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I am posting this in the group because of a question I posted a few

days ago ( specifically about my wrist and thumb) and I recieved

privately 4 messages from this person who I have asked to address me

if he finds it necessary through the group and I wanted members to

know of this.

First of all Gorden if you are is legit you will find many answers

through the group as have I and hat this would be a way for him to

begin posting and secondly if he is not I wanted all members to know

of this person and that he chooses not to share with the group but to

only email members privately stating that he is a rheumatoligist from

another country.

My original question was about wrists and thimb problems I would also

like to add that I never called Dr Brown a Quack. I only responded

that I was onAP 4 years and it did not work for me. I would never call

anyone a quack

This is the last email to him which I am posting:


I would appreciate any other correspondence you have with me be through

the group and the forum.

That is where I look for answers to problems and support that I have and

I would appreciate you respecting my boundaries

And .........You are wrong about that belief (Patients confidentiality)

that is not a group process

Here in this group forum people choose to share and that way everyone is

helped by everyones case and experience That is what this group is all

about is sharing and support

I would think you would have more of a dialog with this group and with

what you are asking mewould find answers if you chose to write in the

the group forum.

Maybe then you would get all that info that you want me to prove to you

I would also think as a doctor ,you should attend as many conferences as

you can to network and learn what other doctors experiences are and how

it differs from yours. Now that is possible on the Internet for many so

you do not have to leave your country to attend

Then you would not have such tunnel vision and profess that what I

choose that has helped me live in my life is not EVIL at all just

another way and just not your way.

To use that term to me makes me question ethically how you treat your


Granted we are not able to totally heal from this disease but

individuals are able to reach different levels of remission depending

on when and how they are treated with this disease

I would also recommend you just look at some of the groups files and

possibly ask members what you are asking me to help educate yourself.

Getting involved with this group with open discussions benefits not only

you but everyone and I bet you would get a lot of responses because

everyone here is treated differently and has their own personal opinions

I would also suggest you find ways to get more medication available in

your country for your patients that is not available or too expensive

for you and them

The fervor that you have written to me could be used to help and

expand servicesMaking patients believe that AP will help them just

because it helped you is just wrong because my experience now deletes


Again I will state that AP can be used along with other medications

because it acts as an inflammatory agent and that is all it really does

In my experience and all research that I have read

It helps with inflammation and if you choose to treat patients like me

that way then you do a disservice to them if you do not allow them

more options of what is available now( Which you somehow feel are Evil)

I will again state that I saw members in the AP group that I belonged

to lose function of shoulder,hip,knee and wrist joints because they

only used AP and believed as you do

Unfortunately they will never get those joints back without replacements

The (Evil) medications you talk about can now save a persons life and

give them a more productive life then before these medications.

I am talking about embrel,remicade,humira,etc Embrel saved my life

I hope that you at least let your patients make a choice for it is

their life and experience and will certainly be different then yours

You can do your own research and you have more available options if

you are a doctor that is not my job

I just happen to be someone who is a plant doctor not a people doctor

I have a scientific mind and I do understand the body

I would hope that you make yourself known to the group ( you can begin

by answering me through the group instead of personally)and ...

that if you feel as strong as you do about AP that you need to be

involved in a group that deals specifically with AP which is also a

group " rheumatic'

And again Gordon please write to the group forum and not to me

personally... That is where I read correspondence and post my questions

Thank You

June on

Gordon Kato wrote:

> Dear June,

> thank you very much for the information and sharing

> your case history. Hope it will help me in my own

> practice in future. It`s always helpful to learn of

> different points of view. I allways write to people personaly and

delete all

> their letters ASAP. May be you know that discussion

> patient`s problems with other people is strictly

> prohibited for medical staff. Your writing reminds me

> the teacher`s or doctor`s position. Are you sciolist?

> Hope that you aren`t, because if you want to find out

> the truth you should allways have doubts.

> And once more as you could notice I don`t push any

> method or drug to you, just discussed my personal

> experience. I`m sure I would be disabled now if I

> didn`t start the AP 6 years ago. You maintain that Dr

> Brown is a quack doctor and he didn`t save thousands

> of people.

> Can you prove that? Can you show me the independent

> study which is not related with any pharmaceutical

> companies?

> Gordon

[Editor's Note: We cannot find someone named Gordon Kato on our membership list

- if we did, he would be banned for writing offlist to someone on this list

without their permission. Please let us know if he is harassing others on this

list via private email. We will do what we can to have stop this guy.

Kathy F.]

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Also, if someone is going on your personal emails, you can set up a custome list

of only those you ALLOW to email you with email set up in your options and

settings... Only those you choose to talk with groups ect, will be allowed,

others will go to the junk email and you can open there and block any you do not

care to know or get emails from... Safety is always a good thing lol...

Shaun and Barb

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  • 3 weeks later...

you just go to the board of registration that the person lives in and look

for board of registration in nursing of medical board for physicians and type

in name where it tells you to and you can verify if someone is a nurse or

doctor . but you must have their full name and address and what they claim they

are ..R>N>Doctor >>>LPN...etc cathy from ma

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

If you meet the criteria for this study, you might want to

participate.  The link is given below.  If you have any questions,

you can respond directly to Seth at the email address below.  Just

let him know that you are from this group and are interested in

taking the survey.  If you have no questions after looking at the

web page - and it looks very straighforward - then just complete the

survey.  I would encourage anyone who can to participate, as studies

like this are invaluable when it comes to changing the practice of

spychology, when that is necessary.  Also, it isn't every day that

people want to hear about our experiences.  30 minutes is not much

time - most of my intereviews for my research took 1-3 hours.


Posting to the Group


Sat, 12 Mar 2011 18:28:10 -0500


Sebold, Seth <SSebold@...>

Autism and Aspergers Treatment-owner

<Autism and Aspergers Treatment-owner >

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Seth Sebold and I'm a Ph.D. Candidate in the Educational Psychology Program at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), in Manhattan.

I'm conducting an approved university dissertation research study (Approval Number: 10-04-117-0135) examining parents' attitudes towards their children's school psychologists in the school consultation process for their children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

I'm writing to find out if you would be willing to forward/share the link to my survey with parents through your Group.

The study involves parents completing an anonymous online survey. To participate, parents must have a child diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and have current or past experience working with their child's school psychologists.

The first 150 parents that participate can enter, if they choose, into a separate random drawing to win 1 of 50 $25 Amazon.com Gift Cards (1 in 3 chance of winning for first 150 parents to participate).

Here is the link to the survey:


If you can follow up with me, I would appreciate it. Also, if you would prefer not to post this, but know of anyone personally who may be interested in completing the survey, feel free to forward this email and the link to them.

Thanks in advance for your time and help.

Seth Sebold

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