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Stomach pains

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yes i have had horrible stabbing pain from abx...the only releif i found was

to kneel over and keep a heating pad on my stomache..i even went off abx for

a week to give my system a break....doctor told me to drink plenty of water

and or milk and prescribed be prilosec...(the priloces did not help) honestly

nothing helped except to go off the abx for a short time...sorry i could not

be of more help.


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Damien and all-

The stomach pains COULD be caused by the co-infection of babesiosis. No

matter what meds. you take for the pain, it will NOT go away until you treat

the babesia. Have any or all of you been tested by a PCR blood test sent to

Igenex labs only? It is worth considering (I know exactly what you all are

describing, I have it too and am being treated)> Treatment? I had a choice of

Mepron (Rx) @ $600/bottle, Artemesia (chinese herb) plus Bactrim (Rx) or

Artemesia alone, or flagyl. I have tried various.

Just a suggestion cuz I thought I was 'not that bad' and when I came up

positive, I was very surprised.

Also lyme causes severe pain in the ribs cuz these little suckers LOVE

fibrous tissue, like the ribs!!!!! If this is the case, what we have done is

to stick with the antibiotics killing these little suckers.

sue in nj

My personal opinion from what I have experienced....people start meds, feel

lousy and think they are sick from the antibiotics, so they stop. WRONG!!!

the whole idea is to feel sick...herxing. When one takes the abx, the

spirochetes die, explode and release toxins into the body. Herx!!!!

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dam....could be ur gall bladder....are u taking acidolphilous?....one of my

origanal symptoms for lyme were bad stomach pains so bad that i would be

hospitalized and they could not figure our what caused them .....only after

being dx'ed with lyme the the pieces fit in the puzzle....


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Hi, it's funny that you mention that. Before I knew that I had Lyme disease, I had a terrible bout of stomach pains. I could not eat, it was horrible! My dr. said it was dyspepsia and I stopped the celebrex for a while(allthough he did not think that was causing the problem) and He gave me Aciphex to take. It took a while, but eventually it got better. After I found out that I had Lyme disease, I figured it was the cause. I had so many strange symptoms, but it all came together, and I realized it was all from lyme. It is hard to believe that a little tick can do so much damage!!!!!! Take care, KIm S.

Lymer42@... wrote:

dam....could be ur gall bladder....are u taking acidolphilous?....one of my origanal symptoms for lyme were bad stomach pains so bad that i would be hospitalized and they could not figure our what caused them .....only after being dx'ed with lyme the the pieces fit in the puzzle....ReidMany thanks to our founder and friend, Marta McCoy, for making the support group it is today.Easy Reference:Send a blank email message to: -Subscribeegroups - Subscribe to the list through email -Unsubscribeegroups - Unsubscribe from the list -Digestegroups - Switch your subscription to a digest format -Normalegroups - Switch your subscription to normalPlease send messages not related to Lyme disease (this includes humor) to -OfftopicegroupsArchives can be accessed at lyme-aidPlease visit the sister site athttp://clubs./clubs/lymeaidThis is the primary chat site for .It'sHAVE A GREAT DAY,kimsak2000@...

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  • 1 year later...
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Tina my feeling on this would be, the combination of the meds along with the stress that may be internalizing.

The fact that these little ones live with this monster.

I was 19 when I was put on Indocin, and like I started before, couldn't take it at first.

hugs to all


On Wed, 29 May 2002 21:26:54 -0700 (PDT) Norman Tina <jramom2002@...> writes:

Hi Georgina, No, that wasnt a typo! takes 25mg in the morning, and 75mg at night. (yes, indomethacin is the same thing, lol) I dont know whats causing the tummy aches so bad, he was only taking 75mg of indocin at night to start, but when his MTX got increased, they also incresed his indocin to include 25 mg in the morning and the 75mg at night, so I dont know what it is realated to, he has taken it with food, and like i said I do notice he is having more better days, but these tummy aches concern me. I dont know if its related to the MTX or the indocin. By the way, weighs 85 lbs. I am just so concerned because the MTX and Indocin alone can affect the liver, so does it make it worse when they are taken together??? Seems to me it would be. Any suggestions would be helpful!!! Thanks, Tina (s mom) Georgina <gmckin@...> wrote:

Hi Tina,

I hope that is doing alright. I think I'd be feeling pretty crabby, too, if I had to deal with ongoing stomache pains, diarrhea, and fatigue : ( takes indomethacin. That's the same as Indocin, right? He takes 25mgs, twice a day. Did used to be on a lower night-time dose? Might the high evening dose be the reason for some of his tummy issues? Or was that 75mgs just a typo? How much does weigh?

Aloha, Georgina

----- Original Message -----

From: Norman Tina seems to be doing a little better pain wise, with the MTX, although I have noticed that his stomach pains are getting more intense, and he has more bouts of bad diarrhea at times too. I have also noticed his mood has changed a bit too, he seems to be crabbier!! LOL He also is tired alot. So I have a few things to discuss with his rheumy on the next visit. He also takes 25mg of Indocin in the morning and 75 mg at night, and 150mg a day of zantac, and, 1mg of Folic Acid. Then we have the Zofran for his bouts of nausea which works really well. I am glad you are feeling a bit better, i hope you continue to see improvement. Enjoy the nice warm weather we are getting!! (((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) Tina and

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  • 3 years later...


> I have been eating ghee for about a month now. Almost every time I

eat it, I have very bad dizzy spells. I realize that this can be die-

off, but the dizziness seems to get worse with time. Last night I ended

up with really bad stomach pains for no reason.

>I don't think that I am allergic to the butter, which is pasteurized,

but I was wondering if I am having problems digesting it.

==>If you've ever had stomach pains in the past your body could be re-

experiencing it as part of the healing process, i.e. Hering's Law of

Cures. These things will come and go as you progress on the candida


==>Ghee kills off candida in the stomach, which could cause stomach

pains, and also dizzy spells because of the toxins release when candida

is killed off.

==>Animal meats and natural saturated fats are the easiest things for

the body to digest, compared to any carbs. If you have problems

digesting fats you would have pancrease and/or gall bladder symptoms.

In which case you'd cut back to smaller amounts, and gradually increase

to prime your gall bladder, etc.

>I had to order coconut oil, and it> will come in tomorrow. I hope to

be able to handle that well. Just how much butter is safe for a day


==>There is no limit as to how much butter you can eat. One tribe Dr.

Price studied were eating 1 pound per day.

>I would do the CO slowly at first. It just feels like my stomach is in

turmoil right now.

==>Do you have enough hydrochloric acid in your stomach - read the

articles in the Digestion folder to test for it, and on how to take

digestive enzymes. It may not be the fat that aren't digesting (which

is rare). It is probably the other foods that aren't digesting


==>When your stomach is upset take about 1 level teaspoon of baking

soda in warm water, sipping slowly.


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Thanks for the info. You are a godsend! I would rather talk to you than a doc

any day!

Bee Wilder <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:


> I have been eating ghee for about a month now. Almost every time I

eat it, I have very bad dizzy spells. I realize that this can be die-

off, but the dizziness seems to get worse with time. Last night I ended

up with really bad stomach pains for no reason.

>I don't think that I am allergic to the butter, which is pasteurized,

but I was wondering if I am having problems digesting it.

==>If you've ever had stomach pains in the past your body could be re-

experiencing it as part of the healing process, i.e. Hering's Law of

Cures. These things will come and go as you progress on the candida


==>Ghee kills off candida in the stomach, which could cause stomach

pains, and also dizzy spells because of the toxins release when candida

is killed off.

==>Animal meats and natural saturated fats are the easiest things for

the body to digest, compared to any carbs. If you have problems

digesting fats you would have pancrease and/or gall bladder symptoms.

In which case you'd cut back to smaller amounts, and gradually increase

to prime your gall bladder, etc.

>I had to order coconut oil, and it> will come in tomorrow. I hope to

be able to handle that well. Just how much butter is safe for a day


==>There is no limit as to how much butter you can eat. One tribe Dr.

Price studied were eating 1 pound per day.

>I would do the CO slowly at first. It just feels like my stomach is in

turmoil right now.

==>Do you have enough hydrochloric acid in your stomach - read the

articles in the Digestion folder to test for it, and on how to take

digestive enzymes. It may not be the fat that aren't digesting (which

is rare). It is probably the other foods that aren't digesting


==>When your stomach is upset take about 1 level teaspoon of baking

soda in warm water, sipping slowly.


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> Thanks for the info. You are a godsend! I would rather talk to you

than a doc any day!

==>Thanks Joyce! You are trying so hard. I'm proud of your efforts!

Way to go girl!


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  • 3 years later...
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Anyone who develops stomach (not intestinal) pain within a few days of starting compounded LDN capsules should suspect that the pain is being caused by the filler. Avicel gave me agonizing stomach pain for 3 weeks until I switched fillers after discussing the problem with our compounding pharmacists. After two years, the Lactose filler which had not bothered me al all, started contributing to acid reflux problems. Now, Irmat compounds my capsules with Acidophilus and I have no problems at all.

Switching fillers gave me relief within 2 or 3 days so I recommend it is the first thing you should change if you have stomach pains with LDN.

Joyce (3.0 since April 2006)

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From my understanding when you first start taking the LDN it can cause a flare

up of Candida and I'm suspecting that Candida is the cause of the stomach pain.

I've copied these suggestions from other posts that I've saved.

Dr. McCandless on diet and Candida

It takes some people longer to respond to LDN, and they may be colonized with

pathogenic yeast and bacteria that could be slowing response.

There is a phenomenon that happens to some people that as the immune system is

shifting (usually from T2 to T1) right after starting LDN, the immune system

drops and people get an infection, cold, flu, cold sore, etc. which is usually

short lived. Candida tends to overgrow or a virus will flare up. These

infections are usually short-lived unless something needs treatment. As usual, I

need to emphasize that seldom is LDN a stand-alone treatment, but accompanies

other strategies their body needs, especially a healthy diet.

Are you a big bread/carbohydrate/sugar eater?

Ever been tested for candida (yeast) or gut bacterial infestation?

Ever been checked for hypothyroidism?

Would you be willing to stop all casein (milk products) and gluten (wheat, rye,

barley and oats) for a week and see if you feel better? A study done several

years ago showed that 30% of us have some degree of celiac disease

(intolerance/allegy to wheat) even though the clinical symptoms may not be

obvious enough to alert most people to that. When anyone in that 30% of persons

stops eating wheat, they feel a lot better. The LDN may be acting like the

opioid antagonist it is and causing a withdrawal reaction from taking away your

fix, even if only for a few hours.

These setbacks usually do not last long unless something like a yeast infection

is stubborn without specific treatment.

Q: Dr. JM or anyone- Does LDN cause candida?

A: LDN has been noted to aggravate yeast infections and other latent pathogens,

viruses, etc. as the immune system is making early adjustments. It is good to

have natural yeast remedies on board when LDN is started (grapefruit seed

extract, Candex, lauricidin, hi-potency probiotics, etc) to help offset this

possibility. (And of course a good dietary regime that does not encourage gut

inflammation which is usually the predecessor to pathogen invasion).

Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless

Prescription Treatment for Candida

Dr. McCandless's protocol for those with insurance is diflucan

& #8232;(fluconazole) and for you 100mg twice daily for three & #8232;weeks, along

with flagyl (metronidazole) 500mg twice a & #8232;day for 10 days, stop 4 days (to

let the spores hatch & #8232;out) then 10 more days.  Highly recommend you

take & #8232; good hi-potency probiotics to replace the gut with & #8232; good bugs

- these are never prescribed, but so & #8232;necessary for all of us for good gut

health.  Be sure & #8232; to keep the probiotics and the metronidazole 2 hours

& #8232;apart, as the probiotics (good bugs) will be destroyed & #8232;by the

metronidazole.  I'm sure no need to mention & #8232; eliminate ALL refined sugar

(if you love it, it is & #8232;your yeast screaming, " SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR!!! " . 

Even & #8232; too much fruit sugar is bad, especially

strawberries, & #8232;watermelon, pineapple, and ripe bananas, and no apple & #8232;

or grape products, as yeast love these fruits. & #8232;Acceptable fruits are

kiwi, pears, and berries in & #8232;season except for strawberries.  Best wishes,

Dr. JM & #8232;

Do you crave sugar, bread, or alcoholic drinks?

Symptom Checklist

o Tired or lethargic

o Poor memory

o Feel drained, depleted or exhausted

o Feel " spacey " or " unreal "

o Difficult to make simple decisions

o Numbness, burning, tingling

o Stomach pain

o Joint pain or swelling

o Muscle aching or weakness

o Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, or belching

o Bothersome or persistent vaginal or urinary tract itching,

burning, or discharge

o Prostatitis

o Impotence

o Loss of sexual desire

o Endometriosis or infertility

o Menstrual irregularity or cramping

o Anxiety attacks or crying

o Cold hands and feet, feel chilly

o Irritable or shaking when hungry

Natural Treatments

There are plenty of therapeutic programs to help with the

elimination of candida. It's important to begin all supplements with

small doses and then gradually increase the amount. When candidas

are killed, they release protein fragments and toxins that can

trigger an antibody response from the immune system. This results in

a temporary worsening of symptoms called a die-off or Herxheimer

reaction. Many people begin to notice improvement in their symptoms

after two to four weeks.

Diet: The following dietary measures are part of the standard diet

to control candida:

o Allowed foods are beef, chicken, eggs, fish, yogurt,

vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils.

o Eliminate refined and simple sugars - no added sugar of any

kind, including white or brown sugar, raw sugar, honey, molasses, or

grain sweeteners. Stevia is an allowed sugar substitute.

o Eat lots of raw garlic

o Avoid milk

o Avoid alcohol, fruit or dried fruit, mushrooms.

o Avoid foods that contain yeast or mold - this includes all

breads, muffins, cakes, baked goods, cheese, dried fruits, melons,


o Increase fiber - One teaspoon to one tablespoon of soluble

fiber containing guar gum, psyllium husks, flaxseeds or pectin can

be mixed in an 8 oz glass of water two times per day on an empty


Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements: Acidophilus - One capsule

containing the probiotic lactobacillus acidophilus can be ingested

daily. Acidophilus controls candida by making the intestinal tract

more acidic to discourage the growth of candida, and by producing

hydrogen peroxide, which directly kills candida. Research has shown

that supplementing with a hydrogen peroxide-producing strain of

acidophilus; DDS-1 can greatly reduce the incidence of antibiotic-

induced yeast infections. These beneficial bacteria control and help

to restore the microbial balance within the digestive tract.

Enteric-coated volatile oils - Enteric-coated capsules containing

oregano oil, peppermint oil, and other volatile oils can help the

overgrowth of candida. It must be continued for at least several

months.. A standard dosage is two capsules two times a day with

water, in between meals. Pure volatile oils can be quite toxic in

this amount so the liquid form of these oils should never be

ingested, and the capsules should not be broken open before


Enteric-coated garlic - Garlic capsules that have been enteric-

coated to open when they reach the intestines can be used in

combination with the volatile oils. Once capsule two times per day

taken with the enteric-coated volatile oil is a typical


Other valuable supplements are capryllic acid from coconuts, oleic

acid from olive oil, oregano oil, and pau d'arco. There are many

combination products formulated for candida that contain these herbs

and supplements.

Environmental/ Lifestyle: Consider talking with your physician about

substitute methods of birth control if you are using oral


Avoid alcohol and smoking. Both can impair immune function. Try to

stay well-rested and get good-quality sleep.


> Hello,

> I've been on LDN for over a week now. The first few days I had some mild

stomach pain from it, but the last few days it's been getting a lot worse, and

when it comes to taking the next dose, my stomach is already upset and then

shortly after taking it, it hurts a lot. It's to the point I'm waking up in the

morning and running to the bathroom in bad pain. I don't know what to do, I

feel like if I keep going this way I'm going to ruin my stomach. Please advise.

> Thanks,



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Hi ,

Is it possible you're reacting to the filler? I've not heard of people

experiencing that level of pain with LDN before, but some have had pain

due to the filler not agreeing with them. What filler do you have?


mxz75 wrote:

> Hello,

> I've been on LDN for over a week now. The first few days I had some mild

stomach pain from it, but the last few days it's been getting a lot worse, and

when it comes to taking the next dose, my stomach is already upset and then

shortly after taking it, it hurts a lot. It's to the point I'm waking up in the

morning and running to the bathroom in bad pain. I don't know what to do, I

feel like if I keep going this way I'm going to ruin my stomach. Please advise.

> Thanks,



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LDN & Nausea


Why some May have problems with or fail LDN


For those having trouble w/LDN no longer working


Dr McCandless, seldom is LDN stand-alone treatment


Check yourself for Candida(yeast overgrowth)...


Tests to check 4 candida yeast by Dr. McCandless


Multiple Sclerosis and Yeast


My MS/LDN story/1988 - 2009




> Hello,

> I've been on LDN for over a week now. The first few days I had some mild

stomach pain from it, but the last few days it's been getting a lot worse, and

when it comes to taking the next dose, my stomach is already upset and then

shortly after taking it, it hurts a lot. It's to the point I'm waking up in the

morning and running to the bathroom in bad pain. I don't know what to do, I

feel like if I keep going this way I'm going to ruin my stomach. Please advise.

> Thanks,



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Hi ,

I too have had stomach pains. I've been on it a week and a half. I started on

1.5 and now take 2 mg, at night. For a while I had a lot of cramping in my

lower abdomen, which felt a lot like menstrual cramps, but I didn't have my

period. Lately these have gone away, almost completely. I have virtually no

negative symptoms. What dose are you taking? You may want to lower the dose to

1 or 1.5, until your body adjusts to the temporary endorphin blockage, then go

higher gradually. I think the fact that LDN is (temporarily) blocking

endorphins is what causes these stomach cramps. Hope that helps.



> Hello,

> I've been on LDN for over a week now. The first few days I had some mild

stomach pain from it, but the last few days it's been getting a lot worse, and

when it comes to taking the next dose, my stomach is already upset and then

shortly after taking it, it hurts a lot. It's to the point I'm waking up in the

morning and running to the bathroom in bad pain. I don't know what to do, I

feel like if I keep going this way I'm going to ruin my stomach. Please advise.

> Thanks,



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I had stomach cramps at 4.5 mg dose, so I started breaking the tabs in half, and

no more cramps. Also, I learned with Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid) that a

smaller dose is better to allow for gradual adjustments in thyroid supplements.

But, well, maybe I need to look into the possibility of candida as well.


> Hello,

> I've been on LDN for over a week now. The first few days I had some mild

stomach pain from it, but the last few days it's been getting a lot worse, and

when it comes to taking the next dose, my stomach is already upset and then

shortly after taking it, it hurts a lot. It's to the point I'm waking up in the

morning and running to the bathroom in bad pain. I don't know what to do, I

feel like if I keep going this way I'm going to ruin my stomach. Please advise.

> Thanks,



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I had stomach cramps the first few nights on 4.5 mg, but they went away rather quickly. No side effects now.

From: mimiphilomena <mimiphilomena@...>Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: stomach painslow dose naltrexone Date: Sunday, June 21, 2009, 8:28 PM

I had stomach cramps at 4.5 mg dose, so I started breaking the tabs in half, and no more cramps. Also, I learned with Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid) that a smaller dose is better to allow for gradual adjustments in thyroid supplements. But, well, maybe I need to look into the possibility of candida as well.>> Hello,> I've been on LDN for over a week now. The first few days I had some mild stomach pain from it, but the last few days it's been getting a lot worse, and when it comes to taking the next dose, my stomach is already upset and then shortly after taking it, it hurts a lot. It's to the point I'm waking up in the morning and running to the bathroom in bad pain. I

don't know what to do, I feel like if I keep going this way I'm going to ruin my stomach. Please advise.> Thanks,> >

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  • 6 months later...

Hi all!

I am a 39 year old female, I've been on methotrexate for 3 years and Humira for

about a year. My problem is that I am getting, at times quite severe, stomach

pains. They are like spasms and they are waking me up some nights.

It is quite different to the nausea from methotrexate.

I asked the rheumatologist and he didn't think it was related to the meds but

the pharmacist says that it would be.

Has anyone else experienced this?

cheers, kylie

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  • 1 month later...

-- In , " mandamay104 " <Mandamay104@...> wrote:


> Hi Bee,


> I recently increased my CO to 3 tablespoons and have been on the diet for 5

weeks. I noticed the past few days I've been getting stomach pains after I eat.

They go away soon after, but it's weird. I get the pains before I take my

Betaine HCL, so I know it's not that! I got them after my breakfast today which

was scrambled eggs with coconut oil and ghee and some sauerkraut. Any ideas?

Also, I'm slightly nauseus and constipated.


+++Hi . If you have ever been nauseated or had constipation in the past

your body will be " retracing " each and every time you had them. In other words

your body will re-experience them, in order to clean up the area and rebuild it.

Also good healing foods like eggs, coconut oil, etc. will cause healing and

detoxifying symptoms, which are necessary in order for your body to heal itself.

Maybe you should lower your unrefined coconut oil and wait longer to increase


Even before you take HCl you can sip on a little baking soda for your nausea; it

doesn't interfere with HCl or HCl production in your stomach. Mix 1/4 teaspoon

of baking soda into 4-5 ounces of water and sip until the nausea subsides.

All the best, Bee

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With everything u listed girl, I'd say u are having bad die off symptoms. I know

it's hard, but like Bee say's we have to go slow. If I push I get dizzy, I had

flu like symptoms and feel terrible. It's just so hard because we want it out of

us and over!



> I have been eating ghee for about a month now. Almost every time I eat

> it, I have very bad dizzy spells. I realize that this can be die-off,

> but the dizziness seems to get worse with time. Last night I ended up

> with really bad stomach pains for no reason. I don't think that I am

> allergic to the butter, which is pasteurized, but I was wondering if I

> am having problems digesting it. I had to order coconut oil, and it

> will come in tomorrow. I hope to be able to handle that well. Just how

> much butter is safe for a day anyway? I would do the CO slowly at

> first. It just feels like my stomach is in turmoil right now.


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  • 10 months later...

My sympathy truly goes out to you!! I certainly have never had bone spurs; but, I do know what it felt like when my neck would go out of alignment. In fact, I used to have 3 places just in my neck that caused horrible problems.Please do let your Dr. know about this problem with your stomach. I only learned late this past spring that I actually have a hiatus hernia and I'm so special, that it's a sliding one. LOL However, my mother has had to take the same medication as I now have, to help her with the acid reflux. Absolutely, you do have to watch the diet. I know, it will seem very bland, if you are used to spicy

foods. I've never been able to eat that and it's even to the point, I have to carefully watch what other people think I should be able to eat. Spicy foods have always caused me painful indigestion.Gloria

hi all! had that 3rd epidural, hurt like hell and it helped the first nite, now i am in way pain, in my neck..I guess the only thing that would work is getting the bone spur removed from my neck then it would not press on the nerve causing me so much pain all the time..my newest pain is my stomach, man oh man...bad stomach pains..?? it seems i get acid stomach which I have never had a problem with before. so i gotta watch what i eat, avoid fats, spices n such..I also think my medications are causing the stomach pains I don't know, I seem to be real down today, the holidays are so lonely. sorry to be a downer during the holidays, today is just one of those days, I'll bounce back!!

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