined coconut oil spread on it.


> +++I don't recommend taking Pau D'arco tea any longer, since it isn't

necessary. See my Revised Candida Article I just posted yesterday:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro2.php


> +++You shouldn't be taking only fish oil, which contains only Omega 3, since

you also need vitamins A & D which are only in fish " liver " oil - all 3 are

found in cod liver oil, or you need to take vitamins A & D in addition to fish



> +++Ezekiel bread should be eliminated too.

> >

> > I haven't really been eating a lot of diary recently either.

> >

> > I haven't yet started the supplements and was planning on getting the

supplements in early March.


> +++You need to get completely on this program in order to expect any results.


> > Also, when I start healing some of my symptoms go away, for instance, my

runny nose, but I feel like not all of the mucus goes away. I feel mucus buildup

in my ears and I feel sick in my chest area. Sometimes I will have to cough

because it almost feels like I have a dry sickness in my chest. I know that

sounds weird, but I feel like the sickness doesn't fully go away.


> +++Your symptoms are caused by your body trying to get rid of toxins, so

that's a good thing.

> >

> > My main complaints have been depression, tension, lack of sharpness (brain

fog), inability to concentrate, irritability, fatigue, no motivation and no



> +++It takes time and patience to heal naturally. Also of your complaints are

normal when you are unhealthy, and healing comes from within.


> +++To get motivated read these Success Stories:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php


> All the best, Bee


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> Hi again! Thanks for the quick responses! I read a lot of the success stories

and that has helped me a little. It's quite difficult to be optimistic when

you're depressed!

+++Hi . I understand.


> The reason I haven't eliminated everything yet and haven't yet started taking

the supplements is because I read on this website that a person starting out

shouldn't eliminate everything all at once because it can " shock " the body.

+++It isn't because it can shock your body, according to how the medical field

defines shock. It is because you can get more healing reactions if you change

over too quickly. Also it takes awhile to get your good fat ratios up high

because they cause so many healing reactions too. If you lower your carbs too

fast, before you can get enough good fats, you can get constipated.


> I've only been on the diet for 1 week, and in that week I've eliminated

processed sugars and cut out a lot of dairy. Thus, the reason I was still eating

bread. I was going to cut out processed sugar during week one, then dairy during

week 2, breads during week 3 and so on until I had fully eliminated everything.

Is that not supposed to be the case? Should I be eliminating everything that

feeds Candida all at once? I feel like I'm getting mixed messages.

+++You are doing it right. No, don't eliminate everything at once.



> I did want to ask if it helps to sweat every day during this diet, if one

feels up to it? I figure that would help push out some of the toxins.

+++Sweating helps, but don't push it, since it doesn't speed up the healing

processes. It will still take 1 month of natural healing for every year you've

been unhealthy.


> I am trying to not only feel better & be healthier but I would like to lose

between 70-80 pounds. I am currently 5'8.5 " and 210 pounds.

+++Eventually your weight should normalize.


> Also, I was wondering if there's a certain water I can purchase to avoid

drinking any chemicals? At this time I don't have the money to put filters on

all the faucets & shower heads in my house so I am trying to find the next best

thing I can do until I can afford some filters.

+++Just get a simple charcoal filter like Brita or PUR to filter your tap water

for drinking and cooking. A shower filter only costs $25.00 in Canada.


> I want to 'thank you' again for taking the time and effort to answer my

questions and to help me. So far youguys have helped me more than all the

doctors have in the last 15 years!

+++You are very welcome!


All the best, Bee

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

My symptoms include headaches for days, neck ache, jointaches (knee and elbow),

irregular menstrual cycle, left side pain, liver inflammation, fatigue, back

pain, constipation and my ELISA and Western Blot was positive for 23 And 41

& nbsp;but they say I am negative for LYME....possible?

Also if not lyme then what can itbe? & nbsp;

My son was positive for p23.....lyme?

Hubby was & nbsp;negative

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

On Jun 23, 2010 0:28, den & lt;yogagirld@... & gt; wrote:

& nbsp;

Thank you in advance for a recommendation for a friend. Please email me at


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Can Rheumatology do anything for me? That is who I keep getting sent to.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

On Jun 23, 2010 13:43, darabeth2003 & lt;dara.alewine@... & gt; wrote:

& nbsp;

I believe 23 is lyme specific.

& gt;

& gt;

& gt; & amp;nbsp;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt; Thank you in advance for a recommendation for a friend. Please email me at


& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

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The Infectious & nbsp;Disease doc.....and I am told & nbsp;when & nbsp;I ask for a

Lyme Disease specialist they are specialists for this disease.

I was give anti-depressants......WHAT is that gonna do for my fatigue (worse


-- Sent from my Palm Pre

On Jun 23, 2010 23:16, L. Richey, MD, ND

& lt;valerie.richey@... & gt; wrote:

& nbsp;

Who is " they " ?

An LLMD would most likely say that you have a positive Western Blot test

with typcial chronic Lyme symptoms.

A traditional doctor would most likely say that you have a negative test and

your symptoms are due to something else other than chronic Lyme disease.

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 1:43 PM, darabeth2003

& lt;dara.alewine@... & gt;wrote:

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Hello Everyone,

I thought I would share this site for every Lymies who couldnt afford a LLMD,

this site will guide you with the alternative treatment and also if you have

other problems they guide you with other conventional treatment.



er & utm_medium=email


From: " L. Richey, MD, ND " <valerie.richey@...>

Sent: Wed, June 23, 2010 1:51:43 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Symptoms

Who is " they " ?

An LLMD would most likely say that you have a positive Western Blot test

with typcial chronic Lyme symptoms.

A traditional doctor would most likely say that you have a negative test and

your symptoms are due to something else other than chronic Lyme disease.

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 1:43 PM, darabeth2003 <dara.alewine@...>wrote:



> I believe 23 is lyme specific.



> >

> >

> > & nbsp;

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Thank you in advance for a recommendation for a friend. Please email me

> at yogagirld@...

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 4 months later...


> Bee,


> Why do you think some people have Candida (or candida symptoms) when others do



> I have a friend who is 10 years older than me and has more energy than my 25

year old son. She has brown and white pigment spots all over her arms and not a

one on her face she eats carbs like there's no tomorrow and Cheezy Fries are a

main staple in her diet....she drinks alcohol at least 4-5 times a week.....and

is strong of mind and body.....? Her mother is 92 and is just now starting to

show signs of dementia...her mother has been on hormone therapy for 20

years.....I don't understand it?


> if most of the population has Candida why are some of us debilitated by it and

others not at all?

+++Hi Gail,

You've received some very good replies, but please remember that there are 4

causes of failing health, including candida:

1. Lack of proper nutrition and oxygen.

2. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and waste.

3. Lowered vitality due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, relationship

or financial worries and concerns, etc.

4. Nutritional status inherited from your parents upon conception, which can be

corrected by proper nutrition.

Please note #4.

Cheers, Bee

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