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Re: Couldn't sleep for eating....lol

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When it's 1 there it's 11 here that's when I normaly

get home I don't normal log omto the computer till



--- Machelle <catkrazy@...> wrote:

> Just thought I would come in here to the puter and

> see if anyone is up.

> It's almost 1 a.m. here and I woke up hungry for

> leftover potato salad...lol

> To make matters worse now that I'm up I'm not sure

> if I'll be able to go

> back to bed...got my belly full so I

> should...sometime before dawn...then

> I'll probably sleep all day tomorrow...don't you

> just hate that, can't sleep

> at night, can't stay awake during the day. I think

> when I was a baby and got

> my nights and days mixed up they stayed that way.


> Wow, seems like I'm full of run-on sentences too

> tonight instead of just the

> salad.


> All nine of the kitties are looking at me as if to

> say " Please turn off that

> DAMN light and go to bed, you're scaring all the

> mice away. "


> Hubby will be gone all day and son is on visitation

> to his father's, who he

> will not see until Sun. IF then, so I will have the

> house to myself. I hate

> being without a car on weekends. During the week I

> can handle. But on

> weekends I like to go shopping...lol


> Well I guess I am going to TRY and go back to bed

> and let the kitties chase

> their mice...lol

> Hope everyone has a good night...


> Machelle





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Hi Machelle- switching from sleeping @ night to daytime sleep is one of the

symptoms of HepC also ..I know most nights I'm up til at lest daylight & even

then I can't sleep...sometimes I just am awakle & unable to for 3-4 days @ a

time... My doctor has given ambien & now Serax(doesn't even phase me - the

serax) but I'm only allowed to take it 3X per week. but I try to go longer w/o

this sleep aide. He also gives my dilaudid for the pains I get(severe) but he

only gives 10 per month- they're really afraid I might get addicted to them But

I'm not an addictive type person-- when I was in my 20's Iused to be a REAL pill

popper(getting my drugs from down in Mexico--Tijuana was only about 35 mi from

where I lived in those days & you could go into any Pharmacy & get what u wanted

so long as you knew the the medical names for them no Rx needed!! But I never

got addicted & could quit whenever I so pleased- but for the longest time I just

plain had too much fun as I abhorred alcohol (it didn't agree with me & usually

made me sick plus I hated the taste of alcohol too

Of course I finally did get used to drinking by my 40's (used to be a bartender

in Calif & you were encouraged to drink & let customers byuy you drinks + plus a

drinking -Notdrunk- bartender was more socible (friendly) & customers always

likd buying the bartenders drinks as they were usually trested nicer & the

barkeep would always remember what that person drank(if they were a good

tender!!) Personally I would have rather had the tips- but of course they'd

rather part with their money with booze that tips<g>


Machelle wrote:

> Just thought I would come in here to the puter and see if anyone is up.

> It's almost 1 a.m. here and I woke up hungry for leftover potato salad...lol

> To make matters worse now that I'm up I'm not sure if I'll be able to go

> back to bed...got my belly full so I should...sometime before dawn...then

> I'll probably sleep all day tomorrow...don't you just hate that, can't sleep

> at night, can't stay awake during the day. I think when I was a baby and got

> my nights and days mixed up they stayed that way.


> Wow, seems like I'm full of run-on sentences too tonight instead of just the

> salad.


> All nine of the kitties are looking at me as if to say " Please turn off that

> DAMN light and go to bed, you're scaring all the mice away. "


> Hubby will be gone all day and son is on visitation to his father's, who he

> will not see until Sun. IF then, so I will have the house to myself. I hate

> being without a car on weekends. During the week I can handle. But on

> weekends I like to go shopping...lol


> Well I guess I am going to TRY and go back to bed and let the kitties chase

> their mice...lol

> Hope everyone has a good night...


> Machelle




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here's a qustion for you all Does pain (any kind) ever go away or do we just

get used it?<g>


Machelle wrote:

> When going through chemo, the drs. gave me Restoril and Percocet for

> sleeping and pain.

> Getting a precription was easy. In the hospital they were giving me 30mg. of

> the Restoril during the sleepless nights, but the take home precription was

> only 15mg. Which didn't help unless I took 2 of them. The Percocet was a

> little addictive. I found myself taking one when I didn't need it, just to

> cope sometimes. It's been 5 months since I took any. This last time I got

> something for pain (Darvon) it was the same...I think the depression I'm

> going through is the cause of it. I guess I felt like if I take some

> prescribed for PAIN, it will take the emotional PAIN away, not just the

> physical PAIN. I've took Zoloft and Welbuttrin for depression and it would

> work a while, then it was like taking candy...didn't help at all.


> When I was younger (16-23 yo), I would drink like a fish and even dabbed in

> pot, speed and hits of acid (I know SHAME ON ME) . Before I was diagnosed I

> would still drink occasionally (about once every 2-3 months) but have been

> clean from other drugs for about 5 years. Now I don't have even an urge to

> do that again. I think it was just a phrase I was going through. Party now,

> settle down later...???


> Hmmm...sitting here wondering now if I've said too much. But with yall I

> feel like I can say anything and not get judged.


> Machelle


> Re: [ ] Couldn't sleep for eating....lol


> Hi Machelle- switching from sleeping @ night to daytime sleep is one of the

> symptoms of HepC also ..I know most nights I'm up til at lest daylight &

> even

> then I can't sleep...sometimes I just am awakle & unable to for 3-4 days @ a

> time... My doctor has given ambien & now Serax(doesn't even phase me - the

> serax) but I'm only allowed to take it 3X per week. but I try to go longer

> w/o

> this sleep aide. He also gives my dilaudid for the pains I get(severe) but

> he

> only gives 10 per month- they're really afraid I might get addicted to them

> But

> I'm not an addictive type person-- when I was in my 20's Iused to be a REAL

> pill

> popper(getting my drugs from down in Mexico--Tijuana was only about 35 mi

> from

> where I lived in those days & you could go into any Pharmacy & get what u

> wanted

> so long as you knew the the medical names for them no Rx needed!! But I

> never

> got addicted & could quit whenever I so pleased- but for the longest time I

> just

> plain had too much fun as I abhorred alcohol (it didn't agree with me &

> usually

> made me sick plus I hated the taste of alcohol too

> Of course I finally did get used to drinking by my 40's (used to be a

> bartender

> in Calif & you were encouraged to drink & let customers byuy you drinks +

> plus a

> drinking -Notdrunk- bartender was more socible (friendly) & customers always

> likd buying the bartenders drinks as they were usually trested nicer & the

> barkeep would always remember what that person drank(if they were a good

> tender!!) Personally I would have rather had the tips- but of course they'd

> rather part with their money with booze that tips<g>

> arlene


> Machelle wrote:


> > Just thought I would come in here to the puter and see if anyone is up.

> > It's almost 1 a.m. here and I woke up hungry for leftover potato

> salad...lol

> > To make matters worse now that I'm up I'm not sure if I'll be able to go

> > back to bed...got my belly full so I should...sometime before dawn...then

> > I'll probably sleep all day tomorrow...don't you just hate that, can't

> sleep

> > at night, can't stay awake during the day. I think when I was a baby and

> got

> > my nights and days mixed up they stayed that way.

> >

> > Wow, seems like I'm full of run-on sentences too tonight instead of just

> the

> > salad.

> >

> > All nine of the kitties are looking at me as if to say " Please turn off

> that

> > DAMN light and go to bed, you're scaring all the mice away. "

> >

> > Hubby will be gone all day and son is on visitation to his father's, who

> he

> > will not see until Sun. IF then, so I will have the house to myself. I

> hate

> > being without a car on weekends. During the week I can handle. But on

> > weekends I like to go shopping...lol

> >

> > Well I guess I am going to TRY and go back to bed and let the kitties

> chase

> > their mice...lol

> > Hope everyone has a good night...

> >

> > Machelle

> >

> >

> >

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right Jan we feel for you but then like a grain of salt!! as you're

a real sweetie--no matter if you were a guard or not ---that was you wasn't

it?? Sometimes (heck a lot of times I tend to get things wrong or



Jannewilms42@... wrote:

Machelle no

one here has ever heard anything to offend them..I know I sure spilled

my guts in this group from my Hep C to female problems and then on

to my marriage and yes I am a former drug user myself..Nothing to hide..I

have always said I do not regret anything I have ever done in my life but

I do regret the heartache it has caused some of my family or freinds..Wait

does that count with the ex I married when I was way too young?? Hey but

I do have 3 beautiful kids from his ugly ass..LOL..They were the blessing..He

was the downfall.....hahahaha...See I speak of everything in here.. I think

they just learned to ignore some of my little comments...Right everyone??

Hey to any new comer I am Jan and would also like to welcome you here..Now

I've said enough..

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Not @ all !!!!!!! It's always nice hearing from & about everyone...

that's kinda how come we're a family & good support group here



Jan I think the truly compassionate stay.

The ones who would never cast thefirst stone no matter what road they may

have traveled. You know what JanI was a preachers kid. Lived

well did everything right. I am a walking talkinggolden rule .....

still yet I am in this chat because my son is fighting this awful Dragon.I

have not stories to tell no alchol no drugs was even a good kid in the

60's and that was hard!!So we are different.... but in the end we are good

people and we love and livepassionately forgiving others as we expect them

to forgive us along the wayThe rest life if just to short for.

I think that makes us much more alike than differentbecause we are the

ones who no matter where lifes journey has taken us still carefor others.

Now I have said maybe just a wittle bit to much.. Love


Re: [ ]

Couldn't sleep for eating....lol

Machelle no one here has ever heard

anything to offend them..I know I sure spilled my guts in this group from

my Hep C to female problems and then on to my marriage and yes I

am a former drug user myself..Nothing to hide..I have always said I do

not regret anything I have ever done in my life but I do regret the heartache

it has caused some of my family or freinds..Wait does that count with the

ex I married when I was way too young?? Hey but I do have 3 beautiful kids

from his ugly ass..LOL..They were the blessing..He was the downfall.....hahahaha...See

I speak of everything in here.. I think they just learned to ignore some

of my little comments...Right everyone?? Hey to any new comer I am Jan

and would also like to welcome you here..Now I've said enough..

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Is this the same Jan who likes to razz the the 'guys' here on list?????!!!!!!<g>


Jannewilms42@... wrote:


haven't said too much..I feel we were all put together in this group for

a reason..Be it to make our days brighter or just to be there for anyone

of us we are here..It was meant to be..I agree that life is way too short

to have to worry about BS from anyone..Regardless if you have or have not

been drug free yuo are here for a reason..It was to help ease your mind

when you needed it so bad..I am just glad to be here for anyone of you..Like

I have said I may not know much considering Hep C even though I have it

but I do like to joke around and it is always nice to meet new people and

to know I am not the only one needing support from someone..

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I just want to 'stomp' the dragon'......you annilate- death to dragon......



Just remember there is not one that will do

battle like a mom. And I am out to kickevery Dragons butt around

the block I find. In short that is to say I will help anyoneof you

I ever possibly can.

Re: [ ]

Couldn't sleep for eating....lol

you haven't said too much..I

feel we were all put together in this group for a reason..Be it to make

our days brighter or just to be there for anyone of us we are here..It

was meant to be..I agree that life is way too short to have to worry about

BS from anyone..Regardless if you have or have not been drug free yuo are

here for a reason..It was to help ease your mind when you needed it so

bad..I am just glad to be here for anyone of you..Like I have said I may

not know much considering Hep C even though I have it but I do like to

joke around and it is always nice to meet new people and to know I am not

the only one needing support from someone..

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Jan- I find a lot of peace living out in the country-- not too far

out but far enough...I enjoy the quietness of our area--- neighbor -not

too close--like in more metro areas- we are just out of reach of the 'burbs'!!!!!!

No life in the fast lane (too much anyways<g>


Jannewilms42@... wrote:

Arlene I am

trying to figure that one out myself..I am still having pain myself..I

also wonder is there ever any peace?? I haven't found mine yet..

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You have a way of writin', Jan, that @ times just makes me smile or laugh

& I just love to laugh It's so good for what ails us & good

for the soul too


Jannewilms42@... wrote:

See I can

be serious at times too...LOL.Just not that often!!!

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sounds like Susy can be a 'real fireball' when she needs to be!!

Terry Long wrote:

> That's the way of most Mothers. I would feel sorry

> for anyone who messed with our kids. Because Susy's

> rage would come out & even if I had wanted to, I

> couldn't retain her. No one would be able to stop her.

> She might only be five feet two inches tall, but she

> be so determend nothing would be able to stop her.

> Terry

> --- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> > You go you big Dragon Slayer you..That's the

> > attitude to have ..It's

> > great...Anything ought to know better than to mess

> > with a mother's kids!!!!!!

> >


> __________________________________________________


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I ha e the long legs to but not as long as yours<g> Ken &

I wear the same length jeans He is 6ft & I'm 5'4"

Me 55 years young Ken 43 years old


Jannewilms42@... wrote:

Well I am

5'9 and as my hubby says I have 36 inches of throughbred legs and they

will stand tall if need be for my kids or for what I beleive in..

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When going through chemo, the drs. gave me Restoril and Percocet for

sleeping and pain.

Getting a precription was easy. In the hospital they were giving me 30mg. of

the Restoril during the sleepless nights, but the take home precription was

only 15mg. Which didn't help unless I took 2 of them. The Percocet was a

little addictive. I found myself taking one when I didn't need it, just to

cope sometimes. It's been 5 months since I took any. This last time I got

something for pain (Darvon) it was the same...I think the depression I'm

going through is the cause of it. I guess I felt like if I take some

prescribed for PAIN, it will take the emotional PAIN away, not just the

physical PAIN. I've took Zoloft and Welbuttrin for depression and it would

work a while, then it was like taking candy...didn't help at all.

When I was younger (16-23 yo), I would drink like a fish and even dabbed in

pot, speed and hits of acid (I know SHAME ON ME) . Before I was diagnosed I

would still drink occasionally (about once every 2-3 months) but have been

clean from other drugs for about 5 years. Now I don't have even an urge to

do that again. I think it was just a phrase I was going through. Party now,

settle down later...???

Hmmm...sitting here wondering now if I've said too much. But with yall I

feel like I can say anything and not get judged.


Re: [ ] Couldn't sleep for eating....lol

Hi Machelle- switching from sleeping @ night to daytime sleep is one of the

symptoms of HepC also ..I know most nights I'm up til at lest daylight &


then I can't sleep...sometimes I just am awakle & unable to for 3-4 days @ a

time... My doctor has given ambien & now Serax(doesn't even phase me - the

serax) but I'm only allowed to take it 3X per week. but I try to go longer


this sleep aide. He also gives my dilaudid for the pains I get(severe) but


only gives 10 per month- they're really afraid I might get addicted to them


I'm not an addictive type person-- when I was in my 20's Iused to be a REAL


popper(getting my drugs from down in Mexico--Tijuana was only about 35 mi


where I lived in those days & you could go into any Pharmacy & get what u


so long as you knew the the medical names for them no Rx needed!! But I


got addicted & could quit whenever I so pleased- but for the longest time I


plain had too much fun as I abhorred alcohol (it didn't agree with me &


made me sick plus I hated the taste of alcohol too

Of course I finally did get used to drinking by my 40's (used to be a


in Calif & you were encouraged to drink & let customers byuy you drinks +

plus a

drinking -Notdrunk- bartender was more socible (friendly) & customers always

likd buying the bartenders drinks as they were usually trested nicer & the

barkeep would always remember what that person drank(if they were a good

tender!!) Personally I would have rather had the tips- but of course they'd

rather part with their money with booze that tips<g>


Machelle wrote:

> Just thought I would come in here to the puter and see if anyone is up.

> It's almost 1 a.m. here and I woke up hungry for leftover potato


> To make matters worse now that I'm up I'm not sure if I'll be able to go

> back to bed...got my belly full so I should...sometime before dawn...then

> I'll probably sleep all day tomorrow...don't you just hate that, can't


> at night, can't stay awake during the day. I think when I was a baby and


> my nights and days mixed up they stayed that way.


> Wow, seems like I'm full of run-on sentences too tonight instead of just


> salad.


> All nine of the kitties are looking at me as if to say " Please turn off


> DAMN light and go to bed, you're scaring all the mice away. "


> Hubby will be gone all day and son is on visitation to his father's, who


> will not see until Sun. IF then, so I will have the house to myself. I


> being without a car on weekends. During the week I can handle. But on

> weekends I like to go shopping...lol


> Well I guess I am going to TRY and go back to bed and let the kitties


> their mice...lol

> Hope everyone has a good night...


> Machelle




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Machelle no one here has ever heard anything to offend them..I know I sure spilled my guts in this group from my Hep C to female problems and then on to my marriage and yes I am a former drug user myself..Nothing to hide..I have always said I do not regret anything I have ever done in my life but I do regret the heartache it has caused some of my family or freinds..Wait does that count with the ex I married when I was way too young?? Hey but I do have 3 beautiful kids from his ugly ass..LOL..They were the blessing..He was the downfall.....hahahaha...See I speak of everything in here.. I think they just learned to ignore some of my little comments...Right everyone?? Hey to any new comer I am Jan and would also like to welcome you here..Now I've said enough..

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I don't even remember being 18- 22. So don't feel bad

about what you've done. We've all done things we

aren't proud of. I wouldn't do it again but I have no

regrets either. Life is too short to regret the past.

Take care.


--- Machelle <catkrazy@...> wrote:

> When going through chemo, the drs. gave me Restoril

> and Percocet for

> sleeping and pain.

> Getting a precription was easy. In the hospital they

> were giving me 30mg. of

> the Restoril during the sleepless nights, but the

> take home precription was

> only 15mg. Which didn't help unless I took 2 of

> them. The Percocet was a

> little addictive. I found myself taking one when I

> didn't need it, just to

> cope sometimes. It's been 5 months since I took any.

> This last time I got

> something for pain (Darvon) it was the same...I

> think the depression I'm

> going through is the cause of it. I guess I felt

> like if I take some

> prescribed for PAIN, it will take the emotional PAIN

> away, not just the

> physical PAIN. I've took Zoloft and Welbuttrin for

> depression and it would

> work a while, then it was like taking candy...didn't

> help at all.


> When I was younger (16-23 yo), I would drink like a

> fish and even dabbed in

> pot, speed and hits of acid (I know SHAME ON ME) .

> Before I was diagnosed I

> would still drink occasionally (about once every 2-3

> months) but have been

> clean from other drugs for about 5 years. Now I

> don't have even an urge to

> do that again. I think it was just a phrase I was

> going through. Party now,

> settle down later...???


> Hmmm...sitting here wondering now if I've said too

> much. But with yall I

> feel like I can say anything and not get judged.


> Machelle




> Re: [ ] Couldn't sleep

> for eating....lol



> Hi Machelle- switching from sleeping @ night to

> daytime sleep is one of the

> symptoms of HepC also ..I know most nights I'm up

> til at lest daylight &

> even

> then I can't sleep...sometimes I just am awakle &

> unable to for 3-4 days @ a

> time... My doctor has given ambien & now

> Serax(doesn't even phase me - the

> serax) but I'm only allowed to take it 3X per week.

> but I try to go longer

> w/o

> this sleep aide. He also gives my dilaudid for the

> pains I get(severe) but

> he

> only gives 10 per month- they're really afraid I

> might get addicted to them

> But

> I'm not an addictive type person-- when I was in my

> 20's Iused to be a REAL

> pill

> popper(getting my drugs from down in Mexico--Tijuana

> was only about 35 mi

> from

> where I lived in those days & you could go into any

> Pharmacy & get what u

> wanted

> so long as you knew the the medical names for them

> no Rx needed!! But I

> never

> got addicted & could quit whenever I so pleased- but

> for the longest time I

> just

> plain had too much fun as I abhorred alcohol (it

> didn't agree with me &

> usually

> made me sick plus I hated the taste of alcohol too

> Of course I finally did get used to drinking by my

> 40's (used to be a

> bartender

> in Calif & you were encouraged to drink & let

> customers byuy you drinks +

> plus a

> drinking -Notdrunk- bartender was more socible

> (friendly) & customers always

> likd buying the bartenders drinks as they were

> usually trested nicer & the

> barkeep would always remember what that person

> drank(if they were a good

> tender!!) Personally I would have rather had the

> tips- but of course they'd

> rather part with their money with booze that tips<g>

> arlene



> Machelle wrote:


> > Just thought I would come in here to the puter and

> see if anyone is up.

> > It's almost 1 a.m. here and I woke up hungry for

> leftover potato

> salad...lol

> > To make matters worse now that I'm up I'm not sure

> if I'll be able to go

> > back to bed...got my belly full so I

> should...sometime before dawn...then

> > I'll probably sleep all day tomorrow...don't you

> just hate that, can't

> sleep

> > at night, can't stay awake during the day. I think

> when I was a baby and

> got

> > my nights and days mixed up they stayed that way.

> >

> > Wow, seems like I'm full of run-on sentences too

> tonight instead of just

> the

> > salad.

> >

> > All nine of the kitties are looking at me as if to

> say " Please turn off

> that

> > DAMN light and go to bed, you're scaring all the

> mice away. "

> >

> > Hubby will be gone all day and son is on

> visitation to his father's, who

> he

> > will not see until Sun. IF then, so I will have

> the house to myself. I

> hate

> > being without a car on weekends. During the week I

> can handle. But on

> > weekends I like to go shopping...lol

> >

> > Well I guess I am going to TRY and go back to bed

> and let the kitties

> chase

> > their mice...lol

> > Hope everyone has a good night...

> >

> > Machelle

> >

> >

> >

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we'll have to call you & Jan the 'snatchers'--Boys be good!!


diane214@... wrote:

> Jan,

> You're not old girl...... I could just see -dz- running and you

> chasin... Hee-Hee and if you have long arms I can see you snatch him

> up.... LOL ;o Run Dave run...and don't look back... Jan will catch

> you're tail.... You guys are becoming outnumbered by us QUIET

> WOMEN...... ;o


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity






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you haven't said too much..I feel we were all put together in this group for a reason..Be it to make our days brighter or just to be there for anyone of us we are here..It was meant to be..I agree that life is way too short to have to worry about BS from anyone..Regardless if you have or have not been drug free yuo are here for a reason..It was to help ease your mind when you needed it so bad..I am just glad to be here for anyone of you..Like I have said I may not know much considering Hep C even though I have it but I do like to joke around and it is always nice to meet new people and to know I am not the only one needing support from someone..

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Jan I think the truly compassionate stay. The ones who would never cast the first stone no matter what road they may have traveled. You know what Jan I was a preachers kid. Lived well did everything right. I am a walking talking golden rule ..... still yet I am in this chat because my son is fighting this awful Dragon. I have not stories to tell no alchol no drugs was even a good kid in the 60's and that was hard!! So we are different.... but in the end we are good people and we love and live passionately forgiving others as we expect them to forgive us along the way The rest life if just to short for. I think that makes us much more alike than different because we are the ones who no matter where lifes journey has taken us still care for others. Now I have said maybe just a wittle bit to much.. Love Kare Re: [ ] Couldn't sleep for eating....lol Machelle no one here has ever heard anything to offend them..I know I sure spilled my guts in this group from my Hep C to female problems and then on to my marriage and yes I am a former drug user myself..Nothing to hide..I have always said I do not regret anything I have ever done in my life but I do regret the heartache it has caused some of my family or freinds..Wait does that count with the ex I married when I was way too young?? Hey but I do have 3 beautiful kids from his ugly ass..LOL..They were the blessing..He was the downfall.....hahahaha...See I speak of everything in here.. I think they just learned to ignore some of my little comments...Right everyone?? Hey to any new comer I am Jan and would also like to welcome you here..Now I've said enough..

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Just remember there is not one that will do battle like a mom. And I am out to kick every Dragons butt around the block I find. In short that is to say I will help anyone of you I ever possibly can. Re: [ ] Couldn't sleep for eating....lol you haven't said too much..I feel we were all put together in this group for a reason..Be it to make our days brighter or just to be there for anyone of us we are here..It was meant to be..I agree that life is way too short to have to worry about BS from anyone..Regardless if you have or have not been drug free yuo are here for a reason..It was to help ease your mind when you needed it so bad..I am just glad to be here for anyone of you..Like I have said I may not know much considering Hep C even though I have it but I do like to joke around and it is always nice to meet new people and to know I am not the only one needing support from someone..

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Well the Dragon has attacked my son.. tsk tsk should have known better silly dragon.. ; ) Re: [ ] Couldn't sleep for eating....lol you haven't said too much..I feel we were all put together in this group for a reason..Be it to make our days brighter or just to be there for anyone of us we are here..It was meant to be..I agree that life is way too short to have to worry about BS from anyone..Regardless if you have or have not been drug free yuo are here for a reason..It was to help ease your mind when you needed it so bad..I am just glad to be here for anyone of you..Like I have said I may not know much considering Hep C even though I have it but I do like to joke around and it is always nice to meet new people and to know I am not the only one needing support from someone..

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Yes we are a good support group. The best. Re: [ ] Couldn't sleep for eating....lol Machelle no one here has ever heard anything to offend them..I know I sure spilled my guts in this group from my Hep C to female problems and then on to my marriage and yes I am a former drug user myself..Nothing to hide..I have always said I do not regret anything I have ever done in my life but I do regret the heartache it has caused some of my family or freinds..Wait does that count with the ex I married when I was way too young?? Hey but I do have 3 beautiful kids from his ugly ass..LOL..They were the blessing..He was the downfall.....hahahaha...See I speak of everything in here.. I think they just learned to ignore some of my little comments...Right everyone?? Hey to any new comer I am Jan and would also like to welcome you here..Now I've said enough..

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