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Our son has seizures, and we know of two other kids with achondroplasia that

also have seizures. The folks at the Greenberg Clinic, did a paper on

achondroplasia kids with seizures. All boys,

all on oxygen.

I think the conclusion to that paper was that some young children who are

slightly oxygen deprived can develop seizures. This is seen in achons

because of the small chest size.

Dee might be able to get you a copy of the paper. I haven't actually

seen the paper. But I know that one of the doctors that knows all three

achon boys here in Austin, gave the docs at Greenberg infomation for their



>From: Sudabba2@...


>Has anyone had problems with epilepsy. We have just found out that our 8

>month old daughter with hypochodroplasia also has some form of epilepsy.


>info would be great! Thanks Karl Pierick



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Karl, we read your email early this morning and wanted to address you and

the list.

Our daughter had epilepsy for years, then, she also grew slowly out of it.

After much following of her specialists, we have discovered that pain is

what had brought them on most of the time.

If there is anything we can help with, we will be glad to do so.

The Hoggan Clan


" The Kiss of an angel's wings...

is as the touch of a butterfly kiss.. "



> From: Sudabba2@...


> Has anyone had problems with epilepsy. We have just found out that our 8

> month old daughter with hypochodroplasia also has some form of epilepsy.


> info would be great! Thanks Karl Pierick


> ---------------------------

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My 2 year old daughter, Annie, has hypochondroplasia. She had a seizure

disorder the first two months of life, where she would seize

and her breathing would completely stop for up to several minutes at a time.

She was in and out of the ICU during that time, where she would be bagged

and oxygen pumped into her until her seizure ended. She was put on

phenobarbitol right after birth but continued to seize until 2 months of

age. At home, we kept her on an apnea monitor and a pulse oximeter for 24

hours a day (and oxygen nearby) until she was about 5 months old, then as

she started moving around more we switched to nighttime use only until she

was about 17 months old. Her EEGs have been normal for the last year and a

half, and we are

hoping that she has outgrown the seizures. We are awaiting the results of

the last EEG, done a couple of weeks ago. If that test is negative for

seizure activity, then we are going to begin the process of weaning her from

the medication. What we don't know is if at 2 months of age she outgrew the

seizures, or if we simply finally got them " controlled. " In the ICU she

was hooked up to a video/audio EEG, and it was documented that she had the

seizures first, which in turn shut down her breathing about 10 seconds into


seizure and would last until the seizure ended. (As mentioned in an earlier

post today, a lack of oxygen can cause a seizure; but in Annie's case a

seizure would cause a lack of oxygen.)

All of this was well before she was diagnosed with hypochondroplasia, and

after zillions of tests that uncovered nothing were were all under the

assumption that she was having ideopathic (cause unknown) seizures and that

she would simply outgrow them and lead a totally normal life. However,

since her diagnosis of hypochondroplasia at 18 months of age, we have heard

of several cases in which other children with hypochondroplasia have had

seizures. However, the age of onset has varied, as well as the presentation

of the seizures, etc. Right after she was diagnosed with hypochondroplasia,

when I suggested that perhaps the seizures and hypochondroplasia might be

related, her doctors would say no, seizures only occur in people with

achondroplasia. We have since met with Dr. (geneticist) at

the Greenberg Center, and he said that although it is relatively rare in

hypochondroplasia, he now knows that seizures can occur in hypochondroplasia

as well.

Sorry this is so long, but I searched for answers for so long, and I am

eager to hopefully be of some help to you and others. I would also be

interested in hearing about your daughter's seizures, whether she is on

medication now, how you are doing with it all, etc.

Sincerely, Elaine


>From: Sudabba2@...


>Has anyone had problems with epilepsy. We have just found out that our 8

>month old daughter with hypochodroplasia also has some form of epilepsy.


>info would be great! Thanks Karl Pierick



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My husband has hypochondroplasia and has a seizure disorder called

" Simple/Complex Partial Seizures " . He was diagnosed 2 years ago. He has only

had one clinical seizure that we are aware of. Before his major seizure he

would constantly have strong headaches and vomit everyother day. They figured

that the vomitting was a form of a seizure. The Neurologist said that it is a

very rare type. He has been seizure free for over two years.

We also have a set of twins with Achondroplasia and they are 16 months old. Our

daughter Olivia has " Partial Complex Seizures " that is where she stops

breathing/stares/and turns blue. This lasts approximately 45 seconds and only

occurs when she has an infection primarily with her ears. They hope that she

will out grow these seizures. They are nothing major and it is rare if she has

them. Maggie our other daughter had one major sub clinical seizure and none

since. The twins are on a anti-seizure medication called Tegretol. It works

just great. By the way Olivia was diagnosed when she was 4 months old and

Maggie had hers when she was 8 months old.

Suzie Messinger Rasa

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It sounds like your are describing and his siezures, the day they

finally dianogis 's, he had 12 siezures in 10 hours, stop breating each

time, had already been on oxygen for 6 weeks. has been siezure free

for 3 years but his last EEG was abnormal so he is still on Tegretol. But

they still think, his siezures might have been orginal triggered by lack of

oxygen, being on oxygen doesn't fix the problem they just think that the

initial lack of oxygen did something to the brain to cause the siezures in

the first place.

12 siezures in 10 hours day is still the worst day of my life, and we

have been through sooooo much since then, 30 days in ICU, 10 days in ICU,

neuro surgery .... The siezures was the third health problem had, but

far from the last. The thing that bugs me most about that day was, from

siezure 5th and on, a medical person was there each time, and until the 9th

one they did nothing! I was the one who have to get him breathing again,

and again... I remember this one male nurse (they were male nurses, male

doctors and female nurses that also did nothing), but this guy was the

worse, he said " Oh, look, he stop breathing, again! " , with amusement in his

tone of voice, like it was some amusing antic. I wish we hadn't brought

this subject up.



>My 2 year old daughter, Annie, has hypochondroplasia. She had a seizure

>disorder the first two months of life, where she would seize

>and her breathing would completely stop for up to several minutes at a


>She was in and out of the ICU during that time, where she would be bagged

>and oxygen pumped into her until her seizure ended. She was put on

>phenobarbitol right after birth but continued to seize until 2 months of

>age. At home, we kept her on an apnea monitor and a pulse oximeter for 24

>hours a day (and oxygen nearby) until she was about 5 months old, then as

>she started moving around more we switched to nighttime use only until she

>was about 17 months old.

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Oh, , I shook and cried when I read your post. I am so sorry for what

you went through, as I can relate. Annie also had seizures in a series, or

blocks, as Dr, calls it. She would have anywhere from 3 to seven

seizures in one day, turning profoundly blue each time. Then, she would

have none for a few days or a week or so, during which time the doctors

would proclaim her controlled and send us home. Then, of course, they would

strike again in a series.

She had her first seizure at 4 hours after birth, and by the next morning

she had had about 7. After being on phenobarb for a week and going the week

without a seizure, she was released. We asked for an apnea monitor (my

sister, who is a physician, fortunately told me not to leave without one)

and the ICU doctor was quite annoyed -- she said she would never have

another seizure since she was on phenobarb, and that getting a monitor and

training for it would mess up her dismissal schedule. We held our ground,

and we got our monitor. When she was 2 weeks old, I took her to her 2 week

appointment at her pediatrician's office. On the way, on the interstate,

she had a seizure and quit breathing. I pulled over, jumped in the back

seat, and gave her rescue breathing. When she came to, I managed to drive

to the doctor's. In front of the doctor, she had another one. The doctor

told me to take her down to ish Rite to be admitted. I told her I

needed an ambulance, and she said I wouldn't need one, that she would not

have another one. Why in the world I listened to her I have no idea. I

rushed to the car, flying to the hospital (about 15 miles away), and within

a mile of the hospital she had a seizure and quit breating. In my panick, I

just sped to the hospital, drove over a curb into the grass in front of day

surgery, jumped out and yelled for help. Two nurses took her from me, and a

code blue was called (my husband, who was at another part of the hospital

awaiting our arrival, heard the code blue and knew in his gut that it was

us. He ran outside and saw our car on the grass with the doors open. He

finally found me in the waiting room of day surgery with the code blue team

running by.) About 8 minutes went by from the time the seizure started

until she came to, and she didn't get oxygen until about 5 or 6 minutes into

the seizure. The neurologist said that she was " profoundly blue. " She went

back to the ICU, and stayed for a couple of weeks. Again, we were released

and went home to wait for more. I literally sat in the corner of my family

room, with Annie hooked up, staring at her breathing all day long, afraid to

move. When they came again, we would do CPR and call 911. Once in the

ambulance, we would beg the paramedics to be on guard (I had to ride in

front and my husband followed), because we knew more would follow. At the

hospital, we were so scared because we had become so sleep deprived, but we

were afraid to fall asleep at her bedside in case she had a seizure, we were

afraid we would be too tired to hear the alarms. You see, there were about

3 occassions where no one responded to her alarms and I had to yell

repeatedly for help, and on one occasion no one ever helped -- I had to bag

her a pump the oxygen. It was unbelievable. A couple of her doctors were

very patronizing and acted like I went off the deep end because I was so

protective, but I didn't trust anyone at that point. (I should say, though,

that now, none of her doctors treat me in a patronizing way; rather, they

are all a little afraid of me, because they know that a lot of mistakes were

made along the way.) The whole thing was crazy. We slept in chairs at her

bedside throughout the night and one of us stayed there at all times during

the day. We would pray for a night nurse that we could trust, where we

could doze off without being quite as terrified. Every time we had a new

nurse, we would beg her to be diligent. One nurse yelled and us and said we

were not more special than her other patients. We explained that we

expected her to be on guard for everyone, but she treated us horribly the

rest of the night, and needless to say we didn't sleep that night. We were

so scared, it seemed like no one cared about our precious daughter, we were

the only ones we could depend on (with the exception of some very special

family members who shared our terror and pain).

Anyway, this sort of thing went on for two months, when finally she simply

never had another one. My husband and I didn't leave her alone, though,

until she was several months old, and then it was with a wonderful ICU nurse

with whom we had grown to trust and respect. A year ago, though, my sister

and her husband moved here to Atlanta, and then we could leave her with them

when we needed a night out.

It is really hard to get past that kind of fear, to put the trauma behind

you, even after 2 years of no seizures. I think it will forever be a part

of who I am now. I know that you know how I feel. I wish you and and

your family all the best.

Sincerely, Elaine.

Re: epilepsy

>From: " " <semiller@...>



>It sounds like your are describing and his siezures, the day they

>finally dianogis 's, he had 12 siezures in 10 hours, stop breating each

>time, had already been on oxygen for 6 weeks. has been siezure free

>for 3 years but his last EEG was abnormal so he is still on Tegretol. But

>they still think, his siezures might have been orginal triggered by lack of

>oxygen, being on oxygen doesn't fix the problem they just think that the

>initial lack of oxygen did something to the brain to cause the siezures in

>the first place.


> 12 siezures in 10 hours day is still the worst day of my life, and we

>have been through sooooo much since then, 30 days in ICU, 10 days in ICU,

>neuro surgery .... The siezures was the third health problem had, but

>far from the last. The thing that bugs me most about that day was, from

>siezure 5th and on, a medical person was there each time, and until the


>one they did nothing! I was the one who have to get him breathing again,

>and again... I remember this one male nurse (they were male nurses, male

>doctors and female nurses that also did nothing), but this guy was the

>worse, he said " Oh, look, he stop breathing, again! " , with amusement in his

>tone of voice, like it was some amusing antic. I wish we hadn't brought

>this subject up.




>>My 2 year old daughter, Annie, has hypochondroplasia. She had a seizure

>>disorder the first two months of life, where she would seize

>>and her breathing would completely stop for up to several minutes at a


>>She was in and out of the ICU during that time, where she would be bagged

>>and oxygen pumped into her until her seizure ended. She was put on

>>phenobarbitol right after birth but continued to seize until 2 months of

>>age. At home, we kept her on an apnea monitor and a pulse oximeter for 24

>>hours a day (and oxygen nearby) until she was about 5 months old, then as

>>she started moving around more we switched to nighttime use only until she

>>was about 17 months old.




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Hi Karl,

My son has achondroplasia is 12 years old. He developed seizures at the age

of 4 years. It took sometime to figure out what they were, but we

video-taped one in progress. This helped the neurologist immensely to

diagnose them as complex/partial seizures. He said they were classic for

this type of seizure. He is on the anti-convulsant medication lamictal. We

have tried alot of other meds and in combination but lamictal by itself keeps

his seizures under control. The only time we have break-through seizures is

if he is coming down with some type of illness, i.e. cold, ear infection and

if his shunt is malfunctioning. I have also noticed at times that lack of

sleep will trigger a seizure.

When I relayed this to Dr. Kopits who is Caleb's specialist in Baltimore,

land and who has well over 2000 achondroplastic patients he stated he has

only 5 (including my son) that have a seizure disorder. Makes me think it is

not any more common in achondroplasts than it is in the average population of


The only thing I know is that each time a person has a shunt revision and the

shunt is passed through brain cells, it can cause some damage to the brain

that may not be visible on scans but is enough to cause seizures, which are

electical currents in the brain that are misfiring, or that are not

connecting so to speak.

My son does fine with his seizures. They do not interfere in his activities.

Just have to understand them and know that when he feels one coming on he

should be kept sitting or lying down until it subsides. Caleb has an aura

(knows ahead of time he is going to have one) and this is helpful especially

at school.

Hope this helps. Thanks

Trudy (mom to Caleb 12, achondroplasia, hydro, seizure disorder,

slit-ventricle syndrome, craniosynotosis, 65 shunt revisions)

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  • 1 year later...

Jeanne, You are one of the fortunate few, but unfortunately not the

majority. How can you have a life if you have so many seizures that it takes

a week to " come too " and then you can't recall anything that happened in the

past. Depends on the level of seizures, frequency, if it can be controlled,

etc. Sometimes it is just existing.

<< >>>. How to have a life with epilepsy,

>>>not sure if you can have one, but let me know about that one! :)

You certainly can have a life with epilepsy!

Jeanne >>

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest




> Dr Breweitt


> Could you post to me how this would affect seizures? I am on the

> list on and I think you would be a great asset to the

> list, but meanwhile, could you post how this would help?


> Thanks

> Kathy


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  • 2 years later...

Dr.H. explains this in her books just look in the index.very interesting


sawobri0 <sawobri0@...> wrote:hi, my name is sarah. i have a daughter with

lennox-gastaut syndrome.

she is six, and been on 12 meds. they dont work, just cause horrible

side effects. she has apx. 30 seizures a day[absence, petite mal,

mylonic jerks] , can some one please help.

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> hi, my name is sarah. i have a daughter with lennox-gastaut syndrome.

> she is six, and been on 12 meds. they dont work, just cause horrible

> side effects. she has apx. 30 seizures a day[absence, petite mal,

> mylonic jerks] , can some one please help.


These may provide some insight also....



> > Any ideas ? Or anybody?....:)

> >

> > Khepri

>Look in the folder marked " Healing Drugs " in the files here:


>or, if that link doesn't work,


>There are many antiepileptic modalities discussed. The patents, etc.,

>have been edited for brevity.

>What comes to mind first are 5HT1A receptor antagonists, Loratidine

>(am over-the-counter antihistamine), there is an interesting patent

>for organic copper compounds for the treatment of epilepsy.

>There was a patent for an OTC antihistamine, Pepcid AC, it is most

>commonly used to counter acid reflux. The patent detailed it's use

>for ALS (amylotrophic lateral sclerosis), a degenerative neuro


>Magnesium supplementation may help, especially organic magnesium

>salts (magnesium taurinate).


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thank you so very much. i am so excited . i never heard of any of that b4.


Khepri <khepri@...> wrote:


> hi, my name is sarah. i have a daughter with lennox-gastaut syndrome.

> she is six, and been on 12 meds. they dont work, just cause horrible

> side effects. she has apx. 30 seizures a day[absence, petite mal,

> mylonic jerks] , can some one please help.


These may provide some insight also....



> > Any ideas ? Or anybody?....:)

> >

> > Khepri

>Look in the folder marked " Healing Drugs " in the files here:


>or, if that link doesn't work,


>There are many antiepileptic modalities discussed. The patents, etc.,

>have been edited for brevity.

>What comes to mind first are 5HT1A receptor antagonists, Loratidine

>(am over-the-counter antihistamine), there is an interesting patent

>for organic copper compounds for the treatment of epilepsy.

>There was a patent for an OTC antihistamine, Pepcid AC, it is most

>commonly used to counter acid reflux. The patent detailed it's use

>for ALS (amylotrophic lateral sclerosis), a degenerative neuro


>Magnesium supplementation may help, especially organic magnesium

>salts (magnesium taurinate).


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Yeah, is a smart guy, that why I asked him.....<giggle>





> > hi, my name is sarah. i have a daughter with lennox-gastaut


> > she is six, and been on 12 meds. they dont work, just cause horrible

> > side effects. she has apx. 30 seizures a day[absence, petite mal,

> > mylonic jerks] , can some one please help.

> ....................


> These may provide some insight also....


> Khepri



> >

> > > Any ideas ? Or anybody?....:)

> > >

> > > Khepri


> >Look in the folder marked " Healing Drugs " in the files here:

> >neurotechnology/files/Healing%20Drugs/

> >or, if that link doesn't work,

> >neurotechnology/files

> >There are many antiepileptic modalities discussed. The patents, etc.,

> >have been edited for brevity.

> >What comes to mind first are 5HT1A receptor antagonists, Loratidine

> >(am over-the-counter antihistamine), there is an interesting patent

> >for organic copper compounds for the treatment of epilepsy.

> >There was a patent for an OTC antihistamine, Pepcid AC, it is most

> >commonly used to counter acid reflux. The patent detailed it's use

> >for ALS (amylotrophic lateral sclerosis), a degenerative neuro

> >disorder.

> >Magnesium supplementation may help, especially organic magnesium

> >salts (magnesium taurinate).

> >




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  • 2 months later...




> A young man who is 18 years old,recently came to see me regarding

> his epilepsy. His first seizure began when was 15 years old and he

> has had 4 episodes since then. The doctors have said that his

> seizures are stimulant induced. His mother would love him to come

> off of his medication, but he is going to work abroad for a year.

> Is comming off of his medication a wise idea at this time, and is it

> possible using the qx, to eventually enable to live safely without

> medication? If so, what course would you suggest.


> Thanks






> ............................................



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Hi ,

Just watched a great movie based on a true story re: epilepsy " First do no harm " . There is a special diet to be followed for 3 years that seems to have incredible results. I believe it got started at Hopkins. No medication, a diet for 3 years, and freedom from seizures.


On Sat, 06 Dec 2003 08:08:08 -0000, bachfugue2003 wrote

> A young man who is 18 years old,recently came to see me regarding > his epilepsy.  His first seizure began when was 15 years old and he > has had 4 episodes since then.  The doctors have said that his > seizures are stimulant induced.  His mother would love him to come > off of his medication, but he is going to work abroad for a year.  > Is comming off of his medication a wise idea at this time, and is it > possible using the qx, to eventually enable to live safely without > medication?   If so, what course would you suggest.

> > Thanks >   > >


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Drugs all have side effects and they only treat the symptoms not the cause

of the disease. It is not in the best interest of the medical and

pharmaceutical establishment to find a cure for any disease. I would like

to recommend that you read a very enlightening book entitled 'Stop the

Medicine' by M. , MD.

Dr. exposes every part of the orthodox brittle medical establishment

in this book. She healed herself of epilepsy with herbs and detoxification

while she was attending medical school. At first she was taking

prescription drugs, but they all had bad side effects, so she finally

realized that if she wanted to be healed she would have to go the natural

healing way. Dr. then embarked on a quest for natural healing with


One thing about epilepsy...it causes memory loss that may be mistaken for

Alzheimer's Disease.

There are no drugs that will heal epilepsy or alzheimer's...only drugs that

alleviate symptoms.

The book 'Stop the Medicine' (item #BK-2337) retails for $15.95 but you may

order it this month for only $3.98 each from the Vitamin Shoppe at:


Another doctor that is exposing the allopathic drug-pushing medical

establishment is Dr. Rath. He is putting large ads in major papers all over

the U.S.A. and other countries exposing the drug cartels and their drug

pushers. Dr. Rath has scientific proof of healing many diseases with just

vitamins, minerals, and other supplements.

You may join his Health Alliance for free and get the benefit of receiving

all his research information for free. Call this phone number to join his

alliance...1-800-624-2442 refer #1315. We need to be united in spreading

the truth about how nutriceuticals can heal.

Yours truly,

Dr. Berelli

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Dr. Berelli

Thanks for your effort to spread this message to us.

I'm don't know whether I can get book of'Stop the Medicine' in price $3.98.

For your reference I'm in Taiwan.

Best regards


Re: epilepsy

Drugs all have side effects and they only treat the symptoms not the causeof the disease. It is not in the best interest of the medical andpharmaceutical establishment to find a cure for any disease. I would liketo recommend that you read a very enlightening book entitled 'Stop theMedicine' by M. , MD.Dr. exposes every part of the orthodox brittle medical establishmentin this book. She healed herself of epilepsy with herbs and detoxificationwhile she was attending medical school. At first she was takingprescription drugs, but they all had bad side effects, so she finallyrealized that if she wanted to be healed she would have to go the naturalhealing way. Dr. then embarked on a quest for natural healing withherbs.One thing about epilepsy...it causes memory loss that may be mistaken forAlzheimer's Disease.There are no drugs that will heal epilepsy or alzheimer's...only drugs thatalleviate symptoms.The book 'Stop the Medicine' (item #BK-2337) retails for $15.95 but you mayorder it this month for only $3.98 each from the Vitamin Shoppe at:1-800-223-1216.Another doctor that is exposing the allopathic drug-pushing medicalestablishment is Dr. Rath. He is putting large ads in major papers all overthe U.S.A. and other countries exposing the drug cartels and their drugpushers. Dr. Rath has scientific proof of healing many diseases with justvitamins, minerals, and other supplements.You may join his Health Alliance for free and get the benefit of receivingall his research information for free. Call this phone number to join hisalliance...1-800-624-2442 refer #1315. We need to be united in spreadingthe truth about how nutriceuticals can heal.Yours truly,Dr. Berelli............................................

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Bill also talks about a diet for handling epilepsy ; low on proteins ( esp. animal- my comment ) You can learn about it when you access the EEG/ brai wave pattern / attention def-brain fatigue/ calculate / epilepsy report; It's called keton diet. Noel

Re: epilepsy

Hi ,

Just watched a great movie based on a true story re: epilepsy "First do no harm". There is a special diet to be followed for 3 years that seems to have incredible results. I believe it got started at Hopkins. No medication, a diet for 3 years, and freedom from seizures.


On Sat, 06 Dec 2003 08:08:08 -0000, bachfugue2003 wrote > A young man who is 18 years old,recently came to see me regarding > his epilepsy. His first seizure began when was 15 years old and he > has had 4 episodes since then. The doctors have said that his > seizures are stimulant induced. His mother would love him to come > off of his medication, but he is going to work abroad for a year. > Is comming off of his medication a wise idea at this time, and is it > possible using the qx, to eventually enable to live safely without > medication? If so, what course would you suggest. > > Thanks > > > >

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Hi le

Do you know this diet protocol

Best RegardsSTAY HEALTHY THE NATURAL WAYHOMEOPATHY & QXCI NEW QUANTUM ENERGETIC MEDICINEMr. Quaresma BRANCO LCPH MARH FBIHTel: +212 022 36 42 52GSM +212 (0)61 65 18 73Tel/Fax/Voice: International +44 (0)709 222 5225

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I have just learned through the KI Method of energetic treatments that you can stop an epileptic seizure by grabbing onto the thumbs and holding them firmly for about 2-5 minutes. If someone else is available to hold the big toes, that also helps. This brings them out of the seizure quickly if it is a Petit Mal one. It doesn't hurt to continue holding the thumbs for another few minutes--20 at maximum. Further information at www.kinginstitute.org. Blessings! Nona

Re: epilepsy

Hi le

Do you know this diet protocol

Best RegardsSTAY HEALTHY THE NATURAL WAYHOMEOPATHY & QXCI NEW QUANTUM ENERGETIC MEDICINEMr. Quaresma BRANCO LCPH MARH FBIHTel: +212 022 36 42 52GSM +212 (0)61 65 18 73Tel/Fax/Voice: International +44 (0)709 222 5225


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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't fail to consider geopathic stress. is Rotella, M.Ac.

--- In qxci-english , " Therapeutic Body Center " <bg@i...> wr=


> I didn't see anything posted - but my experience has been that

> mineral/electrolyte imbalance and severe hypoglycemia are involved in

> seizure cases.


> . .. in addition to the usual beliefs of parasites.




> Epilepsy



> I sent a question regarding epilepsy a few weeks ago to the group

> but my email has been giving me trouble. If anyone has a copy og

> the bulltin that contains some feedback re the 18 year old boy who

> started having seizures 2 years ago, I would really appreciate it

> being fowarded to me. He is the young man who's seizures are

> stimulant induced. Any information will be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks so much

> Norman




> ............................................



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My own experience with my daughter has been very interesting.. It is as if

when very angry she forms small blood clots and has TIA induced seizures...

Her blood chemistry and clotting mechanism changes.. In a non-seizure state

she has a very slow clotting rate at the quarter and half life time.

We have been using a TCM (Chinese medicine) professor and she is working on

strengthening her stress tolerance whilst also showing us simple massage

techniques to do at bed time so she has good quality sleep... The final part

very very importantly is that the fluid drains from her brain very rapidly..

particularly if she eats a lot of salt or has salt scavenging food like

potatoes or nightshade family veggies. She has a 2 litre water bottle that

she drinks from regularly during the day... The improvements have been

fantastic... and very importantly she needs someone to talk to in depth to

express the emotion before it builds into anger and rage.

I hope this helps you on your journey with this young man... Never give up







> I sent a question regarding epilepsy a few weeks ago to the group

> but my email has been giving me trouble. If anyone has a copy og

> the bulltin that contains some feedback re the 18 year old boy who

> started having seizures 2 years ago, I would really appreciate it

> being fowarded to me. He is the young man who's seizures are

> stimulant induced. Any information will be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks so much

> Norman




> ............................................



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  • 8 months later...

GREAT SCOTT! ! You never told me your son had epilepsy???!! That is

terrific news! When I sold you your first bottle of BB I thought it was for

you. Of course someone has epilepsy, you are in this forum...DUHHHH... I am

so glad you are seeing improvements with the top nutrition available! I

thought the story you told me about your boss saying that you were getting a

lot more work done was what we had accomplished with you taking BodyBalance!

To hear that a 23 year old could feel the difference after a couple of days

was a good enough testimonial for me, but this is even better! Don " the BB

salesman " PTL [ ] epilepsy



> i was very sceptical when i was approched by a bodybalance salesman

> who told me his product helped his son's epilepsy. but as all you

> know no matter how many things you've tried you'll try one more so i

> purchased a bottle. of course there was no change at first but after

> a week of continuously taking his one ounce a day my son started to

> improve and continues to do so. thanks for listening, please

> overlook my spelling. if anyone is interested in trying this

> product for free you can go to lifeforcefamily.com and his referal

> code is 20481347 good luck everone. keep the faith.








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  • 2 months later...


Yes, I wrote the book. The book talks about studies where coconut oil can

help with epilepsy.


Hi New to the group





>> Hi I was just wondering if there is a good book about organic virgin

>> coconut oil that I can read. I use it everyday. I just want to share

>> the info with family members.


>> ALso a good cream for the face for coconut oil. I know it is very

>> good. I also have epilepsy so I am sure it helps that too. But I would

>> like more info on that also.

>> Thanks










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Hello. I am new to coconut " therapy " and to

computers. This is avery active site, I had 111

" notes " on it, evidently I clicked an on button more

than once.Any way I gave handfulls of coconut shavings

to my black lab and my 10 (?) year old beagle and

they enjoy it very much. As do I.Personally I have

noticed a much,much cooler temper, and smoother

skin.IE with the oils. Here is where I ordered:

www.agbangakarite.com They have all three kinds,

virgincoconutoil virginpalmkernaloil and

virginredpalmoil,taste wise I like the virgin palm

kernal oil the best. It is a very interesting site. It

is a bunch of women in Togo who borrowed 100 grand and

set up a high tech water purification site and a

" health tech " coconut buisiness. Theeir state side

rep is 1-866-pur-shea Be sure you put that " dash in.

@piccadillybooks.com> wrote:

> Grace,


> Yes, I wrote the book. The book talks about studies

> where coconut oil can

> help with epilepsy.


> Bruce


> Hi New to the

> group

> >

> >

> >>

> >>

> >> Hi I was just wondering if there is a good book

> about organic virgin

> >> coconut oil that I can read. I use it everyday. I

> just want to share

> >> the info with family members.

> >>

> >> ALso a good cream for the face for coconut oil. I

> know it is very

> >> good. I also have epilepsy so I am sure it helps

> that too. But I would

> >> like more info on that also.

> >> Thanks

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

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