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Abi has been diagnosed with polyarticular JRA. Abi started showing

problems about 6 monthe ago. At first they thought that it was toxic

synovitits. Her ankle just never got any better. Then on christmas

she woke up with what we tought was a stiff neck. Her neck was

almost stuck to her left shoulder, so we went to the er and they said

that it was just muscle spasms. They sent us home. Her range of

motion never returned in her neck or shoulder. So we went to her ped

dr. He drew some blood and found that her sed rate is elevated for

which it has not been the first time. So he sent us to a ped

rheumatologist. They of corsue did lots of xrays and blood work.

They found out that she has the Ebstein-barr virus. They think that

she is not over it. I have no idea when she got it. So he drew more

blood the next time we went and decided that she had JRA. It was not

what I wanted to hear. In a way I was hoping that it was all in my

head. That I was just being an over protective mother. They started

her on motrin 3 times a day. It was like pulling teeth for her

daycare to give her the medication. I had to contact the health

dept. and get them to write an action plan for them to giver her the

med. We stareted PT.I am doing it twice a day. once in the morning

at once at night I thought that I could do it all by my self but

with her sister in kindergarden it is not possible. So there are

times that I feel like a failure as a mother. I don't know how to

help her. The motrin stopped working that great so now we are on

Mobic once a day. Which it can take up to 2 weeks for it to get in

her system. And no motrin at all. That is making it hard. She gets

no pain relive right now. I just never guessed that there was so

much to watch out for. I feel like I am in a whirlwind and don't

know which way to turn.

> I am new to the web site and all I keep hearing about is

the drugs that

> these children are taking. As a mother with a child that has just


> diagnosed, I would like some help from you other mothers that have

> children with the same problem. Is there anyone that can help me


> this. All I want is someone to talke to about this. Please help me.

> I don't know what to expect.







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For a while it will still feel like your in a whirlwind. Do not let this

make you feel like a failure as a Mom. Each one of us Mom's have felt like

this at some point. It is normal to feel like this though.

I have to tell you that I would contact the Dr and let him know that the

meds are not working. It is hard to find the right combo of meds to finally

work. The only way to get it right is to let the Dr know.

PT and OT is needed and to show you what to do at home. got tired

of this as she knew the routine. She found out that Aqua Therapy worked good.

She also started Palates and Yoga. She take's HOT Baths as she needed to

help with the Pain.

Take a DEEP Breathe and remember we are here when times get rough for

you. It will feel like your walking on glass as one thing may pop up and you

want to make sure your doing all you can and it's the best you can do. The


feeling will or has hit you. This too is normal.

The what if's are the possible issues which has been or will pop up. You

have something going for you. This group is here to help and support you and

your daughter.

So feel free to vent and ask questions


**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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> Hello Everyone,

> I just found you all thanks to my friend Kara.

==>Hi . Welcome to our wonderful group. And thanks to your

friend Kara for informing you about us.

> I thought I was in pretty good shape, until about a year

> ago. It coincides with introducing kombucha into my

> diet and a particularly stressful period in my life.

> I have suffered with constipation much of my adult

> life (I'm 35), I haven't had a whole lot of

> antibiotics in my life, but I can honestly say I am

> ADDICTED to sugar. My liver is highly toxic and my

> gallbladder is not doing so great either. I recently

> had my acupuncturist do some food allergy testing and

> I came up positive for dairy and candida. My 3 year

> old is obviously allergic to dairy also and more then

> likely has candida.

> I am trying to transition us onto the diet and he is having a

horrible time with it! It has been like watching an alcoholic

detox. He is begging me for bread, milk and fruit ): . On a

> positive note he is eating more protein (I had to make

> him eat it before) and good fats. He is in preschool

> and he is whining during lunch for the other kids

> stuff (junk) and I am certain the teachers think I am

> crazy. Has anyone had to deal with detoxing a small

> child, and I would love to have some breakfast and

> packed lunch ideas. I may wait until this summer to

> completely get him off of fruit and rice, but the milk

> and wheat have to go now!

> Thanks for any ideas or words of encouragement!

==>There are many mothers on this group who have successfully gotten

their children onto a good diet and off of sugars, grains, etc. You

are right to go slowly. It also allows time for his body to adjust

to the changes. It is unfortunate that children like us become so

extremely addicted to sugars, grains and high carbs.

Try a search of our message archives for previous posts about feeding

children. Also see " Candida Treatments for Babies & Children " :


There's some menu suggestions for children here:


I'm sure other mothers will respond as well. We are all here to help

you and your son get through this so you can be healthy!

The best, Bee

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Be careful of using excess rice as it feeds yeast and can cause

constipation. I made that mistake with my 3 year old when I went gluten

and dairy free with her.

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  • 3 months later...
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Debbie Santa Barbara <debflotex@...> wrote: how can I stop the email transmissions, I am getting everyones emails to one another and It is over one hundred a day? thanks!

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Debbie Santa Barbara <debflotex@...> wrote: how can I stop the email transmissions, I am getting everyones emails to one another and It is over one hundred a day? thanks!

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Hullo Debbie. When anyone posts to this No_Forced_Vaccination group, ALL 600+ members receive it. What do you want to do? If you want to Unsubscribe, the very last word at the very bottom of any incoming group email, is the word Unsubscribe in tiny blue print. It will unsubscribe you from this group. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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Hullo Debbie. When anyone posts to this No_Forced_Vaccination group, ALL 600+ members receive it. What do you want to do? If you want to Unsubscribe, the very last word at the very bottom of any incoming group email, is the word Unsubscribe in tiny blue print. It will unsubscribe you from this group. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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Thank you! I just wanted to find out how to get out of them making my daughter get the menningitis and Hep A vaccine they say she cannot go to school if she doesn't have it I never had it! DO you know a way around it?karla walsh <faerie1952@...> wrote: Hullo Debbie. When anyone posts to this No_Forced_Vaccination group, ALL 600+ members receive it. What do you want to do? If you want to Unsubscribe, the very last word at the very bottom of any incoming group email, is the word

Unsubscribe in tiny blue print. It will unsubscribe you from this group. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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Thank you! I just wanted to find out how to get out of them making my daughter get the menningitis and Hep A vaccine they say she cannot go to school if she doesn't have it I never had it! DO you know a way around it?karla walsh <faerie1952@...> wrote: Hullo Debbie. When anyone posts to this No_Forced_Vaccination group, ALL 600+ members receive it. What do you want to do? If you want to Unsubscribe, the very last word at the very bottom of any incoming group email, is the word

Unsubscribe in tiny blue print. It will unsubscribe you from this group. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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Hullo Debbie. Yes, what state do you live in. Every state has a vaccine exemption, usually a medical and religious, and some have a consciencious. Has she had all the other vaccines? If so, what has made you change your mind about not vaccinating now? Find your state from this list at VacLib. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL nhttp://www.vaclib.org/exemption.htm

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Hullo Debbie. Yes, what state do you live in. Every state has a vaccine exemption, usually a medical and religious, and some have a consciencious. Has she had all the other vaccines? If so, what has made you change your mind about not vaccinating now? Find your state from this list at VacLib. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL nhttp://www.vaclib.org/exemption.htm

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Yes, she did 14 years ago. I have learned a lot since then, am a massage therapist and a nutritional therapy practitioner.., my girl is so healthy and I hate the thought of putting a menningitis vaccine into her. What can I do here in Texas?karla walsh <faerie1952@...> wrote: Hullo Debbie. Yes, what state do you live in. Every state has a vaccine exemption, usually a medical and religious, and some have a consciencious. Has she had all the other vaccines? If so, what has made you change your mind about

not vaccinating now? Find your state from this list at VacLib. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL nhttp://www.vaclib.org/exemption.htm

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Yes, she did 14 years ago. I have learned a lot since then, am a massage therapist and a nutritional therapy practitioner.., my girl is so healthy and I hate the thought of putting a menningitis vaccine into her. What can I do here in Texas?karla walsh <faerie1952@...> wrote: Hullo Debbie. Yes, what state do you live in. Every state has a vaccine exemption, usually a medical and religious, and some have a consciencious. Has she had all the other vaccines? If so, what has made you change your mind about

not vaccinating now? Find your state from this list at VacLib. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL nhttp://www.vaclib.org/exemption.htm

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You can also set your account to deliver a digest instead of every individual email. Log into your account, go to your groups, choose this group and then " edit membership. " There are delivery options listed there. Set it to digest and you'll get one email or two emails a day with all the emails from the day so far. :)


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You can also set your account to deliver a digest instead of every individual email. Log into your account, go to your groups, choose this group and then " edit membership. " There are delivery options listed there. Set it to digest and you'll get one email or two emails a day with all the emails from the day so far. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I am a Master Herbalist, I can help you and your son.

My son conquered his seizures and I conquered MS, I have personal experience you

can read the start of our journey at www.ginakopera.com

Have a Happy and Healthy Day,

Kopera M.H.

© Copyright 2007 www.sCorner.com . All rights reserved | Privacy Policy

WARNING: None of the above statements have been evaluated or approved by the

Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. The

information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only

and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for

specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other

qualified health care provider before using any herbal products.


From: cindyosullivan <cindyosullivan@...>

Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 8:52:19 PM

Subject: [ ] Help

Is there anyone out there who has a child that seems to be getting

worse on Keppra. We went from having barely any seizures, to almost

every day now. He is supposed to have a blood test next week to check

the levels in his blood and if they are high they want to just move on

to the next med. We are looking for possible alternatives besides

medication. Our son has our issues that cause him to fall and

stagger. He is very uncoordinated and has terrible balance. He also

has very poor attention. Is there other alternatives? Could his

seizures be causing his balance problems and attention issues? Could

he have been having seizures for a long time and we just didn't know

it and now they are just getting worse and worse. Any info would be

greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Also any recommendation for a good doctor we are on the East Coast.

But we are willing to travel. Anything to help our son. We are

desperate. Alternative Medicine doctor or just a good Seizure

doctor. But someone with an open mind and one that might actually

listen to us, instead of cutting us off while we are talking or ending

our appointment before we even had a chance to ask any questions.

Please help!

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My child was on keppra and her seizures got worse. The first week on the

medicine, keppra was working like magic but from the second week her seizures

started increasing and they kept going up and up. Our doctor lowered the keppra

dose and started her on Depakote Sprinkles. Though her seizures are not yet

controlled fully (she is currently on depakote sprinkles, topamax and zonegran)

she has become much better since we took her off keppra - my daughter was quite

inactive, drowsy, looked kind of lost, not alert  while she was on keppra. All

these side effects are gone now, despite her seizures not being fully

controlled. Hope an alternative medicine will work for your child. You may also

want to explore the ketogenic diet option with your doctor ; we are planning to

start our child on the ketogenic diet.



From: cindyosullivan <cindyosullivan@...>

Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:52:19 PM

Subject: [ ] Help

Is there anyone out there who has a child that seems to be getting

worse on Keppra. We went from having barely any seizures, to almost

every day now. He is supposed to have a blood test next week to check

the levels in his blood and if they are high they want to just move on

to the next med. We are looking for possible alternatives besides

medication. Our son has our issues that cause him to fall and

stagger. He is very uncoordinated and has terrible balance. He also

has very poor attention. Is there other alternatives? Could his

seizures be causing his balance problems and attention issues? Could

he have been having seizures for a long time and we just didn't know

it and now they are just getting worse and worse. Any info would be

greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Also any recommendation for a good doctor we are on the East Coast.

But we are willing to travel. Anything to help our son. We are

desperate. Alternative Medicine doctor or just a good Seizure

doctor. But someone with an open mind and one that might actually

listen to us, instead of cutting us off while we are talking or ending

our appointment before we even had a chance to ask any questions.

Please help!

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I would be happy to help - I am a Classical Homeopath. You can email

me at lightspirals@...

Be well,



> Is there anyone out there who has a child that seems to be getting

> worse on Keppra. We went from having barely any seizures, to almost

> every day now. He is supposed to have a blood test next week to


> the levels in his blood and if they are high they want to just move


> to the next med. We are looking for possible alternatives besides

> medication. Our son has our issues that cause him to fall and

> stagger. He is very uncoordinated and has terrible balance. He


> has very poor attention. Is there other alternatives? Could his

> seizures be causing his balance problems and attention issues?


> he have been having seizures for a long time and we just didn't know

> it and now they are just getting worse and worse. Any info would be

> greatly appreciated. Thanks!


> Also any recommendation for a good doctor we are on the East Coast.

> But we are willing to travel. Anything to help our son. We are

> desperate. Alternative Medicine doctor or just a good Seizure

> doctor. But someone with an open mind and one that might actually

> listen to us, instead of cutting us off while we are talking or


> our appointment before we even had a chance to ask any questions.

> Please help!


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

" " 1) flonase 16gm

2 sprays per nostril (1 spray=50ug)

once daily for a total daily dose 200ug " "

Jeanetta's Response: I would say there is something wrong with # 1 question: 50

ug or 50 micrograms x 2 spratys once a day is 100 ug total daily dose, NOT 200

ug total daily dose.

2) neosporin opth. onitment 3.5gm

apply a thin strip(approx=1cm ou q3-4h x 7-10d

(hint: 100mg per eye per application is a useful estimate)

Jeanetta's response: 3.5 gram x 1000mg/gm = 3500 mg

3500mg/100mg/application = 35 days supply

3)Vanceril inhaler 17gm

2 sprays (42ug/spray) po qid

Jeanetta's response: Well I believe vanceril has 200 actuations or sprays per

container therefore 2 x 4 = 8 sprays per day.

200sprays/ 8 sprays /day = 25 days supply

or Karin or Della???

Let's hear it from you!


Jeanetta Mastron


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UAD - Usual Adult dose:

Q: What is the recommended dosage for adults taking FLONASE?

A: As you know, you should take FLONASE as prescribed by your doctor. For

adults, the recommended starting dosage is two sprays in each nostril, once a

day. One spray in each nostril, taken twice a day (for example, 8 a.m. and 8

p.m.) is also effective. After the first few days, you may be able to reduce

your dosage to one spray in each nostril, once daily, for maintenance therapy.

The maximum total daily dosage should not exceed two sprays in each nostril.


Hope this helps,

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS



> " " 1) flonase 16gm

> 2 sprays per nostril (1 spray=50ug)

> once daily for a total daily dose 200ug " "


> Jeanetta's Response: I would say there is something wrong with # 1 question:

50 ug or 50 micrograms x 2 spratys once a day is 100 ug total daily dose, NOT

200 ug total daily dose.




> 2) neosporin opth. onitment 3.5gm

> apply a thin strip(approx=1cm ou q3-4h x 7-10d

> (hint: 100mg per eye per application is a useful estimate)


> Jeanetta's response: 3.5 gram x 1000mg/gm = 3500 mg

> 3500mg/100mg/application = 35 days supply



> 3)Vanceril inhaler 17gm

> 2 sprays (42ug/spray) po qid

> Jeanetta's response: Well I believe vanceril has 200 actuations or sprays per

container therefore 2 x 4 = 8 sprays per day.

> 200sprays/ 8 sprays /day = 25 days supply



> or Karin or Della???

> Let's hear it from you!


> Respectfully,



> Jeanetta Mastron

> Jeanetta


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jeanetta you missed that it was each nostril! therefore the daily dose would be

right.  1000mcg/gmso the bottle has 16000mcg in it.  16000/200=80 days supply. 

my guess is that it would be put into the computer as 1 month.  but if you

require exact it would be 80. 

" " 1) flonase 16gm

2 sprays per nostril (1 spray=50ug)

once daily for a total daily dose 200ug " "

Jeanetta's Response: I would say there is something wrong with # 1 question: 50

ug or 50 micrograms x 2 spratys once a day is 100 ug total daily dose, NOT 200

ug total daily dose.

2) neosporin opth. onitment 3.5gm

apply a thin strip(approx= 1cm ou q3-4h x 7-10d

(hint: 100mg per eye per application is a useful estimate)

Jeanetta's response: 3.5 gram x 1000mg/gm = 3500 mg

3500mg/100mg/ application = 35 days supply

3)Vanceril inhaler 17gm

2 sprays (42ug/spray) po qid

Jeanetta's response: Well I believe vanceril has 200 actuations or sprays per

container therefore 2 x 4 = 8 sprays per day.

200sprays/ 8 sprays /day = 25 days supply

or Karin or Della???

Let's hear it from you!


Jeanetta Mastron


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