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Flu Shot

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My friend has dystonia which appeared when she took a spill at work on a

slippery floor.

Others have also spontaneously developed this illness. It is bizarre, but I

would suspect that something else happened that she is not connecting to the

illness but is blaming the flu shot.


<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>


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  • 11 months later...

You just wonder what does through these doctor's minds. I mean, really, if these shots are so benign they can't possibly do harm, what makes them think they have any power to do good?

I just saw a picture of a good friend in the local paper getting a flu shot...cringe...

Winnie flu shotvaccinations > > I was completely appalled today! I mainly stay at home with my > boys but occasionally work at a skilled nursing facility as an > occupational therapist. Today I was doing an evaluation on a > patient and reading that person's history and physical from the > hospital, it stated about a week ago, the patient had a runny > nose, sore throat, cough and chills, so the doctor gave them a > flu shot! (What?? are you kidding me???) Mind you, this > individual was living at home independent with all tasks and > very active. Fast forward one week. This person is now > incontinent of bowel and bladder, has confusion, and has been > given the diagnoses of community acquired pneumonia and > metabolic encephalopathy!> > I was just dumbfounded! And, not one mention that any of this > is probably related to the flu shot that was given a week ago, > when this person was already sick! HIGHLY doubtful it was > reported to VAERS... It was completely irresponsible on the > doctor's part to even give this person the flu shot and now > completely blind to not even mention this as the patient's side > effect from the flu shot. > > I feel so bad for this patient and family.> > Sorry, just had to vent...> > >

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes I got my flu shot last year and was filled with a weird sensation of

dread---weird because I've gotten it every year with out any problems or

concerns---and just after that my symptoms went nuts and I got the bulls eye

rash then even though I had been bit 2 years prior to that and had been sick for

two years. If you go on the Lyme Group at MD Junction and search under vaccines

you'll see tons of similar stories.

My big concern is my daughter who has respiratory issues and is tiny, each cold

is a serious concern for her. We've given her the flu shot every year but this

year (I suspect she has congenital Lyme)I'm scared the shot might unhinge her as

I see a lot of her issues acting up. She has no flu titers/protection despite

the yearly shots. My LLMD suggested I get her a 1/2 dose of the thimerisol free

version if I can get it--that sounds like a good compromise but still such a

tough decision.

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our natropath/homeopath says NO. May even want to stay home from school a couple

days when classmates are having their vaccine clinic.

There is this stuff called oscilliam that you can get at any health food store

and if you just take a little everyday durign flu season it seems to build up

your tolerance... we got through the season with no shots last year just using

that stuff....

good luck!

From: margaret_behrns <spamneggs@...>

Subject: [ ] Flu Shot

Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2010, 7:28 AM


Yes I got my flu shot last year and was filled with a weird sensation of

dread---weird because I've gotten it every year with out any problems or

concerns---and just after that my symptoms went nuts and I got the bulls eye

rash then even though I had been bit 2 years prior to that and had been sick for

two years. If you go on the Lyme Group at MD Junction and search under vaccines

you'll see tons of similar stories.

My big concern is my daughter who has respiratory issues and is tiny, each cold

is a serious concern for her. We've given her the flu shot every year but this

year (I suspect she has congenital Lyme)I'm scared the shot might unhinge her as

I see a lot of her issues acting up. She has no flu titers/protection despite

the yearly shots. My LLMD suggested I get her a 1/2 dose of the thimerisol free

version if I can get it--that sounds like a good compromise but still such a

tough decision.

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I have done a lot of vaccine research/earning over the past few years. As far

as I know, there are NO thimerosal free FLU vaccines in the USA! Unless

something has changed quite recently, anyone who tells you anything different is

either uneducated about it, or lying to you. Flu vaccines are the one vaccine

that no manufacturer can/will make thimerosal free for some reason. A little

internet research should reveal this. Although thimerosal is horrible to put

into anybody's body, especially that of a very young child - there are so many

other substances, fillers, and preservatives in vaccines that are just as bad in

different ways.

My daughter has congenital Lyme. Knowing it was a possibility when she was

born, I chose NOT to vaccinate her for anything, not even the Hep B in the

hospital that they give them when 12 hours old. She's now 3 1/2. She has been

sick with Lyme and multiple co-infections since born. However, her Lyme doc and

integrative med doc and I shutter to think at where she'd be had we given her

any vaccinations...

In the end though, it is always a personal decision. Vaccinations are a

controversial hot topic, even amongst the healthy, non-Lyme people. You are

doing the right thing by looking into this matter and educating yourself on it.

Then, all you can do is make the best decision for you and your family based on

the information you know at the time.

If you are interested, here are a few links that I believe to contain reliable






Best wishes.

[ ] Flu Shot

Yes I got my flu shot last year and was filled with a weird sensation of

dread---weird because I've gotten it every year with out any problems or

concerns---and just after that my symptoms went nuts and I got the bulls eye

rash then even though I had been bit 2 years prior to that and had been sick for

two years. If you go on the Lyme Group at MD Junction and search under vaccines

you'll see tons of similar stories.

My big concern is my daughter who has respiratory issues and is tiny, each

cold is a serious concern for her. We've given her the flu shot every year but

this year (I suspect she has congenital Lyme)I'm scared the shot might unhinge

her as I see a lot of her issues acting up. She has no flu titers/protection

despite the yearly shots. My LLMD suggested I get her a 1/2 dose of the

thimerisol free version if I can get it--that sounds like a good compromise but

still such a tough decision.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are a FEW versions of the flu vaccine that are thimerosal free

supposedly but do you know which one you'd be getting? Probably not.

Also, there is so much more toxic stuff in there, it's the last thing we

need to put into our sick kids' bodies. I had a vaccine about 10 years

ago when the Lyme was just starting to get me sick but I didn't know

what it really was yet. I went from working to bedridden after the hep B

within one month. Evil!!! This is the ingredient list of vaccines from

the CDC:



Did you know that the flu shot is only 20% effective admitted by the

manufacturer? 80% of the flu viruses in circulation are NOT represented

in the shot. Crappy odds for all those toxins IMO.

I've never had a flu shot and I think I had a mild flu last year and

that was the first time in so many years I couldn't remember. And my

daughter was in preschool around all her sickly runny nosed classmates.

Virus warnings would come home all the time.

I also have done the same as Christa... We have not vaccinated my

daughter since birth. Even with the Lyme she is actually sooo much

healthier than her peers it's ridiculous but that is a common report

among parents like us. Of course she is on antibiotics so in MY case I

can't say anything about bacterial stuff but she never even catches

viruses. She never misses school. She's never puked on me or had

diarrhea or a high fever except during the onset of the Lyme at 2 years

old (she's 5 now).

Christa gave you some great links and yes, it is controversial which is

so sad. Once a person gets really educated about what is going on (lying

lying and more lies), there is no way they can vaccinate. Don't work and

they're toxic. :/


Lymie parents, 5yo Lymie/Aspie

On 11/9/2010 10:14 AM, Christa Sherrod wrote:


> I have done a lot of vaccine research/earning over the past few years.

> As far as I know, there are NO thimerosal free FLU vaccines in the

> USA! Unless something has changed quite recently, anyone who tells you

> anything different is either uneducated about it, or lying to you. Flu

> vaccines are the one vaccine that no manufacturer can/will make

> thimerosal free for some reason. A little internet research should

> reveal this. Although thimerosal is horrible to put into anybody's

> body, especially that of a very young child - there are so many other

> substances, fillers, and preservatives in vaccines that are just as

> bad in different ways.


> My daughter has congenital Lyme. Knowing it was a possibility when she

> was born, I chose NOT to vaccinate her for anything, not even the Hep

> B in the hospital that they give them when 12 hours old. She's now 3

> 1/2. She has been sick with Lyme and multiple co-infections since

> born. However, her Lyme doc and integrative med doc and I shutter to

> think at where she'd be had we given her any vaccinations...


> In the end though, it is always a personal decision. Vaccinations are

> a controversial hot topic, even amongst the healthy, non-Lyme people.

> You are doing the right thing by looking into this matter and

> educating yourself on it. Then, all you can do is make the best

> decision for you and your family based on the information you know at

> the time.


> If you are interested, here are a few links that I believe to contain

> reliable information.


> http://www.nvic.org/

> http://drtenpenny.com/default.aspx

> http://www.vaclib.org/

> http://www.vaccination.inoz.com/


> Best wishes.


> [ ] Flu Shot


> Yes I got my flu shot last year and was filled with a weird sensation

> of dread---weird because I've gotten it every year with out any

> problems or concerns---and just after that my symptoms went nuts and I

> got the bulls eye rash then even though I had been bit 2 years prior

> to that and had been sick for two years. If you go on the Lyme Group

> at MD Junction and search under vaccines you'll see tons of similar

> stories.

> My big concern is my daughter who has respiratory issues and is tiny,

> each cold is a serious concern for her. We've given her the flu shot

> every year but this year (I suspect she has congenital Lyme)I'm scared

> the shot might unhinge her as I see a lot of her issues acting up. She

> has no flu titers/protection despite the yearly shots. My LLMD

> suggested I get her a 1/2 dose of the thimerisol free version if I can

> get it--that sounds like a good compromise but still such a tough

> decision.



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