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Dear Group,

I have a big Endocrinology question and I am hoping someone in the groups

will be able to answer.

I met with my M.D. last night and he gave me what may be terrible news for

a vain woman, like me. First I have been Hypo with strong Hyper

tendencies until the supplements. Now my thyroid tests are very much

normal, more so than for over a decade. this from one who was left

untreated for years because I am allergic to Synthyroid and Armour

Thyroid! So the supplements have been a real lifesaver for me.

Anyway, I have tissue edema that causes much body bloating, and may be

permanent. In other words, I may never have a waistline again, regardless

of how much I exercise, diet, flush fluids, etc. I have started taking

Potassium but don't see much in the way of results. M.D. says this is an

Endocrine imbalance. I am desperate to have my body slender again before

I am too wrinkled with age to appreciate.

Any ideas will be most thankfully received.

Joyce in Vermont


" Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant,

never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion

of which the human spirit is capable. " Bertrand


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Dear ,

Could you describe what the eye disorder entails? I have had a change

in vision since the hyperthyroidism and saw and eye Dr. who saw nothing

significant, except a need for over the counter reading glasses for fine




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I am stunned that an eye doctor would refer anyone to OTC magnifying

glasses. Was he a doctor or optician? Is your endo taking eye measurements

and conducting any form of visual tests during your visits with him?


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Re: Help

> Dear ,

> Could you describe what the eye disorder entails? I have had a change

> in vision since the hyperthyroidism and saw and eye Dr. who saw nothing

> significant, except a need for over the counter reading glasses for fine

> print.

> Thanks,

> Lee



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Responding to the message of <001a01bf62b1$7701bfc0$6dae82d1@elh>

from hyperthyroidismegroups:


> Dear ,

> Could you describe what the eye disorder entails? I have had a change

> in vision since the hyperthyroidism and saw and eye Dr. who saw nothing

> significant, except a need for over the counter reading glasses for fine

> print.

> Thanks,

> Lee


Maybe someone can help me out here, too as I'm not an expert in the eye area,

but have experienced some moderate to severe eye problems that are now abating.

Some symptoms can be: puffiness, protrusion of the eyes, dryness, scratchiness,

aches, lid retraction, blurring and double vision.

The eyes each run their own course. In my case, one eye was bulging and

swollen, and both eyelids on the other eye were tightly retracted requiring me

to tape my eye shut at night. My other symptoms were gritty, scratchy pain in

both eyes and a consistent dull pain behind my right eye (the one that no longer

closed). I also had considerable difficulty focusing -- things would wobble and

eventually come into focus as my eye muscles weren't working correctly.

Finally, I had several periods when colors appeared differently when seen in one

eye or the other -- there was a gray wash and dullness to one eye that the other

didn't have.

For me, pain was the biggest indicator that something unusual was afoot --

before my symptoms began, my eyes really ached and when the symptoms started,

the gritty pain in my eyes was quite pronounced.

Hope this helps and I bet others have experiences that will shed light on the

eye troubles, too,

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I got to normal in 1 year...and it's a path I trust taking even if the normal


stick, with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. The doctor had done this with


people before me, so has experience and confidence. She said I should see the

clinic in China devoted to endocrinology.

The supplements surely won't hurt. Did you get the list?

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I noticed a significant change in my vision about-5 months ago. I got new

glasses thinking this would cure the problem. After that, my daughter

returned from college and remarked that my eyes looked " different " . My eyes

began to swell just below the brow and below my eye. My eyes were red. I

went to a walk in clinic where they said I have an eye infection and gave me

drops which caused severe redness. I went this time to an opthamalogist

who diagnosed TED. My eyes tear significantly, redness, slight bulge, and

swelling. In fact, my whole face seems puffy. There is nothing to be done

except used moisture drops for dryness. I must wait and see what happens.

I hope you do not have this. It rips away your self confidence, at least

for me. Please keep in touch. I must add that I took RAI in May 99 and was

not told of possible eye involvement.

Stay in touch,

Re: Help

>Responding to the message of <001a01bf62b1$7701bfc0$6dae82d1@elh>

>from hyperthyroidismegroups:


>> Dear ,

>> Could you describe what the eye disorder entails? I have had a


>> in vision since the hyperthyroidism and saw and eye Dr. who saw nothing

>> significant, except a need for over the counter reading glasses for fine

>> print.

>> Thanks,

>> Lee




>Maybe someone can help me out here, too as I'm not an expert in the eye


>but have experienced some moderate to severe eye problems that are now



>Some symptoms can be: puffiness, protrusion of the eyes, dryness,


>aches, lid retraction, blurring and double vision.


>The eyes each run their own course. In my case, one eye was bulging and

>swollen, and both eyelids on the other eye were tightly retracted requiring


>to tape my eye shut at night. My other symptoms were gritty, scratchy pain


>both eyes and a consistent dull pain behind my right eye (the one that no


>closed). I also had considerable difficulty focusing -- things would

wobble and

>eventually come into focus as my eye muscles weren't working correctly.

>Finally, I had several periods when colors appeared differently when seen

in one

>eye or the other -- there was a gray wash and dullness to one eye that the


>didn't have.


>For me, pain was the biggest indicator that something unusual was afoot --

>before my symptoms began, my eyes really ached and when the symptoms


>the gritty pain in my eyes was quite pronounced.


>Hope this helps and I bet others have experiences that will shed light on


>eye troubles, too,







>-- Talk to your group with your own voice!

>-- VoiceChatPage?listName=hyperthyroidism & m=1




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I learned of RAI and its effects on TED by searching the internet, the

doctors treating me certainly never warned me of the associated problems.

TED can run simultaneously with Graves, or completely its own separate

course. I have refused RAI and have instead chosen to use PTU for Graves

and to treat (with radiation and prednisone) TED as a separate medical

problem. PTU is keeping my hyperactivity in check at the present, and my

eyes have not worsened, although they certainly are not what they once were.

However, I suffered from double vision prior to the radiation and no longer

suffer with it. I gather nothing is certain with TED and that it can occur

prior to and many many years after Graves has been diagnosed. Prior to

radiation I had much swelling (although never the ability to close eyes for

sleep) and tearing. I still occasionally tear, the swelling is slightly

there, I think cosmetically that the one eye appears to lag and have a stare

quality, but the double vision is gone, and while I remain very sensitive to

sun and bright light, I consider myself lucky to have had an improvement in

the eye problems. Friday I see an ophthalmologist for refraction and

examination. I am hoping for a fairly decent report.


Researching Bohemian Surnames

S L E P I C K A and H R U S K A

Re: Help



> >Responding to the message of <001a01bf62b1$7701bfc0$6dae82d1@elh>

> >from hyperthyroidismegroups:

> >>

> >> Dear ,

> >> Could you describe what the eye disorder entails? I have had a

> change

> >> in vision since the hyperthyroidism and saw and eye Dr. who saw nothing

> >> significant, except a need for over the counter reading glasses for


> >> print.

> >> Thanks,

> >> Lee

> >>

> >

> >

> >Maybe someone can help me out here, too as I'm not an expert in the eye

> area,

> >but have experienced some moderate to severe eye problems that are now

> abating.

> >

> >Some symptoms can be: puffiness, protrusion of the eyes, dryness,

> scratchiness,

> >aches, lid retraction, blurring and double vision.

> >

> >The eyes each run their own course. In my case, one eye was bulging and

> >swollen, and both eyelids on the other eye were tightly retracted


> me

> >to tape my eye shut at night. My other symptoms were gritty, scratchy


> in

> >both eyes and a consistent dull pain behind my right eye (the one that no

> longer

> >closed). I also had considerable difficulty focusing -- things would

> wobble and

> >eventually come into focus as my eye muscles weren't working correctly.

> >Finally, I had several periods when colors appeared differently when seen

> in one

> >eye or the other -- there was a gray wash and dullness to one eye that


> other

> >didn't have.

> >

> >For me, pain was the biggest indicator that something unusual was

afoot --

> >before my symptoms began, my eyes really ached and when the symptoms

> started,

> >the gritty pain in my eyes was quite pronounced.

> >

> >Hope this helps and I bet others have experiences that will shed light on

> the

> >eye troubles, too,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >-- Talk to your group with your own voice!

> >-- VoiceChatPage?listName=hyperthyroidism & m=1

> >

> >

> >



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Dear Elaine,

My Endo took measurements of my eyes and said they were in the upper

level of normal. He doesn't want me to come back until my symptoms worsen.

They have worsened but he has no desire or willingness to work with diet,

nutrtion or herbs in my case, so I am looking for an osteopath in my

location. So far no luck. I may be on my own. I don't mind too much, I've

gotten used to not trusting Dr. lately. I was a nurse for 20 years, but

find much more relief from medical problems by using herbs, than with other

things. I grow as many as I can and gather many in my rural location. I'm

even thinking of selling some in bulk. (They are so much cheaper this way).

I'd love to find a Dr. however who is willing to at least keep checking

my symptoms so I know if I " m making clinical progress. Right now I don't

know if I'm swinging down to hypothyroid when I come out of the

hyperthyroid, but I do have a lot of cold intolerance at those times. My

lab work indicates I do not have hyperthyroidism, my symptoms and

antithyroid hormones indicate I do have it at times.

The Eye Dr. I went to see said my vision is 20/20 but just fine print

has gotten real hard to see. He was just trying to save me money by

suggesting the other kind of glasses.

Thanks for asking,

Le Ann

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Dear Joyce,

I, too, am quite vain, and glad to be in good company. There are many

natural herbs that help with bloating--have you tried any? Also, acupuncture

can help greatly. For myself, I have found ProGest cream to be a lifesaver.

I have mentioned it many times, so I hesitate to discuss how to use it again,

as you've probably read my posts. Have you tried it? It is the only thing

that helps me--although others swear by herbal teas and certain foods (e.g.,

peas cause bloating, while celery is a natural diuretic).

I hope these suggestions are helpful--I realize you might have tried them all

already, and found that they didn't work. Please write back if you'd like to

discuss this further.


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I don't know if this is relevant, but I have a lot of bloating when I

eat sugar, gluten or whey. When I stick with mostly lean meats,

vegetables, some fruit and some rice or corn the bloating decreases

dramatically. It also relieves joint pain and brain fog. I like you am

hypo, but with hyper tendencies (I just have severe autoimmune

problems- I have lupus and fibromyalgia also)

joyce keeler <jkeele-@...> wrote:

original article:hyperthyroidism/?start=35


> Dear Group,


> I have a big Endocrinology question and I am hoping someone in the


> will be able to answer.


> I met with my M.D. last night and he gave me what may be terrible

news for

> a vain woman, like me. First I have been Hypo with strong Hyper

> tendencies until the supplements. Now my thyroid tests are very much

> normal, more so than for over a decade. this from one who was left

> untreated for years because I am allergic to Synthyroid and Armour

> Thyroid! So the supplements have been a real lifesaver for me.


> Anyway, I have tissue edema that causes much body bloating, and may be

> permanent. In other words, I may never have a waistline again,


> of how much I exercise, diet, flush fluids, etc. I have started


> Potassium but don't see much in the way of results. M.D. says this is


> Endocrine imbalance. I am desperate to have my body slender again


> I am too wrinkled with age to appreciate.


> Any ideas will be most thankfully received.


> Joyce in Vermont


> +====>>>>>>=====>>>>>>>>........<<<<<<<<<=======<<<<<<<<==========



> " Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant,

> never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion

> of which the human spirit is capable. " Bertrand


> +====>>>>>>=====>>>>>>>>........<<<<<<<<<=======<<<<<<<<==========




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Hi Joan,

I went on the wild yam extract form of progesterone cream last

month. Don't know if it has done much. Just got out of Emergency a few

moments ago, anemia led to dehydration. Botheration. I tried all the

herbs and then some. My fear is that it is tissue edema from kidney prob

several years ago, or perhaps as naturopath untreated hypothyroidism

since I allergic to thyroid meds. At any rate M.D. thinks it is tissue

edema and if it is, I am stuck being a fattie for life. Makes me mucho

depressed, as I am down to a meal and a half per day because of the anemia

and have been exercising regularly to no avail. M.D. said i need an

" attitude shift " and I wanted to say " shift this " but now I realize he is

right. I don't know how to accept being a fat person when I did not get

there by overeating.

Kind regards,

J in VT


" Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant,

never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion

of which the human spirit is capable. " Bertrand


On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 AntJoan@... wrote:

> Dear Joyce,


> I, too, am quite vain, and glad to be in good company. There are many

> natural herbs that help with bloating--have you tried any? Also, acupuncture

> can help greatly. For myself, I have found ProGest cream to be a lifesaver.

> I have mentioned it many times, so I hesitate to discuss how to use it again,

> as you've probably read my posts. Have you tried it? It is the only thing

> that helps me--although others swear by herbal teas and certain foods (e.g.,

> peas cause bloating, while celery is a natural diuretic).


> I hope these suggestions are helpful--I realize you might have tried them all

> already, and found that they didn't work. Please write back if you'd like to

> discuss this further.


> AntJoan


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Dear Joyce,

I think kidney problems, if that what it is, are very treatable by

acupuncture and other forms of Chinese medicine--others on this board have

reported success with these methods. Have you tried this? Also, the wild

yam forms of Progesterone don't really do the trick--Progest cream is the

best (it was recommended by Dr. Lee in his book " What your dr. won't tell you

about menopause, " which was discussed on this board last year). Progesterone

really helps as a diuretic, as does Chinese medicine. If you already have

tried these, let the board know, so that we can put our collective heads

together and come up with another solution (after all, lots of us suffer from


Good luck,


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Dear Joyce,

I'm sorry you are feeling a bit low. Maybe your doctor was right for once. I

feel we create our own reality. I understand your frustration at the weight

gain since I too have always prided myself on being thin. Not until I let go of

my weight an my ideas of how that reflected on me did I begin to loose the

weight that I've gained from being on ATD. I am still 20 heavier than I like to

be, but that is o.k. for now. I have changed my focus and decided that getting

well is a great deal more important than fitting into my size 8s. I hope that

you can find some peace in your situation. I don't believe anything is forever

so forget what the doctor says about that one. Hang in there and consider a

perception shift.


Re: Help

Hi Joan,

I went on the wild yam extract form of progesterone cream last

month. Don't know if it has done much. Just got out of Emergency a few

moments ago, anemia led to dehydration. Botheration. I tried all the

herbs and then some. My fear is that it is tissue edema from kidney prob

several years ago, or perhaps as naturopath untreated hypothyroidism

since I allergic to thyroid meds. At any rate M.D. thinks it is tissue

edema and if it is, I am stuck being a fattie for life. Makes me mucho

depressed, as I am down to a meal and a half per day because of the anemia

and have been exercising regularly to no avail. M.D. said i need an

" attitude shift " and I wanted to say " shift this " but now I realize he is

right. I don't know how to accept being a fat person when I did not get

there by overeating.

Kind regards,

J in VT


" Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant,

never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion

of which the human spirit is capable. " Bertrand


On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 AntJoan@... wrote:

> Dear Joyce,


> I, too, am quite vain, and glad to be in good company. There are many

> natural herbs that help with bloating--have you tried any? Also, acupuncture

> can help greatly. For myself, I have found ProGest cream to be a lifesaver.

> I have mentioned it many times, so I hesitate to discuss how to use it again,

> as you've probably read my posts. Have you tried it? It is the only thing

> that helps me--although others swear by herbal teas and certain foods (e.g.,

> peas cause bloating, while celery is a natural diuretic).


> I hope these suggestions are helpful--I realize you might have tried them all

> already, and found that they didn't work. Please write back if you'd like to

> discuss this further.


> AntJoan


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digital camera.


-- Talk to your group with your own voice!

-- VoiceChatPage?listName=hyperthyroidism & m=1

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Dear Joyce,

I don't know what tissue edema is (I know what it means, but I don't know how

it's different from regular edema, what causes it, or what cures it). I am

sure there is a cure though--most problems have a solution, and the fact that

your tissues are retaining water--there must be an underlying reason that can

be addressed. Maybe some of the medical professionals on this board, someone

who had this problem, or can help. Re the Progest cream: it doesn't

have to do w/menopause particularly--it can help either PMS or menopause,

both of which can cause bloating. I find that the cream helps to get rid of

excess water--Dr. Lee says that the yam creams don't really help. Also, I

have found that carbs cause bloating. When I eat more lean protein, fruits

and veggies and less carbs, I definitely lose water weight--a nutritionist

told me about this, and I find it works for me.

Best of luck,


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Have they checked you for poly cystic ovary disease? Aparently it causes

all kinds of problems. Both pre-menopause and post menopause. What do the

kidney specialists say about your edema?


In a message dated 1/20/00 10:36:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jkeeler@... writes:

<< Subj: Re: Help

Date: 1/20/00 10:36:15 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: jkeeler@... (joyce keeler)

Reply-to: hyperthyroidismegroups


Hi Joan,

I went on the wild yam extract form of progesterone cream last

month. Don't know if it has done much. Just got out of Emergency a few

moments ago, anemia led to dehydration. Botheration. I tried all the

herbs and then some. My fear is that it is tissue edema from kidney prob

several years ago, or perhaps as naturopath untreated hypothyroidism

since I allergic to thyroid meds. At any rate M.D. thinks it is tissue

edema and if it is, I am stuck being a fattie for life. Makes me mucho

depressed, as I am down to a meal and a half per day because of the anemia

and have been exercising regularly to no avail. M.D. said i need an

" attitude shift " and I wanted to say " shift this " but now I realize he is

right. I don't know how to accept being a fat person when I did not get

there by overeating.

Kind regards,

J in VT >>

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hi Joan,

yes, i think wild yam balances the estrogen so progesterone can have a

chance to get balanced, too. i recall reading Dr. Lee's research. i'll go

back to it on the internet. m.d. says this is NOT menopause, and i have

tried acupuncture for kidneys and herbs, with Chinese med doc but he said

there is way too much water to do much good, as it will take much money

and several years for him to work through all that fluid. remember this is

TISSUE EDEMA, which i am told is different because it does not respond

readily to regular diurectics,if at all.

any info you folk can lend please do, as i ended up in the hospital last

night on IV. this is not getting any better.

joyce in vermont

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 AntJoan@... wrote:

> Dear Joyce,


> I think kidney problems, if that what it is, are very treatable by

> acupuncture and other forms of Chinese medicine--others on this board have

> reported success with these methods. Have you tried this? Also, the wild

> yam forms of Progesterone don't really do the trick--Progest cream is the

> best (it was recommended by Dr. Lee in his book " What your dr. won't tell you

> about menopause, " which was discussed on this board last year). Progesterone

> really helps as a diuretic, as does Chinese medicine. If you already have

> tried these, let the board know, so that we can put our collective heads

> together and come up with another solution (after all, lots of us suffer from

> bloating).


> Good luck,

> AntJoan


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Well, here is a start at explaining edema, off topic, of course, except

there is myexedema in hypothyroidism sometimes.

" EDEMA, general term for the accumulation of excess fluid in any body

tissue, cavity, or organ, except bone. Accumulation

in tissue is called hydrops; in the pleural cavity, hydrothorax; in the

cranium, hydrocephalus; and in the abdominal cavity,

ascites. Generalized edema is referred to as dropsy. Major causes are

heart or kidney failure, low blood serum protein

after starvation or liver failure, shock, and impaired return of blood

from extremities. Treatment involves stimulating the

kidney to excrete excess fluid and the use of digitalis for heart

failure. "


" Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant,

never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion

of which the human spirit is capable. " Bertrand


On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 AntJoan@... wrote:

> Dear Joyce,


> I don't know what tissue edema is (I know what it means, but I don't know how

> it's different from regular edema, what causes it, or what cures it). I am

> sure there is a cure though--most problems have a solution, and the fact that

> your tissues are retaining water--there must be an underlying reason that can

> be addressed. Maybe some of the medical professionals on this board, someone

> who had this problem, or can help. Re the Progest cream: it doesn't

> have to do w/menopause particularly--it can help either PMS or menopause,

> both of which can cause bloating. I find that the cream helps to get rid of

> excess water--Dr. Lee says that the yam creams don't really help. Also, I

> have found that carbs cause bloating. When I eat more lean protein, fruits

> and veggies and less carbs, I definitely lose water weight--a nutritionist

> told me about this, and I find it works for me.


> Best of luck,

> AntJoan


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Dear Kathleen,

I don't really have what is medically known as " edema " I guess. I just have

some periodic mild run-of-the-mill water retention that is hormonally

related--nothing that anyone else but me would notice. However, because the

Progest helped me with this, and I know acupuncture and Chinese herbs to be

helpful, I thought they might help with any kind of edema. I could be wrong,



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Regarding eye problems and hyper T , I had great eyesight b4 i developed

hyper t , but afterwards , i had to go and get prescribed glasses because my

vision was getting really bad. Other symptoms I had , were the blurriness of

my eyes, some mornings it would take me over an hour to be able to focus, and

of course pain in my eyes. However , now that my levels are pretty much

stable, my eyes seem to be back to normal, i dont have the blurriness

anymore, and I really dont ever feel the need to get my glasses while

watching a movie or tv which i used to have to. I couldnt ev en read the

channel guide on the tv without them and now I never wear them while watching

TV. I never developed thyroid eye disease however, I hope this is

encouraging to those who have mild problems with their eyes.

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Since the CBC is normal for kidneys they don't want to check further, but

I am having trouble walking, have to stop and rest, and have some kidney

involvement irregularly. i think i will beg them to do a kidney and liver

scan just to see.



" Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant,

never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion

of which the human spirit is capable. " Bertrand


On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 KBM271@... wrote:

> Joan,


> Have they checked you for poly cystic ovary disease? Aparently it causes

> all kinds of problems. Both pre-menopause and post menopause. What do the

> kidney specialists say about your edema?


> --kathleen


> In a message dated 1/20/00 10:36:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> jkeeler@... writes:


> << Subj: Re: Help

> Date: 1/20/00 10:36:15 PM Eastern Standard Time

> From: jkeeler@... (joyce keeler)

> Reply-to: hyperthyroidismegroups

> hyperthyroidismegroups


> Hi Joan,


> I went on the wild yam extract form of progesterone cream last

> month. Don't know if it has done much. Just got out of Emergency a few

> moments ago, anemia led to dehydration. Botheration. I tried all the

> herbs and then some. My fear is that it is tissue edema from kidney prob

> several years ago, or perhaps as naturopath untreated hypothyroidism

> since I allergic to thyroid meds. At any rate M.D. thinks it is tissue

> edema and if it is, I am stuck being a fattie for life. Makes me mucho

> depressed, as I am down to a meal and a half per day because of the anemia

> and have been exercising regularly to no avail. M.D. said i need an

> " attitude shift " and I wanted to say " shift this " but now I realize he is

> right. I don't know how to accept being a fat person when I did not get

> there by overeating.


> Kind regards,


> J in VT >>


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This is encouraging to me. Please count yourself among the lucky as far as

eye disease.

I hope I get improvement--even slight!

Thanks again,

Re: Help


>Regarding eye problems and hyper T , I had great eyesight b4 i developed

>hyper t , but afterwards , i had to go and get prescribed glasses because


>vision was getting really bad. Other symptoms I had , were the blurriness


>my eyes, some mornings it would take me over an hour to be able to focus,


>of course pain in my eyes. However , now that my levels are pretty much

>stable, my eyes seem to be back to normal, i dont have the blurriness

>anymore, and I really dont ever feel the need to get my glasses while

>watching a movie or tv which i used to have to. I couldnt ev en read the

>channel guide on the tv without them and now I never wear them while


>TV. I never developed thyroid eye disease however, I hope this is

>encouraging to those who have mild problems with their eyes.



>WEMedia.com empowers persons with disabilities to build a strong and

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>-- Check out your group's private Chat room

>-- ChatPage?listName=hyperthyroidism & m=1




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>i was wondering if district 5 have a webpage if so can someone help

>me find it please

Apparently not. All district and chapter Web pages are linked from:


No one has given me any information for District 5.


Dan Kennedy

Internet services coordinator

Little People of America, Inc.


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SED rate is a blood test that measures the amount of inflammation in your

body. The hard part is your sed rate can be up even if you have the flu. So

it is not the best test for being definitive. Hope that helps some, AJ

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Dear Anne,

I know all too well what ehrylichia is... Have lost 2 dogs to it (VERY

deadly in K9s) & have a child sick with it - BTW - NEVER SEEN A TICK!

Ehrylichia is a rickettsia, similar to rocky mountain spotted fever. Gets

into bone marrow, disrupts bone marrow production (some have said it sounds

like leukemia; also vets believe if untreated, it develops into lymphoma).

At least in K-9s, it causes water retention - particularly around rib cage /

neck; enlargement of organs; vets have told me it goes to kidneys & does

major damage - hence, increased thirst & frequent / sudden urination and/or

incontinence; can cause small wart-like growths; spontaneous bleeding

(subcutaneous B12 & K will stop IMMEDIATELY - saw this happen with my own

eyes - more prevalent in dogs than people); can cause psoriasis-type skin

condition - itchy / dry / flaky patches - the list goes on & on of what it

can look like... Oh - can release calcium into blood from bone marrow

disruption - hence, docs / vets think " cancer " as this (besides thyroid /

parathyroid) is the only other thing apparently that causes this value in

blood work...

I do not have my links set up - just upgraded computer & no easy way to

transfer favorite links to sites...

Anyone - can you help Anne???

Hope this helps - will try to get sites ready for emailing soon (have to have

different hard drive put in - awaiting appointment...)

Blessings & velcro hugs,


PS - Can read about ehrylichia at Dr. B's site. (Apparently, high dose doxy

is the best treatment. Our current two (remaining) dogs are on it & have

improved greatly in a very short time.)

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