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Flu Shot

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It is not unusual for people to feel not well after receiving a flu shot, but it

is important for everyone to receive a flu shot.

The flu shot may make your WBC rise for a period of time, but it will not cause

your CLL to progress.

Rick Furman

-----Original Message-----

From: LINDA WARNER <warner@...>

Subj: flu shot

Date: Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:27 am

Size: 11K

Hello to all. I just returned from vacation in Forida and I

know it is time to get the flu shot. I am a little hesitant because last year I

felt bad for about 2 weeks. I have had several flu shots in the past and never

got sick. My CLL seems to be doing well last cbc showed my WBC went from 22,000

to around 8,000. Any comments of the flu shot. Since I am felling better than I

have felt in a while Im concerned that it may trigger the cll. Do all of you

get the flu shot? Thanks for any comments.

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I had the flu shot on Nov. 6th and this year I had a reaction, very

high temperature but all was ok, I have heart from some of my non-CLL

friends that a lot of people are having reactions this year.

I had mine just after the last round of treatment, I was told it was

good i had a reaction.



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Unfortunately, probably none of it matters. Chances are that you are not going to respond to the flu vaccine while you are receiving FCR, and if you did, the subsequent FCR would eliminate the response.

As a rule, since there is no downside (unless you are allergic to eggs) I vaccinate everyone, unless they are actively receiving therapy. The concern is that the flu vaccine might cause fevers. If they occur while you are receiving chemotherapy and are neutropenic, you might end up hospitalized unnecessarily.

Rick Furman, MD

Flu shot

> I have a query on this. > > I have had a flu shot every year since dx, even if I know that I > may not > mount much of a response. So I went to my local (health service) > doc and > asked him to give me the shot on Tuesday 6 November, before going > to Rome > for my first F+C on Monday 11 Nov. My local doc wouldn't give it > to me > without an OK from the specialist who looks after me in Rome. > Unfortunately, the local doc only gives flu shots on Tuesdays, so > I went > for my F+C in Rome without it my shot. When I asked my doc in Rome > abouthaving a flu shot, she said you should have had it before > beginning the FC > - Catch 22! > > My question is: should I have the flu shot before the next cycle > of FC, > beginning on Dec 5, and if so, how many days ahead? Perhaps Dr > Furman could

> provide some guidance. I'd be more than grateful. > > Colin Fraser, > Italy >

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I agree Mike, ASPIRIN is not good for us, neither is Tylenol. I quit

taking them both about a year ago when I found this all out. I

prefer not to take any pain medicine, but I do occasionally take an


I do agree also, that the flu shot is pretty important to us that

have chronic problems, like Asthma, etc..

I didn't get my flu shot last year for the first time in over ten

years, but I did the the pneumonia shot. I haven't gotten the flu

shot yet this year either, but I also got a flu a little over a week

ago. Waiting for it to be done with, then want to get a shot. Hope

I can. Usually when I get the flu, it is one after the other from

Novmember to June.




> c'mon people.... the world is not ALWAYS one big conspiracy... we


> probably stop taking aspirin too, as I've heard from the friend of


> brother's boss's wife's pool boy that the stuff can kill ya....

after all

> it's only been around for about 125 years... I think we should test


> longer before pushing it on people.... ;-)


> I think most medical experts (and on this one I bet you can boldly

even lump

> IDSA and ILADS docs together) would say get your flu shot unless


> feeling sick, are really elderly and frail, are an infant or young

child, or

> have AIDS... MILLIONS of people get flu shots and the stats don't

lie; as a

> group they get the flu less... which if you are not clear on things


> is a good thing...


> you need to mix more forums from medically diverse sources into your

> reading. try the CDC (look, I know they got LD wrong, but they have

a lot

> right too...) and even WebMD for starters. you lose all credibility

when you

> imply that " getting no vaccines anymore " is somehow a good thing...


> Lastly, where is the moderation on this group??? Posters

like this

> are dangerous....


> I read this group very infrequently (gee I wonder why?), but felt


> to respond. Immunizations are a good thing. Encouraging people to

not get

> them is a bad, irresponsible thing. Ask any school nurse what they


> about parents who are ignorant or lazy about keeping up with their

> children's immunizations. There is a sane, reasonable medical

reason for

> immunizing people, which is why states mandate it, and why schools


> allow you to attend until & unless you can show you've received

shot like

> the MMR; it's called preventing the epidemic spread of harmful,


> fatal, disease... which again, if you are high on crack, or are

not quite

> clear on things medical, is a good thing... ;-)


> btw, I am C6 positive, got my flu shot last week, still have a

pulse... and

> I haven't gotten the flu yet... although maybe it's the damn flu


> that's made me so irritable lately.... ;-) (just kidding)


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  • 8 months later...

 Does anyone know if your child does not receive the flu shot in nj for

preschool what the precussions might be?  If I keep putting it off will they

actually tell us that my son cannot continue going to school??? 

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  • 1 month later...


> Hi Bee,


> Do you think it is a good idea to get a flu shot?


Hi Rhonda,

No, it is not a good idea to get a flu shot. Flu season is in the

Winter, when we aren't getting enough vitamin D from the sun, which

is the major reason most people get it at that time. That's why even

healthy people should take cod liver oil in the Winter months in most


All vaccines, including the flu shot, are toxic/poisonous and they

are also based on an the antibody theory, which is false. Here's a

wealth of information about the dangers of vaccines:


Here's about the antibody theory:


Also see articles on Dr. Mercola's website about vaccine dangers, flu

season and the flu shots - search at http://www.mercola.com


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I'm not Bee, but I know she'd say NO!

Its never a good idea to tinker with your immune system with something

so risky. Moreover, the only way to avoid the flu is to keep your

immune system strong, which this program is designed for. Incidently,

I read that people often get the flu in the winter months due to lack

of vit. D - which is in the cod liver oil.

Good health in the winter!


> Hi Bee,


> Do you think it is a good idea to get a flu shot?


> Rhonda


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> Thank you Bee and all that responded to my query about the flu shot.


> Bee,


> I have printed out your instructions and will start increasing my

Vit. C today and will add the other suggestions as I get closer to

the date of injection...I do (as suggested) plan to procrastinate on

the flu shot. But, it is mandatory and I do love my work (not too

many that can say that). Most hospitals make flu shots a requirement

for their employees and paper work is required to show proof of

shot...no exceptions. And as I have been in the medical field for

over 20 years I am exempt from the " I did not know that "

excuse. Please do not think people in the medical field are mean or

stupid. This is what they have learned to be the best way to protect

their vulnurable patients....they really are not bad people...they

just have bad information.

+++Hi . I understand how it works in the medical field. My

sister is a nurse. I think my recommendations are the best option

for you. Good for you for starting to increase vitamin C.

Let me know how you are doing, and what happens after the shot too.

The best, Bee

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 I also did flair after the shot two times and did not one time . I have also

skipped it and boy did I end up wishing I had not a flair was not as bad as the

flue I got that year. I have been forced to not get the shot a few times because

of no coverage and not being very educated about it but I will not be passing it

up any more but that's my personal opinion and like they say every ones got one

and they almost all stink! that may be true but i also believe every one is in

titled to mine so there now you have it



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In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown


" Taking my gun away because I might shoot someone is like cutting my tongue out

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a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public

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Yes, because the Flu Nasal Mist contains live virus. This of us on

immunosuppression therapy should never do a live virus vaccine. The

Chicken Pox vaccine also contains live virus. My RD has made that very

clear to me in our discussions.



> -I spoke with my doctor about the flu shot and remicade also, he

> said to yes take it but NOT the flu nasal mist.

> take care,

> love Pat from Ma





> , I noticed the question about flu shots are coming up again.


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Nope, no reaction. I used to never get the flu shot precisely because

I didn't want a reaction, but since I've been sick and work at places

that give it free, I have gotten it and have definitely been saved from

being much more ill during flu season. Last year I did get the flu,

but then again, the shot didn't have the strain going around in it.

I'm about to head downstairs now and get my flu shot actually. since I

work in a hospital it's required. Our patients can get one too if they

have permission from their doctor. That's what I find interesting.

Supposedly you aren't supposed to have reactions to the flu shot. So

how come people with cancer have to ask their docs? tells us a little

something about those shots. I see the connection to us though -

cancer patients immune systems are stripped down, so are ours.

houston, TX

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Hello Tom

I have had the flue shot every year and it has been fine. This year I had

it and felt so ill and I wondered if it is because I am now on Humira, if

that could make a difference. Would you think this possible - just your

opinion as you know an awful lot more than me on drugs. I will ask at the

hospital next time I go.


All the best

Joan U.K.

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Hello Tom

I have had the flue shot every year and it has been fine. This year I had

it and felt so ill and I wondered if it is because I am now on Humira, if

that could make a difference. Would you think this possible - just your

opinion as you know an awful lot more than me on drugs. I will ask at the

hospital next time I go.


All the best

Joan U.K.

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I've never had problems with the flu shot...took it last year for the first time

and last week for the second time. No problems whatsoever. It is not supposed

to be a 'live' virus they're injecting, so make sure they're aware you can't

have that. I also took hte pneumonia shot yesterday...not feeling as good as I

was, but that can also be because it was Friday...the end of a long work week.

So there's my two cents.

in tx

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Hi Am really interested in this thread.I take humira too (Hi Joan!) and

in the UK we are routinely harangued to get our flu jabs.I havent had

one since taking Humira simply because i fear all vaccines as humira

masks infectiosn and reactions.Its helpful to read the difference

between live vaccines and others.I might reconsider having the flu jab

now.My GP was relaxed about me not having the jab as i had the

pneumonia jab- which lasts for 5 years-which he considered more

important.I have to say since I had that jab i have had far fewer

colds etc.

I am always worried about my girls getting stills and try hard to think

through anything which might harm their immune responses.My eldest is

12 and we are being urged to let her have the HPV jabs to protect

against cervical cancer.these will be done in school.I am finding it

hard to find any data which helps me work out if this is a vaccine to

avoid if arthritis runs in a family or not.the debate over here has

been sidetracked by moral arguments of whether 12/13 yr olds should be

immunised which means the real debate about safety doesnt seem to be

taking place.

Any help/comments gratefully received

Annie x


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Hi Am really interested in this thread.I take humira too (Hi Joan!) and

in the UK we are routinely harangued to get our flu jabs.I havent had

one since taking Humira simply because i fear all vaccines as humira

masks infectiosn and reactions.Its helpful to read the difference

between live vaccines and others.I might reconsider having the flu jab

now.My GP was relaxed about me not having the jab as i had the

pneumonia jab- which lasts for 5 years-which he considered more

important.I have to say since I had that jab i have had far fewer

colds etc.

I am always worried about my girls getting stills and try hard to think

through anything which might harm their immune responses.My eldest is

12 and we are being urged to let her have the HPV jabs to protect

against cervical cancer.these will be done in school.I am finding it

hard to find any data which helps me work out if this is a vaccine to

avoid if arthritis runs in a family or not.the debate over here has

been sidetracked by moral arguments of whether 12/13 yr olds should be

immunised which means the real debate about safety doesnt seem to be

taking place.

Any help/comments gratefully received

Annie x


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Are there ever any pros to getting a flu shot?


> It is that time of year again to get the flu shot. I would like to

> know if anyone knows the pros and cons of getting the flu shot while

> being treated for Lyme Disease an co-infections.


> Thank you!


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> It is that time of year again to get the flu shot. I would like to

> know if anyone knows the pros and cons of getting the flu shot while

> being treated for Lyme Disease an co-infections.

Influenza is one of many examples why I have been learning what I can

about homeopathy.

Vaccination will make it more difficult for your body to heal itself

(which is ultimately where all healing comes from). Plus it can add

to your chronic disease.


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I think all vaccinations are dangerous as they may have an accumulative negative

effect on the immune system...especially for those lyme patients that seem to

have hyperimmunity to things like the common cold, the flu...etc. Personally, I

have the strange uncomfortable symptoms of Lyme disease but I never get the

normal sicknesses that everyone else gets. This has all happened since I've been

sick with Lyme. Before that I got colds, flu, bronchitis...etc. It's almost as

if part of our immune systems are overactive....while another part is disabled

by this diabolical disease.


I know that certain chronic fatigue doctors and maybe some lyme docs...do NOT

advise getting any vaccines as they will disregulate our immune systems even

more. Please check out the following article I wrote on this subject . People

who have increased allergies as a result of this disease....may reflect this

hyperimmunity aspect. 


Marjorie Tietjen



From: Kenda Skaggs <oliverblue@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] flu shot

Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 4:46 PM

Are there ever any pros to getting a flu shot?


> It is that time of year again to get the flu shot. I would like to

> know if anyone knows the pros and cons of getting the flu shot while

> being treated for Lyme Disease an co-infections.


> Thank you!


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Someone at a local lyme support group told me that the flu vaccine has

mercury in it and that many lyme patients are sensitive to mercury and

other toxins....I checked it out and the flu shots do indeed have

mercury in them, as do other immunizations.


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this is interesting because my mom and I were just today considering getting the

flu shot for me since my immune is so low. We were unsure if it would benefit me

more than harm me but this is useful info. last i want is to become ill or

something by trying not to become ill....


From: Maureen Havenner <havenner@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] flu shot

Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 8:10 PM

Someone at a local lyme support group told me that the flu vaccine has

mercury in it and that many lyme patients are sensitive to mercury and

other toxins....I checked it out and the flu shots do indeed have

mercury in them, as do other immunizations.


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my doctor insists on it because i worked in the schools and with lyme am so

immune compromised. But he gives a half a shot, then two weeks later the

other half. I don't have any problems with it. Sometimes hundreds of kids

in school get super sick. Ijust had to decide for myself.

connie, michigan

[ ] flu shot

> It is that time of year again to get the flu shot. I would like to

> know if anyone knows the pros and cons of getting the flu shot while

> being treated for Lyme Disease an co-infections.


> Thank you!



> ------------------------------------


> The book, Cure Unknown: Inside the Lyme Epidemic by Pamela Weintraub is

> now

> available for purchase. Please visit the official website at

> http://cureunknown.com/index.html for more information.


> For free up to date information about Lyme disease and the known

> co-infections delivered to your email address see:

> Robynns_Lyme_List/


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It's just like that. Lyme upregulates the immune system so that it's

constantly working overtime -- but it also makes it stupid, so your

body will fail to fight off important stuff like sinus infections and

the flu, and throw its resources into useless battles instead. That's

why we become prone to allergies and MCS, and also why we get

autoimmune disorders. The whole system is behaving like an angry, out-

of-control pro halfback on a bad bender.

I've done a lot of supplements over the years to calm my immune system

and get it back on track. It seems logical that you wouldn't want to

support an immune system that's already redlining; but I've had

several CFIDS doctors (many of whom were also LL) explain that good

support is important, because it encourages the system to calm down.

And as it does, it also becomes smart again about which battles really

need to be fought.

To that end, besides the ProBoost, I take NAC, MSM, NADH, quercetin,

and a pile of other stuff that keeps the system calm and steady. Over

the past few years, I've had a dramatic reduction in chronic

infections and allergies, and have been able to reduce the amount of

thyroid medication I need by half. That's a sign of progress, I think.

The Lyme's still doing its damage, but on at least a few fronts I'm

still holding my own.


On Oct 20, 2008, at 2:56 PM, Marjorie Tietjen wrote:

> I think all vaccinations are dangerous as they may have an

> accumulative negative effect on the immune system...especially for

> those lyme patients that seem to have hyperimmunity to things like

> the common cold, the flu...etc. Personally, I have the strange

> uncomfortable symptoms of Lyme disease but I never get the normal

> sicknesses that everyone else gets. This has all happened since I've

> been sick with Lyme. Before that I got colds, flu, bronchitis...etc.

> It's almost as if part of our immune systems are overactive....while

> another part is disabled by this diabolical disease.


> I know that certain chronic fatigue doctors and maybe some lyme

> docs...do NOT advise getting any vaccines as they will disregulate

> our immune systems even more. Please check out the following article

> I wrote on this subject . People who have increased allergies as a

> result of this disease....may reflect this hyperimmunity aspect.





> Marjorie Tietjen

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I decided to start getting flu shots six years ago as Lyme had made

my asthma much worse. I've never had a problem: no reaction to the

shot, no flu.


> From: Maureen Havenner <havenner@...>

> Subject: RE: [ ] flu shot


> Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 8:10 PM


> Someone at a local lyme support group told me that the flu vaccine


> mercury in it and that many lyme patients are sensitive to mercury


> other toxins....I checked it out and the flu shots do indeed have

> mercury in them, as do other immunizations.


> Maureen


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