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Celiac disease

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Hadley,my daughter had a friend on her sports team when they were just 5. This girl had severe Celiac disease. The amazing thing was her perspective at such a young age. By 5, she understood if she ate certain foods, she would feel horrible. (the team had many pizza parties...she could not eat it). She would (quite preciously) matter-of-factly explain that some foods made her sick, so she couldn't eat them...and her mom (or dad) would supply an alternative. She handled it with poise, and moved on. When they make the connection to how much better they feel without the offending foods, they move beyond missing it (most times anyway....). I hope the adjust isn't too rough on Issabelle and that these changes give great improvement in her joint pain. (amanda, 17, poly)Hadley Messner <hmessner@...> wrote: Sue, I find this very interesting and had no idea that CD was also an auto-immune. That makes a lot of sense that having one could lead to the other. I think that the genetics are there (have a lot of psoriosis in my family) and then the JRA set in due to a trigger of one form or another (several viruses in a row for us). The dairy (Casein) sensitivity was there for a year before the JRA in the case of my daughter. I know that food intolerances don't "cause JRA", but I also know that her symptoms are way better when she isn't eating as

much wheat/gluten foods. Also sugary things seem to increase swelling for Isabelle. We have to really limit things which has been hard since she started preschool this fall. I was upset to find out that the first day they had chocolate chip cookies for snack! I find myself turning into one of those neurotic mothers because for my daughter this means her knees and hips are going to give her hell that night from that snack. I used to bake brownies when ever I could for the kids and now I am becoming a "health freak" LOL! Thanks for the info. I am so glad to find out that I am not just imagining that gluten stirs things up for Isabelle. -HadleySue Wieber <sulw11 > wrote: There is definitly a correlation between Celiac Disease and JRA, they are both Autoimmune System diseases. Once a body hosts one autoimmune system disease it opens the door and makes the body more vunerable to ALL of the AIS Diseases. Diabetes is another common one. , my 6 year old daughter, was dx with pauci JRA when she was 3. we were very lucky because she took nyproxen and after a year went into remission. At the age of 6 she was dx with CD. However, since the JRA stopped eating pizza, pasta, sandwich bread and rolls, mac and cheese. Basically, the only gluten she ate was cookies and cakes. I believe that the gluten free diet has helped 's joint pain. I hope that helps a little to know that it is more common to have both or other AIS Diseases. Suzanne gluten intolerant and (6), pauci and celiac Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV. Watch previews, get listings, and more!

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As far as snacks go in the classroom. I sent in 2 frosted cupcakes Gluten free) and they live in the freezer. Also, Foods By makes an excellent brownie, cut them up freeze them and send into school. You can also do this with gf cookies and most UTZ chips are GF. There is a blood test for CD but she would have to still be on gluten for it to come back properly. All I know is if something bothers my child's stomach, I do not give it to her. does COMPLETLY understand what it does to her. Often she will tell me to wash my hands before making her food. And she will rarley eat something prepared by other people. She says" I have an allergy to wheat". Allergy is the word she understands and it seems that even though it is an AIS Disease the general population gets "allergy " a lot better. She knows, at the age

of 6, that if she eats the stuff she feel terrible. If you tell Isabelle that that food makes her feel yucky I am willing to bet she will stay away from it. The stuff is expensive but readily available at Whole Foods, Roots Market, MOM's and most health food stores. They sometimes have a list of products. Good luck and g-d bless Suzanne,

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  • 1 year later...

thanks e for posting this information.

sonia (aundrea 13 fibromyalgia)-

-- In , bound for london <boundforlondon@...>



> I know there have been several who have talked about this being a

possible diagnosis and it is yet another auto-immune. You can do a

trial of the celiac diet while waiting for final testing etc to see

if it makes a difference. A friend was recently diagnosed with this

and she did not have the typical symptoms but has severe anemia and

some other things.


> You can find out more here


> http://www.celiac.org/


> --e


> __________________________________________________


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  • 1 month later...

I so utterly agree. My husband get's a scope on the 2nd, blood work on the 1st and a complete over haul shortly after that.

thyroid, celiac go hand and hand. Also no b-12 and iron counts. My husband even through being on b-12 and iron shots his numbers are nearly zero.

I think Celiac testing needs to be standard. But the blood test for Celiac does not work so why fight for it. People need to go on how they feel, what are their guts doing. The poop. All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac. If you do not catch Celiac I believe in the end it will kill you. I think that is what is happening to my father in law. I believe his thyroid is really bad, along with Celiac and that is why he is in kidney failure. After some long thinking I think it has killed every male in my husbands line. Everyone has died of kidney failure, but back in those days are you going to test for Celiac? thyroid?

So I will be working on stopping kidney disease. With me knowing so much and having three boys of my own I will not let this happen to them.

But if you have thyroid problems or know someone who does, google Celiac Disease. Read up. If you fit what they are saying do a trial of gluten free. It took me 4 months for it to kick in for me. Boy my energy went through the roof.

After that adjust vitamins. So much to do.


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: Sylvia Pisarski Onusic <sponusic128@...>Subject: Celiac diseaseiodine Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 7:00 AM

Nutrition for Celiacs. I have a lot of experience with celiacs- husband, sons, family,me... I learned that absorption of iron is a major problem in celiacs. The intestines are damaged and the body cant absorb it. Also, if a person takes an acid blocker, like Nexium or any of its kin, the Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) production is stopped in the stomach and the acid therefore cant do its work- cleaving or separating the iron from the food source. The Nexium also prevents the production of intrinsic factor which is needed also for absorption of B 12. So B 12 deficiency is also quite high in celiacs. If the HCL is low or absent, bacteria, like H. pylori which "causes" ulcers, can grow in the stomach. Therefore taking Betaine with digestive enzymes, can be extremely helpful. To get the right dosage, keep slowly loading until you get a burning sensation, then back off, like loading Vitamin

C. To get a good easy read on this I recommend Varnas, DC, book, Practical Magic, which is extremely inexpensive and so great. Calcium is also another big problem and celiacs tend to have restless legs, leg spasms, etc but calcium needs to be taken with Vitamin D, magnesium, Vitamin K2, boron, not just alone as it is not absorbed well but recirculated.


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Wow. I've had reflux since I was in my first year of nursing school.

Years of Tagamet and Prevacid.

I'm a firm believer in the non-validity of testing though, in lots of

cases. No matter what the tests show, a person can still be

hypothyroid. Same probably goes for celiac.

I wonder how much of this is connected to iodine deficiency? Which came

first, the chicken or the egg? (c8 I wonder if Dr. Brownstein has

looked at a celiac connection to iodine deficiency.

Marcie Dingerson wrote:


> All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac.


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Reflux is tied to low thyroid too. When the metabolic rate slows so does acid production. We take acid blocking medicine when really we need more acid. So low iodine is tied to low thyroid. My son had acid reflux before taking him off gluten. Now he doesn't. He is also hypothyroid. Who knows what came first but it is all a bad thing.


Re: Celiac disease

Wow. I've had reflux since I was in my first year of nursing school. Years of Tagamet and Prevacid.I'm a firm believer in the non-validity of testing though, in lots of cases. No matter what the tests show, a person can still be hypothyroid. Same probably goes for celiac.I wonder how much of this is connected to iodine deficiency? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? (c8 I wonder if Dr. Brownstein has looked at a celiac connection to iodine deficiency.Marcie Dingerson wrote:>> All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac.>

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I'm just getting into learning about Celiac's - I'm reading Dangerous

Grains right now and learning a lot.

I just read this at curezone:

<<If you've got celiac disease, you have liver and gall bladder

malfunction due to numerous intrahepatic stones and/or gallstones.

Celiac disease is caused by primary liver stones (intrahepatic stones).>>

Is that really the case do you think? Caused by liver stones?


> >

> > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac.

> >


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No it is caused by an antibody attack. Read more in that book and you will understand. It is an allergy. Your gut wall gets perforated so the proteins pass through to the blood stream and your body creates antibodies.

Re: Celiac disease

I'm just getting into learning about Celiac's - I'm reading DangerousGrains right now and learning a lot.I just read this at curezone:<<If you've got celiac disease, you have liver and gall bladdermalfunction due to numerous intrahepatic stones and/or gallstones.Celiac disease is caused by primary liver stones (intrahepatic stones).>>Is that really the case do you think? Caused by liver stones?~DD> >> > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac.> >>

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No I do not agree with that. Celiac it's an auto immune disease. Like my son, he had Celiac from birth, it is something you have from birth, but you do not know it until something happens to bring it out. Like my son he had three seizures in three months once we got those under control they hyperness and the basic hell hit. At that time now looking back that was when the Celiac came out and showed itself and it started to kill my son's gut, as the wheat killed the gut and made holes which then allowed the wheat, dairy and soy to go to his head/brain and act like my son was on drugs.

You need usually need something major to bring out the Celiac, like stress or seizure or a bad infection. Or like your thyroid being off. Celiac can show up at day one or when you are 50. You can be thin or overweight. You can have all the signs in the world or no signs at all.

Here are some questions, do you have circles around the eyes? Are you having trouble loosing weight? Gaining weight? No energy? tired? Pooping problems? Signs of reflux? Birping? stomach pain? achey joints? foggy feeling? can't seem to focus through the day? headaches? You can have one of these signs or none or all of these signs.

I also think Celiac when left long enough will effect other parts of the body. But I have not researched into that much. But I honest to goodness think my father in law has Celiac and is drying because now he is in kidney failure. Along with major thyroid problems. But you can't get through to a 70 something?


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: biglovepress <biglovepress@...>Subject: Re: Celiac diseaseiodine Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 12:27 PM

I'm just getting into learning about Celiac's - I'm reading DangerousGrains right now and learning a lot.I just read this at curezone:<<If you've got celiac disease, you have liver and gall bladdermalfunction due to numerous intrahepatic stones and/or gallstones.Celiac disease is caused by primary liver stones (intrahepatic stones).>>Is that really the case do you think? Caused by liver stones?~DD> >> > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac.> >>

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One thing about celiac blood testing is that you have to have been

eating gluten or your test will most likely be negative. I have been

gluten free for about five years. I was misdiagnosed for many, many

years, before one doctor finally figured out I did have celiac

disease. My idiot GP told me my diarrhea was from nerves because I

was hypothyroid and I should be constipated. Needless to say I no

longer go to that doctor. V

> >

> > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably


> >


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Oh no Steh...big misconception...Celiac disease is NOT an allergy,

it's an autoimmune disease....big difference. An allergy to gluten

does not destroy the small intestine, but celiac disease destroys the

villi of the small intestine which can lead to malnutrition and even

lymphoma/cancer. There are IgG & IgA antigliadin, IgA antiendomysial

and IgA antitransglutaminase antibodies though. Please read this link.


" Celiac Disease is not a food allergy - it is an autoimmune disease.

Food allergies, including wheat allergy, are conditions that people

can grow out of. This is not the case with Celiac Disease. "

Fondly V

> > >

> > > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably


> > >

> >


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I understand what you are saying but it is a form of an allergy as antigens are created in both cases. I know it is autoimmune. We are telling our son to just tell people he has an allergy as they do not understand autoimmune conditions.


Re: Celiac disease

Oh no Steh...big misconception...Celiac disease is NOT an allergy, it's an autoimmune disease....big difference. An allergy to gluten does not destroy the small intestine, but celiac disease destroys the villi of the small intestine which can lead to malnutrition and even lymphoma/cancer. There are IgG & IgA antigliadin, IgA antiendomysial and IgA antitransglutaminase antibodies though. Please read this link.http://www.celiac.org/cd-cause.php"Celiac Disease is not a food allergy - it is an autoimmune disease. Food allergies, including wheat allergy, are conditions that people can grow out of. This is not the case with Celiac Disease."Fondly V> > >> > > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac.> > >> >>

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I so hate the blood work for this. My son has Celiac. He went in for a scope and they took blood work (which I was not told about) But the GI doctor found Celiac. I was not told about this since the blood work came back negative. Now he was on gluten, he was going through a loaf or two of bread a day. I don't know how much more gluten he could have eaten?

My question would be how much gluten must you have in your system to turn this postive?

Same with hubby, he just had he's blood work which all came back negative. He goes in for he's scope on the 2nd.


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: maribob7 <myrv@...>Subject: Re: Celiac diseaseiodine Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 3:18 PM

One thing about celiac blood testing is that you have to have been eating gluten or your test will most likely be negative. I have been gluten free for about five years. I was misdiagnosed for many, many years, before one doctor finally figured out I did have celiac disease. My idiot GP told me my diarrhea was from nerves because I was hypothyroid and I should be constipated. Needless to say I no longer go to that doctor. V> >> > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac.> >>

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I do this as well. My 5 year old just would not understand he has an auto immune issue. So he says' I'm allergic to wheat, dairy and soy. And he knows. He did very well today at preschool telling the difference. But it's just easier on a kid this way. When he is older we will explain more but for now for kids I don't see a problem.


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>Subject: Re: Re: Celiac diseaseiodine Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 3:38 PM

I understand what you are saying but it is a form of an allergy as antigens are created in both cases. I know it is autoimmune. We are telling our son to just tell people he has an allergy as they do not understand autoimmune conditions.


Re: Celiac disease

Oh no Steh...big misconception. ..Celiac disease is NOT an allergy, it's an autoimmune disease....big difference. An allergy to gluten does not destroy the small intestine, but celiac disease destroys the villi of the small intestine which can lead to malnutrition and even lymphoma/cancer. There are IgG & IgA antigliadin, IgA antiendomysial and IgA antitransglutaminas e antibodies though. Please read this link.http://www.celiac. org/cd-cause. php"Celiac Disease is not a food allergy - it is an autoimmune disease. Food allergies, including wheat allergy, are conditions that people can grow out of. This is not the case with Celiac Disease."Fondly V> > >> > > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux,

it is probably Celiac.> > >> >>

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That's the way we look at it too. Dawson is 9 but he still can't comprehend what autoimmune is. Even his teachers don't get the autoimmune thing. Allergies they get. It's frustrating.


Re: Celiac disease

Oh no Steh...big misconception. ..Celiac disease is NOT an allergy, it's an autoimmune disease....big difference. An allergy to gluten does not destroy the small intestine, but celiac disease destroys the villi of the small intestine which can lead to malnutrition and even lymphoma/cancer. There are IgG & IgA antigliadin, IgA antiendomysial and IgA antitransglutaminas e antibodies though. Please read this link.http://www.celiac. org/cd-cause. php"Celiac Disease is not a food allergy - it is an autoimmune disease. Food allergies, including wheat allergy, are conditions that people can grow out of. This is not the case with Celiac Disease."Fondly V> > >> > > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac.> > >> >>

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I would like to run into an adult that "gets it". WE have told Ethan it's an allergy and if anyone looks at us funny we explain Celiac Disease. Usually by that time it's over their head.


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@ sbcglobal. net>Subject: Re: Re: Celiac diseaseiodinegroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 3:38 PM

I understand what you are saying but it is a form of an allergy as antigens are created in both cases. I know it is autoimmune. We are telling our son to just tell people he has an allergy as they do not understand autoimmune conditions.


Re: Celiac disease

Oh no Steh...big misconception. ..Celiac disease is NOT an allergy, it's an autoimmune disease....big difference. An allergy to gluten does not destroy the small intestine, but celiac disease destroys the villi of the small intestine which can lead to malnutrition and even lymphoma/cancer. There are IgG & IgA antigliadin, IgA antiendomysial and IgA antitransglutaminas e antibodies though. Please read this link.http://www.celiac. org/cd-cause. php"Celiac Disease is not a food allergy - it is an autoimmune disease. Food allergies, including wheat allergy, are conditions that people can grow out of. This is not the case with Celiac Disease."Fondly V> > >> > > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux,

it is probably Celiac.> > >> >>

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Yep I hear you. He came home higher than a kite the other day and we found out they gave him Skittles (smacking head). :(


Re: Celiac disease

Oh no Steh...big misconception. ..Celiac disease is NOT an allergy, it's an autoimmune disease....big difference. An allergy to gluten does not destroy the small intestine, but celiac disease destroys the villi of the small intestine which can lead to malnutrition and even lymphoma/cancer. There are IgG & IgA antigliadin, IgA antiendomysial and IgA antitransglutaminas e antibodies though. Please read this link.http://www.celiac. org/cd-cause. php"Celiac Disease is not a food allergy - it is an autoimmune disease. Food allergies, including wheat allergy, are conditions that people can grow out of. This is not the case with Celiac Disease."Fondly V> > >> > > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac.> > >> >>

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Well they are gluten free?

This is why I go to everything at my kids school, They understand and support it but they have 20 something kids I don't want them to miss anything.


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@ sbcglobal. net>Subject: Re: Re: Celiac diseaseiodinegroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 3:38 PM

I understand what you are saying but it is a form of an allergy as antigens are created in both cases. I know it is autoimmune. We are telling our son to just tell people he has an allergy as they do not understand autoimmune conditions.


Re: Celiac disease

Oh no Steh...big misconception. ..Celiac disease is NOT an allergy, it's an autoimmune disease....big difference. An allergy to gluten does not destroy the small intestine, but celiac disease destroys the villi of the small intestine which can lead to malnutrition and even lymphoma/cancer. There are IgG & IgA antigliadin, IgA antiendomysial and IgA antitransglutaminas e antibodies though. Please read this link.http://www.celiac. org/cd-cause. php"Celiac Disease is not a food allergy - it is an autoimmune disease. Food allergies, including wheat allergy, are conditions that people can grow out of. This is not the case with Celiac Disease."Fondly V> > >> > > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux,

it is probably Celiac.> > >> >>

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I told them no dyes at the beginning of the year. This was a fluke. They gave the kids small packs of skittles for getting some project done.

Re: Celiac disease

Oh no Steh...big misconception. ..Celiac disease is NOT an allergy, it's an autoimmune disease....big difference. An allergy to gluten does not destroy the small intestine, but celiac disease destroys the villi of the small intestine which can lead to malnutrition and even lymphoma/cancer. There are IgG & IgA antigliadin, IgA antiendomysial and IgA antitransglutaminas e antibodies though. Please read this link.http://www.celiac. org/cd-cause. php"Celiac Disease is not a food allergy - it is an autoimmune disease. Food allergies, including wheat allergy, are conditions that people can grow out of. This is not the case with Celiac Disease."Fondly V> > >> > > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably Celiac.> > >> >>

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Well shoot can't argue that one.

It was like my husband today I came home and made a cherry pie really quick. This is my cheater gluten pie for the family. I got the pre made pie crust and I hade made cherry pie filling this past summer. So I had hubby grab two jars as I'm doing the dough. He's saying I don't think they will buy it since my cherry pie filling is not bright red! Who the heck cares.

Well maybe I will get out of pie duty for next year?

I wonder if we will see the day that food dyes are banned here in the states?


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>Subject: Re: Re: Celiac diseaseiodine Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 7:35 PM

I told them no dyes at the beginning of the year. This was a fluke. They gave the kids small packs of skittles for getting some project done.

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Well I don't know which came first, but I do know that Celiacs usually have various and sundry deficiencies, and they can be pretty severe. I know I am so sick of eating supplements, but that is what is getting me better finally.

Also enzymes and hydrochloride helps a lot.-- Warmest Regards,Robin Little

I wonder how much of this is connected to iodine deficiency? Which came

first, the chicken or the egg? (c8 I wonder if Dr. Brownstein has

looked at a celiac connection to iodine deficiency.

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Yes that is right, but there is a stool test you can get that will pick up the antibody for several years after going gluten free. I was gf for a year and a half and got a positive on mine. It is from Enterolabs.--

Warmest Regards,Robin LittleOne thing about celiac blood testing is that you have to have been

eating gluten or your test will most likely be negative. V

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You can think of celiac as something like canker sores

in your gut. Canker sores are caused by your antibodies

attacking your mouth tissue, hence, they are an autoimmune


However, you can have high antibodies in your saliva and

NOT get canker sores, because usually, your mouth

mucous protects your cheeks. So you'll get a canker sore

if you have high antibodies AND your mucous is damaged

(some toothpastes will do that).

Also, the antibodies in your saliva are supposed to

be in your saliva. So why in the world would they be in

your blood? Usually, they are not. UNLESS you ALSO

have something wrong that makes them leak from

your saliva into your blood. That, apparently, happens

if you have bad enough canker sores (so to speak) or

high zonulin levels.

But guess what? If you stop eating gluten or casein

(whichever you react to, or both, for some folks) then

you will stop having the antibodies, and that fixes the

root cause.

The thing is, you can't see, or feel, the " canker sores

in your gut " . And they aren't exactly the same kind

of damage. But the cause is very similar: IgA antibodies

that attack the tissue.

So yeah, the tests aren't accurate, and they aren't

accurate for some people for many years, until there

is a lot of damage. The IgA damage isn't the only type

of damage that can occur, either. It's getting so that

one doc wrote that he puts all his psych patients

on a GF diet, and just sees if it works. Most often,

it does.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Marcie Dingerson

<marciedingerson@...> wrote:

> I so hate the blood work for this. My son has Celiac. He went in for a scope

> and they took blood work (which I was not told about) But the GI doctor

> found Celiac. I was not told about this since the blood work came back

> negative. Now he was on gluten, he was going through a loaf or two of bread

> a day. I don't know how much more gluten he could have eaten?


> My question would be how much gluten must you have in your system to turn

> this postive?


> Same with hubby, he just had he's blood work which all came back negative.

> He goes in for he's scope on the 2nd.


> Marcie


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I can maybe see telling children but adults need to know that celiac

disease is NOT an allergy at all, and it cannot be treated as an

allergy. Some people with gluten allergies, wheat for instance, can

eat a small amount and get away with it, but celiacs absolutely

cannot. Even if they have no symptoms after eating gluten, with

celiacs there is still damage being done. Wheat allergy, gluten

intolerance, and celiac disease are three different medical

conditions and it is important to know the difference if anyone has

problems with any foods containing gluten.

Here is a good explanation of all three conditions....especially

scroll down and read " Why is it important to know if you have celiac

disease, versus wheat allergy or gluten intolerance? "


Also antigens are not what is created. Basicly, an antigen is the

foreign body or allergen itself. Antibodies are created as a reaction

to the consumed allergen/antigen. Both allergies and celiac disease

can create serum antigliadin antibodies, but only in celiac disease

is there an autoimmune reaction to the antigen (gluten). An allergy

is a reaction to an allergen (a type of antigen), that can set off a

set of symptoms in some people.


p?requestURI=/healthatoz/Atoz/dc/caz/resp/allr/allbasic.jsp & mode=print

fondly, V

> >

> > No it is caused by an antibody attack. Read more in that book


> you will understand. It is an allergy. Your gut wall gets

> perforated so the proteins pass through to the blood stream and


> body creates antibodies.

> >

> >

> >

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You are right. Celiac disease is a genetic condition. HLA DQ2 or HLA

DQ8 are the genes. I am fortunate that I have HLA DQ2. Having these

genes does not mean you will absolutely get celiac disease, but you

do have the risk. My celiac disease reared it's ugly head after

having a hip replacement which to me was a major truma to my body.

And yes, celiac disease can effect other areas of the body besides






> > >

> > > All that burping and reflux. It's not reflux, it is probably


> > >

> >


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