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I believe that parasites, yeast and heavy metals are related as Hulda


When I first learned of parasite epidemic, I couldn't find anyone to

believe me. it is such a taboo subject due to all the Hype generated

that the US is the most hygenic country in the world. Then I heard an

anthropologist who was the first to be given permission by the

Egyptian government to do an autopsie on an ancient mummy. He said the

digestive tract was full of parasites. He further went on to say that

it was widely known that the Egyptians were overweight and suffered

numerous chronic ailments and complaints. He attributed this to a rich

diet and overeating. He said very similar conditions to what we see in

the U.S.

It was so validating to listen to that National Public Radio



Beth <tyrr@...> writes:

> Kathleen, et al



> > Beth, I never know if my symptoms are candida or parasites either. The

> > material on candida lists the same symptoms as does the literature on

> > parasites. ... can't tell the difference as to which causes

> > which symptoms.... I It's tough to figure all this out.


> No kidding. I've just read an horrific medical history of a woman who was

> poisoned by mercury from fillings which she had done at age five. Many of

> her symptoms match the symtoms for candida, which match the symptoms for

> parasites, etc. It's mind numbing to ponder the possibilities. It's just

> more proof that staying as close to nature, avoiding synthetic/processed

> foods and medicines, is the way to go.


> Beth





> Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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  • 10 months later...
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I have this " opposite reaction " sometimes too. A very good example is

yesterday. When I eat junk, my skin breaks out; it's one of the first

things that happens. Well, I had been doing really well on the diet for

about 8 days but yesterday I just went nuts. Ate pancakes, raw cookie

dough, etc. My skin was all broken out before I ate this (I guess just

toxins working their way out through my system) but when I woke up this

morning, expecting to see a pimply mess, my skin had literally cleared up

overnight! I was like " what the.....? " The only thing that makes sense to

me is that staying on the diet a while builds up both my immune system and

my reaction to sugar. So when I finally eat sugar, I have a stronger immune

system to fight it, which also switches into overdrive b/c I'm

hypersensitive to the sugar. I dunno, this is the only thing I can think

of. I agree, Pearl. Very confusing. Any thoughts?



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  • 1 month later...
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THanks moons,

What do you mean you're starting antibiotics? Aren't they the problem?

Ive been quite stressed this week. I can get my divorce today. Just seeing

that maybe emotional stress is a trigger.


At 05:31 PM 7/22/01 -0700, you wrote:



>I feel the same way. I was doing really well for awhile..and I feel like I

>am loosing ground. I haven't cheated, but I did try to eat some fruit. That

>shouldn't have done it....but it sure seems that this monster is after me

>again. I think this condition just goes dormant and then every once in

>awhile rears it's ugly head.


>Now...I have to start the antibiotics...the herbal rememdies just aren't

>helping ...so I am going to start the AB's and still take my anti-fungal

>herbs...wish me luck everyone!

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I am sure emotional stress is a trigger!! Because stress weakens the immune

system. That is why I have started taking herbs that build up the immune


Yes antibiotics are the culprit...but I may have to start them to get rid of

my upper respiratory infection. I am on olive leaf, echinacea, etc...but

today my bottle of Olive leaf will be empty...and I have been fighting this

for awhile. It is plugging up my ears. I am still holding off on the

anti-b's though...at least trying to.

I hope things work out well with the divorce.



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moons - try colloidal silver - and to fully get rid of the upper

respiratory problem - go to Dr. Marx's site at www.csprosystems.com

and look at his " nebulizer " which he uses to mix colloidal silver and

MSM together in - and those with upper respiratory diseases have been

totally CURED in this way - this brings the colloidal silver directly

into the lungs - MIRACULOUS!!! see what they did with the nebulizer

down in Mexico - helped SO many with emphysema and all sorts of

lung/respiratory diseases. :o)


> I am sure emotional stress is a trigger!! Because stress weakens

the immune

> system. That is why I have started taking herbs that build up the


> system.


> Yes antibiotics are the culprit...but I may have to start them to

get rid of

> my upper respiratory infection. I am on olive leaf, echinacea,


> today my bottle of Olive leaf will be empty...and I have been

fighting this

> for awhile. It is plugging up my ears. I am still holding off on


> anti-b's though...at least trying to.


> I hope things work out well with the divorce.


> moons



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OH Liz...if only we had a Chinese food place close...LOL I have some curry

I will try...off to the pantry now!



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Hi Moons,

I use bryonia ferrum phos for upper respiratory probs. I used to get

asthma, and this takes infection off the chest really fast. I drink it by

the bottle if I get a cold.

Just filed for divorce this morning. It takes a month to process.

I feel two stone lighter, not that I can spare that kind of weight after

losing weight on this new *diet*


At 03:52 PM 7/23/01 -0700, you wrote:

>I am sure emotional stress is a trigger!! Because stress weakens the immune

>system. That is why I have started taking herbs that build up the immune



>Yes antibiotics are the culprit...but I may have to start them to get rid of

>my upper respiratory infection. I am on olive leaf, echinacea, etc...but

>today my bottle of Olive leaf will be empty...and I have been fighting this

>for awhile. It is plugging up my ears. I am still holding off on the

>anti-b's though...at least trying to.


>I hope things work out well with the divorce.

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 9/23/01 1:58:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time, carl_chavez@... writes:

I have been diagnose with Autoimmune hepatitis, my liver functions were up to 1100. I have been treated with prednisone and my liver functions are down close to normal, I am currently being treated with Mercaptopurine. It has been two years since I was diagnosed with AIH and I am still plagued with chronic fatigue and sore joints. My GI doctor treats me like I am ready to run a marathon, communications with him is very limited. I would like some feed back from anybody that has or is experiencing like symptoms.


Welcome to the group. I hope we can be helpful to you.

I was diagnosed with AIH about 18 months ago and have been treated successfully, in terms of liver levels.

I, too, become tired extremely easily. My doctors seem politely puzzled and seem to change the subject when I mention the fatigue. One of them said he could only suggest I take an antidepressant; however, I'm not in the least depressed. I wouldn't be ashamed to admit it if I were, but I'm not, so that's not the solution.

One doctor commented, however, that the liver takes a long time to recover and that I should consider myself in a healing mode. My insurance carrier has denied coverage, saying my liver shows no permanent damage. That's true, but I know that my former job would be impossible for me now, in terms of the energy and mental acuity it required.

I tend to "crash" suddenly, and I'm then unable to think clearly until I rest.

I'd be interested to hear how others are managing their energy levels once their lab tests look normal.

Harper (AIH 5/00)

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<P> & nbsp;Hello I also have AHI & nbsp; & nbsp;. Yes I also

get very tried and sore joints My doctor says this

goes with this deisea . I get very tried at times two.

It also goes with it. I take prednisone. I started out

on 60mg & nbsp; went to 2.5 down i am up to 5mg My blood

test says I am going & nbsp; up I get one test done

Monday I have been very sick for three days it scares

me. Do you go to a specaliest? I go to Ohio State to A

Wonderful doctor I think he save my life i have had

this for & nbsp; four years I also take azathioptine 50

mg a day I think your doctor needs to listen to you

better. hope i help Sherry

<BLOCKQUOTE style= " BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid;


face=arial,helvetica><FONT size=3>In a message dated

9/23/01 1:58:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

carl_chavez@... writes: <BR><BR></FONT><FONT

color=#000000 face=Arial lang=0 size=2


<BLOCKQUOTE style= " BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid;


5px " TYPE= " CITE " >I have been diagnose with Autoimmune

hepatitis, my liver functions were up to 1100. I have

been treated with prednisone and my liver functions

are down close to normal, I am currently being treated

with Mercaptopurine. It has been two years since I was

diagnosed with AIH and I am still plagued with chronic

fatigue and sore joints. My GI doctor treats me like I

am ready to run a marathon, communications with him is

very limited. I would like some feed back from anybody

that has or is experiencing like symptoms.


color=#000000 face=Arial lang=0 size=3

FAMILY= " SANSSERIF " ><BR>Welcome to the group. & nbsp;I

hope we can be helpful to you. <BR><BR>I was diagnosed

with AIH about 18 months ago and have been treated

successfully, in terms of liver levels. & nbsp;

<BR><BR>I, too, become tired extremely easily.

& nbsp;My doctors seem politely puzzled and seem to

change the subject when I mention the fatigue.

& nbsp;One of them said he could only suggest I take an

antidepressant; however, I'm not in the least

depressed. & nbsp;I wouldn't be ashamed to admit it if

I were, but I'm not, so that's not the solution.

<BR><BR>One doctor commented, however, that the liver

takes a long time to recover and that I should

consider myself in a healing mode. & nbsp;My insurance

carrier has denied coverage, saying my liver shows no

permanent damage. & nbsp;That's true, but I know that

my former job would be impossible for me now, in terms

of the energy and mental acuity it required. <BR><BR>I

tend to " crash " suddenly, and I'm then unable to think

clearly until I rest. <BR><BR>I'd be interested to

hear how others are managing their energy levels once

their lab tests look normal. <BR><BR>Harper (AIH 5/00)

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Welcome Carl. My son's name was Carl and I am very fond of that name!

Darn Carl! What a sad thing that you are not able to communicate with your doctor! How often do you have your blood work done? Have you just made an appointment to be seen? If you are really unhappy with him/her, then find another one quickly!

I was on 6MP for 4 weeks and then my doctor told me he wouldn't see me anymore, so the new doctor put me on Imuran. Personally, I don't think I feel as good on Imuran as I did on the 6MP. But I am just in the beginning stages of it all....just been on the meds for 2 months.

As for the prednisone, I am now only on 5 mg per day....and I feel better than I have ever felt before! I truly understand why it IS called the love/hate drug! I love to feel so perky and peppy, but HATE the weight gain and mood swings! Hopefully I will be able to get to 2 1/2 mg per day and then maybe not at all! I do not plan on taking it for ever like some doctors want you to do. BUT, I also am not going to be stupid and stop if my liver counts are bad. My last count was NORMAL!!! The first time in over one year. BUT, my counts never went high. They were only in the 250 range at the highest. I must have gotten it very very early and am grateful. They just kept rising and rising. I thought it was from the gall bladder but it was the AIH all along. Even the surgeon was terribly surprised for he rarely sees this kind of problem! Oh well...I am just full of surprises!!

Good luck...debby

[ ] Symptoms

Hi Everybody.

My name is Carl. I have been diagnose with Autoimmune hepatitis, my liver functions were up to 1100. I have been treated with prednisone and my liver functions are down close to normal, I am currently being treated with Mercaptopurine. It has been two years since I was diagnosed with AIH and I am still plagued with chronic fatigue and sore joints. My GI doctor treats me like I am ready to run a marathon, communications with him is very limited. I would like some feed back from anybody that has or is experiencing like symptoms.


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Harper, you made an interesting statement that you crash until you get some rest. I too have that problem. Where I do feel peppy and perky, I tend to crash in the afternoon. Then, if I don't get enough rest-at least 8 hours of sleep, I continue falling apart until the weekend...then I have to begin all over again and get some rest in order to function for the next week!

My doctor told me that it was very important to get that 8 hours of rest each night. I have also found that when I MAKE myself exercise at the gym, I feel much much better. I have been able to work on the elipticle machine for 50 minutes and burn off 740 calories. THat makes me feel better. It seems like I am getting rid of the toxins that are in my liver...mayber it is just my own way of thinking and trying to get better.

Some of my friend who have been on prednisone for many years tell me that your energy will fall around 3 in the afternoon. I am finding that true. Just wish I was sleepy...rather, just lethargic. That is when I make myself go to the gym. I find that I am able to push myself 3-4 times per week. I go at the minimum of 2 times....but try to get there 3 or 4.


Re: [ ] Symptoms

In a message dated 9/23/01 1:58:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time, carl_chavez@... writes:

I have been diagnose with Autoimmune hepatitis, my liver functions were up to 1100. I have been treated with prednisone and my liver functions are down close to normal, I am currently being treated with Mercaptopurine. It has been two years since I was diagnosed with AIH and I am still plagued with chronic fatigue and sore joints. My GI doctor treats me like I am ready to run a marathon, communications with him is very limited. I would like some feed back from anybody that has or is experiencing like symptoms. Carl Welcome to the group. I hope we can be helpful to you. I was diagnosed with AIH about 18 months ago and have been treated successfully, in terms of liver levels. I, too, become tired extremely easily. My doctors seem politely puzzled and seem to change the subject when I mention the fatigue. One of them said he could only suggest I take an antidepressant; however, I'm not in the least depressed. I wouldn't be ashamed to admit it if I were, but I'm not, so that's not the solution. One doctor commented, however, that the liver takes a long time to recover and that I should consider myself in a healing mode. My insurance carrier has denied coverage, saying my liver shows no permanent damage. That's true, but I know that my former job would be impossible for me now, in terms of the energy and mental acuity it required. I tend to "crash" suddenly, and I'm then unable to think clearly until I rest. I'd be interested to hear how others are managing their energy levels once their lab tests look normal. Harper (AIH 5/00)

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i got my olive leaf extract ointment at the healthfood store that i go

to . it is called

East Park topical.

it comes in a 1 fluid oz tube and is $14.95 a tube( outrageous but works)

The customer hotline is


Their address is East Park research

PO box 530099

hendersen, NV 89053-0099

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So far, no blood work done. I took written tests that

point to candida overgrowth. I am aggressive in my

treatment and I have die-off symptoms very strongly on

an average of once a week.

I do have a doctor's appointment for in the a.m. This

is an oriental (Chinese) allopathic physician. I am

not sure how much I trust him, even though I know he

is open to SOME natural medicines and accupunture. I

hope he doesn't disappoint me, but I don't hold high

hopes for MD types -- I need someone to surprise me

with their wisdom -- not their pridefulness.

I am just looking for some blood work -- I want to see

what the lab shows, although I am not sure they will

show much either. If I am feeling well in the a.m., I

will ask him for the open ticket of getting my blood

work done when I am in the midst of die-off. I am

wondering if the acetalhyde (sp?) will show up.

Did I answer everything? The die-off symptoms for me

are bad headaches -- migraines that I have had for

YEARS, not to mention a less harsh daily headache. I

have severe aching and weakness, dizziness and

absolutely NO CONCENTRATION ability. I have lots of

just severe confusion -- like my brain is asleep.

Also, I could sleep very easily, if the headache is

not too bad. I get nausea as well.

God bless you!


--- De Bruins <salvation@...> wrote:

> Hello Carolyn


> > I do want more information on where to get the

> olive

> > leaf extract ointment. Do you have a link?


> I got my olive leaf extract from the following link:


> www.whas.com.au ~ although this is an Australian

> e-store,

> I'm sure it has a US relative.



> > I am home from work sick -- soooo bored and sort

> of

> > sad -- going to miss my daughter's ballgame

> tonight

> > because of die-off.


> What are the symptoms of die-off?

> I > am sort of tempted to just lay off the treatment

> --

> > give in, then I remember all the years that have

> been

> > wasted due to this mess. Harsh die-off days are

> the

> > INVESTMENT -- I must remember.



> Sorry if you have explained all of this, but what

> are the

> die-off symptoms? I have different candida recipes

> and

> 'regulations'. Some are more lenient than others.

> For

> instance, in some ~ golden delicious apples are

> allowed,

> whereas in others, no apples (or any fruit for that

> matter)

> are allowed.



> > Through the years, I have sought out heart tests,

> > stress tests, sleep studies and other lab work to

> find

> > out what was wrong with me. I am sooooo GRATEFUL

> to

> > know that I am on the right track finally.


> Do you remember what your reading was in the

> bloodwork you

> probably had taken? My doc said mine was 'much

> higher than

> normal' and I do have the results (I always ask for

> bloodwork results). However, when asking for

> Caprylic acid

> caps, I was referred rather to something beginning

> with 'D'.

> (They had the Caprylic acid caps, but she told me

> they were

> new here in Australia and she didn't know enough

> about them

> to give me any). Anyway, the something beginning

> with 'D'

> tablets had some adverse affect on my liver test

> results (I

> didn't feel it; the doc phoned me and told me to

> stop them

> immediately). Since then, I have consulted my doc

> for other

> things, but no further reference was paid to

> Candida.


> I have recently been diagnosed with high BP and have

> been

> put on medication for that (horrrors! I detest

> taking meds

> and am still looking into natural therapies for

> that).

> Despite the great drop in BP, I still experience

> pounding

> heart, hearing it beat through my neck, ears ~

> everything.

> Duff, du-duff, du-duff. On and on. I also have a

> symptom

> which I can only describe as adrenalin rushing

> through my

> body, drawing attention to my body (I try not to

> think on

> these things ~ Phil 4:18), but they call attention.

> " Helen,

> I'm here, helooooooooooo " . It's like when you get

> excited

> about something and I even get goosebumps with it.

> Sort of

> a state of nervousness.


> Funny enough ~ I don't get many gut-related

> symptoms. I

> have celiac disease, and have cut out all forms of

> gluten.

> I also eat minimal dairy ~ no butter on bread, milk

> only in

> tea, no dairy puddings etc, but I still eat food

> containing

> lactose. However, I do get many of the other VAST

> symptoms

> of Candida.


> On to the yukky stuff ~ is ANY type of mucous in

> stool

> NORMAL? When wiping, I get minimal stool, but lots

> of clear

> mucous. I don't know what ya'll mean by

> 'spider-web' type

> mucous though??


> Anyway, I'd be interested in hearing what bloodwork

> results

> you had to confirm candida invasion....


> Helen




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  • 5 months later...
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I first went to the DR cause I was very moody and depressed. i thought it

was just depression till he started asking me these questions.

My hair was falling out bad very dry so was my skin, no interest in sex,

cold all the time, very fast heart beat, very tired all the time, my

menstrual cycle was all messed up, my fingers tingled all the time,

retaining water very puffy, weight gain, baby that was still born, hmm

that's all I can remember right now. The only thing that has really changed

in 5 months is my hair isn't dry anymore now its quiet oily, I wasn't

retaining fluid till I got kidney stones, my cycle is very light now and

usually comes a week earlier compared to being 2 to 3 weeks late, I have a

little more energy now, and my interest in sex was slowly coming back till I

got the kidney stones. The DR. just not got me on the right level of

Synthroid after upping the dose 3 times. My first blood check was like 9.5

now it is at 3.6.

I am so glad to have energy just can't wait till all the other stuff gets

better especially the weight gain. He still wants me to wait on the

exercising cause my hear rate is still pretty high (125 bpm) My DR. wants to

wait till we figure out why that is not going down and my blood pressure is

stay up lately but that maybe from the pain of the kidney stones


¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ Devie -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

Mommy to my 3 girls

Brittany 6-15-94

Suzi 8-21-96


and my 2 angels ^i^

Amberleigh 5-4-93 - 7-11-93 (Luekemia)

Cory stillborn 7-22-98 (cause unknown)

Married to since 10-17-92

The Howell's Homepage


Visit our Church's webpage <><


Fw: [thyroid] Re: SYMPTOMS




> >>

> > > > >

> > >

> > > I thought it might be useful for people to post what their

> > additional

> > > hypothyroid symptoms are for others to see. This is a starter list

> > from

> > > different medical journals and medical sites, and as we all know, is

> > > incomplete as doctors don't know all. Hopefully & nbsp;fellow

> > > sufferers & nbsp;will add their own unique symptoms on top of what the

> > > medical community believes.

> > >


> > >

> > > Mayo health online

> > > Mild - intolerance to cool or cold temperatures, dry skin, weight

> > gain,

> > > constipation, forgerfulness. Severe - dementia, generalized

> > puffiness of

> > > skin, shortness of breath, muscle stiffness, severe lethargy, coma.

> > > American Medical Association Family Medical Guide

> > > Continually tired and worn out, mental tasks take longer, general

> > aches

> > > and pains, heart may slow down, digestive system may become

> > constipated.

> > > Voice may be deeper and hoarse, hearing loss, numbness and tingling

> > in

> > > hands, heavy prolonged menstrual periods, no interest in sex. Very

> > > severe - cold and drowsy, may become unconscious (myxedema coma).

> > >

> > > s Hopkins Family Health Book

> > > Intolerance to cold temperatures, fluid retention, changes in the

> > texture

> > > of hair, skin or nails, hoarseness, constipation, menstrual cycle

> > changes,

> > > headache, pain in muscles and joints, abnormal nerve sensations

> > such as

> > > the feeling of pins and needles, burning sensations, or numbness.

> > Fatigue,

> > > apathy or depression may also occur. Goiter.

> > > American College of Physicians Complete Medical Guide

> > > Fatigue, weight gain, constipation, hoarseness, intolerance to cold,

> > > swelling of the face, puffy eyes, and dry thickened skin,

> > generalized hair

> > > thinning, heavy menstrual periods. Goiter.

> > > Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide

> > > Rundown feeling, intellectual dullness, blunted emotions or

> > depression,

> > > feeling cold, constipation, muscle aches, dry, scaly or puffy skin,

> > hair

> > > loss, weight gain, tingling of fingers or toes, decreased tolerance

> > to

> > > exercise, joint pain, hoarseness, irregular menstrual periods.

> > Severe

> > > (myxedema) - drowsy, cold, can become unconscious. You may develop

> > a high

> > > cholesterol level or increased blood pressure.

> > >

> > > Merck Manual online

> > > Facial expression is dull, hoarseness, slow speech, facial

> > puffiness and

> > > periorbital swelling, cold intolerance, eyelids droop, hair is

> > sparse,

> > > coarse and dry, skin is coarse, dry, scaly and thick, weight gain is

> > > modest. Patients are forgetful and show other evidence of

> > intellectual

> > > impairment, with a gradual change in personality. Some appear

> > depressed.

> > > carotenemia, macroglossia, bradycardia, constipation, paresthesias

> > of the

> > > hands and feet, hypothermia, anemia.

> > > The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine

> > > Fatigue, decreased heart rate, hearing loss, weight gain, problems

> > with

> > > memory and concentration, depression, goiter, muscle pain or

> > weakness,

> > > loss of interest in sex, numb, tingling hands, dry skin, swollen

> > eyes,

> > > dryness, loss or premature graying of hair, extreme sensitivity to

> > cold,

> > > constipation, irregular menstrual periods, hoarse voice. Myxedema

> > coma -

> > > unresponsiveness, irregular shallow breathing, drop in blood

> > pressure and

> > > body temperature.

> > >

> > > Medicinenet.com

> > > Fatigue, weakness, intolerance to cold, constipation. Excessive

> > sleep, dry

> > > coarse hair, hair loss, dry skin, muscle cramps, increased

> > cholesterol

> > > level, weight gain. Depression, decreased concentration, poor

> > hearing,

> > > husky voice in more severe. Irregular and increased menstrual flow.

> > Can

> > > also cause difficulty with reproduction.

> > >

> > > The Thyroid Society online

> > > Slow heart rate, elevated blood pressure, feeling slow or tired,

> > feeling

> > > cold, drowsy during the day even after sleeping all night, poor

> > memory,

> > > difficulty concentrating, muscle cramps, numb arms and legs, weight

> > gain,

> > > puffy face especially under the eyes, husky voice, thinning hair,

> > dry

> > > coarse flaky yellowish skin, short height in children,

> > constipation, heavy

> > > menstrual flow, milky discharge, infertility, goiter

> > >

> > > E Langer, M.D. (online)

> > > Profound fatigue - often written off as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,

> > its

> > > patients go to sleep tired and wake up tired. Their endurance is

> > often low

> > > to non-existent. They are frequently unable to perform daily

> > activities.

> > > Memory Loss - usually manifested by severe problems with short term

> > memory

> > > and concentration, often a disaster to students and other working

> > adults.

> > > Depression - in any acute onset depression (particularly in adult

> > females)

> > > Thyroiditis should be suspected and ruled out. Nervousness -

> > ranging from

> > > mild anxiety to full-blown panic attacks. These are as puzzling to

> > the

> > > patients as to their physicians, who, in desperation, often

> > recommend

> > > psychotherapy and powerful tranquilizers. Allergies - food and

> > > environmental. Heartbeat irregularity and palpitations. Muscle

> > & amp; joint

> > > pain. Sleep disturbance and insomnia. Reduced sex drive. Menstrual

> > > problems. Suicidal tendencies. Digestive disorders. Headaches and

> > ear

> > > pain. Lumps in throat. Problems swallowing.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Devie, your tsh is really high, I think you would feel better on T3 plus T4.

It is just too bad most thyroid patients are undertreated and T4 gets too

high, T3 too low. You don't need to be sick for so long. Also high B

complex vitamins, like B50s 1-2X a day, will help with kidney stones.


> I first went to the DR cause I was very moody and depressed. i thought it

> was just depression till he started asking me these questions.


> My hair was falling out bad very dry so was my skin, no interest in sex,

> cold all the time, very fast heart beat, very tired all the time, my

> menstrual cycle was all messed up, my fingers tingled all the time,

> retaining water very puffy, weight gain, baby that was still born, hmm

> that's all I can remember right now. The only thing that has really


> in 5 months is my hair isn't dry anymore now its quiet oily, I wasn't

> retaining fluid till I got kidney stones, my cycle is very light now and

> usually comes a week earlier compared to being 2 to 3 weeks late, I have a

> little more energy now, and my interest in sex was slowly coming back till


> got the kidney stones. The DR. just not got me on the right level of

> Synthroid after upping the dose 3 times. My first blood check was like 9.5

> now it is at 3.6.


> I am so glad to have energy just can't wait till all the other stuff gets

> better especially the weight gain. He still wants me to wait on the

> exercising cause my hear rate is still pretty high (125 bpm) My DR. wants


> wait till we figure out why that is not going down and my blood pressure


> stay up lately but that maybe from the pain of the kidney stones

> -:¦:-

> ¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

> ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ Devie -:¦:-

> -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

> Mommy to my 3 girls

> Brittany 6-15-94

> Suzi 8-21-96

> 6-17-99

> and my 2 angels ^i^

> Amberleigh 5-4-93 - 7-11-93 (Luekemia)

> Cory stillborn 7-22-98 (cause unknown)

> Married to since 10-17-92


> The Howell's Homepage

> http://www.geocities.com/devie5


> Visit our Church's webpage <><

> http://www.fellowshipbaptistch.com

> Fw: [thyroid] Re: SYMPTOMS



> >

> >

> >

> > >>

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I thought it might be useful for people to post what their

> > > additional

> > > > hypothyroid symptoms are for others to see. This is a starter list

> > > from

> > > > different medical journals and medical sites, and as we all know, is

> > > > incomplete as doctors don't know all. Hopefully & nbsp;fellow

> > > > sufferers & nbsp;will add their own unique symptoms on top of what the

> > > > medical community believes.

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > Mayo health online

> > > > Mild - intolerance to cool or cold temperatures, dry skin, weight

> > > gain,

> > > > constipation, forgerfulness. Severe - dementia, generalized

> > > puffiness of

> > > > skin, shortness of breath, muscle stiffness, severe lethargy, coma.

> > > > American Medical Association Family Medical Guide

> > > > Continually tired and worn out, mental tasks take longer, general

> > > aches

> > > > and pains, heart may slow down, digestive system may become

> > > constipated.

> > > > Voice may be deeper and hoarse, hearing loss, numbness and tingling

> > > in

> > > > hands, heavy prolonged menstrual periods, no interest in sex. Very

> > > > severe - cold and drowsy, may become unconscious (myxedema coma).

> > > >

> > > > s Hopkins Family Health Book

> > > > Intolerance to cold temperatures, fluid retention, changes in the

> > > texture

> > > > of hair, skin or nails, hoarseness, constipation, menstrual cycle

> > > changes,

> > > > headache, pain in muscles and joints, abnormal nerve sensations

> > > such as

> > > > the feeling of pins and needles, burning sensations, or numbness.

> > > Fatigue,

> > > > apathy or depression may also occur. Goiter.

> > > > American College of Physicians Complete Medical Guide

> > > > Fatigue, weight gain, constipation, hoarseness, intolerance to cold,

> > > > swelling of the face, puffy eyes, and dry thickened skin,

> > > generalized hair

> > > > thinning, heavy menstrual periods. Goiter.

> > > > Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide

> > > > Rundown feeling, intellectual dullness, blunted emotions or

> > > depression,

> > > > feeling cold, constipation, muscle aches, dry, scaly or puffy skin,

> > > hair

> > > > loss, weight gain, tingling of fingers or toes, decreased tolerance

> > > to

> > > > exercise, joint pain, hoarseness, irregular menstrual periods.

> > > Severe

> > > > (myxedema) - drowsy, cold, can become unconscious. You may develop

> > > a high

> > > > cholesterol level or increased blood pressure.

> > > >

> > > > Merck Manual online

> > > > Facial expression is dull, hoarseness, slow speech, facial

> > > puffiness and

> > > > periorbital swelling, cold intolerance, eyelids droop, hair is

> > > sparse,

> > > > coarse and dry, skin is coarse, dry, scaly and thick, weight gain is

> > > > modest. Patients are forgetful and show other evidence of

> > > intellectual

> > > > impairment, with a gradual change in personality. Some appear

> > > depressed.

> > > > carotenemia, macroglossia, bradycardia, constipation, paresthesias

> > > of the

> > > > hands and feet, hypothermia, anemia.

> > > > The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine

> > > > Fatigue, decreased heart rate, hearing loss, weight gain, problems

> > > with

> > > > memory and concentration, depression, goiter, muscle pain or

> > > weakness,

> > > > loss of interest in sex, numb, tingling hands, dry skin, swollen

> > > eyes,

> > > > dryness, loss or premature graying of hair, extreme sensitivity to

> > > cold,

> > > > constipation, irregular menstrual periods, hoarse voice. Myxedema

> > > coma -

> > > > unresponsiveness, irregular shallow breathing, drop in blood

> > > pressure and

> > > > body temperature.

> > > >

> > > > Medicinenet.com

> > > > Fatigue, weakness, intolerance to cold, constipation. Excessive

> > > sleep, dry

> > > > coarse hair, hair loss, dry skin, muscle cramps, increased

> > > cholesterol

> > > > level, weight gain. Depression, decreased concentration, poor

> > > hearing,

> > > > husky voice in more severe. Irregular and increased menstrual flow.

> > > Can

> > > > also cause difficulty with reproduction.

> > > >

> > > > The Thyroid Society online

> > > > Slow heart rate, elevated blood pressure, feeling slow or tired,

> > > feeling

> > > > cold, drowsy during the day even after sleeping all night, poor

> > > memory,

> > > > difficulty concentrating, muscle cramps, numb arms and legs, weight

> > > gain,

> > > > puffy face especially under the eyes, husky voice, thinning hair,

> > > dry

> > > > coarse flaky yellowish skin, short height in children,

> > > constipation, heavy

> > > > menstrual flow, milky discharge, infertility, goiter

> > > >

> > > > E Langer, M.D. (online)

> > > > Profound fatigue - often written off as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,

> > > its

> > > > patients go to sleep tired and wake up tired. Their endurance is

> > > often low

> > > > to non-existent. They are frequently unable to perform daily

> > > activities.

> > > > Memory Loss - usually manifested by severe problems with short term

> > > memory

> > > > and concentration, often a disaster to students and other working

> > > adults.

> > > > Depression - in any acute onset depression (particularly in adult

> > > females)

> > > > Thyroiditis should be suspected and ruled out. Nervousness -

> > > ranging from

> > > > mild anxiety to full-blown panic attacks. These are as puzzling to

> > > the

> > > > patients as to their physicians, who, in desperation, often

> > > recommend

> > > > psychotherapy and powerful tranquilizers. Allergies - food and

> > > > environmental. Heartbeat irregularity and palpitations. Muscle

> > > & amp; joint

> > > > pain. Sleep disturbance and insomnia. Reduced sex drive. Menstrual

> > > > problems. Suicidal tendencies. Digestive disorders. Headaches and

> > > ear

> > > > pain. Lumps in throat. Problems swallowing.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

, has your wife contacted her doctor? The swollen tongue almost sounds to me like an allergic reaction. I have had that before but it was not at all related to the AIH....just allergic to bees!

Seriously, I have muscle cramping in my hands and arms, sometimes it is difficult to get them straightened out, but eventually they do. I believe that when I don't drink enough water to keep myself hydrated, that I get the cramping. The cramping is on my list to talk to the doctor this month.

Really, PLEASE contact your doctor about these problems. THey could be something seriously wrong and not related to AIH At all.....good luck


AIH 7/01


[ ] Symptoms

Hello FriendsMy Wife (the one with AIH)is wondering if anyone alsohas some of the following systems.1. Occasional swollen tongue2. occasional throat closing up3. severs cramp in hands and legs4. Permanent tight band around the chest.We read the letters from here on a daily basis butdon't post much. We look on you all as part of a verylarge family and we do feel your pain and yourhumour(sometimes!).God Bless AllJoyce and __________________________________________________

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Hi Joyce and ,

The symptoms sound a lot like a food allergy reaction. Does the " permanent

tight band around the chest " feel like heartburn? I have heartburn, but not

the burning sensation, more like the chest tightness.


>From: Guy <dguysy@...>



>Subject: [ ] Symptoms

>Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 18:31:52 +0100 (BST)


>Hello Friends

>My Wife (the one with AIH)is wondering if anyone also

>has some of the following systems.

>1. Occasional swollen tongue

>2. occasional throat closing up

>3. severs cramp in hands and legs

>4. Permanent tight band around the chest.

>We read the letters from here on a daily basis but

>don't post much. We look on you all as part of a very

>large family and we do feel your pain and your


>God Bless All

>Joyce and





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I agree with Debby, in my case anyway. When I don't drink enough water, I

am tired and I have lower back pain. People think that you have to be

thirsty before you should drink water, and that's not quite true. I am

almost never thirsty, but I still have to drink water. The urine color must

be very light yellow to clear, if it's dark yellow you are dehydrated

whether you're thirsty or not.


>From: " tdcc2000 " <tdcc2000@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: [ ] Symptoms

>Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:35:47 -0700


>, has your wife contacted her doctor? The swollen tongue almost

>sounds to me like an allergic reaction. I have had that before but it was

>not at all related to the AIH....just allergic to bees!


>Seriously, I have muscle cramping in my hands and arms, sometimes it is

>difficult to get them straightened out, but eventually they do. I believe

>that when I don't drink enough water to keep myself hydrated, that I get

>the cramping. The cramping is on my list to talk to the doctor this month.


>Really, PLEASE contact your doctor about these problems. THey could be

>something seriously wrong and not related to AIH At all.....good luck


>AIH 7/01


> [ ] Symptoms



> Hello Friends

> My Wife (the one with AIH)is wondering if anyone also

> has some of the following systems.

> 1. Occasional swollen tongue

> 2. occasional throat closing up

> 3. severs cramp in hands and legs

> 4. Permanent tight band around the chest.

> We read the letters from here on a daily basis but

> don't post much. We look on you all as part of a very

> large family and we do feel your pain and your

> humour(sometimes!).

> God Bless All

> Joyce and



> __________________________________________________


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The feeling of the throat closing up and

the tight band around the chest sound like it could be severe anxiety.

I had those symptoms last year and they

are very real; physiologically based. It was not all in the mind. I had to take

Buspar, an antianxiety

medication and it helped me a little. It just took 4 months for those

sensations to go away on their own. I saw many doctors

for relief but they could find nothing wrong. Finally, they agreed I was having

the anxiety episodes due to several life threatening situations that induced the


I also had to breathe into a paper bag to

slow down my breathing in the middle of the night, I was so panicky.

Finally, it all went away and I feel

great! I moved away from the crime ridden area I was living in.

I hope your wife feels better soon too.

AIH 2001

[ ] Symptoms

Hello Friends

My Wife (the one with AIH)is wondering if anyone


has some of the following systems.

1. Occasional swollen tongue

2. occasional throat closing up

3. severs cramp in hands and legs

4. Permanent tight band around the chest.

We read the letters from here on a daily basis but

don't post much. We look on you all as part of a


large family and we do feel your pain and your


God Bless All

Joyce and


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Hi I also get the swollen tongue and throat closing up but fortunatly I only get the cramps in the legs and my doctor prescribes Quinine for this but if you can drink tonic water without the gin that is supposed to work just as well.As far as the tight band around her chest I dont get that but she should mention it to the doctor when she sees him. I hope this helps Hugs Jeanette UK AIH dx 1998 Cirrhosis dx2001 Guy <dguysy@...> wrote: Hello FriendsMy Wife (the one with AIH)is wondering if anyone alsohas some of the following systems.1. Occasional swollen tongue2. occasional throat closing up3. severs cramp in hands and legs4. Permanent tight band around the chest.We read the letters from here on a daily basis butdon't post much. We look on you all as part of a verylarge family and we do feel your pain and yourhumour(sometimes!).God Bless AllJoyce and __________________________________________________

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Hello Fellow Brit

Thanks for advise about quinine. My wife (Joyce) said

she'll give it ago. We live in the NE of England and

have very good medics. There's a liver research

hospital in Newcastle but when she mentions this tight

band feeling around her chest she gets blank looks

from the medics and told " there's nothing to worry

about " !!!to which I reply to them " OK you have it and

live with it " Enough of me moaning on. We're glad to

see you're on the mend. Aren't we luck to have all

these wonderful people on this sight for support.

Luv and Joyce --- Jeanette Carpenter

<jeanette_cuk@...> wrote: >

> Hi I also get the swollen tongue and throat closing

> up but fortunatly I only get the cramps in the legs

> and my doctor prescribes Quinine for this but if you

> can drink tonic water without the gin that is

> supposed to work just as well.As far as the tight

> band around her chest I dont get that but she should

> mention it to the doctor when she sees him. I hope

> this helps Hugs Jeanette UK AIH dx 1998 Cirrhosis

> dx2001 Guy

> <dguysy@...> wrote: Hello Friends

> My Wife (the one with AIH)is wondering if anyone

> also

> has some of the following systems.

> 1. Occasional swollen tongue

> 2. occasional throat closing up

> 3. severs cramp in hands and legs

> 4. Permanent tight band around the chest.

> We read the letters from here on a daily basis but

> don't post much. We look on you all as part of a

> very

> large family and we do feel your pain and your

> humour(sometimes!).

> God Bless All

> Joyce and



> __________________________________________________


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  • 4 months later...

: I did have dry eyes when first diagnosed and again whenever the

doctor plays with the Prednisone. I never went into full blown Sjogren's

Syndrome though.

Love and prayers -


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  • 2 months later...

W & Newbies.....Whilst I was on prednisone I called or visited the doctor every time I had a new symptom that worried me....I was told to do this by my doctor....whats normal in one person may be abnormal in another. Contact your doctor.

Love Jan

From: Weston

[ ] question

Hey Guys,

I have some questions for anyone. The last several days I have not been feeling well. It's really hard to put a finger on exactly why. I've been exhausted, nauseated, kind of out of sorts, and fuzzy brained. I just attributed it to the prednisone or maybe just part of the AIH. However, Monday evening I started having a headache off and on. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say the pain is maybe a 5 or 6. I don't get headaches very often, so this isn't really a typical thing for me. The headache is kind of like a fist sized area over my right eye. The pain medicine that I take for my RUQ abdominal pain doesn't really seem to do a thing for the headache, but it eventually just goes away. I seem to have it for a couple of hours 2 to 3 times a day since Monday. Two nights it has woken me up. One of those nights, in addition to the headache, I had one of my more severe bouts of RUQ abdominal pain, then ended up throwing up several times. Finally, after being up for 3 hours, things got better and I was able to go back to sleep. Yesterday I noticed that my left hand was quivering as I was at the computer. It would just do it off and on. Today, my left hand is quivering all the time. Actually, it feels as if my entire left arm is quivering. It's a weird feeling and hard to describe. Since yesterday, I have felt dizzy and nauseated. I've tried to determine if my left arm/hand is weaker than normal. It kind of seems as though it is, but maybe I'm just imagining it. Typically my left arm/hand is the stronger of the two since I have carpal tunnel syndrome in the right and have also had surgery for cubital tunnel syndrome in my right arm.

Could the symptoms I'm having just be because of the prednisone or do I need to call my doctor?



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Thanks guys for the advice. I did call my pcp and talk with him. He just told me to give it a few days and watch things. I'm not sure that I really understand exactly what I'm supposed to watch! Basically I took it that he didn't think any of my symptoms were a big deal. So - for now - I will simply watch things!


[ ] question

Hey Guys,

I have some questions for anyone. The last several days I have not been feeling well. It's really hard to put a finger on exactly why. I've been exhausted, nauseated, kind of out of sorts, and fuzzy brained. I just attributed it to the prednisone or maybe just part of the AIH. However, Monday evening I started having a headache off and on. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say the pain is maybe a 5 or 6. I don't get headaches very often, so this isn't really a typical thing for me. The headache is kind of like a fist sized area over my right eye. The pain medicine that I take for my RUQ abdominal pain doesn't really seem to do a thing for the headache, but it eventually just goes away. I seem to have it for a couple of hours 2 to 3 times a day since Monday. Two nights it has woken me up. One of those nights, in addition to the headache, I had one of my more severe bouts of RUQ abdominal pain, then ended up throwing up several times. Finally, after being up for 3 hours, things got better and I was able to go back to sleep. Yesterday I noticed that my left hand was quivering as I was at the computer. It would just do it off and on. Today, my left hand is quivering all the time. Actually, it feels as if my entire left arm is quivering. It's a weird feeling and hard to describe. Since yesterday, I have felt dizzy and nauseated. I've tried to determine if my left arm/hand is weaker than normal. It kind of seems as though it is, but maybe I'm just imagining it. Typically my left arm/hand is the stronger of the two since I have carpal tunnel syndrome in the right and have also had surgery for cubital tunnel syndrome in my right arm.

Could the symptoms I'm having just be because of the prednisone or do I need to call my doctor?



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I agree with Jan, you need to call your doctor. I will be praying for you, sending hugs your way.



Ian & Janet <ianjanaust@...> wrote:

W & Newbies.....Whilst I was on prednisone I called or visited the doctor every time I had a new symptom that worried me....I was told to do this by my doctor....whats normal in one person may be abnormal in another. Contact your doctor.

Love Jan

From: Weston

[ ] question

Hey Guys,

I have some questions for anyone. The last several days I have not been feeling well. It's really hard to put a finger on exactly why. I've been exhausted, nauseated, kind of out of sorts, and fuzzy brained. I just attributed it to the prednisone or maybe just part of the AIH. However, Monday evening I started having a headache off and on. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say the pain is maybe a 5 or 6. I don't get headaches very often, so this isn't really a typical thing for me. The headache is kind of like a fist sized area over my right eye. The pain medicine that I take for my RUQ abdominal pain doesn't really seem to do a thing for the headache, but it eventually just goes away. I seem to have it for a couple of hours 2 to 3 times a day since Monday. Two nights it has woken me up. One of those nights, in addition to the headache, I had one of my more severe bouts of RUQ abdominal pain, then ended up throwing up several times. Finally, after being up for 3 hours, things got better and I was able to go back to sleep. Yesterday I noticed that my left hand was quivering as I was at the computer. It would just do it off and on. Today, my left hand is quivering all the time. Actually, it feels as if my entire left arm is quivering. It's a weird feeling and hard to describe. Since yesterday, I have felt dizzy and nauseated. I've tried to determine if my left arm/hand is weaker than normal. It kind of seems as though it is, but maybe I'm just imagining it. Typically my left arm/hand is the stronger of the two since I have carpal tunnel syndrome in the right and have also had surgery for cubital tunnel syndrome in my right arm.

Could the symptoms I'm having just be because of the prednisone or do I need to call my doctor?



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