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RE: Digest Number 87

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Now you are asking too much...... Wanting your cardboard likeness to

take your shots..... Boy oh boy....... Give you an inch and you take a

mile..... hahahaha

Angel Hugs,


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Now here is a good one..... My Grandson and Granddaughter started school

today.... They go to different schools and they are picked up by a

bus..... Well Brittanys' 'bus came on time and was still

waiting...5 minutes pass and no bus... 20 minutes late and no bus...Now

he is really upset. 1 hr. and no bus.... 1 1/2 hrs. and no bus... The

poor kid was so excited about his first day and a new school with 6th

thru 8th graders... Well by 11:30am he is really upset.... He doesn't

live close to me but he was so sad that I went and got him and took him

to school.... I marched him right in the office and raised holy hell....

They tried to blame it on the bus co.. I said well they are transporting

your kids so you have some say in this also.... I let them know that I

had a long ride with a broken ankle and I told them that I was not a

Happy Camper.... They kept apologizing.... I said my daughter in law

took the day off from work because it was their 1st. day... If she would

have left this 11 yr. old home alone all day you guys would be the first

ones to call Family Services... They said a woman would be coming after

him to take him to class... I said before he goes anywhere he needs his

lunch...He is starving!!!!!! So the woman comes and says.... Well

we will get you lunch but you missed homeroom so I don't know what to do

with you the rest of the day.... I said whoa..... Wait a minute here....

I think you need to go back in the office and find out his home room

teacher and get his schedule..... Now I am really ticked off..... She

did as I suggested and I stayed till he was set..... I know he was

embarrassed but every one in the office was apologizing and thanking me

for going out of my way to bring him..... He called me after school and

said Thank You so much GrandMom...... He said he had an awesome day. He

said everyone there said your Grandmom sure looks out for you... You are

lucky to have her....I guess I made a lasting impression!!!!!!

LOL......... ;o

Angel Hugs,


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But Diane...that's the way MEN are...give them an inch they ALWAYS

take a mile! ya know what I mean?

Just jokin -dz- I don't know you well enough to say that nor have I

been here long enough, but I couldn't resist! ...forgive me..

Lynn ;~)

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Well Diane aren't most men like that but yet they say we are!!!!!. Another Hummmmmm ? for the day. Ready??? Why is it when men come home from work they are off...........but when men come home from work we women are still at it until bedtime and then too!!! When does our clock stop for the day?????

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Diane I know exactly what you mean. How many times was I up rocling 2 crying babies at a time after just dozing off for a few minutes and having to get up and start all over again in just an hour or two and go to work and put up with a REAL JERK of a hubby at the time. Now my daughter whom I have missed many many meals to feed has the nerve to tell me I was never a freind much

less a Mother. She has 3 children coming up in this world and I do wish her all the best. My mother use to tell me "when children are little they step on your feet.....when they are big..they walk on your heart. God this statement is so true.

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Diane my hubby told me the other night that he felt like he had lost me..........I told him he made me that way. I am distant because of the remarks he has made to me.. They hurt more than any blow ever could. Words cut like a knife. He asked last night during a heated discussion why was I being such a hateful bitch........... I told him I wasn't being hateful I was being honest. He then said well use to you would talk all nice and sweet to me........I told him well a person can only be so sweet while eating soooo much crap all the time. I'm full of eating crap and now the honesty is really showing.

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No DZ.....we know you men work hard for us women..but when you guys get home our jobs never finish. How do you guys think you get those remotes and bon bons if it isn't us bringing them to ya????????? hahahaha

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I keep looking for an easy way out and it seems to be

evading me... -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> -dz-

> Now you are asking too much...... Wanting your

> cardboard likeness to

> take your shots..... Boy oh boy....... Give you an

> inch and you take a

> mile..... hahahaha




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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I thought it was a darn good idea. I'm trying to trace

myself now... -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:


> ha ha ha ha ha


> Dennis. That was the best one yet..... ha ha hee

> hee ;0 A cardboard

> Dave... In his chair to boot!!!!! LOL............




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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You GO girl... Now they'll probably have your

grandson's address pinned to the bus drivers shirt. If

he misses again, have them send a limo... :) -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> Now here is a good one..... My Grandson and

> Granddaughter started school

> today.... They go to different schools and they are

> picked up by a

> bus..... Well Brittanys' 'bus came on time and

> was still

> waiting...5 minutes pass and no bus... 20 minutes

> late and no bus...Now

> he is really upset. 1 hr. and no bus.... 1 1/2 hrs.

> and no bus... The

> poor kid was so excited about his first day and a

> new school with 6th

> thru 8th graders... Well by 11:30am he is really

> upset.... He doesn't

> live close to me but he was so sad that I went and

> got him and took him

> to school.... I marched him right in the office and

> raised holy hell....

> They tried to blame it on the bus co.. I said well

> they are transporting

> your kids so you have some say in this also.... I

> let them know that I

> had a long ride with a broken ankle and I told them

> that I was not a

> Happy Camper.... They kept apologizing.... I said my

> daughter in law

> took the day off from work because it was their 1st.

> day... If she would

> have left this 11 yr. old home alone all day you

> guys would be the first

> ones to call Family Services... They said a woman

> would be coming after

> him to take him to class... I said before he goes

> anywhere he needs his

> lunch...He is starving!!!!!! So the woman comes and

> says.... Well

> we will get you lunch but you missed homeroom so I

> don't know what to do

> with you the rest of the day.... I said whoa.....

> Wait a minute here....

> I think you need to go back in the office and find

> out his home room

> teacher and get his schedule..... Now I am really

> ticked off..... She

> did as I suggested and I stayed till he was set.....

> I know he was

> embarrassed but every one in the office was

> apologizing and thanking me

> for going out of my way to bring him..... He called

> me after school and

> said Thank You so much GrandMom...... He said he had

> an awesome day. He

> said everyone there said your Grandmom sure looks

> out for you... You are

> lucky to have her....I guess I made a lasting

> impression!!!!!!

> LOL......... ;o




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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Oh, you're not the first one... we had a few gender

bashings already... all in fun. -dz-

--- ADandyDeesign@... wrote:

> But Diane...that's the way MEN are...give them an

> inch they ALWAYS

> take a mile! ya know what I mean?

> Just jokin -dz- I don't know you well enough to say

> that nor have I

> been here long enough, but I couldn't resist!

> ...forgive me..

> Lynn ;~)




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Women work 24/7........ Before I was disabled I worked 2 jobs..... I

was up at 5 to get into the bathroom before my hubby and kids so I could

go to work.... I washed clothes, made lunches, made a hot breakfast

because I wanted something warm in their bellies in cold weather....

Oatmeal or cream of wheat....Sometimes Egg Mc Muffins (home made...used

a tuna can..cut out on 2 sides to shape the egg in the frying pan...;o)

made beds the whole nine yards.... I did a full days work before I left

home..... I worked 12 days before I got 2 off... On my days off I cooked

and froze the food so they could have a hot dinner every night.... Do

you think any of them remember all of that????? They don't have a

clue... Oh Well...... I did my part ..... Time for them to help


Angel Hugs,


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I love my Grandson..... I am close to him. He always goes out of his

way and helps me...... Yes It did feel good to have him thank me.... He

was so happy!!!!!! Hubby came over yesterday and cut the grass.. He used

his gas blower to get rid of the accorns on the porch...,. He said

please call if you need help.... I guess I did take these things for

granted.... He always had the grass cut and porch clean.... I never

noticed because it was done..I really did appreciate it...... I fed him

dinner and sent him off with some real food....... Of course he did get

his little remark in, how the yard looked like a jungle since he wasn't

here... I said let's not even go there..... This was the 1st time we

talked civil to one another since he left.... He asked me if he could

come home on Sunday when I saw him and I said No!!!! Not at this

time.... He got angry and I just limped away!!!!!! Now he is trying the

nice approach.... What he did to me really took the trust out of me and

I just can't forget it.... He regrets it now, but the damage is done....

Thanks for listening guys & gals!!!!!!! ;o

Angel Hugs,


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You think we men sit on the couch watching tv and

eating bon-bons all day? ;) -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> Jan,

> Women work 24/7........ Before I was disabled I

> worked 2 jobs..... I

> was up at 5 to get into the bathroom before my hubby

> and kids so I could

> go to work.... I washed clothes, made lunches, made

> a hot breakfast

> because I wanted something warm in their bellies in

> cold weather....

> Oatmeal or cream of wheat....Sometimes Egg Mc

> Muffins (home made...used

> a tuna can..cut out on 2 sides to shape the egg in

> the frying pan...;o)

> made beds the whole nine yards.... I did a full days

> work before I left

> home..... I worked 12 days before I got 2 off... On

> my days off I cooked

> and froze the food so they could have a hot dinner

> every night.... Do

> you think any of them remember all of that?????

> They don't have a

> clue... Oh Well...... I did my part ..... Time for

> them to help

> me.......




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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