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> my illness stops me from doing all these things working walking living, so

maybe its not candida i have


> +++Hi Anne. I couldn't work for 1 1/2 years while curing my candida over 20

years ago.


> Bee


Hi Anne,

I too was exhausted and had a severe diarheea 6 times per day for the first year

and multiple other symptoms, racing heart, ringing ears, chronic nausea, edema

etc). I could not work much at all either. I think that the more severe detox

the more severe candida you may have.

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Thanks Bee , iv been unable to work for a lot longer than a few years now but

there were periods back further when i worked for 6 mths then i was ill again

this has benn on and off for 20yrs now , so can i still achieve health?

> >

> > Hi , when i look on the forum it seems to me that people are able to work

and still have a lofe , my illness stops me from doing all these things working

walking living, so maybe its not candida i have


> +++Hi Anne. I couldn't work for 1 1/2 years while curing my candida over 20

years ago.


> Bee


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Hi Anne...i'm fortunate that my job is only 5 minutes from home & my boss works

out at lunch ..so we have a 1.5 to 2 hr lunch...often when at my sickest I would

go home & nap an hour! Also, when my gut was severely acting up, i would not eat

any food until after the workday and just suck on ice cubs ( as drinking liquid

would cause the " runs " ) ...with no sick pay & no spouse the only option is to

work! ..but slowly as I have rebuilt my health over the last 4-5 years ..( still

a ways to go ) you really appreciate every step forward, every improvement...5

years ago, my house was a constant wreck, because I had no energy left after the

workday ...now it is orderly almost always & I am much less moody, achy and

tired ...so steps forward always ...baby steps, but forward....

gisele,  in Trail in the West Kootenays!! ( BC, Canada)

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> Thanks Bee , iv been unable to work for a lot longer than a few years now but

there were periods back further when i worked for 6 mths then i was ill again

this has benn on and off for 20yrs now , so can i still achieve health?

+++Hi Anne. Achieving health is dependant upon how well you follow the complete

program, stress factors in your life, and other things.


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you mention stress which most people with this illness will probably have i

would think as trying to get your head roung this programme is pretty

stressful!! so does stress have a lot to do with candida causes??


From: Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: symptoms

Date: Sunday, 26 April, 2009, 6:58 PM


> Thanks Bee , iv been unable to work for a lot longer than a few years now but

there were periods back further when i worked for 6 mths then i was ill again

this has benn on and off for 20yrs now , so can i still achieve health?

+++Hi Anne. Achieving health is dependant upon how well you follow the complete

program, stress factors in your life, and other things.


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> you mention stress which most people with this illness will probably have i

would think as trying to get your head roung this programme is pretty

stressful!! so does stress have a lot to do with candida causes??

+++Hi Anne. Stress doesn't cause candida all by itself. However, it can

contribute to lower immune system functioning if in addition the person isn't

obtaining " proper nutrients " and is eating damaging foods and toxins.

A strong immune system means our bodies will function better even when we are

stressed. When I'm stressed I also go on an all liquid diet and do deep

breathing exercises to switch my body over from running on its sympathetic to

its parasympathetic nervous system.


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I find it very hard to follow the programme dont no if its because i feel so

unwell or i am just thick , cant seem to take it all in, wish i could as i need

to be well


From: Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: symptoms

Date: Sunday, 26 April, 2009, 6:58 PM


> Thanks Bee , iv been unable to work for a lot longer than a few years now but

there were periods back further when i worked for 6 mths then i was ill again

this has benn on and off for 20yrs now , so can i still achieve health?

+++Hi Anne. Achieving health is dependant upon how well you follow the complete

program, stress factors in your life, and other things.


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Hi Anne

If you're trying to incorporate all the changes at the same time, then

I think you'll be confused. I get to feeling panicked because I feel

so sick, I need to get at it right now but then I get overwhelmed and

don't do anything, which is worse than just deciding to do one thing

at a time.

Like right now today, you can give up wheat. Live like that for a

week while you get used to the idea of the next change you're going to

make. When you've wrapped your head around what no wheat feels like,

then give up sugar and dairy. Maybe while you've been doing these

things, you can be making yourself a shopping list of the supplements

you'll be needing.

Now you've been a couple of weeks, no wheat, no dairy, no sugar, and

you're going to start taking your supplements. You might also start

making a list of what meals you're going to make for the next week.

And you're only going to have rice or potatoes 4 out of 7 nights and

you're going to start taking your supps. So first thing in the

morning every day, put your day's worth of supps. in a dish. On the

weekend make your self some bone broth in your crock pot and freeze it

into portions.

In other words, only make one big change per week. Over this period

of time, you're going to be feeling mentally clearer. You might feel

unwell from die off, but I think your brain fog, and confusion and


of being overwhelmed will have improved. I notice almost instantly,

when I've eliminated wheat, much improved clarity and organization.

Less emotional etc.

Don't look at the big picture. Break it down to small steps and don't

think beyond that.

On 29-Apr-09, at 9:29 AM, anne driske wrote:



> I find it very hard to follow the programme dont no if its because i

> feel so unwell or i am just thick , cant seem to take it all in,

> wish i could as i need to be well

> Anne




> From: Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...>

> Subject: [ ] Re: symptoms


> Date: Sunday, 26 April, 2009, 6:58 PM



> >

> > Thanks Bee , iv been unable to work for a lot longer than a few

> years now but there were periods back further when i worked for 6

> mths then i was ill again this has benn on and off for 20yrs now ,

> so can i still achieve health?


> +++Hi Anne. Achieving health is dependant upon how well you follow

> the complete program, stress factors in your life, and other things.


> Bee



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> I find it very hard to follow the programme dont no if its because i feel so

unwell or i am just thick , cant seem to take it all in, wish i could as i need

to be well

> Anne


Just take your time. It's easy to feel overwhelmed in the beginning. What I

did in the beginning was to print out a copy of the main article and actually

read it slowly in paper format. I could then add my comments and questions on

the sides, and I could highlight the main issues and get an overview of the

whole program in a simple format. I kept going bakc and refering to this

article during the first few months. In fact I still refer to it from time to

time. Some things took me months to get right. The food ratios etc. Havign

the article in paper form was really helpful and then I'd sit and read over

parts that were more difficult to remember. It should take you a month to fully

get onto the program so that's a good time to slowly read and re-read the same


Here's a link to the article " How to successfully overcome Candida:


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Hi Everyone,

I find this kind of advice would NOT work for me. I'm not sure if it is because

I am so far gone with Candida or some other reason but I have to quit cold

turkey feeding the Candida or I crave so intensely that I give into eating toxic

foods. What has confused me most is trying to figure out what is too fast. As

far as the diet goes, I don't have a problem giving up the foods because I have

had to do that in the past in following a food plan for food addicts so I

actually fair better following the no W/S/F. But it is the adding in of coconut

oil and supplements that has me confused. How many weeks before we add in

supplement if we are up to 6T coconut oil a day.

P.S. I have not been online because I relapsed after dealing with my toxic

relationship with my mother. I got right back into bad eating and have suffered

immensely because of it. Horrible joint pain, gas, diareah (sp?) ;0) Today I

am determined to be a survivor and not a victim to this illness and also to my

mothers abuse (I'm 44 not a teenager). I swear the older she gets the more

abusive she becomes, what was a little pronounced growing up is ten times more


Have a great day everyone, I know I will by following this healing journey.

Grateful for Bee who is able to guide us.



> Like right now today, you can give up wheat. Live like that for a

> week while you get used to the idea of the next change you're going to

> make. When you've wrapped your head around what no wheat feels like,

> then give up sugar and dairy.

> And you're only going to have rice or potatoes 4 out of 7 nights and *******I


> you're going to start taking your supps. So first thing in the

> morning every day, put your day's worth of supps. in a dish. On the

> weekend make your self some bone broth in your crock pot and freeze it

> into portions.


> In other words, only make one big change per week. Over this period

> of time, you're going to be feeling mentally clearer. You might feel

> unwell from die off, but I think your brain fog, and confusion and

> feelings

> of being overwhelmed will have improved. I notice almost instantly,

> when I've eliminated wheat, much improved clarity and organization.

> Less emotional etc.


> Don't look at the big picture. Break it down to small steps and don't

> think beyond that.




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-- How many weeks before we add in supplement if we are up to 6T coconut oil a



Hello beth.

I am sorry you had some bad time but I hope you find the strength to get over

your problems with your mother and go on.

You start adding the supplements as soon as possible (that means you don't have

to wait until you are up to 6T co).

When you are up to 6T co (and of course at the same time already taking all of

the other supplements) and you stop having severe die off, then you add one

other antifungal.

Be careful not to try to reach the goal of 6T too fast. YOu should increase your

co intake only by 1tsp every 4-5 days and if you find it too hard you do it when

you feel like you are able to.


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>> Hi beth, I feel the same way. If I would not have gone cold turkey,

there is no way that could have beaten my cravings. There was a time when I

would sit and eat a whole large pizza at a sitting and still feel empty. My

cravings were that strong. Thankfully my will to achieve optimal health and

attain the life that I know we all deserve to have was stronger.

>I am sorry to hear about your relationship with your mom maybe she is sick with

this aswell. Candida effects people psychologically, emotionally, etc. So, maybe

this is the reason why she acts and is the way that she is. We cannot control

many things in our lives, but we can and will do this beth. Be strong

> >

> lots of love



> >

> >

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> Hi Everyone,

> I find this kind of advice would NOT work for me. I'm not sure if it is

because I am so far gone with Candida or some other reason but I have to quit

cold turkey feeding the Candida or I crave so intensely that I give into eating

toxic foods. What has confused me most is trying to figure out what is too


+++Hi beth. If you follow Curing Candida, How to Get Started you should do

okay making the transition over to this diet. It should take you at least 1

month, and for some people it takes longer.

> As far as the diet goes, I don't have a problem giving up the foods because I

have had to do that in the past in following a food plan for food addicts so I

actually fair better following the no W/S/F. But it is the adding in of coconut

oil and supplements that has me confused. How many weeks before we add in

supplement if we are up to 6T coconut oil a day.

+++You don't wait until you are able to have 6T of coconut oil, since you start

on the diet plus supplements plus coconut oil at the same time, per the article



> P.S. I have not been online because I relapsed after dealing with my toxic

relationship with my mother. I got right back into bad eating and have suffered

immensely because of it. Horrible joint pain, gas, diareah (sp?) ;0) Today I

am determined to be a survivor and not a victim to this illness and also to my

mothers abuse (I'm 44 not a teenager). I swear the older she gets the more

abusive she becomes, what was a little pronounced growing up is ten times more


+++That's great you are determined to not let your relationship with your mother

affect your health.

> Have a great day everyone, I know I will by following this healing journey.

Grateful for Bee who is able to guide us.

+++You are so welcome

The best, Bee

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To address your insert at the bottom of this. You aren't allowed rice

and potatoes. It was part of the weaning process I was suggesting.

I'm a cold turkey kind of person too but some people can manage in


On 30-Apr-09, at 9:33 AM, elisabeth_crha wrote:



> Hi Everyone,

> I find this kind of advice would NOT work for me. I'm not sure if it

> is because I am so far gone with Candida or some other reason but I

> have to quit cold turkey feeding the Candida or I crave so intensely

> that I give into eating toxic foods. What has confused me most is

> trying to figure out what is too fast. As far as the diet goes, I

> don't have a problem giving up the foods because I have had to do

> that in the past in following a food plan for food addicts so I

> actually fair better following the no W/S /F. But it is the adding

> in of coconut oil and supplements that has me confused. How many

> weeks before we add in supplement if we are up to 6T coconut oil a

> day.


> P.S. I have not been online because I relapsed after dealing with my

> toxic relationship with my mother. I got right back into bad eating

> and have suffered immensely because of it. Horrible joint pain, gas,

> diareah (sp?) ;0) Today I am determined to be a survivor and not a

> victim to this illness and also to my mothers abuse (I'm 44 not a

> teenager). I swear the older she gets the more abusive she becomes,

> what was a little pronounced growing up is ten times more pronounced.


> Have a great day everyone, I know I will by following this healing

> journey. Grateful for Bee who is able to guide us.


> beth


> >

> > Like right now today, you can give up wheat. Live like that for a

> > week while you get used to the idea of the next change you're

> going to

> > make. When you've wrapped your head around what no wheat feels like,

> > then give up sugar and dairy.


> > And you're only going to have rice or potatoes 4 out of 7 nights


> **********

> > you're going to start taking your supps. So first thing in the

> > morning every day, put your day's worth of supps. in a dish. On the

> > weekend make your self some bone broth in your crock pot and

> freeze it

> > into portions.

> >

> > In other words, only make one big change per week. Over this period

> > of time, you're going to be feeling mentally clearer. You might feel

> > unwell from die off, but I think your brain fog, and confusion and

> > feelings

> > of being overwhelmed will have improved. I notice almost instantly,

> > when I've eliminated wheat, much improved clarity and organization.

> > Less emotional etc.

> >

> > Don't look at the big picture. Break it down to small steps and

> don't

> > think beyond that.

> >

> >

> >




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> To address your insert at the bottom of this. You aren't allowed rice

> and potatoes. It was part of the weaning process I was suggesting.

> I'm a cold turkey kind of person too but some people can manage in

> stages.



+++Hi . Would you please " trim your messages " - do a search for Message

#68009 for instructions.

Thanks a bunch,


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edrefach. your guess is true. hapc after some time can cause pain in stomach and liver side due to inflammation. but you need not get panicky. liver has lot of endurance and capacity. swammy

From: edreifach <ellaina_dreifach@...>Subject: [ ] symptoms Date: Friday, May 1, 2009, 7:12 PM

Hello all,So I've had Hep C for about 20 years and havent really noticed any symptoms that I could pinpoint and say "yeah, thats from Hep C". But for the past two days I've had a dull ache where my liver is and I was wondering if this is a symptom and what it means. Anyone have this happen?

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  • 4 months later...


> Hi Bee,


> My husband is at day four of not feeling well after a major cheat.


> He's now coughing and has mucus coming from his lungs. He feels like he is

burning up but thermometer doesn't show a fever.


> Even though it's not " day one " , should I give him the supplements in your

article " Symptoms, Extra Help For

http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/help4.php ?

+++Hi . Yes, you can give him those extra supplements now.


> I also have some bone broth that has been sitting in the frig for about a

month. Never got around to freezing it. It has a layer of fat on top with a

couple of inches of air. Smells fine. Looks fine. Would it be fine to drink?

+++It is probably is quite okay; the fat layer keeps it fresh too.

Luv, Bee

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Bee,

I'd just like to add insight on this particular topic because I did my own

search for it after experiencing sore gums.

Sore gums has definitely been a die off symptom for me - most notably when i

consume large amounts of raw garlic - I can taste/feel the garlic in my mouth

and my gums definitely feel very sore when I do.

Not to mention i've always had inflamed gums since my Candida.


> >

> > I'm just wondering if having sore gums can be a die-off symptom?

> > However, I've been having it on and off since about two months ago

> > when this thrush started after I had dental work done. I think I was

> > too sensitive to the shots they gave me to numb everything. Thanks!


> Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?


> I haven't heard of sore gums being caused by die-off symptoms.

> However, sore gums can be caused by:


> 1. Damage to the gums by brushing too hard, brushing with hard

> bristles, flossing in between your teeth, and damage caused by dental

> work. Here's a great article " How to Care for Your Teeth & Gums " ;

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/teeth1.php


> 2. Lack of nutrients, particularly B vitamins.


> 3. During natural healing your body will retrace previous gum

> problems according to Hering's Law of Cures:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/menu1_1_2.php


> 4. Candida overgrowth (thrush) in the mouth.


> Bee


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> Dear Bee


> I've recently been suffering from the following symptoms all of which i now

feel result from candida: <snip>

+++Hi . Welcome to our group, and Merry Christmas!

+++Yes, all of your symptoms are caused by candida, so you've come to the right



> Growing up, i had chronic tonsilitis and took many many courses of

antibiotics. As an adult i've had sinusitis and ear infections treated by

antibiotics also.


> My question is - after following your diet, will i be able to return to a

normal eating pattern with sugar and bread, coffee etc?

+++Wow, that's awfully soon to be asking that question my dear. First, the

normal eating pattern you are referring to is not a normal eating pattern for

humans and that is why there is so much disease today that didn't exist prior to

industrialization, particularly of our food supply.

There are Four Reasons Health Fails, including candida, cancer, heart disease,

diabetes, asthma, etc.:

1. Lack of proper nutrition and oxygen.

2. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and waste.

3. Lowered vitality due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, relationship

or financial worries and concerns, etc.

4. Nutritional status inherited from your parents upon conception (genes/DNA can

be corrected with proper nutrition).

Of course high-carbs (sugars and starches) aren't healthy for anyone, and bread

must be prepared properly first before it is fit to eat (the food industry

doesn't do that), so those won't help you maintain life-long health. Some

healthy people do okay having some coffee.

Since you just joined you wouldn't have had time to read the information emailed

to you, so please ensure you read two important articles so you understand

candida, and know what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

The best in health, Bee

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Hi, Can I start by saying that I have a similiar history as what you describe

except that before I found yeast elimination diets I had a bout with cancerous

colo-rectal polyps at 29 and my son had leaky gut at birth making all of our

lives....well, let's just say challenging to be nice.

Will you benefit? I think most definitely yes!

Will it be difficult? Most definitely yes!

Will it be worth it? Most definitely yes!

Will you want to go back to eating sugar, garbage, and the other poisons you

have been burdening your body with all of these years?

Most definitely not.

This is an enlightening lifestyle change. The things that will happen to your

body and mind are beyond what you could probably imagine. Your skin, hair, body

shape, energy level, mind, nails, teeth, tongue, eyes, mouth, and spirit will

all transform. I am not joking here. I have had toxins purge from my pores,

ears, scalp, nose...you name it...and I didn't even do the diet for myself. It

is all for my son. My husband has lost almost 40 pounds and eats as much as he

wants. My son is starting to grow, his fuse is getting longer, he rarely cries

at night, and he digests his food if we are very strict.

You can eat more than you think if you get creative with recipes and think

outside the box.

There is support and resources.

Here are some from Bee's site:

Merry Christmas, Anne G

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Thanks Anne,

I have a friend who takes good care of her health and shines with glowing eyes,

hair, skin health etc. I always wondered what i was doing wrong. I realise now

so much, especially sugar - my intake is very high.

I look forward to health in the new year.


> Hi, Can I start by saying that I have a similiar history as what you describe

except that before I found yeast elimination diets I had a bout with cancerous

colo-rectal polyps at 29 and my son had leaky gut at birth making all of our

lives....well, let's just say challenging to be nice.


> Will you benefit? I think most definitely yes!

> Will it be difficult? Most definitely yes!


> Will it be worth it? Most definitely yes!


> Will you want to go back to eating sugar, garbage, and the other poisons you

have been burdening your body with all of these years?


> Most definitely not.


> This is an enlightening lifestyle change. The things that will happen to your

body and mind are beyond what you could probably imagine. Your skin, hair, body

shape, energy level, mind, nails, teeth, tongue, eyes, mouth, and spirit will

all transform. I am not joking here. I have had toxins purge from my pores,

ears, scalp, nose...you name it...and I didn't even do the diet for myself. It

is all for my son. My husband has lost almost 40 pounds and eats as much as he

wants. My son is starting to grow, his fuse is getting longer, he rarely cries

at night, and he digests his food if we are very strict.


> You can eat more than you think if you get creative with recipes and think

outside the box.


> There is support and resources.

> Here are some from Bee's site:



> Merry Christmas, Anne G


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> Thanks Anne,


> I have a friend who takes good care of her health and shines with glowing

eyes, hair, skin health etc. I always wondered what i was doing wrong. I realise

now so much, especially sugar - my intake is very high.


> I look forward to health in the new year.

+++Hi . That's good you are understanding the damage sugars do to your


If you follow this program you can look forward to improved health in the New

Year. Don't forget that it takes 1 month for every year you've been unhealthy,

so next year will have many ups and downs for you, but it is well worth it!

Onward & upward!

All the best, Bee

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> What is that bumpy rash that people get on their hips? I'd like more

> information on that if anyone has info. Curious, I have it too.

+++Hi . Are you referring to cellulites, which are lumpy deposits of body

fat? Or is the rash red?


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  • 1 month later...

Hi there,

Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

Yes many people who have candida have reported having the symptoms you listed,

and many others too.

The reason you have candida is because your immune system is very depressed, and

the overall health of your body is very poor, which is caused by:

1. Lack of proper nutrition and oxygen.

2. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and waste.

3. Lowered vitality due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, relationship

or financial worries and concerns, etc.

4. Nutritional status inherited from your parents upon conception. (Note: proper

nutrition corrects and changes DNA and genes.)

Therefore the only way anyone gets healthy, whether they have candida or not, is


1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements),

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

Please ensure you read two important articles so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

After reading please get back to us with questions.

The best in health, Bee




> Hi there. I just recently joined this group and I wanted to find out if

anyone related to some of the symptoms that I've had off & on since I was a

teenager. Here are some of the symptoms I've dealt with on & off for the last 15



> • depression

> • de-personalization

> • low energy

> • little or no sex drive

> • Restless Leg Syndrome

> • headaches (not a lot, but at least once a month)

> • ringing in the ears

> • stomach aching/pain

> • no will power

> • anxiety

> • adrenaline overload (my body feels like a car with the parking break on and

someone putting their foot all the way on the gas pedal.It feels like all this

adrenaline coursing through my body and it just feels like I'm gonna errupt.)

> • mucus buildup

> • enlarged breast gland (I noticed about a year ago that I had a hard painful

lump in my right breast. I got scared and thought I might have cancer. I got a

mamogram and they told me there were no signs of cancer. They also told me that

the area I was complaining about was where my gland was located.)


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