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RE: Digest Number 87

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That's a good idea Diane

Re: [ ] Digest Number 87

> I think we should share our pictures so we know who we are talking

> too... It makes it more personal and adds a good feeling!!!!!



> Angel Hugs,

> Diane





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I don't know about you, but the only time I get to operate the remote is when my wife is asleep or on the computer.

Re: [ ] Digest Number 87

Well, yeah, but we're the ones that have to operate the remote. It's very stressful when you have over 100 channels... -dz- Jannewilms42@... wrote: No DZ.....we know you men work hard for us women..but when you guys get home our jobs never finish. How do you guys think you get those remotes and bon bons if it isn't us bringing them to ya????????? hahahaha

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<P> My wife gives up the remote to me when I come

home, but she still seems to retain veto power

whenever I put " The Man Show " or " Married With

Children " ... & nbsp; Her sense of humor isn't quite as

warped as mine. She doesn't even like the Simpsons for

heaven & nbsp;sake.... & nbsp; & nbsp; :) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;


<P> & nbsp; <B><I>

& lt;ralexan@... & gt;</I></B> wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE style= " BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid;


PUBLIC " -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN " >

<META content= " MSHTML 6.00.2600.0 " name=GENERATOR>


<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I don't know about you,

but the only time I get to operate the remote is when

my wife is asleep or on the computer.</FONT></DIV>

<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> & nbsp;</DIV>

<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT></DIV>

<BLOCKQUOTE style= " BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid;


5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px " >

<DIV style= " FONT: 10pt arial " ></B> Re:

[ ] Digest Number 87</DIV>


<P><STRONG>Well, yeah, but we're the ones that have to

operate the remote. It's very stressful when you have

over 100 channels... & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;


<P><STRONG> & nbsp; <I><A

href= " mailto:Jannewilms42@... " >Jannewilms42@...</A></I></STRONG>


<BLOCKQUOTE style= " BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid;


face=arial,helvetica><FONT color=#0000a0 face= " Lucida

Handwriting " lang=0 size=2 FAMILY= " SCRIPT " ><I>No

DZ.....we know you men work hard for us women..but

when you guys get home <BR>our jobs never finish. How

do you guys think you get those remotes and bon

<BR>bons if it isn't us bringing them to ya?????????

& nbsp;hahahaha</I></FONT> <BR><BR><TT>To unsubscribe

from this group, send an email

to:<BR> -unsubscribe <BR><BR></TT><BR><BR><TT>Y\


use of is subject to the <A

href= " " >! Terms

of Service</A>.</TT> <BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT>




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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Thanks for the info . Sounds like you have been through alot!

Back in 1976 I was fused from T10 to L4 w/ a Harrington Rod. Over the past

two years, I have more pain and trouble walking. My doctors sent me to Dr.

Rand and he diagnosed me with Flat Back, and indicated I will need to have a

revision surgery and also they will need to fuse L% and S1.

Did they fuse you down to S1? If so, how is your mobility? I.e. getting in

and out of cars.

Thanks so much for your help,

Re: Digest Number 87

, I have also had surgery with Dr. Rand (6 in fact!) I think he is



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

TLCRT: Welcome! Please come to the Northgate meeting on 6/10 if you can

make it. If you are self pay it is MUCH cheaper to go to Mexico for

surgery. That's what many of us did. We can tell you all about it and you

can see our results.

There should also be some people there who used the local surgeons and you

can hear about their experiences first hand.

: I totally agree! The Fox seminar is well worth the money even if

you don't plan to use him or the other doctors he works with for the actual

surgery. You will learn a lot and you get to ask all the questions you


As a group the PNW Bandsters are about due to invade another one of the Fox

meetings and parade around our results. Anybody want to suggest a date?

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Guest guest

As a group the PNW Bandsters are about due to invade another one of

the Fox

> meetings and parade around our results. Anybody want to suggest a


Where is he located? I am in Portland.

I would be interested in attending... let me know when and where,

once the details are ironed out.

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Guest guest

> As a group the PNW Bandsters are about due to invade another one of the


> meetings and parade around our results. Anybody want to suggest a date?

Make it after I get banded on June 5th ;)

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  • 4 months later...

I have tried black currant bud absolute. It was dark in color and almost

crystalline it is though thick. Very, VERY strong. I blend with the merest

crumb, and have tried making dilutions in alcohol and oil.

I must say I haven't mastered this material yet. At the right age, in the

right dilution, in the right diluent, with the right blend, it is totally

exquisite. But I have gotten inconsistent results depending on whether I

diluted it in alcolhol and 'pre-aged' it before further blending, vs puttong

it in with the other ingredients from the start. For example- looking back

in my notes- 2% dilution of black currant bud (call it 'cassis' for short)

in either everclear or 110pr vodka with a tiny bit of glycerine as a

fixative- aged for 4-5 months. Another mix made at just before that and so

aged about 5+ months. And I poured them together in 1:1 dilution 'just to

see what happened'- and the results were excellent. The 'other mix' is one

of those that you look back on and ask yourself 'what was I thinking!?'- R.

damascena and R. centifolia with ginger (OK so far)- then some sandalwood-

(possibly regrettable, possibly not..) grapefruit (WHY?)- clary sage (well

ok, I was putting clary sage in everything back then as a matter of

principle)- and ylang ylang (WHY?)- and top it off with a tiny drop of

tincture of benzoin as a fixative. So the 'mix' was ok enough to use- but

the combo with the cassis was a surprising synergy.

When I remixed it in joba and almond it was not at all the same.

FWIW the benzoin did not give me any adverse effect. I suspect the total

concentration to have been 0.1% if that.

The study continues.

I also am intrigued by the black currant bud in combination with violet

leaf absolute- another 'difficult' material.

-- L Wakefield, owner and operator of the beastly truck heretik, that

refuses to stay between the lines when parking --

Digest Number 87

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  • 3 years later...

Hi All (in response to all emails)!

Thanks for your responses. I'm glad to hear from other mom's with kids

around the same age as Jake. Not only is finding a LLMD hard, but finding

one who will see children has been a challenge as well. We have an appt with

Dr. J in February. I like the LL-family physician and I can see some of the

rationale for why he is only treating Jake 2 days/month, however, in my gut

I feel that we need something more aggessive. This doc likes pulse therapy

and I think it does have some benefits. However, I find I want more, or at

least more often. My hope is that Dr. J will make suggestions and the doc

here will be willing to treat.

Jake has had one " round " (2 days of Zithromax at the end of Sept)...did he

herx? My husband thought he was more easily agitated and that the episodes

were more intense. He did get sicker on Days 8-15 (was it a herx or just the

disease???). He actually had a " good " day yesterday, which he hasn't had in

a long time.

Jake has had 2 spinal taps (and our son that died had too many to count) and

all I can say is...demand conscious sedation (Propofal) so they can get a

clean tap & they won't remember it. Neurological symptoms seem to be

prevalant with this disease and from what I've read, can be more intense

with children, particularly the rage (which we have experienced).

Regarding the eye problem, that doesn't surprise me. I have an online friend

whose family has been affected with LD. Her dtr has nastigmis (?spelling)

and they have also dealt with irititis. My Jake is constantly rubbing his

eyes, but has difficult explaining why (which has been another difficultly

dealing with a young child who just doesn't " know " how to describe things he

has never felt before). I would think that anything with LD could come and

go...especially if caused by it. This disease is crazy and its list of

symptoms is endless, it seems.

I will definitely ask the doctor about Omnicef and what he thinks of the

anti-malaria meds (and do some research myself...ha!), as well as the

Ceftin. Regarding the allergy to antibiotics, I've heard some about

desensitizing, but not a lot. Maybe that is an option for your dtr,

, so she can take the much needed meds.

It amazes me that even in what is so called " endemic region " , the amount of

illiteracy concerning LD still exists. This whole disease is baffling to me.

All I know, is that I want my son better and that there is just too many

unanswered questions. I do know for certain that we aren't crazy, Moms!


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