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Re: Question about Pain

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Yes my sister called the Detroit Zoo and they do have the motorized scooters you can rent for $20. I feel kinda silly because this is a disease people cant see and probably will think I'm just fat and lazy. I feel like I need to wear a sign. I HAVE RHEUMATIOD ARTHRITIS !!! Sad but thats how I feel sometimes. I have a handicap parking sign and I feel strange using it too. Sometimes I look at young people pulling up to a handicap parking spot with their music blaring and looking normal and wonder myself why they are parking there when they seem like they are fine. Ardeith <ardeith@...> wrote: wrote: Does anybody else get body aches? It almost feels like when I get the flu. My whole body hurts and aches with hot and cold chills sometimes. Ardeith writes: No, I don't have that sort of pain except when I actually have the flu. I'm assuming your doctor has checked for all sorts of low level infections? Deposits around my joints irritate the tendons and I feel the ache in the muscles attached to the tendons....but it's not a body ache like you've described......... wrote: Please let me know

if these are normal symptoms of RA. Ardeith writes: What is "normal" for one person is not for another..... someone on this list has a text about the general symptoms of RA.... maybe it could be posted again? wrote: We have plans to go to the zoo next week and I just dont know if I will beable to do all that walking and standing. Ardeith writes: The zoo nearest to me, in Tampa, has motorized chairs for those who need them.....they charge a small fee to use them, but it's much better than trying to do all that walking and standing. Check it out. Or maybe you could rent one from

some rental company for just a couple of days?

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I think this message posted twice... Strange <angelac71@...> wrote: Does anybody else get body aches? It almost feels like when I get the flu. My whole body hurts and aches with hot and cold chills sometimes. I woke up last night in so much pain. I have darvocet and vicodin ES for pain and nothing seems to work when it gets that bad. One a daily basis I get slight aches that feel like flu like symptoms and the pain meds to work. I

have alway associated the aches with my RA but I've never heard anyone else describing their symptoms that way. I have been feeling horrible for the past six months or longer. My doc and I both wrote it off as the weather at first but it got to the point where I just knew it wasnt the weather anymore. I was on 6 bottles of Remicade every six weeks a few weeks ago he added another bottle. I have noticed any difference yet and I hoping it YET! I also get gold injections every four weeks and take methotrexate 8 tablets a week. Please let me know if these are normal symptoms of RA. I dont know if I can deal with this until August 29th when I go to the docs again. We have plans to go to the zoo next week and I just dont know if I will beable to do all that walking and standing. Thanks for listening to me. I had to get it out or cry or maybe I'll do both

!!! in Michigan

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wrote: Yes my sister called the Detroit Zoo and they do have the motorized scooters you can rent for $20. I feel kinda silly because this is a disease people cant see and probably will think I'm just fat and lazy. I feel like I need to wear a sign. I HAVE RHEUMATIOD ARTHRITIS !!!

Ardeith writes: I know the feeling.....but don't worry about what total strangers might think!!! Your family knows the problem, and that's what counts. Using the scooter will allow you to participate in things with your family.....so use it! Much better than hurting yourself by trying to walk all over a zoo....how much would you enjoy that? Use the scooter and have fun with your family and don't hurt yourself in the having of the fun......is that clear?

wrote: Sad but thats how I feel sometimes. I have a handicap parking sign and I feel strange using it too.

Ardeith writes: So, if you are really concerned about what a passer-by might think, exaggerate a limp when you get out of the car! But most people are so focussed on their own concerns they aren't really looking at you, you know. You just think they are because you are self-conscious about it........

Sweetie, there will come a time when you don't give a flip about what anyone else might think....you will do what you have to do for your own comfort regardless of what others might think. You'll get there .....meantime, have as much fun as you can.....


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Oh I understand all of that. I was diagnosed 10 years ago. This feeling has been with me for awhile but pain meds always works. Now nothing is working and I just wasnt sure this pain was considered a symptom of RA.Ardeith <ardeith@...> wrote: wrote: But that may be my only option to feel normal again. Ardeith writes: I don't want to rain on your parade, , but you will have very few days that you feel "normal" again. Don't get fixated on achieving that.....you'll just create more misery for yourself. Focus on everyday being the best day it can be..... maybe today you feel well enough to dust and vaccuum your entire house, but yesterday you didn't want to move. It goes like that.....you are going to have to learn to go with it. If you try to force things.....such as cleaning the whole house on a day you are feeling really bad.....you'll pay for it tomorrow with even more pain and stiffness. You have to learn to pace yourself.....does it matter if you take all day to dust one

room? You dust a bit, then sit down and rest and read a bit, then dust a bit more? It gets done, eventually, and you've done what your body can tolerate. You and I are not the same people.....what you can do today, I might not be able to accomplish....but what I might be able to do tomorrow may be beyond you......don't compare what you can do with anyone else, or with what you could do five years ago.......that just leads to depression..... Ardy

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, I also have horrible aches and pains. It seems like at least once per week I feel flu..ish. I have not been taking anything for it. I am new to this. I found out last year that I have RA, but I have been struggling with aches and pains since 1995. I also have osteoarthritis. I have had several surgeries and found out that I probably did not need a few of them, because they did not really help at all. Good luck Ina Ina Montgomery Life is short......so enjoy everyday!!!!!

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-------------- Original message ----------------------

From: " Ardeith " <ardeith@...>

> wrote: Yes my sister called the Detroit Zoo and they do have the

> motorized scooters you can rent for $20. I feel kinda silly because this is a

> disease people cant see and probably will think I'm just fat and lazy. I feel

> like I need to wear a sign. I HAVE RHEUMATIOD ARTHRITIS !!!


> Ardeith writes: I know the feeling.....but don't worry about what total

> strangers might think!!! Your family knows the problem, and that's what


> Using the scooter will allow you to participate in things with your

> family.....so use it! Much better than hurting yourself by trying to walk


> over a zoo....how much would you enjoy that? Use the scooter and have fun


> your family and don't hurt yourself in the having of the fun......is that



I agree - beep the fools, who think they know more about us or make assumptions

about us from the way we look or move. You have to apply and fight for that

handicap sticker/space. Use it in good health and ignore the idiots.

I have a mild form of the disease and don’t need one. I do know about people

that look at my size and what I am eating or exercising and then make

assumptions about me. Keep your opinions to yourself, please.

Don’t let them get to you, just do what you have to get through the day at the

zoo and have fun.

They have tours around DC on the Segway. I will be going on one in the fall

after the tourists go home and the weather cools.

Gentle hugs and pain free days,


wrote: Yes my sister called the Detroit Zoo and they do have the motorized scooters you can rent for $20. I feel kinda silly because this is a disease people cant see and probably will think I'm just fat and lazy. I feel like I need to wear a sign. I HAVE RHEUMATIOD ARTHRITIS !!!

Ardeith writes: I know the feeling.....but don't worry about what total strangers might think!!! Your family knows the problem, and that's what counts. Using the scooter will allow you to participate in things with your family.....so use it! Much better than hurting yourself by trying to walk all over a zoo....how much would you enjoy that? Use the scooter and have fun with your family and don't hurt yourself in the having of the fun......is that clear?

wrote: Sad but thats how I feel sometimes. I have a handicap parking sign and I feel strange using it too.

Ardeith writes: So, if you are really concerned about what a passer-by might think, exaggerate a limp when you get out of the car! But most people are so focussed on their own concerns they aren't really looking at you, you know. You just think they are because you are self-conscious about it........

Sweetie, there will come a time when you don't give a flip about what anyone else might think....you will do what you have to do for your own comfort regardless of what others might think. You'll get there .....meantime, have as much fun as you can.....


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I have RA. I get bad Morning Stiffness myself!

SOmetimes it seems like it is noon before the pain goes away. It

seems to be worse the last feew weeks!

Sometimewes I just have to stop and rest!

We have plans to go to the zoo next week and I just

dont know if I will beable to do all that walking and standing.


> Ardeith writes: The zoo nearest to me, in Tampa, has motorized

chairs for those who need them.....they charge a small fee to use

them, but it's much better than trying to do all that walking and

standing. Check it out. Or maybe you could rent one from some

rental company for just a couple of days?


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- I always feel like a have the flu. Fibromyalgia (body aches) and such fatique, hot and cold chills. Heck YES. Its part of the RA disease process for me. During a flare and alot of pain I so feel the way you do. Give remicade a chance. I felt relief right away but you might not. Can you take prednisone? That helps a much taken in consistent low dosages. I feel like I am leading a half life. Dragging and Depressed and pain does things to your mind indeed. Zoo- Get a scooter. Who cares about that. Take a long hot shower, and have a hot cup of tea and take your meds. If you arent on Prednisone, it does help alot. The MTX is hellish and can wear you out so badly. Take a super mega multi vitamin and leucovorin a day after your MTX. Are you on Actonel. Have you had a bone density yet. You should. I feel for you my dear. I know what its like. I really do. If you want to give your body a rest from the heavy stuff, ask your RD about CYCLOSPORINE. I was on that for many years before I switched to remicade. I can say enough about it. Not many docs prescribe it anymore but it might work for you when taken with MTX or instead of MTX. Hugs, Deborah

On 8/16/06, <angelac71@...> wrote:

Does anybody else get body aches? It almost feels like when I get the flu. My whole body hurts and aches with hot and cold chills sometimes. I woke up last night in so much pain. I have darvocet and vicodin ES for pain and nothing seems to work when it gets that bad. One a daily basis I get slight aches that feel like flu like symptoms and the pain meds to work. I have alway associated the aches with my RA but I've never heard anyone else describing their symptoms that way. I have been feeling horrible for the past six months or longer. My doc and I both wrote it off as the weather at first but it got to the point where I just knew it wasnt the weather anymore. I was on 6 bottles of Remicade every six weeks a few weeks ago he added another bottle. I have noticed any difference yet and I hoping it YET! I also get gold injections every four weeks and take methotrexate 8 tablets a week. Please let me know if these are normal symptoms of RA. I dont know if I can deal with this until August 29th when I go to the docs again. We have plans to go to the zoo next week and I just dont know if I will beable to do all that walking and standing.

Thanks for listening to me. I had to get it out or cry or maybe I'll do both !!!

in Michigan

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Thanks Ardy, thats usually my way of thinking to but for some reason this pain has lasted longer then any other and I guess I'm down on myself. Hopefully I will wake up feeling better about things tomorrow. Thanks for listening and telling me how it is. Ardeith <ardeith@...> wrote: wrote: Yes my sister

called the Detroit Zoo and they do have the motorized scooters you can rent for $20. I feel kinda silly because this is a disease people cant see and probably will think I'm just fat and lazy. I feel like I need to wear a sign. I HAVE RHEUMATIOD ARTHRITIS !!! Ardeith writes: I know the feeling.....but don't worry about what total strangers might think!!! Your family knows the problem, and that's what counts. Using the scooter will allow you to participate in things with your family.....so use it! Much better than hurting yourself by trying to walk all over a zoo....how much would you enjoy that? Use the scooter and have fun with your family and don't hurt yourself in the having of the fun......is that clear? wrote: Sad but

thats how I feel sometimes. I have a handicap parking sign and I feel strange using it too. Ardeith writes: So, if you are really concerned about what a passer-by might think, exaggerate a limp when you get out of the car! But most people are so focussed on their own concerns they aren't really looking at you, you know. You just think they are because you are self-conscious about it........ Sweetie, there will come a time when you don't give a flip about what anyone else might think....you will do what you have to do for your own comfort regardless of what others might think. You'll get there .....meantime, have as much fun as you can..... Ardy

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When you see someone on a scooter do you think they are just fat and lazy? Of course not,you assume they have a physical condition. We are always harder on ourselves than other people would be.

-----Original Message-----From: Rheumatoid Arthritis [mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of lmthib@...Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 2:38 PMRheumatoid Arthritis Subject: Re: Question about Pain

-------------- Original message ----------------------From: "Ardeith " <ardeith3oaks>> wrote: Yes my sister called the Detroit Zoo and they do have the > motorized scooters you can rent for $20. I feel kinda silly because this is a > disease people cant see and probably will think I'm just fat and lazy. I feel > like I need to wear a sign. I HAVE RHEUMATIOD ARTHRITIS !!! > > Ardeith writes: I know the feeling.....but don't worry about what total > strangers might think!!! Your family knows the problem, and that's what counts. > Using the scooter will allow you to participate in things with your > family.....so use it! Much better than hurting yourself by trying to walk all > over a zoo....how much would you enjoy that? Use the scooter and have fun with > your family and don't hurt yourself in the having of the fun......is that clear?> I agree - beep the fools, who think they know more about us or make assumptions about us from the way we look or move. You have to apply and fight for that handicap sticker/space. Use it in good health and ignore the idiots.I have a mild form of the disease and don’t need one. I do know about people that look at my size and what I am eating or exercising and then make assumptions about me. Keep your opinions to yourself, please. Don’t let them get to you, just do what you have to get through the day at the zoo and have fun.They have tours around DC on the Segway. I will be going on one in the fall after the tourists go home and the weather cools.Gentle hugs and pain free days,Lynette

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Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.1/421 - Release Date: 8/16/2006

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