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Re: Irregular Heart Rhythm

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I have the same thing. I had a complete work up with a heart specialist and he

blew me off. Mine happens alot and I mean alot. It can go on for hours and get

really bad. It is mostly after exertion. The heart doctor I saw said it was

anxiety, I was over weight and needed to get my butt exercising. Ya, he was that

harsh. My naturalpathic doctor agreed with me...it must be the longest anxiety

attack known. LOL!! She told me magnesium can help. She prescribed magnesium

glycinate for bed to help me sleep...works great! But it also is good for my

heart. I take it during the day too when my heart starts acting up. One or two

at a time doesn't make me sleepy, just helps calm my heart.

I would love to hear what others say about the heart arrhythmia. It is VERY



Shewholaughslives <wolfereagan@...> wrote:

Out of the blue the last couple of weeks my heart beat has been

irregular. Normally the beat is steady, may be faster or slower at

certain times, but it always beats in rhythm. Now it isn't.

Instead, it beats and then there will be a hesistation before the

next beat and when it comes I will feel a thump in my chest.

Sometimes it only happens once in a while, other times it is like

every 3rd or 4th beat is doing this.

It is VERY scary and concerning to me. I am afraid I am going to

have a heartattack or something. I do not have pain, shortness of

breath and my heart RATE is normal, under 90. I am not anxious and

don't suffer from any anxiety disorders or panic issues.

Can Lyme cause Heart Arrythmia and if so, is it permanent or can it

go away with Lyme treatment.

My second area of concern is this. I have seen an LLMD once who

says I am suspicious for chronic Lyme. He wanted to put me on 3

weeks of Zithromax (Doxicycline was his first choice, but it has a

history of upsetting my stomach and he said it wasn't worth the risk

for testing.) After 3 weeks he wants to be get a new blood draw and

get retested w/Igenex to see if my indeterminate bands turn


Does this sounds like a sound and normal approach to testing?

I am SO scared about this heart thing, I would greatly apprectiate

any information or experiences other board members have had with



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Hi All,

I have had atrial fib for many years, long before

I discovered I had Lyme. Mine is incurable

because the bundle branch is damaged (bundle

branch block). Seven years of antibiotics has

made no difference in my afib, except perhaps to

keep it from getting worse. Don't be afraid.

I don't notice mine unless I take my pulse.


Shewholaughslives wrote:


> Out of the blue the last couple of weeks my heart beat has been

> irregular. Normally the beat is steady, may be faster or slower at

> certain times, but it always beats in rhythm. Now it isn't.

> Instead, it beats and then there will be a hesistation before the

> next beat and when it comes I will feel a thump in my chest.

> Sometimes it only happens once in a while, other times it is like

> every 3rd or 4th beat is doing this.

> It is VERY scary and concerning to me. I am afraid I am going to

> have a heartattack or something. I do not have pain, shortness of

> breath and my heart RATE is normal, under 90. I am not anxious and

> don't suffer from any anxiety disorders or panic issues.


> Can Lyme cause Heart Arrythmia and if so, is it permanent or can it

> go away with Lyme treatment.


> My second area of concern is this. I have seen an LLMD once who

> says I am suspicious for chronic Lyme. He wanted to put me on 3

> weeks of Zithromax (Doxicycline was his first choice, but it has a

> history of upsetting my stomach and he said it wasn't worth the risk

> for testing.) After 3 weeks he wants to be get a new blood draw and

> get retested w/Igenex to see if my indeterminate bands turn

> positive.

> Does this sounds like a sound and normal approach to testing?


> I am SO scared about this heart thing, I would greatly apprectiate

> any information or experiences other board members have had with

> this.


> Thankyou.

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I've had irregular heart beats for much longer than I think I had Lyme but

who knows????

I had a cardiac workup and I was told to let them know if it gets any worse

- it hasn't for 7 years.

I understand from the LLMDs I have gone to that many Lyme patients have

heart arythemia (sp?) and told me the one way to know if it's something

worse is that the pain will not go away - the lyme related stuff - if I

relax, take a couple of deep breathes and purposely relax all my muscles, it

goes away. The cardiologist told me that many people walk around with this

problem and not to worry unless it gets worse.

Hope that helps - get it checked out with a cardiologist - after I did, I

felt a lot better about that scary sensation.


-- [ ] Irregular Heart Rhythm

Out of the blue the last couple of weeks my heart beat has been

irregular. Normally the beat is steady, may be faster or slower at

certain times, but it always beats in rhythm. Now it isn't.

Instead, it beats and then there will be a hesistation before the

next beat and when it comes I will feel a thump in my chest.

Sometimes it only happens once in a while, other times it is like

every 3rd or 4th beat is doing this.

It is VERY scary and concerning to me. I am afraid I am going to

have a heartattack or something. I do not have pain, shortness of

breath and my heart RATE is normal, under 90. I am not anxious and

don't suffer from any anxiety disorders or panic issues.

Can Lyme cause Heart Arrythmia and if so, is it permanent or can it

go away with Lyme treatment.

My second area of concern is this. I have seen an LLMD once who

says I am suspicious for chronic Lyme. He wanted to put me on 3

weeks of Zithromax (Doxicycline was his first choice, but it has a

history of upsetting my stomach and he said it wasn't worth the risk

for testing.) After 3 weeks he wants to be get a new blood draw and

get retested w/Igenex to see if my indeterminate bands turn


Does this sounds like a sound and normal approach to testing?

I am SO scared about this heart thing, I would greatly apprectiate

any information or experiences other board members have had with



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PS--- AFter reading the other posts on this I felt I must add that AFib does

wear-out your heart muscle --- With Bill he had it 24/7-- his heart was

always out of rythm---- it left him very tired. The lyme meds will not cure


I think the Lyme disease often gives you health problems in areas where

medical treatment is needed by specialists in those areas. At least that is


Dr. R had told us.... With our daughter she had had Bipolar for so long we

will never know if she would have had it anyway or if it was the Lyme. In her

case where so many years had gone by before Lyme was considered she needed to

continue with her bipolar meds and with that treatment. However, her lyme abx

did clear up other stuff--- shortness of breath, some aches, lightheadedness,

some cognitive issues etc...... so you never know...

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Hi guys,

I have a right bundle block.. slow unsustained ventricular

tachycardia. A doctor found it before I had lyme but who knows my

LLMD's think I had it for a while and my bullseye last year was a

reinfection. My cardiologist said Lyme usually causes an atrial

bundle block not ventricular My rhythm is a horrid mess and usually

leads nurses and techs into a frenzy.. I have PVC's alot of PVC's

and they got worse when I was on Azithro.. but I had a full

electrophysiological work up.. they basically tried to induce cardiac

arrest on an operating table and told me I could wake up with an

internal defib.. thought I had a disease that had the only symptom

listed as " sudden death " scary... but it turned out to be harmless

which relieved my fear. Interestingly, my latest ekg shows

improvement so maybe its lyme and getting better with the antibiotics

who knows.. good news just the same.

So I hope you go to a cardiologist and have this checked. Peace of

mind is huge. I know palpatations are listed as a symptom of lyme

which sound like what you are describing. ONly a full work up by a

cardiac specialist is going to give you the answer.

take care,


> >

> > Out of the blue the last couple of weeks my heart beat has been

> > irregular. Normally the beat is steady, may be faster or slower at

> > certain times, but it always beats in rhythm. Now it isn't.

> > Instead, it beats and then there will be a hesistation before the

> > next beat and when it comes I will feel a thump in my chest.

> > Sometimes it only happens once in a while, other times it is like

> > every 3rd or 4th beat is doing this.

> > It is VERY scary and concerning to me. I am afraid I am going to

> > have a heartattack or something. I do not have pain, shortness of

> > breath and my heart RATE is normal, under 90. I am not anxious and

> > don't suffer from any anxiety disorders or panic issues.

> >

> > Can Lyme cause Heart Arrythmia and if so, is it permanent or can


> > go away with Lyme treatment.

> >

> > My second area of concern is this. I have seen an LLMD once who

> > says I am suspicious for chronic Lyme. He wanted to put me on 3

> > weeks of Zithromax (Doxicycline was his first choice, but it has a

> > history of upsetting my stomach and he said it wasn't worth the


> > for testing.) After 3 weeks he wants to be get a new blood draw


> > get retested w/Igenex to see if my indeterminate bands turn

> > positive.

> > Does this sounds like a sound and normal approach to testing?

> >

> > I am SO scared about this heart thing, I would greatly apprectiate

> > any information or experiences other board members have had with

> > this.

> >

> > Thankyou.


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Oh what a familiar feeling this is... I, too, have dealt with

irregular heartbeats, especially over the last year or two.

I remember it starting as just an occasional " skipping " feeling

probably about 6 or 7 years ago. My doctor at that time sent me for a

Holter monitor test, along w/ some others and nothing showed up....of


It gradually got worse, as my other symptoms increased also, to the

point where it would feel irregular for days at a time... It IS

scary, to say the least...but everytime they did an EKG on me,

everything showed fine..

I also was having a problem with slightly elevated blood pressure,

after having NO problems with my BP ever, in spite of the fact that I

am severely overweight. My doctor put me on Toprol XL, but has since

changed it to the generic form, Metoprolol.

This helps some with the irregularity, but I still have episodes and

they are still just as scary, even though I know what they are..

I does help to know that I am not the only one is going through this



> Out of the blue the last couple of weeks my heart beat has been

> irregular. Normally the beat is steady, may be faster or slower at

> certain times, but it always beats in rhythm. Now it isn't.

> Instead, it beats and then there will be a hesistation before the

> next beat and when it comes I will feel a thump in my chest.

> Sometimes it only happens once in a while, other times it is like

> every 3rd or 4th beat is doing this.

> It is VERY scary and concerning to me. I am afraid I am going to

> have a heartattack or something. I do not have pain, shortness of

> breath and my heart RATE is normal, under 90. I am not anxious and

> don't suffer from any anxiety disorders or panic issues.


> Can Lyme cause Heart Arrythmia and if so, is it permanent or can it

> go away with Lyme treatment.


> My second area of concern is this. I have seen an LLMD once who

> says I am suspicious for chronic Lyme. He wanted to put me on 3

> weeks of Zithromax (Doxicycline was his first choice, but it has a

> history of upsetting my stomach and he said it wasn't worth the risk

> for testing.) After 3 weeks he wants to be get a new blood draw and

> get retested w/Igenex to see if my indeterminate bands turn

> positive.

> Does this sounds like a sound and normal approach to testing?


> I am SO scared about this heart thing, I would greatly apprectiate

> any information or experiences other board members have had with

> this.


> Thankyou.


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Whether caused by Lyme or not it needs to be taken seriously. I don't

know why so many cardiologists focus on weight, but they sure do.

My husband had had this weird racing heart thing of and on for a few

years, though he never said anything. One night it got very bad and

wouldn't slow down after 3 or 4 hours had passed. He finally woke me to

take him to the E.R. It turns out that he was in atrial fib. They had

to stop & restart his heart to get a regular rhythm back, and he's been

on meds to control heart rate for 18 months and is doing great.

For 7 or 8 years, I dealt with a frequent mis-fire in my heart. Docs

blew me off until last winter. They said it's fairly benign-- premature

atrial contraction-- but if it gets worse to seek meds.

We've known for a long time that Lyme can cause heart problems. I can't

believe so many of us get shined on by the doctors. The one who finally

listened told me, " If it's bad enough that it makes you feel bad

physically, it should be attended to. " I wish they were all that caring!

in Oregon


> I have the same thing. I had a complete work up with a heart

specialist and he blew me off. Mine happens alot and I mean alot. It

can go on for hours and get really bad. It is mostly after exertion.

The heart doctor I saw said it was anxiety, I was over weight and

needed to get my butt exercising. Ya, he was that harsh. My

naturalpathic doctor agreed with me...it must be the longest anxiety

attack known. LOL!! She told me magnesium can help. She prescribed

magnesium glycinate for bed to help me sleep...works great! But it also

is good for my heart. I take it during the day too when my heart starts

acting up. One or two at a time doesn't make me sleepy, just helps calm

my heart.


> I would love to hear what others say about the heart arrhythmia. It



> Jaye

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Again, this is serious. As mentioned in earlier posts, Bill- husband, had

24/7 A-fib... He has had this for over three years. The first year Baystate

Hospital in Springfield, MA head of cardiology-- really did not treat him.

He tried cardioversion-- no luck and then Bill was on meds with no followup.

Bill got to Dartmouth about a year later (twoyears ago) and after trying

meds, more cardios etc..... he had an ablation last winter which worked but it

flipped back this summer. A second ablation on theother side of his heart seems

to have worked..... He feels great and is going to the Y again--- doesn't have

the fatigue. A-fib does wear out your heart muscle -- check this out


Of course, by having it 24/7 is not the same as having episodes-- so every

case is different. I do notfeel it should be taken lightly though...

Good luck...

Sue L

Sue Louisignau

229 Maple St.

Northfield, MA 01360


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have something a bit different. My EKG comes back as Right

Ventricular Hytropothy (I tested negative for pulmonary hypertension).

I don't feel that my heart is skipping a beat, more so it feels as if

I have a " bounding pulse " . I will on occasion start feeling my

heartbeat all over my body. Especially in the extremes like my

fingers, toes, head. This usually causes pressure in my neck and

head. I don't know when I am going to get this, it comes and goes at

will. The two worst symptoms for me are this " bounding pulse " , and my

shortness of breath. I don't know if the two are related. I used to

feel better when I took mepron/azith, but perhaps my babesia has

become immune. I don't know.

Just some input as to what I experience. It doesn't sound like anyone

else suffers this, so it may be just me, it may not have anything to

do with Lyme or Babesia, but these symptoms did start at the time that

the rest of my Lyme, and babs symptoms started.


> Out of the blue the last couple of weeks my heart beat has been

> irregular. Normally the beat is steady, may be faster or slower at

> certain times, but it always beats in rhythm. Now it isn't.

> Instead, it beats and then there will be a hesistation before the

> next beat and when it comes I will feel a thump in my chest.

> Sometimes it only happens once in a while, other times it is like

> every 3rd or 4th beat is doing this.

> It is VERY scary and concerning to me. I am afraid I am going to

> have a heartattack or something. I do not have pain, shortness of

> breath and my heart RATE is normal, under 90. I am not anxious and

> don't suffer from any anxiety disorders or panic issues.


> Can Lyme cause Heart Arrythmia and if so, is it permanent or can it

> go away with Lyme treatment.


> My second area of concern is this. I have seen an LLMD once who

> says I am suspicious for chronic Lyme. He wanted to put me on 3

> weeks of Zithromax (Doxicycline was his first choice, but it has a

> history of upsetting my stomach and he said it wasn't worth the risk

> for testing.) After 3 weeks he wants to be get a new blood draw and

> get retested w/Igenex to see if my indeterminate bands turn

> positive.

> Does this sounds like a sound and normal approach to testing?


> I am SO scared about this heart thing, I would greatly apprectiate

> any information or experiences other board members have had with

> this.


> Thankyou.


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  • 5 months later...

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