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In a message dated 09/12/1999 1:06:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lclott@... writes:


I have definitely been where you are. I don't know how old you are but

have you had your " female " hormone levels checked? I do think they have

something to do with how we women seem to respond to this disease compared to

how men seem to handle it. I must say that at about the same time that I

began the antibiotic combo (biaxin and plaquenil) that has gotten me to

TODAY----15 months with NO symptoms since being bitten in 1993, I went on

hormone replacement therapy. Don't know if there is a correlation but might

make some sense to someone ? Good luck......... Mona

<< Got as far as taking a

shower to go get the paint and just gave up and took a nap.

I know what you mean about others bad days being your good days and

that you would love to feel " that miserable " . Guess we just have to

hang in there together and know that we have all our friends right here

to help us thru it and that it will pass in time. >>

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Hi all....

Forgive me while I whine, moan and complain. Have not been doing that geat

for quite some time now. Hubby was complaining that he is doing very poorly

too, but while he's saying all this, he's been putting trim up and painting,

putzing around in the garage, etc. So I say to him, " how can you do that

stuff " ? When I'm having a bad day, I can't even get out of bed, your bad

days are my good days, etc. He replied " well, what am I gonna do? Stay in

bed and be miserable all day feeling sorry for myself or keep moving? "

That's when I lost it and started bawling and yelling at him. He made me

feel like I'm just a lazy bum or something. I started yelling " You have no

idea what its like, etc..etc. I'm married to someone with lyme and he

doesnt even understand...lol. I dont know if I over reacted to what he said

or not- I think he should be more careful. What I would do to be just as

" miserable " as he is. What he said sort of set me off for the day and now

I've been teary eyed ever since.

Just in one of those sick and tired of being sick and tired moods.... i want

to be " miserable " too, not near dead...LOL.

Thanks for listening,


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Hi Anita,

Gee that must be tough having a spouse with Lyme who can do more than

you can. I thought I had it bad, watching my well spouse doing all I wished

I could do. Try to keep in mind that this disease affects us all

differently, while you may be in pain and severely fatigued, your spouse may

just be in pain, and chooses to move around and putter to keep his mind off

of it. I know if minor pain is my only complaint for the day, I will try to

do something myself. I can understand you losing your temper, but a big

part of that is your disease, and your unconscious guilt. Women generally

feel they must be busy, and watching him doing what you want to do surely

makes you angry and frustrated. One of these days, the shoe will be on the

other foot, and you will be working around the house, while your husband is

down....then he will understand why you lost it.

Take care, and rest when you need to, women often listen to their bodies

before men do, maybe that's why we generally live longer????


Marta NJ

>From: " Dave & Anita " <starshar@...>


>Hi all....


>Forgive me while I whine, moan and complain. Have not been doing that geat

>for quite some time now. Hubby was complaining that he is doing very


>too, but while he's saying all this, he's been putting trim up and


>putzing around in the garage, etc. So I say to him, " how can you do that

>stuff " ? When I'm having a bad day, I can't even get out of bed, your bad

>days are my good days, etc. He replied " well, what am I gonna do? Stay in

>bed and be miserable all day feeling sorry for myself or keep moving? "

>That's when I lost it and started bawling and yelling at him. He made me

>feel like I'm just a lazy bum or something. I started yelling " You have no

>idea what its like, etc..etc. I'm married to someone with lyme and he

>doesnt even understand...lol. I dont know if I over reacted to what he


>or not- I think he should be more careful. What I would do to be just as

> " miserable " as he is. What he said sort of set me off for the day and now

>I've been teary eyed ever since.


>Just in one of those sick and tired of being sick and tired moods.... i


>to be " miserable " too, not near dead...LOL.


>Thanks for listening,


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--- Dave & Anita <starshar@...> wrote:

> From: " Dave & Anita " <starshar@...>


> Hi all....


> Forgive me while I whine, moan and complain. Have

> not been doing that geat

> for quite some time now. Hubby was complaining that

> he is doing very poorly

> too, but while he's saying all this, he's been

> putting trim up and painting,

> putzing around in the garage, etc. So I say to him,

> " how can you do that

> stuff " ? When I'm having a bad day, I can't even get

> out of bed, your bad

> days are my good days, etc. He replied " well, what

> am I gonna do? Stay in

> bed and be miserable all day feeling sorry for

> myself or keep moving? "

> That's when I lost it and started bawling and

> yelling at him. He made me

> feel like I'm just a lazy bum or something. I

> started yelling " You have no

> idea what its like, etc..etc. I'm married to

> someone with lyme and he

> doesnt even understand...lol. I dont know if I over

> reacted to what he said

> or not- I think he should be more careful. What I

> would do to be just as

> " miserable " as he is. What he said sort of set me

> off for the day and now

> I've been teary eyed ever since.


> Just in one of those sick and tired of being sick

> and tired moods.... i want

> to be " miserable " too, not near dead...LOL.


> Thanks for listening,

> Anita


> Anita-

Must be in the air. Or if I remember right you are in Mi also somaybe

its in the water here LOL. I have been having the same kind of week. I

too am sick of being sick and am feeling pretty worthless right now.

Before I got sick when I started feeling down in the dumps I would work

on my house. Now I cant do that and it is just allowing the dark cloud

to surround me. I am just withdrawing into my shell and not letting

anyone in. I dont like it and I know its not easy to live with me right

now either. Thought I would be stubborn and tough and try to do things

anyway and was going to paint my living room. Got as far as taking a

shower to go get the paint and just gave up and took a nap.

I know what you mean about others bad days being your good days and

that you would love to feel " that miserable " . Guess we just have to

hang in there together and know that we have all our friends right here

to help us thru it and that it will pass in time.

If you want to vent just let me know. We can have a crying party


Take care and heres a big HUG to you.




> ---------------------------

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In a message dated 09/13/1999 8:18:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

starshar@... writes:

<< I wanted to respond individually but I'm too

dain bread again. >>

Anita: I don't know if you transposed the letters in " dain bread "

intentionally or not...........but if you did not, I just wanted you to know

that when my Lyme was really flaring, I would do that very often when I was

typing court narratives. Thank God for " spell checking " . Mona

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Thanks all for the replies. I wanted to respond individually but I'm too

dain bread again. Yesterday sure was a doozy.

, I can relate to everything you said, especially about going into your

own shell. That's what I've been doing. I'll spare the gory details! I

took comfort in reading your post and knowing that I'm not alone, thanks so

much for sharing that! Where in Mich are you again?

Meg/ Annie - ROFL....that really picked me up, I really appreciated that!!

And Marta, how come you make so much sense?? <g>. You are right, we all are

effected differently and its horrible no matter HOW it affects us. Hope you

are feeling better now. Any improvements yet??

Also, about this horrmone stuff. I'm on some natural estrogen replacement.

It was recently increased and I'm wondering if maybe the dose is too high.

Would this explain worsening of symtoms and possibly the weight gain?? I can

see if you didn't have enough of it, but how about too much of it??

Hugs back to everyone,


Re: [Lyme-aid] venting

>From: lc lott <lclott@...>




>--- Dave & Anita <starshar@...> wrote:

>> From: " Dave & Anita " <starshar@...>


>> Hi all....


>> Forgive me while I whine, moan and complain. Have

>> not been doing that geat

>> for quite some time now. Hubby was complaining that

>> he is doing very poorly

>> too, but while he's saying all this, he's been

>> putting trim up and painting,

>> putzing around in the garage, etc. So I say to him,

>> " how can you do that

>> stuff " ? When I'm having a bad day, I can't even get

>> out of bed, your bad

>> days are my good days, etc. He replied " well, what

>> am I gonna do? Stay in

>> bed and be miserable all day feeling sorry for

>> myself or keep moving? "

>> That's when I lost it and started bawling and

>> yelling at him. He made me

>> feel like I'm just a lazy bum or something. I

>> started yelling " You have no

>> idea what its like, etc..etc. I'm married to

>> someone with lyme and he

>> doesnt even understand...lol. I dont know if I over

>> reacted to what he said

>> or not- I think he should be more careful. What I

>> would do to be just as

>> " miserable " as he is. What he said sort of set me

>> off for the day and now

>> I've been teary eyed ever since.


>> Just in one of those sick and tired of being sick

>> and tired moods.... i want

>> to be " miserable " too, not near dead...LOL.


>> Thanks for listening,

>> Anita


>> Anita-

>Must be in the air. Or if I remember right you are in Mi also somaybe

>its in the water here LOL. I have been having the same kind of week. I

>too am sick of being sick and am feeling pretty worthless right now.

>Before I got sick when I started feeling down in the dumps I would work

>on my house. Now I cant do that and it is just allowing the dark cloud

>to surround me. I am just withdrawing into my shell and not letting

>anyone in. I dont like it and I know its not easy to live with me right

>now either. Thought I would be stubborn and tough and try to do things

>anyway and was going to paint my living room. Got as far as taking a

>shower to go get the paint and just gave up and took a nap.

>I know what you mean about others bad days being your good days and

>that you would love to feel " that miserable " . Guess we just have to

>hang in there together and know that we have all our friends right here

>to help us thru it and that it will pass in time.

>If you want to vent just let me know. We can have a crying party


>Take care and heres a big HUG to you.

> L(MI)



>> ---------------------------

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it was intentionally typed that way. First time something came out


Re: [Lyme-aid] venting

>From: WISHXXX@...


>In a message dated 09/13/1999 8:18:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>starshar@... writes:


><< I wanted to respond individually but I'm too

> dain bread again. >>

>Anita: I don't know if you transposed the letters in " dain bread "

>intentionally or not...........but if you did not, I just wanted you to


>that when my Lyme was really flaring, I would do that very often when I was

>typing court narratives. Thank God for " spell checking " . Mona



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--- Dave & Anita <starshar@...> wrote:

> From: " Dave & Anita " <starshar@...>


> Thanks all for the replies. I wanted to respond

> individually but I'm too

> dain bread again. Yesterday sure was a doozy.


> , I can relate to everything you said,

> especially about going into your

> own shell. That's what I've been doing. I'll spare

> the gory details! I

> took comfort in reading your post and knowing that

> I'm not alone, thanks so

> much for sharing that! Where in Mich are you

> again?


> Meg/ Annie - ROFL....that really picked me up, I

> really appreciated that!!

> And Marta, how come you make so much sense?? <g>.

> You are right, we all are

> effected differently and its horrible no matter HOW

> it affects us. Hope you

> are feeling better now. Any improvements yet??


> Also, about this horrmone stuff. I'm on some

> natural estrogen replacement.

> It was recently increased and I'm wondering if maybe

> the dose is too high.

> Would this explain worsening of symtoms and possibly

> the weight gain?? I can

> see if you didn't have enough of it, but how about

> too much of it??


> Hugs back to everyone,

> Anita


> Anita-

Im in Portland. Between Lansing and Grand Rapids. Not sure where you

are but if its close let me know. Maybe we can get together. Are you

feeling better?? I sure hope so. I seem to be just getting more angry.

Had a few major blow ups yesterday over things that I would normally

blow off. So far today is a little better but noone is home and its

kinda hard to fight with yourself so think Ill use this time to just

have a regrouping session with myself and hopefully get out of this


Let me know if you need to vent. Ill be here.


> -

> >>

> >> ---------------------------

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In a message dated 9/13/1999 8:30:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

WISHXXX@... writes:

<< Anita: I don't know if you transposed the letters in " dain bread "

intentionally or not...........but if you did not, I just wanted you to know

that when my Lyme was really flaring, I would do that very often when I was

typing court narratives. Thank God for " spell checking " . Mona


ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally missed that!!!!! Thanks for the funny!


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Carol, Suzanne & Stacey in PA,

Thanks for the kind words, I've spoken to my aunt and convinced her to take

my grandmother to see a Rheumatologist asap. I don't understand these

doctors though, isn't it supposed to be a " calling " or something. It's not

all of them but I wish this kind had just decided to become an accountant or

lawyer or anything else but a doctor if all they wanted was to make money

and were indifferent to human suffering.




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hi there

In my heart i do not believe most of these doctors like to see us

suffer....i think they truly feel as helpless as the treatments that are

available....for a long time there was so little advancement in treatment

options..what really could they give us..

i think they are as confused as the disease is confusing....

though with that said...they could be considerate and compassionate without

the degrading side effects some of them dish out

i believe there is a way to deliver news to their patient and there is a

way NOT to deliver news....

on monday the doctor had no conclusions...he asked me what i thought my

diagnosis was..

it was a strange question...i remember once taking my athletic training and

the guy doing the training said if you see a guy lying on the field telling

you he has a broken leg believe him coz we all know our bodies best..

it should be the manner in which they detail what we say and address with

compassion...I cannot determine what is the cause..let me try to seek an

answer rather than the dismissivenss of symptoms....do they think we like

bringing a buffet of bull to the doctors table....tell them to imbibe of a

knee gone stupid or fingers that dont work or feet that dont walk while the

rest of our bodies and minds keep us moving...

i had determined on monday that if this new doctor had ANY attitude at all i

was out of there...for i am worth more than as a human being than ill


but that is just me....i harbour ill feelings very deeply for people that

are unkind..to my detriment as i lament the true unkindness in people....but

then there is this group....

and that washes away the emotional pains i carry

thank you group...even though i am mostly silent...

hugs all and prayers for compassion to the doctors who we have entrusted our

bodies to...that they may find kindness within themselves...

i often wonder the makeup of a doctor who has that side of him/herself that

kindness is not part of their fabric of the soul...but i dont wonder for

long as they do not deserve my thoughts...

cheers to a group that personafies integrity, courage and morality...

in mostly silence i am blessed


[ ] Re: Venting

> Hi Carol, Suzanne & Stacey in PA,

> Thanks for the kind words, I've spoken to my aunt and convinced her to


> my grandmother to see a Rheumatologist asap. I don't understand these

> doctors though, isn't it supposed to be a " calling " or something. It's


> all of them but I wish this kind had just decided to become an accountant


> lawyer or anything else but a doctor if all they wanted was to make money

> and were indifferent to human suffering.

> Hugs,

> Heidi





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My (and only mine) belief is that the best doctors are the ones who have been

patients themselves. They truly know both sides of the chart. It is a

frustrating and humiliating time in everyone's life.

The one thing that I remember reading or being told and I have this kind of

etched in my tiny mind is that " Doctors are bodies of knowledge, however, WE

have knowledge of our bodies " .

Hope your days get better for you.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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> Me again,

> Can you guys believe that after all this reading and learning and

> wondering how and what to start giving my son I checked with

> school about his probiotics and digestive enzymes and they told

> me that in order to administer these I have to have a doctor's

> prescription even though I told them these are non-prescrition


I wrote an " enzymes at school " file on that message board, you can

read here for a few ideas




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Hi G,

I don't know if it would be easy for you or not but you can stop by the

school and give your son his dose of probiotics and enzymes yourself and you

don't need a note from a doctor.Hope this helped.....


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Hi R

Thanks for the suggestion, it is something I've considered school is

20-25 min away from my job. I would not mind using my lunch hr to

drive, but it is my understanding that enzymes and probiotics are

to be given around meals and snacks. They also use edibles with

my son since he is so hard to find reinforcer for. We'll find a way.


< >

From: " & Jack Rawlings " <jamaraw@...>

Date sent: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 22:00:54 -0500

Subject: Re: [ ] venting

Send reply to:

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Hi G,

I don't know if it would be easy for you or not but you can stop by the

school and give your son his dose of probiotics and enzymes yourself and you

don't need a note from a doctor.Hope this helped.....


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi Diane: What does your husband have-aih?

or hepatitis c? I am sorry to hear about your husband.

Do you have support from your family and his?

My husband also, on the transplant list--- he has been on the list since Dec. 2002. his meld score was 22- 19, 18 and has been at 18.. Since he hasn't been working getting better, been at 16--. He will know more next week.

He is always fatigued. Somedays more than others, and lately been feeling better. I wonder if there is a differnce between aih and hep c- ?

I feel for you. I hope your husband will feel better, and get a transplant,soon. I really feel for anyone who has to go through this.

Cliff is holding his own , we try not to get to stressed, he doesn't have all the symptons as aih people. We will ask the Dr. about the differences in these two diseases. Does anyone know????

Again, Diane, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. I cannot imagine what you are going through, hope , you have support from family and friends.

I know someday, I will be in this situation. I was devasated, when we heard that he needed a liver/.. Angry, hurt, in shock,,, now we live each day to the fullest, as we can. It seems like , now , we seem to accept it, other days cannot-- I feel for all you people that have liver disease.

Sorry, if I wrote too much, but, needed to open up.

Again , my thoughts are to all , who have liver problems.

I don't post too often, but, i feel for all of you--

Love, Gaynel

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diane, i dont know much about you or your husband, but please know you are both

in my prayers




> From: dianwalker@...

> Date: Wed 30/Jul/2003 00:04 GMT


> Subject: [ ] venting


> My husband is in ICU for the 3rd bleed out but it means nothing to the meld

> score. He has ascites again which means nothing to the meld score. He is

> getting tired of living and not being able to move around the house unless I


> him up from the chair and he needs a cane..........cannot drive or go for a

> walk. So Sad......He has a 16 meld score but I was told he has to be a 20 or


> death to get a transplant....He has no quality of life in him. Maybe the meld

> needs to be looked at. When we went for the orientation to show where the

> transplant would take place etc there were people from every city and some did

> not speak English.........I am NOT prejudice but New Zealand and many from

> Mexico. Pray that my husband gets that liver soon...I dont need the money he


> to make...I love and need my husband. Diane

> I am from the deep south and I want everyone to live.




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I am so sorry your husband is so sick. I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you to just have to watch him get sicker and know there is nothing you can do to help. Please know that you are both in my prayers.


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Vent all you like. I'm getting ready to go through the same process. Fortunately, I'm not as sick as your husband but it is a frightening time. I do pray that he will get the liver he needs rapidly, As well as all the others here who are patiently waiting. Hang in there and E-mail me directly if you need to.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Sorry to hear you are going through some

rough times. Has your SO been driving over the road for a long time, or is this

a new development? I know it can be a rough way to go, especially where the family

is concerned. I wonder sometimes myself, when they tell you, you can’t do

this that or the other thing. Do you think I have a “personal assistant”

to follow me around and do all these things for me? Unfortunately, we sometimes

cannot avoid bending, lifting, etc… I pray that you find some help. If

you wipe yourself out entirely and end up in the hospital you will not be able

to help anybody, please try not to push too hard. I know easier said than done.

Any chance your SO can get local duty, due to hardship? Praying

for you in Green Bay. –dz-

[ ]


I need to vent.

My dearly

beloved SO, Blind Ray, is now on the road for weeks at a time driving

long-haul. Monday


refrigerator at the old house, where we are still living until all of the

essential work is

done on the

new house, died. I spent Monday evening and Tuesday morning chasing a

good used


I now have a 'new' refrigerator, but I had to move the old one, which is still

sitting in

the middle of my kitchen, out of its niche by myself. At least I found

someone to help

me move the

'new' refrigerator over here. I don't have a truck, and I sure couldn't

have gotten it

up the

steps... I almost lost weeks worth of food, which would have been

devastating. I had just

done the

major monthly shopping.

Since I am

not supposed to bend, stoop, twist, turn, push, pull, lift or carry

" anything heavier

than a

telephone receiver " , I am now in really bad shape. My pain levels

are way up. My stress

and anxiety

levels are way up. My lymph glands are swollen and there is a deep ache

in the area of


liver. I still haven't had my dental work approved, so I can't take some

of my meds because I

cannot eat a

full meal. It's like everything that I own hurts, and I can't

think. I wouldn't get

out of bed

except that I have to move, I have to get two houses ready, I have to take care

of my

boys and

there is no one else to do any of it. I feel trapped, helpless and don't know

what to do.

I am scared

that I am going to wind up in the hospital before this is over...

Wicked / Since

1949 the one true original real Robin A. Vosburg - struggling with serious body

damage, closed-head brain trauma and hep c

" The

real class struggle is between those who have it and those who don't. " -

Norman Mailer

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  • 6 months later...

Kathy, I had plantar warts on both feet when I was a teen. They really

hurt!!! I was really suffering.

I tried Compound W for weeks and then my pediatrician resorted to trying

to freeze them off. Neither worked.

Out of desperation, I did some surgery on them myself (which was

extremely painful), but that eventually destroyed them.

Just recently, I've seen a few articles recommending duct tape, of all

things. I think it's worth a try. I'll try to post some info on it.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] venting


> i called my foot dr's office. told them my surgery is tenatively set

up for

> nov 19th. is there anything i can do for the pain, burning until then.


> ice, rub something on it. she called back and offered the surgery

this friday

> that i had to turn down. my concert in green bay is next tuesday. the

answer is

> no there is nothing you can do or take for it. he says it is either a

> plantars wart or clogged sweat gland. only way to tell is to biopsy

it. they say

> surgery is only 15-20 min with a local. so why must i wait in pain for


> month. he only does them on wed and fri. anybody have any advice? it

just burns

> like a hole into my foot. i end up standing on one foot alot. kathy in


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Kathy, I had plantar warts on both feet when I was a teen. They really

hurt!!! I was really suffering.

I tried Compound W for weeks and then my pediatrician resorted to trying

to freeze them off. Neither worked.

Out of desperation, I did some surgery on them myself (which was

extremely painful), but that eventually destroyed them.

Just recently, I've seen a few articles recommending duct tape, of all

things. I think it's worth a try. I'll try to post some info on it.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] venting


> i called my foot dr's office. told them my surgery is tenatively set

up for

> nov 19th. is there anything i can do for the pain, burning until then.


> ice, rub something on it. she called back and offered the surgery

this friday

> that i had to turn down. my concert in green bay is next tuesday. the

answer is

> no there is nothing you can do or take for it. he says it is either a

> plantars wart or clogged sweat gland. only way to tell is to biopsy

it. they say

> surgery is only 15-20 min with a local. so why must i wait in pain for


> month. he only does them on wed and fri. anybody have any advice? it

just burns

> like a hole into my foot. i end up standing on one foot alot. kathy in


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I'm sorry to hear that your in so much pain, how frustrating. I know

when I was young, I had a plantar wart, and it was removed at the

doctor's office, can't remember the procedure though, I was too young.

Have you seen the new freeze it yourself, over the counter? It

suppose to really remove the thing. I saw an advertisement on TV,

and thought it was really cool. I will keep you in my prayers, T

> i called my foot dr's office. told them my surgery is tenatively

set up for

> nov 19th. is there anything i can do for the pain, burning until

then. soak?

> ice, rub something on it. she called back and offered the surgery

this friday

> that i had to turn down. my concert in green bay is next tuesday.

the answer is

> no there is nothing you can do or take for it. he says it is either


> plantars wart or clogged sweat gland. only way to tell is to biopsy

it. they say

> surgery is only 15-20 min with a local. so why must i wait in pain

for another

> month. he only does them on wed and fri. anybody have any advice?

it just burns

> like a hole into my foot. i end up standing on one foot alot. kathy

in il




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I'm sorry to hear that your in so much pain, how frustrating. I know

when I was young, I had a plantar wart, and it was removed at the

doctor's office, can't remember the procedure though, I was too young.

Have you seen the new freeze it yourself, over the counter? It

suppose to really remove the thing. I saw an advertisement on TV,

and thought it was really cool. I will keep you in my prayers, T

> i called my foot dr's office. told them my surgery is tenatively

set up for

> nov 19th. is there anything i can do for the pain, burning until

then. soak?

> ice, rub something on it. she called back and offered the surgery

this friday

> that i had to turn down. my concert in green bay is next tuesday.

the answer is

> no there is nothing you can do or take for it. he says it is either


> plantars wart or clogged sweat gland. only way to tell is to biopsy

it. they say

> surgery is only 15-20 min with a local. so why must i wait in pain

for another

> month. he only does them on wed and fri. anybody have any advice?

it just burns

> like a hole into my foot. i end up standing on one foot alot. kathy

in il




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