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I was prescrbed cymbalta, but cannot afford it (no generic?). Now taking

wellbuterin(sp?). I do not think it does anything, but I try to convince my

" brain " that it does.... Hopefully, if I can find out what my new pain might be

coming from, I can stop taking it.

in NH


My son has been on Cymbalta for about 6 months, he was on Celexa before that

and had a lot of trouble while he was on it and it did nothing for the

depression. He has been better since he was put on the Cymbalta.

In the beginning for the pain he was put on Tylenol 3 and when that didnt work

he was put on Percocet. When that didnt work he was put on the pain patch,

Fentanyl. Before surgery he was on 100 mcg and it still didnt really give him

relief. We had several episodes with them leaking. Finally last November he

decided that he wanted off of them. It took at least 6 weeks until he started to

feel more normal. He threw up for two weeks and then still periodically after.

He says it was all worth it, the patches gave him a rash where ever he stuck

them and they made him feel sick to his stomach and just feel bad.

I am concerned about all this medication. My son is only 22 and he had heart

surgery when he was 3 days and 3 weeks old. The first was for an interrupted

aorta and the second to close a hole in his heart. He had a stroke after the

first surgery and was left with learning disabilities. He used to be a very

active participant in the Special Olympics and represented our province. He gets

very down on himself and I am not sure what to do for him.

We watch him closely for suicidal thoughts as that has been a reoccurring

problem since all of this started.

We didnt get a lot of information with the Cymbalta, is there anything else we

have to look out for? Oh yeah now he takes oxycontin for the pain along with

cesement, flexeril and Lyrica.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi ,

I'm on 30mg a day and I don't have ANY of those side effects unless I

forget to take a dose in which case I get the itchiness, my brain feels

like it's going to spin into a million pieces and I crave sugar. If I

were you I'd be on the phone NOW to the neurologist and tell him that

it's not working for you and you need to try something else because of

the side effects. Be warned however, that if he switches you to

something else you may experience withdrawal symptoms so be sure to let

him know if anything goes funky while you're switching over. This page

is now being blocked from my office - http://www.cymbaltawithdrawal.com/

but IF I remember right there are a fair number of folks on there who

talk about the side effects, not just the withdrawal symptoms. Good

luck with getting on something else and getting some real relief.

Sherry in PA


Has anyone tried Cymbalta or is anyone using Cymbalta for their

Fibromyalgia? I have been on it for a couple of months now. Started at

30mg. My husband said I was kicking my legs during the night and I

noticed some jerking/twitching. The doctor raised me to 60mg and I took

it for 4 weeks but didn't feel any less pain on the higher dosage so I

went back down to 30mg which I'm managing but i feel groggy and brain

fogged and like I can't focus in on anything; especially something

foreign to me. I have been twitching and jerking all this time and it's

many many many times a day and while I'm falling asleep and while I am

asleep. I also started feeling itchy - but not really from the outside

(like a bug bite does to you) - more like from the inside. I go to itch

the area but can't really find the specific spot that itches. It's


Anyway, I wondered if anyone else experienced this and is it okay? Can I

wait til my next appointment (2 more months) or should I call about it?

My Neurolgist put me on it, my Primary is monitoring it and my

Rheumatologist suggested that I try Savella if this doesn't seem to work

out for me.

The only thing it has done for me is alleviate the burning sensation in

my thighs and the prickling in my feet. Not sure it's worth taking.

Thanks very much for any info you may have.


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Hi everyone,

I have been on Cymbalta since March, when I was dx with fibromyalgia. First the Dr started me on 30mg, then uped it to 60mg, then uped it again to 60mg twice a day. I was going through the same reactions as . So the Dr lowered it back down to 60mg a day. I am feeling Ok with that amount. The Dr is talking about putting me on Sevella also. But I really don't want alot of drugs in my system if I don't have to have them. Alot of the meds have horrible side effects I just don't want them.

Have a great Day!


Blue Lark Sakima

Cyn Boyd

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

-- Cymbalta

Has anyone tried Cymbalta or is anyone using Cymbalta for their

Fibromyalgia? I have been on it for a couple of months now. Started at

30mg. My husband said I was kicking my legs during the night and I

noticed some jerking/twitching. The doctor raised me to 60mg and I took

it for 4 weeks but didn't feel any less pain on the higher dosage so I

went back down to 30mg which I'm managing but i feel groggy and brain

fogged and like I can't focus in on anything; especially something

foreign to me. I have been twitching and jerking all this time and it's

many many many times a day and while I'm falling asleep and while I am

asleep. I also started feeling itchy - but not really from the outside

(like a bug bite does to you) - more like from the inside. I go to itch

the area but can't really find the specific spot that itches. It's


Anyway, I wondered if anyone else experienced this and is it okay? Can I

wait til my next appointment (2 more months) or should I call about it?

My Neurolgist put me on it, my Primary is monitoring it and my

Rheumatologist suggested that I try Savella if this doesn't seem to work

out for me.

The only thing it has done for me is alleviate the burning sensation in

my thighs and the prickling in my feet. Not sure it's worth taking.

Thanks very much for any info you may have.


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I have had this kind of reaction before, I just can't remember what did it to me but it wasn't Cymbalta---I feel you pain though, time to get off that stuff, it seems to me it is an alergic reaction.

Deb Halvorson

From: spiritdancer1019 <spiritdancer1019@...> Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 9:15:02 PMSubject: CymbaltaHas anyone tried Cymbalta or is anyone using Cymbalta for their Fibromyalgia? I have been on it for a couple of months now. Started at 30mg. My husband said I was kicking my legs during the night and I noticed some jerking/twitching. The doctor raised me to 60mg and I took it for 4 weeks but didn't feel any less pain on the higher dosage so I went back down to 30mg which I'm managing but i feel groggy and brain fogged and like I can't focus in on anything; especially something foreign to me. I have been twitching and jerking all this time and it's many many many times a

day and while I'm falling asleep and while I am asleep. I also started feeling itchy - but not really from the outside (like a bug bite does to you) - more like from the inside. I go to itch the area but can't really find the specific spot that itches. It's weird.Anyway, I wondered if anyone else experienced this and is it okay? Can I wait til my next appointment (2 more months) or should I call about it? My Neurolgist put me on it, my Primary is monitoring it and my Rheumatologist suggested that I try Savella if this doesn't seem to work out for me.The only thing it has done for me is alleviate the burning sensation in my thighs and the prickling in my feet. Not sure it's worth taking.Thanks very much for any info you may have.------------------------------------

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I agree. I did not have good luck with Cymbalta either. It was just a mess. Coming off of it was not easy either. I have had that reaction as well, the phantom itching. Not on Cymbalta but on another drug. It is awful. Time to move to something else.



From: Debbie Halvorson <djh_50fab@...>Subject: Re: Cymbalta Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 7:28 PM

I have had this kind of reaction before, I just can't remember what did it to me but it wasn't Cymbalta---I feel you pain though, time to get off that stuff, it seems to me it is an alergic reaction.

Deb Halvorson

From: spiritdancer1019 <spiritdancer1019@...> Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 9:15:02 PMSubject: CymbaltaHas anyone tried Cymbalta or is anyone using Cymbalta for their Fibromyalgia? I have been on it for a couple of months now. Started at 30mg. My husband said I was kicking my legs during the night and I noticed some jerking/twitching. The doctor raised me to 60mg and I took it for 4 weeks but didn't feel any less pain on the higher dosage so I went back down to 30mg which I'm managing but i feel groggy and brain fogged and like I can't focus in on anything; especially something foreign to me. I have been twitching and jerking all this time and it's many many many times a

day and while I'm falling asleep and while I am asleep. I also started feeling itchy - but not really from the outside (like a bug bite does to you) - more like from the inside. I go to itch the area but can't really find the specific spot that itches. It's weird.Anyway, I wondered if anyone else experienced this and is it okay? Can I wait til my next appointment (2 more months) or should I call about it? My Neurolgist put me on it, my Primary is monitoring it and my Rheumatologist suggested that I try Savella if this doesn't seem to work out for me.The only thing it has done for me is alleviate the burning sensation in my thighs and the prickling in my feet. Not sure it's worth taking.Thanks very much for any info you may have.------------------------------------

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Cymbalta, in my opinion is a very bad drug, with unnecessarily horrible side effects. You must weigh pros and cons of every drug any doctor prescribes for you to take. Don't rely on there word only, do your own research first before swallowing any pills. Know ahead of time what side effects to watch out for, and if worth the risk of developing them. I had horrific side effects from this drug, they caused me to have a seizure. Your jerking is not acceptable form of risk, it could turn into permanent nerve damage, and cause a movement disorder, be careful.journeyintolife

From: Debbie Halvorson <djh_50fab (DOT) com>Subject: Re: CymbaltaDate: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 7:28 PM

I have had this kind of reaction before, I just can't remember what did it to me but it wasn't Cymbalta---I feel you pain though, time to get off that stuff, it seems to me it is an alergic reaction.

Deb Halvorson

From: spiritdancer1019 <spiritdancer1019>Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 9:15:02 PMSubject: CymbaltaHas anyone tried Cymbalta or is anyone using Cymbalta for their Fibromyalgia? I have been on it for a couple of months now. Started at 30mg. My husband said I was kicking my legs during the night and I noticed some jerking/twitching. The doctor raised me to 60mg and I took it for 4 weeks but didn't feel any less pain on the higher dosage so I went back down to 30mg which I'm managing but i feel groggy and brain fogged and like I can't focus in on anything; especially something foreign to me. I have been twitching and jerking all this time and it's many many many times

a day and while I'm falling asleep and while I am asleep. I also started feeling itchy - but not really from the outside (like a bug bite does to you) - more like from the inside. I go to itch the area but can't really find the specific spot that itches. It's weird.Anyway, I wondered if anyone else experienced this and is it okay? Can I wait til my next appointment (2 more months) or should I call about it? My Neurolgist put me on it, my Primary is monitoring it and my Rheumatologist suggested that I try Savella if this doesn't seem to work out for me.The only thing it has done for me is alleviate the burning sensation in my thighs and the prickling in my feet. Not sure it's worth taking.Thanks very much for any info you may have.------------ --------- --------- ------

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I too tried Cymbalta for Fibro and had the twitching issue. Mine was pretty bad, bad enough that other people began to notice.. mostly in my hands and lower legs. I felt tired and though I was told it might assist with the energy issue, it did the opposite. I ended it cold turkey which I know you shouldn't do, but it was bugging me. Right now I don't take anything for my fibro. I have been going through a bad time recently with the pain and was hoping after 5 years of being dx'd with this, that there would be some better meds on the market.. no go. Dr. told me to start taking Vicodin.... I am a police dispatcher and I CANT take a pain med that strong while I am on duty.. it's just not safe for the public to have me answering 911 and responsible for their safety and that of my officers. Soooo.... I am back to using

Ultram/Tramadol for break through pain which I have been on and off of for 5 years and it's the only thing that has helped thus far. Has anyone had any luck with meds that assist with energy? I am new to the group and decided to join after becoming super frustrated with Dr's Rx'ing high powered pain meds like they are candy. They did Rx me Provigil at one point which is supp'd to help with energy and often used in narcolepsy (sp?) cases, but that didn't do much. I felt that a cup of coffee worked better then that. I am torn because I am tired of putting all these meds in my system, but the pain is horrible too. My boyfriend doesn't really understand either. For the first several years I thought that Fibro was just that Dx that they gave when no one else could figure out what was wrong... I honestly feel a little crazy, because I hurt... but no one can tell me aside from a small amount of arthritis what is

wrong with me.... so they call it Fibro. Uggg.... I guess I really do have Fibro and keep trying to find something else to call it because surely if I am in this much pain, there has to be something that the Dr's can see.... but they can't, and the testing for everything under the sun is getting old. I suppose if there was some miracle cure that we wouldn't need this group right?

Thanks for listening!


From: Debbie Halvorson <djh_50fab (DOT) com>Subject: Re: CymbaltaDate: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 7:28 PM

I have had this kind of reaction before, I just can't remember what did it to me but it wasn't Cymbalta---I feel you pain though, time to get off that stuff, it seems to me it is an alergic reaction.

Deb Halvorson

From: spiritdancer1019 <spiritdancer1019>Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 9:15:02 PMSubject: CymbaltaHas anyone tried Cymbalta or is anyone using Cymbalta for their Fibromyalgia? I have been on it for a couple of months now. Started at 30mg. My husband said I was kicking my legs during the night and I noticed some jerking/twitching. The doctor raised me to 60mg and I took it for 4 weeks but didn't feel any less pain on the higher dosage so I went back down to 30mg which I'm managing but i feel groggy and brain fogged and like I can't focus in on anything; especially something foreign to me. I have been twitching and jerking all this time and it's many many many times

a day and while I'm falling asleep and while I am asleep. I also started feeling itchy - but not really from the outside (like a bug bite does to you) - more like from the inside. I go to itch the area but can't really find the specific spot that itches. It's weird.Anyway, I wondered if anyone else experienced this and is it okay? Can I wait til my next appointment (2 more months) or should I call about it? My Neurolgist put me on it, my Primary is monitoring it and my Rheumatologist suggested that I try Savella if this doesn't seem to work out for me.The only thing it has done for me is alleviate the burning sensation in my thighs and the prickling in my feet. Not sure it's worth taking.Thanks very much for any info you may have.------------ --------- --------- ------

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have wondered the same thing. I take skelaxin and a generic

anti-inflammatory. I remember when I thought Vioxx was just about the

best. 5-7 years ago I wasn't having as much trouble as I am now.

Debra in Houston

Deronda wrote:




> Has anyone tryed cymbalta for pain and did it help?



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They gave me cymbalta for anxiety and depression not pain?....Now I want to be weaned off of it because I wasn't sleeping well........I was only taking it before bed time....I don't really think I need it anymore!...They felt I needed it in the beginning when I came home.

In a message dated 09/17/09 09:31:20 Eastern Daylight Time, derondaharmon@... writes:

Has anyone tryed cymbalta for pain and did it help?

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I was put on Cymbalta earlier this year for my fibromyalgia. I hadn't really thought of my pain levels until now. The biggest impact that it had on me was helping my depression more than anything else I have ever tried. I think maybe the mental aspect has been what has contributed to the feeling of pain relief. I was having problems with lack of energy and just not wanting to get out of bed. The Cymbalta has seemed to turn me around to a brighter side.


[ ] cymbalta

Has anyone tryed cymbalta for pain and did it help?

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You might use the serch feature to find old posts on this topic...just type in

" cymbalta " . It looks like Bonnie is on it and a number of other gals...and the

success seems like the usual...works for some, doesnt for others. A number of

meds that are prescribed for depression also are used, off label often, for

pain...so if your pain team thinks its worth a try, consider it.

Let us know how it goes.

Take Care, Cam

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My experience has been that the cymbalta helps. However, when I started on the

cymbalta I was already on wellbutrin. After being on both I felt that the

wellbutrin heightened the effects of the cymbalta. I could not just go off of

it cold turkey. I tried and ohhhh the headaches and then trying to just jump

back on the nausea was awful. This was after being off the wellbutrin for a

month. I have no problem hoping on and off of that. I think the way everyone's

body handles medication is different. So, if you are going on or off just listen

to your body it will let you know if there is a problem. If I had to do it over

I would have started the cymbalta much earlier on in treatment it helped me a

great deal. I feel like I am 90 years old now without it and MOODY :-) I have

pain from my low back down my left buttocks into my calf and down through my

foot. I would say the pain went from about a 12 down to a 4 or 5 on a good day.

For me that was quite tolerable. Another thing I have done after being off the

cymbalta is massage. I know it is expensive I have found a salon where I live

that has different levels of therapist. Basically, based on how many years they

have been working. So instead of spending $65 I only spend $40. I went through 5

before finding one that really listened to me and was willing to work with me.

That is the key. Some think they know better than you if you find that to be the

case RUN! They should do a consultation and the one I finally felt comfortable

with had me fill out a very similar questionar to what I do at the Ortho's


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Thank you to all that responded to my post "cymbalta". I will consider it if my current anti-depressant doesn't work. My son was home from college this weekend and massaged the scapula area and it did help. My next step is to get a massage therapist this week.



From: daisysn2001 <sjnuernberger@...>Subject: [ ] Re: cymbalta Date: Friday, September 18, 2009, 11:20 PM

My experience has been that the cymbalta helps. However, when I started on the cymbalta I was already on wellbutrin. After being on both I felt that the wellbutrin heightened the effects of the cymbalta. I could not just go off of it cold turkey. I tried and ohhhh the headaches and then trying to just jump back on the nausea was awful. This was after being off the wellbutrin for a month. I have no problem hoping on and off of that. I think the way everyone's body handles medication is different. So, if you are going on or off just listen to your body it will let you know if there is a problem. If I had to do it over I would have started the cymbalta much earlier on in treatment it helped me a great deal. I feel like I am 90 years old now without it and MOODY :-) I have pain from my low back down my left buttocks into my calf and down through my foot. I would say the pain went from about a 12 down to a 4 or 5 on a good day. For me that was quite

tolerable. Another thing I have done after being off the cymbalta is massage. I know it is expensive I have found a salon where I live that has different levels of therapist. Basically, based on how many years they have been working. So instead of spending $65 I only spend $40. I went through 5 before finding one that really listened to me and was willing to work with me. That is the key. Some think they know better than you if you find that to be the case RUN! They should do a consultation and the one I finally felt comfortable with had me fill out a very similar questionar to what I do at the Ortho's office.

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I think you are on the right track by at least making small changes that improve

how you feel! They may not be the ultimate answer....but a 50% improvement in

pain and function can mean a lot.

Try not to get disouraged if the first massage therapist isnt " the one " . Its

kind of personal, like finding a doctor or life partner or friend! Many of us

who attended the group retreat have had an opportunity to work with Ellen, and

many people felt that her work really helped them. I believe that she is

specially suited to work with our bodies since she also has a long fusions and

understands intimately how that affects how we are. She really helped me target

one area that needed to have work done in the front of my hip area and it really

made a huge difference. I hope others that were at the retreat and worked with

Ellen might share what they found when they returned home in terms of a local

massage therapist.

Let us know what you find out there.

Take Care, Cam

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Hi All,

Sorry I'm late in contributing to this thread. My sister and my

daughter visited us from out of town, together, and I got way behind

on emails. They left yesterday, so I should be caught up in a day or


About Cymbalta. I've been taking it for burning pain for about three

years. It works wonders for me. I'm sure it helps my state of mind

also. At first I took it at night before bed, but it kept me up, so I

switched to mornings and that did the trick. As Cam said, what works

for some doesn't work for others. This one is a wonder drug for me.


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I could not keep my eyes open when I was on Cymbalta. I just never got used to it. I stayed in there and took it for quite awhile but I was falling asleep everywhere. It was even hard for me to stay awake when I was driving. That is when I could stay awake enough to get out of the house. I have been on celexa now for quite awhile and it works really well for me.



From: Cyn Boyd <cynboyd_60@...>Subject: Re: Re: Hello, this is how I feel today., 9/24/2009, 8:00 am Date: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 3:27 PM

Hi Carlene~~~I have been the opposite. All I want to do and mostly do is sleep. It is like I can hardly drag myself around anymore. My house is a mess, and I really don't care! And that is not like me. LOL I have an appointment with my "shrink" tomorrow. If I go. I am on cymbalta, and am wondering if that could be part of what is making me so darn tired. I have heard alot of people on here talk badly towards cymbalta; but never why? I do need something for my depression though. I have had depression most of my life, and have gone through many meds. Don't know what else is left?

I have seen on TV the terrible red dust and wind storms down there! That is just horrid! Good thing I am not sown there with my emphysema. I would be in the hospital. Oh One other thing~~Maybe your Hubby has sleep apnea. They say if you sleep and don't feel rested they may have that desease?

Hope the rest of your day goes better!


Blue Lark Sakima

Cyn Boyd

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

-- Re: Hello, this is how I feel today., 9/24/2009, 8:00 am

Greetings - And a bit of a 'rant' from me today. If I had a $dollar for

every hour of sleep lost over the years to cfs/fibro I'd be enjoying my

own luxury (get-away) penthouse and lying on a pristine beach somewhere

in the Bahamas! :-)

To add further insult to my recent prolongued swine-flu attacks (hardly

slept then plus stopped breathing one night!) the wretched dust-storms

hit Hervey Bay recently. Being barely able to breathe from the

dust-ridden air I've been doomed to remaining vertical for about 20hrs

of every day.

My husband, , who snores himself silly for about 9hrs each night

greets me of a morning with how how chronically tired he feels. He gets

bemused when I call him a "whiner!" No, I'm not a 'bad' wife just a worn

out cfs/fibro warrior. Having said all this... I hope everyone slept

well last night. Oh, and don't visit Hervey Bay right now unless you're

wearing a mask. :-)

Tired & Tormented



> Reminder from: Group

> /cal


> Hello, this is how I feel today.

> Thursday September 24, 2009

> 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

> (This event repeats every day.)


> Notes:

> Good day to everyone. Tell us how you feel today. We really want to







> http://www.









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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Ironically, my 92 year old Mother is on Cymbalta because her docs say it is one

of the few anti-depressants that works well with the elderly. She has had no

side effects but everyone reacts differently to mind-altering drugs and

anti-depressants are mind altering drugs. That's what they're designed to do.

That's also why no one should ever stop taking them suddenly: You have to taper

off of them under a doctor's supervision (which, I understand, may have been

difficult in your case - thank goodness not all doctors think they are Gods who

know everything but there are some!!!!). I have a daughter, also, who suffers

from both depression and is likely bi-polar. She takes zoloft but if she misses

it for a few days for whatever reason, she is in very bad shape. Suicide

ideation is one of the more serious things that can happen with a sudden

stoppage of any kind of anit-depressant.

Joanna Hoelscher

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Roaslie or anyone else,

I recently mentioned that Dr. Wonderful (not) wanted to start me on Cymbalta

once I reached 2400 to 3800 of Gabapentin. As I understand him, to get to where

I am pain free with the Gab. and then start the other.

He gave me 7 samples of 30mg and then 7 samles of 60mg with the prescription for

60mg. Said to take one per day at noon.

As a side bar to this I saw my primary care doc. nurse practioner later that

same day and she recommend going slow and maybe even taking 20mg to start. Also

take at bed time until I get used to it. Unfortunately, I should have asked for

a prescription for the 20's from her and now it's too late since we are leaving

Monday am for our hopefully 2 month motorhome trip.

I have just been online and read all the side effects of Cymbalta and not

impressed. My husband and I do enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and then

socially with friends on various weekends. I do not want to ruin my liver or

any other part of my body.

I believe I saw in past posts that you take Cymbalta. How did you start it with

dosage and what about side effects?

I guess since Doc Wonderful says I don't have SS and he thinks my pain is a

mystery I am really reluctant to take anything more than the Gabapentin until I

can really find out what is going on with me.

However, in the meantime I cry all the time. I am so frustrated as well as my


Any help or is really appreciated.

Jan (JP)

> >

> > Have they ever mentioned the word Sciatica? That is usually when the pain

goes down to your foot and then the numbing in the foot is nerve damage. This

can be part of spinal stenosis. Hope Fran will answer you. I got sciatica so

bad that suddenly I could not get out of bed. That is when I finally had a

Laminectomy but until that point you might try pain shots administered under

anesthesia. Some people use Lyrica but I couldn't. This manifests itself in

different ways. I could not stand for very long in one place or walk for any

amount of time-which like you I was able to do. I did both epidurals and

physical therapy before having the neurosurgeon do my back. Oxycoton helped me

towards the end and I had read about it here but I did not want to take that for

very long.

> >

> > lie

> >


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Guest guest

Hi Jan,Cymbalta could be helpful to you, but you primary is correct, you should not start at such a high dose as you pain doctor stated, it needs to be started slowlyAlso if you are worried about being able to socially drink and take cymbalta, you should not be drinking under any circumstances when you are taking neurontin/garbapentin either, especially at the high doses you are taking and if you are increasing the dose of garbapentin then you should not be touching any kind of alcohol at all period.mixing alcohol and anti convulsants, which garbapentin/neurontin is can have serious side affects and can be fatal. Add the cymbalta to the mix and you go from "playing with fire to adding gasoline to the fire."Also, neurontin itself, can cause depression as a

side affect or suicidal thoughts. If you are crying all the time, as you state, you could be depressed and increasing the neurontin/garbapentin dose could increase the depression, especially where you are already taking such a high dose.If I where you, I would not start the cymbalta at all, but do as much as I can do get to a new spine surgeon as soon as it is feasibly possible for you to do so.You need a proper diagnosis from a qualified spine surgeon and not more medications added by a doctor that really doesn't know what he is doing or talking about.And please DO NOT DRINK ANY KIND OF ALCOHOL WHILE TAKING THE NEURONTIN/GARBAPENTIN EITHER.FranFrom: Mike and Jan <mjpittso@...>Subject: Re: CymbaltaSpinal Stenosis Treatment Date: Saturday, May 22, 2010, 12:59 PM

Roaslie or anyone else,

I recently mentioned that Dr. Wonderful (not) wanted to start me on Cymbalta once I reached 2400 to 3800 of Gabapentin. As I understand him, to get to where I am pain free with the Gab. and then start the other.

He gave me 7 samples of 30mg and then 7 samles of 60mg with the prescription for 60mg. Said to take one per day at noon.

As a side bar to this I saw my primary care doc. nurse practioner later that same day and she recommend going slow and maybe even taking 20mg to start. Also take at bed time until I get used to it. Unfortunately, I should have asked for a prescription for the 20's from her and now it's too late since we are leaving Monday am for our hopefully 2 month motorhome trip.

I have just been online and read all the side effects of Cymbalta and not impressed. My husband and I do enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and then socially with friends on various weekends. I do not want to ruin my liver or any other part of my body.

I believe I saw in past posts that you take Cymbalta. How did you start it with dosage and what about side effects?

I guess since Doc Wonderful says I don't have SS and he thinks my pain is a mystery I am really reluctant to take anything more than the Gabapentin until I can really find out what is going on with me.

However, in the meantime I cry all the time. I am so frustrated as well as my husband.

Any help or is really appreciated.

Jan (JP)

> >

> > Have they ever mentioned the word Sciatica? That is usually when the pain goes down to your foot and then the numbing in the foot is nerve damage. This can be part of spinal stenosis. Hope Fran will answer you. I got sciatica so bad that suddenly I could not get out of bed. That is when I finally had a Laminectomy but until that point you might try pain shots administered under anesthesia. Some people use Lyrica but I couldn't. This manifests itself in different ways. I could not stand for very long in one place or walk for any amount of time-which like you I was able to do. I did both epidurals and physical therapy before having the neurosurgeon do my back. Oxycoton helped me towards the end and I had read about it here but I did not want to take that for very long.

> >

> > lie

> >


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I don't think they make Cymbalta in 20 mg. As far as I know, they only have 30 mg and 60 mg, with 60 being the standard dose. I started with 60 mg once a day and had dramatic improvements in pain within a few days. I've never had any side effects. Unfortunately, after about 2 1/2 years, it seemed to decrease in effectiveness. I'm still on it because my pain doc wants me to take it. It's extremely miserable to quit suddenly (don't forget any doses) and when I go off, I'll have to be careful.www.OldElmTree.com - Right Where You Belong. From: Mike and Jan <mjpittso@...>Subject: Re: CymbaltaSpinal Stenosis Treatment Date: Saturday, May 22, 2010, 12:59 PM

Roaslie or anyone else,

I recently mentioned that Dr. Wonderful (not) wanted to start me on Cymbalta once I reached 2400 to 3800 of Gabapentin. As I understand him, to get to where I am pain free with the Gab. and then start the other.

He gave me 7 samples of 30mg and then 7 samles of 60mg with the prescription for 60mg. Said to take one per day at noon.

As a side bar to this I saw my primary care doc. nurse practioner later that same day and she recommend going slow and maybe even taking 20mg to start. Also take at bed time until I get used to it. Unfortunately, I should have asked for a prescription for the 20's from her and now it's too late since we are leaving Monday am for our hopefully 2 month motorhome trip.

I have just been online and read all the side effects of Cymbalta and not impressed. My husband and I do enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and then socially with friends on various weekends. I do not want to ruin my liver or any other part of my body.

I believe I saw in past posts that you take Cymbalta. How did you start it with dosage and what about side effects?

I guess since Doc Wonderful says I don't have SS and he thinks my pain is a mystery I am really reluctant to take anything more than the Gabapentin until I can really find out what is going on with me.

However, in the meantime I cry all the time. I am so frustrated as well as my husband.

Any help or is really appreciated.

Jan (JP)

> >

> > Have they ever mentioned the word Sciatica? That is usually when the pain goes down to your foot and then the numbing in the foot is nerve damage. This can be part of spinal stenosis. Hope Fran will answer you. I got sciatica so bad that suddenly I could not get out of bed. That is when I finally had a Laminectomy but until that point you might try pain shots administered under anesthesia. Some people use Lyrica but I couldn't. This manifests itself in different ways. I could not stand for very long in one place or walk for any amount of time-which like you I was able to do. I did both epidurals and physical therapy before having the neurosurgeon do my back. Oxycoton helped me towards the end and I had read about it here but I did not want to take that for very long.

> >

> > lie

> >


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Thanks for quick response to my questions.

I pretty much have decided not to take the Cymbalta. I understand that

sometimes when one has chronic pain, they need daily meds. But on top pretty

high dose of Gabapentin, it just doesn't make sense to me. I don't want more

bandaids on my mystery problems!

I did talk with a Pharmacist at Medco yesterday about the dosage amount Doc

Wonderful thinks I should get to. She advised that 2400 would be the most

amount people should need to take. That very few people take more. I am now at

2100mg per day and really finding no more relief and the only way to increase

more would be to add another cap which would get me to 2400. She did say that I

might have better success with the 600mg Tablets Mfg. by Teva.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to get those from Medco until they arrive in

California where I had the new script. sent. However, I am as I write this

having the local Safeway fill a previous script. for the 600 mg tabs. Maybe

this at least will make a small difference.

No one ever really commented or stressed to having a glass or wine or so, but I

will double check with Safeway when I pick these up.

I really do fill even more down since I increased the Gab. 4 nights ago. So

will go back to 1800 mg and see what happens.

Thanks Jan


> > >


> > > Have they ever mentioned the word Sciatica? That is usually when the pain

goes down to your foot and then the numbing in the foot is nerve damage. This

can be part of spinal stenosis. Hope Fran will answer you. I got sciatica so

bad that suddenly I could not get out of bed. That is when I finally had a

Laminectomy but until that point you might try pain shots administered under

anesthesia. Some people use Lyrica but I couldn't. This manifests itself in

different ways. I could not stand for very long in one place or walk for any

amount of time-which like you I was able to do. I did both epidurals and

physical therapy before having the neurosurgeon do my back. Oxycoton helped me

towards the end and I had read about it here but I did not want to take that for

very long.


> > >


> > > lie


> > >


> >


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Jan, it sounds to me like there's some depression

there. I hope you're taking something for it.

I haven't taken Cymbalta, but I take Lyrica, and

you're not supposed to drink anything alcoholic

with that, either. Well, guess what! I do! I

take 300mg of Lyrica twice a day, and if I feel

like having a drink when I go out, or have a

glass of wine at home, I do! But I do limit it

to one drink, whatever I'm drinking. And, yes,

it makes me more tired, but I don't drive when we

go out, and if I'm home, so what!!!???? So DH

has peace and quiet earlier! <G> I agree with

your primary care giver who told you to start

slowly. You don't have the 20mg pills, but if

you start with the 30s, it should still be ok.

Enjoy your trip!! Where are you headed??? Have a great time!


At 12:59 PM 5/22/2010, you wrote:




>Roaslie or anyone else,

>I recently mentioned that Dr. Wonderful (not)

>wanted to start me on Cymbalta once I reached

>2400 to 3800 of Gabapentin. As I understand him,

>to get to where I am pain free with the Gab. and then start the other.


>He gave me 7 samples of 30mg and then 7 samles

>of 60mg with the prescription for 60mg. Said to take one per day at noon.


>As a side bar to this I saw my primary care doc.

>nurse practioner later that same day and she

>recommend going slow and maybe even taking 20mg

>to start. Also take at bed time until I get used

>to it. Unfortunately, I should have asked for a

>prescription for the 20's from her and now it's

>too late since we are leaving Monday am for our

>hopefully 2 month motorhome trip.


>I have just been online and read all the side

>effects of Cymbalta and not impressed. My

>husband and I do enjoy a glass of wine with

>dinner and then socially with friends on various

>weekends. I do not want to ruin my liver or any other part of my body.


>I believe I saw in past posts that you take

>Cymbalta. How did you start it with dosage and what about side effects?


>I guess since Doc Wonderful says I don't have SS

>and he thinks my pain is a mystery I am really

>reluctant to take anything more than the

>Gabapentin until I can really find out what is going on with me.


>However, in the meantime I cry all the time. I

>am so frustrated as well as my husband.


>Any help or is really appreciated.

>Jan (JP)



> > >

> > > Have they ever mentioned the word Sciatica?

> That is usually when the pain goes down to your

> foot and then the numbing in the foot is nerve

> damage. This can be part of spinal stenosis.

> Hope Fran will answer you. I got sciatica so

> bad that suddenly I could not get out of bed.

> That is when I finally had a Laminectomy but

> until that point you might try pain shots

> administered under anesthesia. Some people use

> Lyrica but I couldn't. This manifests itself in

> different ways. I could not stand for very long

> in one place or walk for any amount of

> time-which like you I was able to do. I did

> both epidurals and physical therapy before

> having the neurosurgeon do my back. Oxycoton

> helped me towards the end and I had read about

> it here but I did not want to take that for very long.

> > >

> > > lie

> > >

> >



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is correct, Cymbalta is only available in 30 and 60mg capsules, with 60mg daily being the standard dose. It is also not necessary to titrate this medication up to the standard dose, so is perfectly ok to start and continue with 60mg daily. From my own personal experience I prefer Cymbalta over gabapentin (Neurontin). For me the Cymbalta worked much, much better and did not have the numerous adverse effects that I experienced with the gabapentin. Beth in OKOn May 22, 2010, at 2:14 PM, Studebaker wrote:

I don't think they make Cymbalta in 20 mg. As far as I know, they only have 30 mg and 60 mg, with 60 being the standard dose. I started with 60 mg once a day and had dramatic improvements in pain within a few days. I've never had any side effects. Unfortunately, after about 2 1/2 years, it seemed to decrease in effectiveness. I'm still on it because my pain doc wants me to take it. It's extremely miserable to quit suddenly (don't forget any doses) and when I go off, I'll have to be careful.www.OldElmTree.com - Right Where You Belong. From: Mike and Jan <mjpittso >Subject: Re: CymbaltaSpinal Stenosis Treatment Date: Saturday, May 22, 2010, 12:59 PM

Roaslie or anyone else,

I recently mentioned that Dr. Wonderful (not) wanted to start me on Cymbalta once I reached 2400 to 3800 of Gabapentin. As I understand him, to get to where I am pain free with the Gab. and then start the other.

He gave me 7 samples of 30mg and then 7 samles of 60mg with the prescription for 60mg. Said to take one per day at noon.

As a side bar to this I saw my primary care doc. nurse practioner later that same day and she recommend going slow and maybe even taking 20mg to start. Also take at bed time until I get used to it. Unfortunately, I should have asked for a prescription for the 20's from her and now it's too late since we are leaving Monday am for our hopefully 2 month motorhome trip.

I have just been online and read all the side effects of Cymbalta and not impressed. My husband and I do enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and then socially with friends on various weekends. I do not want to ruin my liver or any other part of my body.

I believe I saw in past posts that you take Cymbalta. How did you start it with dosage and what about side effects?

I guess since Doc Wonderful says I don't have SS and he thinks my pain is a mystery I am really reluctant to take anything more than the Gabapentin until I can really find out what is going on with me.

However, in the meantime I cry all the time. I am so frustrated as well as my husband.

Any help or is really appreciated.

Jan (JP)

> >

> > Have they ever mentioned the word Sciatica? That is usually when the pain goes down to your foot and then the numbing in the foot is nerve damage. This can be part of spinal stenosis. Hope Fran will answer you. I got sciatica so bad that suddenly I could not get out of bed. That is when I finally had a Laminectomy but until that point you might try pain shots administered under anesthesia. Some people use Lyrica but I couldn't. This manifests itself in different ways. I could not stand for very long in one place or walk for any amount of time-which like you I was able to do. I did both epidurals and physical therapy before having the neurosurgeon do my back. Oxycoton helped me towards the end and I had read about it here but I did not want to take that for very long.

> >

> > lie

> >


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Cymbalta does come in 20mg doses. I just picked up a prescription for a neighbor at a local pharmacy chain and it was for 20mg capsules that she takes once a day.She's been taking this dose for almost 2 years now.FranFrom: Mike and Jan <mjpittso (DOT) com>Subject: Re: CymbaltaSpinal Stenosis TreatmentDate: Saturday, May 22, 2010, 12:59 PM

Roaslie or anyone else,

I recently mentioned that Dr. Wonderful (not) wanted to start me on Cymbalta once I reached 2400 to 3800 of Gabapentin. As I understand him, to get to where I am pain free with the Gab. and then start the other.

He gave me 7 samples of 30mg and then 7 samles of 60mg with the prescription for 60mg. Said to take one per day at noon.

As a side bar to this I saw my primary care doc. nurse practioner later that same day and she recommend going slow and maybe even taking 20mg to start. Also take at bed time until I get used to it. Unfortunately, I should have asked for a prescription for the 20's from her and now it's too late since we are leaving Monday am for our hopefully 2 month motorhome trip.

I have just been online and read all the side effects of Cymbalta and not impressed. My husband and I do enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and then socially with friends on various weekends. I do not want to ruin my liver or any other part of my body.

I believe I saw in past posts that you take Cymbalta. How did you start it with dosage and what about side effects?

I guess since Doc Wonderful says I don't have SS and he thinks my pain is a mystery I am really reluctant to take anything more than the Gabapentin until I can really find out what is going on with me.

However, in the meantime I cry all the time. I am so frustrated as well as my husband.

Any help or is really appreciated.

Jan (JP)

> >

> > Have they ever mentioned the word Sciatica? That is usually when the pain goes down to your foot and then the numbing in the foot is nerve damage. This can be part of spinal stenosis. Hope Fran will answer you. I got sciatica so bad that suddenly I could not get out of bed. That is when I finally had a Laminectomy but until that point you might try pain shots administered under anesthesia. Some people use Lyrica but I couldn't. This manifests itself in different ways. I could not stand for very long in one place or walk for any amount of time-which like you I was able to do. I did both epidurals and physical therapy before having the neurosurgeon do my back. Oxycoton helped me towards the end and I had read about it here but I did not want to take that for very long.

> >

> > lie

> >


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