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I had a few really good days, and I was so hopeful that maybe this

meant I was on the mend, but then today the fatigue and the swelling

started up again, and it made me sad. I have been quite protective

of my body for years, and then to turn around and get implants and

get sick from them was a tough pill to swallow. I knew better, and

to this day can't figure out why I didn't listen to the voices that

told me not to get implants. However, as time goes by I find I'm

not crying quite as often, and most days I have hope, although there

are days like today where I worry that I'll never be normal again.

I've experienced alot of numbness in my arms, hands, and have had a

tingling feeling in my neck lately. When I lay down at night, I

have to roll up a towel and put it under my neck or my hands get

numb, and now I'm noticing when I wake up in the middle of the night

that one of my ears rings when I'm lying down - almost sounds like a

wire is short circuiting. Yesterday I went for a walk at lunchtime

and my ankle swelled up and turned red. It is pretty frustrating.

One thing I have found out about myself is my will to go on, even

under the worst of circumstances, so that is a lesson I've learned

about myself. I'd do anything to go back one year and do things

differently, but we all know that's impossible. All I can do now is

be there for everyone else, and hope that in time I can reclaim my



> HI all! well today was a tuff day.Good thing is i didnt have


> fog today!!!It was like everything came crashing down on me. I


> we all have are days .Today i got my surgery report and pathology

> report.Well it hit me hard today.What the heck did i do to myself.

> What if something happens to me or my girls. There my litle

> blessing.You know kids seem to know things.Both my girls never

> wanted to nurse on my left breast.My left breast never got as much

> milk .I knew somthing was wrong when my 20 moths old didnt want it

> at all. I think i stop nursing in oct or nov in 2005. My girls are

> fine though.They rarely get sick. we live in arizona not to far


> vegas but i notice since we moved to this town.There are lots of

> sick kids . I know it the water supply.There is a nuclear test


> up in nevada.I know all that get in are water.I have filter and do

> all i can to clean the water.I so pray god will send us back where

> we use to live .And we would be still in arizona.


> ugh back to brest infection Dr kolb said i did have a breast

> infection on left breast but it was gone when she open me up.But

> when i read the surgery report it said i still has a breast

> infection. confused.But i know i have a breast infection now.Im

> getting the same pain i had before.It not pain that would stop you

> in your tracks .I just can feel something. I know what to do for

> it .I feel im very intune with my body .Like when people say you

> need to listen to your body. I do. i just need to be real strict

> with everything in my diet again and i need some more FYi and Rm

> 10.I have the essiac tea but keep forgeting to make it. i need to


> tomorrow.

> Money has been tight since the surgery.I feel bad because it seem


> adding stress to my husband. He said dont worry michele we will


> thru this. God will take care of us.He very glad i got them

out .He

> want me to get better. iknow he glad because my moods are so

> different. . he felt he was walking on egg shell but he said he

> doesnt feel like that anymore. The angry seem s to be gone. I


> get angry at things .But now i cry my husband said well that what

> you normally do when something upset you.But then after a while


> dont cry anymore you get angry.harden heart.God sure has work some

> miracles in me.


> I know things will get better and im trusting in God thru all

> this.But im human .I want to have a life.Not to feel i cant go

> anyplace or see people.I think another reason im having a hard


> easter coming up and we will go to my husband family and we have


> stay at there house.Some of the smells just kill me .But more and

> more there understanding.I just want to have a good time.


> Sometime a good cry helps me then it like it all comes together.

> venting helps me to.

> thank you for letting me vent and thank you for all you guys do.


> was watching out for me.I starting question implants not to long


> and that when i did my research on mercola and starting asking

> question at my doctor.Im glad ilena had info there.Where would i


> now.

> This was hard for me to post but i know you all understand

> good night god bless hugs michele






> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given

by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or

licensed health care professional before commencing any medical



> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own

decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a

better world. " - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954,

Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


> See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> http://.shutterfly.com/action/



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I'm concerned that you're still having so many

problems. . . What are you doing to detox? . . . Maybe

we can suggest something that will help cut through

all this! . . .

I know raw, crushed, fresh garlic works wonders. . .

How you get it down can be tricky . . . but it's worth

it! . . . Just feed your hubby something with garlic

so he doesn't get overwhelmed by the smell!n You can

eat as many as 12 cloves a day (I've never gotten

beyond five cloves though!)

Hugs and prayers,


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Hi Rogene,

Thanks. I haven't done anything to detox, because my body reacts

negatively to just about every supplement I take - I end up with hot

flashes and can't sleep, so I'm stuck in limbo because I'm afraid to

try anything. I definitely need some coaching because I was hoping

that my body would just get better with the implants gone, however

after 5 months I know this isn't going to happen. I know garlic

capsules have given me horrible stomach pains in the past, so I'm

wondering if raw garlic would do the same. Maybe today I'll try to

crush some and then swallow it down with water and see if my stomach

reacts. So, at this point I know this: I should be drinking alot

of water, I should be eating garlic, taking epsom salts baths, no

sugar, lots of veggies, taking Garden of Life Primal Defense (I'm a

little nervous about Fungal Defense because of how some people react

to it). What other suggestions can you give me that might be gentle

on my system? Now that I'm working again I can at least afford to

go food shopping more often for the veggies, and perhaps buy a

juicer, and afford to go for sauna's. That's been part of my

dilemma as well, since I wasn't working things were really tight.

I felt that I needed some help so what I've done is visited a

naturopathic practitioner in my area, and today I'm going to get a

bunch of tests done - cortisol, thyroid, adrenals, mycoplasma, etc.

I've opened this practitioner's eyes about implants, and sent her

links that have been shared on this site. She is pretty interested

in this because her mother had saline implants and always had immune

problems, and passed away in her early 60's (she never had them

explanted). She wants to start me slowly on Omega 3 oils and

probiotics, like try something new once a week and see if I react

negatively or not.

P.S. I'm glad you brought this up because I was thinking I needed

to take some action regarding detoxing, but I really need some

help. Honestly, I feel like my body hasn't changed since the

implants were removed, and I know that's because the bio-junk is

still in my body and wreaking havoc.



> Sis,


> I'm concerned that you're still having so many

> problems. . . What are you doing to detox? . . . Maybe

> we can suggest something that will help cut through

> all this! . . .


> I know raw, crushed, fresh garlic works wonders. . .

> How you get it down can be tricky . . . but it's worth

> it! . . . Just feed your hubby something with garlic

> so he doesn't get overwhelmed by the smell!n You can

> eat as many as 12 cloves a day (I've never gotten

> beyond five cloves though!)


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene


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I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

for years - until she started detoxing.

It's great you're going to be tested!

When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

It will tell you what you need.

Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

help is created when it's crushed. There is a

commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

of some that do well with it. It is costly though.

I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.

Hugs and prayers,


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Thanks, Rogene. I just took an epsom salts bath. I'll be sure to

crush the garlic before I eat it. I am without a doubt extremely

toxic, I do not recognize the body I've got today, compared to the

body I had just one short year ago. A week or two after getting

implants, my body changed and just kept getting worse. For anyone

who is reading this and worrying that you won't get well after

explant, you've got a good chance of getting better with them out,

but no chance of getting better with them in. I do believe I'll get

better, but because my body is so sensitive I am overly cautious

when I seriously need to work on detoxing. The toxins are still

trapped in my body, and that's why I'm still struggling.



> Sis,


> I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> for years - until she started detoxing.


> It's great you're going to be tested!


> When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

> react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

> persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

> whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

> It will tell you what you need.


> Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

> help is created when it's crushed. There is a

> commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

> dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

> of some that do well with it. It is costly though.


> I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

> be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

> Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene


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Yes, garlic is wonderful but can smell. I find that if I eat fresh parsley with it and after, it kills the smell. Worth a try, so get chopping. !!

-- Re: Re: venting


I'm concerned that you're still having so many

problems. . . What are you doing to detox? . . . Maybe

we can suggest something that will help cut through

all this! . . .

I know raw, crushed, fresh garlic works wonders. . .

How you get it down can be tricky . . . but it's worth

it! . . . Just feed your hubby something with garlic

so he doesn't get overwhelmed by the smell!n You can

eat as many as 12 cloves a day (I've never gotten

beyond five cloves though!)

Hugs and prayers,


Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.

"Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

See our photos website! Enter "implants" for access at this link:


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Hi Sis,

My healing journey was incredibly slow. It's true that even 18

months after explant I was still feeling poisoned....but I wanted to

clarify that this was EVEN after I had done some detoxification


I was explanted in Feb 1998, and by September of that same year I

was seeing a naturopath. This was after my idiot rheumatologist

pronounced me " all better " , and said I didn't need to see him

anymore, even though my blood work clearly showed abnormalities. I

think he really didn't want to deal with an implant victim, and just

wanted to wash his hands of me.

So, I headed down the path of alternative medicine, glad to wash my

hands of the MD's. They had already proven themselves

untrustworthy, and natural medicine was looking like the answer.

God gave me peace about that.

The first thing my naturopath did for me was put me on a 3 day fast.

That promptly turned into a 5 day fast, because by the 3rd day I had

a rash all over my breasts and the back of my scalp (my brain fog

and pain in the back of my head was at an all time high still.) The

rash didn't itch or anything...it was just big red splotches all

over my breasts. (I have a picture of the type of rash on our photo

site at Shutterfly.)

The doctor said that was a good sign, and it was evidence of the

toxins coming out, so that was why I went on for a few more days.

This was a water-only fast by the way. He then put me on juices,

counseled me about diet, and then put me on a water only fast

again...7 days this time. I had a professional colonic in the middle

of this fast and was amazed to see stuff coming out. Same response

with the rash on my breasts and scalp. Then he wanted to put me on

a 21 day fast with a supplement. I said no to this because of the

cost for the supplement....we didn't really have any money at that

point, and by that time I was kinda tired of fasting anyway. I was

down to 115 lbs. So we moved on.

The next thing he did was test me for heavy metals. Bingo. Found

to be high in mercury and arsenic! So, I went to a holistic dentist

(loved the guy!), got my amalgams removed (only had 4) and then the

naturopath put me on chelation therapy for the next few months with

an oral pill--DMSA. My levels dropped and we moved on to the next

thing. At this point we still had no money (no income as my husband

was opening a new business), but I did what I had to do.

It was December 1998. 10 months post explant and I was still

feeling terrible. The doctor tested me for Anti-gliadin antibodies

(for celiac disease--I was negative), adrenal stress, and other

tests which showed I had a depressed Secretory IgA and low DHEA. He

put me on colostrum (an immune booster) and DHEA, as well as Isocort

and some other stuff.

I never really felt any different. I started reading like a crazy

woman. Every health book I could find. Dr. Weil was big on my

list, as was Dr. Norman , Dr. Max Gerson, every doctor-written

book on alternative medicine available, detoxification, diet,

cleansing therapies, I was reading and searching out letters from

the implanted women who were getting better and asking God to show

me what it was I needed to get better. I was obsessed with finding


I could go on and on about the various things I did over

time....which included hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment, ozone

treatment, more colonics, vitamin IV's, hydrogen peroxide IV's,

magnet therapy, detox diets, food elimination diets, vegetarian

diets, juice fasting, Vit B-12 shots, liver flushes, kidney flushes,

supplements of every kind. We bought an infrared sauna, an ozone

machine, an inversion table, a pool and jacuzzi, (our business was

doing well finally) I would see little steps forward and then steps

back and I was exhausted. I remember at one point just laying my

head on my husband's shoulder and crying, saying " I'm never going to

get better! " I was suicidal at one point.

I remember in a moment of anger and frustration just raising my fist

at God and yelling " Why aren't you helping me??? " I had been so

desperate for answers and I know God had told me in my heart that He

would heal me...to be faithful. I was trusting in Him, trying to

have total faith in Him, yet doing everything in my power I possibly

could to find answers for health. I was just not seeing the progress

at a pace I wanted to see it. I was trying to be patient, but I was

in despair at times. My little boy was only 3 when I got sick and I

felt like I was such a poor mother to him in these early years. I

truly felt like my body was healed as much as it was going to, and

it wasn't enough. I was still so sick. But God was doing His work

in me. I can look back now and see it. He is so faithful. You

see, I needed to heal spiritually as well as physically. I had to

totally surrender to His will. It was a blessed surrender and was

my most significant healing of all.

In October 2000, I decided to go back to the beginning. I decided I

would jump start something by doing the fasting that my first

naturopath had put me on. I had been involved with other

groups, including a fasting group, and became motivated to give it

another shot. I did the 3 day fast and wow! That rash came back! I

was shocked. (This is the rash that is pictured in the Shutterfly

site.) I figured if that rash was showing toxins were still in my

body, I was going to start fasting regularly until I could fast and

NOT SEE THE RASH. Then I would know all those nasty things were

gone. So I started a fasting program of a few days every few weeks.

In May of 2001, I did a 10 day water only fast...that was my

longest. But I finally felt that I had gotten somewhere when I

fasted and no rash appeared. I counted that as a great victory.

It wasn't until August of 2002 that I was finally tested for thyroid

issues that came up positive for Hashimoto's. It was over 4 years

since explant. Up until that time, nobody had tested me for it. I

have no idea how long I had it before the doctor actually found it,

but this homeopathic doctor put me on T3--cytomel, along with my

Armour thyroid and that seemed to give me the energy boost I needed

to feel good again.

After that it was all pretty much downhill. Today, over 8 years

after explant, I feel wonderful. I have a full life--4 kids, 3

businesses, 2 Bible groups, and a husband in a big house. (Sung to

the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas) I am joyful, happy,

blessed, and most of all, thankful. God has been so good to me. I

can say that with all of my heart.

Healing is a long journey. It can be very frustrating. It can

leave you feeling in despair at the lack of significant progress.

You can spend tons of money and feel like every bit of it was wasted

when you don't see results right away. But I think we have to give

our bodies a chance....let it do it's thing without gumming up the

works by throwing all kinds of drugs and " stuff " at it. Certainly

there are things that are needed, but I believe God created our

bodies with the ability to heal....and healing is in His hands. We

must trust Him.



> >

> > Sis,

> >

> > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> > for years - until she started detoxing.


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Sis, if your body is really toxic, raw garlic can cause some swelling in

your lymph nodes. I'd start out eating a little bit each day, gradually

increasing as your body allows.

You definitely need to be doing some gentle detoxing to start, increasing to

more vigorous products as your body allows. There is no reason to be

miserable, just remember to start out slowly and let your body dictate how

quickly you increase intensity of your detox program.


> Sis,


> I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> for years - until she started detoxing.


> It's great you're going to be tested!


> When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

> react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

> persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

> whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

> It will tell you what you need.


> Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

> help is created when it's crushed. There is a

> commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

> dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

> of some that do well with it. It is costly though.


> I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

> be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

> Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene




> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed

> health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care

> professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

> Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a

> happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing, two-time

> Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


> See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> http://.shutterfly.com/action/



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Another thing you can do to help get the fresh garlic

down . . . buy some empty gel capsules from a

compounding pharmacy . . . Use half an open capsule to

scrape crushed garlic directly from the garlic press.

Reassemble it . . . and you're on your way.

That upset stomach you feel when eating garlic, or

taking probiotics could be considered warfare . . .

The good organisms are attacking the bad ones! . . .

Not comfortable, but beneficial! . . . It will pass as

the enemy is defeated!

The trick is to learn how to manage your detox

programs so you can continue to function (even if you

don't feel very well) . . . and to where the herxes

aren't so strong as to create an adversion to



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You might get relief from hot flashes and sleep

problems by supplementing with Magnesium. (two parts

Calcium to one part Magnesium).

See my post to Lea about Magnesium.


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hi sis ,

I know you wrote to rogene. BUt i thought i would say something.About the raw garlic .YOu can juice it i find that easier to do.I juice celery,parsley,spinach,sometimes apple and ginger and garlic .hte parsley help with bad breath . We cook with it to.Ive made chicken soup with veggies and put 15 to 30 cloves of garlic.

Your saying your stomach cant handle garlic tablet. I had the same problems but fresh garlic no problem.Also i do digestive enzymes or Raw apple cider vinegar cheap and it helps with digestion,gettingtoxins out,bowel movements which you should have 2 or 3 bowel move ment to get toxins out,so much more. www.bragg.com

Here a recipe for drinking it

I do 1 oz or alittle more sometimes. you can start off 1 to 2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar

with 8 oz glass of water

5 to 10 drops of stevia or 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw honey i soemtimes put lemon in it .This really gives me energy .I drink 3 or 4 times a day.

This is what i do in the morning right now.I get up and do my primal defense 2 scoops i put alittle water in my mouth and then put the primal defense in and if i still have some in my mouth i wash down with water. The powder i felt i did best on.

After i did that i drank my apple cider vinegar with my sonnes clay together. sonnes clay helps clean out heavy metal and toxins .

sometime i have to take digestive enzymes due to raw eggs on my stomach. Then i will have a smoothie with my perfect food ,super seed or flaxseed , raw egg and so on.if you have makers diet book page 256 first one .i post again

Then i would do my cod liver oil and omega 3 but i have tablets i take

If i get a chance i would do alittle workout. I sent some free for the workout i do. i will post that to .It not hard and functional fitness.

But i eat every 3 hours small meal or smoothie .When i was working i did the smoothie when i did have time to eat.This helped with weight lose to.I lost 60 pounds.

I could never take take fungal defense.So hard on my stomach.I take FYI and Rm 10 helps immune systems helps fight infection .I also took seasonal relief.Help immune to . I took that for 7 days. Im out of FYI and RM 10 and i can tell. Jordan say FYI,RM 10 and primal defense is good for fighting cancer ,infection you name it.I so believe that.If you cant handle fungal defense try those. It has oregano oil and garlic and much more .Oh when iwas taking FYI It really helped with brain fog.The apple cider seem to be helping to.

Primal defense you do need to start slow.I started 1 pill in morning and 1 at night . I started taking primal defense i think 5 yrs ago.But i wasnt taking the sugar out and boy could i tell i detoxed to fast. The white flour ,sugar and bad food are a must to get out of diet to get better and to detox. For me i could tell if i didnt stick to lifestyle change . But since i changed my eating i take 6 scoops of primal defense. 2 morn 2 afternnon,2 night.You do have to work you way up to more .It all take time.

HAve you check into perfect food that great for detoxing and get lots of veggies in diet to. I take 2 times a day.When i first starting changing things 5 or 6 yrs ago .i starting off with perfect food,primal defense and digestive enzymes and omega 3 .

Oh the test your getting done did you just tell her to test you on that.I need to ask doctor to test me on certain thing.I know certain things my insurance wont cover.

I go to a holistic doctor and i dont rake any meds .I feel they can cause more problem.I think it great your going to a naturopathic doctor.I wish we had more doctor out there that believe in the natural way.

I goto biological dentist to what a different .They dont use flouride to clean your teeth .Everything thing they do is different thenthe dentist i use to go to.Did even realize want you put in your mouth can make you sick to. www.westonaprice.org has lots of info on dentist and what can make you sick to.

i better get stuff done.

god bless michele

From: "auntsisnj" <auntsisnj@...>Reply- To: Subject: Re: ventingDate: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 13:17:54 -0000Hi Rogene,Thanks. I haven't done anything to detox, because my body reacts negatively to just about every supplement I take - I end up with hot flashes and can't sleep, so I'm stuck in limbo because I'm afraid to try anything. I definitely need some coaching because I was hoping that my body would just get better with the implants gone, however after 5 months I know this isn't going to happen. I know garlic capsules have given me horrible stomach pains in the past, so I'm wondering if raw garlic would do the same. Maybe today I'll try to crush some and then swallow it down with water and see if my stomach reacts. So, at this point I know this: I should be drinking alot of water, I should be eating garlic, taking epsom salts baths, no sugar, lots of veggies, taking Garden of Life Primal Defense (I'm a little nervous about Fungal Defense because of how some people react to it). What other suggestions can you give me that might be gentle on my system? Now that I'm working again I can at least afford to go food shopping more often for the veggies, and perhaps buy a juicer, and afford to go for sauna's. That's been part of my dilemma as well, since I wasn't working things were really tight. I felt that I needed some help so what I've done is visited a naturopathic practitioner in my area, and today I'm going to get a bunch of tests done - cortisol, thyroid, adrenals, mycoplasma, etc. I've opened this practitioner's eyes about implants, and sent her links that have been shared on this site. She is pretty interested in this because her mother had saline implants and always had immune problems, and passed away in her early 60's (she never had them explanted). She wants to start me slowly on Omega 3 oils and probiotics, like try something new once a week and see if I react negatively or not.P.S. I'm glad you brought this up because I was thinking I needed to take some action regarding detoxing, but I really need some help. Honestly, I feel like my body hasn't changed since the implants were removed, and I know that's because the bio-junk is still in my body and wreaking havoc. Sis >> Sis,> > I'm concerned that you're still having so many> problems. . . What are you doing to detox? . . . Maybe> we can suggest something that will help cut through> all this! . . . > > I know raw, crushed, fresh garlic works wonders. . .> How you get it down can be tricky . . . but it's worth> it! . . . Just feed your hubby something with garlic> so he doesn't get overwhelmed by the smell!n You can> eat as many as 12 cloves a day (I've never gotten> beyond five cloves though!)> > Hugs and prayers,> > Rogene>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment. "Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)See our photos website! Enter "implants" for access at this link:http://.shutterfly.com/action/

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Sis,Do you suspect that you have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities?

If you do, you might want to make note of the testing that an article I recently posted suggested.

I have never had this type of testing done (some you can do at home). I would be curious about it, and actually would like to know how well my liver clears toxins. Some people are fast Phase I detoxifiers, and some people are slow Phase I detoxifiers. I don't know which one I am.

Here are parts of that article again:


Highlights:****One reason that Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) can be such a stubborn problem is that it involves so many of the body's interlocking systems, and lying at the center of it all is an adrenal deficit in enzymatic detoxification. For this reason, doctors are finding it maddeningly hard to minimize or eliminate the symptoms of MCS, thwart unwanted pain and inflammation, and stop carcinogenesis. Lifestyle changes aren't enough. For the nation's major diseases to be controlled, doctors must learn how to unlock tensed energetic streams that govern healing and repair via adrenal energetics and physiology (the adrenal influence on detoxification enzymes).

****Effective detoxification protocols for MCS patients must address sulfoxidation deficits, specifically the impairment of the enzyme cysteine dioxygenase (CDO). The fact that CDO is the primary enzyme deficit in MCS patients and that it's not adequately identified by the acetaminophen challenge test, the urinary-sulfate-to-creatinine-ratio and the plasma cysteine-to- sulfate ratio, make it an exceedingly bad idea to employ detoxification strategies that do not conjugate or disarm volatile and inflammation-producing toxins. Indeed, impaired CDO activity has been linked to Rheumatoid arthritis, (41) Lupus, (42) Parkinson's Disease, (43) MCS and neurological diseases. (43-48)

****Rather than pursuing aggressive detoxification strategies, practitioners need to make sure that detoxification enzymes are functional and can safely disarm and excrete toxins in a natural fashion and appreciate the fact that innate healing mechanisms repair these damaged enzymes at the acupuncture-energetic juncture.

****it is a physiological fact that the adrenals synthesize steroid hormones via many of the same enzymes used to detoxify the body.

Ragland Test: Take blood pressure after lying on back relaxed for 5 minutes. Leaving the uninflated cuff in place, test again while standing up and immediately take the pressure again (be careful of dizziness). The systolic blood pressure should rise 5-15 (mm of mercury) on standing with healthy adrenals. If the systolic pressure falls or stays the same, one may suspect hypoadrenia. A drop of 5 points or less corresponds to mild adrenal weakness; a drop in the 5 to 10 point range means substantial hypoadrenia; and more than 10 points suggests the person is bordering on adrenal failure.

* Circulation Test: Have the patient stand and hang their arms at the sides of their body for several minutes. The veins in the backs of the hands should swell with blood and protrude. Now slowly have the patient raise either hand to their heart level for a few minutes. If the protruding veins disappear within 2 to 5 seconds after the hands are elevated to the heart level, one may suspect hypoadrenia (those with strong adrenals can raise their hand over their head and the protruding veins will still not disappear).

* Rogoff Sign Test: Beam a light on the patient's pupil. If the light fails to constrict the pupil and maintain a constant constriction for 38-45 seconds, suspect hypoadrenia. The physiological mechanism behind this abnormal reaction is related to the adrenals' inability to maintain electrolyte balance and secrete adrenalin (which constricts blood vessels).

* Palpation of Energetic Zones: Illness is a pattern of tendino-muscular segmentation with distinct left-right polarity differences in upper and lower zones of the body. Palpating the energetic body to assess the total energetic condition is very different from assessing meridian pulses and energies via select acupoints on the hands and feet. Instead, the focus is on freeing up and tonifying deeper energetic zones and functions via extraordinary meridians such as GV (Du Mo) and CV (Ren Mo), and the Chung Mo which rises upward from Liver and Kidney Yang (adrenals), nourishing all visceral functions. Non-invasive energy techniques are highly successful in balancing yang GV and yin CV polarities and is based on decades of my research and research by leading French acupuncturists. (39,40) My exposure to French acupuncture while practicing with a French-trained medical acupuncturist guided me early in my practice to palpate deeper energetic imbalances in extraordinary deeper meridian zones that correlated exceptionally well with adrenal and PSNS physiology (the GV corresponds to what chiropractors call innate intelligence and represents the spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid and the peripheral nervous system while the CV meridian corresponds to the brain or brain interferences). (27,28)

****In summary, the suffering of MCS patients is real and related to impairments in liver detoxification that are induced by stressors and hypoadrenia. Once the metabolic barrier to toxins has been breached, carcinogens or potential carcinogens enter systemic circulation unimpeded, without detoxification, amplifying the inflammatory cascade and causing dysregulation of neurological and vascular system functioning. This impaired detoxification ability manifests itself in acupuncture-energetic physiology as a deferral or a disruption in the free-flow of meridian energies found in palpable energetic zones that must be freed up, strengthened and balanced with other zones for optimal adrenal function.New systems of rapid assessment can quickly pinpoint energetic zones of dysfunctional physiology and repattern the body's neuromuscular status. (27,28) Such a tool quickly unveils the core issues in innate, immunological and hormonal unresponsiveness providing unparalleled insight into the quantic domain of life where complex, interwoven, energy fields govern our existence and determine how fast we will heal or recover from an illness, trauma, or an infection. Rather than rely on treatments that are often off-target and embarrassingly simplistic, practitioners need to depart from fragmented, analytical thinking, and listen to body language. Body language--the interpretation of hypertonic and hypotonic muscles relative to deep energetic zones--communicates the body's problematic condition with incredible accuracy. By eliminating interferences and stressors, the body's innate healing energies can direct powerful and efficient repair strategies.Clinical methods need to be adapted to address the widespread increase in environmental, food and supplemental toxicity. Ideally, supplementation should be chemically and energetically free of toxic substances and resonances. Nutra-botanicals matched to the three extraordinary meridians (Ren Mo, Du Mo, and Chung Mo) may be helpful in eliminating body stressors, realigning body energies, and nourishing stress-damaged organs and glands. Then, the flow of energetic streams can assist the body in discharging toxins, eliminating opportunistic infections, and correcting nutritional deficiency states in the shortest time possible.

> >> > Sis,> > > > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on> > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick> > for years - until she started detoxing. > > > > It's great you're going to be tested!> > > > When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to> > react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to> > persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase> > whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!> > It will tell you what you need. > > > > Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that> > help is created when it's crushed. There is a> > commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze> > dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard> > of some that do well with it. It is costly though. > > > > I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to> > be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!> > Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.> > > > Hugs and prayers,> > > > Rogene> >>

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Has anyone done acupuncture regularly?

Anyone with MCS?

> > >

> > > Sis,

> > >

> > > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> > > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> > > for years - until she started detoxing.

> > >

> > > It's great you're going to be tested!

> > >

> > > When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

> > > react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

> > > persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

> > > whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

> > > It will tell you what you need.

> > >

> > > Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

> > > help is created when it's crushed. There is a

> > > commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

> > > dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

> > > of some that do well with it. It is costly though.

> > >

> > > I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

> > > be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

> > > Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.

> > >

> > > Hugs and prayers,

> > >

> > > Rogene

> > >

> >


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Thanks, Patty. I really appreciate that you shared this information

with me, because some days I just wonder if this is as good as it

gets. I'm encouraged to hear that you were tested for many of the

things I just got tested for today. They took 10 or 11 tubes of

blood from me today. The things I remember being on the list of

things to test were Celiac, along with free T3 and T4, TSH,

cortisol, adrenal testing, CBC, B12, Iron, DHEA, mycoplasma. There

were others but I either don't recognize what they were, or it just

slips my memory.

I recently spoke to a friend who I met on the " pro-implant " site,

because she got implants around the same time as me and we keep in

touch quite a bit. She hasn't had any symptoms but she is totally

supportive of the fact that I got sick from them. She told me that

I needed to give all my worries to God and I'm working on that -

it's just that I've worried so much over this that I think it's

become a way of life!! I told my husband about the Far Infrared

Sauna last night, and I do plan on getting one within the next few

months. In the meantime I'm going to check with the gyms that are

near my new job and see if any of them have infrared sauna's - I

know the gyms in my area don't have one. My husband has really

turned around since my explant, and with my accomplishments in

school and my new job, I really feel alot of pride and support

coming from him, so I'm glad that he woke up.

MD's definitely are not on my list of favorite people, either.

Although, I'm finding that the ones that are raved about and

considered specialists are the worst, and your basic country doctor

type is the best. The ones who really are there to help you rather

than get rich from you seem to be the better ones, although I'm

really thankful to have found the naturopath. My gyno was around

for more than 30 years, and many people had moved on to the new

doctors in town, but I stuck with him because he really cared, he

knew my name, if he saw me in the food store or in Walmart, he'd

stop and chat with me. He took the time to listen, and he worked

with me. He just retired and I am so sad for me but happy for him.

Also I'm lucky to have a counselor who absolutely believes the

implants made me sick, and she has gotten me through what has been

the worst year of my life. At first she believed Salines were safe,

but she knows better now.

Thanks again for your help, I'm printing out your message so I can

refer to it again.


> > >

> > > Sis,

> > >

> > > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> > > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> > > for years - until she started detoxing.

> >


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Thanks, I'll start slow and see how I do. My lymph nodes have been

a problem this past year so I definitely don't want to stir them up.


--- In , Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...>



> Sis, if your body is really toxic, raw garlic can cause some

swelling in

> your lymph nodes. I'd start out eating a little bit each day,


> increasing as your body allows.


> You definitely need to be doing some gentle detoxing to start,

increasing to

> more vigorous products as your body allows. There is no reason to


> miserable, just remember to start out slowly and let your body

dictate how

> quickly you increase intensity of your detox program.


> Kenda



> > Sis,

> >

> > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> > for years - until she started detoxing.

> >

> > It's great you're going to be tested!

> >

> > When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

> > react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

> > persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

> > whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

> > It will tell you what you need.

> >

> > Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

> > help is created when it's crushed. There is a

> > commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

> > dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

> > of some that do well with it. It is costly though.

> >

> > I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

> > be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

> > Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.

> >

> > Hugs and prayers,

> >

> > Rogene

> >

> >

> >

> > Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice

given by licensed

> > health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

health care

> > professional before commencing any medical treatment.

> >

> > " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

mislead you.

> > Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about

how to live a

> > happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,


> > Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

> >

> > See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> > http://.shutterfly.com/action/

> >

> >

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I'll give it a try, didn't realize Magnesium could help that.



> ,


> You might get relief from hot flashes and sleep

> problems by supplementing with Magnesium. (two parts

> Calcium to one part Magnesium).


> See my post to Lea about Magnesium.


> Rogene


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Thanks so much for the information. I'm going to print that out,

too!! You've all been so helpful, I really appreciate it. This

really makes me want to purchase a juicer now, because that would make

consuming raw garlic so much easier. I feel revitalized by all the

information that is being provided to me, I think I got in a bit of a

slump and just didn't know what to do. One thing I noticed, I had a

few sips of soda a few days ago and I immediately felt ill. I haven't

had soda in a long time.


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I wouldn't be surprised if I do have MCS. Thanks for forwarding the

information, I didn't realize there were tests like this that could

be run.


> > >

> > > Sis,

> > >

> > > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> > > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> > > for years - until she started detoxing.

> > >

> > > It's great you're going to be tested!

> > >

> > > When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

> > > react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

> > > persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

> > > whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

> > > It will tell you what you need.

> > >

> > > Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

> > > help is created when it's crushed. There is a

> > > commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

> > > dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

> > > of some that do well with it. It is costly though.

> > >

> > > I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

> > > be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

> > > Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.

> > >

> > > Hugs and prayers,

> > >

> > > Rogene

> > >

> >


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I have. I don't know if I have MCS or not but I am sensitive to chemicals.


> Has anyone done acupuncture regularly?


> Anyone with MCS?





>>>> Sis,


>>>> I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

>>>> detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

>>>> for years - until she started detoxing.


>>>> It's great you're going to be tested!


>>>> When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

>>>> react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

>>>> persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

>>>> whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

>>>> It will tell you what you need.


>>>> Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

>>>> help is created when it's crushed. There is a

>>>> commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

>>>> dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

>>>> of some that do well with it. It is costly though.


>>>> I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

>>>> be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

>>>> Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.


>>>> Hugs and prayers,


>>>> Rogene











> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed

> health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care

> professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

> Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a

> happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing, two-time

> Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


> See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> http://.shutterfly.com/action/



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Hi - I have been trying to keep up reading the posts daily, but have

not had much time to post. Sis, I am so glad you like your new

job. I'm sorry you are still not feeling well, and I think about

you a lot with this nice weather, hoping it will help you. Patty,

thank you for sharing your healing journey and for openly sharing

your faith. It really encouraged me, because I have those same

conversations with God myself sometimes. I really liked the website

links recently posted about immune system dysfunction and MCS, and

feel like they were written for me. In the last couple of weeks, I

have had some of my worst days (pain, fatigue, etc.) and some really

good days. I had exposure without gloves to housecleaning agents

last weekend, and I couldn't believe how bad I felt. I really felt

that was what it was, and felt actually poisoned - headaches, my

usual pain intensified, " hot " feeling all over, chills ... I felt

better after three straight days in the IR sauna.

It is so hard lately for me to post - I think just too many things

on my mind that need to be taken care of, and that gets overwhelming

to me - maybe brain fog, I don't know. Does anyone else find it

realy hard and stressful just to manage day to day things like the

checking account, taxes, kids activities, work, dinner, laundry and

cleaning, I could go on and on I think. In addition to all this, a

priority right now seems to be figuring all of this sickness out and

what to do to get well. I read most all the information that comes

up here, and print it and read it again and again sometimes just to

get it to sink in. Stress is bad for our health isn't it? I'm

rambling, I'm sorry, it's just that I sometimes I wish I could give

my mind a rest from everything, but I can't. I wonder if I feel

this way because I ran out of three of my supplements, including 5-

HTP. I thought they would be here by yesterday, but they haven't

arrived yet, and I am missing all these doses. Thanks for

listening -


> > > >

> > > > Sis,

> > > >

> > > > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> > > > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> > > > for years - until she started detoxing.

> > > >

> > > > It's great you're going to be tested!

> > > >

> > > > When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

> > > > react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

> > > > persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

> > > > whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

> > > > It will tell you what you need.

> > > >

> > > > Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

> > > > help is created when it's crushed. There is a

> > > > commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

> > > > dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

> > > > of some that do well with it. It is costly though.

> > > >

> > > > I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

> > > > be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

> > > > Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.

> > > >

> > > > Hugs and prayers,

> > > >

> > > > Rogene

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hi Cherie,

Good to hear from you. I'm hoping the nice weather will make a

difference too, so far it's not, but perhaps when it gets really

nice I will notice a difference. Boy, can I ever relate about

having difficulty doing the daily tasks such as the checking

accounts, taxes, etc. I just recently got my checking account back

under control. It seems like the smallest personal setbacks are

hard to handle, although I'm getting better at that, too. I worry

about this with my new job, however I am determined to do well at my

job and I use the schooling as an example of how I was able to do my

best under awful circumstances. Maybe I can come to Philly for the

day sometime and visit you, I think we're in the same boat, but the

boat is not sinking. It's staying afloat, even though the water is



> > > >

> > > > Thanks, Rogene. I just took an epsom salts bath. I'll be


> to

> > > > crush the garlic before I eat it. I am without a doubt

> extremely

> > > > toxic, I do not recognize the body I've got today, compared


> > the

> > > > body I had just one short year ago. A week or two after


> > > > implants, my body changed and just kept getting worse. For

> anyone

> > > > who is reading this and worrying that you won't get well


> > > > explant, you've got a good chance of getting better with


> > out,

> > > > but no chance of getting better with them in. I do believe

> I'll

> > get

> > > > better, but because my body is so sensitive I am overly

> cautious

> > > > when I seriously need to work on detoxing. The toxins are


> > > > trapped in my body, and that's why I'm still struggling.

> > > >

> > > > Sis

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- In , Rogene S saxony01@


> > > > >

> > > > > Sis,

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> > > > > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> > > > > for years - until she started detoxing.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's great you're going to be tested!

> > > > >

> > > > > When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

> > > > > react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

> > > > > persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

> > > > > whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

> > > > > It will tell you what you need.

> > > > >

> > > > > Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

> > > > > help is created when it's crushed. There is a

> > > > > commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

> > > > > dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

> > > > > of some that do well with it. It is costly though.

> > > > >

> > > > > I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

> > > > > be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

> > > > > Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.

> > > > >

> > > > > Hugs and prayers,

> > > > >

> > > > > Rogene

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Thanks Sis - I can't even imagine handling a long day like you are

right now - it's amazing really what a positive attitude can do for

us. Of course I would love to meet you in person, though how will

you have time with your new job? I think it's great your doctor is

running so many different tests. I am waiting for some results from

Dr. Leu. Nothing like hoping they find something, but I do!! Don't

you? After so many years of feeling sick and tests the MD's would

run would all come back normal, it's a relief to actually get some

answers, even if it means they find something.

I am falling asleep as I type and need to get to bed. Night Sis.


> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sis,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> > > > > > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> > > > > > for years - until she started detoxing.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's great you're going to be tested!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

> > > > > > react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

> > > > > > persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

> > > > > > whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

> > > > > > It will tell you what you need.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

> > > > > > help is created when it's crushed. There is a

> > > > > > commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

> > > > > > dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

> > > > > > of some that do well with it. It is costly though.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

> > > > > > be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

> > > > > > Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hugs and prayers,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Rogene

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Stress is bad for you . . . Just know that you can't

do everything at once. . .

Something that works for me when I feel

stressed/overloaded is to make a list of the things I

need to do . . . Then start down the list.

Seeing things crossed off helps me feel like I've

accomplished something. A list also helps me set my

priorities. So many things can be accomplished in the

few minutes one is waiting for a tub to fill, water to

heat, etc. . .

Keeping a daily journal will help you understand what

is works and what doesn't.

Something to watch for is the fumes from cleaning

products . . . If you have to use them, open the

windows and doors.

I wonder if that's why they call it Spring cleaning???

I hope tomorrow will be a better day!

God Bless,


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Cherie, at this point I'm limited to weekends, but in time I'll

accumulate vacation time, so if Saturdays don't work for you, we can

wait until I get time off. I seem to feel better during the day

than I do at night, so it's a good thing I don't work at night!!


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sis,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> > > > > > > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> > > > > > > for years - until she started detoxing.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > It's great you're going to be tested!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

> > > > > > > react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

> > > > > > > persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

> > > > > > > whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

> > > > > > > It will tell you what you need.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

> > > > > > > help is created when it's crushed. There is a

> > > > > > > commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

> > > > > > > dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

> > > > > > > of some that do well with it. It is costly though.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

> > > > > > > be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

> > > > > > > Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Hugs and prayers,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Rogene

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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