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Antibiotic Therapy

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Carol, my health troubles started in late 1996. At first I was on

ibuprofen. Then my rheumatologist switched me over to Voltaren. In

mid-1998, I added Minocin (minocycline) plus clindamycin with another

physician. Eventually, I discontinued the Voltaren because I had a few

scary episodes of blood coming from my bladder.

The clindamycin gave me hideous headaches (an adverse reaction that

doctor hadn't seen before), and so I could only use it for a couple of

months. I continued the Minocin until late 1999 when Mayo advised me to

discontinue it. I would say that I felt better after being on Minocin

for awhile than I had been feeling previously, and the most noticeable

improvement was WAY less morning stiffness. When I stopped the Minocin,

I can't say that my conditioned worsened appreciably.

Side note: In early 1998, I had eliminated most dairy from my diet

which, after a few months, seemed to help my fatigue enormously.

I know Joanne tried the antibiotic protocol big time, but had very

disappointing results.

I hope the next Remicade infusion helps. What dosage are you on now?

[ ] Antibiotic therapy

I'm just curious, but who here is on or has tried the antibiotic

therapy? I

can't do anything until my Remicade trial ends in August, but it's the


thing I want to try. The Remicade was such a miracle in the beginning,


now it's help is pretty minimal. Very disappointing. As I mentioned

earlier, I have my next infusion on Tuesday and they'll probably be

increasing my dosage by 50%. Maybe that help.

Love and hugs to all,


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Carol, I tried Minciclin a couple yrs ago and got headaches so I stopped

it immediately. I can say this about antibiotics though....in 2001 because I

had surgery and then complications resulting in 3 more surgeries,numerous

sterile surgical procedures(putting in drains,pic line,etc) I was on

antibiotics for over 10months .....from eyrthromiacin ,cipro, Flagyll,

Kflex,IV vancamyacin and ancept plus more and then had to take diflucan a

couple times and I didnt have pain from the RA or FM until a good month off

the ABs. So I found out the hard way...and finally after staying away from

predisone and steroids for 5 yrs ...begged for something in late Dec ....and

now take 4 mg of medrol which occassionally I need to get a shot to help

boost it's efficiency......

Deb and I were joking about it being a terrible way to rid yourself of RA

pain but it does work.....she will be joking again soon........anyway, good

luck if that is what you are going to try ...........Judy in AZ

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, I had forgotten that you were on the antibiotic protocol. Thanks for

sharing your experience. I think the Remicade helps my morning stiffness,

too, and my fatigue. It's the pain (and redness and inflammation) that are

still present. I'm on 2 vials, I think. They mix it up before I get there.

But I think she did say it would be bumped up to three vials.

If I remember correctly, it's something like 3 mg per kg or something. I

think some people are on 10 mg/kg. Since I've had the pleurisy after

infusions, and as a general rule feel crummy for a couple of days after, I'm

a little nervous about it. Hopefully it will help.



Re: [ ] Antibiotic therapy

Carol, my health troubles started in late 1996. At first I was on

ibuprofen. Then my rheumatologist switched me over to Voltaren. In

mid-1998, I added Minocin (minocycline) plus clindamycin with another

physician. Eventually, I discontinued the Voltaren because I had a few

scary episodes of blood coming from my bladder.

The clindamycin gave me hideous headaches (an adverse reaction that

doctor hadn't seen before), and so I could only use it for a couple of

months. I continued the Minocin until late 1999 when Mayo advised me to

discontinue it. I would say that I felt better after being on Minocin

for awhile than I had been feeling previously, and the most noticeable

improvement was WAY less morning stiffness. When I stopped the Minocin,

I can't say that my conditioned worsened appreciably.

Side note: In early 1998, I had eliminated most dairy from my diet

which, after a few months, seemed to help my fatigue enormously.

I know Joanne tried the antibiotic protocol big time, but had very

disappointing results.

I hope the next Remicade infusion helps. What dosage are you on now?

[ ] Antibiotic therapy

I'm just curious, but who here is on or has tried the antibiotic

therapy? I

can't do anything until my Remicade trial ends in August, but it's the


thing I want to try. The Remicade was such a miracle in the beginning,


now it's help is pretty minimal. Very disappointing. As I mentioned

earlier, I have my next infusion on Tuesday and they'll probably be

increasing my dosage by 50%. Maybe that help.

Love and hugs to all,


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I am suppose to start that in Feb I hope, I was hoping

to begin it now but my dr wants to wait to see if the

other meds work or not

--- Carol <carol@...> wrote:

> , I had forgotten that you were on the

> antibiotic protocol. Thanks for

> sharing your experience. I think the Remicade helps

> my morning stiffness,

> too, and my fatigue. It's the pain (and redness and

> inflammation) that are

> still present. I'm on 2 vials, I think. They mix

> it up before I get there.

> But I think she did say it would be bumped up to

> three vials.


> If I remember correctly, it's something like 3 mg

> per kg or something. I

> think some people are on 10 mg/kg. Since I've had

> the pleurisy after

> infusions, and as a general rule feel crummy for a

> couple of days after, I'm

> a little nervous about it. Hopefully it will help.


> Love,

> Carol


> Re: [ ] Antibiotic therapy


> Carol, my health troubles started in late 1996. At

> first I was on

> ibuprofen. Then my rheumatologist switched me over

> to Voltaren. In

> mid-1998, I added Minocin (minocycline) plus

> clindamycin with another

> physician. Eventually, I discontinued the Voltaren

> because I had a few

> scary episodes of blood coming from my bladder.


> The clindamycin gave me hideous headaches (an

> adverse reaction that

> doctor hadn't seen before), and so I could only use

> it for a couple of

> months. I continued the Minocin until late 1999 when

> Mayo advised me to

> discontinue it. I would say that I felt better after

> being on Minocin

> for awhile than I had been feeling previously, and

> the most noticeable

> improvement was WAY less morning stiffness. When I

> stopped the Minocin,

> I can't say that my conditioned worsened

> appreciably.


> Side note: In early 1998, I had eliminated most

> dairy from my diet

> which, after a few months, seemed to help my fatigue

> enormously.


> I know Joanne tried the antibiotic protocol big

> time, but had very

> disappointing results.


> I hope the next Remicade infusion helps. What dosage

> are you on now?





> [ ] Antibiotic therapy



> I'm just curious, but who here is on or has tried

> the antibiotic

> therapy? I

> can't do anything until my Remicade trial ends in

> August, but it's the

> next

> thing I want to try. The Remicade was such a

> miracle in the beginning,

> and

> now it's help is pretty minimal. Very

> disappointing. As I mentioned

> earlier, I have my next infusion on Tuesday and

> they'll probably be

> increasing my dosage by 50%. Maybe that help.


> Love and hugs to all,

> Carol






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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


Thanks for the good information! . . . It's all so

very complicated isn't it? . . . and most doctors

don't have, or take, the time to get to the bottom of

it all! I don't think the Gulf War Veterans are

getting the right care, even after all these years!

My own primary care doctor refused to test me for

Mycoplasma . . . She considered the treatment too

dangerous. . . however, she was willing to give me a

round of Cipro!!!???? That was before I knew about the

effect antibiotics has on me!

I was " cured " from Scleroderma though! . . . I did

something really weird. Why? I don't know!! I wrapped

a piece of Kombucha mushroom around my leg over the

affected area with plastic wrap and wore it for

several hours at a time - six times at the most. The

area on my leg gradually softened and returned to

normal. But, it also grew coarse, dark, thick hair.

Even now, years later, that area grows more hair than

the rest of my leg. Whether this would work for anyone

else, I have no idea! . . .

It's getting late . . .

Good night!


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Hi. I think you are right about the veterans. It breaks my heart

the way they are treated. They are often told that their problems

aren't even related to their military involvement. Now I have heard

that veterans showing MS symptoms don't have to spend time proving

that these are a result of their deployment. Too many veterans are

developing these symptoms. How tragic.

I am not sure why a doctor would say that antibiotics were too

dangerous of a treatment. They are very safe in comparison to

prendisone and methotrexate, humira, and others. Even the pain meds

of vioxx, etc are now being found to be very harmful. And statin

drugs pose real risks of permanent muscle damage and they are being

handed out like candy. The tetracycline family is one of the oldest

class of antibiotics around. Life expectancy is this country did

not improve dramatically until the advent of antibiotics which saved

many people from death from pneumonia, scarlet fever, and others. I

have researched doxycycline a little bit and found that it even

helps protect the medial layer of the heart by strengthening it


Someday it may have application for people like my husband who died

of an aortic dissection of the medial layer of his heart. Doxy is

also being researched for treatment of osteoarthritis. Take a look

at the following:

" The Promise Of A Tetracycline Antibiotic For Treating Osteoarthritis

A tetracycline antibiotic, doxycycline, has been successfully used

to treat a wide-range of bacterial infections. In addition to its

effects as an antibiotic, doxycycline has other actions as a drug

and, in laboratory studies with animals and with human tissue, can

inhibit the degradation of cartilage in a way that could be useful

for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA).

On the strength of preclinical evidence, a team of rheumatologists

affiliated with six clinical research centers across the United

States conducted the first long-term clinical trial to determine the

benefits of doxycycline in the treatment of OA--particularly, OA of

the knee. Their findings, featured in the July 2005 issue of

Arthritis & Rheumatism

(http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/arthritis), suggest that

doxycycline may slow the progression of joint damage and point to

the need for further research into the drug's effect on the signs

and symptoms of this disease. "

But antibiotics are not without their consequences either and should

be carefully administered. Cipro is a very powerful antibiotic with

more potential for serious reaction than the tetracycline family. I

am curious why she gave it to you and what effect it had. The

reason I ask is that it can be used for treatment of mycoplasma too,

but is not a first line choice due to various properties. I react

strongly to things so I would have been nervous on cipro. but I

would say that I know more than one person who had arthritis that

cipro was the first time they put the connection together that while

on the antibiotic their arthritis pain improved!

I really like your scleroderma cure!! It is important to think

outside of the box sometimes because it can pay off!! What do you

have to lose? There are several different types of scleroderma. It

sounds like you had linear scleroderma or one just confined to the

skin. But like lupus, scleroderma can become systemic and that is

when the prognosis is so grim. The one thing I am sure of, is if we

keep trying to find the way to get better, eventually we will hit on

the things that help us improve our health! Thanks, rogene

Hugs, kathy


> Thanks for the good information! . . . It's all so

> very complicated isn't it? . . . and most doctors

> don't have, or take, the time to get to the bottom of

> it all! I don't think the Gulf War Veterans are

> getting the right care, even after all these years!


> My own primary care doctor refused to test me for

> Mycoplasma . . . She considered the treatment too

> dangerous. . . however, she was willing to give me a

> round of Cipro!!!???? That was before I knew about the

> effect antibiotics has on me!


> I was " cured " from Scleroderma though! . . . I did

> something really weird. Why? I don't know!! I wrapped

> a piece of Kombucha mushroom around my leg over the

> affected area with plastic wrap and wore it for

> several hours at a time - six times at the most. The

> area on my leg gradually softened and returned to

> normal. But, it also grew coarse, dark, thick hair.

> Even now, years later, that area grows more hair than

> the rest of my leg. Whether this would work for anyone

> else, I have no idea! . . .


> It's getting late . . .


> Good night!


> Rogene

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My doctor didn't get specific about why she didn't

want to treat me for mycoplasma. I chalked it up to

her not understanding that the treatment was small

doses several times a week over a long period.

She mentioned that she didn't want to have to meet me

in the emergency room late one night . . . I think she

was referring to a Candida overgrowth problem. She was

cautious about Candida.

I found it interesting . . . she gave up her Internal

Medicine practice and now part times in the Emergency

Center. . . I could see her illusions about

conventional medicine slipping away as I saw her. I

wonder if that's why she left?

Regarding the veterans . . . I saw a Congressman from

Hawaii speaking before the Senate on C-Span yesterday.

Apparently they want to slash the amount of money

allocated per veteran to about half of what it has

been . . . Even with the vets coming home! Horrible!



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that's outrageous! Do you have any suggestions of organizations to

join to fight for better veterans benefits?


> Kathy,


> My doctor didn't get specific about why she didn't

> want to treat me for mycoplasma. I chalked it up to

> her not understanding that the treatment was small

> doses several times a week over a long period.


> She mentioned that she didn't want to have to meet me

> in the emergency room late one night . . . I think she

> was referring to a Candida overgrowth problem. She was

> cautious about Candida.


> I found it interesting . . . she gave up her Internal

> Medicine practice and now part times in the Emergency

> Center. . . I could see her illusions about

> conventional medicine slipping away as I saw her. I

> wonder if that's why she left?


> Regarding the veterans . . . I saw a Congressman from

> Hawaii speaking before the Senate on C-Span yesterday.

> Apparently they want to slash the amount of money

> allocated per veteran to about half of what it has

> been . . . Even with the vets coming home! Horrible!


> Love,


> Rogene

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

I've read that it can be effective, but it will take longer.

Here is some reading material:



On May 10, 2006, at 1:10 PM, nicole jordan wrote:

> Will antibiotic protocol works for an older case of RA? i've had it

> for about 14 years.


> ---------------------------------

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  • 3 months later...

, apparently some medications are too

expensive for you and what you can afford are not working well for you. I

have been reading a lot lately about antibiotic therapy and some clinical

trials comparing Doxycycline with Methotrexate were favorable for

Doxycycline. I looked on the web and found that full price for

Doxycycline from what seems to be an American pharmacy is less than a dollar a

day. Many rheumatologists are not familiar with antibiotic therapy and

may be reluctant to prescribe them. You might have to look around for a

doctor to prescribe them. I hope you get something to help you. The

links below are to a couple of clinical trials. God bless.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=16447240 & dopt=Abstract

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=11273473 & dopt=Abstract

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Thanks for the links, Harold. I printed them out to take to my rheumy

in a couple of weeks. I'm interested in trying this.



> , apparently some medications are too expensive for you and

what you can

> afford are not working well for you. I have been reading a lot

lately about

> antibiotic therapy and some clinical trials comparing Doxycycline


> Methotrexate were favorable for Doxycycline. I looked on the web

and found

> that full price for Doxycycline from what seems to be an American


> is less than a dollar a day. Many rheumatologists are not familiar


> antibiotic therapy and may be reluctant to prescribe them. You

might have

> to look around for a doctor to prescribe them. I hope you get

something to

> help you. The links below are to a couple of clinical trials. God





> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve

> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?

cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_u

> ids=16447240 & dopt=Abstract>

& db=PubMed & list_uids=16447240 & dopt=Abstract


> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve

> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?

cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_u

> ids=11273473 & dopt=Abstract>

& db=PubMed & list_uids=11273473 & dopt=Abstract


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I have more links on antibiotic therapy if

you (or anyone else) are interested. I’m not on it and it isn’t

for everyone but for many it is better than other RA medicines to which it has

been compared. The Roadback Foundation at http://www.roadback.org is an

advocacy group for antibiotic therapy and a lot of their information seems to

be accurate. I do think they overstate the benefits of antibiotics

sometimes and also place too much emphasis on the negative side of other

treatments. God bless.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

[mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On

Behalf Of snowdrift52003

Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006

3:03 PM


Rheumatoid Arthritis


Re: Antibiotic Therapy

Thanks for the links, Harold. I printed them out to

take to my rheumy

in a couple of weeks. I'm interested in trying this.



> , apparently some medications are too expensive for you and

what you can

> afford are not working well for you. I have been reading a lot

lately about

> antibiotic therapy and some clinical trials comparing Doxycycline


> Methotrexate were favorable for Doxycycline. I looked on the web

and found

> that full price for Doxycycline from what seems to be an American


> is less than a dollar a day. Many rheumatologists are not familiar


> antibiotic therapy and may be reluctant to prescribe them. You

might have

> to look around for a doctor to prescribe them. I hope you get

something to

> help you. The links below are to a couple of clinical trials. God





> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve

> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?

cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_u

> ids=16447240 & dopt=Abstract>

& db=PubMed & list_uids=16447240 & dopt=Abstract


> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve

> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?

cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_u

> ids=11273473 & dopt=Abstract>

& db=PubMed & list_uids=11273473 & dopt=Abstract


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Hi. I am new to this. I have been frustrated because I was told I had fibromyalgia for the past 2 years. Now I have been diagnosed with RA . My doctor put me on Minocycline (said he wanted to try this first) I have been taking it for 4 weeks and I feel worse. I am so confused about this disease, I guess I have lost faith in doctors altogether. I have recently 1quit my job (thanks to my husband) I thought if I took care of myself went to the gym, worked out and rested and really took care of myself I would feel better. Not happening. I have one question also? Does RA affect your vision. I love to read, and lately my eyes are going blurry. I went to the eye doc. He said things look okay. But I feel something is wrong. Also, the bright lights at the gym bother my eyes. Anybody experience this?

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The link above describes a temporary

condition in which the RA symptoms get worse before they get better.  As I

understand it the antibiotics kill off the bugs that cause the arthritis and

the body has to get rid of the dead bugs.  This causes temporary problems as

bugs are dying off and being removed.  Some people say that the temporary

worsening is a good sign that the antibiotics are really working.  I haven’t

experienced it but this is what I have heard. 


The above link has a description of the

differences among oculists, optometrists, and opthamologists.  The

opthamologist is the best one to diagnose eye problems and if you went to

another kind of eye doctor maybe you should seek a second opinion.  I am not

aware of any eye problems associated with RA that would not be found by a

competent opthamologist, but I’m not medically trained.  God bless.

From: Rheumatoid Arthritis [mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of eileen lavin

Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006

6:42 PM

Rheumatoid Arthritis


Re: Antibiotic Therapy

Hi. I am new to this. I have been frustrated because I was

told I had fibromyalgia for the past 2 years. Now I have been diagnosed

with RA . My doctor put me on Minocycline (said he wanted to try

this first) I have been taking it for 4 weeks and I feel worse. I am so

confused about this disease, I guess I have lost faith in doctors

altogether. I have recently 1quit my job (thanks to my husband) I

thought if I took care of myself went to the gym, worked out and rested and

really took care of myself I would feel better. Not happening.

I have one question also? Does RA affect your vision. I

love to read, and lately my eyes are going blurry. I went to the eye

doc. He said things look okay. But I feel something is wrong.

Also, the bright lights at the gym bother my eyes. Anybody experience



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PC-to-Phone Calls to the US

(and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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my daughter had trouble w/her eyes...due to thyroid problems. that is

also an auto-immune disease. you can have more than one, sorry to say.

gentle hugs! Marcia

--- eileen lavin <eileen_lavin@...> wrote:

> Hi. I am new to this. I have been frustrated because I was told I

> had fibromyalgia for the past 2 years. Now I have been diagnosed

> with RA . My doctor put me on Minocycline (said he wanted to try

> this first) I have been taking it for 4 weeks and I feel worse. I am

> so confused about this disease, I guess I have lost faith in doctors

> altogether. I have recently 1quit my job (thanks to my husband) I

> thought if I took care of myself went to the gym, worked out and

> rested and really took care of myself I would feel better. Not

> happening.


> I have one question also? Does RA affect your vision. I love to

> read, and lately my eyes are going blurry. I went to the eye doc.

> He said things look okay. But I feel something is wrong. Also, the

> bright lights at the gym bother my eyes. Anybody experience this?



> ---------------------------------

> Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and

> 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

hi diane,my name is melynda.im 38 yrs.young & have had RA since i was 5yrs.old.

my question to you is,minocycline is an antiboitic but what other diseases does

the med TREAT? i also take mtx & have been having PROBLEMS swallowing my food &

breathing. has this ever happened to you,diane? if i could get off the mtx THAT

WOULD BE SOO GREAT FOR ME cuz im TIRED of taking SOOO many meds. that would BE

ONE MORE LESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you could give me anymore info. on this

minocycline,i WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT,diane..god

bless,melyndagamez@... if you may ever want to CHAT.3/24/08

1:45a.m.central time


Happy Easter everyone. I was on DMARDS including Methotrexate for

almost 4 years. I stopped it on 2/8/08 due to lung infection and

ineffectivness after being on it so long.

I found out about taking Minocycline which is an antibiotic. I have

been completely pain free for about two weeks since starting it, which

is the first time I have not had ANY RA symptoms or pains in almost 6

years of having RA.

I hope everyone looks into the therapy. I wish someone had told me

about it when I was first diagnosed. Research on the computer.

I don't even take any NSAIDS anymore. I am so thrilled to have my life

back; I just want to share.

If I can answer or help anyone and you want to write personally please

do, I will do whatever I can to help you.

Enjoy the day,



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Hi Melynda,

I have been reading your posts about your RA and problems. It is

definitely a battle of all battles.

I am fairly new to this therapy but it is working miracously for me.

I am off the MTX and my NSAID & PREDNISONE. I only take the

minocycline and i am pain free. I was very sick on the MTX but

didn't know I had a choice. I had so many symptoms. I didn't have

breathing problems or swallowing problems though.

There is a web site that have many members that are very experienced

and helpful in the antibiotic treatment. It is

rheumaticsupport.net. They even have a live chat every Monday &

Thursday night at 9 EST. The gals are really good and they have

definitely had life altering experiences.

If you google rheumatoid arthritis minocycline you will get some get

information. But, I recommend this web site I sent. It has a lot of

good information.

I bought two books which are filled with everything you need to know.

I don't want to speak out of turn here, but, I'm sure the Minocycline


JUVENILE RA...at least that is what I have been told by people online

that have been helped and given their lives back, as they put

it...which is a big thing to say. I feel the same way about my RA.

I hated taking MTX and all the other drugs and then when I got sick

in january and the MTX wasn't controlling the inflammation anylonger

because I was on it so long...I feel it is a miracle and God's will

that I happened to hear about this form of treatment...

I hope to see you on the site...and if I can answer or help in any

way, please let me know...

My best,


--- In , Melynda Gamez <melyndagamez@...>



> hi diane,my name is melynda.im 38 yrs.young & have had RA since i

was 5yrs.old. my question to you is,minocycline is an antiboitic but

what other diseases does the med TREAT? i also take mtx & have been

having PROBLEMS swallowing my food & breathing. has this ever

happened to you,diane? if i could get off the mtx THAT WOULD BE SOO

GREAT FOR ME cuz im TIRED of taking SOOO many meds. that would BE ONE

MORE LESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you could give me anymore info. on this

minocycline,i WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT,diane..god

bless,melyndagamez@... if you may ever want to CHAT.3/24/08

1:45a.m.central time





> Happy Easter everyone. I was on DMARDS including Methotrexate for

> almost 4 years. I stopped it on 2/8/08 due to lung infection and

> ineffectivness after being on it so long.

> I found out about taking Minocycline which is an antibiotic. I


> been completely pain free for about two weeks since starting it,


> is the first time I have not had ANY RA symptoms or pains in almost


> years of having RA.

> I hope everyone looks into the therapy. I wish someone had told me

> about it when I was first diagnosed. Research on the computer.

> I don't even take any NSAIDS anymore. I am so thrilled to have my


> back; I just want to share.


> If I can answer or help anyone and you want to write personally


> do, I will do whatever I can to help you.


> Enjoy the day,

> Diane



> ------------------------------------



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Hi Melynda,

You are welcome...any way I can help someone...

I took Prednisone off and on for the 5+ years since being DX'd with

my RA. I hate it and it makes me crazy but sometimes I just had to

use it or so I thought!

> >

> > hi diane,my name is melynda.im 38 yrs.young & have had RA since i

> was 5yrs.old. my question to you is,minocycline is an antiboitic


> what other diseases does the med TREAT? i also take mtx & have been

> having PROBLEMS swallowing my food & breathing. has this ever

> happened to you,diane? if i could get off the mtx THAT WOULD BE SOO

> GREAT FOR ME cuz im TIRED of taking SOOO many meds. that would BE


> MORE LESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you could give me anymore info. on this

> minocycline,i WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT,diane..god

> bless,melyndagamez@ if you may ever want to CHAT.3/24/08

> 1:45a.m.central time

> >

> >


> >

> > Happy Easter everyone. I was on DMARDS including Methotrexate


> > almost 4 years. I stopped it on 2/8/08 due to lung infection and

> > ineffectivness after being on it so long.

> > I found out about taking Minocycline which is an antibiotic. I

> have

> > been completely pain free for about two weeks since starting it,

> which

> > is the first time I have not had ANY RA symptoms or pains in


> 6

> > years of having RA.

> > I hope everyone looks into the therapy. I wish someone had told


> > about it when I was first diagnosed. Research on the computer.

> > I don't even take any NSAIDS anymore. I am so thrilled to have


> life

> > back; I just want to share.

> >

> > If I can answer or help anyone and you want to write personally

> please

> > do, I will do whatever I can to help you.

> >

> > Enjoy the day,

> > Diane

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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