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New Years Eclipses Offer Powerful Window for Manifesting and Transformation By DL Zeta

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New Years Eclipses Offer Powerful Window for

Manifesting and Transformation By DL Zeta

A unique and powerful "window of manifesting and transformation"

opens with a rare New Year's Eve full moon lunar eclipse and continues

through the new moon solar eclipse on January 14, 2010.

The December 31 "blue moon" (the second full moon in December) lands

in Cancer/Capricorn, marking a potent time for bringing about

completions of all types, spending time in meditative re-envisioning

and creating clear intentions for the coming year. The rare New Year's

eclipse has the power to magnify our intentions and accelerate their

arrival into the physical.

Whatever visions your higher self has been downloading to your

consciousness can be brought to the forefront at this time. Even those

visions that seem far away and improbable can be manifested when we

align our highest intentions with the potent energies accessible during

this time.

Expect these heightened energies to continue into mid-January when

the new moon solar eclipse brings opportunities for new beginnings

beyond our wildest imaginings. All that is asked at this time is that

we are willing to clear anything that no longer serves our well-being

and forward movement. It might be said that we will be able to align

with the new energies to the extent that we are ready to release the


One aspect of this release will center around slowing down and

tuning into our physical bodies. The new energies can be fully utilized

to the extent that our physical system is able to assimilate them. Now

is the time to undertake fasts and cleanses to clear old energy

lingering at the physical level. This will trigger clearing at all

other levels, opening the way to a more empowered and

spiritually-aligned future.

We offer here some suggestions to make the most of this powerful


One) In a journal, make a list of 2009 highlights and notice any

areas still waiting for completion as well as any areas you are holding

energy around. Use this information in creating your intentions for the

coming year. Note any areas that feel "stuck" or "stagnant" and ask for

guidance and insight into steps you can take to clear the way for

desired changes.

Two) Undertake a fast and physical cleanse to clear your body of old

energies. This revitalizes and rejuvenates your physical system, making

new and accelerated life force energies more "bioavailable." Pay

attention to any physical symptoms you are experiencing and decode

these as symbols that point to areas of needed healing and clearing.

Three) Practice clearing and stilling your mind and releasing all

thoughts. Spend time each day in spiritual communion. Ask for visions

and images of future possibilities to be downloaded to your

consciousness. Remain open to images you may have felt were impossible

or beyond reach in the past. The energies of this powerful window are

activating many new and exciting potentials.

Four) Write out your intentions and resolutions for the coming year.

Write each intention on a separate slip of paper and place all the

slips into a manifestation box you energize daily with your focus and

desire. Daily ask to be shown any steps you can take to hasten their

arrival in physical reality.

Five) Pay attention to the signs and symbols in your sleeping and

waking dreams. Upon waking, write down what you remember of your

nightly dream, interpreting the symbols to understand their meaning.

Before going to bed, write down and interpret the symbols of the main

events of your "waking dream". This is how you become fluent in the

language of your higher self. In time, this practice allows you to

interpret the symbols of each moment as it unfolds and respond with

impeccable insight and timing.

Six) Take steps to raise your vibrational frequency. Your frequency,

through the Law of Attraction, determines the people and circumstances

you attract into your life. Your frequency is a product of your

thoughts, beliefs, emotions and habits. Examine each of these,

operating as a detective of your life for a time. In other words,

become a silent and detached watcher making note of any areas where

your frequency is being lowered and your energy drained. As you bring

awareness to these areas, you are empowered to heal and transform your


Seven) Complete with everything in your life. Look at each

situation, each relationship and see how it is helping you learn and

grow. See how each person in your life is reflecting to you some

important piece of your inner puzzle. When you receive and understand

the message of each connection and event, you can release any negative

energy you may be holding around them. This allows you to shift into a

place of gratitude and acceptance for everything in your life and

receive their gifts.

Eight) Accept 100% responsibility for everything in your life.

Though it may appear at times you are a small boat caught on the vast

ocean and turbulent winds of others’ creations, this is not the case.

You are the sole creator of your reality - past, present and future.

Once you accept this and come into a place of peace with it, you become

empowered to design and create realities aligned with your highest


Nine) Understand that whatever you tell your subconscious mind is

real and true for you. Your subconscious agrees with everything you say

and sends out requests and desires to the universe based on your

statements regarding reality. Pay attention to all your self talk and

make sure it is aligned with your true intentions. If something fails

to manifest into your reality, it is likely because you are telling

yourself it is not possible for you. Turn around negative self talk to

create new possibilities for the future. For example, instead of

saying, “I never have any money,” acknowledge that while you may have

had less abundance than you preferred in the past, “I am now receiving

an expanded flow of abundance and blessings.”

10) Convene an inner United Nations meeting to allow all your

aspects to voice any concerns they have about intended manifestations.

Manifesting can be greatly slowed or even halted if aspects of your

consciousness are not on board with your intentions. Often, younger

aspects still trapped in past emotional turmoil will put the brakes on

new creations. By opening to these aspects, you can re-parent them and

bring your inner children of the past on board with your present-day

visions. This allows you to free a great deal of energy and smooth the

way for a new and greatly expanded year ahead.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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