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What is toradol?


tdianaok <tdianaok@...> wrote:

Girl, you deserve to whine!!!! Wow, I don't know how you managed it

all. Notta good time to go off that prednisone, that's for darn

sure. If your feeling that bad, I believe I would take some for a few

days anyway, make sure you contact your doc though. I know it's hard

when your trying to wean off it. Oh, find that Lortab, it will help

quite a bit too. I was given Darvocet when I was first diagnosed with

RA, all it did was make me sick at my stomach. You might try rubbing

some type of med cream on your feet such as:aspercream, ben-gay, icy-

hot, etc. I think that stuff would help a whole lot more then ice

water, ouch! Try to rest now, and you should get pampered a little

bit from, especially from your son:)

PS:You might ask your doc for a Toradol shot, that might make you feel

better, just a thought.

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Some NSAID's give me really bad heartburn. I take protonix since I started

Voltaren that helps a bit.


aclavern33@... wrote:

Torodol is a NSAID type injection. Works well for certain types of


My daughter uses it for sickle cell pain sometimes.

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I get cluster severe headaches- used to end up in the ER getting Torodol

shot. Finally Dr gave me a tri level set of RX:

1st level- Ultram

2nd- Lortab

3rd- Torodol

( and Phenegrin for the nausea)

The pill isn't as good as the shot- but if I catch the pain soon enough- it

works and I do not end up in the ER.

-- [ ] Re: Venting

Torodol is a NSAID type injection. Works well for certain types of pain.

My daughter uses it for sickle cell pain sometimes.

************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com

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  • 1 year later...

yeah, we had our " whose turn is it to pay for Kirkman " discussion,

which went like this:

hun, " kids name " needs Kirkman again. It's going to cost $50 " His

reply: " I don't have any money. I bought groceries this week, I'm not

buying anything else. "

Me " well I have been paying for like the last 15 vitamin orders..I

spent $65 on Iherb last week, $50 for dmsa last week AND I used all my

christmas money to pay for Metagenics for my daughter, on top of that

i have to pay for her doctor visit on Teusday which is another $135 " .

Him: " no reply " . He continues to watch football. I get mad!

The way he feels is that since this was his idea, he shouldn't have to

pay for it. What BS.

So apparently I will be buying $50 less groceries this month, and its

going to be his meat, and his frozen pizza that I don't buy. har

har..I get it back some how. lol.

What my dh and your dh fail to realize is that children who are fed

well and eat holistic organic or all natural foods, visit the doctor

far less and require almost no medicine than children fed a tradition

American diet who do not take vitamins. So the cost of food/vitamins

would be spent on copays an antibiotics anyway. It's just as

expensive to not take care of yourself and your children. It also is

easier..and people like to take the easy road.

I can't remember what article I read this, maybe it was from my

holistic mom newsletter..but anyway..they said that kids on regular

diets tend to get sick 6-10 times a year and kids on natural diets

only get sick 1-2 times a year and usually don't need to go the doctor.

Which seems true because before biomed in our house, my kids had cold

after cold, sinus infections, strep, diarrhea viruses...all kinds of

ick all winter. I remember going to the ped at least 3 times a winter

with each kid. Since biomed, we get a few colds a year and have only

needed the doctor for a physical for school. My kids have not needed

any prescriptions either. I have not had to take them in for any

illness in two years....so something is working.

I also find that dh resists change at all costs if he feels it will

take some bit of his control away. He likes to dig in his heels and

drag his feet like a child being made to go to school. Too bad, I'm

stubborn as all stubborn and I get to him eventually...

I finally got him on probiotics and GSE, three years later. I guess he

finally got tired of having a plugged ear and sinus congestion all


Hang in there girl!


> while I am here, hopping on & off list...urg...my clueless dh is

> getting peevish with my supplementing ways. Media is definitely

> stirring up his finance radar, legitimately of a sorts, but

> still...and this is while at the same time he continues to remain

> willfully ignorant. For the most part, has only the very basic idea

> of what migraines really are, " just headaches, right? "

> grrrr...Thinking about budget (big sigh) & how my food always takes a

> way higher porprotion compared to the norm...and, these days, it is

> impressively disproportionate. Very much worth it, imo...but dh has

> his moments...he is thinking if we could just live on mac & cheese and

> such, then we could have a " better " life...clueless...grrr...and,

> chuckling, she really did eat just quite that much this weekend ;)

> wishing all the best, elizabeth


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jan, your a tropper!

On Jan 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Jan wrote:

> yeah, we had our " whose turn is it to pay for Kirkman " discussion,

> which went like this:


> hun, " kids name " needs Kirkman again. It's going to cost $50 " His

> reply: " I don't have any money. I bought groceries this week, I'm not

> buying anything else. "

> Me " well I have been paying for like the last 15 vitamin orders..I

> spent $65 on Iherb last week, $50 for dmsa last week AND I used all my

> christmas money to pay for Metagenics for my daughter, on top of that

> i have to pay for her doctor visit on Teusday which is another $135 " .

> Him: " no reply " . He continues to watch football. I get mad!


> The way he feels is that since this was his idea, he shouldn't have to

> pay for it. What BS.


> So apparently I will be buying $50 less groceries this month, and its

> going to be his meat, and his frozen pizza that I don't buy. har

> har..I get it back some how. lol.


> What my dh and your dh fail to realize is that children who are fed

> well and eat holistic organic or all natural foods, visit the doctor

> far less and require almost no medicine than children fed a tradition

> American diet who do not take vitamins. So the cost of food/vitamins

> would be spent on copays an antibiotics anyway. It's just as

> expensive to not take care of yourself and your children. It also is

> easier..and people like to take the easy road.


> I can't remember what article I read this, maybe it was from my

> holistic mom newsletter..but anyway..they said that kids on regular

> diets tend to get sick 6-10 times a year and kids on natural diets

> only get sick 1-2 times a year and usually don't need to go the

> doctor.

> Which seems true because before biomed in our house, my kids had cold

> after cold, sinus infections, strep, diarrhea viruses...all kinds of

> ick all winter. I remember going to the ped at least 3 times a winter

> with each kid. Since biomed, we get a few colds a year and have only

> needed the doctor for a physical for school. My kids have not needed

> any prescriptions either. I have not had to take them in for any

> illness in two years....so something is working.


> I also find that dh resists change at all costs if he feels it will

> take some bit of his control away. He likes to dig in his heels and

> drag his feet like a child being made to go to school. Too bad, I'm

> stubborn as all stubborn and I get to him eventually...

> I finally got him on probiotics and GSE, three years later. I guess he

> finally got tired of having a plugged ear and sinus congestion all

> winter.


> Hang in there girl!



> >

> > while I am here, hopping on & off list...urg...my clueless dh is

> > getting peevish with my supplementing ways. Media is definitely

> > stirring up his finance radar, legitimately of a sorts, but

> > still...and this is while at the same time he continues to remain

> > willfully ignorant. For the most part, has only the very basic idea

> > of what migraines really are, " just headaches, right? "

> > grrrr...Thinking about budget (big sigh) & how my food always

> takes a

> > way higher porprotion compared to the norm...and, these days, it is

> > impressively disproportionate. Very much worth it, imo...but dh has

> > his moments...he is thinking if we could just live on mac &

> cheese and

> > such, then we could have a " better " life...clueless...grrr...and,

> > chuckling, she really did eat just quite that much this weekend ;)

> > wishing all the best, elizabeth

> >




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(/Jan) can't decide if this is a typo or not - but either way,

would totally ditto this...I was rolling at her post, immensely glad

to hear I am not the only one in this boat (venting at walls, so to

speak) ...love this group for that type of thing too, yk? (gush

continues on...lololol) wishing all the best, elizabeth


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

, I hope things improve for u. I had a migraine last week and they

ordered a shot of Toradol which cleared up my headache, my ouchy RA feet, and

even my SI sprain. Maybe your doc would consider something like that. In the

meantime, forget cooking and get Chipotle... Or are you close to a Ricky's Rice

Bowl? I miss those!

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 21, 2009, at 9:14 PM, " Massey " <renandstimpy3@...> wrote:

It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here in

maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in some

serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my wrist

was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I needed to

go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so I did. I

got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home til

9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said to wear

it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still been

bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a training

session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I went to go

use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I took it off

and tried again. I was

soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse and its even a pain to type now. I

guess I should go see my doc but can't afford the co-pay which is why I ended up

at the ER anyway. That was the second time for that this month. The week before

I had to go because I had a huge migraine and couldn't see for hours and hours

which landed me 2 days off of work. I have been off of the enbrel since

december. Doc told me it wasn't doing me any good but wants me to do a wash

because I've been on it for almost 3 years. My boyfriend who I thought was

sympathitic to my needs decides not to cook dinner tonight or walk his damn dog

which probably needs to go out and I'm not doing it again. I did it this

afternoon when I got home and almost got pulled across the damn sidewalk while

it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pain free day.

in typhoon maryland


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I forgot to say as part of my vent, I paid my bills so now I'm broke, I don't

even have the money to go out and get gas for either my car or truck. Heck cant

even afford diapers for my son this week. I overdrafted the bank account

already and the only phones in the house are cells and they are threating to

turn off along with my insurance, and I'm 2 weeks behind on the truck payment.

I work a full time job and well my boyfriend gets SSI/SSDI and goes to school 1

day a week.

in typhoon maryland

Re: [ ] venting

, I hope things improve for u. I had a migraine last week and they

ordered a shot of Toradol which cleared up my headache, my ouchy RA feet, and

even my SI sprain. Maybe your doc would consider something like that. In the

meantime, forget cooking and get Chipotle... Or are you close to a Ricky's Rice

Bowl? I miss those!

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 21, 2009, at 9:14 PM, " Massey " <renandstimpy3@...>


It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here in

maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in some

serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my wrist

was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I needed to

go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so I did. I

got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home til

9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said to wear

it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still been

bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a training

session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I went to go

use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I took it off

and tried again. I was

soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse and its even a pain to type now.

I guess I should go see my doc but can't afford the co-pay which is why I ended

up at the ER anyway. That was the second time for that this month. The week

before I had to go because I had a huge migraine and couldn't see for hours and

hours which landed me 2 days off of work. I have been off of the enbrel since

december. Doc told me it wasn't doing me any good but wants me to do a wash

because I've been on it for almost 3 years. My boyfriend who I thought was

sympathitic to my needs decides not to cook dinner tonight or walk his damn dog

which probably needs to go out and I'm not doing it again. I did it this

afternoon when I got home and almost got pulled across the damn sidewalk while

it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pain free day.

in typhoon maryland


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Hi - I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time with your wrist. I

have to wonder what kind of co-pay you're going to get with your ER visits? I

would think a co-pay to a PC or even a specialist would be less than the ER.

Were you feeling as if the Enbrel had stopped working? Or were you feeling a lot

of side effects to make your Rheumy want to stop it?

The boyfriend and his dog - stand your ground. If he doesn't want to cook dinner

(do you trade this chore?), then make something for yourself. Put your foot down

- if he's not going to care for HIS dog, then the dog should go. If he

disagrees, perhaps the boyfriend should go too. BUT - if he is normally

" sympathetic " to your needs, perhaps something is going on with him. Maybe its

time for a sit-down conversation - uninterrupted - to catch up on what all is

going on in each others' lives.

Sometimes we get so busy with our individual responsibilities we forget that our

loved ones might be going through their own stuff.

Please get that wrist checked out either by your Rheumy or an Orthopaedic.

Something doesn't sound right.....Doreen :)

It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here in

maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in

some serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my

wrist was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I

needed to go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so

I did. I got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home

til 9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said

to wear it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still

been bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a

training session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I

went to go use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I

took it off and tried again. I was soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse

and its even a pain to type now. I guess I should go see my doc but can't

afford the co-pay which is why I ended up at the ER anyway. That was the second

time for that this month. The week before I had to go because I had a huge

migraine and couldn't see for hours and hours which landed me 2 days off of

work. I have been off of the enbrel since december. Doc told me it wasn't

doing me any good but wants me to do a wash because I've been on it for almost 3

years. My boyfriend who I thought was sympathitic to my needs decides not to

cook dinner tonight or walk his damn dog which probably needs to go out and I'm

not doing it again. I did it this afternoon when I got home and almost got

pulled across the damn sidewalk while it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I

hope everyone is having a pain free day.

in typhoon maryland

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I find that strange, boyfriends are usually so sympathetic and understanding,

ready to step it at any time and take care for your physical and emotion needs

while enduring the trauma that is Rhematoid Arthritis. Weird!


Seattle, Cloudy

It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here in

maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in some

serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my wrist

was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I needed to

go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so I did. I

got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home til

9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said to wear

it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still been

bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a training

session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I went to go

use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I took it off

and tried again. I was soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse and its even

a pain to type now. I guess I should go see my doc but can't afford the co-pay

which is why I ended up at the ER anyway. That was the second time for that this

month. The week before I had to go because I had a huge migraine and couldn't

see for hours and hours which landed me 2 days off of work. I have been off of

the enbrel since december. Doc told me it wasn't doing me any good but wants me

to do a wash because I've been on it for almost 3 years. My boyfriend who I

thought was sympathitic to my needs decides not to cook dinner tonight or walk

his damn dog which probably needs to go out and I'm not doing it again. I did it

this afternoon when I got home and almost got pulled across the damn sidewalk

while it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pain

free day.

in typhoon maryland


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I've also found & Wesson to be excellent relationship counselors. They

tend to make things very clear from the beginning and you can always count on

the to get immediate and complete attention.


Seattle, Cloudy

Hi - I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time with your wrist. I

have to wonder what kind of co-pay you're going to get with your ER visits? I

would think a co-pay to a PC or even a specialist would be less than the ER.

Were you feeling as if the Enbrel had stopped working? Or were you feeling a lot

of side effects to make your Rheumy want to stop it?

The boyfriend and his dog - stand your ground. If he doesn't want to cook dinner

(do you trade this chore?), then make something for yourself. Put your foot down

- if he's not going to care for HIS dog, then the dog should go. If he

disagrees, perhaps the boyfriend should go too. BUT - if he is normally

" sympathetic " to your needs, perhaps something is going on with him. Maybe its

time for a sit-down conversation - uninterrupted - to catch up on what all is

going on in each others' lives.

Sometimes we get so busy with our individual responsibilities we forget that our

loved ones might be going through their own stuff.

Please get that wrist checked out either by your Rheumy or an Orthopaedic.

Something doesn't sound right.....Doreen :)

It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here in

maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in some

serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my wrist

was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I needed to

go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so I did. I

got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home til

9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said to wear

it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still been

bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a training

session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I went to go

use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I took it off

and tried again. I was soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse and its even

a pain to type now. I guess I should go see my doc but can't afford the co-pay

which is why I ended up at the ER anyway. That was the second time for that this

month. The week before I had to go because I had a huge migraine and couldn't

see for hours and hours which landed me 2 days off of work. I have been off of

the enbrel since december. Doc told me it wasn't doing me any good but wants me

to do a wash because I've been on it for almost 3 years. My boyfriend who I

thought was sympathitic to my needs decides not to cook dinner tonight or walk

his damn dog which probably needs to go out and I'm not doing it again. I did it

this afternoon when I got home and almost got pulled across the damn sidewalk

while it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pain

free day.

in typhoon maryland

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That is too funny, I need to remember that for when my hubby doesn't do his one

chore of taking out the trash. LMAO!!


> It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here in

maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in some

serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my wrist

was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I needed to

go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so I did. I

got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home til

9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said to wear

it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still been

bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a training

session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I went to go

use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I took it off

and tried again. I was soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse and its even

a pain to type now. I guess I should go see my doc but can't afford the co-pay

which is why I ended up at the ER anyway. That was the second time for that this

month. The week before I had to go because I had a huge migraine and couldn't

see for hours and hours which landed me 2 days off of work. I have been off of

the enbrel since december. Doc told me it wasn't doing me any good but wants me

to do a wash because I've been on it for almost 3 years. My boyfriend who I

thought was sympathitic to my needs decides not to cook dinner tonight or walk

his damn dog which probably needs to go out and I'm not doing it again. I did it

this afternoon when I got home and almost got pulled across the damn sidewalk

while it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pain

free day.


> in typhoon maryland






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Guest guest

OUCH!! Remind me never to piss you off, Stan. OH!! Wait!!! I live on the

opposite side of the country from you. No worries there. LOL

Doreen :D

I've also found & Wesson to be excellent relationship counselors. They

tend to make things very clear from the beginning and you can always count on

the to get immediate and complete attention.


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Acutally, I don't own any wepons 'cause I've never had a relationship problem.


Steattle, Rainy.

OUCH!! Remind me never to piss you off, Stan. OH!! Wait!!! I live on the

opposite side of the country from you. No worries there. LOL

Doreen :D

I've also found & Wesson to be excellent relationship counselors. They

tend to make things very clear from the beginning and you can always count on

the to get immediate and complete attention.


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Guest guest



That is too funny, I need to remember that for when my hubby doesn't do his one

chore of taking out the trash. LMAO!!


> It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here in

maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in some

serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my wrist

was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I needed to

go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so I did. I

got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home til

9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said to wear

it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still been

bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a training

session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I went to go

use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I took it off

and tried again. I was soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse and its even

a pain to type now. I guess I should go see my doc but can't afford the co-pay

which is why I ended up at the ER anyway. That was the second time for that this

month. The week before I had to go because I had a huge migraine and couldn't

see for hours and hours which landed me 2 days off of work. I have been off of

the enbrel since december. Doc told me it wasn't doing me any good but wants me

to do a wash because I've been on it for almost 3 years. My boyfriend who I

thought was sympathitic to my needs decides not to cook dinner tonight or walk

his damn dog which probably needs to go out and I'm not doing it again. I did it

this afternoon when I got home and almost got pulled across the damn sidewalk

while it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pain

free day.


> in typhoon maryland






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Get with it.....Laughing My A--e Off   LOL



From: stanpfister@... <stanpfister@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: venting

Date: Thursday, 23 April, 2009, 6:07 PM



That is too funny, I need to remember that for when my hubby doesn't do his one

chore of taking out the trash. LMAO!!


> It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here in

maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in some

serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my wrist

was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I needed to

go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so I did. I

got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home til

9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said to wear

it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still been

bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a training

session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I went to go

use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I took it off

and tried again. I

was soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse and its even a pain to type

now. I guess I should go see my doc but can't afford the co-pay which is why I

ended up at the ER anyway. That was the second time for that this month. The

week before I had to go because I had a huge migraine and couldn't see for hours

and hours which landed me 2 days off of work. I have been off of the enbrel

since december. Doc told me it wasn't doing me any good but wants me to do a

wash because I've been on it for almost 3 years. My boyfriend who I thought was

sympathitic to my needs decides not to cook dinner tonight or walk his damn dog

which probably needs to go out and I'm not doing it again. I did it this

afternoon when I got home and almost got pulled across the damn sidewalk while

it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pain free day.


> in typhoon maryland






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Laughing My Ass Off. Damn leet!?!

> >

> > It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here

in maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in some

serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my wrist

was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I needed to

go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so I did. I

got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home til

9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said to wear

it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still been

bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a training

session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I went to go

use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I took it off

and tried again. I was soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse and its even

a pain to type now. I guess I should go see my doc but can't afford the co-pay

which is why I ended up at the ER anyway. That was the second time for that this

month. The week before I had to go because I had a huge migraine and couldn't

see for hours and hours which landed me 2 days off of work. I have been off of

the enbrel since december. Doc told me it wasn't doing me any good but wants me

to do a wash because I've been on it for almost 3 years. My boyfriend who I

thought was sympathitic to my needs decides not to cook dinner tonight or walk

his damn dog which probably needs to go out and I'm not doing it again. I did it

this afternoon when I got home and almost got pulled across the damn sidewalk

while it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pain

free day.

> >

> > in typhoon maryland

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guess I need to " level up " when I play newsgroup.




Get with it.....Laughing My A--e Off   LOL



From: stanpfister@... < stanpfister@... >

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: venting

Date: Thursday, 23 April, 2009, 6:07 PM



That is too funny, I need to remember that for when my hubby doesn't do his one

chore of taking out the trash. LMAO!!


> It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here in

maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in some

serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my wrist

was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I needed to

go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so I did. I

got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home til

9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said to wear

it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still been

bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a training

session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I went to go

use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I took it off

and tried again. I

was soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse and its even a pain to type

now. I guess I should go see my doc but can't afford the co-pay which is why I

ended up at the ER anyway. That was the second time for that this month. The

week before I had to go because I had a huge migraine and couldn't see for hours

and hours which landed me 2 days off of work. I have been off of the enbrel

since december. Doc told me it wasn't doing me any good but wants me to do a

wash because I've been on it for almost 3 years. My boyfriend who I thought was

sympathitic to my needs decides not to cook dinner tonight or walk his damn dog

which probably needs to go out and I'm not doing it again. I did it this

afternoon when I got home and almost got pulled across the damn sidewalk while

it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pain free day.


> in typhoon maryland






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er...I knew that!


Laughing My Ass Off. Damn leet!?!

> >

> > It all started last tuesday. It was raining like there was no tomorrow here

in maryland. I go to get into my truck and slip on the side step hit my wrist on

the door. I went to work anyway and started my normal day. By noon I was in some

serious pain but worked through it as I usually do with my RA. By 2pm my wrist

was swelled up, so I went upstairs to see my boss and let him know I needed to

go to the ER and get it checked out. He asked me to stay until 3pm so I did. I

got to the ER at 3:30pm and got lost in the system and didn't get home til

9:45pm. I had sprained my wrist. Well its been a week and the nurse said to wear

it for 2 or 3 days. Well, I wore it for the week because it had still been

bothering me. Well, I must have reinjuried it at work today during a training

session. This morning we had to train using the floor buffer and as I went to go

use it the first time I had my brace on and it was bothering me so I took it off

and tried again. I was soooo stupid because now it hurts even worse and its even

a pain to type now. I guess I should go see my doc but can't afford the co-pay

which is why I ended up at the ER anyway. That was the second time for that this

month. The week before I had to go because I had a huge migraine and couldn't

see for hours and hours which landed me 2 days off of work. I have been off of

the enbrel since december. Doc told me it wasn't doing me any good but wants me

to do a wash because I've been on it for almost 3 years. My boyfriend who I

thought was sympathitic to my needs decides not to cook dinner tonight or walk

his damn dog which probably needs to go out and I'm not doing it again. I did it

this afternoon when I got home and almost got pulled across the damn sidewalk

while it wants to chase damn birds. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pain

free day.

> >

> > in typhoon maryland

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I agree, there is a lot going on fellow humans, get it out any sound way you can, no matter what it is... lots of pressure now as things are shifting and changing...

Abundant miracles,

in MN

In a message dated 7/13/2009 8:55:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time, donak63@... writes:

Though I am not in you shoes Kathleen, I do feel your pain and know it must not be easy to be in your situation. In these times it is hard enough. It's ok to vent.

"I hope you're planning a great day"

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I've never posted to the group though I've belonged for awhile..

I keep seeing

Pray for this Pray for that

I don't think it works

I no longer have a lot of faith in whatever powers that be that give me the finger when I Pray for help

I had to quit working because, I was no longer able to sit, stand or, even walk without Pain.

yes, I applied for help and, was told I don't qualify becaus I have a Car and, my Name is on the Deed.

try as I do to live on 9,600 a yr.

try to get hired at 51 when you can't phys work an no one wants your mental talents.

try liveing in constant Pain.

I've tried to start a business but nothing works for me

my apologies for venting but, I've held it in for a long time and, I'm just so very tired

From: Ash <mhc4sure@...>Subject: [] Diane Cota-Robles: THE DIVINE PLAN IS UNFOLDING STEP BY STEPkoernerjams@..., poetrylady24@..., xsyntria@..., kyra40@..., ohcheywolf@..., bayebegurl@..., vampyrebirdie@..., onedivinemine@..., soupsangel@...Date: Monday, July 13, 2009, 5:32 PM

As always let us receive what resonates with our deepest and highest Discernment and Intuition. Embracing all resonance and releasing all which else in Love. Namaste

THE DIVINE PLAN IS UNFOLDING STEP BY STEPby Diane Cota-Robleshttp://eraofpeace. org Celestial and planetary events are unfolding in perfect synchronicity. This is in preparation for the unprecedented influx of Light that will occur the week of August 15-20, 2009. This facet of the plan is very complex and sometimes confusing, but all is in Divine Order. It is important to note that what we see on the surface is a minuscule fraction of what is actually taking place.During the Solstice, June 21, 2009, our Central Sun, our physical Sun, and our entire Solar System experienced a quantum shift which resulted in raising the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every particle and wave of Life evolving within this system. This increased frequency of 5th-Dimensional Solar Light activated the pre-encoded memories within Humanity’s RNA and DNA structures.

These newly activated codes reflect the full potential of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine within every Human Being.It is interesting to observe that whenever it is necessary for the masses of Humanity to be involved with the Divine Plan on a more conscious level, something takes place that draws the attention of people around the globe. The outer-world event always empowers whatever is needed at the time. Humanity’s focused attention creates a cup of collective consciousness through which the Light of God can flow to accelerate the fulfillment of that particular facet the Divine Plan.On June 25, 2009, outer-world events took place that focused the attention of people around the world on two celebrities. First was the death of Farrah Fawcett, a courageous woman whose valiant fight against cancer inspired and uplifted the hearts and minds of people everywhere. In the face of all adversity she was strong, determined,

and powerful. As the collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness focused on these qualities, which are aspects of the Divine Feminine that have often been suppressed, a powerful healing occurred within every person on Earth.A few hours later, we learned of the shocking death of . This event was far more complex and drew the attention of the world in very polarizing ways. Some people focused solely on the destructive things that had been accused of in his life. Others focused solely on his iconic status as the King of Pop. The reality is that ’s life reflected the best and the worst of both worlds. The negative things that he was accused of reflect the degradation of the fallen masculine, and the positive things he did in his life reflect the highest aspects of the Divine Masculine within Humanity. Consequently, in this instance, the collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness held the full spectrum of

masculine energies, both fallen and Divine.On July 4th, a day dedicated to Freedom and Independence in the USA, a powerful influx of the Violet Flame bathed the Earth. Through the unified efforts of Saint Germain and Lightworkers around the world, the Violet Flame blazed through the collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness and transmuted as much of the surfacing energy associated with the fallen masculine as Cosmic Law would allow. Through the I AM Presence, a maximum degree of purging occurred within the hearts and minds of every person on Earth. This cleared the way for the amplification of the aspects of the Divine Masculine.On July 7th, we experienced a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This was the first in a series of three eclipses that will take place. The second will be the New Moon Solar Eclipse on July 22nd, and another Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that will take place August 6th. Spiritual astrologers acknowledge that the effects

of these eclipses will be profound and life-changing for both Humanity and Planet Earth. The planetary alignments associated with the July 7th eclipse empowered the manifestation of the Divine Masculine and greatly enhanced the masculine momentum of Divine Love. This is an aspect of the Divine Masculine that has been suppressed for a very long time. For ’s memorial service to be held in Los Angeles, California, on that day was significant and powerful. My family and I were in Los Angeles on July 7th. We were there to attend the 100th birthday party of our Aunt Marie. Our trip had been planned months in advance, but nothing is happening by accident. As we watched the memorial service for on television, we joined in consciousness with more than one billion people around the world who were also watching this event. The memorial service focused on the aspects of the Divine Masculine that

represented to so many millions of people.From the time he was a child, ’s music and his unique dancing ability thrilled and uplifted the hearts of people all over the world. His albums broke all records and reached an all time high for global sales. His compassion and genuine love for Humanity is evident in his many good works. He is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the celebrity who has donated the most money to charities. In 1992, had a world tour that was titled after his album “Dangerous.†This tour included 89 performances, and all of the proceeds were donated to charities. ’s deep love and compassion for the suffering peoples of the world are reflected in both his actions and his music. His songs “We Are The World†and “Heal The World†reflect this Truth.On July 7th, with an estimated one billion people focusing on what they loved most about , a cup of

Humanity’s collective consciousness was formed that enveloped the entire planet. Through the unified efforts of embodied Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven, the Light of God expanded through every person’s Heart Flame. During this global event, the Love within the Divine Masculine and the Power within the Divine Feminine were restored in every facet of Life.The Divine Masculine has always been associated with Power and the Divine Feminine has always been associated with Love. What we are seeing now is the Divine Masculine’s Power being balanced with Masculine Divine Love, and the Divine Feminine’s Love being balanced with Feminine Divine Power. This completes the preparation for the full integration of the I AM Presence within every person’s Heart Flame. This is a moment we have been working toward for aeons of time.On July 22nd, there will be a very powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse. This is also the day that is

celebrated as Magdalene’s Feast Day. Magdalene represents the Love Nature of Christ Consciousness, and she has held the sacred space for the return and balance of the Divine Feminine for millennia. On this day, the newly empowered Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within every man, woman, and child on Earth will be raised into the highest frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Solar Light that we can endure. This is the initial impulse of the Transfiguration of the masses of Humanity from 4th-Dimensional carbon-based Human Beings into 5th-Dimensional crystalline- based Solar Light Beings.From that moment forth, Humanity’s creative faculties of thought and feeling will be greatly enhanced. Our ability to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will be amplified a thousandfold. This critical event will occur in perfect Divine Order for the next phase of the Divine Plan.A global activity of Light is being orchestrated

by Lightworkers and the Company of Heaven for July 28, 2009, at 3:19 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, for one hour. This is the second phase of a powerful event called “Fire the Grid.†The full details of this event are posted on the website: www.firethegrid. com . I will give you some brief excerpts of that information:“Fire the Grid is all about waking Humanity up so that we become conscious individual cells of Light. Each cell of Light radiates not only in itself, but for others as well. The second phase of Fire the Grid is about using the power of “I†to unite once again to become “WE.†“We will once again draw the energy of the day through us and pass it onward to Creation. This is the energy of pure potential, pure love, pure abundance and of pure creative ability. This is the united energy of millions of humans

concentrating on one purpose for one hour as one mind. We will sit in contemplation of the world that will be. This is an hour of Earthly creation with the highest degree of pure intention. “Use meditation, prayer, thought, music, intention or any tool of your choosing to manifest the world we so desire into being. Imagine millions of humans sitting, taking a stand for something better; a world of equality of balance of harmony and joy. We will gather for one hour and hold the vision of a world fed, a world of abundance for all, a world of joyful experiences. “This world holds pure potential for all humans. With this in mind, set about seeing in your mind what that world looks like, see green fields, beautiful clear rivers and clean air. Now see abundance for everyone, see people smiling, happy, well fed, well cared for. See humans sharing and cooperating. What does that look like, you ask? Simply imagine it. Really see it in your

mind. The imagination is the paintbrush of our creations. See it here during this very special energy time. See it here and dream it into being. We will collectively see it and dream it into being. “Remember you are not alone; there are millions of us intending this new world into place. Now put details into your dream, see all of the beauty you desire. Add color and delight. The more detailed your dream, the more tangible we make our intention. See the people of the world living in harmony not only with each other but with the planet itself. See engineering taking a turn to work with nature for the betterment of both Humanity and the Earth itself, working together for the betterment of all. “See people all sharing in a plan to challenge the old ideas and incorporate new, better, healthier ideas. The winds of change can be directed, and this is our opportunity to consciously choose that direction. It is the time of a great gathering,

a uniting of minds to create a better way, a way without exclusion. We can change the world. It begins with our hearts and minds.†(end quote)On August 6th, we will experience the final eclipse in this series. This will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This eclipse will intensify all of the activities of Light that have taken place since the Solstice, and it will greatly empower the patterns of perfection for the New Earth that will be cocreated by Humanity during the Fire the Grid event. This eclipse will pave the way for the monumental influx of Light that will take place August 15-20, 2009, during the 22nd anniversary of Harmonic Convergence.THE NEED OF THE HOURThe Company of Heaven has assured us that the meltdown that is occurring in the global economy is a necessary part of Humanity’s cleansing process. For aeons of time, our monetary system has been used to manipulate, control, dominate, and abuse the peoples of the

world. Now that the archetypes for God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace have been anchored in the physical plane, everything that conflicts with those patterns of perfection is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted into Light. There are people in positions of power around the planet who are scrambling to try and hold on to the old monetary system, which is crumbling before our very eyes. This obsolete paradigm was based on greed, selfishness, corruption, and the abuse of power. These behavior patterns cannot and will not be sustained within the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. Too many people have awakened, and as a result of this monumental shift of consciousness, the Light of God has reclaimed this Earth.Fortunately, there are also people in positions of power who are very aware of what is taking place. These enlightened souls are cocreating a new monetary system. This system will be based on

integrity, generosity, fairness, compassion, and the highest good for all concerned. It will rise out of the ashes of our obsolete monetary system like a mighty Phoenix. In order for the pain and suffering involved with the collapse of the old monetary system to be cleared and transmuted as quickly as possible, Lightworkers are being called into action. Our unified efforts will allow this purging process to be accomplished much sooner than seems possible from outer appearances. Many experts believe the painful effects of the present purging of our global economy will take years to overcome. But the Company of Heaven has assured us that the unified efforts of the Lightworkers can complete this process “in the twinkling of an eye.â€Beloved Ones, accomplishing this mighty feat is the greatest need of the hour.Once this facet of the Divine Plan is complete, the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will easily expand

through the hearts and minds of all Humanity. This will enable our Divine Birthright to be restored. That Birthright is the perpetual flow of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace. A Divine Plan has been set in motion to accomplish this vitally important mission. The Company of Heaven is invoking Lightworkers around the world to come together both physically and in consciousness to fulfill this plan. If you are reading these words, your I AM Presence is revealing that you have a part to play in this unfolding Divine Plan. Listen to your heart. Your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly. Your part of the plan will be revealed to you. You will know in your heart-of-hearts how you can best add to the Light of the world during this Cosmic Opportunity. When you respond to your heart’s call, you will be God in Action, and you will fulfill your part of the plan by quickly transmuting the surfacing negativity. THE DIVINE PLAN

In order to accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan, our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers. We are being asked to gather within the portal of the most powerful 5th-Dimensional frequencies of healing and transmutation on Earth. This Portal of Light in Tucson, Arizona, is the location on the planet where the Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation is projected from the core of Creation into the center of the Earth. From the heart of Mother Earth, this Sacred Fire expands through the Crystal Grid System to bless all Life.The Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation is a resplendent emerald green flame with a violet radiance. It is the most powerful frequency of healing and transmutation on Earth, and it is the instrument through which Humanity’s surfacing miscreations will be transmuted into

Light at a greatly accelerated pace. The Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers from all over the world to gather within this Portal of Light to unite our Heart Flames. Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to accomplish the most powerful healing and transmuting of Humanity’s miscreation ever to manifest in the history of time. It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present in order to form this transformer. All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. Your Light is urgently needed.In addition to those inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These

Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered; thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold. Every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What is important, is that we respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within the Portal of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission. The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 23rd Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place August 15-20, 2009,

during the 22nd anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. We will gather at the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation. All of the information you will need to participate in this Cosmic Opportunity is available on our website: http://eraofpeace. org Diane Cota-RoblesNew Age Study of Humanity's Purposea 501 © 3 nonprofit educational organizationWebsite: http://eraofpeace. org FAX: 520-751-2981; Phone: 520-885-7909New Age Study of Humanity's PurposePO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717This article is copyrighted, but you have my

permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.©2009 Diane Cota-RoblesThe information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times. NEW WEEKLY ONLINE RADIO PROGRAM AWAKEN YOUR DIVINE POTENTIAL Host: Diane Cota-RoblesThe program airs on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern TimeYou may access the radio show directly from our website:http://eraofpeace. org Or you may go to our Online server: STATION 1http://bbsradio. com After the radio show airs, you can make arrangements to listen to it through the Online archives at http://bbsradio. com .This is a commercial-free hour during which we join hearts with thousands of Lightworkers all over the planet. Together, we invoke the Company of Heaven and add to the Light of the world. As we experience the sacred knowledge that is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth, we will remember who we are, and we will know how to fulfill our purpose and reason for being.During our sacred time together, we work in the Eternal Moment of NOW. That means that whether you are able to tune in with us live or you are listening to the radio program through our on-demand archives service, your precious Light is being woven into our Forcefield of Light. Your sacred

gifts are added to this unified Divine Mission, which is being cocreated by embodied Lightworkers and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'

The Universal Heart Center

http://www.freewebs .com/moshayra

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Guest guest

Hi,Please see below...

From: Ash <mhc4sure (DOT) com>Subject: [] Diane Cota-Robles: THE DIVINE PLAN IS UNFOLDING STEP BY STEPkoernerjams@ juno.com, poetrylady24@ comcast.net, xsyntria (DOT) com, kyra40bellsouth (DOT) net, ohcheywolf (DOT) com, bayebegurlhotmail (DOT) com, vampyrebirdie, onedivinemine, soupsangelgmail (DOT) comDate: Monday, July 13, 2009, 5:32 PM

As always let us receive what resonates with our deepest and highest Discernment and Intuition. Embracing all resonance and releasing all which else in Love. Namaste

THE DIVINE PLAN IS UNFOLDING STEP BY STEPby Diane Cota-Robleshttp://eraofpeace. org Celestial and planetary events are unfolding in perfect synchronicity. This is in preparation for the unprecedented influx of Light that will occur the week of August 15-20, 2009. This facet of the plan is very complex and sometimes confusing, but all is in Divine Order. It is important to note that what we see on the surface is a minuscule fraction of what is actually taking place.During the Solstice, June 21, 2009, our Central Sun, our physical Sun, and our entire Solar System experienced a quantum shift which resulted in raising the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every particle and wave of Life evolving within this system. This increased frequency of 5th-Dimensional Solar Light activated the pre-encoded memories within Humanity’s RNA and DNA


These newly activated codes reflect the full potential of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine within every Human Being.It is interesting to observe that whenever it is necessary for the masses of Humanity to be involved with the Divine Plan on a more conscious level, something takes place that draws the attention of people around the globe. The outer-world event always empowers whatever is needed at the time. Humanity’s focused attention creates a cup of collective consciousness through which the Light of God can flow to accelerate the fulfillment of that particular facet the Divine Plan.On June 25, 2009, outer-world events took place that focused the attention of people around the world on two celebrities. First was the death of Farrah Fawcett, a courageous woman whose valiant fight against cancer inspired and uplifted the hearts and minds of people everywhere. In the face of all adversity she was strong, determined,

and powerful. As the collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness focused on these qualities, which are aspects of the Divine Feminine that have often been suppressed, a powerful healing occurred within every person on Earth.A few hours later, we learned of the shocking death of . This event was far more complex and drew the attention of the world in very polarizing ways. Some people focused solely on the destructive things that had been accused of in his life. Others focused solely on his iconic status as the King of Pop. The reality is that ’s life reflected the best and the worst of both worlds. The negative things that he was accused of reflect the degradation of the fallen masculine, and the positive things he did in his life reflect the highest aspects of the Divine Masculine within Humanity. Consequently, in this instance, the collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness held the full spectrum of

masculine energies, both fallen and Divine.On July 4th, a day dedicated to Freedom and Independence in the USA, a powerful influx of the Violet Flame bathed the Earth. Through the unified efforts of Saint Germain and Lightworkers around the world, the Violet Flame blazed through the collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness and transmuted as much of the surfacing energy associated with the fallen masculine as Cosmic Law would allow. Through the I AM Presence, a maximum degree of purging occurred within the hearts and minds of every person on Earth. This cleared the way for the amplification of the aspects of the Divine Masculine.On July 7th, we experienced a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This was the first in a series of three eclipses that will take place. The second will be the New Moon Solar Eclipse on July 22nd, and another Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that will take place August 6th. Spiritual astrologers acknowledge that the effects

of these eclipses will be profound and life-changing for both Humanity and Planet Earth. The planetary alignments associated with the July 7th eclipse empowered the manifestation of the Divine Masculine and greatly enhanced the masculine momentum of Divine Love. This is an aspect of the Divine Masculine that has been suppressed for a very long time. For ’s memorial service to be held in Los Angeles, California, on that day was significant and powerful. My family and I were in Los Angeles on July 7th. We were there to attend the 100th birthday party of our Aunt Marie. Our trip had been planned months in advance, but nothing is happening by accident. As we watched the memorial service for on television, we joined in consciousness with more than one billion people around the world who were also watching this event. The memorial service focused on the aspects of the Divine Masculine that

represented to so many millions of people.From the time he was a child, ’s music and his unique dancing ability thrilled and uplifted the hearts of people all over the world. His albums broke all records and reached an all time high for global sales. His compassion and genuine love for Humanity is evident in his many good works. He is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the celebrity who has donated the most money to charities. In 1992, had a world tour that was titled after his album “Dangerous.†This tour included 89 performances, and all of the proceeds were donated to charities. ’s deep love and compassion for the suffering peoples of the world are reflected in both his actions and his music. His songs “We Are The World†and “Heal The World†reflect this Truth.On July 7th, with an estimated one billion people focusing on what they loved most about , a cup of

Humanity’s collective consciousness was formed that enveloped the entire planet. Through the unified efforts of embodied Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven, the Light of God expanded through every person’s Heart Flame. During this global event, the Love within the Divine Masculine and the Power within the Divine Feminine were restored in every facet of Life.The Divine Masculine has always been associated with Power and the Divine Feminine has always been associated with Love. What we are seeing now is the Divine Masculine’s Power being balanced with Masculine Divine Love, and the Divine Feminine’s Love being balanced with Feminine Divine Power. This completes the preparation for the full integration of the I AM Presence within every person’s Heart Flame. This is a moment we have been working toward for aeons of time.On July 22nd, there will be a very powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse. This is also the day that is

celebrated as Magdalene’s Feast Day. Magdalene represents the Love Nature of Christ Consciousness, and she has held the sacred space for the return and balance of the Divine Feminine for millennia. On this day, the newly empowered Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within every man, woman, and child on Earth will be raised into the highest frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Solar Light that we can endure. This is the initial impulse of the Transfiguration of the masses of Humanity from 4th-Dimensional carbon-based Human Beings into 5th-Dimensional crystalline- based Solar Light Beings.From that moment forth, Humanity’s creative faculties of thought and feeling will be greatly enhanced. Our ability to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will be amplified a thousandfold. This critical event will occur in perfect Divine Order for the next phase of the Divine Plan.A global activity of Light is being orchestrated

by Lightworkers and the Company of Heaven for July 28, 2009, at 3:19 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, for one hour. This is the second phase of a powerful event called “Fire the Grid.†The full details of this event are posted on the website: www.firethegrid. com . I will give you some brief excerpts of that information:“Fire the Grid is all about waking Humanity up so that we become conscious individual cells of Light. Each cell of Light radiates not only in itself, but for others as well. The second phase of Fire the Grid is about using the power of “I†to unite once again to become “WE.†“We will once again draw the energy of the day through us and pass it onward to Creation. This is the energy of pure potential, pure love, pure abundance and of pure creative ability. This is the united energy of millions of humans

concentrating on one purpose for one hour as one mind. We will sit in contemplation of the world that will be. This is an hour of Earthly creation with the highest degree of pure intention. “Use meditation, prayer, thought, music, intention or any tool of your choosing to manifest the world we so desire into being. Imagine millions of humans sitting, taking a stand for something better; a world of equality of balance of harmony and joy. We will gather for one hour and hold the vision of a world fed, a world of abundance for all, a world of joyful experiences. “This world holds pure potential for all humans. With this in mind, set about seeing in your mind what that world looks like, see green fields, beautiful clear rivers and clean air. Now see abundance for everyone, see people smiling, happy, well fed, well cared for. See humans sharing and cooperating. What does that look like, you ask? Simply imagine it. Really see it in your

mind. The imagination is the paintbrush of our creations. See it here during this very special energy time. See it here and dream it into being. We will collectively see it and dream it into being. “Remember you are not alone; there are millions of us intending this new world into place. Now put details into your dream, see all of the beauty you desire. Add color and delight. The more detailed your dream, the more tangible we make our intention. See the people of the world living in harmony not only with each other but with the planet itself. See engineering taking a turn to work with nature for the betterment of both Humanity and the Earth itself, working together for the betterment of all. “See people all sharing in a plan to challenge the old ideas and incorporate new, better, healthier ideas. The winds of change can be directed, and this is our opportunity to consciously choose that direction. It is the time of a great gathering,

a uniting of minds to create a better way, a way without exclusion. We can change the world. It begins with our hearts and minds.†(end quote)On August 6th, we will experience the final eclipse in this series. This will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This eclipse will intensify all of the activities of Light that have taken place since the Solstice, and it will greatly empower the patterns of perfection for the New Earth that will be cocreated by Humanity during the Fire the Grid event. This eclipse will pave the way for the monumental influx of Light that will take place August 15-20, 2009, during the 22nd anniversary of Harmonic Convergence.THE NEED OF THE HOURThe Company of Heaven has assured us that the meltdown that is occurring in the global economy is a necessary part of Humanity’s cleansing process. For aeons of time, our monetary system has been used to manipulate, control, dominate, and abuse the peoples of the

world. Now that the archetypes for God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace have been anchored in the physical plane, everything that conflicts with those patterns of perfection is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted into Light. There are people in positions of power around the planet who are scrambling to try and hold on to the old monetary system, which is crumbling before our very eyes. This obsolete paradigm was based on greed, selfishness, corruption, and the abuse of power. These behavior patterns cannot and will not be sustained within the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. Too many people have awakened, and as a result of this monumental shift of consciousness, the Light of God has reclaimed this Earth.Fortunately, there are also people in positions of power who are very aware of what is taking place. These enlightened souls are cocreating a new monetary system. This system will be based on

integrity, generosity, fairness, compassion, and the highest good for all concerned. It will rise out of the ashes of our obsolete monetary system like a mighty Phoenix. In order for the pain and suffering involved with the collapse of the old monetary system to be cleared and transmuted as quickly as possible, Lightworkers are being called into action. Our unified efforts will allow this purging process to be accomplished much sooner than seems possible from outer appearances. Many experts believe the painful effects of the present purging of our global economy will take years to overcome. But the Company of Heaven has assured us that the unified efforts of the Lightworkers can complete this process “in the twinkling of an eye.â€Beloved Ones, accomplishing this mighty feat is the greatest need of the hour.Once this facet of the Divine Plan is complete, the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will easily expand

through the hearts and minds of all Humanity. This will enable our Divine Birthright to be restored. That Birthright is the perpetual flow of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace. A Divine Plan has been set in motion to accomplish this vitally important mission. The Company of Heaven is invoking Lightworkers around the world to come together both physically and in consciousness to fulfill this plan. If you are reading these words, your I AM Presence is revealing that you have a part to play in this unfolding Divine Plan. Listen to your heart. Your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly. Your part of the plan will be revealed to you. You will know in your heart-of-hearts how you can best add to the Light of the world during this Cosmic Opportunity. When you respond to your heart’s call, you will be God in Action, and you will fulfill your part of the plan by quickly transmuting the surfacing negativity. THE DIVINE PLAN

In order to accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan, our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers. We are being asked to gather within the portal of the most powerful 5th-Dimensional frequencies of healing and transmutation on Earth. This Portal of Light in Tucson, Arizona, is the location on the planet where the Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation is projected from the core of Creation into the center of the Earth. From the heart of Mother Earth, this Sacred Fire expands through the Crystal Grid System to bless all Life.The Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation is a resplendent emerald green flame with a violet radiance. It is the most powerful frequency of healing and transmutation on Earth, and it is the instrument through which Humanity’s surfacing miscreations will be transmuted into

Light at a greatly accelerated pace. The Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers from all over the world to gather within this Portal of Light to unite our Heart Flames. Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to accomplish the most powerful healing and transmuting of Humanity’s miscreation ever to manifest in the history of time. It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present in order to form this transformer. All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. Your Light is urgently needed.In addition to those inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These

Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered; thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold. Every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What is important, is that we respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within the Portal of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission. The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 23rd Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place August 15-20, 2009,

during the 22nd anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. We will gather at the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation. All of the information you will need to participate in this Cosmic Opportunity is available on our website: http://eraofpeace. org Diane Cota-RoblesNew Age Study of Humanity's Purposea 501 © 3 nonprofit educational organizationWebsite: http://eraofpeace. org FAX: 520-751-2981; Phone: 520-885-7909New Age Study of Humanity's PurposePO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717This article is copyrighted, but you have


permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.©2009 Diane Cota-RoblesThe information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times. NEW WEEKLY ONLINE RADIO PROGRAM AWAKEN YOUR DIVINE POTENTIAL Host: Diane Cota-RoblesThe program airs on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern TimeYou may access the radio show directly from our website:http://eraofpeace. org Or you may go to our Online server: STATION 1http://bbsradio. com After the radio show airs, you can make arrangements to listen to it through the Online archives at http://bbsradio. com .This is a commercial-free hour during which we join hearts with thousands of Lightworkers all over the planet. Together, we invoke the Company of Heaven and add to the Light of the world. As we experience the sacred knowledge that is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth, we will remember who we are, and we will know how to fulfill our purpose and reason for being.During our sacred time together, we work in the Eternal Moment of NOW. That means that whether you are able to tune in with us live or you are listening to the radio program through our on-demand archives service, your precious Light is being woven into our Forcefield of

Light. Your sacred

gifts are added to this unified Divine Mission, which is being cocreated by embodied Lightworkers and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'

The Universal Heart Center

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Just need to vent a little and am not sure how some of you will take this but here I go........

My exhusband is now drawing SSI cant draw SSD because no work history. So the state has decieded to waive any and all child support he owes. MY children are grown and gone and in their 30s and we have been divorced for over 25 yrs he has never paid a dime ( mostly because he was in jail for drugs or stealing). I have worked and supported these 2 children my whole life had to work while taking tx because I have no one to help me or support me. so he draws for being a professional crimal and I who am sick has to continue to work to support myself and his SSI. What the hell is wrong with this picture. What the hell is wrong with our governmentf? People ask how people can get pushed to the limit and kill others I can tell you how.

Oh yes and let me add I just found this out this week (been a really bad week) but he has been drawing this money for a 1 1/2 yrs and comes into my work smiling and talking like all is well with the world (he is paying his mothers water bill -yes he lives with her). What an ASSHOLE knowing I am sick and having to work while he hangs out doing drugs and god only knows what else drawing my tax dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really still dont feel any better........You know it isnt about the money (knew I would never see it) it is the principal and gall.


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