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sorry i didn't clarify, if/when i have surgery it is the L5 area. Thursday i

will know more. i have an appointment with the spinal specialist then.

Re: question

Let you know after Thursday!! I was told to expect 6-8 weeks of

recovery and then 2-3 months of PT.

> What should i expect after surgey? how long does it take to


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I was told that a fushion may not take away my back pain...it was

statiscally a procedure that gave relief from leg pian. I have read that a

fushion enables for a part of the back to be put immobile thus that part of

back doesn`t move about and cause pain. Its very confusing when different

Drs. (same credentilas) give differing opinions and then articles written

by " Professionals " give again different information.

>From: <sweetdreamsk9@...>



>Subject: Question

>Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 17:35:10 -0600


>Everything I have researched says that with disc leakage/herniation, the

>surgical choice is a laminectomy or discectomy...both with fusion. Am I

>correct with my research?

>At todays discogram follow-up, the doc suggested a fusion only to relieve

>back pain. When I asked him about the related left buttock, hip, and leg

>pain...he said he was doing nothing as the discogram did not show any nerve


>This doc is supposed to be the best but I HATE his attitude. He acted like

>he could care less about me or my back. Am I asking to much for a little

>personalized service? Or should I continue to ignore the attitude and go

>with the education and experience?


>Vivian H.




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I was told that a fushion may not take away my back pain...it was

statiscally a procedure that gave relief from leg pian. I have read that a

fushion enables for a part of the back to be put immobile thus that part of

back doesn`t move about and cause pain. Its very confusing when different

Drs. (same credentilas) give differing opinions and then articles written

by " Professionals " give again different information.

>From: <sweetdreamsk9@...>



>Subject: Question

>Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 17:35:10 -0600


>Everything I have researched says that with disc leakage/herniation, the

>surgical choice is a laminectomy or discectomy...both with fusion. Am I

>correct with my research?

>At todays discogram follow-up, the doc suggested a fusion only to relieve

>back pain. When I asked him about the related left buttock, hip, and leg

>pain...he said he was doing nothing as the discogram did not show any nerve


>This doc is supposed to be the best but I HATE his attitude. He acted like

>he could care less about me or my back. Am I asking to much for a little

>personalized service? Or should I continue to ignore the attitude and go

>with the education and experience?


>Vivian H.




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Vivian -

What is this doctor? Get a second opinion from a neurosurgeon.

Have an EMG done. Run all the tests before surgery. You may

get a laminectomy without fusion like I did. You never know.


> Everything I have researched says that with disc leakage/herniation, the

surgical choice is a laminectomy or discectomy...both with fusion. Am I

correct with my research?

> At todays discogram follow-up, the doc suggested a fusion only to relieve

back pain. When I asked him about the related left buttock, hip, and leg

pain...he said he was doing nothing as the discogram did not show any nerve


> This doc is supposed to be the best but I HATE his attitude. He acted like

he could care less about me or my back. Am I asking to much for a little

personalized service? Or should I continue to ignore the attitude and go

with the education and experience?


> Vivian H.


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Vivian -

What is this doctor? Get a second opinion from a neurosurgeon.

Have an EMG done. Run all the tests before surgery. You may

get a laminectomy without fusion like I did. You never know.


> Everything I have researched says that with disc leakage/herniation, the

surgical choice is a laminectomy or discectomy...both with fusion. Am I

correct with my research?

> At todays discogram follow-up, the doc suggested a fusion only to relieve

back pain. When I asked him about the related left buttock, hip, and leg

pain...he said he was doing nothing as the discogram did not show any nerve


> This doc is supposed to be the best but I HATE his attitude. He acted like

he could care less about me or my back. Am I asking to much for a little

personalized service? Or should I continue to ignore the attitude and go

with the education and experience?


> Vivian H.


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> What is this doctor? Get a second opinion from a neurosurgeon. <

This doctor is a neurosurgeon...and the head of his dept at a large teaching


Vivian H.

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> What is this doctor? Get a second opinion from a neurosurgeon. <

This doctor is a neurosurgeon...and the head of his dept at a large teaching


Vivian H.

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Hi Vivian,

I am now " shopping " for a doctor. Personally, I like to have someone that I

feel comfortable with. But the most important thing is the " hands " of a

surgeon. Any kind of surgeon, whether it's plastics, orthopedics, neuro, or

general, depending on what you're having done. Yesterday I was able to get

some inside information comparing 2 doctors in different parts of the

country. Both are neurosurgeons and both head of their department at their

hospital. One is supposed to have much better " hands " . Not that the second

doctor wasn't good, but it was the hand thing. That is something that can

never be learned..it's a gift. I haven't met either one, and plan to meet

them both. I think I would like the second one better on a personal

level...but from the source of the info..I will probably choose the other.

I would keep looking and getting info wherever you can get it. When you

finally make your decision it will be right. I am discovering conflicting

opinions and various approaches, which is very confusing to the lay person.

I am a good shopper, though, with anything that I have an interest in and

by the time I'm finished I hope I will know what I'm doing. I find that

it's difficult to get information that you need..I was lucky to get the

info I did. The more contacts you can make and the more you learn, then

little pieces start falling into place. At least that is what is happening

so far.


At 17:35 03/19/2003 -0600, you wrote:

>Everything I have researched says that with disc leakage/herniation, the

>surgical choice is a laminectomy or discectomy...both with fusion. Am I

>correct with my research?

>At todays discogram follow-up, the doc suggested a fusion only to relieve

>back pain. When I asked him about the related left buttock, hip, and leg

>pain...he said he was doing nothing as the discogram did not show any

>nerve compression.

>This doc is supposed to be the best but I HATE his attitude. He acted like

>he could care less about me or my back. Am I asking to much for a little

>personalized service? Or should I continue to ignore the attitude and go

>with the education and experience?


>Vivian H.




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Hi Vivian,

I am now " shopping " for a doctor. Personally, I like to have someone that I

feel comfortable with. But the most important thing is the " hands " of a

surgeon. Any kind of surgeon, whether it's plastics, orthopedics, neuro, or

general, depending on what you're having done. Yesterday I was able to get

some inside information comparing 2 doctors in different parts of the

country. Both are neurosurgeons and both head of their department at their

hospital. One is supposed to have much better " hands " . Not that the second

doctor wasn't good, but it was the hand thing. That is something that can

never be learned..it's a gift. I haven't met either one, and plan to meet

them both. I think I would like the second one better on a personal

level...but from the source of the info..I will probably choose the other.

I would keep looking and getting info wherever you can get it. When you

finally make your decision it will be right. I am discovering conflicting

opinions and various approaches, which is very confusing to the lay person.

I am a good shopper, though, with anything that I have an interest in and

by the time I'm finished I hope I will know what I'm doing. I find that

it's difficult to get information that you need..I was lucky to get the

info I did. The more contacts you can make and the more you learn, then

little pieces start falling into place. At least that is what is happening

so far.


At 17:35 03/19/2003 -0600, you wrote:

>Everything I have researched says that with disc leakage/herniation, the

>surgical choice is a laminectomy or discectomy...both with fusion. Am I

>correct with my research?

>At todays discogram follow-up, the doc suggested a fusion only to relieve

>back pain. When I asked him about the related left buttock, hip, and leg

>pain...he said he was doing nothing as the discogram did not show any

>nerve compression.

>This doc is supposed to be the best but I HATE his attitude. He acted like

>he could care less about me or my back. Am I asking to much for a little

>personalized service? Or should I continue to ignore the attitude and go

>with the education and experience?


>Vivian H.




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  • 1 month later...
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Hi, I am a 65 year old female who was recently diagnosed with AIH after years & years of going to Dr.'s with strange & puzzling symptoms. Finally after a liver biopsy a diagnosis was made last summer. My question is that after being on Prednisone for 6 months my ALT & AST blood test have dropped, but the Alkaline Phosphatase test is still elevated especially since going from 20mg prednisone to 10mg prednisone to 5mg prednisone, up to 7.5mg prednisone and now back up to 10mg prednisone. I am scheduled to have more blood test in 2 weeks. Has anyone else ever had there Alkaline Phosphatase blood test continue to be high after medication ? My Dr. said he plans to add steroid-sparing agents in the future?? I am all new to these medications and have no clue as to what medication is the best for this AIH Disease??? Would appreciate any information anyone would like to share. Thanks! Shirlee

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Dear Shirlee,

I was diagnosed with AIH in December of 2002. Not only were my alt's and ast's elevated, but mostly my akaline phosphatase levels. After being on the prednisone for several weeks, the alt's and ast's came down, and so did the akaline phosphatase levels. With the next blood work, they were all going back up. Finally the alt's and ast's leveled out but the akaline phosphatase kept on climbing. Finally I was sent to a liver specialist, who after more tests, and a review of the liver biopsy, concluded that I also have Primary Billiary Cirrhosis. That's when they put me on Urso, and since then the akaline phophatase levels have been coming down also. I am scheduled to have more blood work next week. I am hoping all the liver functions will be close to normal. I will keep everyone here posted on the outcome.

One of the first signs that anything at all was wrong with me was my heart acting crazy. As yet, no one has suggested that any of the liver diseases contribute to any heart problems, but I truly am not convinced. Prior to the onset of the liver diseases, I had never had any prolonged problems with my heart. Only a reaction to an inhaler I was prescribed for a sinus infection. The more I see people here on the site talking about having heart problems, the more I am convinced that, for some of us, they go hand in hand. Please keep us posted on your progress. Know that we are all in the same boat, and as I told someone the other day, we must continue to focus the doctors on our symptoms, regardless of how they differ from the norm. How else are they to ever discover all the ins and outs of these vicious liver diseases? We are all on your side, and will include you in our thoughts and prayers. Allida

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  • 2 weeks later...
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You are not going to like my answer. I wouldn't take it without asking my doctor. Vioxx even at 12.5 mg's is a NO NO for me. I have AIH, Cirrhosis and have had variceal bleeds. Vioxx can be very hard on your liver. Some people here are allowed to take it, but if you ask me. I won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

My advice is always the same. Ask your doctor, as we are all different and are at different degrees of illness, what may be OK for you could be very detrimental to me.


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Sue: My answer is the same as 's - don't take it without asking your doctor. Seems like there is a reason most of us shouldn't take those antiarthritic drugs like Vioxx and Celebrex. It escapes me right now, but don't they say in the ads that they are not for people with liver disease?

I would lean toward massage, cold packs, hot tubs, aroma therapy and tea, or any combination of those you can get your hands on! If worse comes to worse, 2 aspirin won't kill you, especially if it is enteric coated.

Bless You


Re: [ ] question

Sue,You are not going to like my answer. I wouldn't take it without asking my doctor. Vioxx even at 12.5 mg's is a NO NO for me. I have AIH, Cirrhosis and have had variceal bleeds. Vioxx can be very hard on your liver. Some people here are allowed to take it, but if you ask me. I won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.My advice is always the same. Ask your doctor, as we are all different and are at different degrees of illness, what may be OK for you could be very detrimental to me..

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Connie

I was interested to read you have low thyroid. If you have that then you

must be treated for it, I am currently having tests done and if I went by

the doctor then I would think that it was normal but they don't get it

right. Candida and thyroid go hand in hand so you won't get rid of candida

without dealing with your thyroid. This may explain why I have spent 4 yrs+

on a strict anti-candida diet and still battling with it.

I hope so then I can perhaps get well.




> Hi I am just wondering if some of you can share your experience with

candida. What are or were your symptons? I began having migraine

headaces, face/finger numbness/slurred speech which of course cause major

panic and a few trips and stays in the hospital where they found nothing,

but a low thyroid (which can be serious I suppose). I have been eating

really well for about a month now and these symptons seem to be gone. Also

take threelac only for a few days now. I'm tired alot and my vision gets

blurry too. Not a lot of tummy troubles. I did have spells of depression

and anxiety, that was horrible. Thanks for all that you share. Looking

forward to hearing from you. Connie from California



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Hi Jane, thanks for your email. I am now taking synthroid for my low

thyroid. Will be getting it checked again shortly. I am seeing a

chiropractor now as well who does muscle testing and knows alot about

candida. I see him once a week. I started taking threelac this week,

starting out really slow as I don't want a much of die off of anxiety and

depression. This has been a big problem with me off and on for some time.

Taking paxil for that, hopefully will be able to get off of it in the future

Thanks for thinking of me. Love Connie

-- Re: question

Hi Connie

I was interested to read you have low thyroid. If you have that then you

must be treated for it, I am currently having tests done and if I went by

the doctor then I would think that it was normal but they don't get it

right. Candida and thyroid go hand in hand so you won't get rid of candida

without dealing with your thyroid. This may explain why I have spent 4 yrs+

on a strict anti-candida diet and still battling with it.

I hope so then I can perhaps get well.




> Hi I am just wondering if some of you can share your experience with

candida. What are or were your symptons? I began having migraine

headaces, face/finger numbness/slurred speech which of course cause major

panic and a few trips and stays in the hospital where they found nothing,

but a low thyroid (which can be serious I suppose). I have been eating

really well for about a month now and these symptons seem to be gone. Also

take threelac only for a few days now. I'm tired alot and my vision gets

blurry too. Not a lot of tummy troubles. I did have spells of depression

and anxiety, that was horrible. Thanks for all that you share. Looking

forward to hearing from you. Connie from California



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Hi ,

What's a " got forgbit " ? I am suprised they didn't do an x-ray at

least. Basically she would have to make a paper chase before they do

an expensive MRI. If it persists have her keep going to the Doctor

and complain until she gets one.


> Hi..Just a question for anyone with a neck problem..my niece whos

20 was at

> work yesterday and noticed her arm hurting..well she went to go

see and it was

> swollon and blue//she went to the hospital and they didnt take any

xrays just

> blood and came back and said she probably has a pinched nerve and

gave her

> pain meds and muslce relaxers....

> Then she went to work today...I told my sis in law that she needs


> becareful it doesnt get worse and got forgbit she gets a herniated

disc in her neck..

> so what do you all think??


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I thought for a minute and said, well it's not like she was using

God's name in vain? Oh well forgetaboutit.

=Nick :)

> Nick....HAHAHA..that just goes to show you how well I type..it was


> to be God Forbid..LOL


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Hello -

I'm pretty sure that when you are given a general anesthetic the


does insert a breathing tube. They usually are nice enough to remove it

before you

are fully awake. You've seen the ER episodes where Dr. X tells you he is

going to

remove the tube and you'll be a little raw/hoarse for a while.

In my case, I have a partially paralyzed right diaphram, so breathing is a

bit tougher

for me. So I was happy to have all the help I could get.


> Hey all

> OKay i just got off the phone from a friend of mine and she was telling me

that her uncle had to have a spinal fusion....said something about a

respiratory tube down your throat during surgery....IS THIS TRUE????.

> What kind of tubes do ya'll have in when you come out of recovery?

Catheters?IVS?...what else. Im now getting nervous.



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Okay...as long as they remove that sucker before i awake,i will be fine and they

will live. Do they use any other tubes like naso-gastoric,catherters? i know

IV's are essential. im just trying to prepare myself....hey who was suppose to

send me that Budweiser?

Re: Question

Hello -

I'm pretty sure that when you are given a general anesthetic the


does insert a breathing tube. They usually are nice enough to remove it

before you

are fully awake. You've seen the ER episodes where Dr. X tells you he is

going to

remove the tube and you'll be a little raw/hoarse for a while.

In my case, I have a partially paralyzed right diaphram, so breathing is a

bit tougher

for me. So I was happy to have all the help I could get.


> Hey all

> OKay i just got off the phone from a friend of mine and she was telling me

that her uncle had to have a spinal fusion....said something about a

respiratory tube down your throat during surgery....IS THIS TRUE????.

> What kind of tubes do ya'll have in when you come out of recovery?

Catheters?IVS?...what else. Im now getting nervous.



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> Joe

> Okay...as long as they remove that sucker before i awake,i will be fine

and they will live. Do they use any other tubes like

naso-gastoric,catherters? i know IV's are essential. im just trying to

prepare myself....hey who was suppose to send me that Budweiser?


OK , fun story time.

I woke up from both of my surgeries with an IV in my arm. With my neck

surgery, it

was awful. My left arm was puffed up like Popeye. They were injecting

steriods and

fluids. Couldn't close my hand. 2 days post surgery, I could deform a foam


Therapy putty from there.

After my neck surgery, I also had a catheter. I had always been afraid of


but let me tell you, it was great not to have to move to pee. :) While I

was asleep

I just urinated naturally, but soon I didn't have a problem during awake

hours telling

my valve to " open. "

I thought the catheter removal would be something akin to shitting a bowling

ball, but there was only a momentary discomfort. can tell ya.

The funny part was that I was unaware that because of the catheter, a scar

would form on the inside of the shaft of my pee-pee (thanks, Nick :) ). The

second morning home, I got up to use the bathroom, I aimed at the toilet

using the typical bachelor " no-hands " method and was amazed that I was

actuall pissing up the side wall of the bathroom. :) I was so happy when


scab was gone. My aim was again straight and true.


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> said something about a respiratory tube down your throat during surgery....IS

THIS TRUE????. What kind of tubes do ya'll have in when you come out of

recovery? Catheters?IVS?...what else <

When I had my lumbar fusion, they put the endotrachial tube (breathing tube) in

after I was already out and it was removed before I woke up. I woke up to 2 IV's

and a foley catheter (for urine output). Standard package for major surgery. My

voice was a little hoarse, but the least of my worries at that point. I was to

involved with pushing the morphine button every 11 minutes. LOL

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, I had a tube in my throat but only during surgery it was out before i

woke and never felt anything that would even indicate it was there..I did have

a cathera also. No using the bed pain..Once i was able to get out of bed

which was on day 3 the cat came out..YEH!!!! then the normal IV tubes in my hand

and my pain pump. I also had a pulse taker in my right wrist..That came out I

think tues..

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When I had my anterior cervical diskectomy with plate and fusion, I

had a tube put in my stomach to get all the contents out and a

breathing tube put in after I was asleep. I only wish I had a

catheter, I had to get up every hour to pee b/c they were pumping

fluides and antibiotics through me so fast. My throat was sore for 2

weeks so I sucked on ice chips and lozenges to help with the pain.

> Hey all

> OKay i just got off the phone from a friend of mine and she was

telling me that her uncle had to have a spinal fusion....said

something about a respiratory tube down your throat during

surgery....IS THIS TRUE????.

> What kind of tubes do ya'll have in when you come out of recovery?

Catheters?IVS?...what else. Im now getting nervous.




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I can see your docs face when he get that list..


fluffy pillow

extra blanket for those chilly eves..

breakfast at 8. eggs over easy, toast no butter, and apple juice..no make it


news paper on my bed by 7am no excuses

and the beautican in by 9 to do my hair..

HAHA just kidding..

But i should have though of those during my stay..

I was sooo sick of apple juice, the news paper was 50cents and I didnt have

money on me..I mean really who brings money with them..I wasnt in the mood to

eat and but the 3rd day my hair was just so horrible looking I put it up. So if

you might want to get some head bands or something of that sort..

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