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Ledum dosages

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i was just placing a refill order for some of my supplements, and i wanted

to order buhner's recommended products (pages 204-207) to have on hand to

take at first sign of tick bite: homeopathic ledum and apis. i got confused

about the dosages of ledum, recommended as 1M but i could only find 30c. so

i did a web search and found the info below. thought it might be useful to

others, so posting this. fyi, i ordered the ledum 30c and the apis 30c to

have on hand--for both me and the dog :-)

may all be well.



.... In my case, I went to the local health food store and the local

homeopathic pharmacy (we have one, amazingly enough – the local health food

stores can help with this recommendation, sometimes.). Anyway, neither one

had the 1M potency that Dr. Tobin had discussed. Only the much weaker 30c

(or 30k). So I bought that one. Within ten minutes of taking it, I got hot

(body temperature-wise). Now, one of the effects of the lyme for me is a

lower metabolism and body temperature. So this was good news. Also, I

occassionally had the reaction within minutes of taking the Ledum (30c) of a

kind of like " waking up " — a " Where am I? And how did I get here? " type of

reaction. This was significant to me in that the Ledum, in these cases, had

a noticeable affect of restoring brain function.

As for doses (and the mistakes I made): I first started out with the 30c

because I couldn't find the 1M. I then called Dolisos (below) to mail order

the 1M, but they were out of it. I ordered the 10M instead. Mistake. Too

strong isn't necessarily better. (It doesn't harm you, but it doesn't do any

good.) Further, taking a strong dose will require you to wait a few weeks

before the weaker ones will be effective. Oh well. Finally, I took the 1M,

and had some positive effects from it. Even so, not so significant as the

30c for me, but this might perhaps have been because of the effects of

taking the 10M. If I had it to do over again, this is how I'd pursue it (and

I've heard that some good docs are prescribing it this way): Start with a

low dose. (30c or even lower) Gradually " work " your way up the stronger

doses – up through 200k, and then eventually the 1M. If you find a dose that

particularly seems to work for you, " camp " there for awhile.

Below are listed some sources for Ledum as they were recommended to me:

First of all, inquire of your local health food store is there is a

homeopathic pharmacy in your area. The health food store themselves will

also commonly carry a 30c strength. (Not a bad way to start.)

Mail order companies include:

Dolisos, located in Nevada. (1-800-Dolisos)

Hahnemann Laboratories, Inc., 1940 Fourth St., San , CA 94901, (888)


Webmaster's note: I recently got the following email from Quinn of

Hahnemann Labs. What he says contains a great deal of wisdom concerning

Ledum and homeopathics in general, so I thought I'd include the entire

comment here for your reading.

" Thank you for listing us. We now have a web site with secure online

ordering at www.Hahnemannlabs.com Our Ledum 1M is $14.95 for a 1g vial.

Please caution that taking too often could exacerbate symptoms or even

produce new symptoms. A 1M is a sharp tool, and must be handled with respect

and care. We generally require a practition's prescription in order to sell

200c, 1M, and 10M potencies. The uneven response to Ledum 1M is probably due

to the fundamental nature of homeopathic medicines, which is that they are

patient specific more often than disease specific. There is such a great

need for help in Lyme Disease that we will sell a 1M to the public with the

caution that they should not repeat it after the first three days without

consulting with a homeopathic practitioner. "

-- Quinn, President and Chief Pharmacist of Hahnemann Laboratories,


Merz Apothecary, Chicago. Boiron Ledum single dose 200 pellets for $4.35 to

$6.95 depending on strength. 1-800-252-0275

Webmaster's note: Note the new link to Merz's website

www.equilite.com, Browse catalog-homeopathics, 250 pellets, $5.00

www.1health.com Search Ledum. 250 pellets, $5.00

(Just for comparison's sake, I'm told that Dr. Tobin makes his own Ledum,

$15 per dose, and sells only to licensed MD's and Vets.)

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Kendra, thanks for info on fluorescent bulbs. I read some also emmit

strong EMFs... What to do??

Buhner is not a specialist on homeopathy, he wrote to me once as I

also asked about dosages (I found particularly strange a nosode 3x

day....). He took this info from Cindee Gardner... Look below. All

others propose different treatment.

He said he doesn't know much about homeopathy, he just wrote what he

read. There are more info here, a post by from Lymenet:

1- – Germany


Until more accurate evidence becomes available, for the prevention of

Lyme Disease following a tick bite we recommend the following


1. The tick should be immediately removed in its entirety…. there are

tick-pliers readily available at the drug store or at the


2. On the day of the bite and for two subsequent days the

recommendation is to take one or two doses of just one globule of

Ledum palustre C30 …….

3. Just to be sure, we give just one globule of the Aurum arsenicosum

C200 on the sixth and twelfth day following the bite.

A number of colleagues have told me that in past seven years they

have cared for more than a dozen tick bite victims using this or a

very similar method, and that no case has proceeded to a clinical

manifestation of Lyme Disease. Nor did it show up when a serum test

was made.

Whoever suffers more than three bites per season should have stored

enough information in their field not to have to repeat the

procedure….. the layperson is advised to discuss the subject of

repeated preventative doses with a competent homeopath.


2- Alan V. Schmukler – Philadelphia, PA:


1st day: Ledum 200C

2nd day: Hypericum 200C

3rd day: Borrelia burgdorferi nosode 30C . One dose a day for one

week, then one dose a week for one month.


3- B. R. - Philadelphia, PA: (Case report mentioned in the



First day, Ledum 200C once (inset bite, puncture wound is cold and

better from cold); Second day, Hypericum 200C once (nerve injury,


Third day, Lyme nosode 30C [bb nosode] once daily for 10 days.

I have recommended this `routine' to over 100 people and not one of

them reported back to me any further development of symptoms.


4- Cindee Gardner - (I have no idea where Cindee is!):


In every case of Lyme disease Homeopathic texts suggest starting with

a nosode (a remedy made from the actual borrelia burgdorferi) in a

30c potency. One dose three times daily is given for three days. If

this remedy is given in the early stages, you can actually stop the

disease from developing.



5- Whitmont, M.D. – Rhinebeck, ton, and NYC, NY (nothing

specific here)


Cases of Lyme disease prophylaxis [prevention] pose a particularly

interesting problem. The homeopathic medicine, Ledum, has been

recommended by several homeopathic physicians for use in Lyme

prophylaxis after a tick bite. …..

Several possible solutions present themselves in the dilemma of

prophylaxis, including the use of homeopathic nosodes or the use of a

constitutional prescription…... Neither of these approaches are

infallible. Professional judgment on each individual case might prove

more beneficial.


(Dr. Whitmont has a website and is a 2nd generation homeopath, and he

is also an M.D. This is his article about treating Lyme (and co-

infections) – long article – scroll down for `homeopathic treatment'



6- And for our dogs……. Tobin, D.V.M. (veterinarian) – " in a

Lyme-infested region " of the U.S.:


As a preventative, I use the Borrelia burgdorferi nosode 60X [or

30C], giving one dose daily for one week, then one dose per week for

one month, then one dose every six months, the same way I administer

all the nosodes I give in place of vaccinations.

I have had only one failure in almost two hundred animals so treated.

This is more effective than the vaccine for Lyme Disease used in

dogs, which often has the effect of producing symptoms of Lyme

Disease, including lameness, swollen joints, lethargy, inappetance

(lack of appetite), kidney failure, and cruciate degeneration (cross-

shaped as in the cruciate ligaments of the knee).

I have seen no side effects from the nosode itself.



Ledum is the same thing as Ledum palustre ;

30C is the American potency designation, and is the same as C30;

There are a few sources of the Borrelia burgdorferi nosode in the

USA, but it can only be purchased by a homeopath, a doctor, a

chiropractor, or most naturopathic doctors; there is one U.S. lab

that will sell it to you if you are under the care of a homeopath;

however, anyone in the U.S. can order nosodes from Helios or

Ainsworths in the U.K. (links below);

Aurum arsenicosum is a very uncommon remedy….. I can't find a U.S.

supplier! Hahnemann Labs has one called Aurum arsenicatum, but I

contacted them, and it is NOT the same thing so don't order it.

Helios in the UK (has Bb nosode and the Aurum arsenicosum ):


Ainsworths in the UK (has Bb nosode; they call their other remedy "

Aurum arsenicum " ):


By , Truthfinder. 8512

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>Hi Selma,

Great info: thanks very much.

Hope you and the cat are doing well,


> Kendra, thanks for info on fluorescent bulbs. I read some also emmit

> strong EMFs... What to do??


> Buhner is not a specialist on homeopathy, he wrote to me once as I

> also asked about dosages (I found particularly strange a nosode 3x

> day....). He took this info from Cindee Gardner... Look below. All

> others propose different treatment.


> He said he doesn't know much about homeopathy, he just wrote what he

> read. There are more info here, a post by from Lymenet:


> 1- – Germany

> quote:


> Until more accurate evidence becomes available, for the prevention of

> Lyme Disease following a tick bite we recommend the following

> provisions:


> 1. The tick should be immediately removed in its entirety…. there are

> tick-pliers readily available at the drug store or at the

> veterinarian's…...

> 2. On the day of the bite and for two subsequent days the

> recommendation is to take one or two doses of just one globule of

> Ledum palustre C30 …….

> 3. Just to be sure, we give just one globule of the Aurum arsenicosum

> C200 on the sixth and twelfth day following the bite.


> A number of colleagues have told me that in past seven years they

> have cared for more than a dozen tick bite victims using this or a

> very similar method, and that no case has proceeded to a clinical

> manifestation of Lyme Disease. Nor did it show up when a serum test

> was made.


> Whoever suffers more than three bites per season should have stored

> enough information in their field not to have to repeat the

> procedure….. the layperson is advised to discuss the subject of

> repeated preventative doses with a competent homeopath.


> *******************


> 2- Alan V. Schmukler – Philadelphia, PA:

> quote:


> 1st day: Ledum 200C

> 2nd day: Hypericum 200C

> 3rd day: Borrelia burgdorferi nosode 30C . One dose a day for one

> week, then one dose a week for one month.


> ****************************


> 3- B. R. - Philadelphia, PA: (Case report mentioned in the

> book)

> quote:


> First day, Ledum 200C once (inset bite, puncture wound is cold and

> better from cold); Second day, Hypericum 200C once (nerve injury,

> trauma);

> Third day, Lyme nosode 30C [bb nosode] once daily for 10 days.


> I have recommended this `routine' to over 100 people and not one of

> them reported back to me any further development of symptoms.


> ********************


> 4- Cindee Gardner - (I have no idea where Cindee is!):

> quote:


> In every case of Lyme disease Homeopathic texts suggest starting with

> a nosode (a remedy made from the actual borrelia burgdorferi) in a

> 30c potency. One dose three times daily is given for three days. If

> this remedy is given in the early stages, you can actually stop the

> disease from developing.

> http://www.hpathy.com/papersnew/gardner-lyme-disease.asp


> *********************


> 5- Whitmont, M.D. – Rhinebeck, ton, and NYC, NY (nothing

> specific here)

> quote:


> Cases of Lyme disease prophylaxis [prevention] pose a particularly

> interesting problem. The homeopathic medicine, Ledum, has been

> recommended by several homeopathic physicians for use in Lyme

> prophylaxis after a tick bite. …..


> Several possible solutions present themselves in the dilemma of

> prophylaxis, including the use of homeopathic nosodes or the use of a

> constitutional prescription…... Neither of these approaches are

> infallible. Professional judgment on each individual case might prove

> more beneficial.

> http://www.homeopathicmd.com/articles_3.html


> (Dr. Whitmont has a website and is a 2nd generation homeopath, and he

> is also an M.D. This is his article about treating Lyme (and co-

> infections) – long article – scroll down for `homeopathic treatment'

> section.)


> ******************


> 6- And for our dogs……. Tobin, D.V.M. (veterinarian) – " in a

> Lyme-infested region " of the U.S.:

> quote:


> As a preventative, I use the Borrelia burgdorferi nosode 60X [or

> 30C], giving one dose daily for one week, then one dose per week for

> one month, then one dose every six months, the same way I administer

> all the nosodes I give in place of vaccinations.


> I have had only one failure in almost two hundred animals so treated.

> This is more effective than the vaccine for Lyme Disease used in

> dogs, which often has the effect of producing symptoms of Lyme

> Disease, including lameness, swollen joints, lethargy, inappetance

> (lack of appetite), kidney failure, and cruciate degeneration (cross-

> shaped as in the cruciate ligaments of the knee).


> I have seen no side effects from the nosode itself.


> ********************


> Notes:

> Ledum is the same thing as Ledum palustre ;


> 30C is the American potency designation, and is the same as C30;


> There are a few sources of the Borrelia burgdorferi nosode in the

> USA, but it can only be purchased by a homeopath, a doctor, a

> chiropractor, or most naturopathic doctors; there is one U.S. lab

> that will sell it to you if you are under the care of a homeopath;

> however, anyone in the U.S. can order nosodes from Helios or

> Ainsworths in the U.K. (links below);


> Aurum arsenicosum is a very uncommon remedy….. I can't find a U.S.

> supplier! Hahnemann Labs has one called Aurum arsenicatum, but I

> contacted them, and it is NOT the same thing so don't order it.


> Helios in the UK (has Bb nosode and the Aurum arsenicosum ):

> http://www.ainsworths.com/site/default.aspx


> Ainsworths in the UK (has Bb nosode; they call their other remedy "

> Aurum arsenicum " ):

> https://www.helios.co.uk/index.html


> By , Truthfinder. 8512


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