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How true it is that we can become allergice to things overnight when our

immune systems get " wacky " .

I had an episode about a year ago with brazil nuts, which I had eaten

several times before with no problem. They put me into

anaphylactic(excuse spelling) shock and were about to totally do me in

by the time I reached the emergency room. I now carry an epipen with me

at all times in case I should become allergice to something else and

react so violently.

I've also had episodes where my lips and hands just swell up for no

reason. I'ts a reaction to something but heck if I know what. Hasn't

happened for a while so maybe everything's changed again.

Good luck in your pursuit.



I developed a rash/hives on my ankles the 4th day of my second

treatment. by the following monday, it was all over my legs and on

my upper arms. They put me on a 6 day steroid pack that basically

subdued (sp?) it, but it came back with a vengance. The oncologist

said it wasn't chemo related and got me into a dermatologist. That

doc said because it was now all over my body, it was something I ate

or enhaled. Could have even been someones perfume. I thought it

might have been tangerines, because I started eating them about the

same time the rash appeared, but having stopped them hasn't helped.

Now I think it might be some dogs we've been pet sitting for. The

dermatologist said when a person immune systems changes, they can

become allergic to things they've never been allergic to before. So

it could be anything. He put me on 2 types of antihistimines I take

3 times a day. And some cream to help the itching. I've been on it

for 5 days and it's not really helping. It did at first, but it's

started getting worse again. We take the dogs home today, and we'll

wash everything they touched including the carpet. I'm cutting out

chocolate and peanuts and see if that makes a difference. It's just

hit and miss. If I'm not better after the dogs leave, I'll go see

the dermatologist again.


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How true it is that we can become allergice to things overnight when our

immune systems get " wacky " .

I had an episode about a year ago with brazil nuts, which I had eaten

several times before with no problem. They put me into

anaphylactic(excuse spelling) shock and were about to totally do me in

by the time I reached the emergency room. I now carry an epipen with me

at all times in case I should become allergice to something else and

react so violently.

I've also had episodes where my lips and hands just swell up for no

reason. I'ts a reaction to something but heck if I know what. Hasn't

happened for a while so maybe everything's changed again.

Good luck in your pursuit.



I developed a rash/hives on my ankles the 4th day of my second

treatment. by the following monday, it was all over my legs and on

my upper arms. They put me on a 6 day steroid pack that basically

subdued (sp?) it, but it came back with a vengance. The oncologist

said it wasn't chemo related and got me into a dermatologist. That

doc said because it was now all over my body, it was something I ate

or enhaled. Could have even been someones perfume. I thought it

might have been tangerines, because I started eating them about the

same time the rash appeared, but having stopped them hasn't helped.

Now I think it might be some dogs we've been pet sitting for. The

dermatologist said when a person immune systems changes, they can

become allergic to things they've never been allergic to before. So

it could be anything. He put me on 2 types of antihistimines I take

3 times a day. And some cream to help the itching. I've been on it

for 5 days and it's not really helping. It did at first, but it's

started getting worse again. We take the dogs home today, and we'll

wash everything they touched including the carpet. I'm cutting out

chocolate and peanuts and see if that makes a difference. It's just

hit and miss. If I'm not better after the dogs leave, I'll go see

the dermatologist again.


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Wow, me too. For the last three years every time I fly my lips blister

and swell and for the first time it happened for no apparent reason a

few days before Christmas. Carole

>>> goody.dogs@... 12/27/2004 1:56:05 PM >>>

How true it is that we can become allergice to things overnight when


immune systems get " wacky " .

I had an episode about a year ago with brazil nuts, which I had eaten

several times before with no problem. They put me into

anaphylactic(excuse spelling) shock and were about to totally do me in

by the time I reached the emergency room. I now carry an epipen with


at all times in case I should become allergice to something else and

react so violently.

I've also had episodes where my lips and hands just swell up for no

reason. I'ts a reaction to something but heck if I know what. Hasn't

happened for a while so maybe everything's changed again.

Good luck in your pursuit.



I developed a rash/hives on my ankles the 4th day of my second

treatment. by the following monday, it was all over my legs and on

my upper arms. They put me on a 6 day steroid pack that basically

subdued (sp?) it, but it came back with a vengance. The oncologist

said it wasn't chemo related and got me into a dermatologist. That

doc said because it was now all over my body, it was something I ate

or enhaled. Could have even been someones perfume. I thought it

might have been tangerines, because I started eating them about the

same time the rash appeared, but having stopped them hasn't helped.

Now I think it might be some dogs we've been pet sitting for. The

dermatologist said when a person immune systems changes, they can

become allergic to things they've never been allergic to before. So

it could be anything. He put me on 2 types of antihistimines I take

3 times a day. And some cream to help the itching. I've been on it

for 5 days and it's not really helping. It did at first, but it's

started getting worse again. We take the dogs home today, and we'll

wash everything they touched including the carpet. I'm cutting out

chocolate and peanuts and see if that makes a difference. It's just

hit and miss. If I'm not better after the dogs leave, I'll go see

the dermatologist again.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I know that we have spent a lot of time communicating about our

mysterious rashes but I have one that is driving me crazy. It always

appears on and around my lips causing swelling and tiny blisters that

scab in the corners of my lips. While this is happening I feel tired

and generally just a little off and it seems to happen during stressful

times or when I fly. It can go on for about ten days. I went to a

dermatologist and she thought it was an allergic reation but knowing

that we tend to get weird stuff, I suspect that it is related to SLL.

Anyone out there have a similar rash or any suggestions on how to handle

it? Carole

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Dear Carole,

Sorry about your rash, my daughter suffers from eczema from just a few weeks

old and my ex-husband also lives with it, so I know how the itchy suffering


From my 30 years experience being an observer and caring I learnt that it

gets worst with stress, in fact that is the biggest thing that triggers it,

also very cold weather, once the bubbles etc. start it always takes time to

go down again, using creams (steroids, homeopathic creams etc.). My daughter

is very sensitive

and allergic to many things by skin contact, (a dog liking her face or hand

would come into a rash, fish as well) also she is allergic to peanuts in a

serious way, that has been a reason throughout our lives that we never buy

processed food and everything is freshly made at home.

Most of these allergies were found out by a paediatrician friend of mine

that came to visit us for a month while we were in Germany, she had

experience in allergy related problems and the rashes happened while she was

visiting us, my daughter was only 2 years old then.

The peanut allergy was discovered on a Christmas day (she was 4 years old

then), her lips got very swelled and itchy for no apparent reason, we had to

take her to the duty doctor and he said it was an allergy and gave her some


When we got home we looked at all the labels of the biscuits (cookies) that

she had been eating and we discovered some had peanuts, that was the only

nut she had never had before, she still suffers from the allergy now.

You could try to have an allergy test done to find out if anything you eat

causes that in your mouth.


Message: 3

> Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 10:27:58 -0500

> From: " Carole MacIntyre " <carole@...>

> Subject: Re: rash


> I know that we have spent a lot of time communicating about our

> mysterious rashes but I have one that is driving me crazy. It always

> appears on and around my lips causing swelling and tiny blisters that

> scab in the corners of my lips. While this is happening I feel tired

> and generally just a little off and it seems to happen during stressful

> times or when I fly. It can go on for about ten days. I went to a

> dermatologist and she thought it was an allergic reaction but knowing

> that we tend to get weird stuff, I suspect that it is related to SLL.

> Anyone out there have a similar rash or any suggestions on how to handle

> it? Carole


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  • 3 months later...
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IT will help to take Benederyl at night when going to bed, maybe even two or

three capsules. Benedryl will take down a lot of swellings and itch's etc.

Mainly you are going to have to see your Onc and a good dermatologist to

determine what it is. Good luck, let us know for sure what you found to help.



I am suffering from a rash on my arm and back that looks like eczema but is


with my CLL. It itches so much that it awakens me. When it is mild Eucerin

cream helps,

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It has been pointed out to me that with the Rash situation, it could be Shingles

of course as a common occurrance with CLL patients. I should stress that the

benedryl is not meant to be a constant or possible cureative treatment. My

suggestion was truly only meant as a temporary method of getting to sleep or

having the swelling diminish " While you are waiting for your appointment to see

the Doc. " . If you have Shingles it can be very dangerous, even permanently

damaging. So make sure you see the doctor first thing and only use the creams

or benedryl as an occasional aid to sleep or reduce the swelling. Myself, I

take Valtrex, every day of my life. So each of us is different, but the itching

and inflamation of Shingles is a major problem and must be treated

professionally with Anti-viral meds etc.

See your doctors!


I am suffering from a rash on my arm and back that looks like eczema but is


with my CLL. It itches so much that it awakens me. When it is mild Eucerin

cream helps,

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hello Ann:

About a rash with Lyme, it is pretty common to have a rash break out close

to the skin surface, I believe when the Lyme bacteria is trying to get away

from anti bacterial medicine. The rash can be treated and all the bacteria


be killed if you place a heating pad over the rash area. Sometimes it may

take a few treatments depending on the amount of heat and the length of the

treatment. It will all go away. Another way is to run a hot shower of water

on the rash area. This may also take more than one treatment, but will

eliminate the bacteria depending on the amount of heat and the length of the

individual treatment. I have killed off the bacteria on my scalp and also my

lower back close to the belt buckle area on several occasions when it was

breaking through the skin surface. My regular Doctor thought it was a fungus.


only found out I had Lyme disease in 2001, but was infected in 1994. Since my

initial discovery and several serious neurological problems, I have learned

much about Lyme disease and how to combat it with herbal medicines. I now

have much less regard for main stream medicine for Lyme disease (chronic that

is) and much more regard for alternative treatments. I am 73 years of age and

walk for one hour each day and frequently ride a stationery bike for 5 miles

daily as well. I do believe America probably has the best medical treatments

in the world, but not for Chronic Lyme disease!

All my best wishes!


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A rash will occur in Stage 3 Lyme disease. I found this FDA page that

mentioned it and put the paragraph it is mentioned and the link below.

The article is not all that great, but it does mention it, and there

is more info about it out there. Actually, this is one of those

articles that says some really stupid stuff, but some good stuff to:)

It will make you feel better thought to see it in print that it is a

" Lyme Thing " .

I have it on my legs and it itches like the devil. It is about the

size that you described yours and is on my ankles and lower legs. It

kinda looks like a bruised scab thing. Yuck!!! Hope this kinda puts

you mind at ease. Kinda. Good Luck.


The third stage of Lyme disease occurs about six months after the

initial rash. Arthritis persists in about 50 percent of untreated

patients, and may cause extreme swelling, particularly of the knee. In

most patients, the arthritis eventually clears up. Some evidence

suggests that these people are genetically predisposed to overreact

to the Lyme bacterium, extending the normal inflammatory response to

infection or injury.

Late-stage Lyme disease may also produce continued neurological

symptoms and rash.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Yes, I have a circular rash on my hand that burns like heck and gets redder

as the day goes on.

[ ] rash

Has anyone ever gotten a mysterious rash during the lyme? I never got

a rash at the beginning but now I have a rash on my hand , almost like

a circle..eve

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I have the same rash on the palm of my hand. I didn't have a rash at the

begining either.


[ ] rash

Has anyone ever gotten a mysterious rash during the lyme? I never got

a rash at the beginning but now I have a rash on my hand , almost like

a circle..eve

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how did you get rid of it? or does it just goes away? I had a positive test

originally and then a negative, so it is making finding a doc very hard here in


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my rash does go away, then it comes back again when I am run down or if I have

intravenous vitamin C.

Sorry to hear you are having a hard time finding a doctor. Please don't give

up, I had a really hard time too. I am on the west coast and most of the

doctors (I encountered) don't believe that lyme is found here. Maybe someone

else in your area can help you find a doctor????

take care,

Re: [ ] rash


how did you get rid of it? or does it just goes away? I had a positive test

originally and then a negative, so it is making finding a doc very hard here in


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Greg, does it start really unoticeable in the morning and then get more

noticeable? mine is on the top of my hand..the skin is kind of dry too near the


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Yes -- mine is on my wrist, going from the bottom left side of my right

wrist up into my wrist/hand. In the morning it is either faint or

completely unnoticeable. As the day progresses, it gets pink and then red,

forming a noticeable circular pattern. Right now (at 2:06 a.m.) it is

pretty much peaking in redness, and it also burns rather than itches like a

normal rash. I keep pointing it out to my doctor, asking him what he makes

of it, and he says, " I don't know. "

I am taking Ceftin twice per day. This is my second course of the

antibiotic, and I'm supposed to take it for an entire month. The rash

pretty much disappeared for a while when I was on Ceftin before, but it came

back towards the end of the antibiotic course. Now I've only been back on

Ceftin 2 days and the rash is still there.


RE: [ ] rash

Greg, does it start really unoticeable in the morning and then get more

noticeable? mine is on the top of my hand..the skin is kind of dry too near

the rash..eve

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In a message dated 5/27/2005 10:34:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

eveandal@... writes:

Has anyone ever gotten a mysterious rash during the lyme? I never got

a rash at the beginning but now I have a rash on my hand , almost like

a circle..eve

Hello Eve, I have experienced a Lyme rash from time since I became infected

with Lyme in 1994. It is caused by the Lyme bacteria being near the skin

surface. The rash can be treated either by using a heating pad on the affected

area or just running a hot shower of water over the area. If it is on the

hand or arm you could immerse the area in hot water for a while. If it does

not cured with one treatment, just continue the procedure.


North Brunswick, NJ

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Lyme makes one susceptible to many kinds of pathogen. If this rash is caused by

worms, the herb chaparral may kill them for you if your own body is not.

eve <eveandal@...> wrote:

Has anyone ever gotten a mysterious rash during the lyme? I never got

a rash at the beginning but now I have a rash on my hand , almost like

a circle..eve

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  • 1 year later...
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Not a bone stim user...but thanks for thinking about it!

BTW, , I was a mess for a couple of months after my last

surgery. A few on the board got a little concerned for me, but it DID

pass. Don't you just love it when solutions cause more problems??? By

four or five months post-op, I suspect you'll be feeling OK.


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  • 1 month later...
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I had a crotch rash, and got nystatin/triamcinolone creme, and it was very

effective. I did get die-off, which sent me to the ER, because neither the

doctor who prescribed it, nor the pharmacist, nor the ER doctor, nor myself had

ever heard of Herxheimer reaction, or " die-off " . It used to ooze a clear fluid

sometimes, that didn't smell good, and would sometimes get white, cheesy looking

stuff coming off of it.

Good luck,


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>>>I told him that I can smell a yeast infection cause it smells just like


dogs ears when he has one. Doc just looked at me and said it's chiggers.

Well I don't think so. Does anyone have a suggestion on what to use. I put

Benadyn salve on it plus the pills-no change. I put moisturizers on it and

it just stings like crazy. Guess if I can't find something I'll have to see

a dermatologist. Thanks


Randi, have you tried any topical anti-fungal creams or lotion? You could

try lotrimin something like that.

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Could it be an allergic reaction to a medication (antibiotic) ?

Sounds like it could just be hives.


Randi Zwaduk <grennan@...> wrote:

I've had a rash for three weeks now. It looks like someone took a


pink marker and dotted my legs- torso-and arms many times. They itch like

crazy. The doctor gave me an ointment(triamcinolone acetonide) but it

didn't work. Next visit he said they're chiggers and gave me a salve that's

an insecticide and you put it on from neck to toes and keep on for 18 hours.

I haven't used it cause I have sensitive skin and I'm afraid it will make it


I told him that I can smell a yeast infection cause it smells just like my

dogs ears when he has one. Doc just looked at me and said it's chiggers.

Well I don't think so. Does anyone have a suggestion on what to use. I put

Benadyn salve on it plus the pills-no change. I put moisturizers on it and

it just stings like crazy. Guess if I can't find something I'll have to see

a dermatologist. Thanks



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My husband had awful eczema and was healed by using Molkosan (milk acid)

on the wet eczema and then St 's tissue oil on the dry eczema. The

naturopath said you could use this for any skin problems except


Hope that helps.



I've had a rash for three weeks now. It looks like someone took a


pink marker and dotted my legs- torso-and arms many times. They itch


crazy. The doctor gave me an ointment(triamcinolone acetonide) but it

didn't work. Next visit he said they're chiggers and gave me a salve


an insecticide and you put it on from neck to toes and keep on for 18


I haven't used it cause I have sensitive skin and I'm afraid it will

make it


I told him that I can smell a yeast infection cause it smells just like


dogs ears when he has one. Doc just looked at me and said it's


Well I don't think so. Does anyone have a suggestion on what to use. I


Benadyn salve on it plus the pills-no change. I put moisturizers on it


it just stings like crazy. Guess if I can't find something I'll have to


a dermatologist. Thanks


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  • 2 months later...

I don't know if this is the same thing but I've had rashes from the tape adhesive near my incisions. The worst one was by my jugular vein where the central IV line was. They used a nasty adhesive tape there that gave me something like severe acne. It still shows.

I also got some lovely blood blisters on my face, belly and breasts. Fortunately they all dried up and flaked off.

I'm surprised you've got anything showing this far along post-op, though, Val.


[ ] rash

Hi all,I remember some people posting about a scar rash. Did anyone find a resolution? I just found out I have a rash about an inch all the way around the scar. I was thinking it was from the pool.

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  • 6 months later...
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HI ,

I could suggest directly putting on organic virgin coconut oil.

People use it on their skin for all sorts of problems and so many of

them are related to yeast infection in the body. Good thing you're

working on the internal side of it because thats the main issue. The

skin is just an external indicator of what's going on inside in my


Coconut oil is great for skin and is antifungal and if you need it to

be softer, you can just heat it up. One way is getting how much you

need and putting it in a container and just sitting that container in

hot water.


> Hello all,


> Could anyone recommend a 'natural' type cream to be used for a

persistant jockitch type of

> rash? I have been led to believe that the rash is directly a result

of my intestinal dysbiosis

> which I am working on. Hovever with summer fast approaching,

something to relieve it's

> symptoms would be greatly appreciated. As I live in a foreign

country, something that is

> available over the internet would be suitable.


> Many thanks for your help.




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In my professional experience, ozonated olive oil works overnight, on

an infectious rash.

You could call oxygen and virgin olive oil natural. The ozone would

work by itself but you can't store it, thus the OOO instead.



> Hello all,


> Could anyone recommend a 'natural' type cream to be used for a

persistant jockitch type of

> rash? I have been led to believe that the rash is directly a result

of my intestinal dysbiosis

> which I am working on. Hovever with summer fast approaching,

something to relieve it's

> symptoms would be greatly appreciated. As I live in a foreign

country, something that is

> available over the internet would be suitable.


> Many thanks for your help.




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