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Re: i messed up

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Hi SEan, You can fight this and improve your health and have a lot

ahead of you, you're still very young. Please believe me, cheating is

not worth anything, it is a temporary thrill for the taste buds from

those foods we love so well, which is often what candida loves and

thrives on. When you crave and you feel like screaming with

temptation, tell yourself it's the candida and be happy it's suffering

(even though you are feeling it also). When you feel that hunger that

gnaws away at you, the obsession with food, smile at the candida that

is beginning to lose it's footing and it's desperate for that food.

It's literally cring out FEED ME and the more you fight and don't give

in, the more it loses it's grip and starts to die.

We've all cheated and nobody can guarantee they won't, but you can get

yourself into a mode where you arm yourself to battle this and not

allow food to become more than what it really is. Don't allow the

cravings, which are not true hunger, to blind you into giving into

eating those foods. I know it's hard, at times it seems impossible,

but it is a true war and the candida is tenacious, it wants to eat and

survive, it is not going to like it when it figures out that food it

loves so much is just not coming in anymore. Once it begins to starve,

it will do everything possible to have you cheat so it can eat and it

can reach a point where you can't even think straight, your mind can

think of nothing but that food. Many times when one cheats, suddenly

after it, they think 'why did I do that? " . Realising how temporary the

pleasure is and how pointless it really was. But at the time? You

become almost blinded. Try and see it as only " food " and don't let the

cravings pull you into false thinking " I desperately need this " . You

don't need it, it's the candida that needs it.

Any information you need on supplements, building up the immune system

etc, is all contained on the links and files section to your left on

this group. Everything is there.

Don't give up! Start as you mean to go on and if you should fall, get

back up right away. WE've all been there and all going through it



> dear bee i was doing good on my diet and then cravings took over and i

> feel for it i ate up a whole lot of junk...did all my dietary worj go

> in vain please help...also im only 19 yrs old do u have any ideas for

> supplements i should take to help build up my immune system???




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> dear bee i was doing good on my diet and then cravings took over and i

> feel for it i ate up a whole lot of junk...did all my dietary worj go

> in vain please help...also im only 19 yrs old do u have any ideas for

> supplements i should take to help build up my immune system???


==>Hi . gave you very good advice. You wouldn't lose

ground that quickly my friend. All you've done to improve your health

is not lost. At this point just get back on the diet and take the

usual supplements. Do everything you can to detox those awful foods,

which is explained in my article under Die-Off. Hang in there, all is

not lost.

The best, Bee

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