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Rogene - your are so right - sometimes I just get caught up in my

emotions and don't think rationally. That's one of the reasons its

so great to share it with this group - you seem to put in into

perspective. Today is a better day. The weather is georgeous here,

and after church I grabbed my little dog and went to the park for a

long hike. Tomorrow is another day, and things can get done then!



> Cherie,


> Stress is bad for you . . . Just know that you can't

> do everything at once. . .


> Something that works for me when I feel

> stressed/overloaded is to make a list of the things I

> need to do . . . Then start down the list.

> Seeing things crossed off helps me feel like I've

> accomplished something. A list also helps me set my

> priorities. So many things can be accomplished in the

> few minutes one is waiting for a tub to fill, water to

> heat, etc. . .


> Keeping a daily journal will help you understand what

> is works and what doesn't.


> Something to watch for is the fumes from cleaning

> products . . . If you have to use them, open the

> windows and doors.


> I wonder if that's why they call it Spring cleaning???


> I hope tomorrow will be a better day!


> God Bless,


> Rogene


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--- Epsom salts are great, aren't they? Something I learned in my

training re: detox...very important for the toxins to be moving out

of the body. Some programs do not address this properly and they

just swim around in our bodies causing us malaise. A gentle herbal

laxative tea is great...and fibre, as much as the body can handle

without steady bathroom breaks! :) Aloe Vera Juice is phenomenal for

healing...some Cancer Institutes are using Herbalife's Aloe

Concentrate to cool cancer cells. It also heals the vilii in our

intestinal tract, which makes the " little fingers " stand up again to

absorb nutrients in our food. Oops, don't get me started!

I am so grateful for this site, as I was very ill and losing hope.

Alot of the natural cures are not working very well for me right now,

as the silicone toxicity is so high. It's been 20 yrs. for my

implants. I can't believe I got this operation! I am such a

believer in nature and natural approaches. Oh, well...No regrets,

that just causes more stress, right?

Love ya all alot!

Sunny :D

In , " auntsisnj " <auntsisnj@...> wrote:


> Thanks, Rogene. I just took an epsom salts bath. I'll be sure to

> crush the garlic before I eat it. I am without a doubt extremely

> toxic, I do not recognize the body I've got today, compared to the

> body I had just one short year ago. A week or two after getting

> implants, my body changed and just kept getting worse. For anyone

> who is reading this and worrying that you won't get well after

> explant, you've got a good chance of getting better with them out,

> but no chance of getting better with them in. I do believe I'll


> better, but because my body is so sensitive I am overly cautious

> when I seriously need to work on detoxing. The toxins are still

> trapped in my body, and that's why I'm still struggling.


> Sis





> >

> > Sis,

> >

> > I'm glad to hear you're going to start working on

> > detox. It's terribly important . . . Patty was sick

> > for years - until she started detoxing.

> >

> > It's great you're going to be tested!

> >

> > When you're really, really toxic, you can expect to

> > react more strongly . . . That's only more reason to

> > persist. Just start slowly and gradually increase

> > whatever you try. Thank your body for talking to you!

> > It will tell you what you need.

> >

> > Eating whole garlic won't do much. The chemical that

> > help is created when it's crushed. There is a

> > commercial garlic product (Kolic?) . . that freeze

> > dries garlic and claims to be still active. I've heard

> > of some that do well with it. It is costly though.

> >

> > I know it's a pain to detox - but it's also a pain to

> > be sick! . . . The rewards are well worth it though!

> > Just keep at it and don't let herxing be a deterrent.

> >

> > Hugs and prayers,

> >

> > Rogene

> >


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I just wanted to share some tips that work for me with eating garlic

to get it down. I like to cut it up and put it on a baked potato

with onion too. I don't know why, but I really can tolerate it that

way. I have also cut it up and put it with an egg in the morning.

Also I have diced it into cottage cheese and also added my flax seed

oil which incidentally is the only way I would take flax seed oil.

The cottage cheese is high in sulfur and makes sure that the oil is

taken up at the cellular level through sulfuration. I also can eat

garlic with cooked hamburger. Just eating by itself would make me

feel sick. I have actually come to love eating garlic this way. My

favorite is on a baked potato! Dale likes it too so we don't smell

to each other. However, I can't say other people can't smell it so

I try to do it on nights when we aren't going somewhere! LOL.

Hugs, Kathy


> Hi,

> Yes, garlic is wonderful but can smell. I find that if I eat

fresh parsley

> with it and after, it kills the smell. Worth a try, so get

chopping. !!



> -- Re: Re: venting


> Sis,


> I'm concerned that you're still having so many

> problems. . . What are you doing to detox? . . . Maybe

> we can suggest something that will help cut through

> all this! . . .


> I know raw, crushed, fresh garlic works wonders. . .

> How you get it down can be tricky . . . but it's worth

> it! . . . Just feed your hubby something with garlic

> so he doesn't get overwhelmed by the smell!n You can

> eat as many as 12 cloves a day (I've never gotten

> beyond five cloves though!)


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene





> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given


> licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or


> health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

mislead you.

> Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how

to live a

> happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,


> Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


> See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> http://.shutterfly.com/action/



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--Something I heard about eating garlic - I used to eat almost a

whole head of garlic in one day, until my Mom watched a health show

and someone shared about having a stroke from eating too much in one

day. That makes sense...anyway, I LOVE the stuff. Being Ukrainian

and raised on it, it makes it easier to consume. There is a Gourmet

Garlic website where you can order all kinds of garlic...they even

make your breath smell a different way. Oh, boy! Sounds like fun!

Take good care of yourselves, you gorgeous ladies!

- In , " mikat828 " <mikat828@...> wrote:



> I just wanted to share some tips that work for me with eating


> to get it down. I like to cut it up and put it on a baked potato

> with onion too. I don't know why, but I really can tolerate it


> way. I have also cut it up and put it with an egg in the morning.

> Also I have diced it into cottage cheese and also added my flax


> oil which incidentally is the only way I would take flax seed oil.

> The cottage cheese is high in sulfur and makes sure that the oil is

> taken up at the cellular level through sulfuration. I also can eat

> garlic with cooked hamburger. Just eating by itself would make me

> feel sick. I have actually come to love eating garlic this way.


> favorite is on a baked potato! Dale likes it too so we don't smell

> to each other. However, I can't say other people can't smell it so

> I try to do it on nights when we aren't going somewhere! LOL.

> Hugs, Kathy









> >

> > Hi,

> > Yes, garlic is wonderful but can smell. I find that if I eat

> fresh parsley

> > with it and after, it kills the smell. Worth a try, so get

> chopping. !!

> >

> >

> > -- Re: Re: venting

> >

> > Sis,

> >

> > I'm concerned that you're still having so many

> > problems. . . What are you doing to detox? . . . Maybe

> > we can suggest something that will help cut through

> > all this! . . .

> >

> > I know raw, crushed, fresh garlic works wonders. . .

> > How you get it down can be tricky . . . but it's worth

> > it! . . . Just feed your hubby something with garlic

> > so he doesn't get overwhelmed by the smell!n You can

> > eat as many as 12 cloves a day (I've never gotten

> > beyond five cloves though!)

> >

> > Hugs and prayers,

> >

> > Rogene

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice


> by

> > licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or

> licensed

> > health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.

> >

> > " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

> mislead you.

> > Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about


> to live a

> > happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,

> two-time

> > Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

> >

> > See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> > http://.shutterfly.com/action/

> >

> >

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I don't think the average person has to worry about

eating too much garlic . . . If they have a bleeding

problem or are taking blood thinners, they probably

already know it. . . In that case, they should be

following their doctors instructions.

There is an organized effort to negate virtually all

alternative treatments! . . . They takes money out of

the pockets of certain interest groups. When you see

statements made, and you are concerned, find out who's

behind them. . . There's one group called " Quackwatch "

that is the biggest quack of all! If they come out

with ANY prouncements, I'm inclined to favor the

opposite view without knowing anything but that it's

something they oppose!

It's getting late! . . . Gotta get to bed soon!

Hugs and prayers,


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--- I totally agree with you...we always have to seek out the source.

I spoke with naturopaths and herbalists re: this topic. Most agreed

that anything in excess was not necessary and just because things are

natural doesn't mean they can't hurt us. I try to be moderate, as I

have a tendency to overdo things.

Thank God for this site and your loving support, as I was overdoing

it in the isolation department. It feels really great to have come

out into the light and expose the shadows of depression and


Love, peace, joy Sunny :)

In , Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:


> Sunny,


> I don't think the average person has to worry about

> eating too much garlic . . . If they have a bleeding

> problem or are taking blood thinners, they probably

> already know it. . . In that case, they should be

> following their doctors instructions.


> There is an organized effort to negate virtually all

> alternative treatments! . . . They takes money out of

> the pockets of certain interest groups. When you see

> statements made, and you are concerned, find out who's

> behind them. . . There's one group called " Quackwatch "

> that is the biggest quack of all! If they come out

> with ANY prouncements, I'm inclined to favor the

> opposite view without knowing anything but that it's

> something they oppose!


> It's getting late! . . . Gotta get to bed soon!


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I would not say someone is socially inept because they have Aspies. I would say

they follow a different set of social rules. Aspies feel, hurt, and need just

like everyone else. We just have a different way of going about it that does

not make sense to others, and yours don't make sense to them. It is more or

less a communication, or cultural type difference.


<cmcintosh5@...> wrote: Yea really! What is up with the

suspension ?? I have a child who is very

passive but.. He is in the self contained classroom and a lot of his buddies

get suspended from the class! Well.. Isn't this WHY. ... They are in self

contained classrooms?? Should they provide a safe time out area?? I know

they have to protect my son... Etc.. Thank god they do.. But the suspensions

are NOT for attacks on other students.. I believe this is the only reason a

suspension should be in place.. When it must be there to ensure the safety

of the other students.. Otherwise.. Its time to socialize correctly in

school and time out is ok with me.

-- ( ) Venting

People just don't understand. They say just put him on meds, that

will be your lifeline. Can't he behave. ETC....

What bothers me the most is that people have no idea what the ****

they are talking about. Unless you are an aspie or have one, then

you don't know. My husband is an aspie and he helps me understand my

son. I work in special ed and I have a way better understanding of

the kids than the ones with the college degrees. They just do not

know how to discipline them or talk " TO " them. I do NOT agree with

how they handle the ASD kids. They don't treat like that

because I would " do a " and freak on them.

Social skills is definitely necessary and needs to be taught at

school also. But instead these kids get suspended, kicked out, etc.

Nobody wants to take time anymore. I do my best to teach ,

people see this, BUT he still has Aspergers and still reacts in

certain ways and I still get the nasty looks and comments. (even

from my co-workers). They tell me how do you do it, you must drink.

This is what you go through. Things like that. They even come up to

me and tell me that was not paying attention to them. OK-do

they want me to take out back and hang him. One aide told me

that wasn't focused during his sensory (SI) and that he must

be ADHD. I told her that is usually very focused. But if he

doesn't like you-he will not do anything for you. She said he

doesn't have to like me. My response was this is true but with AS

kids, it is how they are. will not work if to talk at him.

Talk to him and he will do everything. I don't think people with or

with out AS, understand what " talk to " or " talk at " mean.

When I try to tell people that has Asperges, they have no idea

what it is and of course I try and explain. I will say he is

socially inept. Some people just go " OH " and then walk away and

others just don't let there kids play with anymore, like it is

contagious. Thank goodness, I have a group of friends who completely

understand .

Thanks for letting me vent. If this makes no sense I am sorry, I

just kept typing.


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Guest guest

Yea really! What is up with the suspension ?? I have a child who is very

passive but.. He is in the self contained classroom and a lot of his buddies

get suspended from the class! Well.. Isn't this WHY. ... They are in self

contained classrooms?? Should they provide a safe time out area?? I know

they have to protect my son... Etc.. Thank god they do.. But the suspensions

are NOT for attacks on other students.. I believe this is the only reason a

suspension should be in place.. When it must be there to ensure the safety

of the other students.. Otherwise.. Its time to socialize correctly in

school and time out is ok with me.

-- ( ) Venting

People just don't understand. They say just put him on meds, that

will be your lifeline. Can't he behave. ETC....

What bothers me the most is that people have no idea what the ****

they are talking about. Unless you are an aspie or have one, then

you don't know. My husband is an aspie and he helps me understand my

son. I work in special ed and I have a way better understanding of

the kids than the ones with the college degrees. They just do not

know how to discipline them or talk " TO " them. I do NOT agree with

how they handle the ASD kids. They don't treat like that

because I would " do a " and freak on them.

Social skills is definitely necessary and needs to be taught at

school also. But instead these kids get suspended, kicked out, etc.

Nobody wants to take time anymore. I do my best to teach ,

people see this, BUT he still has Aspergers and still reacts in

certain ways and I still get the nasty looks and comments. (even

from my co-workers). They tell me how do you do it, you must drink.

This is what you go through. Things like that. They even come up to

me and tell me that was not paying attention to them. OK-do

they want me to take out back and hang him. One aide told me

that wasn't focused during his sensory (SI) and that he must

be ADHD. I told her that is usually very focused. But if he

doesn't like you-he will not do anything for you. She said he

doesn't have to like me. My response was this is true but with AS

kids, it is how they are. will not work if to talk at him.

Talk to him and he will do everything. I don't think people with or

with out AS, understand what " talk to " or " talk at " mean.

When I try to tell people that has Asperges, they have no idea

what it is and of course I try and explain. I will say he is

socially inept. Some people just go " OH " and then walk away and

others just don't let there kids play with anymore, like it is

contagious. Thank goodness, I have a group of friends who completely

understand .

Thanks for letting me vent. If this makes no sense I am sorry, I

just kept typing.


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  • 8 months later...

Sherry! I just want to run over there and give you a big hug. You are

definitely entitled to a pity-party of more than 7 minutes!

And frankly, who better to vent to than a group of people who are

sitting here nodding and totally " getting it! " I've been waiting for

my Enbrel/MTX to kick in for five weeks. No luck. :-( Doesn't it seem

like a longer wait when you're not feeling well?

I'm sorry to hear about your liver panels - and I hope you feel a bit

better soon. Just hang in there -and know that there are people who are

pulling for you!!

Lots of hugs,


[ ] Venting

I'm really fighting discouragement right now. I had to back down

from 6 to 5 MTX pills about 6 weeks ago due to high liver panels. My

blood work was OK 2 weeks later, but she still kept me on the lower

dose, but added Humira.

I've had 3 Humira injections so far and I know it's too early to

expect any miracles from it. But the lower dose of MTX, even just

that tiny reduction, has sent me spiraling downward - mostly in my


My eyes are terribly itchy and slightly crusty in the corners in the

a.m. (New symptom). My lower back has started as a new joint

problem. I've got new patches of P on scalp and legs and knuckles

plus my PPP on my hands and feet has just exploded and spread and

gone back to the open sores and cracks which had finally gotten so

much better. My sleep is terribly disturbed. I'm getting large

bruises on arms and legs and trunk. And the fatigue is creeping back


Saw the rheumy today and she says we have to be patient, of course.

Told me to take Tylenol PM to see if it will help my sleep. Promised

to let me go back up to 6 MTX pills if my liver panel looks OK

today. I figured I would go home, have a 7-minute pity party and

then get on with life and keep being patient for the Humira to kick


Just got a call, though, from the rheumy. My liver panel is high

*again* even on the lower dose of MTX! Also, my platelets are low.

I have to go back Monday for more bloodwork and she's also scheduling

me for an ultrasound of my liver. Meanwhile the plan is to keep on

the Humira a full 3 months in hopes it will start to work for me. If

it does, she will take me completely off the MTX which I dread

because I understand that both Enbrel and Humira tend to work better

in combo with MTX. I guess if the liver panel Monday, or the

ultrasound, is bad she will take me off the MTX immediately. I fear

that will set me back to where I was last spring.

OK, my 7 minutes are up. Thanks for listening.

tying a knot in the end of my rope to hang onto,

sherry z ;)

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Thanks, Patty (and Sandy also for the private mail). I so much

appreciate being able to *scream* every once in a while and know that

people understand.

I went into my kitchen and cooked for the last hour or so and I feel

*much* better. How blessed I am to still be able to cook! That gave

me some much needed perspective. It's therapy for me. I made a

couple of filet mignons with sauteed mushrooms to go over them. Some

pan sauteed brussel sprouts with shallots. Some yellow squash with

onions. Baked potatoes. And a beautiful spinach salad with Roma

tomatoes, feta cheese, dried black calamata olives, dried figs (from

my own trees!) and green onions. My husband will enjoy an incredible

feast tonight! I wish I could invite you ALL over to share.

My sister who is a retired nurse advised me NOT to take the Tylenol

PM, which the doc had suggested *before* she got the results of my

blook work. Sis advised me to wait and ask the doc Monday what else

I might take, since the Tylenol can be hard on the liver, too.

I know so many on the board are struggling much more than I am. My

best regards to all for a good weekend.


sherry z


> Sherry! I just want to run over there and give you a big hug. You


> definitely entitled to a pity-party of more than 7 minutes!

> And frankly, who better to vent to than a group of people who are

> sitting here nodding and totally " getting it! " I've been waiting


> my Enbrel/MTX to kick in for five weeks. No luck. :-( Doesn't it


> like a longer wait when you're not feeling well?


> I'm sorry to hear about your liver panels - and I hope you feel a


> better soon. Just hang in there -and know that there are people

who are

> pulling for you!!


> Lots of hugs,


> Patty


> [ ] Venting


> I'm really fighting discouragement right now. I had to back down

> from 6 to 5 MTX pills about 6 weeks ago due to high liver panels.


> blood work was OK 2 weeks later, but she still kept me on the lower

> dose, but added Humira.


> I've had 3 Humira injections so far and I know it's too early to

> expect any miracles from it. But the lower dose of MTX, even just

> that tiny reduction, has sent me spiraling downward - mostly in my

> skin.


> My eyes are terribly itchy and slightly crusty in the corners in


> a.m. (New symptom). My lower back has started as a new joint

> problem. I've got new patches of P on scalp and legs and knuckles

> plus my PPP on my hands and feet has just exploded and spread and

> gone back to the open sores and cracks which had finally gotten so

> much better. My sleep is terribly disturbed. I'm getting large

> bruises on arms and legs and trunk. And the fatigue is creeping


> insidiously.


> Saw the rheumy today and she says we have to be patient, of course.

> Told me to take Tylenol PM to see if it will help my sleep.


> to let me go back up to 6 MTX pills if my liver panel looks OK

> today. I figured I would go home, have a 7-minute pity party and

> then get on with life and keep being patient for the Humira to kick

> in.


> Just got a call, though, from the rheumy. My liver panel is high

> *again* even on the lower dose of MTX! Also, my platelets are low.

> I have to go back Monday for more bloodwork and she's also


> me for an ultrasound of my liver. Meanwhile the plan is to keep on

> the Humira a full 3 months in hopes it will start to work for me.


> it does, she will take me completely off the MTX which I dread

> because I understand that both Enbrel and Humira tend to work


> in combo with MTX. I guess if the liver panel Monday, or the

> ultrasound, is bad she will take me off the MTX immediately. I fear

> that will set me back to where I was last spring.


> OK, my 7 minutes are up. Thanks for listening.


> tying a knot in the end of my rope to hang onto,

> sherry z ;)





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I'm sorry for what you are going through. I've been there before and

it's not fun. I think your rhuemy should know better than to suggest

tylenol pm or any tylenol for that matter if your liver enzymes are

up. NSAIDS can be as much if not more of a problem for our liver

panels as mtx. Might want to mention that. There are safer

alternatives. Good luck.


> I'm really fighting discouragement right now. I had to back down

> from 6 to 5 MTX pills about 6 weeks ago due to high liver panels.


> blood work was OK 2 weeks later, but she still kept me on the lower

> dose, but added Humira.


> I've had 3 Humira injections so far and I know it's too early to

> expect any miracles from it. But the lower dose of MTX, even just

> that tiny reduction, has sent me spiraling downward - mostly in my

> skin.


> My eyes are terribly itchy and slightly crusty in the corners in


> a.m. (New symptom). My lower back has started as a new joint

> problem. I've got new patches of P on scalp and legs and knuckles

> plus my PPP on my hands and feet has just exploded and spread and

> gone back to the open sores and cracks which had finally gotten so

> much better. My sleep is terribly disturbed. I'm getting large

> bruises on arms and legs and trunk. And the fatigue is creeping


> insidiously.


> Saw the rheumy today and she says we have to be patient, of


> Told me to take Tylenol PM to see if it will help my sleep.


> to let me go back up to 6 MTX pills if my liver panel looks OK

> today. I figured I would go home, have a 7-minute pity party and

> then get on with life and keep being patient for the Humira to kick

> in.


> Just got a call, though, from the rheumy. My liver panel is high

> *again* even on the lower dose of MTX! Also, my platelets are


> I have to go back Monday for more bloodwork and she's also


> me for an ultrasound of my liver. Meanwhile the plan is to keep on

> the Humira a full 3 months in hopes it will start to work for me.


> it does, she will take me completely off the MTX which I dread

> because I understand that both Enbrel and Humira tend to work


> in combo with MTX. I guess if the liver panel Monday, or the

> ultrasound, is bad she will take me off the MTX immediately. I


> that will set me back to where I was last spring.


> OK, my 7 minutes are up. Thanks for listening.


> tying a knot in the end of my rope to hang onto,

> sherry z ;)


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Thanks! My rheumy suggested the Tylenol *before* we got the report of

the high liver enzymes.


> I'm sorry for what you are going through. I've been there before and

> it's not fun. I think your rhuemy should know better than to suggest

> tylenol pm or any tylenol for that matter if your liver enzymes are

> up. NSAIDS can be as much if not more of a problem for our liver

> panels as mtx. Might want to mention that. There are safer

> alternatives. Good luck.

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I have the same problems with mtx ask your doctor about arava spelling

might not be right. but it is worth a try.

S. Zorzi wrote:


> I'm really fighting discouragement right now. I had to back down

> from 6 to 5 MTX pills about 6 weeks ago due to high liver panels. My

> blood work was OK 2 weeks later, but she still kept me on the lower

> dose, but added Humira.


> I've had 3 Humira injections so far and I know it's too early to

> expect any miracles from it. But the lower dose of MTX, even just

> that tiny reduction, has sent me spiraling downward - mostly in my

> skin.


> My eyes are terribly itchy and slightly crusty in the corners in the

> a.m. (New symptom). My lower back has started as a new joint

> problem. I've got new patches of P on scalp and legs and knuckles

> plus my PPP on my hands and feet has just exploded and spread and

> gone back to the open sores and cracks which had finally gotten so

> much better. My sleep is terribly disturbed. I'm getting large

> bruises on arms and legs and trunk. And the fatigue is creeping back

> insidiously.


> Saw the rheumy today and she says we have to be patient, of course.

> Told me to take Tylenol PM to see if it will help my sleep. Promised

> to let me go back up to 6 MTX pills if my liver panel looks OK

> today. I figured I would go home, have a 7-minute pity party and

> then get on with life and keep being patient for the Humira to kick

> in.


> Just got a call, though, from the rheumy. My liver panel is high

> *again* even on the lower dose of MTX! Also, my platelets are low.

> I have to go back Monday for more bloodwork and she's also scheduling

> me for an ultrasound of my liver. Meanwhile the plan is to keep on

> the Humira a full 3 months in hopes it will start to work for me. If

> it does, she will take me completely off the MTX which I dread

> because I understand that both Enbrel and Humira tend to work better

> in combo with MTX. I guess if the liver panel Monday, or the

> ultrasound, is bad she will take me off the MTX immediately. I fear

> that will set me back to where I was last spring.


> OK, my 7 minutes are up. Thanks for listening.


> tying a knot in the end of my rope to hang onto,

> sherry z ;)



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Thanks for the input. For now, we are sticking with the MTX - it

worked so well for me initially. I went for me blood retest yesterday

and the platelets are back to normal. Does anyone else have a problem

with platelets falling low after dosing with either MTX or Humira or

both? She told me to stay on the 5 pill dose and continue the Humira

for now.

I had the liver ultrasound today. That has me a little worried since

there is a history of primary liver cancer in my family - my mom died

of it. The technician who did the ultrasound lost his wife to liver

cancer last year at age 45. I think he was especially thorough in doing

the scan, which I appreciate. If the results are good, I will

definitely relax because I know he did such a thorough job. I should

hear something Thursday or Friday.

best regards,

sherry z


> I have the same problems with mtx ask your doctor about arava


> might not be right. but it is worth a try.


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hey, i just read your post. your rheumy told you to take tylenol pm?

mine just told me to throw away. that it causes high liver panels. and

told me to quit my mtx. " what say you? " :)...casey

> >

> > I'm really fighting discouragement right now. I had to back down

> > from 6 to 5 MTX pills about 6 weeks ago due to high liver panels. My

> > blood work was OK 2 weeks later, but she still kept me on the lower

> > dose, but added Humira.

> >

> > I've had 3 Humira injections so far and I know it's too early to

> > expect any miracles from it. But the lower dose of MTX, even just

> > that tiny reduction, has sent me spiraling downward - mostly in my

> > skin.

> >

> > My eyes are terribly itchy and slightly crusty in the corners in the

> > a.m. (New symptom). My lower back has started as a new joint

> > problem. I've got new patches of P on scalp and legs and knuckles

> > plus my PPP on my hands and feet has just exploded and spread and

> > gone back to the open sores and cracks which had finally gotten so

> > much better. My sleep is terribly disturbed. I'm getting large

> > bruises on arms and legs and trunk. And the fatigue is creeping back

> > insidiously.

> >

> > Saw the rheumy today and she says we have to be patient, of course.

> > Told me to take Tylenol PM to see if it will help my sleep. Promised

> > to let me go back up to 6 MTX pills if my liver panel looks OK

> > today. I figured I would go home, have a 7-minute pity party and

> > then get on with life and keep being patient for the Humira to kick

> > in.

> >

> > Just got a call, though, from the rheumy. My liver panel is high

> > *again* even on the lower dose of MTX! Also, my platelets are low.

> > I have to go back Monday for more bloodwork and she's also


> > me for an ultrasound of my liver. Meanwhile the plan is to keep on

> > the Humira a full 3 months in hopes it will start to work for me. If

> > it does, she will take me completely off the MTX which I dread

> > because I understand that both Enbrel and Humira tend to work better

> > in combo with MTX. I guess if the liver panel Monday, or the

> > ultrasound, is bad she will take me off the MTX immediately. I fear

> > that will set me back to where I was last spring.

> >

> > OK, my 7 minutes are up. Thanks for listening.

> >

> > tying a knot in the end of my rope to hang onto,

> > sherry z ;)

> >

> >


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At the time she told me to try 1 Tylenol PM to help me sleep my liver

panels had been normal. The same day is the day I got the blood work

that showed slight elevation. Obviously, I won't take the Tylenol

until liver numbers return to normal.

There are a lot of factors that affect liver enzyme levels -

medications (inclucing NSAIDs as well as others), alcohol consumption

or history of it, fatty deposits in the liver, hepatitis,

hemachromatosis, other liver diseases unrelated to the PA, etc.

What one person can tolerate, another may not. Some people can take

Naproxen AND Tylenol AND MTX without having it affect the liver.

Others find that any one of those causes serious elevation of liver


The factors affecting inflammation, P, PA, and liver function are multi-

layered and complex. That's why it's so difficult to diagnose and

treat PA and why there is no one-size-fits-all solution.


sherry z





> hey, i just read your post. your rheumy told you to take tylenol pm?

> mine just told me to throw away. that it causes high liver panels. and

> told me to quit my mtx. " what say you? " :)...casey

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  • 2 months later...
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Hello Kim, I wasn't going to respond for a while, but just read, read, read. But the part you said about the therapist. I would strongly advise you to find another one... someone that understands autism/aspergers and can support and help you with your situation. We are in therapy for a long time, and my therapist is so understanding and supports us all. He has helped us so much, and I've seen so much progress with my kids because of him. I know when he retires, we will never find another therapist like him. But my point is, Your therapist doesn't understand your situation, so how can she help? She is only making you feel like your not parenting your children right. and that's not the case. You will see a big difference when you find the right therapist. Your son needs help and support with working with his

'anger' (controlling it) A social skills class wont hurt either. About your house. I would like to see anyone have a perfect house when facing these concerns. (2 hr. rage) Also, you are far from stupid!!! You are enforcing the safety of your child. (no helmet, no bike). You are trying so hard to find a doctor/therapist that understands your child and accepts you medical insurance. Your dealing with a school that doesn't want to help you in any way.(won't let you scan/e-mail your child's homework, or listen to you). You are exhausted and not getting any help no-matter who you go to. Would it be appropriate for me to ask you if you can start from scratch again. Look for another Doctor/Therapist that is familiar with autism/aspergers. they are out there. you need to shop around for them on top of your already full busy schedule. Sometimes 'convenience' is worse than

'traveling' for a good support team. (doctors, therapist). You are a 'great mom' and when you get the support you and your son needs, you will see it gets better. *smile*maternalcaregiver <mcgkcc@...> wrote: Well we- actually I- finished the dreaded globe project. It's far from perfect, but he has something to turn in tomorrow.Yesterday he had a 2 hour "rage" that really scared me and his sister,but once over was okay. He was angry his sister would not play a game with him they had

not finished before we had to run some errands. Simple yet he was SO ANGRY. So tired of telling the docs however, I feel like a broken record and a stupid mom. Therapist last Thursday told me I need to realize I'm the parent and I'm in charge. I do, and I try hard. He's not NT, she's childless, and has no clue what we deal with daily.Trying to clean my literally filthy house, and my 10 yo son flat REFUSES to help even a little bit. He likes the house dirty. HA !!! UGH !!! He also just took apart the bicycle hemlet I bought him yesterday !!! UGH !!!!! He does not want to waer one, fine I told him no bike then. I'm taking deep breaths and trying to get thru this weekend. Just sent both of them down the road to "play" for 30 minutes. Hopefully he will not get in a fight with anyone ???? I need a short break. Kim - one tired MamaConner - 10 yo, AS/BP??/ADD Lexapro,Seroquel, ConcertaKayleigh- 8 yo,

NTny- works 2 jobs- sleeps all day, no helpGeorgia

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I agree with the previous poster - find another therapist! And talk to the doc dispensing the medication so you can work to find a med mix that might work better. It's so important to find help now because as he gets bigger, these rages can have worse consequences. And of course, if he goes off at school, they may call the police and cause even more problems. You aren't a bad mom - you are in a tough situation!

RoxannaAutism Happens

( ) Venting

Well we- actually I- finished the dreaded globe project. It's far from perfect, but he has something to turn in tomorrow.Yesterday he had a 2 hour "rage" that really scared me and his sister,but once over was okay. He was angry his sister would not play a game with him they had not finished before we had to run some errands. Simple yet he was SO ANGRY. So tired of telling the docs however, I feel like a broken record and a stupid mom. Therapist last Thursday told me I need to realize I'm the parent and I'm in charge. I do, and I try hard. He's not NT, she's childless, and has no clue what we deal with daily.Trying to clean my literally filthy house, and my 10 yo son flat REFUSES to help even a little bit. He likes the house dirty. HA !!! UGH !!! He also just took apart the bicycle hemlet I bought him yesterday !!! UGH !!!!! He does not want to waer one, fine I told him no bike then. I'm taking deep breaths and trying to get thru this weekend. Just sent both of them down the road to "play" for 30 minutes. Hopefully he will not get in a fight with anyone ???? I need a short break. Kim - one tired MamaConner - 10 yo, AS/BP??/ADD Lexapro,Seroquel, ConcertaKayleigh- 8 yo, NTny- works 2 jobs- sleeps all day, no helpGeorgia

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Rose had a GREAT reply! I have to agree with her and

Roxanna. Find another therapist. I know it's

exhausting to try and do that on top of everything

else that's exhausting, but if it will help in the

long run.....

We had to find another therapist as well. We'd never

really gone with someone for the issues since

was 3, and we got nowhere then. He was 9 when we

started up again (had finally gotten a diagnosis), and

the first person off the bat kept medicating him. One

didn't work, so we'd go to another. It got to be

really bad because the medicine actually caused rages

(wonderful old Paxil-which, in the beginning was

GREAT!), and we didn't know what to do. We were on the

verge of hospitalization and I was just so distraught

over what to do and it was just tearing our household

apart! So we switched therapists. Which, in turn, had

us take him off all meds except Prozac for his OCD,

but since then, he's been " managable " . Only defiant

when he doesn't want to do his chores, mainly.

We all know what it's like to be exhausted. It's NOT

an easy thing to deal with. All of us have been there.

And, unfortunately, a lot of us, (including myself),

have had to learn to rant and rave to get what we

want. Not literally, but we have had to get on schools

to get what our child needs. For us, the middle school

has been the worst. The teachers are just so uncaring

and think they know how to deal with the students

better than we, the parents (who research and have a

psych on call.)

We all learn to take deep breaths and continue on.

Keep hounding the school. Make them listen. I had the

worst time in 6th grade and they just wouldn't listen.

I hadn't gotten to the point where I would stand on my

own 2 feet. But I learned (thanks to this group!) to

really get in there. I found my " voice " and let them

know what I was willing to sacrifice and what I

wasn't. And they had to learn to put up with it! When

my son transitioned from 7th-grade to 8th- he was

going to another school (they broke the grades up to

try and accomodate the number of students so they

built a new school for 8th and 9th). The case manager

had taken 8 of my son's accomodations away for the

next year. The representative from the new school

asked questions and they found that 6 of the 8 needed

to be placed back in the IEP!!!!!

It's exhausting dealing with school as well. I am

having to deal with it even for my daughter who had

surgery on the 6th and can't take P.E. I think all of

us should get paid (somehow) for all the work and

fighting we do for our children because the school

lacks sooooooooooooooooo much. In accomodations, in

willingness to learn to deal with our children, in

willingness to HELP our children, etc. I'm sure we all

work harder than they ever did!!!!

Hang in there. I know it's tough. I have forgotten how

to breathe properly and don't know how to relax

anymore from having to deal with my son. He's going to

be 15 in June, and each day is a new day for all of

us. I am taking one day at a time now. My husband

asked me yesterday what we were going to do for

Memorial Day and all I could say is that I have to get

through tomorrow (today) first. And that I was taking

each day at a time. I've found that, in itself, is a

great accomplishment!

I also started doing choir. It's a great time-out for

me! The group of people become a bunch of jueveniles

for the evening and we have a lot of fun. It's a great

time to get away and be just Melinda. Not so and so's

mom, or Tom's wife. I'm just me for that 90 min! I've

even been able to take on a secretary's role for it.

So, if there is any way that you could spend time away

just doing something for yourself, do it. And then,

it's back " work " . I'm sitting here this morning,

getting ready to work on 's IEP. It just never


Take care.

Melinda, mom to

, 14, AS, ADHD, OCD

Casey, 12 going on 15 AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

, 6, speech delay, possible CAPD

Zac, 5 months!!!! Cute as can be! :)

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THANKS for everyone's replies and suggestions from my " vent " session.


> Kim - one tired Mama

> Conner - 10 yo, AS/BP??/ADD Lexapro,Seroquel, Concerta

> Kayleigh- 8 yo, NT

> ny- works 2 jobs- sleeps all day, no help

> Georgia


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  • 1 month later...
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I took Anbiem instead of Klonapin last night.

Today, my hands and feet are numb and tingling.....feel sweaty and hyper,


Am I going through withdrawl from only one 2 mg Klonapin a night?

I have been taking it for a couple of years.




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(((((((Joy))))))))) hugs for you

Congratulations on getting your son through school..... that is a huge

accomplishment not just for the child, but for the parent too - it takes work on

our part too!!!

It's 3:30 Am and I can't settle down to sleep - every time I lay down my muscles

start trying to cramp up - I overdid it today...and now I am paying for it. I

am weaning of the Prednisone too...

I hope you have a better day today - try to just take care of you today, if you




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Thanks Rose

I am going to take half a day of vacation today.

I would love to have a jacuzzi right about now.

Take care and good luck weaning off the preddie.


Rose Paterson <mom2rkd@...> wrote:

(((((((Joy))))))))) hugs for you

Congratulations on getting your son through school..... that is a huge

accomplishment not just for the child, but for the parent too - it takes work on

our part too!!!

It's 3:30 Am and I can't settle down to sleep - every time I lay down my muscles

start trying to cramp up - I overdid it today...and now I am paying for it. I am

weaning of the Prednisone too...

I hope you have a better day today - try to just take care of you today, if you




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Girl, you deserve to whine!!!! Wow, I don't know how you managed it

all. Notta good time to go off that prednisone, that's for darn

sure. If your feeling that bad, I believe I would take some for a few

days anyway, make sure you contact your doc though. I know it's hard

when your trying to wean off it. Oh, find that Lortab, it will help

quite a bit too. I was given Darvocet when I was first diagnosed with

RA, all it did was make me sick at my stomach. You might try rubbing

some type of med cream on your feet such as:aspercream, ben-gay, icy-

hot, etc. I think that stuff would help a whole lot more then ice

water, ouch! Try to rest now, and you should get pampered a little

bit from, especially from your son:)

PS:You might ask your doc for a Toradol shot, that might make you feel

better, just a thought.

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tdianaok wrote:


> >You might try rubbing

> some type of med cream on your feet such as:aspercream, ben-gay, icy-

> hot, etc.


Not too much, though. I read just toay that a girl died from using too

much of that stuff. I'll see if I can find the link for the story.


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