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RE: Digest Number 87

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This is the first I've heard of " smelly jellies " . What are they? Yes... I

would like more info not only about them, but how to make them. They sound

interesting. Thanks.


<< Agrosoak is a polymer crystal, another name for it might also be Soil


It's found in the gardening section of stores like Wal-Mart or Lowe's,


It's something that's put in soil to help keep it moist, because the

crystals are the texture of sand, yet when they come in contact with water,

they grow to about 10 times their original size. So it helps retain the

water in the soil longer. When used for smelly jelly's you just need a

little bit of the crystals and some water and fragrance, or you can use

liquid potpourri, and coloring if you like. Add the fragrance and coloring

to the water then add the water to the crystals, wait a couple hours, and

you'll see plump little gel like things! Viola! Smelly Jellies! :) If


like more info, just let me know... The crystals can also be used to make

neck coolers, so if you want I can send you the file of information I have


these polymer crystals better know as Agrosoak or Soil Moist. >>

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In a message dated 01/15/2000 12:22:13 PM Central Standard Time,

onelist writes:

<< A couple of weeks ago I made those fantastic lotion bars. >>

Maybe I missed it (I'm new on this list), but can you share that fantastic

recipe? Am I allowed to ask that? Sorry if I'm not, just ignore my

ignorance!! :-)


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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 3/24/00 7:14:54 PM Pacific Standard Time,

onelist writes:

<< high dosage >>

Poor has ALWAYS required higher than normal doses....he's like I

am....you wouldn't believe the dose of some antidepressants I was on years

ago when the doctors couldn't get a " handle " on my major depressive episode

and panic disorder!!

Both the doctor AND I are concerned about ALL the med's is currently

taking....Adderral (7.5mg), Clonidine (.1mg. 3 x's a day) and now the

Risperdal (.50mg) at bedtime!! Seems like enough to knock a horse out, huh?

Quite the contrary....we have juggled doses around for a year now, more,

less, nothing.....same reactions, same behaviors, same

hyperactivity.....nothing seems to slow this kid down!! Although, I must

say, I think he's starting to sleep a little better...stays asleep all night,

seems to fall asleep a little earlier and doesn't get up quite as early in

the am.....so maybe, the Risperdal finally " kicked " in....we'll see.....

Thanks for your concerns, though.....

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In a message dated 3/24/00 7:14:54 PM Pacific Standard Time,

onelist writes:

<< I'm so happy to have someone on " our side " .



Isn't it a great feeling when you find a doctor who's so understanding and

helpful??? I agree that the 2ndary condition should be listed FIRST....i.e.,

first Autism, then Down Syndrome.....DS is a snap compared to the other


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In a message dated 3/24/00 7:14:54 PM Pacific Standard Time,

onelist writes:

<< For my husband he now dresses like a dream! >>


I have same prob.... does much better for Dad than me.....read in an ADHD

pamphlet given to me at 's first office visit for ADHD that boys

especially, behave better for their dads.....go figure.....

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In a message dated 3/24/00 7:14:54 PM Pacific Standard Time,

onelist writes:

<< Could this be a bad reaction? or just his normal




It does seem that they get a little " wilder " before it actually " kicks "

in....didn't someone else say that here, or was I thinking of the mom who

said her boy got wilder and wilder and they had to take him off? I can't

remember.....but I do think 's beginning to sleep better, as I said in my

previous post........unless it's REALLY bad, hold off for another week.....I

was ready to give up after the first couple of days, but it's almost a week

now, and I do see an improvement with the sleep...however slight it may be.

I feel your frustration....hang in there.....

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why did they pull your from disbility? i was put on it last year, and i

am told u get a review aftersix months. what was the reason they gave

you, and how ong were u on it. i will tell u, i did work on the

interferon by itself in 1993, my first time on treatment, but now with

the combo, even six months on it now, i find some days i dont sleep,

have achy arms and cannot lift them over my head, get agitated. since i

have passed the 6 month mark, i have different side affects now. in

1993, i was on treatment for 6 months so i had no idea what to expect

this time with the comboand 48 weeks.

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Hello to everyone,

I just have one question, why would any doctor

take a patient off the medication after only 6 months??????The people who

make the medication recommend to stay on for at least 1 year. Even if your

viral load was 0 at 3 months. I am on the combo, my doctor took me off the

meds. after 3 months, I was 0. He told me I am and would be in remission for

2- 5 years maybe longer, 3 months later, I did get retested and my viral load

had doubled. I found a new doctor fast!!!!! I have been on the combo now for

14 months, and am staying on for the full 2 years. Why you may ask? This

virus is a mean one to kill, and it took me about 10- 12 months to get my

viral load back down to 0. Please check and make sure your doctor knows what

he or she is talking about, when taking you off after only 6 moths. I don't

want you to go through what I had to, you think your cured, and it worked,

and at your next blood test, it is back, more than before. Then you have to

start all over again. Please look into this, and you can even read the insert

you get in the box. Good Luck.

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They Terminated me for absenteism. Even though I had

6 Dr's that had pulled me. Pinellas County FL

Government will pay you back if you ever do anything

to them. I walked out on them a couple of years ago

because of Harassment. I was told by EEOC that I had

2 charges I could file on. I told them all I wanted

was my job back with a diferent supervisor.....well I

got one and I was harassed in little nit picking ways.

When I was still working I was getting nosebleeds on

a daily basis, and they would send me home. They

counted that time against me also(this was before I

had found out I had Hep C). One night I was feeling

so bad from them I went to the ER my BP was 52/28 and

I did not go in the next day.....so they counted that

also as unscheduled leave. I went back the following

Monday after being off that Friday, and was read the

riot act. I started going to the gym and after a

couple of weeks I was acheing so bad I quit and the

pain would not go away. I searched in the computer

and kept coming up with Fibromyalgia. Said something

to my Supervisor about it and of course she knew

someone with it that had no problems at all, same as

with my ITP (bleeding disorder). I went to my PCP and

he found that I had all the pressure points for Fibro.

He did some bloodwork to check Thyroid and stuff and

saw my Liver was failing. I was referred to a

Gastroenterologist and after coming back from the

appointment after he got results from bloodwork he had

done. I had handouts from him about Hep B and C my B

is non reactive and C is Chronic. Well, then my

immediate supervisor and I went to see one above us

and I gave him the handouts and he said to me " Jow do

I know where you got these? " You could of got them

off your computer you self daignosed yourself with

Fibro(which I did not). Both of them were laughing at

me and I was looking away from them and they saw a

tear that I was trying to hold in roll down my face

and said if you came here looking for sympathy you

have come to the wrong place. I told them they would

be the last people I would look for sympathy from. I

wanted to say to them about the Fibro.....If you knew

how to use a computer and not just have them as

ornaments on your desks maybe you would find out

things also, but I didn't. I researched on mine at

home, did not have internet at work. I was pulled

from work by 6 Dr's including the Pysch that 70% of

their 2000+ employees see. When it came time for long

term disability to kick in they lied about my job

duties. Saying I did not have to lift anything over 5

lbs (a phone book there for the area just white pages

weighed 6.2 lbs) and had to walk no more than 25 feet

a day, but, what is amusing I walked for 4 hours a

day. Dr had said I could possibly get away with that

type of job. This was put on ADA after Supervisor

talked to insurance Co and found out weight and

walking limits, I got to be friends with worker at LTD


We had to prove they were lying and finally we did

last week Judy from the Insurance co called me and

told me decision was overturned....she wanted to be

the first to tell me. It took 6 months.

I was on Combo 6 months was terminated on my

birthday (another little jab). I had to go off because

could not afford sometimes weekly bloodwork and once

in a while bi-weekly or the Dr or the Meds (even

though I could have got meds free). I was doing good

as far as I can tell my viral load had dropped from

12.5 mill to 350 thousand. ALT and AST were close to

normal. I had bloodwork done Tuesday 3/28 with this

new Dr that I finally got through Share of Cost with

Medicaid (I pay first $500 but them and Eckerd Drugs

showed me a way around that). I am a bit anxious to

see results. Bloodwork for pre op surgery in November

showed ALT and AST were elevated to around 140 and

120. I was not operated on because my bleeding time

was greater than 3 times normal.......something to do

with an aspirin type of effect on my blood(platelets

were in a low normal status) was a workmens comp

thing. I was told to go see a Hemotologist, they knew

I had no money. I am so angry at P C Government but I

am not sure what to do yet, waiting for results of

bloodwork. I think I would have been in remission by

now if not for them............As Always, Connie

--- kalidurga@... wrote:

> Connie,

> why did they pull your from disbility? i was put on

> it last year, and i

> am told u get a review aftersix months. what was the

> reason they gave

> you, and how ong were u on it. i will tell u, i did

> work on the

> interferon by itself in 1993, my first time on

> treatment, but now with

> the combo, even six months on it now, i find some

> days i dont sleep,

> have achy arms and cannot lift them over my head,

> get agitated. since i

> have passed the 6 month mark, i have different side

> affects now. in

> 1993, i was on treatment for 6 months so i had no

> idea what to expect

> this time with the comboand 48 weeks.




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Dear Connie,

I think you'll be able to better answer that question when you know

your genotype. I never went negative either, and I was on for 53 weeks, and

the last 3 months of that was high dose interferon. I am genotype 1b, a

very stubborn one. It's not going to surprise me at all if you find out

that you are also a genotype 1. And even still, it just doesn't work for

everybody. If it does turn out that you are genotype 1 you might consider

waiting for the pegylated, unless you can get your doc to do daily dosing.


>From: Constance Dickson <constance_clearwater_florida@...>

>My former Dr I had told me I would be on combo 1-2

>years and new one said that was only if I was in a

>study.....but at 6 month mark my viral load dropped

>from 12.5 mill to 300 thousand and ALT and AST's were

>in the 50-60 range. It was right after that I lost

>job and insurance and was pulled from treatment. How

>come I never went negative?


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Dear Connie,

I think you'll be able to better answer that question when you know

your genotype. I never went negative either, and I was on for 53 weeks, and

the last 3 months of that was high dose interferon. I am genotype 1b, a

very stubborn one. It's not going to surprise me at all if you find out

that you are also a genotype 1. And even still, it just doesn't work for

everybody. If it does turn out that you are genotype 1 you might consider

waiting for the pegylated, unless you can get your doc to do daily dosing.


>From: Constance Dickson <constance_clearwater_florida@...>

>My former Dr I had told me I would be on combo 1-2

>years and new one said that was only if I was in a

>study.....but at 6 month mark my viral load dropped

>from 12.5 mill to 300 thousand and ALT and AST's were

>in the 50-60 range. It was right after that I lost

>job and insurance and was pulled from treatment. How

>come I never went negative?


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.... the doctor who took you off treatment after 3 months didn't knwo

what he was doing apparently.

Genotype ones usually do treatment a full year. But you should go pcr

negative within 6 months. Other genotypes usually only need 6 months to stay

in remission. But a lot depends on your liver and other factors.


ICQ 12631861





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My former Dr I had told me I would be on combo 1-2

years and new one said that was only if I was in a

study.....but at 6 month mark my viral load dropped

from 12.5 mill to 300 thousand and ALT and AST's were

in the 50-60 range. It was right after that I lost

job and insurance and was pulled from treatment. How

come I never went negative?

--- alley/ <alleypat@...> wrote:

> .... the doctor who took you off treatment

> after 3 months didn't knwo

> what he was doing apparently.


> Genotype ones usually do treatment a full year. But

> you should go pcr

> negative within 6 months. Other genotypes usually

> only need 6 months to stay

> in remission. But a lot depends on your liver and

> other factors.


> alley/

> ICQ 12631861

> alleypat@...

> http://micromagic.net/~alleypat


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My former Dr I had told me I would be on combo 1-2

years and new one said that was only if I was in a

study.....but at 6 month mark my viral load dropped

from 12.5 mill to 300 thousand and ALT and AST's were

in the 50-60 range. It was right after that I lost

job and insurance and was pulled from treatment. How

come I never went negative?

--- alley/ <alleypat@...> wrote:

> .... the doctor who took you off treatment

> after 3 months didn't knwo

> what he was doing apparently.


> Genotype ones usually do treatment a full year. But

> you should go pcr

> negative within 6 months. Other genotypes usually

> only need 6 months to stay

> in remission. But a lot depends on your liver and

> other factors.


> alley/

> ICQ 12631861

> alleypat@...

> http://micromagic.net/~alleypat


> <center>

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> DFW_Liver_Disease</a>

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Dunno why you never went negative. You may never go negative. What is your

genotype? How was your liver biopsy? Only 40% on the average (I'm

guestimating from what I've read and heard from my gastro) go into sustained

remission. Genotype 1's 20-25% remission rate, genotype 2's 30%, 3's 40%

etc. Don't quote me as I'm too tired to look it up. These are numbers I got

from Schering results they've seen over the years. Course, with luck, we are

the ones who break the historical standards!


ICQ 12631861





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Dunno why you never went negative. You may never go negative. What is your

genotype? How was your liver biopsy? Only 40% on the average (I'm

guestimating from what I've read and heard from my gastro) go into sustained

remission. Genotype 1's 20-25% remission rate, genotype 2's 30%, 3's 40%

etc. Don't quote me as I'm too tired to look it up. These are numbers I got

from Schering results they've seen over the years. Course, with luck, we are

the ones who break the historical standards!


ICQ 12631861





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i off combo now 5mo did a year nonresponder VL was 5.5mil in the

beginning and at the end but did go down in between what i`m wondering

is why not keep be on longer and this was uv of penna. instead he said

he would see be in a year what with that felt like GI was sending be

home to die LOL all other test like alt came back at normal range

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i off combo now 5mo did a year nonresponder VL was 5.5mil in the

beginning and at the end but did go down in between what i`m wondering

is why not keep be on longer and this was uv of penna. instead he said

he would see be in a year what with that felt like GI was sending be

home to die LOL all other test like alt came back at normal range

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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 06/11/2000 1:33:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

puddypie@... writes:

<< I have a Australian Shepard dog that has a tumor that keeps growing in

the upper portion of his nose which the Vet. has removed twice but it

keeps growing back. I've started giving him essiac tea twice a day. Is

there anything else that works for a dog to stop the tumor from growing.

This might sound silly but he is part of our family . Any help would be

very much appreciated. Thank -you Z.

http://community.webtv.net/PuddyPie/ALLABOUTMANDY >>

My dog has had cancer in her mouth three times, which the vet cut out

luckily. I give her Flax seed oil and cottage Cheese mixed, and I also have

her on the red Pill know as Ellagic Acid.

The Cancer has not came back !!!!!! I also had another dog I lost with

cancer, That I had on the method of cancer cures. That was befor I

found out about Flax seed Oil and Ellagic Acid


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I have a Australian Shepard dog that has a tumor that keeps growing in

the upper portion of his nose which the Vet. has removed twice but it

keeps growing back. I've started giving him essiac tea twice a day. Is

there anything else that works for a dog to stop the tumor from growing.

This might sound silly but he is part of our family . Any help would be

very much appreciated. Thank -you Z.


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you say your dog is treated like part of your family. Does this extend to

his food habits? Dogs are carnivores they should not be eating many

vegetable based foods. Essiac tea is an herbal remedy. Is it good for dogs?

I don't really know, just a thought. Dogs also need vigorous exercise not

walking at a human pace. Let him start living like a dog should and maybe

this will clear up. It's worth a try.

Good luck,

Arnold Gore

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

Re: Digest Number 87

> I have a Australian Shepard dog that has a tumor that keeps growing in

> the upper portion of his nose which the Vet. has removed twice but it

> keeps growing back. I've started giving him essiac tea twice a day. Is

> there anything else that works for a dog to stop the tumor from growing.

> This might sound silly but he is part of our family . Any help would be

> very much appreciated. Thank -you Z.


> http://community.webtv.net/PuddyPie/ALLABOUTMANDY



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> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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Hoxsey tonic (available at several sites) has

been curing cancer in and on animals for

almost 2 hundred years...that's what its

original use was. Including meat eaters.

I don't know about the essiac either. Best



you say your dog is treated like part of your family. Does this extend to

his food habits? Dogs are carnivores they should not be eating many

vegetable based foods. Essiac tea is an herbal remedy. Is it good for dogs?

I don't really know, just a thought. Dogs also need vigorous exercise not

walking at a human pace. Let him start living like a dog should and maybe

this will clear up. It's worth a try.

Good luck,

Arnold Gore

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

Re: Digest Number 87

> I have a Australian Shepard dog that has a tumor that keeps growing in

> the upper portion of his nose which the Vet. has removed twice but it

> keeps growing back. I've started giving him essiac tea twice a day. Is

> there anything else that works for a dog to stop the tumor from growing.

> This might sound silly but he is part of our family . Any help would be

> very much appreciated. Thank -you Z.


> http://community.webtv.net/PuddyPie/ALLABOUTMANDY



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> beMANY! has a new way to save big on your phone bill -- and keep on

> saving more each month: Our huge buying group gives you Long Distance

> rates which fall monthly, plus an extra $60 in FREE calls!

> 1/3821/10/_/378/_/960744711/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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How about a flat, no-fee long distance rate of 6.7¢ per min. -

or less? Join beMANY! Our huge buying group gives you rates which

fall monthly, plus an extra $60 in FREE calls!



Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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I have a friend that treated her poodle with tumors in the mouth with the

Matol BioImmune and the Ellagic Red, and the tumors disappeared.

Sure couldn't hurt!

Viola Stafford

Re: Digest Number 87

>I have a Australian Shepard dog that has a tumor that keeps growing in

>the upper portion of his nose which the Vet. has removed twice but it

>keeps growing back. I've started giving him essiac tea twice a day. Is

>there anything else that works for a dog to stop the tumor from growing.

>This might sound silly but he is part of our family . Any help would be

>very much appreciated. Thank -you Z.






>beMANY! has a new way to save big on your phone bill -- and keep on

>saving more each month: Our huge buying group gives you Long Distance

>rates which fall monthly, plus an extra $60 in FREE calls!




>Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey let's have a big GROUP AUTOPSY!!!!!!!!! Any one game? No I didn't think so...hahaha. Me either. Hey maybe we could have it put in our wills that when we all go then we all get autopsied at the same time. Hell we share everything else why not that....Goodness do I sound morbid? I hope not. We need a little humor in our lives and thanks to DZ we got it didn't we.. Sorry DZ that it was on your behalf!!!!!!!!! Hey my daughter(11) just asked if I had to go for one.....hehehehe. I explained it. She said you all make fun of this sickness? I said yes we do so we can deal with it better. Now she understands. Tell Kristy hi!!!!!!!!!!!

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