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, thank you for this information. I am no where near a transplant, so maybe I will just stay with the GI for now. I am responding overall to the meds so that is a good thing! Thanks...debby

[ ] Doctors

Debby: To your question as to what type of doctors we see - I have both a GI and a hepatologist. The GI keeps constant tabs on me, but he defers to the hepatologist, who I see infrequently. But, since my last liver biopsy, the GI definitely wants me to see the hepatologist to get "queued up for the transplant", as he puts it.Hope this helps.gina

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I pulled a muscle in my back raking leaves and had to go to a doctor. I seen a new doctor, my old doctor had moved. I told him I have Hep C and was worried about what kind of medicine I should take. While he gave me a muscle relaxed (cyclobenzadine), pain medicine (propoxy-n/apap), and Tylenol. My pharmacist was upset and asked me if I told him I had HepC and I told him I did. He said do not take anymore then three to four tablets a day of the Tylenol. He said people with HepC should not take Tylenol. My husband seen the Tylenol and threw it away. My question is why do these doctors keep giving us medicine that is harmful to us. Are they trying to kill us? Just a thought. LaDonna

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  • 3 months later...
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Jan......sorry to hear you are feeling

" grotty " (grotty is a bad thing...right) I hope you start feeling better

and Ian gets relief. Back pain is te worst...

Iagree with you about all the different

advice. I can't understand why so wide a range. As you may know was

transplanted at the Cleveland Clinic which is one of the top 5 hospitals

in the country if not the world.... After Tx I was on heavy duty immunos

including prednisone.. I also HAD to take various antibiotics for

propholactic purposes as I was especially in danger of viruse attacks,

now to me this sounds logical if ones immune system is suppressed, it

also sounds logical to get yearly flu shots for the same reason. The flu

shots are made from dead viruses and as such can not develop into flu as

a live virus could (like polio vaccine) I was not offered Hep.B or Hep .

shots as they felt 1.... that the suppressed immune system might not

allow them to work and 2... at least with Hep. B, that I actually could

contract the B virus instead of being protected...for te same reason..my

immune system was compromised. Now this is not to say the Cleveland

Clinic has all the answers, but have a great deal of trust and faith in

their ability and my own common sense tells me they are right. I haven't

gotten the flu and as a matter of fact haven't had a cold but once (a

summer cold) since Tx and I used to get 2 or 3 a year. My only problem

has been the emergence of multiple myeloma, which I was told may likely

have been exacerbated by the prograf I take and tho a risk for any of us

, is not common.

Why all these different opinions baffle me, who's right? I'll stick to

the Clinic's advice, they litterally saved my life and I'm still alive 7

1/2 years later.

I'm also very upset about your circulation problems, are they absolutely

sure there is nothing to correct it? I'll pray that it can be solved.

And for Ian also. God bless you dear friend. Keep your toes clinched

tightly to the earth and your duct tape fresh. I don't want you falling


love jerry

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> Jan.....GOBSMACKED? I think you make some of these up. Goofy kiwis....


> love jerry

Hey Jerry I knew gobsmacked! I do have some english and aussie friends!!!! OR







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  • 8 months later...


Of course. Please do. The more detailed the contact info, the better.

(Name, address, telephone, etc.) I'll add it to the listing that gets

sent out once a month.

Thanks, in advance,


cpgarafalo wrote:

> Am I able to contribute a rheumy's name? She is based in NY, with a

> clinic in NJ, and is just fantastic! G



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  • 4 months later...
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Dear Jessa,

I understand so totally! For years that is all doctors would offer me

was prednisone or medrol! I finally got to the point where my stomach

would swell and my period would start whether it was supposed to or not

whenever I took cortisone so I determined to never take it again. I'd find

something else that would work. I have been to so many doctors who simply

don't care! Who told me my hearing loss was permanent or since my thyroid

was acting up it would soon be dead. I determined not to believe them and

I pressed on. I'm glad you aren't going to see this Dr. anymore. There

are doctors out there who really care and you can find one! To find out

if I had idiopathic thrombrosis purpura I had a very painful bone marrow

removal in the office while the Dr. and nurse talked about other patients

who were getting cancer treatments and how small the office was! I wanted

someone to comfort me and hold my hand and tell me what to expect but

instead I was treated so uncaringly. I never went back. And the only

treatments they could offer were once again cortisone or surgery. I had

already been down that path and I refused to do it again. I believe when

doctors don't know what to do they offer cortisone! That's their only

answer. There are great doctors out there so don't give up. This is why I

began to be interested in alternative treatments. The medical profession

simply couldn't help me. I truly believe that the answers I have found can

help you. I was doing so badly for so long and I was so severely sick but

I overcame it all WITHOUT cortisone or surgery! But DON'T suddenly go off

cortisone. It is very dangerous. It must be done slowly. Too fast of

reduction can have severe side effects including death. If you read a

cortisone phamphlet it will mention it. Do it only under a doctor's care

and the slower the better. When I went off I ended up in severe pain and a

very severe depression where I didn't even eat or get dressed which I thihk

was a result of going off in fact too fast since I had been on the pills

for seven years. My Doctor always had me take the pills only every other

day to reduce side effects. Did your Doctor do this? If not you need to

be even more careful. Also, I have tried to suddenly stop all medicines -

I did it when I was pregnant and all that happened was I felt ten times

worse. As for your hair loss that can be from your thyroid. Or it can all

be from the cortisone. If you aren't feeling better on the cortisone (I

never did) you can go off but only SLOWLY and CAREFULLY! You should be

able to find a doctor to help you. I now take pulmacort 1 puff twice a day

and beconase 2 puffs twice a day and that is it. I hope to not need

medicines in the future but only after I have felt perfect health for quite

a long time will I even think of attempting it and then only very, very

slowly under a doctor's care.


<< File: ATT00017.htm; charset = ISO-8859-1 >>

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  • 1 year later...
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I find doctors are useful for getting labwork done, setting broken

bones, and removing appendixes. Other than that I try to stay away from

them as much as possible. Same with anything sold by prescription. Alobar

I used to say, " If I want a certificate, I go to a doctor. If I want a cure, I

go to the homeopath. " It's a shame, because the chemical industry, the drug

lords, have started to rule the world, never mind the medical profession. But

there are still doctors there plugged in to the natural world; some nature cure

enthusiasts have taken a medical course just so they can be licensed to do the

wise thing for the body. Other Drs combine the official or accepted or orthodox

methods with acupuncture or electromagnetic methods etc. I always do a double

take when " normal " doctors are described as practising " traditional " medicine; I

should have thought it anything but traditional.


Get wisdom.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Hope you heal well and quickly.Some hospitals are better

and alot are worse these days sad to say. My daughter just had

surgery and her hospital was pretty good. But I have to say the one

I was in was alot better. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Sharon

Group Owner

> doctors would get sued more if we (patients) didn't have to lay

around the

> house in complete agonizing pain, the first two weeks after


> actually it's the hospital that im angry at but it's the same

thing. by the

> time i feel well i wont care about the incredible lack of empathy,


> sense, and they are all missing their souls. i will go into

details later


> not sure how many plates screws nuts and steel cages are in me cuz

i havent

> asked yet, but my three level super duper spinal fusion is over.

yes that

> is the correct medical terminology. thats as long as i can sit

here. i

> will say i feel so far that it was successful, the only pain i

feel is that

> of the surgery. also thank you for all of your support. any

questions just

> let me know.


> i will be back to sort through the mail later.


> thank you everyone

> rob from va


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I travel 6 hours to Cinci to see Dr. Passo (plus my kids GI specialist). I have

only seen him twice but as far as I am concerned it was worth the trip. I

wouldn't go anywhere else at this point.

Just my two cents.


brileetay@... wrote:

I am in need of advice. I am currently going to Dr. Bell in

ville. He is wonderful. He studied under Dr. Passo at Riley Hospital in

Indianapolis. I was thrilled when he set up practice in ville and his

expertise is priceless. Unfortunately Blue Cross Blue shield recently dropped


and under my family plan it will cost a fortune to go to him in the future.

I hate to leave him, but I simply do not have the money to pay for this

myself. I have checked and there are some doctors in Owensboro KY and


I will take any advice I can get on a new doctor. Dr. Passo said he would

see me, but Cinci is 4 hours away. Thanks in advance.

(Polyarticular JRA, 35)

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I am assuming you want an adult rheumatologist?

I live in Indiana, just over the river from Louisville. I have RA.

I go to Dr. Stern, and though his bedside manner is a bit 'dry',

he is a good doctor. I tend to book with his nurse practicioner, who I

really click with. I have been happy with my care there.

My son has ankylosing spondylitis, and his pediatrician in

Louisville, Abbott, says that when Dr. Passo in Cincy will no

longer see him, she wants him to go to in Louisville. We

are going to see Dr Passo for as long as possible.

I have heard wonderful things about Dr. but have no personal

experience with him. I believe that Donna Fox-Keidel recently started

seeing him, and perhaps she can chime in with her thoughts.

and Rob 16 Spondy

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 23:14:44 EDT brileetay@... writes:

I am in need of advice. I am currently going to Dr. Bell in

ville. He is wonderful. He studied under Dr. Passo at Riley

Hospital in

Indianapolis. I was thrilled when he set up practice in ville and


expertise is priceless. Unfortunately Blue Cross Blue shield recently

dropped him

and under my family plan it will cost a fortune to go to him in the


I hate to leave him, but I simply do not have the money to pay for this

myself. I have checked and there are some doctors in Owensboro KY and


I will take any advice I can get on a new doctor. Dr. Passo said he


see me, but Cinci is 4 hours away. Thanks in advance.

(Polyarticular JRA, 35)

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I am sure that Donna, and can give you some advise about the

rheumies in Louisvile.

That is a shame about your insurance denying you access to a Dr whom you

obviously love and respect.

We also take our son to Cincy and drive about 5 hours,all the way from about

an hour south of Nashville TN.

I'm not surprised that Passo said he would see you.Lovell and I had a

discusion about kids transitioning to adult rheumies and it ended with Cincy


has adults well into there 30's that just refuse to leave,lol

Good luck on your hunt.

Becki and 7 systemic

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I certainly don't want to discourage you, but I don't

think one doctor's office over another will have

success in persuading your insurance company -- unless

your insurance plan has a list of " preferred

providers " for the surgery and you have to use one

from that list. However, in that case, what I've

found is that those insurance plans (like Group

Health in the NW) only have approved doctors for

gastric bypass surgery, not the lap band procedure.

www.obesitylaw.com ... This is a great resource --

I have contacted them personally, and they were

wonderful to work with. They will be very honest with

you about your chances of winning an approval. My

insurance company is famous for never granting an

approval -- never. Walter Lindstrom at Obesity Law

said they would try to fight the appeals process for

me (for a very reasonable fee), but they said (right

up front) " we don't think our chances are good. "

In the end, I also grew tired of the insurance battle,

and decided to get banded as a self pay patient. You

can visit different websites and find email addresses

for the clinics -- and try emailing them to find out

how often the doctor has done lap band surgeries. One

other important thing to ask, is whether the doctor

does gastric bypass as well. You might find that

doctors that do BOTH surgeries really tend to push you

toward having a bypass done instead of the band. Or,

they might treat you like a bypass patient after

surgery -- when bypass patients are very different

from banded patients.

I don't know where you live, but I live in Washington

State -- and I'm going to Northwest Weight Loss

Surgery (NWWLS) because they have done over 900 of

these operations and they ONLY do lap band surgeries.

I have to drive 4 hours to get to them, but I think

their expertise is worth the drive.

I know others who have gone to good doctors in Mexico

-- it is cheaper -- but I'd rather have it done closer

to home.

Don't give up!!!!!

--- cec3135 <cec3135@...> wrote:

> Could someone please tell me where I can look to see

> how may lap band

> a doctor has done?

> Additional question

> is one doctor more likely to help get your insurance

> to approve then

> another.


- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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I have had the same problem and my insurance would've

last year approved gastric bypass but not lap bands.

This year neither one and I for one can't afford

$20,000 for the surgery but I need it done or I won't

survive to a ripe old age mentally or physcially. I

found a dr in Mexico that will do it for $8900 that

includes the hospital stay and hotel. There are others

in Mexico that do it cheaper but it is done in a

clinic and not the hospital. It is something to check

out Dr. Kuri. He has done over a 1000 surgeries. He

only does lap bands no other surgeries and has

connections in the Northwest where you can get fills

without going back. He has had no deaths to date from

the surgery. I just went to web site and did a search

on lap band, mexico. Just a suggestion and no I have

not had it done yet but have talked with a lot of his

patients. All positive. Good luck.

--- cec3135 <cec3135@...> wrote:

> Could someone please tell me where I can look to see

> how may lap band

> a doctor has done? Was told I need to find a doctor

> that had been

> doing the lap band for a while and had done alot;

> Additional question

> is one doctor more likely to help get your insurance

> to approve then

> another. My PCP has wrote a LOMN can the doctor that

> will be doing the

> lap band also write a LOMN as well after you have

> had your H & P and Lab

> work completed? I have tried everything to get my

> insurance to approve, but no luck, a RN from work

> said that some

> doctors get approval more then others does anyone

> know if this is

> true? I have nearly given up thinking I will ever be

> able to have this

> procedure done!

> Any advice or information would be appreciated








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Hi . Unfortunately we do not have many adult rheumatologists but

fortunate that we do have some good ones. I would recommend Dr's. June, Stern


. If you need further info let me know!


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I just hate to read stories like this...having to change from a

wonderful doctor because of insurance. It suxs.

I have no real advice, but I just wanted to wish you luck in finding

a new doctor. I hope they are as good as your last one.

hugs Helen and (8,systmeic)

-- In , brileetay@a... wrote:


> I am in need of advice. I am currently going to Dr. Bell


> ville. He is wonderful. He studied under Dr. Passo at

Riley Hospital in

> Indianapolis. I was thrilled when he set up practice in

ville and his

> expertise is priceless. Unfortunately Blue Cross Blue shield

recently dropped him

> and under my family plan it will cost a fortune to go to him in

the future.

> I hate to leave him, but I simply do not have the money to pay

for this

> myself. I have checked and there are some doctors in Owensboro

KY and Louisville.

> I will take any advice I can get on a new doctor. Dr. Passo

said he would

> see me, but Cinci is 4 hours away. Thanks in advance.


> (Polyarticular JRA, 35)





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There is a doctor at children memorial hospital. In

chicago. She is under majority of health plans. Her

name is Dr Klein-Gitleman.


and age 11 poly-uvestis

--- Damato <darksun1889@...> wrote:

> I travel 6 hours to Cinci to see Dr. Passo (plus my

> kids GI specialist). I have only seen him twice but

> as far as I am concerned it was worth the trip. I

> wouldn't go anywhere else at this point.


> Just my two cents.


> Val


> brileetay@... wrote:

> I am in need of advice. I am currently going to Dr.

> Bell in

> ville. He is wonderful. He studied under Dr.

> Passo at Riley Hospital in

> Indianapolis. I was thrilled when he set up

> practice in ville and his

> expertise is priceless. Unfortunately Blue Cross

> Blue shield recently dropped him

> and under my family plan it will cost a fortune to

> go to him in the future.

> I hate to leave him, but I simply do not have the

> money to pay for this

> myself. I have checked and there are some doctors

> in Owensboro KY and Louisville.

> I will take any advice I can get on a new doctor.

> Dr. Passo said he would

> see me, but Cinci is 4 hours away. Thanks in

> advance.


> (Polyarticular JRA, 35)




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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  • 1 month later...

Well first of all we're not suppose to give doctors names on here. But

I really don't understand what you are looking for. " A doctor that

knows what's going on & how to treat? " Well if you are seeing Dr. J in

Hermitage you are seeing one of the best LLMDs in the country. If he's

not good enough for you, then I would suggest Dr. B.

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Here's the phone number for the Lyme disease association:

1-888-366-6611. They can help you find a doc. Best wishes. Cooky


> Where can you find a doctor that actually knows what's going on and

> how to treat it? My husband was officially diagnosed with lyme in


> 2004(was bit april 2004) and has been on many antibiotics for the


> year, including the IV. We live in PA and see a DR. pt in

> Hermitage. We would like to try someone else in middle or Western PA.


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In regards to LMD is Pennsylvania most go by Infectious Disease Doctor.

I go to one in Mechancisburg, PA his name is Dr. Sullivan.

There is also a women in Lebanon, PA and he name is Dr. Leisure (sp?)

Best of luck to you, keep us posted.

zonkey64 <zebra64@...> wrote:

Where can you find a doctor that actually knows what's going on and

how to treat it? My husband was officially diagnosed with lyme in oct

2004(was bit april 2004) and has been on many antibiotics for the past

year, including the IV. We live in PA and see a DR. pt in

Hermitage. We would like to try someone else in middle or Western PA.

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I think it would be a very rare medical doctor that could

help you with ES. Such a doctor probably would be helping

folks with chronic fatigue syndrome and environmental illness.

You may find a higher percentage of folks who could help in

the alternative medical field, if you can find such folks

in your area. People who focus on the above things, plus

nutrition and detoxification.

After going to over a dozen health practitioners, the most

helpful people I found for myself weren't even doctors at

all (e.g. the last person I saw was a " nutritionist " ).

Although, I suppose that nobody has helped me more then *me*,

as it seems that most of my major breakthroughs have been due

to my own research and my own trial & error.


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A neurologist once told me to see a behavioral therapist. Fortunately

or unfortunately, I had been for years. He then became quite interested

in my condition after I told him more about where I have problems. He

told me about his parents that have all kinds of health issues and live

next to a power station. He offered an MRI and I declined because I

didn't want to be in a 1000 Tesla field.

I have gotten some support and validation from an environmental PhD

doctor locally as well as from a Kinesiologist. I have been putting

together info from Homeopaths, nutritionists, and have done a lot of

self medicating and experimentation.

If you find a doctor that is an expert at healing electrosensitives,

let me know!

There is an Environmental Health Center in Dallas


I don't know much about them and just sent them an email.

On Feb 25, 2006, at 12:14 PM, iedbunnie wrote:














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Most doctors I know will not be able to help. They are not aware of the research

in the field and have no tools as yet. I wish they did. One day they will.

Maybe I shouldn't call myself a doctor. but that is where I started. I've been

through a lot since those days. I graduated in 1947 And i passed beyond the

'doctor' stage in the late 60's. For example I was using the conductive carbon

paints you are discussing now, many years ago when I was working withthe problem

of how to heat up the surface of plastics for an invention I working with.

I have 3 patents.None of them in the field of .

But in the last 4 years I have been working with a man who has a different

approach to dealing with EMF radiation.

He is an inventor engineer healer.

His approach is to increase the bodies capacity to deal with the high EMF

radiation that is around us using digitized homeopathic remedies.

If you are interested let me know.

I am not sure his inventions will be helpfull when you have become an EMF

sensative person... one who gets very sick from radiation.

But it is helpful to people who get headaches, anxiety and loss of energy from

working with computers as a part of their daily routine.

I have been collecting the research done in this area but its scattered. For

example, now a Swedish researcher has been demonstrated that EMF radiations do

cause skin changes.

It might interest you that the former director of the WHO Gro Haarlam

Bruntland is esensitive. She tried to introduce a 'cautionary principle' that

would caution parents against allowing children to use mobile phones, but when

she retired not long after, WHO reversed their position and did not set any

limits or advisories about this.


But I understand that when you are esensative you want to reduce the symptoms

not just get explanations etc

I have found that to really invent something new or introduce an invention you

need to feel the problem fully. Thatis one reason I am glad to be in this group.

Another is that I feel children especially need protection so they do not become

esensitive, and the third is I wish I could find a way to more completely

protect myself from the many many sources of EMF radiation. I think I would feel

quite different if that were possible. I know when I visit places without

electricity I feel much more alive. I wonder if there are not a lot of peopke

who would feel as I do if they did not take the EMF surround as a given

iedbunnie <iedbunnie@...> wrote:




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Hi Irene and Warren,

's suggestion of contacting the Environmental Health Center -

Dallas is a good idea. J. Rea, MD heads up the clinic and is

an expert in helping people with environmental illnesses like

electrical and chemical sensitivity. Dr. Rea has ES himself, has led

published research into ES.

Dr. Rea is also a founding member of the American Academy of

Environmental Medicine (AAEM) which trains physicians interested in

this medical specialty.

If you can't easily get to Texas, I suggest you go to the American

Academy of Environmental Medicine web site and use its Referable

Physicians database form at:


[One tip while using this database -- if you're searching for doctors

outside the US, set the State field to " Any State " . Conversely, set

the Nation field to " Any Nation " while searching inside the US. These

are the default settings that need to be reset if you switch from one

type of search to another.]

The AAEM lists physicians with this training from all over the world.

Dr. Rea is well known to these physicians.

I've been assisted by one in Oregon, ph T. , MD, who

operates at the Bay Clinic in Coos Bay. Dr. *also* has ES, is

an AAEM fellow, and has worked with Dr. Rea for many years.

If you live in Britain, I would suggest Breakspear Hospital. Dr. Jean

A. Monro, another AAEM fellow, is active there. Another member of

, Ian Kemp (hyperman_42), could tell you more about this hospital

since he and his wife have used its services.

Yoshiaki Omura, MD, a Japanese physician and researcher into EM field

sensitivity and injury mechanisms, has had success in treating

patients with ES. Dr. Omura is Director of Medical Research, Heart

Disease Research Foundation, New York; President Int'l College of

Acupuncture & Electrotherapeutics, New York; Adjunct Prof., Dept. of

Community & Preventive Medicine, New York Medical College; and Prof.,

Dept. of Non-Orthodox Medicine, Ukrainian National Kiev Medical


Dr. Omura's contact info is: 800 Riverside Drive, Suite 8-I, New York,

NY 10032 Tel: (212)781-6262; Fax: (212)923-2279

Another doctor in the US who knows ES is real and has treated patients

for it in California is Dr. Gunnar Heuser, NeuroMed and NeuroTox

Associates Medical Group; Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at

U.C.L.A. School of Medicine. E-mail: gheuser@... His mailing

address as of 1998: 17366 Sunset Boulevard #101B, Pacific Palisades,

CA 90272.

One of the approaches Dr. Rea uses is the water-imprint technique

(developed along with Cyril W. , PhD, a professor emeritus in

electrical engineering from the University of Salford, UK who

presently researches the mechanisms of homeopathy and energy signature

transfer in liquids). The technique is straightforward imprinting of

water with an EM field frequency that tests beneficial for you. It is

made exactly the same way you'd create a low potency homeopathic

remedy. I've found the technique helpful but not curative.







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Hi Warren, I'd be very interested to read the research you've

collected over the years. If you could post some to the Files

area that'd be great. I'd also recommend looking through the files

already in the archive.

For some research you might not have come across before, here is a

list of sites:


[Hosted by Jim Beal, ex-NASA research engineer and member of the U.S.

Science Advisory Committee in Virginia.]

www.microwavenews.com [Louis Slesin, editor]

www.emfacts.com [Hosted by Don Maisch]


[The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) was established in 1978 as an

independent organization of biological and physical scientists,

physicians and engineers interested in the interactions of

non-ionizing radiation with biological systems.]

www.milieuziektes.nl [ Claessen's site]

http://www.milieuziektes.nl/Pagina100.html [English version]



[Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International Journal]


[international Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Medical Society]


[Journal of Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine]

Welcome aboard!














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