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Re: Colostrum hand-tailered to lyme?

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I would sure be interested to know more about this, too. As far as Transfer

Factor, BioImmune, etc -- in what way do you all see this helping? It is SO

expensive, it would be great to hear some good, solid reasons to spend the


Thanks in advance,


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You can't contact former Congressman Bedell personally, or if you can

I have no idea how.

I am going to do the colostrum thing myself so I'll keep you all

posted but it won't happen until February/March.

Bedell used a cow, a guy was doing this for people, and he had dead

spirochetes injected into the udder a few weeks before calving. Thus

antibodies to lyme were in the colostrum. This is apparently illegal

practice of medicine--the feds got on the farmer and stopped him.

My friend and I bought goats. He is keeping the goats as he's on a

farm in Catskills. They are pregnant, both of them and will have

babies in February/March (goats have 5 mos pregnancy). A month

before or so, we're going to do the same, but I'm not sure of the

protocol yet--but I don't like the dead ketes idea. Even if I could

get hold of them what if my strain is wild-type which I believe it is

as it made me so friggin' sick so fast and it was western

connecticut. And secndly I also have bad candida for many years and

I'd like some antibodies to that. So I want to use my own blood.

But I have to find out the protocol.

Goats are cheap ($150) cows are expesnive ($2000) and mammal milk is

mammal milk.

So there is nothing more to do right now as I dn't personally know

ANYbody who has done this and it could be a waste of time. But its

not very much $ or effort and it might work, so if it DOES< then

everybody else can follow suit but goats only like to get pregnant in

the fall and have babies in the spring.

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You can't get goats for that price up here but maybe at your farm.

In our area $150 for a Nubian goat was a very good price. In

addition goats are smaller and cheaper to feed. Thanx for the tip on

raw milk, I believe the protocol for Bedell was to mix it with

regular colsotrum, half and half, and freeze it, and take a few

tablespoons a day. I think freezing would probably kill many though

not all pathogens if there were any.

As for raw goats milk and tick fevers--I think if someone is like the

Amish living in a rural endemic area and farming, it's very hard to

know where they got their " tick fever " --don't you? Why do you feel

its raw milk and why do you feel its tick fever?

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I'd like to see where this came from...

At 11:10 AM 10/28/2002 -0700, you wrote:

> " 1) Congressman Bedell left office because of lyme, tried IV rocephin 3

>times, and finally used colostrum hand-tailored to his condition (inject

>dead spirochetes in udder of cow before it calves) and claims it cured him "



>Anyone know where he got colostrum for Lyme? Transfer Factor is working

>for me but I'd love to be able to get it tailored for Lyme! And how can I

>contact former congressman Bedell?








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Can people please do me a favor and if they request me to do further

research, just say please and thanx? Sometimes I get frustrated on

this list as well as lymenet when I do a lot of research or offer

helpful information and from some people what I get back is, Do more,

explain this, reference that....as if I were applying for my thesis

to my doctoral advisor, or I was being paid as a research assistant

and hadn't done quite the job...

Just a polite request.

That said:




From The Cancer Chronicles #26

© Feb. 1995 by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.

An unusual medical controversy has erupted in Blue Earth country,

Minnesota (southwest of Minneapolis) over an unusual treatment for

cancer, Lyme disease, MS and other ailments.The defendant is Herbert

Saunders, a local dairy farmer, who sells pregnant cows to people

with advanced diseases. The patient then has his or her blood drawn,

and this is then injected into the pregnant cow's udder. When the cow

gives birth, the patient drink its antibody rich colostrum (first

milk) in the form of whey (the serum or watery part of the milk).

There have been reports of dramatic improvement on this non-toxic

treatment. The whey treatment became well-known after Rep. Berkley

Bedell, from the neighboring state of Iowa, reported that it cured

him of his Lyme disease-related arthritis several years ago. Bedell,

a recent finalist for Coping magazine's Hero Award, is scheduled to

testify on Saunders' behalf.

The state prosecutors consider this an " udderly " worthless treatment.

They contend that Saunders is a common charlatan, who is selling

people astronomically priced milk. They also claim that his injection

technique constitutes cruelty to animals. This is ironic, since

(according to the Encyclopedia Britannica) the local economy

is " centered on a prosperous hog market. " The last time we looked,

hog butchering was no less cruel than giving a cow an injection in

her udder.

The cows sold for only one or two thousand dollars (their market

value) and Saunders is hardly well-prepared financially for this

legal assault. In fact, he is practically bankrupt and his attorney,

Calvin of Mankato, along with two legal assistants are

working on a volunteer basis, because they believe so strongly in the

cause of medical freedom. (They can be reached at 507-345-4545 or

faxed at 507-387-1005.)

Aside from some rather astonishing anecdotes, is there any scientific

rationale behind this rustic treatment? There is, and it centers

around a substance called " transfer factor " (TF), which was discovered

by H.S. Lawrence of New York University in 1949. This has been used

experimentally for decades. It is a long-established fact that there

can be a transfer of immunity (say, sensitivity to the TB organism)

from the blood of one individual to another. TF is actually a mixture

of at least 200 different chemicals normally found in the blood.

According to one orthodox history book, " transfer factor has been

applied clinically with some success in...a variety of viral and

mycotic [i.e., fungal, ed.] disease. "

Dr. Lawrence's problem was that he was too far ahead of his time. In

fact, he discovered TF six years before anyone even knew that

lymphocytes (white blood cells) had anything to do with immunity! In

a sense, it was rediscovered as a treatment by Hugh Fudenberg, M.D.

of So. Carolina in 1970. Fudenberg is also scheduled to testify in

Saunders' defense.

TF has now been tried against many diseases, including cancer.

Fudenberg recently reviewed the results in a peer-reviewed medical

paper. While the outcome in breast cancer were rather disappointing

(because, he feels, of incomplete knowledge of how to best give the

treatment), a recent test in highly malignant osteosarcoma (bone

cancer), was promising. Seven control patients all died by 24 months.

But five of the six patients who received TFafter surgery " were alive

and disease-free " at the end of 24 months " and also at last follow-

up, 100-120 months after therapy. " This increase in survival was due

to the prevention of lung metastases. Saunders provided his folk

variation on this sophisticated treatment to patients who in many

cases have been abandoned by conventional medicine.


The following document is from Saunders' defense committee.

· We the People of the State of Minnesota are guaranteed access to

colostrum, the first milk of birthing female animals.

We the People have the right to choose viable health treatments for

our bodies.

We the People possess fundamental rights of privacy, fundamental

rights of liberty, common-law rights of self-determination, and

fundamental rights of Nature.

We the People assert our right to speak freely about our health.

We the People preserve our right to act upon our knowledge to improve

and maintain health.

We the People proclaim our rights, as farmers, to sell and peddle our


We the People claim our right to buy the products of the farm or

garden from those who occupy and cultivate either.

We the People proclaim that the laws protect those who seek

unconventional means of improving and maintaining health equally with

those who seek conventional treatments.



From The Cancer Chronicles #27

© May 1995 by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.

The trial of Herb Saunders for using a non-toxic " whey " treatment for

cancer, Lyme disease, and other ailments (CC #26) ended in a

mistrial. The jury deliberated for ten hours without reaching a


" My heart sings with the eagle for the one lone dissenting juror, "

wrote Saunders' attorney, Calvin P. . But in mid-March, the

Watonwan County, Minnesota Attorney announced that he would re-

prosecute the Odin dairy farmer for practicing medicine without a

license; but there will be no trial for at least six more months.

Saunders remains under restrictions not to sell colostrum from which

the whey is derived. Saunders may ask the higher courts to declare

Minnesota's Practicing Medicine statue unconstitutional....




From The Cancer Chronicles #32-#33

© June 1996 by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.

On 5/20/96, a mistrial was declared in the case of Mr. Herbert

Saunders, the Odin, Minnesota dairy farmer who has been accused of

practicing medicine without a license. The jury in the four-day trial

failed to reach a verdict. This follows a hung jury last year as

well.The trial's outcome was hailed as " a victory for individual

rights, " according to the 67-year-old Saunders.

" It showed one thing to me. People want the right to do as they

choose. That's the way this country is set up to be. " He may however

be retried by the district attorney. Saunders was first arrested in

1993 when an undercover drug enforcement officer, posing as a cancer

patient, visited Saunders' dairy farm, ostensibly seeking treatment.

He secretly recorded conversations in which Mr. Saunders spoke of the

therapeutic benefit of colostrum, the cow's first milk after giving

birth. The agent then bought both some milk and a cow from Saunders,

with money that had been earmarked for the removal of illicit drugs

from Watonwan County.

The agent had his own blood removed by a medical doctor and then

infused it into the udder of the purchased cow. The purpose of this

procedure was to prepare an immune response in the colostrum.

This sounds far-out, but is closely related to a well-known treatment

called " transfer factor, " which was discovered by Dr. Henry S.

Lawrence at New York University in the 1950s and further researched

by , MD, later president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering

Cancer Center.

The defense team, which largely represented Saunders pro bono,

ridiculed the state's argument that curds and whey were dangerous

drugs, on a par with heroin.

" The real issue in this case is the State's attempt to silence Mr.

Saunders' incredible knowledge about colostrum, " declared Calvin

, one of Saunders' attorneys (507-345-4545). " He is being

prosecuted for talking about what he knows. "



Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. is director of the The Moss Reports for cancer

patients. Dr. Moss is the author of eleven books and three

documentaries on cancer-related topics. He is or has been an advisor

on alternative cancer treatments to the National Institutes of

Health, the National Cancer Institute, the American Urological

Association, Columbia University, the University of Texas, the

G. Komen Foundation and the German Society of Oncology. He wrote the

first article on alternative medicine for the Encyclopedia Britannica

yearbook. He is listed in Marquis Who's Who in America, Who's Who in

the World, Who's Who in the East, and Who's Who in Entertainment (as

a film documentarian). This Web site does not advocate any particular

treatment for cancer. We urge you to always seek competent medical

advice for all health problems, especially cancer. Before consulting

our site please read our full Disclaimer statement



And from Bedell's testimony:

" Mr Chairman, and members of this committee, I appreciate this

opportunity to communicate to you some of my findings since leaving

the United States Congress.

" I served six terms in the US House of Representatives from 1975

through 1986 as a liberal Democrat representing a conservative

Republican district in Northwest Iowa. I believe I therefore have a

unique appreciation of the problems facing legislators such as you,

as you grapple with issues such as this.

" I left Congress because I contracted Lyme Disease from a tick

bite. I was treated with conventional treatments three times; each

day I had a strong injection into my vein for periods of three, four,

and six weeks. Each time I would feel better for three or four weeks

and then my symptoms would return. Finally, I turned to an

unconventional treatment.

" Let me tell you about that treatment. There is a firm in Iowa

that makes veterinary medicine by injecting killed germs into the

udder of a cow, prior to the time that the cow has a calf. They then

take the first milk that comes after the birth of the calf, which is

called colostrum, and process it into whey, so it will keep. The

theory is that the cow will communicate the disease to the unborn

calf, and then develop in the colostrum what is needed to cure the

calf of the disease it has contracted from the mother.

" I obtained some killed spirochetes that cause Lyme Disease. I

took them to the firm that makes the veterinary medicine and they ran

them through a cow. I took one tablespoon of the whey every hour

while I was awake. My symptoms disappeared, and I clearly no longer

have Lyme Disease.

" This treatment cost about $500 as compared to the approximately

$26,000 that had been spent on my unsuccessful pharmaceutical

treatments. "




That should be enough.

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Well the truth is I have no idea what statements anybody is going to

want me to validate or explore further or come up with further

research. You might have asked me to validate the guy who got well

doing saunas, or ask someone else to validate the various comments

about bee sting therapy. I just appreciate politeness as there is an

odd feeling sometimes on these lists that people owe them

information. Whenever I find information interesting I then go do a

search on the web for it myself. It's easy enough to put " Bedell

lyme " into google. Thanx again.

> >Can people please do me a favor and if they request me to do


> >research, just say please and thanx? Sometimes I get frustrated on

> >this list as well as lymenet when I do a lot of research or offer

> >helpful information and from some people what I get back is, Do


> >explain this, reference that....as if I were applying for my thesis

> >to my doctoral advisor, or I was being paid as a research assistant

> >and hadn't done quite the job...

> >

> >Just a polite request.

> >

> >That said:

> >




> >

> > From The Cancer Chronicles #26

> >© Feb. 1995 by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.

> >

> >An unusual medical controversy has erupted in Blue Earth country,

> >Minnesota (southwest of Minneapolis) over an unusual treatment for

> >cancer, Lyme disease, MS and other ailments.The defendant is


> >Saunders, a local dairy farmer, who sells pregnant cows to people

> >with advanced diseases. The patient then has his or her blood


> >and this is then injected into the pregnant cow's udder. When the


> >gives birth, the patient drink its antibody rich colostrum (first

> >milk) in the form of whey (the serum or watery part of the milk).

> >

> >There have been reports of dramatic improvement on this non-toxic

> >treatment. The whey treatment became well-known after Rep. Berkley

> >Bedell, from the neighboring state of Iowa, reported that it cured

> >him of his Lyme disease-related arthritis several years ago.


> >a recent finalist for Coping magazine's Hero Award, is scheduled to

> >testify on Saunders' behalf.

> >

> >The state prosecutors consider this an " udderly " worthless


> >They contend that Saunders is a common charlatan, who is selling

> >people astronomically priced milk. They also claim that his


> >technique constitutes cruelty to animals. This is ironic, since

> >(according to the Encyclopedia Britannica) the local economy

> >is " centered on a prosperous hog market. " The last time we looked,

> >hog butchering was no less cruel than giving a cow an injection in

> >her udder.

> >

> >The cows sold for only one or two thousand dollars (their market

> >value) and Saunders is hardly well-prepared financially for this

> >legal assault. In fact, he is practically bankrupt and his


> >Calvin of Mankato, along with two legal assistants are

> >working on a volunteer basis, because they believe so strongly in


> >cause of medical freedom. (They can be reached at 507-345-4545 or

> >faxed at 507-387-1005.)

> >

> >Aside from some rather astonishing anecdotes, is there any


> >rationale behind this rustic treatment? There is, and it centers

> >around a substance called " transfer factor " (TF), which was


> >by H.S. Lawrence of New York University in 1949. This has been used

> >experimentally for decades. It is a long-established fact that


> >can be a transfer of immunity (say, sensitivity to the TB organism)

> >from the blood of one individual to another. TF is actually a


> >of at least 200 different chemicals normally found in the blood.

> >According to one orthodox history book, " transfer factor has been

> >applied clinically with some success in...a variety of viral and

> >mycotic [i.e., fungal, ed.] disease. "

> >

> >Dr. Lawrence's problem was that he was too far ahead of his time.


> >fact, he discovered TF six years before anyone even knew that

> >lymphocytes (white blood cells) had anything to do with immunity!


> >a sense, it was rediscovered as a treatment by Hugh Fudenberg, M.D.

> >of So. Carolina in 1970. Fudenberg is also scheduled to testify in

> >Saunders' defense.

> >

> >TF has now been tried against many diseases, including cancer.

> >Fudenberg recently reviewed the results in a peer-reviewed medical

> >paper. While the outcome in breast cancer were rather disappointing

> >(because, he feels, of incomplete knowledge of how to best give the

> >treatment), a recent test in highly malignant osteosarcoma (bone

> >cancer), was promising. Seven control patients all died by 24


> >But five of the six patients who received TFafter surgery " were


> >and disease-free " at the end of 24 months " and also at last follow-

> >up, 100-120 months after therapy. " This increase in survival was


> >to the prevention of lung metastases. Saunders provided his folk

> >variation on this sophisticated treatment to patients who in many

> >cases have been abandoned by conventional medicine.

> >


> >

> >The following document is from Saunders' defense committee.

> >

> >· We the People of the State of Minnesota are guaranteed access to

> >colostrum, the first milk of birthing female animals.

> >

> >

> >We the People have the right to choose viable health treatments for

> >our bodies.

> >

> >We the People possess fundamental rights of privacy, fundamental

> >rights of liberty, common-law rights of self-determination, and

> >fundamental rights of Nature.

> >

> >We the People assert our right to speak freely about our health.

> >

> >We the People preserve our right to act upon our knowledge to


> >and maintain health.

> >

> >We the People proclaim our rights, as farmers, to sell and peddle


> >products.

> >

> >We the People claim our right to buy the products of the farm or

> >garden from those who occupy and cultivate either.

> >

> >We the People proclaim that the laws protect those who seek

> >unconventional means of improving and maintaining health equally


> >those who seek conventional treatments.

> >

> >###

> >


> > From The Cancer Chronicles #27

> >© May 1995 by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.

> >

> >The trial of Herb Saunders for using a non-toxic " whey " treatment


> >cancer, Lyme disease, and other ailments (CC #26) ended in a

> >mistrial. The jury deliberated for ten hours without reaching a

> >decision.

> >

> > " My heart sings with the eagle for the one lone dissenting juror, "

> >wrote Saunders' attorney, Calvin P. . But in mid-March, the

> >Watonwan County, Minnesota Attorney announced that he would re-

> >prosecute the Odin dairy farmer for practicing medicine without a

> >license; but there will be no trial for at least six more months.

> >Saunders remains under restrictions not to sell colostrum from


> >the whey is derived. Saunders may ask the higher courts to declare

> >Minnesota's Practicing Medicine statue unconstitutional....

> >

> >###

> >



> > From The Cancer Chronicles #32-#33

> >© June 1996 by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.

> >

> >On 5/20/96, a mistrial was declared in the case of Mr. Herbert

> >Saunders, the Odin, Minnesota dairy farmer who has been accused of

> >practicing medicine without a license. The jury in the four-day


> >failed to reach a verdict. This follows a hung jury last year as

> >well.The trial's outcome was hailed as " a victory for individual

> >rights, " according to the 67-year-old Saunders.

> >

> > " It showed one thing to me. People want the right to do as they

> >choose. That's the way this country is set up to be. " He may


> >be retried by the district attorney. Saunders was first arrested in

> >1993 when an undercover drug enforcement officer, posing as a


> >patient, visited Saunders' dairy farm, ostensibly seeking


> >

> >He secretly recorded conversations in which Mr. Saunders spoke of


> >therapeutic benefit of colostrum, the cow's first milk after giving

> >birth. The agent then bought both some milk and a cow from


> >with money that had been earmarked for the removal of illicit drugs

> >from Watonwan County.

> >

> >The agent had his own blood removed by a medical doctor and then

> >infused it into the udder of the purchased cow. The purpose of this

> >procedure was to prepare an immune response in the colostrum.

> >

> >This sounds far-out, but is closely related to a well-known


> >called " transfer factor, " which was discovered by Dr. Henry S.

> >Lawrence at New York University in the 1950s and further researched

> >by , MD, later president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering

> >Cancer Center.

> >

> >The defense team, which largely represented Saunders pro bono,

> >ridiculed the state's argument that curds and whey were dangerous

> >drugs, on a par with heroin.

> >

> > " The real issue in this case is the State's attempt to silence Mr.

> >Saunders' incredible knowledge about colostrum, " declared Calvin

> >, one of Saunders' attorneys (507-345-4545). " He is being

> >prosecuted for talking about what he knows. "

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >----------

> >

> >Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. is director of the The Moss Reports for cancer

> >patients. Dr. Moss is the author of eleven books and three

> >documentaries on cancer-related topics. He is or has been an


> >on alternative cancer treatments to the National Institutes of

> >Health, the National Cancer Institute, the American Urological

> >Association, Columbia University, the University of Texas, the

> >G. Komen Foundation and the German Society of Oncology. He wrote


> >first article on alternative medicine for the Encyclopedia


> >yearbook. He is listed in Marquis Who's Who in America, Who's Who


> >the World, Who's Who in the East, and Who's Who in Entertainment


> >a film documentarian). This Web site does not advocate any


> >treatment for cancer. We urge you to always seek competent medical

> >advice for all health problems, especially cancer. Before


> >our site please read our full Disclaimer statement

> >

> >URL:http://www.ralphmoss.com/html/milkman.shtml

> >---

> >And from Bedell's testimony:

> >

> > " Mr Chairman, and members of this committee, I appreciate this

> >opportunity to communicate to you some of my findings since leaving

> >the United States Congress.

> > " I served six terms in the US House of Representatives from


> >through 1986 as a liberal Democrat representing a conservative

> >Republican district in Northwest Iowa. I believe I therefore have a

> >unique appreciation of the problems facing legislators such as you,

> >as you grapple with issues such as this.

> > " I left Congress because I contracted Lyme Disease from a


> >bite. I was treated with conventional treatments three times; each

> >day I had a strong injection into my vein for periods of three,


> >and six weeks. Each time I would feel better for three or four


> >and then my symptoms would return. Finally, I turned to an

> >unconventional treatment.

> > " Let me tell you about that treatment. There is a firm in


> >that makes veterinary medicine by injecting killed germs into the

> >udder of a cow, prior to the time that the cow has a calf. They


> >take the first milk that comes after the birth of the calf, which


> >called colostrum, and process it into whey, so it will keep. The

> >theory is that the cow will communicate the disease to the unborn

> >calf, and then develop in the colostrum what is needed to cure the

> >calf of the disease it has contracted from the mother.

> > " I obtained some killed spirochetes that cause Lyme Disease.


> >took them to the firm that makes the veterinary medicine and they


> >them through a cow. I took one tablespoon of the whey every hour

> >while I was awake. My symptoms disappeared, and I clearly no longer

> >have Lyme Disease.

> > " This treatment cost about $500 as compared to the


> >$26,000 that had been spent on my unsuccessful pharmaceutical

> >treatments. "

> >

> >

> >URL:




> >m

> >

> >That should be enough.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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, its good info to know if others want it. Up here in the

north, in the Catskills, you can't eat grass in the winter. And we

felt all around goats would be easier to handle and I like them

better as they're much smarter. I have no idea when and where

auctions are, this was very easy to do, he picked up the goats and

they were already bred by a lady who has prize goats--I had no idea

goats won prizes but they do just like horses and dogs.

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> You don't have to grain them. Doesnt' necessarily mean you kill

bugs w/freezing. The diseases still go around here when we have

freezing ice storms/snow.


As for the above--and I do think it's worthwhile to be concerned

about colostrum contamination--although colostrum is sold in health

food stores and I doubt it's " pasteruized " but I should find out--

anyway--freezign storms and snows don't actually FREEZE the goat

milk. The temperature outside doesn't really matter to the goat's

teat, right? Milk still comes out warm I'm sure. The point is

you're tkaing the colostrum and mixing it with regular colostrum and

freezing it--probably mianly to make it last.

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I am going to be lurking on this board henceforth. I find the BVT

information very useful. But people seem to get querulous and testy

with each other even over that. Anyone who wants to email me about

colostrum or find out how it worked in a few months feel free.

It is only extra stress to get into arguments about whether I spent

an extra $100 or not...time is $...the time it would take to hunt

around for cheaper goats and travel to an auction would cost

more...my friend had the car, the space, and the nearby goats...they

were not " prize " goats...he loves goats he had them as a kid...I like

goats...what is the problem? And who cares? The point is about the

science...this is not drinking raw milk, this is not feces or urine

in a winter barn...maybe this will work, maybe not...I'm willing to

try...I don't want to argue or be put on the defensive...so as I

said, I'll be lurking, robynn does a great service with her news and

her list...

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  • 12 years later...
Guest Updates?  This post is year's old  - fill me in?!?!

Ok, so there's VERY little chance any of you that posted on this thread more than a decade ago are going to have any clue that I'm posting this.  But I'm sending it out there with a prayer and some faith.  

So after all these years, how is everyone?  I'd like to try the targeted colostrum.  Did anyone have success?  Has your Lyme gone away?  Feedback, updates, tips, guidance, would be muy bueno!

Hoping for the best!!

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