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In a message dated 07/21/2000 9:00:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Sssnarlene@... writes:

<< There's a stool sample test for candida; however, most naturopaths advise

that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck

(read: if you've got health complaints X, Y, and Z, you could benefit from

treatment for candida.) There are candida questionaires in many popular

books about candida. In my opinion, that's the easiest and least expensive

way to find out if you have candida.

*Jami >>

Thank you soo much, Jami!!! I posted the question and felt like an idiot

because I was sure it was in a book somewhere.... and I really appreciate you

answering. I'll forward this to Mum :)


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No problem, ...if you need some book titles let me know. (I believe

the quiz is in two books that I have, but I can't remember their names

offhand. It's probably floating around online somewhere, too.)


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In a message dated 07/21/2000 9:09:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Sssnarlene@... writes:

<< No problem, ...if you need some book titles let me know. (I


the quiz is in two books that I have, but I can't remember their names

offhand. It's probably floating around online somewhere, too.)

*Jami >>

We have two books here (that I can think of offhand) for yeast:

1. Candida Albicans by Leon Chaitow D,O., N.D.

2. The Yeast Connection and the Woman by Crook, M.D. Whose name I've

heard mentioned on this list, I believe.

I've gone through the two checklists in Crook's book (and I'm a poet and

didn't know it...) and according to them, my health problems are most likely

yeast related. I got the results of my C & S back and they are okay, and

apparently, yeast is part of the test and it was fine also. But I'm going to

give my thyroid medicine a few more weeks to work (according to Doc and

synthroid website <A HREF= " http://www.synthroid.com " >http://www.synthroid.com<

/A> ) it will take awhile for the meds to take effect. He seems to think

that my lower intestinal pain is ovarian related (I have polycystic ovary

syndrome) so my trip to the OB Gyn will hopefully clear that up. Geesh...

so many docs...you'd think I'd be disgustingly healthy with all the damn docs

I see.




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You didn't ask a stupid question at all, but if you want a proper diagnosis

of candida. You should see an Infectious Diseases doctor.

My gastroenterologist will be speaking to one for me.

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Hi Lee

OK, sadly I have not yet succeeded to give rid of candida. I just don't know

how to. I don't want to pump my system with difulcan and that cream.


with love


ICQ - 53662031

AOL Instant Messenger (Screen name: crohn)

ID - sarah_krein

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  • 2 weeks later...
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OK, I have been on the Paragone for 3 days now and I am seeing result (ick) should I be thinking about things like washing my sheets or underwear differently? Is there anything else I should be thinking about?



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What kind of results? I haven't seen anything noticeable yet and am at about the same point.


Re: Question

OK, I have been on the Paragone for 3 days now and I am seeing result (ick) should I be thinking about things like washing my sheets or underwear differently? Is there anything else I should be thinking about?


JameySubscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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Hi ,

What I have seen so far are between 1/2 inch to 2 inches in length, about half the size of spaghetti and white. There has also been some oval shaped things.

I have been following Marilu Henners Total Health Makeover and she suggests keeping an eye on your stools...needless to say I am seeing things that I have never seen before (again...ick). But from what I have been reading, not everyone will see something.


----- Original Message -----

From: Schimelpfening

What kind of results? I haven't seen anything noticeable yet and am at about the same point.


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Hi Karma,

How long did it take before you started to feel better? I have had the worst headache, body aches and no energy what so ever (breathing doesn't even seem to help!!!!)

Re: Question

Hi ,

What I have seen so far are between 1/2 inch to 2 inches in length, about half the size of spaghetti and white. There has also been some oval shaped things.

I have been following Marilu Henners Total Health Makeover and she suggests keeping an eye on your stools...needless to say I am seeing things that I have never seen before (again...ick). But from what I have been reading, not everyone will see something.


----- Original Message -----

From: Schimelpfening

What kind of results? I haven't seen anything noticeable yet and am at about the same point.


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I don't know about the dogs breath <g> but the coating in my mouth tastes like I've been sucking on a metal pipe! I can't wait till I feel better. I usually do the skipped breath using the first BF tapes, but since starting the Paragone I have only been able to do the BF breath... but even that has been a struggle!

By the way, I am a different Jamey. I don't post much on BF or moreoxygen, I am mostly there for motivation :o) I think the other one spells her name .

I'm sorry to hear about Rashelle's father, if you talk to her please let her know that her family is in our prayers.


----- Original Message -----

From: Karma

You have to keep in mind that I did the Sonne's seven day cleanse before starting on the Awareness products. I felt awful the first 3 days on the Sonne's cleanse. Comparable to the first trimester of pregnancy! Morningsickness kind of nauseated feeling, tired, moody, downright cranky, bloated, my mouth was coated with this nasty thick film and I had dog breath that just wouldn't go away no matter what I tried! It seemed to take about 4-5 days on the cleanse to start feeling better. I immediately felt better after the parasites passed. That was on day 5, I think.

I am sorry to hear that the breathing isn't helping. By the way, I think that you are the official winner of the contest. We are waiting for Rashelle to get back in town before announcing it. Her dad isn't doing well at all. She has postponed a trip to Europe so she will be with him when he passes. They expect it to happen any time now. :-(


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Hi Jamey,

I saw those first too, then when I got to the next layer of crud coming out, I got some larger white, red, gray and even black ones. Totally gross! I think it has to do with what layer of stuff is coming out as to what was living in it.

I know that after they passed, I felt noticeably better.

I didn't say hi before, so, I'll say it now. Hi!

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

Re: Question

Hi ,

What I have seen so far are between 1/2 inch to 2 inches in length, about half the size of spaghetti and white. There has also been some oval shaped things.

I have been following Marilu Henners Total Health Makeover and she suggests keeping an eye on your stools...needless to say I am seeing things that I have never seen before (again...ick). But from what I have been reading, not everyone will see something.


----- Original Message -----

From: Schimelpfening

What kind of results? I haven't seen anything noticeable yet and am at about the same point.

S+13Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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You have to keep in mind that I did the Sonne's seven day cleanse before starting on the Awareness products. I felt awful the first 3 days on the Sonne's cleanse. Comparable to the first trimester of pregnancy! Morningsickness kind of nauseated feeling, tired, moody, downright cranky, bloated, my mouth was coated with this nasty thick film and I had dog breath that just wouldn't go away no matter what I tried! It seemed to take about 4-5 days on the cleanse to start feeling better. I immediately felt better after the parasites passed. That was on day 5, I think.

I am sorry to hear that the breathing isn't helping. By the way, I think that you are the official winner of the contest. We are waiting for Rashelle to get back in town before announcing it. Her dad isn't doing well at all. She has postponed a trip to Europe so she will be with him when he passes. They expect it to happen any time now. :-(

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

Re: Question

Hi Karma,

How long did it take before you started to feel better? I have had the worst headache, body aches and no energy what so ever (breathing doesn't even seem to help!!!!)

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Ewwwwwwww! LOL! I haven't seen anything obvious yet, but I suppose part of what I will be looking for is to see if I feel better. That's the important thing.


Re: Question

Hi ,

What I have seen so far are between 1/2 inch to 2 inches in length, about half the size of spaghetti and white. There has also been some oval shaped things.

I have been following Marilu Henners Total Health Makeover and she suggests keeping an eye on your stools...needless to say I am seeing things that I have never seen before (again...ick). But from what I have been reading, not everyone will see something.


----- Original Message -----

From: Schimelpfening

What kind of results? I haven't seen anything noticeable yet and am at about the same point.

S+13Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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My son is in California with his father and will be back in 3 weeks. Hopefully by then I will be over this! I think am going to try the Paragone for children on him when he gets back. He will be back about 2 weeks before school starts, so he will have time to go through the process before school starts. Seeing what I have been seeing with myself, I think that it is a good idea to get the whole house going.

Today I feel much better, still a little tired, but the aches are gone. I have also noticed that I haven't had the sugar cravings! and for that I thank you.

Have a great day!


----- Original Message -----

From: Karma

I know what you mean about the metal pipe breath, that is what it tasted like to me. I only know about the dog breath because my 4 year old was so kind as to point it out to me. She told me that I had "stinky teeth" She also told me that when I breathed on her I smelled just like when our dog breaths on her. She wouldn't kiss me for a while because she couldn't take the smell. Leave it to the kids to tell me like it is! :-) She tells me now that my breath is fine, she can't even tell when I breath on her except it is hot. :-)

I am sorry that I confused you with the other . I should have been more observant with the spellings. I will pass along your prayers to Rashelle when I talk to her, I know she will appreciate it.


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I know what you mean about the metal pipe breath, that is what it tasted like to me. I only know about the dog breath because my 4 year old was so kind as to point it out to me. She told me that I had "stinky teeth" She also told me that when I breathed on her I smelled just like when our dog breaths on her. She wouldn't kiss me for a while because she couldn't take the smell. Leave it to the kids to tell me like it is! :-) She tells me now that my breath is fine, she can't even tell when I breath on her except it is hot. :-)

I am sorry that I confused you with the other . I should have been more observant with the spellings. I will pass along your prayers to Rashelle when I talk to her, I know she will appreciate it.

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

Re: Question

I don't know about the dogs breath <g> but the coating in my mouth tastes like I've been sucking on a metal pipe! I can't wait till I feel better. I usually do the skipped breath using the first BF tapes, but since starting the Paragone I have only been able to do the BF breath... but even that has been a struggle!

By the way, I am a different Jamey. I don't post much on BF or moreoxygen, I am mostly there for motivation :o) I think the other one spells her name .

I'm sorry to hear about Rashelle's father, if you talk to her please let her know that her family is in our prayers.


----- Original Message -----

From: Karma

You have to keep in mind that I did the Sonne's seven day cleanse before starting on the Awareness products. I felt awful the first 3 days on the Sonne's cleanse. Comparable to the first trimester of pregnancy! Morningsickness kind of nauseated feeling, tired, moody, downright cranky, bloated, my mouth was coated with this nasty thick film and I had dog breath that just wouldn't go away no matter what I tried! It seemed to take about 4-5 days on the cleanse to start feeling better. I immediately felt better after the parasites passed. That was on day 5, I think.

I am sorry to hear that the breathing isn't helping. By the way, I think that you are the official winner of the contest. We are waiting for Rashelle to get back in town before announcing it. Her dad isn't doing well at all. She has postponed a trip to Europe so she will be with him when he passes. They expect it to happen any time now. :-(

KarmaSubscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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In a message dated 8/6/00 1:36:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

karma@... writes:

<< when I got to the next layer of crud coming out, I got some larger white,

red, gray and even black ones. >>

What shape were they? Were they oval? I am very curious because these are

the exact colors that mine were at one point. It was like an ugly rainbow.

That was during the worst period of infestation. Now they are usually

varying shades of brown only.

Robin G.

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In a message dated 8/6/00 2:06:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

jkparsley@... writes:

<< I don't know about the dogs breath <g> but the coating in my mouth tastes

like I've been sucking on a metal pipe! >>

Metallic breath is a classic symptom of infestation by worms.

Robin G.

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In a message dated 8/9/00 9:55:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

karma@... writes:

<< Some were oval, most were earthworm shaped and some looked like fishing

lure worms. They had that flat part of the body on the end of the body.

They were quite large. I was catching the bm's in a colander, so that is why

I was able to see so many of them. >>

Then they probably weren't the same worms, because mine are almost all oval.

In fact from my research it seems to me that mine are actually flukes, not

worms. I wonder why both your type and my type ran the same color spectrum

though? From white to orange to red to brown to black.

Robin G.

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Some were oval, most were earthworm shaped and some looked like fishing lure worms. They had that flat part of the body on the end of the body. They were quite large. I was catching the bm's in a colander, so that is why I was able to see so many of them.

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

Re: Question

In a message dated 8/6/00 1:36:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time, karma@... writes:<< when I got to the next layer of crud coming out, I got some larger white, red, gray and even black ones. >>What shape were they? Were they oval? I am very curious because these are the exact colors that mine were at one point. It was like an ugly rainbow. That was during the worst period of infestation. Now they are usually varying shades of brown only.Robin G.Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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I don't know the answer to that one. I am still pretty new to this myself. I got started on it by reading an article on parasites and the problems they cause in the body and found that many of the things that I had thought were just normal discomforts of being alive could be attributed to having a toxic colon and also having parasites living in that toxic environment. I then did some research to find out how to kill them if I had them. I followed the directions as best as I could, which isn't saying much. I am not known for following directions, I tend to be on the creative side of life. :-)

I was so surprised to see the amount of worms that I passed. I am sure that I saw so many because I did an overkill type of thing! I had been on a seven day fasting/colon cleanse anyway, so I just added the parasite killer along with the daily dosages of the colon cleanser. I also added some sweetener to my dosages that I was taking in the form of apple juice or honey. I read that by doing that, the parasites will come out of the folds and creases of the colon to eat the sweet stuff in the middle of the colon. Then 1/2 hour after taking the sweetness you should take the parasite killer. I took Black Walnut tinctures. I took a lot of it too. I took at least two whole dropperfuls and maybe even 3. I did this whole process at least 5 times a day spaced out 3 hours apart. The day after I did this, the toilet bowl filled up with worms, lots and lots of worms in all those colors. I am pretty sure that I was so successful with this because I had already fasted the three days that the parasite cleanse suggested.

The cleanse that I read was in an herb book. "Own your Own Body" by Dr. Stan Malstrom The author is a naturopath. He said that you fast on lemon juice and water for three days before taking the parasite killing ingredients. He mentioned several different herbs that kill parasites, but the only one I had was the Black Walnut tincture, so, that is what I used. After passing so many worms, I wanted to be sure that I had killed anything else that might be living off me! I found out that parasites can live anywhere in the body, and that is why I switched to the Awareness parasite killer, Clear. It is supposed to kill parasites anywhere the blood goes in the body. It is a much slower process than I did in the first place, it is a 90 day cleanse. I am a few weeks into it now and am very pleased with it so far.

KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.comFree $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

Re: Question

In a message dated 8/9/00 9:55:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time, karma@... writes:<< Some were oval, most were earthworm shaped and some looked like fishing lure worms. They had that flat part of the body on the end of the body. They were quite large. I was catching the bm's in a colander, so that is why I was able to see so many of them. >>Then they probably weren't the same worms, because mine are almost all oval. In fact from my research it seems to me that mine are actually flukes, not worms. I wonder why both your type and my type ran the same color spectrum though? From white to orange to red to brown to black.Robin G.Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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Dear Tammy

The parasite cleanse you mention sounds very interesting. Is there much to it? Also, do you know if the products are available in Australia?

Many thanks



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Have you ever tried essiac tea or Native Legend tea? It is supposed to be

really good for dissolving cancers. I know a few people who have tried it

for different things and gotten great results. There's a woman named

Hutchins who is a herbalist. She has gotten rid of cancer herself with use

of that and a parasite cleanse.

Parasites are the primary cause of some cancers according to

parasitologists. I work for a company that deals with the best of these

products...as far as I believe anyway. I have overcome fibromialgia/chronic

fatigue symptoms with them and I know a girl who actually walked away from

her wheelchair after taking a parasite cleanse for 6 months straight. Don't

give up...the cures are out there. I've seen too many herbal miracles to

believe any different.

My son is 12, currently taking a parasite cleanse. He has tourettes

Syndrome (the cursing disease, as some people like to refer to it) He has

seen drastic improvement after being on a parasite cleanse for 3weeks now.

He is currently getting rid of very visible tapeworms. He has hundreeds of

them. I also expelled a great many different types of parasites during the

cleanse I took. This cleanse does not require fasting.

Cloroplasma and Green Food are also good for building the immune system

against cancers and fighting off free radical scavengers.

The colonic was a good move, but parasites are not only in the intestinal

tract. I had many in my muscles as well. I also used to suffer from

fibrocystic breast problems. No longer.

You can email me at tammym@...

for more info if you like.


Re: Question

> > Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with breast cancer about 3 1/2 years ago.

> Have

> > used only natural medicine after needle biopsy diagnosis.

> >

> > Had my first colonic yesterday - want to get that part of my body


> up

> > really good.

> >

> > Have been advised to use Arise & Shine products for a one month long

> cleanse,

> > with a colonic once a week during cleanse.

> >

> > My questions is, does anyone have any input on Arise & Shine cleanse?

> Should

> > I use these products or something else for a complete as possible colon

> and

> > intestinal cleanse?


> Have you looked at the protocol of the Gerson Organization? You can see

> their website at www.gerson.org.


> Dr. Max Gerson wrote a book many years ago and testified before Congress

> about his outstanding success in curing cancer, even advanced cancer using

> coffee enemas and fruit and vegetable juices in large quantities. His

> daughter has carried on his work, and there are Gerson Clinics around the

> country and in other countries.


> I have his book--it is an excellent one, with case histories, and all the

> info you need to begin a cancer therapy (That is the name of the book: A

> Cancer Therapy by Dr. Max Gerson, available at www.Amazon.com).


> There are many testimonials on their website, and there are also many


> people who have been cured of cancer using his protocol who have written

> books.

> Patty





> Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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You would have to look for something...like use a pencil and break it apart.

Alot of them are encased in mucous...some of them are very solid and kind of

look like you've lost an organ :>)

Eggs are often pretty visible. Some are like potato wedges with mouths.

Some are fuzzy.

Gross, but if you really want to know...check.

Not everyone has visible parasites, but in my experience more than you would

imagine do, especially if there is a chronic illness involved.

Hope this helps. What are you taking?



> I have been doing a para cleanse for about 10 days now and have not

> noticed any worms at all or any parasites. BM has been loose but not

> uncomfortable. Shouldn't I be seeing something?





> Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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> Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with breast cancer about 3 1/2 years ago.


> used only natural medicine after needle biopsy diagnosis.


> Had my first colonic yesterday - want to get that part of my body cleaned


> really good.


> Have been advised to use Arise & Shine products for a one month long


> with a colonic once a week during cleanse.


> My questions is, does anyone have any input on Arise & Shine cleanse?


> I use these products or something else for a complete as possible colon


> intestinal cleanse?

Have you looked at the protocol of the Gerson Organization? You can see

their website at www.gerson.org.

Dr. Max Gerson wrote a book many years ago and testified before Congress

about his outstanding success in curing cancer, even advanced cancer using

coffee enemas and fruit and vegetable juices in large quantities. His

daughter has carried on his work, and there are Gerson Clinics around the

country and in other countries.

I have his book--it is an excellent one, with case histories, and all the

info you need to begin a cancer therapy (That is the name of the book: A

Cancer Therapy by Dr. Max Gerson, available at www.Amazon.com).

There are many testimonials on their website, and there are also many other

people who have been cured of cancer using his protocol who have written



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