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I'm not sure what your diet is like, but I've experienced many of those

symptoms and have found cleaing up my diet to be helpful. First of all

make sure you are getting enough protein. A good way to figure this

out is to eat half of your body weight in grams of protein a day divided

into 3 meals. So, for example, if you weigh 180 lbs, then you would

need 90 grams of protein per day, which divided by 3 meals would be 30

grams per meal. I have found that making sure I have enough protein

helped with the feelings of stress and inability to cope with life.

Just read packages before you eat. I am a vegetarian (mostly vegan)

so that made it much harder to get my protein. About 4oz of meat of

fish per meal gives plenty of protein. If you try this for about a

week, you should notice a difference.

Also moving away from foods like white flour (noodles, breads) and sugar

desserts is very helpful. The American diet is so filled with white

flour products and there is no nutrition in them so it's no wonder so

many people are sick and overweight. We are getting plenty of calories

but not much nutrtion so our bodies are hungry looking for nutrition.

Somehow things got mixed up in this world/country. Food is fuel for

the body but it seems that people eat only for pleasure and not for the

reasons we are supposed to eat which is to provide fuel/nutrtion for the


Try also increasing the amount of fresh raw foods you eat, especially

dark leafy greens which are very high in nutrition.

A way to find out if you are hypothyroid is to do the barnes basal test.

You can search the web for the exact protocol but basically you shake

down a thermometer before going to sleep at night and keep it next to

your bed and then first thing in the morning, you put it in your armpit

for 10 minutes. If your temp is below 97.8 (I think is the number) then

you are hypo..... but check the web for the exact number that it has to

be below.

Good luck,


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Hi. I'm new here, but I read every message faithfully. I, too, have

experienced every single symptom you have listed and mine could have went on as


It's good that you are, at least, waiting for test results. It takes some

people too long to even be diagnosed. I'm not sure when my problems started,

but I believe it was in 01' after the stillbirth of my son. However, I've had 2

previous miscarriages so perhaps this could always have been an underlying

problem. I wasn't diagnosed until August 15th of this year with a TSH level of

47. There are so many discussions here on TSH levels and lab values all

together, but I have no doubts that my thyroid was causing EVERY SINGLE symptom

that you are experiencing everyday. For me, this is a familial thing as my

Dad's side (his mother and all siblings) have the same thyroid disorder.

I know that days seem hopeless...if you are anything like me, the more helpless

I felt, the more guilty I was for not being able to do what I used to do. I am

30 years old, by the way. In an earlier post, I said I was 32 and that cracks

me up because that must have been a 'brain fog' day.

Generally, people who are hypothyroid have a low blood pressure, but I was not

textbook in that manner because my blood pressure was fairly high (150/110) The

day before I got my lab results, she gave me a prescription for Effexor and I

decided I'd like to try to wait until I saw the results of my thryoid

replacement before I committed to starting MORE medicine, and she agreed. So, I

started taking 10mg of Monopril for the blood pressure and the next day I

started .75mcg of Levoxyl. Since the loss of my son, I've been on a .25mg dose

of xanax as needed and I've found that I don't need it everyday anymore. The

panic I was feeling before diagnosis was severe and it scared me that xanax

wasn't taking care of it?!?!? The first couple of days of the new medicines

were horrible. In fact, I thought that if this is how it feels to be on medicine

to be well, I'd rather be sick. BUT thankfully, I am feeling so much better. I

have much more energy and it feels good to know that I wasn't

really going crazy OR lazy. I seriously thought that I was doomed. A kidney

stone in July also made me think I in cardiac arrest. So many things happened

before I ever decided, hey! Something is really wrong. I count my blessings

that I made the appointment to go and that she was keen enough to ask me if I've

ever had my thyroid tested. I see her again the 22nd of this month. I am

hoping to see a change for the better in my bloodwork. One suggestion that has

really helped me is to keep a journal of how you feel, what your activities are,

what you've eaten, and things like that. I do it and record my blood pressure

and pulse along with it (I have a wrist monitor). I have it in a binder with my

medical information in it just in case my husband ever has to rush me back to

the ER...you never know. That is exactly how scared I was about how I was

feeling. The kidney stone didn't help ease my mind obviously. The road has been

long and I know it's something that I will have to

manage a lifetime. But the relief of knowing that it's not all in my head is

glorious. NO one told me I was crazy, but I was wondering it just the same.

I do hope that it is a comfort to know that someone can identify with the way

you are feeling. Now, let's hope that you get some answers soon as to what is

wrong and then you can focus on the road to well. I don't post often as I don't

have the experience or knowledge that some of these folks have, but I think

knowledge is power and you owe it to yourself to take control and find some

peace of mind. For now, if it's in some research and recording, then do it!

Good Luck!


bigcolli <untmp3@...> wrote:

Hello, I'm a 19 y/o male and suspect that I'm suffering/have been

suffering from hypothyroidism for a while. My grandmother was also

hypo and took thyroxine in her later life. Unfortunately, I'm having

a hard time convincing others around me of my beliefs that I'm simply

not well and that I'm not a lazy person or not feeling good because

mentally im not there. Currently, im taking celexa for

depression/anxiety, but not seeing a big difference in the way i

feel. Symptoms I'm experiencing are:


-constantly feeling fatigued throughout the day, insomnia at night

-low libido, no sex drive

-inner shakiness feeling/tremor

-hands are asleep every morning i wake up, takes about 20 minutes to

get circulation going again

-palms of my hands get very hot at times, they become bright red,

also have a light yellowish tint to them

-obsessive compulsive type behaviours

-always feeling tired

-lack of motivation

-paranoia/delusional thoughts (feel like people are doing things

behind my back)

-hard for me to absorb information that i read/brain seems to work

slower, braing fog type feeling

-aches and pains in my joints/muscles (makes it hard for me to walk


-cant handle that much stress

The list can go on forever. I'm waiting for test results on my

thyroid and other hormones to come back from my endo, he also

mentioned that my testosterone level was abnormally low, so I'm

wondering if there's a connection.

If anyone has input this, it would be nice to hear your thoughts.

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Hey Karol, I really appreciate all the feedback you've given me. I

tried posting a msg earlier, but it didnt seem to work. I was saying

that I took my temperature orally and it seems to be below normal. I

took it one morning a couple days ago, and it was at 95.9 F!! Seeing

how low it was, I have no doubt in my mind that it is something

thyroid related, and considering the fact that it runs on my mother's

side, there's a good possibility. I can't wait for the road to

recovery and getting my life back.

> Hello, I'm a 19 y/o male and suspect that I'm suffering/have been

> suffering from hypothyroidism for a while. My grandmother was also

> hypo and took thyroxine in her later life. Unfortunately, I'm


> a hard time convincing others around me of my beliefs that I'm


> not well and that I'm not a lazy person or not feeling good because

> mentally im not there. Currently, im taking celexa for

> depression/anxiety, but not seeing a big difference in the way i

> feel. Symptoms I'm experiencing are:


> -anxiety/depression/nervousness

> -constantly feeling fatigued throughout the day, insomnia at night

> -low libido, no sex drive

> -inner shakiness feeling/tremor

> -hands are asleep every morning i wake up, takes about 20 minutes


> get circulation going again

> -palms of my hands get very hot at times, they become bright red,

> also have a light yellowish tint to them

> -obsessive compulsive type behaviours

> -always feeling tired

> -lack of motivation

> -paranoia/delusional thoughts (feel like people are doing things

> behind my back)

> -hard for me to absorb information that i read/brain seems to work

> slower, braing fog type feeling

> -aches and pains in my joints/muscles (makes it hard for me to walk

> around)

> -cant handle that much stress


> The list can go on forever. I'm waiting for test results on my

> thyroid and other hormones to come back from my endo, he also

> mentioned that my testosterone level was abnormally low, so I'm

> wondering if there's a connection.


> If anyone has input this, it would be nice to hear your thoughts.




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  • 2 months later...

's syndrome is supposedly a type of hypothyroidism, but not the

same as hypothyroidism.

Symptoms usually are:


Hair loss

Weight gain/inability to lose weight

Muscle pain/fibromyalgia

Yellow hands and/or skin

Bloating/hard edema

Dry skin

Low libido

Brittle nails

Dry hair

Eyebrows falling out, especially outer 1/3

Enlarged tongue with scalloped edges

Swelling of the face

Eyelids looking " fallen "


Memory difficulties/brain fog

There are many more, but the brain fog won't let me remember them

all. LOL You can have all or just a few of them.


> Hi everyone. I am new to this board and was wondering what the

> symptoms are for hypothyroidism? Is 's syndrom the same as

> hypothyroidism? Thanks for your patience with a newbie.

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Hi & welcome!

Here's a link that will help give you a lot of information about hypothyroidism.


After you read what's on the first page, just go to the second page and you'll

see the symptoms.

Here's a link that should explain the difference between hypothyroidism and

's syndrome.


Take care and keep in touch. Sheila

centurion21224 <centurion21224@...> wrote:

Hi everyone. I am new to this board and was wondering what the

symptoms are for hypothyroidism? Is 's syndrom the same as

hypothyroidism? Thanks for your patience with a newbie.

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  • 1 year later...

my worst symptoms were complete brain fog, couldn't speak, couldn't think,

anxiety, constipation, acne. I was this way all my life, had a partial

thyroidectomy at age 22, still no meds. finally treated myself at age 52.





> I am in the first testing stages for hypothyroidism, I am getting my

> TSH and Free 4 checked. But what I wanted to know is what are some

> of the symptoms that some people were experiencing.


> Here are some of mine:


> fatigue

> overheated

> excessive sweating

> carpal tunnel feelings in both wrists

> I get these bit of, I don't even know what to call them lodged in

> the back of my throat that won't come out for days

> anxiety

> menstral periods are all screwed up, short and light

> dry skin of the face, almost rashy like

> sometimes throat is very dry and raspy


> If you are experiecing some of this or have experienced this please

> contact me.












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Yes I can relate. When my thyroid was really bad I would go 40-50

days in between peroids, my hair started to fall out, my skin was

very dry. and yes the brain fog. I was watching TV one day and could

not remember the name of the actress I was looking at, after several

minutess I realize it was sandra bullock. That was very scary to me.

I thought I had a brain tumor! I was lucky to have a great female

Doctor that was able to find my thyroid problem very quickly. I went

in for heart palps and she ran a thyroid test. but the strange thing

is I was hypo not hyper. She told me that when your thyroid is

getting ready to burn out it uses everything it has making you seem

like your hyperthyroid.

Good luck to you

In hypothyroidism , " Gracia " <circe@g...> wrote:


> my worst symptoms were complete brain fog, couldn't speak, couldn't


> anxiety, constipation, acne. I was this way all my life, had a


> thyroidectomy at age 22, still no meds. finally treated myself at

age 52.

> Gracia


> >

> >

> >

> > I am in the first testing stages for hypothyroidism, I am getting


> > TSH and Free 4 checked. But what I wanted to know is what are


> > of the symptoms that some people were experiencing.

> >

> > Here are some of mine:

> >

> > fatigue

> > overheated

> > excessive sweating

> > carpal tunnel feelings in both wrists

> > I get these bit of, I don't even know what to call them lodged in

> > the back of my throat that won't come out for days

> > anxiety

> > menstral periods are all screwed up, short and light

> > dry skin of the face, almost rashy like

> > sometimes throat is very dry and raspy

> >

> > If you are experiecing some of this or have experienced this


> > contact me.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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My symptoms:


missed periods then very heavy when they come

chronic dry skin

sinus problems-all the time

completely exhausted (different kind of exhaustion)

Bowel issues of both kinds

prettycomical <prettycomical@...> wrote:

I am in the first testing stages for hypothyroidism, I am getting my

TSH and Free 4 checked. But what I wanted to know is what are some

of the symptoms that some people were experiencing.

Here are some of mine:



excessive sweating

carpal tunnel feelings in both wrists

I get these bit of, I don't even know what to call them lodged in

the back of my throat that won't come out for days


menstral periods are all screwed up, short and light

dry skin of the face, almost rashy like

sometimes throat is very dry and raspy

If you are experiecing some of this or have experienced this please

contact me.

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Oh my goodness, it is like reading my own post almost. I would like to hear

my doctor tell me that my thyroid was about to burn out. I really hope that

when they take this follicular lesion off next week, that it stops some of

this brain fog, but from what I am learning it sounds like it might open up

an WHOLE new can of worms. Surgery causes such trauma to the thyroid.

Heres to hoping it makes it better, if not I will be trying to find out

where I can order Armour replacement.. LOL



From: diana081964 [mailto:diana081964@...]

Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 6:59 AM


Subject: Re: Symptoms


Yes I can relate. When my thyroid was really bad I would go 40-50

days in between peroids, my hair started to fall out, my skin was

very dry. and yes the brain fog. I was watching TV one day and could

not remember the name of the actress I was looking at, after several

minutess I realize it was sandra bullock. That was very scary to me.

I thought I had a brain tumor! I was lucky to have a great female

Doctor that was able to find my thyroid problem very quickly. I went

in for heart palps and she ran a thyroid test. but the strange thing

is I was hypo not hyper. She told me that when your thyroid is

getting ready to burn out it uses everything it has making you seem

like your hyperthyroid.

Good luck to you

In hypothyroidism , " Gracia " <circe@g...> wrote:


> my worst symptoms were complete brain fog, couldn't speak, couldn't


> anxiety, constipation, acne. I was this way all my life, had a


> thyroidectomy at age 22, still no meds. finally treated myself at

age 52.

> Gracia


> >

> >

> >

> > I am in the first testing stages for hypothyroidism, I am getting


> > TSH and Free 4 checked. But what I wanted to know is what are


> > of the symptoms that some people were experiencing.

> >

> > Here are some of mine:

> >

> > fatigue

> > overheated

> > excessive sweating

> > carpal tunnel feelings in both wrists

> > I get these bit of, I don't even know what to call them lodged in

> > the back of my throat that won't come out for days

> > anxiety

> > menstral periods are all screwed up, short and light

> > dry skin of the face, almost rashy like

> > sometimes throat is very dry and raspy

> >

> > If you are experiecing some of this or have experienced this


> > contact me.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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what do they do for you when your thyroid had burnt out? does that happen to

people? I feel like I am at the end of my rope. My husband does not understand

when I tell him that my endo does not know that there are alternative treatments

to this horrible problem and I am always looking for something that will make me

feel at least normal. Of course I don't even remember what that felt like. But

the braing fog is almost more than I can take. Just today I was talking to a

friend about what movie to see and I was going to order the tickets online, I

even checked it (carefully HA!) before I submitted payment and of course I

picked the wrong movie!!!! Can you get arrested for breaking the rules of going

into a different theater???? Look for the breaking news of the grown woman

fighting with the theater employee who went into a different theater to see the

movie she really meant to see. Does the fog over lift??

Also, I bought and started using the progesterone cream and my breasts have

itched like crazy, my gyno said it was hormones so I think I might be using it

too much, even though I am using as directed. Let me tell you.....there is

nothing like grabbing both your breast in a hopeless attempt to stop the itching

while the President of the company walks by your office. At least I got a good

laugh and a great story to tell my friends. I am going to cut back on the usage

and see what happens.

Char <canasa@...> wrote:

Oh my goodness, it is like reading my own post almost. I would like to hear

my doctor tell me that my thyroid was about to burn out. I really hope that

when they take this follicular lesion off next week, that it stops some of

this brain fog, but from what I am learning it sounds like it might open up

an WHOLE new can of worms. Surgery causes such trauma to the thyroid.

Heres to hoping it makes it better, if not I will be trying to find out

where I can order Armour replacement.. LOL



From: diana081964 [mailto:diana081964@...]

Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 6:59 AM


Subject: Re: Symptoms


Yes I can relate. When my thyroid was really bad I would go 40-50

days in between peroids, my hair started to fall out, my skin was

very dry. and yes the brain fog. I was watching TV one day and could

not remember the name of the actress I was looking at, after several

minutess I realize it was sandra bullock. That was very scary to me.

I thought I had a brain tumor! I was lucky to have a great female

Doctor that was able to find my thyroid problem very quickly. I went

in for heart palps and she ran a thyroid test. but the strange thing

is I was hypo not hyper. She told me that when your thyroid is

getting ready to burn out it uses everything it has making you seem

like your hyperthyroid.

Good luck to you

In hypothyroidism , " Gracia " <circe@g...> wrote:


> my worst symptoms were complete brain fog, couldn't speak, couldn't


> anxiety, constipation, acne. I was this way all my life, had a


> thyroidectomy at age 22, still no meds. finally treated myself at

age 52.

> Gracia


> >

> >

> >

> > I am in the first testing stages for hypothyroidism, I am getting


> > TSH and Free 4 checked. But what I wanted to know is what are


> > of the symptoms that some people were experiencing.

> >

> > Here are some of mine:

> >

> > fatigue

> > overheated

> > excessive sweating

> > carpal tunnel feelings in both wrists

> > I get these bit of, I don't even know what to call them lodged in

> > the back of my throat that won't come out for days

> > anxiety

> > menstral periods are all screwed up, short and light

> > dry skin of the face, almost rashy like

> > sometimes throat is very dry and raspy

> >

> > If you are experiecing some of this or have experienced this


> > contact me.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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LOL I think you might need MORE progesterone not less. Are you on ENOUGH

thyroid meds????? Hey maybe you will get a raise :)



> what do they do for you when your thyroid had burnt out? does that happen

to people? I feel like I am at the end of my rope. My husband does not

understand when I tell him that my endo does not know that there are

alternative treatments to this horrible problem and I am always looking for

something that will make me feel at least normal. Of course I don't even

remember what that felt like. But the braing fog is almost more than I can

take. Just today I was talking to a friend about what movie to see and I

was going to order the tickets online, I even checked it (carefully HA!)

before I submitted payment and of course I picked the wrong movie!!!! Can

you get arrested for breaking the rules of going into a different

theater???? Look for the breaking news of the grown woman fighting with the

theater employee who went into a different theater to see the movie she

really meant to see. Does the fog over lift??


> Also, I bought and started using the progesterone cream and my breasts

have itched like crazy, my gyno said it was hormones so I think I might be

using it too much, even though I am using as directed. Let me tell

you.....there is nothing like grabbing both your breast in a hopeless

attempt to stop the itching while the President of the company walks by your

office. At least I got a good laugh and a great story to tell my friends.

I am going to cut back on the usage and see what happens.


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Robin, I don't know, that is why I am here too.

I am having thyroid surgery on Monday because they found a follicular lesion

on the left side so they are taking the whole left side of my thyroid. My

labs too are ok. BUT like so many I can relate to the brain fog. It is

horrible it is like something covering your every thought and it seems the

more you concentrate the worse it gets! I find the more I try to use my

mind, the foggier I get. Just like a heavy, dense cloud, or like thinking

through oil. I am really hoping this surgery is going to fix me up. If it

does, well I will be telling everyone to get an ultrasound done.. LOL!!

Hugs to ya,



From: Robin Alligood [mailto:ralligoo2000@...]

Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 10:54 PM


Subject: RE: Re: Symptoms

what do they do for you when your thyroid had burnt out? does that happen

to people? I feel like I am at the end of my rope. My husband does not

understand when I tell him that my endo does not know that there are

alternative treatments to this horrible problem and I am always looking for

something that will make me feel at least normal. Of course I don't even

remember what that felt like. But the braing fog is almost more than I can

take. Just today I was talking to a friend about what movie to see and I

was going to order the tickets online, I even checked it (carefully HA!)

before I submitted payment and of course I picked the wrong movie!!!! Can

you get arrested for breaking the rules of going into a different

theater???? Look for the breaking news of the grown woman fighting with the

theater employee who went into a different theater to see the movie she

really meant to see. Does the fog over lift??

Also, I bought and started using the progesterone cream and my breasts have

itched like crazy, my gyno said it was hormones so I think I might be using

it too much, even though I am using as directed. Let me tell you.....there

is nothing like grabbing both your breast in a hopeless attempt to stop the

itching while the President of the company walks by your office. At least I

got a good laugh and a great story to tell my friends. I am going to cut

back on the usage and see what happens.

Char <canasa@...> wrote:

Oh my goodness, it is like reading my own post almost. I would like to hear

my doctor tell me that my thyroid was about to burn out. I really hope that

when they take this follicular lesion off next week, that it stops some of

this brain fog, but from what I am learning it sounds like it might open up

an WHOLE new can of worms. Surgery causes such trauma to the thyroid.

Heres to hoping it makes it better, if not I will be trying to find out

where I can order Armour replacement.. LOL



From: diana081964 [mailto:diana081964@...]

Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 6:59 AM


Subject: Re: Symptoms


Yes I can relate. When my thyroid was really bad I would go 40-50

days in between peroids, my hair started to fall out, my skin was

very dry. and yes the brain fog. I was watching TV one day and could

not remember the name of the actress I was looking at, after several

minutess I realize it was sandra bullock. That was very scary to me.

I thought I had a brain tumor! I was lucky to have a great female

Doctor that was able to find my thyroid problem very quickly. I went

in for heart palps and she ran a thyroid test. but the strange thing

is I was hypo not hyper. She told me that when your thyroid is

getting ready to burn out it uses everything it has making you seem

like your hyperthyroid.

Good luck to you

In hypothyroidism , " Gracia " <circe@g...> wrote:


> my worst symptoms were complete brain fog, couldn't speak, couldn't


> anxiety, constipation, acne. I was this way all my life, had a


> thyroidectomy at age 22, still no meds. finally treated myself at

age 52.

> Gracia


> >

> >

> >

> > I am in the first testing stages for hypothyroidism, I am getting


> > TSH and Free 4 checked. But what I wanted to know is what are


> > of the symptoms that some people were experiencing.

> >

> > Here are some of mine:

> >

> > fatigue

> > overheated

> > excessive sweating

> > carpal tunnel feelings in both wrists

> > I get these bit of, I don't even know what to call them lodged in

> > the back of my throat that won't come out for days

> > anxiety

> > menstral periods are all screwed up, short and light

> > dry skin of the face, almost rashy like

> > sometimes throat is very dry and raspy

> >

> > If you are experiecing some of this or have experienced this


> > contact me.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Good luck with everything and let is know how you are doing.

Char <canasa@...> wrote:Robin, I don't know, that is why I am here


I am having thyroid surgery on Monday because they found a follicular lesion

on the left side so they are taking the whole left side of my thyroid. My

labs too are ok. BUT like so many I can relate to the brain fog. It is

horrible it is like something covering your every thought and it seems the

more you concentrate the worse it gets! I find the more I try to use my

mind, the foggier I get. Just like a heavy, dense cloud, or like thinking

through oil. I am really hoping this surgery is going to fix me up. If it

does, well I will be telling everyone to get an ultrasound done.. LOL!!

Hugs to ya,



From: Robin Alligood [mailto:ralligoo2000@...]

Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 10:54 PM


Subject: RE: Re: Symptoms

what do they do for you when your thyroid had burnt out? does that happen

to people? I feel like I am at the end of my rope. My husband does not

understand when I tell him that my endo does not know that there are

alternative treatments to this horrible problem and I am always looking for

something that will make me feel at least normal. Of course I don't even

remember what that felt like. But the braing fog is almost more than I can

take. Just today I was talking to a friend about what movie to see and I

was going to order the tickets online, I even checked it (carefully HA!)

before I submitted payment and of course I picked the wrong movie!!!! Can

you get arrested for breaking the rules of going into a different

theater???? Look for the breaking news of the grown woman fighting with the

theater employee who went into a different theater to see the movie she

really meant to see. Does the fog over lift??

Also, I bought and started using the progesterone cream and my breasts have

itched like crazy, my gyno said it was hormones so I think I might be using

it too much, even though I am using as directed. Let me tell you.....there

is nothing like grabbing both your breast in a hopeless attempt to stop the

itching while the President of the company walks by your office. At least I

got a good laugh and a great story to tell my friends. I am going to cut

back on the usage and see what happens.

Char <canasa@...> wrote:

Oh my goodness, it is like reading my own post almost. I would like to hear

my doctor tell me that my thyroid was about to burn out. I really hope that

when they take this follicular lesion off next week, that it stops some of

this brain fog, but from what I am learning it sounds like it might open up

an WHOLE new can of worms. Surgery causes such trauma to the thyroid.

Heres to hoping it makes it better, if not I will be trying to find out

where I can order Armour replacement.. LOL



From: diana081964 [mailto:diana081964@...]

Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 6:59 AM


Subject: Re: Symptoms


Yes I can relate. When my thyroid was really bad I would go 40-50

days in between peroids, my hair started to fall out, my skin was

very dry. and yes the brain fog. I was watching TV one day and could

not remember the name of the actress I was looking at, after several

minutess I realize it was sandra bullock. That was very scary to me.

I thought I had a brain tumor! I was lucky to have a great female

Doctor that was able to find my thyroid problem very quickly. I went

in for heart palps and she ran a thyroid test. but the strange thing

is I was hypo not hyper. She told me that when your thyroid is

getting ready to burn out it uses everything it has making you seem

like your hyperthyroid.

Good luck to you

In hypothyroidism , " Gracia " <circe@g...> wrote:


> my worst symptoms were complete brain fog, couldn't speak, couldn't


> anxiety, constipation, acne. I was this way all my life, had a


> thyroidectomy at age 22, still no meds. finally treated myself at

age 52.

> Gracia


> >

> >

> >

> > I am in the first testing stages for hypothyroidism, I am getting


> > TSH and Free 4 checked. But what I wanted to know is what are


> > of the symptoms that some people were experiencing.

> >

> > Here are some of mine:

> >

> > fatigue

> > overheated

> > excessive sweating

> > carpal tunnel feelings in both wrists

> > I get these bit of, I don't even know what to call them lodged in

> > the back of my throat that won't come out for days

> > anxiety

> > menstral periods are all screwed up, short and light

> > dry skin of the face, almost rashy like

> > sometimes throat is very dry and raspy

> >

> > If you are experiecing some of this or have experienced this


> > contact me.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I am on 200mcg. of synthroid and I had to stop with the progesterone because I

got a horrible rash from it, I went home friday night and everything was red. I

don't know what to do to make me feel better.

I'm thinking that a raise is a great idea! I wish that was all it would take!

I started using Apple Cidar Vinegar and Honey for my skin. My mom tells me that

it is great for all sorts of ailments. So far it seems to be doing the trick.

Plus it is good for stiff joints and bone aches.

Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

LOL I think you might need MORE progesterone not less. Are you on ENOUGH

thyroid meds????? Hey maybe you will get a raise :)



> what do they do for you when your thyroid had burnt out? does that happen

to people? I feel like I am at the end of my rope. My husband does not

understand when I tell him that my endo does not know that there are

alternative treatments to this horrible problem and I am always looking for

something that will make me feel at least normal. Of course I don't even

remember what that felt like. But the braing fog is almost more than I can

take. Just today I was talking to a friend about what movie to see and I

was going to order the tickets online, I even checked it (carefully HA!)

before I submitted payment and of course I picked the wrong movie!!!! Can

you get arrested for breaking the rules of going into a different

theater???? Look for the breaking news of the grown woman fighting with the

theater employee who went into a different theater to see the movie she

really meant to see. Does the fog over lift??


> Also, I bought and started using the progesterone cream and my breasts

have itched like crazy, my gyno said it was hormones so I think I might be

using it too much, even though I am using as directed. Let me tell

you.....there is nothing like grabbing both your breast in a hopeless

attempt to stop the itching while the President of the company walks by your

office. At least I got a good laugh and a great story to tell my friends.

I am going to cut back on the usage and see what happens.


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Yikes, I think you might want some T3--have you ever had FREE T3 tested?

Most of us feel lots better with it. Then the progesterone might work

better for you.



> Gracia,


> I am on 200mcg. of synthroid and I had to stop with the progesterone

because I got a horrible rash from it, I went home friday night and

everything was red. I don't know what to do to make me feel better.


> I'm thinking that a raise is a great idea! I wish that was all it would

take! I started using Apple Cidar Vinegar and Honey for my skin. My mom

tells me that it is great for all sorts of ailments. So far it seems to be

doing the trick. Plus it is good for stiff joints and bone aches.



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no I have never been tested for that. I have asked about this and there doesn't

seem to be any sense of urgency to do that. What is T3?

Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

Yikes, I think you might want some T3--have you ever had FREE T3 tested?

Most of us feel lots better with it. Then the progesterone might work

better for you.



> Gracia,


> I am on 200mcg. of synthroid and I had to stop with the progesterone

because I got a horrible rash from it, I went home friday night and

everything was red. I don't know what to do to make me feel better.


> I'm thinking that a raise is a great idea! I wish that was all it would

take! I started using Apple Cidar Vinegar and Honey for my skin. My mom

tells me that it is great for all sorts of ailments. So far it seems to be

doing the trick. Plus it is good for stiff joints and bone aches.



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your doc has been educated by drug company. T3 is the thyroid hormone that

makes us feel good. Learn more at http://www.thyroid.about.com Most of us

feel better with T3, like what is in Armour or thyrolar.



> no I have never been tested for that. I have asked about this and there

doesn't seem to be any sense of urgency to do that. What is T3?


> Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

> Yikes, I think you might want some T3--have you ever had FREE T3 tested?

> Most of us feel lots better with it. Then the progesterone might work

> better for you.

> Gracia


> >

> > Gracia,

> >

> > I am on 200mcg. of synthroid and I had to stop with the progesterone

> because I got a horrible rash from it, I went home friday night and

> everything was red. I don't know what to do to make me feel better.

> >

> > I'm thinking that a raise is a great idea! I wish that was all it would

> take! I started using Apple Cidar Vinegar and Honey for my skin. My mom

> tells me that it is great for all sorts of ailments. So far it seems to


> doing the trick. Plus it is good for stiff joints and bone aches.

> >

> >






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I took Armour and didn't feel all that great. Do I take it with Synthroid? Or

as a replacement?

Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

your doc has been educated by drug company. T3 is the thyroid hormone that

makes us feel good. Learn more at http://www.thyroid.about.com Most of us

feel better with T3, like what is in Armour or thyrolar.



> no I have never been tested for that. I have asked about this and there

doesn't seem to be any sense of urgency to do that. What is T3?


> Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

> Yikes, I think you might want some T3--have you ever had FREE T3 tested?

> Most of us feel lots better with it. Then the progesterone might work

> better for you.

> Gracia


> >

> > Gracia,

> >

> > I am on 200mcg. of synthroid and I had to stop with the progesterone

> because I got a horrible rash from it, I went home friday night and

> everything was red. I don't know what to do to make me feel better.

> >

> > I'm thinking that a raise is a great idea! I wish that was all it would

> take! I started using Apple Cidar Vinegar and Honey for my skin. My mom

> tells me that it is great for all sorts of ailments. So far it seems to


> doing the trick. Plus it is good for stiff joints and bone aches.

> >

> >






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If you had a problem with Armour, either you weren't getting enough meds

(can't treat to the TSH) or you need adrenal hormones. It is a replacment

for synthroid.



> I took Armour and didn't feel all that great. Do I take it with

Synthroid? Or as a replacement?


> Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

> your doc has been educated by drug company. T3 is the thyroid hormone


> makes us feel good. Learn more at http://www.thyroid.about.com Most of


> feel better with T3, like what is in Armour or thyrolar.

> Gracia


> >

> > no I have never been tested for that. I have asked about this and there

> doesn't seem to be any sense of urgency to do that. What is T3?

> >

> > Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

> > Yikes, I think you might want some T3--have you ever had FREE T3 tested?

> > Most of us feel lots better with it. Then the progesterone might work

> > better for you.

> > Gracia

> >

> > >

> > > Gracia,

> > >

> > > I am on 200mcg. of synthroid and I had to stop with the progesterone

> > because I got a horrible rash from it, I went home friday night and

> > everything was red. I don't know what to do to make me feel better.

> > >

> > > I'm thinking that a raise is a great idea! I wish that was all it


> > take! I started using Apple Cidar Vinegar and Honey for my skin. My


> > tells me that it is great for all sorts of ailments. So far it seems to

> be

> > doing the trick. Plus it is good for stiff joints and bone aches.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 11 months later...

I was having something like that when my chiro would

crack the upper most verts in my neck/skull. Don't

know why I never realized the involvement should be lower.

Maybe its because I was more concerned about L3-L4 which I

went to see him over. What the chiro found necessary was

to sling my head sidways WHILE twisting; so my guess is

he was involving a nerve lower down to pinch now that

I think of it.

I noticed two weeks ago when I tried to pull a compound

bow that I could do it with my left weaker arm but not

my right dominant one! I can't believe how much weakness

I have there - I'm just getting over the pain - feels

like I riped all my conective tissue to shreds. The bow

was just in the right strength range for me else I

would probably have needed a scale - eg. pulling on

a regular bow would be too arbetrary but might make

a good light workout device since I have a couple of

them left over from my kids.

After I was in full spasm for two weeks I was able to tell

doctors that the problem was L3-L4 just by the fact that

I had numbness across the inside front on my calf. Assuming

I was wired like most this it the dermitome for that. Man

I wish I'd of had pain meds when my muscles were causing

all the nerve damage.

What I've been doing lately is excercising my neck while

at my coputer. One of my most painful areas is the c8-t1

(hump thingy back there). Also my sternabras (sp?) are

often pinching and I've been having a lot of chest pain

that seems to go away when I lay down awhile. I've moved

closer to the monior and it seems to help. Since I can no

way sit straight up I tend to hunch forward flexing c8-t1

connection, I think.


dave sailer wrote:

> I have cervical kyphosis, spinal stenosis, foraminal

> narrowing from c4-c6. What is odd is that I have

> tingling in my left pinky and ring finger which is

> supposed to be connected to a nerve from c8/t1. Has

> anyone else experienced this? I really would like

> to figure out why this is since my surgeon says I

> should fuse c6 (and maybe 5,4) to fix this,

> and I'm concerned that won't fix the problem.

> I know the nerves from c5 thru t1 combine and

> split in a network fashion between the spine and

> shoulder, but I'm not sure if this explains this

> oddity.

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jaytee110180 wrote:

>I was having something like that when my chiro would

>crack the upper most verts in my neck/skull. Don't

>know why I never realized the involvement should be lower.


>Maybe its because I was more concerned about L3-L4 which I

>went to see him over. What the chiro found necessary was

>to sling my head sidways WHILE twisting; so my guess is

>he was involving a nerve lower down to pinch now that

>I think of it.


>I noticed two weeks ago when I tried to pull a compound

>bow that I could do it with my left weaker arm but not

>my right dominant one! I can't believe how much weakness

>I have there - I'm just getting over the pain - feels

>like I riped all my conective tissue to shreds. The bow

>was just in the right strength range for me else I

>would probably have needed a scale - eg. pulling on

>a regular bow would be too arbetrary but might make

>a good light workout device since I have a couple of

>them left over from my kids.


>After I was in full spasm for two weeks I was able to tell

>doctors that the problem was L3-L4 just by the fact that

>I had numbness across the inside front on my calf. Assuming

>I was wired like most this it the dermitome for that. Man

>I wish I'd of had pain meds when my muscles were causing

>all the nerve damage.


>What I've been doing lately is excercising my neck while

>at my coputer. One of my most painful areas is the c8-t1

>(hump thingy back there). Also my sternabras (sp?) are

>often pinching and I've been having a lot of chest pain

>that seems to go away when I lay down awhile. I've moved

>closer to the monior and it seems to help. Since I can no

>way sit straight up I tend to hunch forward flexing c8-t1

>connection, I think.




>dave sailer wrote:



>>I have cervical kyphosis, spinal stenosis, foraminal

>>narrowing from c4-c6. What is odd is that I have

>>tingling in my left pinky and ring finger which is

>>supposed to be connected to a nerve from c8/t1. Has

>>anyone else experienced this? I really would like

>>to figure out why this is since my surgeon says I

>>should fuse c6 (and maybe 5,4) to fix this,

>>and I'm concerned that won't fix the problem.

>>I know the nerves from c5 thru t1 combine and

>>split in a network fashion between the spine and

>>shoulder, but I'm not sure if this explains this













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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

> How do I keep myself from worrying about such a thing. Need I be

> worried about this?

Hi Faith,

Boy, you've asked the million dollar question...if we could alleviate

worry in the world a we would all be a whole lot happier!


First of all, are you doing the breathing exercises we've talked

about? I can tell you're concerned but needless worry is only going to

add to your anxiety. I can't tell you whether or not you have

pancreatic cancer (probably not though), but if it's something you're

seriously concerned about you should see your doctor.

Now...have you ever done any reading or research on the " mind/body

connection " ? Every thought you have affects your body...so every happy

thought, every anxious thought and every thought in between will have

an affect on your physical body. Anxiety thoughts are particularly

harmful to one's body. It's truly amaxing how powerful our thoughts are!

Do you do any journaling or self-analysis of any type? It might help

you to try that or maybe talk to a pastor or counselor. These anxiety

thoughts are simply fears--and they can get overwhelming if they are

not stopped. What helps me when I get caught up in fear is to

investigate the fear to it's logical conclusion...by that I mean, IF

you do have cancer...well, then what? Answer the question for

yourself...if you have cancer,then what?...how would you feel, what

would you do, How would you handle it? Rehearse for yourself what you

would do....when you do answer those questions and relaize that there

really IS something you can do rather than feel helpless and stuck in

fear, then you feel like you have some power and the fear ceases to

ahve control you.

Quite often anxiety occurrs because we don't trust that we can handle

whatever life throws at us....but if you start investigating your

internal self, finding out what your fears and stregths are and come

to realize that you can take care of yourself no matter what...the

anxiety will go away.



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Guest guest


> Do you mean the breathing through your stomach? I do it all the

time. You

> know when you just keep feeling worse all the time, it's hard not to

worry. I

> know I need to work on that.

> Thanks,

> Faith

Yes, Faith, I do mean the deep abdominal breathing that makes the

stomach expand. Good for you for sticking with it! In times of stress

and worry it is especially important to breathe deeply that way.


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Guest guest


> I get these episodes where I just start feeling lousy, and then


> starts coming from what seems to be my gut. Right in the center


> your breast bone where the soft tissue is. It seems like the

anxiety is

> originating from there. Also feel like my heart has dropped down to

> that area, as that is the place I really feel it beating.


> What is scary is I just looked up the signs of Cancer of the


> Just happed to see Pancreas in the files. The symptoms on the web


> Discomfort in the front, pain in the back, weakness, muscle spasms.


> the things I have been having. Also diarrhea which I have off and



> How do I keep myself from worrying about such a thing. Need I be

> worried about this?


> Faith


The area you are describing is your solarplexis, one of the seats of

emotion according to Chinese medicine. Meditation or other calming

methods will help. You might also give acupunture a try.


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