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Need your advice

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Hoping you guys can help me. I am new to this group but am so happy I found you

guys. I have been struggling with my T levels for about 6 years now. I'm 42 and

presently my T level is 159 ng/dL and my free is 6.1 pg/mL. My estradiol is 19.3

pg/mL. This is my baseline. I have used HCG and that brought my levels to 563

ng/dL and free to 14.4 pg/mL and estradiol up to 29.8 pg/mL. I didn't get up to

the level that I think I need to be at to really enjoy the benefits you guys are

experiencing. I went to a doc in Atlanta who is pretty good. I told him that I

want to do the T shots and he suggested that I continue with a low dose of HCG.

I also told him I wanted to continue to utilize Arimidex to keep my estrogen

down. He wants me to take 50mg 1x week. Take HCG 500iu 3x week. Arimadex .25 2x

week. I personally think I should be taking at least 100mg per week. What do

you guys think? I also say this protocal online and really would like to follow

it. Is anyone following a plan like this one:

- 50mg Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate every third day.

- 0.25mg Arimidex every third day.

- 500IU HCG every third day.

I tend to think this would keep my levels steady and avoid the crash that I read

that people experience. Not to thrilled about using a long needle every three

days. I've read that some people use a smaller needle and even subQ the shot. I

think Phil had mentioned that.

Any advice you guys can give would be greatly appreciated. I'm shooting for the

800-900 range. Thanks.

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Hi and Welcome,

I feel your Dr. is going about this the right way try doing 50 mgs of Test C

shots once a week and keep doing your HCG 500 IU's 3x's per week.. Yet most men

on HCG only did the shots every day 100 IU's each day. But now your adding Test

C so go slow try this for 8 weeks do labs if your levels are still not up and

you don't feel better then go up to 100 mgs of Test C per week. It's best to

start low and go up slow.

On the Arimidex be care full that you don't drive it down to low follow this

file I made about taking Arimidex.


How To Take Arimdex and not go down on your Estradiol to Low.

What I found is if you go to low taking arimidex, it's the length of time your

to low, if your too low say for 8 weeks it can take your body a longer time to

make more Estradiol. Bottom line is to know how not to go to low. Keep a log on

your dose and how you feel men going to low can't get it up taking Viagra. I

went to low when I first tried Arimidex and did not know about going to low or

how one feels to low, so I was low a good 8 weeks. I did not know I was low

until my next labs.

The best gage I have found to control your Estradiol levels is to gage your

night time and morning wood. At good levels or what I call the sweet spot you

get your night time and morning wood back so strong it will wake you up and you

can hang a coat on it.

Most men do good taking .25 mgs or 1/4 of a 1mg. pill, I use a pill cutter to

cut the small pill in half then I stand it on the cut end and use a single edge

razor to cut this in half. A good way to take arimidex is by how high your

levels are. I tested over 90 pg/ml so we tried doing .5 mgs every other day

after 8 weeks my next set of labs showed it did not move below 90, test said

>90. So we did .5 mgs. every day in about 2 weeks I got some strong night time

and morning wood back after not having them for many yrs.

I kept doing this dose and in 8 weeks my next set of labs said <20 back in the

day labs were like this they did not have to good labs we have today they could

not read lower the 20. My Dr. told me this looks to low to stop taking the

Arimidex. The one thing I noticed was my wood stopped and stopping the Arimidex

my wood came back in about 7 weeks my next test at 8 weeks was 24 pg/ml. So we

went back on the Arimidex but the Dr. told me to take .5 mgs every 3 days I was

on this dose not a week and lost wood. This is when I figured out going to low

you lose wood. And the longer your too low the longer it takes to get levels

back up.

I stopped the arimidex right away and got my wood back in 4 days. I then after

playing with the dose for a time found the best dose is .25mgs every 2 to 3


So lets say your labs are less the 50 pg/ml if your take .5 mgs you can go down

so dam fast your miss the sweet spot of your wood and go to low. It's best with

lower levels 50 and under to do less Arimidex .25mgs every 2 days if later your

lose wood when it comes back go to every 3 days.

I have found estradiol is the hardest hormone to control, it goes up or down

from month to month some times I need .25mgs every 2 days other times I need

..25mgs everyday most of the time I do well on every 3 days.

So between wood and labs I do great and so do most of the men I have told this

to. I keep a log on how much I am taking and how I feel. Doing this and reading

back in my log I was able to tell when I was going to high or to low my Dr. lets

me dose my arimidex by how I feel.

Over the yrs. I have posted this story until I am blue in the face.



> From: A <danderson4christ@...>

> Subject: Need your advice


> Date: Thursday, December 16, 2010, 12:58 PM

> Hoping you guys can help me. I am new

> to this group but am so happy I found you guys.  I have

> been struggling with my T levels for about 6 years now. I'm

> 42 and presently my T level is 159 ng/dL and my free is 6.1

> pg/mL. My estradiol is 19.3 pg/mL. This is my baseline. I

> have used HCG and that brought my levels to 563 ng/dL and

> free to 14.4 pg/mL and estradiol up to 29.8 pg/mL. I didn't

> get up to the level that I think I need to be at to really

> enjoy the benefits you guys are experiencing.  I went

> to a doc in Atlanta who is pretty good. I told him that I

> want to do the T shots and he suggested that I continue with

> a low dose of HCG. I also told him I wanted to continue to

> utilize Arimidex to keep my estrogen down. He wants me to

> take 50mg 1x week.  Take HCG 500iu 3x week. Arimadex

> .25 2x week.  I personally think I should be taking at

> least 100mg per week.  What do you guys think?  I

> also say this protocal online and really would like to

> follow it.  Is anyone following a plan like this one:


> - 50mg Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate every third day.


> - 0.25mg Arimidex every third day.


> - 500IU HCG every third day.


> I tend to think this would keep my levels steady and avoid

> the crash that I read that people experience. Not to

> thrilled about using a long needle every three days. I've

> read that some people use a smaller needle and even subQ the

> shot. I think Phil had mentioned that.


> Any advice you guys can give would be greatly

> appreciated.  I'm shooting for the 800-900 range. 

> Thanks.




> ------------------------------------



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  • 1 year later...

Baking soda on the floor is safe and works well.

On Feb 17, 2012 2:39 AM, <Goldstein@...> wrote:


Have you ever had any tick bites?  The reason I ask is that some of us have had tick bites in addition to bird mite bites - bird mites now carry many of the same infections that ticks carry, namely Lyme Disease, Bartonella, Babesia and a host of other diseases.  Many of us who did get bird mites ended up with Lyme Disease and coinfections mentioned above. For some reason they are drawn to the people who have pre-existing health conditions too and people with healthier immune systems are often not as affected if at all.

I wish I could answer with complete confidence what the best approach would be for you.  Do you still live on a farm? Marie (healinghope) lives on a farm and had lots of animals.  She is cured 100%.  There are others who have taken other routes that are cured.  I'll post the most recent post from Zoe who had terrible mites and what her procedure was.  She and her husband were also cured 100%.  

Zoe wrote:Hi All,Many of you may not know our history with a bird mite infestation and many of you do.... We have literally tried everything under the sun for over 2 years to combat the infestation in our home, cars, work, and bodies. I've coined the name, Human Bird Mite Host Syndrome (BMHS), to best describe the disease we got following an intense bird mite infestation in our home.

The bird mites we had (maybe still do) are microscopic and clear when not filled with blood. They are not attracted to all people. Instead it appears that they tend to like some folks more than others to feed on and that once they somehow MARK you as a host (to be feasted on), then you become the target of biting and non-biting mites everywhere, where ever in the world you go.

I cannot begin to describe to anyone the horror and misery my husband and I have been through over the past 2 years. It got better over time with using many protocols and products but still is not 100% gone we don't think... everyday I wake up and wonder if I will get new bites and where they will occur on my body. 

For the 1st 18-months we had 100s of painful bites on our bodies. We would only get 1 a day most days, but they each took months to go away so they added up quickly.Here is what helped us the most:Hydrogen peroxide sprayed on the skin alternated with white vinegar sprayed on the skin (especially on the area of the bites seem to finally kill the mites and the organism they infected us with (the markers) that were living on our skin. We left it on our skin for at least 5-30 min or more before rinsing.

3 months of Doxycycline (3 times per day) followed by 3 months of Bactrim DS 2 times per day finally killed what ever was in our blood and skin that was attracting them to us. We believe the antibiotics killed an organism the bird mites infected us with. 

2-way carpet tape surrounding the base of our bed kept the bird mites out of our bed.Washing all linens and and clothes on STERILE setting w/ Biokleen Plus and ironing everything we could killed all mites in clothes and linens.

Revolution on the dog and cat 2 times per months helped our pets.Vacuuming, roller taping, and hydrogen peroxide and vinegar killed the mites in our house. Steri Fab also killed bird mites in the house and cars.

But we had to get rid of the cars and all our furniture because, nothing was 100% in killing the mites. Out Prius was unbearable for us... we got eaten alive in it daily. None of friends or family did though because they had not been MARKED as hosts.

We think the only reason we got MARKED as a host was because of an organism they infected us with via a few bites when the house was 1st infested. We think the house must have been infested with an astronomical number of mites at first.

Almost everything we own is in our garage now and I am afraid to go in there to get rid of it all. It has been in there for about 18months now and it is still possibly infested with mites. I brought a couple dining rm chairs from the garage into our house last week and got a few bites on my bottom. So did my husband... so we don't think the stuff in the garage is safe... 

The bites on my bottom could have been coincidental... this is all so freakish!!!So it seems like antibiotics were crucial in helping us get much better. We think we are at ~98% now...I'll keep you posted.


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Hi!DE is good on floors, I think.

A powder called Pestene from Australia is really good, if you can get a hold of that.

Spraying with an IGR (growth inhibitor) is very helpful (ie Nylar)

Good luck!Cecilia

From: well453 <well453@...>bird mites Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 8:12 AMSubject: need your advice

it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.-i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with exposed pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not possible. i was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just spray everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your experience? bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also help with any mold-which is a bonus:) -what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate. borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?-i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i

can get things under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be suffiecient?-also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird mites (same size, etc)? You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to be:) I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately

and maybe a candida problem and my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that is maybe why. Do you think this is true?thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!

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This has got to be the plague or the next epidemic, maybe people will start believing us.

From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>Subject: Re: need your advice"bird mites " <bird mites >Date: Friday, February 17, 2012, 6:11 AM

Hi!DE is good on floors, I think.

A powder called Pestene from Australia is really good, if you can get a hold of that.

Spraying with an IGR (growth inhibitor) is very helpful (ie Nylar)

Good luck!Cecilia

From: well453 <well453@...>bird mites Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 8:12 AMSubject: need your advice

it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.-i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with exposed pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not possible. i was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just spray everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your experience? bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also help with any mold-which is a bonus:) -what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate. borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?-i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i

can get things under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be suffiecient?-also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird mites (same size, etc)? You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to be:) I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately

and maybe a candida problem and my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that is maybe why. Do you think this is true?thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!

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Hi there

Yes the group will help all they can

V helpful people who all have been or going thru same or similar problem

Invermectin is vvv strong

Only give to cat who is fit

If old or unwell do not give to cat

Frontline or revolution may be better

But only if cAt is fit

My cat was too old n unwell n cudnt tolerate the chemicals

She died:-(

Do not need to use flea powder as well as these insecticides

Thats overkill!!!

At most de lightly rubbed into fur if u must use something topical

Do not use any permethrin spray or powder anywhere near cat

Higly toxic

Lysol or dettol spray is good for laminate floors,

I thought I may kill myself two months ago with all this

But its better than was,tho lost home n cat

But no way would I kill myself now

So hang in there

And people here will support u all that they can

Best wishes to you


On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 23:12 PST well453 wrote:


>it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible

affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the

verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.


>-i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with exposed

pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not possible.

i was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just spray

everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your

experience? bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also

help with any mold-which is a bonus:)


>-what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate.

borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and

mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?


>-i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i can get things

under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will

give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the

dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be



>-also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is

supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird

mites (same size, etc)?


>You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had

anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from

nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs

while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that

came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to

be:) I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be

affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately and maybe a candida problem and

my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that

is maybe why. Do you think this is true?


>thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!

>your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!




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I would put de on animals even on my self n bedding as have done

All was safe as long as lightly coated

Can dry skin a bit is all

But de on floors,is helluva messy

It also ruined my dyson hoover,killed it completely

I also put down baking soda( bicarb soda)

But it didnt eradicate it for me,but im sure it helped,salt didnt eradicate


Yes I would use nylar

I sprayed if floors new flat n any furniture I got for new flat is sprayed nylar

Then regularly sprayed dettol spray( lysol)

Keep animals away till dries completely

And dettol or lysol spraycafter that

Oxy clean helps mein wash with clothes

Good luck

Its hard work

But u will get better as time goes on

Just hang in there!


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 04:11 PST Cecilia Borg wrote:


>DE is good on floors, I think.

>A powder called Pestene from Australia is really good, if you can get a hold of


>Spraying with an IGR (growth inhibitor) is very helpful (ie Nylar)

>Good luck!





>From: well453 <well453@...>

>bird mites

>Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 8:12 AM

>Subject: need your advice




>it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible

affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the

verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.


>-i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with exposed

pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not possible. i

was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just spray

everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your experience?

bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also help with any

mold-which is a bonus:)


>-what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate.

borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and

mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?


>-i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i can get things

under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will

give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the

dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be



>-also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is

supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird

mites (same size, etc)?


>You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had

anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from

nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs

while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that

came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to be:)

I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be

affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately and maybe a candida problem and

my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that is

maybe why. Do you think this is true?


>thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!

>your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!



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Well I am the,only person in my life where I live that I have heard of suffering


And to my knowledge I havent passed it on


Im glad that I dont know anyone else in my country who has suffered this

So it is still rare

Its not a plague or I wud have passed it on

Thank god it isnt

Although its desperately sad n weird thing altogether

N I do think it may be more prevalent now as linda said because global warming

or changes in climate etc

And it may be more common for people to suffer it than we think

But its,still just a tiny percentage of the worlds population

Though right enough god knows what will happen in the,future

If ecology keeps gettin damaged

N man messes about with his enviroment furher

Maybe human greed n destruction is at the root of mites changing host

We do not know for sure

We just need to stAy calm

Fight our personal fights against these blasted mites

And try n stay positive

For ourselves

And about the world


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 04:48 PST Marilyn Bentley wrote:

>This has got to be the plague or the next epidemic,  maybe people will start

believing us.





>From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>

>Subject: Re: need your advice

> " bird mites " <bird mites >

>Date: Friday, February 17, 2012, 6:11 AM










>DE is good on floors, I think.

>A powder called Pestene from Australia is really good, if you can get a hold of


>Spraying with an IGR (growth inhibitor) is very helpful (ie Nylar)

>Good luck!







>From: well453 <well453@...>

>bird mites

>Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 8:12 AM

>Subject: need your advice






>it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible

affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the

verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.


>-i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with exposed

pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not possible. i

was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just spray

everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your experience?

bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also help with any

mold-which is a bonus:)


>-what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate.

borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and

mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?


>-i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i can get things

under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will

give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the

dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be



>-also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is

supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird

mites (same size, etc)?


>You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had

anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from

nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs

while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that

came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to be:)

I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be

affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately and maybe a candida problem and

my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that is

maybe why. Do you think this is true?


>thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!

>your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!









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I suggest you seek out a Lyme literate doctor, the bugs are attracted to you due to internal chronic infections. Lyme is almost always at the root of these multiple infections. AandrayaOn Feb 17, 2012, at 1:12 AM, well453 <well453@...> wrote:

it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.

-i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with exposed pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not possible. i was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just spray everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your experience? bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also help with any mold-which is a bonus:)

-what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate. borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?

-i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i can get things under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be suffiecient?

-also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird mites (same size, etc)?

You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to be:) I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately and maybe a candida problem and my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that is maybe why. Do you think this is true?

thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!

your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!

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You've just mentioned the source of your problems yourself: CANDIDA. That is why the mites do love you best. I used to have a skin fungus and was under awful stress when my infestation happened back in July 2009. I have got the situation under control by taking an anti-fungal plus antibiotics and am now 99.9 % better, but it took me over 2 years for getting my life back.

Von: well453 <well453@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 8:12 Freitag, 17.Februar 2012Betreff: need your advice

it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.-i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with exposed pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not possible. i was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just spray everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your experience? bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also help with any mold-which is a bonus:) -what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate. borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?-i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i

can get things under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be suffiecient?-also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird mites (same size, etc)? You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to be:) I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately

and maybe a candida problem and my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that is maybe why. Do you think this is true?thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!

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Yes, get your candida under control. It helps big time. Here's my story: I was feeling very down yesterday and for the last few days... very blue and the medications can make you feel this way too I'm learning, so I went out to grocery shop and stopped at a shop that had frozen yogurt. I had not had sugar in maybe a month or longer. I got what looked like bites at night on my thumb and thigh... I only get these when the sugar is out of control. Just keep trying. That's what I'm doing. I have a mess of a candida problem.From: "Aggi Assmann" <aggi_assmann@...>bird mites Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 7:45:28 AMSubject: Re: need your advice

You've just mentioned the source of your problems yourself: CANDIDA. That is why the mites do love you best. I used to have a skin fungus and was under awful stress when my infestation happened back in July 2009. I have got the situation under control by taking an anti-fungal plus antibiotics and am now 99.9 % better, but it took me over 2 years for getting my life back.

Von: well453 <well453@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 8:12 Freitag, 17.Februar 2012Betreff: need your advice

it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.-i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with exposed pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not possible. i was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just spray everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your experience? bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also help with any mold-which is a bonus:) -what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate. borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?-i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i

can get things under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be suffiecient?-also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird mites (same size, etc)? You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to be:) I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately

and maybe a candida problem and my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that is maybe why. Do you think this is true?thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!

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I sprinkled DE behind floor boards, in cracks and crevices and over my mattress, everytime I changed bed sheets (daily in the beginning). Best results I achieved by using Lysol multi-purpose cleaner. Once I started mopping floors and walls with it, the whole situation changed drastically.

Von: Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...>An: "bird mites " <bird mites > Gesendet: 16:45 Freitag, 17.Februar 2012Betreff: Re: need your advice

You've just mentioned the source of your problems yourself: CANDIDA. That is why the mites do love you best. I used to have a skin fungus and was under awful stress when my infestation happened back in July 2009. I have got the situation under control by taking an anti-fungal plus antibiotics and am now 99.9 % better, but it took me over 2 years for getting my life back.

Von: well453 <well453@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 8:12 Freitag, 17.Februar 2012Betreff: need your advice

it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.-i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with exposed pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not possible. i was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just spray everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your experience? bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also help with any mold-which is a bonus:) -what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate. borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?-i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i

can get things under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be suffiecient?-also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird mites (same size, etc)? You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to be:) I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately

and maybe a candida problem and my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that is maybe why. Do you think this is true?thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!

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I mop with lye liquid or fels naptha, I also wash down all wood with liquid lye

and water. I used DE, also taking up carpet and placing DE under carpet, then

put carpet back over DE, keeps dust down to. I also drilled small holes in wall

voids and filled with dust. Treating exterior for me very important also. I will

post what helped me if you wish to read. I had lyme, bird mites, and


- In bird mites , " well453 " <well453@...> wrote:



> it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible

affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the

verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.


> -i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with

exposed pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not

possible. i was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just

spray everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your

experience? bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also

help with any mold-which is a bonus:)


> -what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate.

borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and

mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?


> -i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i can get things

under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will

give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the

dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be



> -also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is

supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird

mites (same size, etc)?


> You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had

anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from

nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs

while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that

came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to

be:) I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be

affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately and maybe a candida problem and

my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that

is maybe why. Do you think this is true?


> thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!

> your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!


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Spray with one cup of Lysol Complete Clean to a gallon of water.

From: well453 <well453@...>bird mites Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 2:12 AMSubject: need your advice

it has been so good to join this group and get feedback about this terrible affliction. I few days ago when i realized what this was, i think i was in the verge of a breakdown. Thankfully, i am hoping for the best in controlling this.-i have an unfinished basement with 8ft ceilings and exposed beams(with exposed pipes,etc) and physically washing in between all of this is just not possible. i was thinking, can i get one of those outdoor sprayers and then just spray everything down every 2-3 days? what would be most effective in your experience? bleach? peroxide and borax (read somewhere that this will also help with any mold-which is a bonus:) -what should i sprinkle on my floors? i have just linoleum and old laminate. borax? salt-household,sea, or epsom? DE? also, read of powdered sulfur and mustard - but are these safe to breathe? can i use a combo of these?-i have removed my pets to outdoors for the time being until i

can get things under control here. What have people had success with? I have a vet who will give me an ivermectin product to inject into cats. I will use revolution on the dogs(collie mixes). If i also use flea powder and FG DE, will this be suffiecient?-also, has anyone had any success using a good air purifier to treat? It is supposed to work on dust mites, so i think that it would do the same for bird mites (same size, etc)? You know, i have lived my whole life on a farm(i'm 31) and i have never had anything like this. I played with chickens, cats, dogs, cattle, baby birds from nests, cleaned out manure, shovelled out grain bins, been right besides the dogs while they were killing mice in nest in a shed/bin or any nuisance animal that came on yard, etc, etc. in situations which most people would never want to be:) I am not sure why now, especially since my mom and dad do not seem to be affected. I think i have been sick a lot lately

and maybe a candida problem and my diet has been poor. I haven't been taking care of myself. So i think that is maybe why. Do you think this is true?thank you in advance for any help and input you can offer!!your time and help is greatly appreciated!!!!

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